Number 4 lesson in the preparatory group. Tumblers - lesson on femr in the preparatory group "composition of the number" four ""

Purpose: to introduce children to the composition of the number five from two smaller numbers.


  • introduce the composition of the number 5, that it consists of two smaller numbers
  • reinforce the ability to name a number "one more"
  • develop attention and memory, logical thinking.

Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation, three hoops, balls for each child with circles depicted on them, a large ball, a math set for each child.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Hello guys, please listen to the poem.

Without an account, a rocket cannot rise,
And the guys will not be able to play hide and seek.
Get to work guys
Learn to count so you don't lose count.

Tell me, what are we going to do today?

Educator: Right. But first I suggest you play. I will throw the ball, and call the number, throwing the ball back to me, you will call the number one more. Three… (four), five… (six), eight… (nine) etc.

A game "Throw the ball, name the number"

Educator: Well done guys. Now let's go to the tables.

In front of each child on the table is a set of geometric shapes.

Teacher: Please look at the blackboard. (red squares appear in turn on the screen). Let's count with you.

The teacher, together with the children, counts squares 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Educator: Good. Place 5 red squares in front of you.

Children lay out squares in front of them.

Educator: And now let's replace the last square with a square yellow color. (Children change the squares to interactive whiteboard) How many red squares are in a row?

Children: Four.

Children: One.

Children: There are five squares in total.

Educator: Right. Four and one, for a total of five. Now count off three red squares and place them under the squares of the first row.

At this time, a number of squares are also displayed on the screen.

Educator: Now count out two yellow squares and put them next to the red ones. How many red squares?

Children: Three.

Educator: How many yellow squares?

Children: Two.

Teacher: How many squares are there?

Children: There are five squares in total.

Educator: So three and two, but only five. Now count out two red squares and put them under the squares of the second row. Good. And three yellow squares and put them next to the red ones. How many red squares?

Children: Two.

Educator: How many yellow squares?

Children: Three.

Educator: So two and three, but only five. Now count off one red square and place it under the squares of the third row. Good. And four yellow squares and put them next to the red one. How many red squares?

Children: One.

Educator: How many yellow squares?

Children: Four.

Educator: Right. One and four, for a total of five. And now let's repeat all the options for the composition of the number 5.

Children: Four and one, three and two, two and three, one and four.

Teacher: Absolutely right. And now I propose to play a little.

mobile activity "Game with Apples"

On the floor, at a distance from each other, there are hoops, in them there are numbers (3, 4, 5) . There are apples in the basket, on which mugs are glued (3, 4, 5) . At the command of the teacher, the children take any apple and begin to run to the music. As soon as the music stops playing, the children look for a hoop with the desired number and stand near him. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Educator: Well done guys. Oh, and what is this on the screen.

Children: house.

A house with the number 5 appears on the screen.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what smaller numbers the number five consists of.

The children are called in turn to the multimedia board and click on the empty windows located on the floors of the house.

Educator: You guys did a good job today. What did we learn about today?

Children: That the number five consists of two numbers: 4 and 1, 2 and 3, 3 and 2, 1 and 4. Educator: Well done guys.

Cognition ( mathematical development) in preparatory group
topic: "Transformation of figures, the composition of a number and 4 from two smaller numbers"
Purpose: To develop a love for mathematics.
- learn to transform geometric figures, recreating them according to the representation.
- develop the ability to navigate in space.
- fix: the composition of the number 4 of the two smaller numbers;
- the ability to determine the place of a number among other numbers in a series.
Demo material: isosceles triangles; a set of numbers, Cusener sticks.
GCD progress
Organizing time:
A letter is brought to the group of children: "You have a letter."

Educator: " Thanks a lot. Let's see…"

He examines the envelope and says in surprise: “Guys, this letter was sent to us by the Queen of Mathematics herself. Here, listen to what she writes. Reads a letter. The envelope with the letter is decorated with numbers, signs, geometric shapes.
1. Letter from the Queen of Mathematics: “Hello, dear guys! The Queen of Mathematics is writing to you. I really need your help. The fact is that a loser and a bully got into my mathematical kingdom. He did terrible things: he destroyed the geometric figures in my city, he does not know numbers at all. Solved problems with errors! Everything is broken in my mathematical kingdom-state! The inhabitants of my country are terribly frightened, and there is no one to help us.
Dear guys, if you are brave, quick-witted, attentive and not afraid of difficulties, hurry up to help us! The mathematical realm is in danger.
Your friend Queen of Mathematics.
"Well, guys, let's help Queen Mathematics put things in order in her mathematical kingdom-state?"

Children: “Yes, yes, we will help!
Educator: “But getting into this kingdom is not at all easy, for this you need to perform articulation gymnastics:
Exercise: "Smile"
Exercise: "Fence"
Exercise: "Tube"
Exercise: Spatula
I suggest you solve mathematical problems:
1. How many ears do two cats have? (4)

2. How many days are there in a week? (7)

3. There are many animals in the zoo: elephant, giraffe, zebra, lion, hippopotamus, monkey. And yesterday I saw a polar bear and a penguin being brought to the zoo in a big car. Perhaps they were brought from the North?! Question: How many animals were in the zoo? (6) How many animals became (8)

4. How many fingers are on one hand? (5)

5. A magpie flew through the forest. She said that the bees will treat all the animals with honey. The first to run to the hive was a bear with a barrel. The second galloped a squirrel with a mug. The third came a hare with a bowl. The fourth came the fox with the pitcher. Fifth hobbled an ox with a saucepan. Question: What was the count of the hare rushing to the hive? (3) Who had the smallest dishes? (At the squirrel).
Who had the longest crockery? (At the bear)
6. How many paws do two dogs have? (eight)

7. How many fingers are on two hands? (ten)

8. How many days off are there in a week? (2)

10. What number is greater than 8 but less than 10? (nine).

Educator: “Well done, guys, you have successfully completed this task, and now we are in a mathematical country. And here is the first task.
Take one geometric figure each and go to your tables. How do you recognize your table?
Children: According to the geometric shapes located on them.
Educator: you have to become rescuers and builders. collapsed whole city, which consists of geometric shapes and you need to add from geometric shapes
. 2 small triangles.
. 1 big triangle
. 4 small squares
. 1 large square.
After each task, the teacher asks how many and what figures turned out. Then he invites the children to sit at the tables and pay attention to the tables.
Look carefully and say what number the blue bar represents
Children: (3)
Pink? (2)
What about white? (one)
Put blue and white stripes in a row. What number did you get?
Children: 4
Educator: put 1 white and 1 blue strip in your second row.
What number did you get?
Children: 4
Place two single strips in your third row. What number did you get?
Children: 2
Educator: How did the number 4 come out each time?
One, two, three - scientist elephant
Strong in mathematics.
One two three four five -
He began to perform in the circus (Children walk in a circle)
Three, four, five, six
I started eating in the arena. (They stop and turn to face in a circle. Bring their hand to their mouth).
He ate seven large cutlets (show 7 fingers)
Eight pink candies, (show 8 fingers)
Nine sweet pies, (show 9 fingers)
Ten cream cakes. (show 10 fingers)
It is immediately clear that this elephant
Strong in mathematics (raise index finger).
Next task:
The game "Naudi neighbor" (I invite you to the table to take one number). I will show the number, and the neighbors of my number should stand next to me.
And now go to the tables, there are numbers on the tables.
Take a number:
. 5 and put it on your right;
. 7 and place it on your left;
. 8 and put her in the left top corner table;
. 6 and put it in the upper right corner of the table.
. 9 put in the middle.
Finger gymnastics "Number 5"
But this is the number five (show a palm with spread fingers)
It's easy to count to five.
Hold each finger
Tell the number to your finger (Count to five, touching each finger)

Osmakova Marina Vasilievna,

Site Administrator

"Kindergartens Tyumen region"

Program content:

1) Introduce the formation of the number 8, the number 8.

2) Introduce the composition of the number 8 from units

3) Learn to decompose the number 8 into two smaller ones, and make up a larger one from two smaller numbers.

4) Consolidate ideas about the composition of the number 7, counting skills within 7

1) Learn to discover logical connections and relationships, reflect them in speech; explain, argue, prove, clearly and understandably for others to express their thoughts.

2) Learn to correctly use mathematical terms in speech.

1) Continue to develop the ability to subject and graphic modeling, symbolization; variability of thinking.

2) To form general educational skills and abilities : with improve the ability to perform tasks according to the teacher's plan, instructions in the workbook.

Materials for the lesson :

Demo- plates with seven squares of red and 1 blue color; 7 x7 cm; numerical expressions on A4: 1+6=7 6+1=7 7-1=6 7- 6=1; numerical segment; number 8; demo domino bones; Table No. 1;

Handout - Sticks H. Kuizener on each table; felt-tip pens or colored pencils; workbooks.

Methodical methods:

  1. Task 4.1

There are a number of squares on the board: 1 blue and 6 red.

Children are invited to count all the squares, the squares of each color. Compile all possible equalities. Then the teacher offers to play the game "Day - Night". The blue square is replaced by a red one. 1 red square is added. Children tell how they got the number 8.

  1. Task 1

The teacher puts a card with the image of the number 8 on the board.

Children tell what the number 8 is like. Then the children read poems about the number 8.

  1. Task 2.3

On the tables are boxes of Cuisener's sticks. Children are invited to get a stick that indicates the number 8. Get as many white sticks as they all fit on the burgundy one. In the number 8 - 8 units. Attach such 2 sticks so that together they are equal in length to a burgundy stick. The teacher writes on the board all variants of the composition of the number 8 and the recording of the corresponding numeric expressions.


Task 1

  1. Work in notebooks. No. 1, p. 28. Consolidation of ideas about the number 8 and the number 8. Using a numerical segment to count one to the number 7. How to get from point 7 to point 8? The teacher shows this with an arrow on a demonstration numerical segment.

Looking at dominoes. What two parts are 8 points divided into? What two numbers make up the number 8?

Task 1

  1. Examination of drawings No. 2 p. 28. In which drawings is the number 8 hidden? Children are invited to circle the numbers 8 with a red felt-tip pen, which are hidden in the drawings.

Task 1

  1. Children are invited to stand near the tables, perform shaping movements with their hand, foot, head: How will Pinocchio write the number 8 with his nose? How does a conductor, a football player write it?

Task 2

  1. Explanation homework: №3 p.28. What are the parts of the number 8? What expressions can be made from the pictures?
  2. Summary of the lesson

Lesson progress:

1) Repetition of the composition of the number 7.

A row of squares is displayed on the board:

Look at the desk.

How many squares are there? red squares, blue squares? (7, 6 red and 1 blue)

What is the order of the blue square? (third)

What groups can squares be divided into? (in red and blue).

What equalities can be made?

(1+6=7 6+1=7 7-1=6 7- 6=1)

(numerical expressions are posted)

2) The formation of the number 8.

Let's play the game "Day - night". Remember these squares.

At night, while everyone is sleeping, there are various miracles. Let's see what happens. --Night! The children fall asleep. The teacher changes the blue square to red.

What changed? (Now all the squares are red. There are 7 red squares).

Night! The children fall asleep. Adds 1 red square to the 1st row.

What changed? (A red square appears.)

How many squares are in the 1st row? (8)

How did you get 8 squares? (To 7 squares they added 1 more square. It turned out 8 squares)

- How did the number 8 come about?

- (7 + 1=8)

3) Number 8.

The teacher hangs out a card with the image of the number 8.

What does the number 8 look like?

Children read poems about the number 8:

The figure eight has two rings. The number eight is so delicious:

Without beginning and end. She is from two bagels.

(S. Marshak) (G. Vieru)

You are used to this number. Number eight plus hooks -

Number 8 - a snowman ... Points are obtained ...

(V. Bakaldin) (F. Daglaja)

3) The composition of the number 8.

Guys, open the boxes with colored counting sticks.

Take out the wand that represents the number 8.

What color is this wand? (Burgundy).

Now take out so many white sticks so that they all fit on the burgundy one.

How many white sticks are on a burgundy stick? (8 white sticks).

Yes, right. Among 8 - 8 units. Let's call them: (1,1,1,1,1,1,1 and 1).

Now think and attach such 2 sticks so that together they are equal in length to a burgundy stick.

What color are these sticks?

It can be sticks of such two colors as: white and black; pink and purple; blue and yellow; 2 red sticks.

Place these pairs next to your burgundy stick. What a beautiful carpet!

The teacher writes on the board all variants of the composition of the number 8.

Let's call them again.

Children, now you have shown which two smaller numbers can be used to make the number 8.

The white stick stands for the number 1, and the black stick stands for the number 7. So 8 is 1 and 7.

The pink wand stands for the number 2, and the purple wand stands for the number 6. So 8 is 2 and 6.

The blue stick represents the number 3 and the yellow stick represents the number 5. So 8 is 3 and 5.

Red sticks represent the number 4. So 8 is 4 and 4.

The educator next to his sticks puts down numerical expressions The educator lays out on the board all variants of the composition of the number 8.

Table 1

These notes remain on the demonstration board until the end of the lesson.

Physical education minute: "Charging".

One - bend, unbend.

Two - bend down, stretch.

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider.

Five, six - sit down quietly.

III. Consolidation of ideas about the number 8 and the number 8.

Notebook No. 1, page 28.

a) Consider a series of numbers.

How much is each new number greater than the previous one? (On 1)

Look at the number line. How to get from point 7 to point 8? (You need to take 1 step to the right, that is, add 1, increase by 1.)

The teacher shows this with an arrow on a demonstration numerical segment.

b) - Consider the domino bones. What two parts are 8 points divided into?

(b + 2. 5 + 3, 4 + 4.)

What happens if the bones are turned over so that the right half becomes the left, and the left half becomes the right? (2 + b, 3 + 5, 4 + 4.)

And what two numbers from the composition 8 are not found on domino bones? (7 and 1.)

In case of difficulty, turn to the colored sticks on the board.

Who knows what the eighth month of the year is called? Who has a birthday this month?

2) No. 2, p. 28.

Look at the drawings. Our eight are very happy that they found

one's friends:

I'm so sweet, I'm so round

I am made up of two circles

How glad I am that I found

Yourself like you, my friends.

Why was the eight so happy with the bear and mouse, matryoshka and bunny, fungus and pear? (They all look like a figure eight.)

Now stand by your tables.

How will Pinocchio write the number 8 with his nose? How does a conductor, a football player write it? Sit down.

Circle the numbers 8, which are hidden in the drawings, along the same path with a red felt-tip pen

3) No. 3, p. 28.

Well done boys! Eight is very glad to meet you. But she's not sure if you remember which two numbers make 8.

Look at task number 3 about peas. At home, you will finish drawing them as written in the assignment.

* If there is time left, the task is completed in class.

How many peas are in the 1st picture? (eight)

What are the parts of the number 8? (7 peas are green and 1 is yellow.)

What expression can be made from this picture? (7 + 1.) What does the first term mean? (Number of green peas.) The second term? (Number of yellow peas.)

Pea pods should contain 8 peas. Are all the peas drawn? (No. There are not enough peas in the rest of the drawings.)

Finish them yellow and write the expressions under the pictures. Tell how you will complete the task.

1st child:

The second pod contains 6 green peas. To make 8 peas, you need to draw 2 more yellow peas: 6 + 2.

2nd child:

The third pod contains 5 green peas. To make 8 peas, you need to draw 3 more yellow peas: 5 + 3

3rd child:

The last pod contains 4 green peas. Until eight, 4 more yellow peas are missing: 4 + 4.

As the task is completed, the following notes appear on the demonstration board:

7+1 6 + 2 5+3 4+4


Well done! Thank you! From what two numbers can you get the number 8?

(7 + 1, 6 + 2, 5 + 3, 4 + 4.)

Summary of the lesson

What number did we meet today?

How did you receive it?

What does the number 8 look like?

It seems to me that the figure eight will be happy if you come up with and tell me on a walk other objects in which she hid.

What task did you like the most?

What task was difficult?

Evaluation of the work of children in the classroom:

I liked how attentively they listened to me ....

Answered correctly...

They figured out how to make the number 8 from colored sticks ....

Carefully worked in a notebook ....

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally designed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Target: learn to compose and solve problems and examples. To consolidate the composition of the number 9, to consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes.

Program content:

Learning tasks:

Continue to learn how to write simple arithmetic problems and write their solution using numbers.

Fix the composition of the number 9.

To consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes.

Development tasks:

Create conditions for development logical thinking, ingenuity, attention.

Develop ingenuity visual memory, imagination.

Contribute to the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate independence.

Cultivate interest in mathematics.

Preliminary work with children: guessing riddles, solving logical tasks, solution of simple arithmetic problems, individual sessions.

Equipment: visual and counting material, a ruler for each child, a ball, tasks for each child.

Educator: Guys, now we will go on a journey far, far away, to the planet of mathematics. Go to the tables, everyone has a task there. And what we will go on, you will find out when you connect the numbers in order. We start with the number 1. After the number 1, Tanya, tell me which number follows?

Tanya: 2.

Educator: Yes, that's right 2. And after the number 2, Artyom, tell me what number?

Artem: 3.

Educator: Well done, and so on.

Educator: Nastya, tell me what did you do?

Nastya: Rocket.

Educator: Did everyone get a rocket? Look, you have another task. You need to help the bee to collect nectar. The bee takes those examples in the bucket in which the answer is 9. Can you help? First you need to solve examples, the answer of which will be 9, we will connect with a bucket.

Educator: Now tell me, what example did you put in the bucket, Dima?

Dima: 4+5.

Educator: And Zhenya?

Zhenya: 9+0.

Educator: Lisa?

Lisa: 7+2.

Educator: Nastya?

Nastya: 8+1.

Educator: Have you collected all the examples? Tanya?

Tanya: No, one more. 6+3.

Educator: Well done! And now, in order for our rocket to fly, we need to find out which button to press in order to go flying. To do this, you need to solve problems.

1. The apples in the garden are ripe,

We managed to taste them:

8 ruddy, bulk,

1 with sourness.

How many?

2. Ten funny bear cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries,

But one of them fell behind

Now find the answer:

How many bears are ahead?

3. Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have?

Educator: What number did you get? Lisa, how much did you get?

Lisa: 9.

Educator: And how much did Dima get?

Dima: 9.

Educator: Well done, now you can go flying. Katya, come on, press the number 9 on the keyboard.

Katya presses the number 9. Music sounds.

Educator: So, we are going to fly. In the meantime, we're flying, tell me what arithmetic signs you know? (= + - >

Educator: We fly up to the planet. Close your eyes. Guys, look, we flew to another planet. And we are met by the inhabitants of this planet. Look how unusual they are, and one of the residents has an envelope. Now let's see what's in it.

They're watching. There are assignments.

Educator: And there are tasks in it. Tasks are encrypted. Who remembers what number we pressed to make the rocket take off? Zhenya, what number?

Zhenya: 9.

Educator: What is the number behind which number goes nine? (8) What is the number following the number 9? (10) What are the neighbors of the number 9? (8 and 10)

You have counting sticks. Let's make examples with the number 9. What example did Nastya make? (4+5) What example did Arina make? (3 + 6) And what example did Masha make? (2+7) Did Katya make up? (9+0)

Fizkultminutka "We are tired, stayed too long"

We are tired, sitting up

We wanted to loosen up.

We put away the notebooks

We started charging.

(One hand up, the other down, jerkily change hands)

They looked at the wall

They looked out the window.

Right, left, turn,

And then vice versa.

(body turns)

Let's start the squats

We bend the legs to the end.

Up and down, up and down

Don't rush to sit down!


And in last time sat down,

And now they sat down at the desks.

(Children sit in their seats)

Educator: Let's play and remember the days of the week.

Game Days of the Week. I will throw the ball and ask a question. To whom she threw, answers the question and throws the ball back. The teacher throws the ball to each child individually. Questions: What is the first day of the week? Which 3? After Thursday, what will happen? What day of the week is the holiday? etc.

Educator: Guys, we have one more task. We are offered to solve riddles about geometric shapes.

1. Three peaks, three corners, three sides - here I am! (triangle).

2. I am not an oval, and not a circle, I am a friend of a triangle. I am a brother to the rectangle, and my name is ... (square).

3. I am like a hoop, a wheel, like a wonderful ring, and just like the letter O. (circle)

4. I am almost like a circle - a kid, I look like a cucumber.

5. I have four corners, like a square, but I don’t dare to call myself a square, but still it looks like a square, by the way. I have 2 long sides and 2 shorter ones. (rectangle)

Educator: And now, from geometric shapes, we will help our heroes build a house for the number 9 according to the scheme (the scheme is attached to the board). What geometric shapes is the house built on the diagram?

Children: Square, triangle, rectangle.

The children are building a house.

Educator: What beautiful houses turned out. Let's measure the height of the house, shall we? length of the house? And with what we will measure the house?

Children: Rulers (measure the height and length of the house).

Educator: What is the height of Lisa's house?

Lisa: 9 cm.

Educator: And Masha?

Masha: 9 cm.

Educator: How long is the house? At Nastya?

Nastya: 9 cm.

Educator: And Andrey measured?

Andrey: 9 cm.

Educator: Well done. And there is a mystery in the envelope. But it's not about geometric shapes. Listen and guess the riddle: what opens all the locks? Zhenya?

Zhenya: The key.

Educator: And who else thinks? Katya, what do you think it is?

Katya: The key.

Educator: Well done, guessed the riddle. Let's check if you guessed it correctly. You have to listen to me carefully. You have a black dot on the leaves. I will say in which direction and how many cells to draw a line, do not take your pencil off the paper. So let's start from black dot count 8 cells to the right, then 2 cells up, 4 cells to the right. Down 5 cells. Then to the left 4 cells. 2 cells up. 4 cells to the left. 3 cells down. 1 left. 1 up. Left 1 cell. 1 cell down. 1 cell to the left. 3 cells up. 1 cell to the left. And 1 cell up.

Educator: What did you do? Lera?

Lera: The key.

Educator: And Dima, what happened?

Dima: The key.

Educator: So you guessed the riddle correctly. Well done! The inhabitants of this planet really liked the way you coped with the tasks. You all did a good job today, look, there is another envelope here. Let's see what's there. What is this?

Children: Medals.

Educator: The inhabitants of this planet reward you for your efforts and for helping them (awarding with medals). But it's time for us to go back. Close your eyes (music plays). Well, here we are back. Let's remember (questions to children):

Where we were?

What number did we work with today?

Stokrotnyaya Elena Leonidovna
Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group "Composition of the number 4"

Subject: « Composition of number 4»

Target: Introduce children to composition of the number 4.


1. Teach make up a number 4 out of two smaller numbers.

2. Strengthen ordinal counting skills within 10.

3. To consolidate the ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.

4. Develop thinking operations: attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time. (Children stand at the tables)

Jump on the number of claps of the teacher from one to 4 (sit down at the table)

Guys, let's find out how many children are sitting behind the first today table: Start counting in order. (Total 4 children)

You probably guessed what including we will talk today.

I will designate number four, number 4 and attach it to the board.

Can you post number 4?

Come to the tables. Lay out the number 4 from the colored stripes on the rugs. (Children on the tables lay out the number 4 from colored stripes).

Let's play a game" Mathematical exercises".

Name the neighbors numbers 4.

name the number is 1 more, how number 3.

name the number is 1 less, how number 5.

Count from 1 to 4.

Count from 4 to 1.

caregiver: Well done.

game exercise "Let's Settle the House".

On a magnetic board there is a model of a house with the number 4 and 6 circles, different in color from the model of the house.

The teacher asks the children the number of the house and the number of floors in it. And explains: “Four tenants live in two apartments on each floor. On the top floor, three tenants live in the apartment on the left, and one tenant on the right. (He puts the circle in the empty box.) How many occupants are on the floor? How many residents are on the left? How many residents are on the right? how made up the number four? (Three and one.) How else can make the number four(Two and two, one and three.)

caregiver: Well done boys.

It's time to warm up and perform

physical education minute "counter with a shoe"

One, two. Three four

On the way, I jump. Children jump on two legs

One two three four

I'm learning to jump a shoe. Jumping in place

One two three four

The heel broke off. Children squat

One two three four

The shoe got lost. Raise your arms to the sides.

Children sit at tables.

Handling material(counting sticks) .

caregiver: And now we will play with sticks.

Didactic game "With counting sticks".

Open the box. Everyone has a lot of sticks in it. Look at it and put 4 sticks from the box on the table. (Children take sticks and lay out composition of number 4) .

Tell me how made up the number 4. (Children take turns telling their composition of number 4. for example: I made up the number 4 from two red sticks and from two blue sticks. (2 and 2 is number 4)

caregiver: Well done, you are so good made up the number 4.

game exercise « Make up a week» .

Each team has a set of cards with numbers from 1 to 7. The teacher invites the children to line up, forming week: the first to get up is the child who has the number 1 written on the card (Monday, the second, who has the number 2 on the card, etc. Then the children name the days of the week in order and show the corresponding cards with numbers.

Children, to the music, on the instructions of the teacher, perform various movements, and at the end of it they line up, forming a week starting from Tuesday. Then the children constitute week starting from Thursday, etc. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Outcome lessons: What number did we meet? How many items are represented by this number? How to get the number 4?

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