The largest countries in history. Great and powerful empires of the world

The history of mankind is a continuous struggle for territorial domination. Great empires then arose on political map world, then disappeared from it. Some of them were destined to leave an indelible mark.

Persian Empire (Achaemenid Empire, 550 - 330 BC)

Cyrus II is considered to be the founder of the Persian Empire. He began his conquests in 550 BC. e. from the subjugation of Media, after which Armenia, Parthia, Cappadocia and the Lydian kingdom were conquered. Did not become an obstacle to the expansion of the empire of Cyrus and Babylon, whose powerful walls fell in 539 BC. e.

Conquering neighboring territories, the Persians tried not to destroy the conquered cities, but, if possible, to preserve them. Cyrus restored the captured Jerusalem, as well as many Phoenician cities, by facilitating the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity.

The Persian Empire under Cyrus stretched its possessions from Central Asia to the Aegean Sea. Only Egypt remained unconquered. The country of the pharaohs submitted to the heir of Cyrus Cambyses II. However, the empire reached its heyday under Darius I, who switched from conquests to internal politics. In particular, the king divided the empire into 20 satrapies, which completely coincided with the territories of the occupied states.
In 330 B.C. e. the weakening Persian Empire fell under the onslaught of the troops of Alexander the Great.

Roman Empire (27 BC - 476)

Ancient Rome was the first state in which the ruler received the title of emperor. Beginning with Octavian Augustus, the 500-year history of the Roman Empire has had the most direct influence on European civilization, and also left a cultural mark in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East.
Uniqueness ancient rome in that he was the only state, whose possessions included the entire Mediterranean coast.

During the heyday of the Roman Empire, its territories stretched from the British Isles to the Persian Gulf. According to historians, by the year 117 the population of the empire reached 88 million people, which was approximately 25% of the total number of inhabitants of the planet.

Architecture, construction, art, law, economics, military affairs, the principles of the state structure of Ancient Rome - this is what the foundation of the entire European civilization. It was in Imperial Rome that Christianity assumed the status of the state religion and began to spread throughout the world.

Byzantine Empire (395 - 1453)

The Byzantine Empire has no equal in the length of its history. Originating at the end of antiquity, it existed until the end of the European Middle Ages. For more than a thousand years, Byzantium has been a kind of link between the civilizations of the East and West, influencing both the states of Europe and Asia Minor.

But if Western European and Middle Eastern countries inherited the richest material culture Byzantium, then Old Russian state turned out to be the successor of her spirituality. Constantinople fell, but Orthodox world found its new capital in Moscow.

Located at the crossroads trade routes, rich Byzantium was a coveted land for neighboring states. Having reached its maximum borders in the first centuries after the collapse of the Roman Empire, then it was forced to defend its possessions. In 1453, Byzantium could not resist a more powerful enemy - the Ottoman Empire. With the capture of Constantinople, the road to Europe was opened for the Turks.

Arab Caliphate (632-1258)

As a result of Muslim conquests in the 7th-9th centuries, on the territory of the entire Middle East region, as well as certain regions of Transcaucasia, Central Asia, North Africa and Spain, a theocratic Islamic state arose Arab Caliphate. The period of the Caliphate went down in history under the name "Golden Age of Islam", as the time of the highest flowering of Islamic science and culture.
One of the caliphs Arab state Umar I purposefully secured the character of a militant church for the Caliphate, encouraging religious zeal in his subordinates and forbidding them to own land property in the conquered countries. Umar motivated this by the fact that "the interests of the landowner attract him more to peaceful activities than to war."

In 1036, the invasion of the Seljuk Turks turned out to be disastrous for the Caliphate, but the Mongols completed the defeat of the Islamic state.

Caliph An-Nasir, wanting to expand his possessions, turned to Genghis Khan for help, and without knowing it opened the way for ruin Muslim East thousands of Mongol hordes.

Mongol Empire (1206-1368)

The Mongol Empire is the largest state formation in history in terms of territory.

In the period of its power - by the end of the XIII century, the empire extended from the Sea of ​​Japan to the banks of the Danube. The total area of ​​possessions of the Mongols reached 38 million square meters. km.

Considering huge size empire, managing it from the capital - Karakorum was almost impossible. It is no coincidence that after the death of Genghis Khan in 1227, the process of gradual division of the conquered territories into separate uluses began, the most significant of which was Golden Horde.

Economic policy Mongols in the occupied lands was primitive: its essence was reduced to the taxation of tribute to the conquered peoples. All collected went to support the needs of a huge army, according to some sources, reaching half a million people. The Mongolian cavalry was the most deadly weapon Genghisides, before which not many armies managed to resist.
The inter-dynastic strife ruined the empire - it was they who stopped the expansion of the Mongols to the West. This was soon followed by the loss of the conquered territories and the capture of the Karakorum by the troops of the Ming Dynasty.

Holy Roman Empire (962-1806)

The Holy Roman Empire is an interstate entity that existed in Europe from 962 to 1806. The core of the empire was Germany, which was joined by the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, and some regions of France during the period of the highest prosperity of the state.
Almost the entire period of the existence of the empire, its structure had the character of theocratic feudal state in which the emperors claimed supreme power in Christian world. However, the struggle with the papal throne and the desire to possess Italy significantly weakened central government empire.
In the 17th century, Austria and Prussia advanced to leading positions in the Holy Roman Empire. But very soon the antagonism of two influential members of the empire, resulting in aggressive policy endangered the integrity of their common home. The end of the empire in 1806 was put by the growing France, led by Napoleon.

Ottoman Empire (1299-1922)

In 1299, Osman I created a Turkic state in the Middle East, which was destined to exist for more than 600 years and radically influence the fate of the countries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 was the date when the Ottoman Empire finally gained a foothold in Europe.

period of greatest power Ottoman Empire falls on the XVI-XVII centuries, but the state achieved the greatest conquests under Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.

The borders of the empire of Suleiman I stretched from Eritrea in the south to the Commonwealth in the north, from Algiers in the west to the Caspian Sea in the east.

The period from the end of the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century was marked by bloody military conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and Russia. Territorial disputes between the two states mainly unfolded around the Crimea and Transcaucasia. The first one put an end to them World War, as a result of which the Ottoman Empire, divided between the countries of the Entente, ceased to exist.

British Empire (1497¬-1949)

british empire- the largest colonial power both in terms of area and population.

largest scale the empire reached by the 30s of the XX century: the land area of ​​the United Kingdom, together with the colonies, totaled 34 million 650 thousand square meters. km., which was approximately 22% of the earth's land. Total number The population of the empire reached 480 million people - every fourth inhabitant of the Earth was a subject of the British crown.

Many factors contributed to the success of British colonial policy: strong army and fleet, developed industry, the art of diplomacy. The expansion of the empire had a significant impact on world geopolitics. First of all, this is the spread of British technology, trade, language, and forms of government around the world.
The decolonization of Britain took place after the end of World War II. The country, although it was among the victorious states, was on the verge of bankruptcy. Only thanks to an American loan of 3.5 billion dollars, Great Britain was able to overcome the crisis, but at the same time it lost world domination and all its colonies.

By area Russian empire second only to the Mongol and British empires - 21,799,825 sq. km, and was the second (after the British) in terms of population - about 178 million people.

Constant expansion of the territory - salient feature Russian Empire. But if the advance to the east wore for the most part peaceful character, then in the west and south territorial claims Russia had to prove itself through numerous wars - with Sweden, the Commonwealth, the Ottoman Empire, Persia, the British Empire.

The growth of the Russian Empire has always been viewed with particular caution by the West. Negative perception Russia was facilitated by the appearance of the so-called "Testament of Peter the Great" - a document fabricated in 1812 by French political circles. “The Russian State must establish power over the whole of Europe,” is one of the key phrases of the Testament, which will haunt the minds of Europeans for a long time to come.


A hundred years ago, countries aspired to become the most powerful and developed powers in the world, capturing more and more new territories, spreading their influence. These are the top 10 most great empires world in history. They are considered the most important and longest in existence, they were powerful and played an important role in history. The Russian Empire and even the great Macedonian empire created by Alexander the Great did not make it into the top 10, and it was the first European empire that advanced into Asia and defeated Persian Empire, and perhaps one of the most powerful in ancient world. But it is believed that these 10 great empires were more important in history, brought a greater contribution.

Maya empires (c. 2000 BC-1540 AD)

This empire is long-lived, its cycle lasted almost 3500 years! This is twice as long as the life of the Roman Empire. So far, scientists know very little about the first 3,000 years, as well as about the mysterious pyramid-like structures scattered throughout the Yucatan Peninsula. Well, is it worth mentioning the famous doomsday calendar?

French Empire (1534-1962)

Second largest in history great empire- the French colonial empire, occupied 4.9 million square miles and covered almost 1/10 of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Earth. Her influence made French one of the most common at that time, brought fashion to French architecture, culture, cuisine, etc. to all corners the globe. However, she gradually lost influence, and two world wars completely deprived her of her last strength.

Spanish Empire (1492-1976)

One of the first major empires that seized territories in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania, creating colonies. For hundreds of years, it has remained one of the most important political and economic forces in the world. The main contribution to history is undoubtedly the discovery of the New World in 1492 and the spread of Christianity in the Western world.

Qing dynasty (1644-1912)

Last ruling dynasty China in its imperial past. It was founded by the Manchurian clan Aisin Gioro on the territory of modern Manchuria in 1644, grew and developed rapidly, and eventually covered all territories by the 18th century. modern China, Mongolia and even parts of Siberia. The empire covered an area of ​​more than 5,700,000 square miles. The dynasty was overthrown during the Xinhai Revolution.

Umayyad Caliphate (661-750)

One of the fastest growing great empires in history, whose age, however, was just as short. It was founded by one of the four caliphates - the Umayyad Caliphate, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad and served to spread Islam throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Sweeping away everything in its path, Islam seized power in the region and holds it to this day.

Achaemenid Empire (c. 550-330 BC)

Most often it is called the Medo-Persian Empire. Stretching from the Indus Valley of modern Pakistan to Libya and the Balkans, this empire is the largest Asian empire in ancient history. The founder - Cyrus the Great, today is better known as the enemy of the Greek city-states during Greco-Persian Wars, who was killed by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. After his death, the empire split into two large parts and several independent territories. The model of state and bureaucracy invented in this empire still works today.

Great Ottoman Empire (1299-1922)

Became one of the largest and longest-lived great empires of the world in history. During its heyday (under the rule of Suleiman the Magnificent) in the 16th century, it extended from southern borders The Holy Roman Empire to the Persian Gulf, and from the Caspian Sea to Algeria, effectively controlling much of southeastern Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa. At the beginning of the 17th century, the empire included no less than 32 provinces, along with numerous vassal states. Unfortunately, ethnic and religious tensions and competition from other powers led to a gradual disintegration in the 19th century.

Mongol Empire (1206-1368)

Despite the fact that the empire lasted only 162 years, the pace at which it grew is frightening. Under the leadership of Genghis Khan (1163-1227), the entire territory from of Eastern Europe to the Sea of ​​Japan. At its peak, it covered an area of ​​9,000,000 square miles. Perhaps the empire would have succeeded in capturing Japan if the ships had not been destroyed by the tsunami of 1274 and 1281. By the middle of the 14th century, the empire began to gradually disintegrate during internal conflicts and eventually split into several states.

British Empire (1603 to 1997)

In spite of short age life - only 400 years, the British Empire (in fact, several British Isles) managed to become the largest in history. At its peak in 1922, the empire dominated almost 500 million people (1/5 of the world's population at that time) and covered more than 13 million square meters. miles (1/4 of the Earth)! That empire had colonies on all continents of the world. Alas, everything comes to an end someday. After two world wars, Britain was financially devastated and after the loss of India in 1947, gradually began to lose influence and colonies.

Greater Roman Empire (27 BC to 1453)

Founded in 27 BC Octavian Augustus it existed for 1500 years! And was eventually overthrown by the Turks under the leadership of Mehmed II, who destroyed Constantinople in 1453. In 117 AD heyday came great empire. At this time, she was the most powerful on earth, although not the largest in history. The population was 56.8 million people, the territory under her rule was equal to 2,750,000 km². The impact on modern Western culture, language, literature, science is difficult to assess, because it is incredibly large.

At the time of the highest prosperity of the Roman Empire, its dominion extended to vast territories - their total area was about 2.51 million square kilometers. However, in the list of the largest empires in history, the Roman one occupies only the nineteenth place.

What do you think, which one is the first one?





Qing Empire

Turkic Khaganate

Japanese empire

Arab Caliphate

Macedonian Empire

Now we will find out the correct answer ...-

Millennia of human existence passed under the sign of wars and expansions. Great states arose, grew and collapsed, which changed (and some continue to change) the face of the modern world.
An empire is the most powerful type of state, where various countries and peoples are united under the rule of a single monarch (emperor). Let's take a look at the ten biggest empires that have ever appeared on the world stage. Oddly enough, but in our list you will not find either the Roman, or the Ottoman, or even the empire of Alexander the Great - history has seen more.

10. Arab Caliphate

Population: -

State area: - 6.7

Capital: 630-656 Medina / 656 - 661 Mecca / 661 - 754 Damascus / 754 - 762 Al-Kufa / 762 - 836 Baghdad / 836 - 892 Samarra / 892 - 1258 Baghdad

Beginning of domination: 632 g

Fall of the empire: 1258

The existence of this empire marked the so-called. " golden era Islam" - the period from the 7th to the 13th century AD. e. The caliphate was founded immediately after the death of the founder of the Muslim faith, Muhammad, in 632, and the Medina community founded by the prophet became its core. Centuries Arab conquests increased the area of ​​the empire to 13 million square meters. km, covering territories in all three parts of the Old World. To middle of XIII century Caliphate, torn apart internal conflicts, so weakened that it was easily captured first by the Mongols, and then by the Ottomans - the founders of another great Persian empire.

9. Japanese Empire

Population: 97,770,000

State area: 7.4 million km2

Capital: Tokyo

Beginning of reign: 1868

Fall of an empire: 1947

Japan is the only empire on the modern political map. Now this status is rather formal, but 70 years ago it was Tokyo that was the main center of imperialism in Asia. Japan - an ally of the Third Reich and fascist Italy - then tried to establish control over west coast Pacific Ocean, sharing a vast front with the Americans. At this time, the peak of the territorial scope of the empire came, which controlled almost the entire maritime space and 7.4 million square meters. km of land from Sakhalin to New Guinea.

8. Portuguese Empire

Population: 50 million (480 BC) / 35 million (330 BC)

State area: - 10.4 million km2

Capital: Coimbra, Lisbon

Fall of the Empire: October 5, 1910
Since the 16th century, the Portuguese have been looking for ways to break through the Spanish isolation in the Iberian Peninsula. In 1497, they opened a sea route to India, which marked the beginning of the growth of the Portuguese colonial empire. Three years earlier, the Tordesillas Treaty was concluded between the “sworn neighbors”, which actually divided the world known at that time between the two countries, on unfavorable last conditions for the Portuguese. But this did not stop them from collecting more than 10 million square meters. km of land, most of which was occupied by Brazil. The handover of Macau to the Chinese in 1999 completed colonial history Portugal.

7. Turkic Khaganate

Area - 13 million km2

one of the largest ancient states in the history of mankind in Asia, created tribal union Turks (Turkyuts) led by rulers from the Ashina clan. During the period of greatest expansion (the end of the 6th century), it controlled the territories of China (Manchuria), Mongolia, Altai, East Turkestan, West Turkestan (Central Asia), Kazakhstan and the North Caucasus. In addition, tributaries of the Kaganate were Sassanian Iran, the Chinese states of Northern Zhou, Northern Qi since 576 and from the same year the Turkic Kaganate is tearing away from Byzantium North Caucasus and Crimea.

6. French Empire

Population: -

State area: 13.5 million square meters km

Capital: Paris

Beginning of reign: 1546

Fall of an empire: 1940

France became the third European power (after Spain and Portugal) to become interested in overseas territories. Since 1546 - the time of foundation New France(now Quebec, Canada) - originates the formation of Francophonie in the world. Having lost the American opposition to the Anglo-Saxons, and also inspired by the conquests of Napoleon, the French occupied almost the entire West Africa. In the middle of the twentieth century, the area of ​​the empire reached 13.5 million square meters. km, more than 110 million people lived in it. By 1962 most French colonies became independent states.
Chinese Empire

5. Chinese Empire (Qing Empire)

Population: 383,100,000

State area: 14.7 million km2

Capital: Mukden (1636–1644), Beijing (1644–1912)

Beginning of reign: 1616

Fall of the empire: 1912

The most ancient empire of Asia, the cradle of oriental culture. The first Chinese dynasties ruled from the 2nd millennium BC. e., but a single empire was created only in 221 BC. e. During the reign of Qing - the last monarchical dynasty of the Middle Kingdom - the empire occupied a record area of ​​14.7 million square meters. km. This is 1.5 times more than modern Chinese state, mainly due to Mongolia, now independent. In 1911 broke out xinhai revolution, which put an end to the monarchy in China, turning the empire into a republic.

4. Spanish Empire

Population: 60 million

State area: 20,000,000 km2

Capital: Toledo (1492-1561) / Madrid (1561-1601) / Valladolid (1601-1606) / Madrid (1606-1898)

Fall of the empire: 1898

The period of Spain's world domination began with the voyages of Columbus, who opened up new horizons for Catholic missionary work and territorial expansion. In the 16th century, almost all Western hemisphere was "at the feet" of the Spanish king with his " invincible armada". It was at this time that Spain was called “the country where the sun never sets”, because its possessions covered a seventh of the land (about 20 million sq. Km) and almost half sea ​​routes in all corners of the planet. Greatest Empires The Incas and Aztecs fell to the conquistadors, and in their place a predominantly Hispanic Latin America was formed.

3. Russian Empire

Population: 60 million

Population: 181.5 million (1916)

State area: 23,700,000 km2

Capital: St. Petersburg, Moscow

Fall of the empire: 1917

The largest continental monarchy in human history. Its roots reach the times of the Moscow principality, then the kingdom. In 1721, Peter I proclaimed the imperial status of Russia, which owned vast territories from Finland to Chukotka. At the end of the 19th century, the state reached its geographical peak: 24.5 million square meters. km, about 130 million inhabitants, over 100 ethnic groups and nationalities. At one time, Russian possessions were the lands of Alaska (until it was sold by the Americans in 1867), as well as part of California.

2. Mongol Empire

Population: more than 110,000,000 people (1279)

State area: 38,000,000 km2 (1279)

Capital: Karakorum, Khanbalik

Beginning of reign: 1206

Fall of the empire: 1368

The greatest empire of all times and peoples, whose meaning of existence was one - war. Great Mongolian state formed in 1206 under the leadership of Genghis Khan, having grown over several decades to 38 million square meters. km, from Baltic Sea to Vietnam, and at the same time killing every tenth inhabitant of the Earth. By the end of the 13th century, its uluses covered a quarter of the land and a third of the planet's population, which then numbered almost half a billion people. The ethno-political framework of modern Eurasia was formed on the fragments of the empire.

1. British Empire

Population: 458,000,000 (approximately 24% of the world's population in 1922)

State area: 42.75 km2 (1922)

Capital London

Beginning of reign: 1497

Empire Fall: 1949 (1997)

The British Empire is the largest ever existing state in the history of mankind with colonies on all inhabited continents.
For 400 years of its formation, it has withstood the competition for world domination with other "colonial titans": France, Holland, Spain, Portugal. During its heyday, London controlled a quarter of the world's land (over 34 million sq. Km) on all inhabited continents, as well as huge spaces ocean. Formally, it still exists in the form of the Commonwealth, while countries such as Canada and Australia actually remain subject to the British crown.
The international status of the English language is the main legacy of Pax Britannica. and

The word "empire" recent times everyone has heard it, it has even become fashionable. On it lies a reflection of former grandeur and luxury. What is an empire?

Is it promising?

Dictionaries and encyclopedias offer the basic meaning of the word "empire" (from the Latin word "imperium" - power), the meaning of which, if you do not go into boring details and do not resort to dry scientific vocabulary, is as follows. Firstly, an empire is a monarchy headed by an emperor or empress (Roman However, in order for a state to become an empire, it is not enough for its ruler to simply call himself an emperor. The existence of an empire presupposes the existence of sufficiently vast controlled territories and peoples, a strong centralized power or totalitarian).And if tomorrow Prince Hans-Adam II calls himself emperor, this will not change the essence of the state structure of Liechtenstein (whose population is less than forty thousand people), and it will not be possible to say that this small principality is an empire (as a form of state).

Not less important

Secondly, empires are often referred to as countries that have impressive colonial possessions. In this case, the presence of the emperor is not necessary at all. For example, English kings were never called emperors, but for almost five centuries they headed the British Empire, which included not only Great Britain, but also big number colonies and dominions. The great empires of the world forever imprinted their names in the tablets of history, but where did they end up?

Roman Empire (27 BC - 476)

Formally, the first emperor in the history of civilization is Gaius Julius Caesar (100 - 44 BC), who had previously been a consul, and then declared a dictator for life. Realizing the need for serious reforms, Caesar passed laws that changed political system Ancient Rome. Lost a role People's Assembly, Caesar's supporters were replenished with the Senate, which granted Caesar the title of emperor with the right to transfer to his descendants. Caesar began to mint gold coins with his own image. His desire for unlimited power led to a conspiracy of senators (44 BC), organized by Mark Brutus and Gaius Cassius. In fact, the first emperor was Caesar's nephew - Octavian Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD). The title of emperor in those days denoted the supreme military leader who won significant victories. Formally, it still existed, and Augustus himself was called princeps (“first among equals”), but it was under Octavian that the republic acquired the features of a monarchy similar to eastern despotic states. In 284, Emperor Diocletian (245 - 313) initiated reforms that finally turned the former Roman Republic into an empire. From that time on, the emperor began to be called dominus - master. In 395, the state was divided into two parts - Eastern (capital - Constantinople) and Western (capital - Rome) - each of which was headed by its own emperor. Such was the will of Emperor Theodosius, who on the eve of his death divided the state between his sons. During the last period of its existence Western empire was subjected to constant barbarian invasions, and in 476, once powerful state will be finally defeated by the barbarian commander Odoacer (about 431 - 496), who will rule only Italy, renouncing both the title of emperor and other possessions of the Roman Empire. After the fall of Rome, great empires will rise one after another.

Byzantine Empire (IV - XV centuries)

The Byzantine Empire originates from the Eastern Roman Empire. When Odoacer overthrew the latter, he took from him the dignity of power and sent them to Constantinople. There is only one Sun on earth, and the emperor must also be alone - approximately the same importance was attached to this act. located at the junction of Europe, Asia and Africa, its borders stretched from the Euphrates to the Danube. Big role in the strengthening of Byzantium, Christianity played, which in 381 became state religion throughout the Roman Empire. The Fathers of the Church asserted that thanks to faith, not only a person is saved, but society itself. Consequently, Byzantium is under the protection of the Lord and is obliged to lead other peoples to salvation. Secular and spiritual power must be united in the name of a common goal. The Byzantine Empire is the state in which the idea of ​​imperial power found its most mature form. God is the ruler of the entire Universe, and the emperor dominates the kingdom of the Earth. Therefore, the power of the emperor is protected by God and is sacred. Byzantine emperor possessed almost unlimited power, he determined the internal and foreign policy, was the commander-in-chief of the army, the highest judge and at the same time a legislator. The emperor of Byzantium is not only the head of state, but also the head of the Church, so he had to be an example of exemplary Christian piety. It is curious that the power of the emperor here was not hereditary from a legal point of view. The history of Byzantium knows examples when a person became its emperor not because of a crowned birth, but as a result of his real merits.

Ottoman (Ottoman) Empire (1299 - 1922)

Historians usually count its existence from 1299, when in the north-west of Anatolia arose Ottoman state, founded by its first Sultan Osman - the founder new dynasty. Soon, Osman will conquer the entire west of Asia Minor, which will become a powerful platform for the further expansion of the Turkic tribes. We can say that the Ottoman Empire is Turkey during the period of the Sultanship. But strictly speaking, the empire was formed here only in the XV - XVI centuries, when Turkish conquests in Europe, Asia and Africa have become very significant. Its heyday coincided with the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. This, of course, is not accidental: if it has decreased somewhere, then it will certainly increase elsewhere, as the law of conservation of energy and power on the Eurasian continent says. In the spring of 1453, as a result of a long siege and bloody battles, the troops of the Ottoman Turks, led by Sultan Mehmed II, occupied Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium. This victory will lead to the fact that the Turks will secure a dominant position in the eastern Mediterranean on long years. Constantinople (Istanbul) will become the capital of the Ottoman Empire. highest point The Ottoman Empire will reach its influence and flourishing in the 16th century - during the reign of Suleiman I the Magnificent. By the beginning of the 17th century, the Ottoman state would become one of the most powerful in the world. The empire controlled almost all South Eastern Europe, North Africa and Western Asia, it consisted of 32 provinces and many subordinate states. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire will occur as a result of the First World War. As allies of Germany, the Turks would be defeated, the sultanate would be abolished in 1922, and Turkey would become a republic in 1923.

British Empire (1497 - 1949)

The British Empire is the largest colonial state in the entire history of civilization. In the 30s of the twentieth century, the territory of the United Kingdom was almost a quarter of the earth's land, and its population - a fourth of those living on the planet (it is no coincidence that English became the most authoritative language in the world). The European conquests of England began with the invasion of Ireland, and the intercontinental ones began with the capture of Newfoundland (1583), which became a springboard for expansion in North America. success British colonization contributed to the successful imperialist war, which England led with Spain, France, Holland. In the very early XVII century, the penetration of Britain into India will begin, later England will take up Australia and New Zealand, North, Tropical and South Africa.

Britain and the colonies

After the First World War, the League of Nations will give the United Kingdom a mandate to govern some of the former colonies of the Ottoman and (including Iran and Palestine). However, the results of the Second World War significantly shifted the emphasis on the colonial issue. Britain, although it was among the winners, was forced to take huge loan the US to avoid bankruptcy. The USSR and the USA - the largest players in the political arena - were opponents of colonization. In the meantime, liberation sentiments intensified in the colonies. In this situation, it was too difficult and expensive to maintain their colonial domination. Unlike Portugal and France, England did not do this and transferred power to local governments. To date, the UK continues to maintain dominance over 14 territories.

Russian Empire (1721 - 1917)

After finishing Northern war when new lands and access to the Baltic were secured, Tsar Peter I took the title of Emperor of All Russia at the request of the Senate - supreme body state power established ten years earlier. In terms of its area, the Russian Empire became the third (after the British and Mongolian empires) of ever existing state formations. Before the advent State Duma in 1905, the power of the Russian emperor was not limited by anything, except for Orthodox norms. Peter I, who strengthened in the country, divided Russia into eight provinces. During the time of Catherine II, there were 50 of them, and by 1917, as a result of territorial expansion, their number increased to 78. Russia is an empire, which included whole line modern sovereign states (Finland, Belarus, Ukraine, Transcaucasia and Central Asia). As a result February Revolution In 1917, the reign of the Romanov dynasty of Russian emperors ceased, and in September of the same year, Russia was proclaimed a republic.

Centrifugal tendencies are to blame

As you can see, all the great empires collapsed. The centripetal forces that create them sooner or later are replaced by centrifugal tendencies that lead these states, if not to complete collapse, then to disintegration.

It is in history that answers to many questions of our time can be found. Do you know about the big empire that ever existed on the planet? TravelAsk will tell about two world giants of the past.

The largest empire by area

The British Empire is the largest state that has ever existed in the history of mankind. Of course here we are talking not only about the continent, but also about colonies on all inhabited continents. Just think: that was even less than a hundred years ago. AT different time the area of ​​Britain was different, but the maximum is 42.75 million square meters. km (of which 8.1 million sq. km are territories in Antarctica). This is two and a half times more than today's territory of Russia. This is 22% sushi. The heyday of the British Empire came in 1918.

Total population The population of Britain at its peak was about 480 million people (about one-fourth of humanity). That is why English is so widespread. This is a direct legacy of the British Empire.

How the state was born

The British Empire grew during long period: Approximately 200 years old. The 20th century was the culmination of its growth: at that time, the state possessed various territories on all continents. For this, it is called the empire, "over which the sun never sets."

And it all started in the 18th century quite peacefully: with trade and diplomacy, occasionally with colonial conquests.

The empire helped spread British technology, trade, the English language and its form of government around the world. Of course, the basis of power was the navy, which was used everywhere. He ensured freedom of navigation, fought slavery and piracy (slavery in Britain was abolished in early XIX century). This made the world a safer place. It turns out that instead of seeking power over vast inland territories for the sake of possessing resources, the empire relied on trade and control over strategically important points. It was this strategy that made the British Empire the most powerful.

The British Empire was very diverse, including territories on all continents, which created a great diversity of cultures. The state included a very heterogeneous population, thanks to which it was able to manage various regions either directly or through local rulers, these are excellent skills for the government. Just think: British power extended to India, Egypt, Canada, New Zealand and many other countries.

When the decolonization of the United Kingdom began, the British tried to introduce parliamentary democracy and the rule of law in the former colonies, but this was far from successful everywhere. British influence on former territories noticeable today: most of the colonies decided that the Commonwealth of Nations would replace the Empire in psychologically. Members of the Commonwealth are all former dominions and colonies of the state. Today it includes 17 countries, including the Bahamas and others. That is, they in fact recognize the monarch of Great Britain as their monarch, but on the spot his power is represented by the governor general. But it is worth saying that the title of the monarch does not imply any political power over the Commonwealth Realms.

Mongol Empire

The second largest (but not powerful) is the Mongol Empire. It was formed as a result of the conquests of Genghis Khan. Its area is 38 million square meters. km: it's a little less area Britain (and given that Britain owned 8 million square kilometers in Antarctica, the figure looks even more impressive). The territory of the state stretched from the Danube to the Sea of ​​Japan and from Novgorod to Cambodia. This is the largest continental state in the history of mankind.

The state did not last long: from 1206 to 1368. But this empire had a lot to do with modern world: it is believed that 8% of the world's population are descendants of Genghis Khan. And this is quite likely: only the eldest son of Temujin had 40 sons.

During its heyday, the Mongol Empire included vast territories of Central Asia, Southern Siberia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China and Tibet. It was the largest land empire in the world.

Its rise is amazing: a group of Mongol tribes, not exceeding a million in number, managed to conquer the empires that were in literally hundreds of times larger. How did they achieve this? Thoughtful tactics of action, high mobility, the use of technical and other achievements of the captured peoples, as well as the correct organization of logistics and supplies.

But here, of course, there could be no talk of any diplomacy. The Mongols completely cut out the cities that did not want to obey them. More than one city was swept off the face of the earth. Moreover, Temujin and his descendants destroyed the great and ancient states: the state of Khorezmshahs, Chinese empire, Caliphate of Baghdad, Volga Bulgaria. Modern historians say that up to 50% of the total population died in the occupied territories. Thus, the population of Chinese dynasties was 120 million people, after the invasion of the Mongols, it decreased to 60 million.

The consequences of the invasions of the great khan

The commander Temujin united all the Mongol tribes by 1206 and was proclaimed the great khan over all the tribes, receiving the title "Genghis Khan". He captured northern China, devastated Central Asia, conquered all of Central Asia and Iran, ruining this entire region.

The descendants of Genghis Khan ruled an empire that captured most of Eurasia, including almost the entire Middle East, parts of Eastern Europe, China and Russia. Despite all the power, the real threat to the dominance of the Mongol Empire was the enmity between its rulers. The empire split into four khanates. The largest fragments of Great Mongolia were the Yuan Empire, the Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde), the state of the Khulaguids and the Chagatai ulus. They, in turn, also collapsed or were subdued. AT last quarter In the 14th century, the Mongol Empire ceased to exist.

However, despite such a short reign, the Mongol Empire influenced the unification of many regions. For example, the eastern and western parts of Russia and western regions China remain united to this day, albeit under different forms of government. Russia also gained strength: Moscow during Tatar-Mongol yoke was granted the status of a tax collector for the Mongols. That is, Russian residents collected tribute and taxes for the Mongols, while the Mongols themselves rarely visited Russian lands. In the end, the Russian people received military power, which allowed Ivan III to overthrow the Mongols under the authority of the Moscow principality.