Verbal dictation. Methodical manual “Methodological recommendations. The role of dictations in the development of spelling literacy of students. Types of dictations

Karaganda regional institute advanced training

and retraining of civil servants

and educators

The role of dictations in development

spelling literacy students.

Types of dictations

Karaganda 2011


M.I.Tompiev, Art. Lecturer of the Department of OGN IPK and PGS RO

Compiled by:

G.I. Sultanova, secondary school No. 48, teacher of Russian language and literature

spelling literacy of students. Types of dictations / Comp./

G.I. Sultanova Karaganda, 2011 18s.

©IPK and PGSRO, 2011

©G.I. Sultanova, 2011

Explanatory note

AT modern school for the most part children do not want to read, are passive, indifferent, inert. Hence, poor literacy, low erudition, uninteresting speech. Like many teachers, I am concerned about the problem of literate writing of students. How to make sure that the number of errors is reduced? It’s good if the child feels intuitively and writes correctly, but there are only a few of them. More children who know the rules, but write illiterately. The conclusion suggests itself: our children must know the rules and be able to apply them. What is the reason for the inept application of the rules? Apparently, in the inability to see the desired spelling.

Studies have shown that 15-45% of students independently determine spelling. If we carry out systematic work, then 70-90%. Therefore, development work spelling vigilance should be conducted systematically, tirelessly, from lesson to lesson.

What should be done? What paths can be identified? How to remove the problem?

Spelling vigilance must be developed gradually, in the process of performing various exercises that provide visual, auditory, articular perception and memorization of spelling material.

So, necessary condition the formation of a full-fledged and lasting spelling skill is the development of spelling vigilance, which consists in the ability to detect, see, notice and apply spelling.

Understanding the structure of spelling vigilance, creating the conditions for its development make it possible to form more high level development of spelling vigilance in most students, which affects literate writing and leads to a reduction in spelling errors. But, developing spelling vigilance, it is also necessary to diagnose and control the level of its development in time. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out intermediate and final control work here, allowing this to be tracked. In this capacity, they are offered different kinds dictations.

About dictations

By value, dictations are distinguished control and training.

According to the structure of the dictated text - consisting of words and phrases; from individual proposals; from connected text, etc.

According to the students' perception of what is dictated - auditory, visual, visual-auditory.

By the nature of the record dictated: 1) without changing the text; 2) with a change in the dictated: a) selective, b) free, c) creative, d) graphic.

According to some features in the organization of the explanation of what was written: 1) warning; 2) explanatory; 3) commented in the process of writing; 4) "I check myself."

The teacher uses one or another type of dictation, depending on the content of the studied grammar topic and time of study. So, for example, on early stages studying the topic, it is advisable to conduct dictations of a teaching nature and without changing the dictated text. Then it is already useful to practice dictations that require students to be more independent - selective, graphic, dictations with elements of entertainment.

At the final stage of studying a particular topic, it is advisable to conduct creative and free dictations.

And, finally, as a result of studying the whole section or part of it, as well as at the end of the quarter and the academic year, control dictations are held.

Ways to check dictations:

1) The teacher checks the dictations and then announces the results.

2) Dictations are checked collectively in the class by explaining difficult spellings with the help of split cards and commenting along the way.

3) Self-test. This technique contributes to the development of self-control, attentiveness, spelling vigilance in schoolchildren. It lies in the fact that after the dictation, the children are invited to check what was written with the printed text, to note the erroneous spelling of words in the margins.

4) Mutual verification. Children exchange work and check them, marking spelling and punctuation errors.

About some types of dictation in the fifth grade

The fifth grade textbook contains texts that allow you to practice prepared dictations.

In order to effective implementation work should both the teacher and the student comply with certain requirements:

Dictation from memory

In order for children to successfully write a dictation from memory, careful preliminary preparation is necessary. Usually the class is held grammar and spelling and punctuation analysis text intended for dictation from memory, i.e. learn the text by heart and learn how to write it correctly. The latter requires a number of tasks to be completed at home: you need to write out words with difficult spellings from the text; repeat necessary rules etc.

On the appointed day, students write a dictation from memory in class. It is advisable to complicate this work with additional tasks, for example: designate one or another spelling, parse a word by composition, draw a sentence scheme, etc. Such dictations are checked by the teacher (if the dictation is a control one), or the students themselves check what they have written (dictation with self-check).

Graphic dictation

Graphic dictation is practiced mainly in the study of syntax and punctuation. The essence of this dictation is that schoolchildren do not write down what is dictated, but only schematically depict syntactic constructions included in the dictation. It is also advisable to offer children to write out words with difficult spelling. In order to develop speech, it is useful to give a task to reproduce the content of the dictated text.

The methodology for conducting this type of dictation is as follows:

1. The students have a goal: to listen carefully to the text and understand its content.

2. The teacher reads the text a second time. Students draw sentence patterns and write down words with a specific spelling. All sentences are numbered both in the teacher's text and in the students' notebooks, for example:

Sentences dictated by the teacher

    The carpenter Luka Alexandrovich shouted: "Kashtanka, let's go!"

    “Ivan Ivanovich, what is the matter with you?” the owner asked the goose. (A.P. Chekhov)

Writing in student notebooks

Words with difficult spellings

2. Asked

Offer schemes

1.| |: "| oh |!"

2. «| oh, |?"-| |.

Vocabulary and spelling dictation

Vocabulary dictations, consisting of the most difficult spelling words, develop spelling vigilance: during the dictation, students who are ready for the spelling "trick" in each word work especially carefully, try to find a difficult spelling, determine it and apply the rule. In addition, vocabulary and spelling dictations can be carried out more often than others, since they are small in volume and require less time than regular training or control dictations.

Firstly, vocabulary-spelling dictations are mainly composed of phrases (and not of words).

Secondly, vocabulary dictations are thematically consistent, which allows them to be used to work on the development of oral and writing students.

The average volume of the vocabulary and spelling dictation is 30 words (from 19 words at the beginning of the year to 35 words at the end of the year). The teacher can, at his own discretion, increase both the number of words and the number of dictations, compiling them taking into account the difficulties of students of a certain class.

There are great opportunities for using vocabulary and spelling dictations to work on the development of coherent speech of students. The material of many dictations is essentially key words, on the basis of which a coherent text can be compiled. The thematic selection of words suggests its direction. This material can be offered for the preparation of oral and written statements at home and in the classroom.

Students can compose dictations themselves, including in them those spellings in which they made mistakes, for example, in the next control work. Such a task can be given both individually (to one or several students) and to the whole class. AT last case well, having checked all the works, dictate the best of them to the class.

interesting and useful view exercise is the compilation of dictations by students for each other. Each of the neighbors in the desk is invited to compose a vocabulary and spelling dictation for those rules in which their friend made mistakes in the control or regular work. Then the students dictate the written texts to each other and check them.

Vocabulary and spelling dictations of the textbook are the basis to which the teacher, based on the specific spelling preparation of the class, can make additions, taking into account certain working conditions in the class.

Dictation with elements of entertainment

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of interest in common system learning Russian in the 5th grade. Instill interest in children, develop them cognitive abilities facilitate, where possible, the performance of difficult and difficult tasks elements of entertainment help, game moments that the teacher can use - this is only a means subordinate to the goals of teaching and developing students. Dictations with elements of entertainment are not some special types dictations, these are the same vocabulary, selective, from memory, pre-prepared dictations. Often the name itself determines the essence of the dictation, for example: “In two columns”, “Who is bigger and better?”, “Who knows the rule better?”, “Who will hold the crayon longer?”, “The fourth extra”, etc.

Control dictation

As experience shows, it is advisable to somewhat "push back" the control dictation (grade 5), i.e. carry it out not immediately at the end of the section, but after 7-10 days (when it is already being studied new section).

The final control dictations should be carried out in a certain system.

1. Gradually increase the number of different spellings.

2. The dictation should ensure the systematic repetition of all spellings, but Special attention it is better to devote the most difficult cases.

3. In one dictation, as a rule, include only 2-3 punctograms.

4. Words with unverifiable spellings, with difficult spellings, also supplement coherent texts.

5. The proposed dictations should reflect the vocabulary of the section.

6. To develop additional tasks for control dictations that help the teacher to identify how consciously students apply the rules, whether they can analyze and reason.

7. As a test, offer not only auditory dictations, but also free, selective, graphic, etc.

The teacher can use other texts, other types of dictations at his own discretion. When choosing the type of control dictation, the teacher is guided by the specifics of the material being studied, the ability to repeat what was previously studied.

Dictation texts different types

Vocabulary dictations

Festive table, an elegant vase with flowers, wonderful dishes, juicy strawberries, blueberry pie, vegetable and apple juices, strawberry jam, ice cream.

Determine what these phrases are; highlight graphically the main and dependent words in first three phrases.

Talk to border guards famous hero, excellent skydiver, jury decision, housing construction, beautiful herbarium, amazing collection.

Determine what rules the dictation is based on. To adjectives beautiful, amazing to pick up words that are close in meaning.


Keep your word, look at the herbarium and collection, cashless payments, use the phone, fix the TV, a huge building.

Name words with unchecked spellings; indicate phrases with the main word - a noun.


Parse the sentence, underline the adjectives, write a summary, express your thoughts, start adding, change the places of the terms, offer a different solution.

Find synonyms for the word expound.


Wild rose bushes, tundra vegetation, industry, southern plants, young sprouts, wheat germinated, seedlings grew, seaweed.


Guard of honor, silk suit, excellent juggler, black berries, yellow building, beautiful hood, tough discipline, chocolate candies, callous man, whisper of leaves, flight of a bee, click of a squirrel, chocolate bar, gooseberry jam, hairbrush, silk dress, child's cheeks.


Exercise in multiplication, make mistakes in solving a problem, make mistakes in presentation and dictation, in a geography lesson, call by name, at lectures in a planetarium and a museum.

Name a phrase in which the main word is a verb; indicate the gender of the noun surname; determine using explanatory dictionary, the meaning of the word planetarium.


Huge hall, basketball team, well-aimed shots, fast break, calculated shot, huge tension, fair decision, ball in the ring, victory point.

Determine how the dependent word is associated with the main one.


Clean the apartment, lock the balcony, rub the parquet floor, wipe the furniture, shine in the sun, spread the tablecloth, freeze with admiration.

Determine the types of verbs.

Creative dictation

1. A squadron sat on a large colored carpet - it will either open or close the painted wings ( butterfly). 2. Under the pines, under the trees, a ball of needles crawls ( hedgehog). 3. Not alive, but walking, motionless, but leading ( road). 4. Washed with dew in the morning, shaved with a scythe once a year ( meadow). 5. Eh, bells, blue light, - with a tongue, but there is no ringing ( bell). 6. Approached - rumbled, threw arrows on the field, approached and spilled - the arable land got drunk enough ( cloud). 7. On a pole is a cheerful house with a round small window. So that the children fall asleep, the house shakes the wind ( birdhouse). 8. The river is flowing - we are lying. Ice on the river we run skates). 9. Two snub-nosed girlfriends did not lag behind each other; both tapes on the snow are left on the run ( skis). 10. In the blue more often there is a scarlet ball; he is bright and hot Sun). 11. He is golden and mustachioed, in a hundred pockets a hundred guys ( ear). 12. Fish live warmly in winter, the roof is thick glass ( ice). 13. The stumps have a lot of thin stems on the bake. Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light ( strawberries). 14. The blanket is white, not made by hands - it was not woven or spun, it fell from heaven to earth ( snow).

(From production V.Fetisova)

Write down clues. Determine which spelling rules for the dictation. With any word from the dictation, make an interrogative and exclamatory sentence.

3.Free dictations

Manshuk Mametova

In the center of Almaty, a monument was erected to two Kazakh girls, Heroes Soviet Union. One of them is Manshuk Mametova. In the battles for the city of Nevel, she accomplished a feat. During a heavy attack, a girlish figure with braids darted forward and led the fighters into a decisive battle with the Nazis. It was machine gunner Manshuk Mametova. Enemies opened furious fire from mortars. The machine gun overturned in an explosive wave, and blood flooded Manshuk's face.

The rage that engulfed her drowned out the pain. Grabbing a machine gun, she pulled it into an open position and slashed with fire. The enemies retreated. And Manshuk kept hitting them, clearing the way for the fighters. (100 sl.)

Kazakh steppe

Summer began. A quiet, soft wind blew through the vast expanses, carefully blowing pollen from the flowers. An abundance of herbs were everywhere. Such flowering of the steppe has not been seen in the country of the Kazakhs for a long time. And the weather was unusually kind. Warm but not hot summer. It was time to start mowing. Today it was possible to stock up enough hay.

The early heavy rains watered the earth to its fullest, and it bloomed, generously endowing people, trying to pay them in full for their stinginess in old times.

Joyful news came to the steppe about the victory of the Kazakh batyrs over the army of the Dzungars. The steppe blossomed even brighter, it became even dearer and sweeter. (93 sl.)

(According to A. Alimzhanov)


    The boy was given an essay at school on the topic "What did you see the most beautiful and the ugliest." The boy thought for a long time. It seemed to him that the most beautiful is the lilac flower. And the frog seemed the ugliest.

    He went to his grandfather, asked if it was so? Grandfather said: “Walk for a few days on the ground. You will see everything with your own eyes and understand.”

    The boy went. He sees a wheat field, spikelet to spikelet. “This is the most beautiful thing. After all, this is human labor, ”the boy thought.

    Walks on, approaches the school. Children run and frolic. Here is a girl eating bread and butter. She didn’t finish her meal, quit, ran to her friends. “This is the ugliest. 'Cause she blows what's done human hands, the boy decided. (100 lines)

(Pavlysh tales)

Titmouse and Hare

    Zinka flew down from the tree. Suddenly, from under the snow, the beast jumped out and sat down. All white, ears with black dots upright.

    Zinka's wings were taken away from fear. "Who are you?" - squeaked. “I am a hare, I am a hare. And who are you?" - “Ah, a hare! Then I'm not afraid of you." At least she had never seen hares before, but she heard that they do not eat birds and are afraid of everyone themselves.

    “Are you here and living on earth?” Zinka asked. "This is where I live." “But you’ll be completely covered in snow here.” “And I'm glad. The blizzard covered all traces and carried me away. Here the wolves ran nearby, but they did not find me. (100 lines)

(By V. Bianchi)

4. Selective dictation

1. Gulya came up with a way out of a difficult situation. 2. She gave up riding when Barasby offered her a ride after afternoon tea. 3. Gulya laid out books on the table, hung them on the wall geographical map. 4. The dog jumped up on his hind legs, and put his front paws on Gule's shoulders. 5. Quarantine, so quarantine, and you seem to be under arrest, and you are not entitled to any concessions. 6. The low sun fell in broad stripes on the earth strewn with needles and the reddish pine trunks. 7. The village where the children's sanatorium was located was called Kholodnaya Balka. 8. And no one could have imagined then that after some ten years this girl herself would become a heroine and raise people to a feat.

(From production E. Ilyina)

Write down words with the root - lag- - lie-; name 2-3 examples of nouns with the same root.


    One day there was a fire in the forest. The fire was extinguished, but the forest lost its health and fell ill. Meadow grasses immediately settled on the burnt edge, and the war began.

    The forest sits on its former land seeds of aspen and birch, and cereal grasses with thin roots so pierced the upper layers of the earth that forest seeds cannot germinate. The forest ordered the turn to go on the offensive.

    The turn is a cunning shrub, it propagates by roots. He spread his strong roots underground, made his way through the grass and began to grow in the meadow. He cleared the ground around him and invited the birch tree to sit nearby. And they came for birch and aspen, they began to show off their young foliage.

    So the thorn won the land for the forest and meadows. (100 lines)

(By M. Gavrilova)

5. Control dictations

My Kazakhstan.

The lands of Kazakhstan are widely spread. Here you can see the highest snowy mountains and flat plains, meadows and deserts, swift rivers and seas.

In early spring apricots bloom in the southern valleys, seeds fall like a golden rain into the warmed earth. The desert is covered with a green carpet of grasses with a bright pattern of scarlet tulips and poppies. And in the north of the republic, snow blizzards are still raging.

Diverse animal world our country. What kind of animals and birds you will not meet in the mountains, on the plains and in the deserts! High in the mountains there are snow leopards and strong-horned argali, swift golden eagles and eagles soar in the sky.

From glaciers and lakes, fast rivers begin their rapid run into the valleys. (108 words)

Checked vowels and consonants in the root of words, endings of nouns, adjectives, verbs; offers from homogeneous members.

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.

In the vast Kazakh steppes, on the banks of the calm Ishim River, a military town arose in 1824.

For a long time this place was called by the Kazakhs Ak-Mola, which means "White Mausoleum". From afar, its bright silhouette was visible when merchants with grain wagons came here, and herders drove cattle to the annual fair.

Here is the town on Ishim, which guarded trade routes from the robbers, became known as Akmola.

In our time, Akmolinsk has become the main city of the new Kazakhstan. Now it is called Astana - the main camp, the capital.

Beautiful white marble buildings are reflected in the calm water of the ancient Ishim. Straight streets, large green areas of parks, a bend in the river - an unforgettable sight when you look at the city from an airplane window. (111 ff.)

Find homogeneous members of the sentence, underline; indicate proper nouns, common nouns.

Aliya Moldagulova

When did the Great Patriotic War Aliya Moldagulova is only 15 years old. She volunteered for sniper school. From the first days, she showed herself to be a good fighter. In a combat situation, she was distinguished by fearlessness and heroism. In the battle near the village of Kazachikha, Aliya led the entire battalion into battle under heavy fire. She accomplished a feat, but died in battle for the Motherland. She stepped into immortality. Monuments were erected to her in the Pskov land, in Aktobe, in Almaty. Schools, streets, military units bear the name of the glorious daughter of the Kazakh people Aliya Moldagulova. (84 w.)

Emphasize grammar basics in simple sentences; determine the type of verbs; case endings nouns and adjectives.


How many colored boats on the pond! Yellow, red, golden boats flew here by air. They smoothly fall into the water and immediately sail with raised sails.

There is still a large supply of such boats on the trees, which surround the pond with a multi-colored wall. Before others, they rush to soy first and last trip Maple leaves. These are the most sailing boats. And how pretty they are!

The sky is clear. Here swallows appeared, circled and flew away to distant lands, where there are no winter blizzards and snowstorms. Bon voyage, swallows! The sun shines brightly. The breeze rustles the leaves, drives the colored boats on the pond. (87 w.)

(By D. Kaigorodov)

unpronounceable, consonant, b to indicate the softness of consonants, b separating; checked vowels and consonants in the root; letters and, y, a after hissing; sentences with homogeneous members, with appeal.


The blizzard silvered the magnificent hairstyle of slender pines. Has the clear birch spread its bright braids of hoar-frost-covered branches? Shines in the sun with delicate thin birch bark ...

The winter sleep of nature is deep, but life goes on under a snowdrift. Try to rake the snow to the ground in the forest. In the place that you cleared, you will see lingonberry bushes, blueberry twigs. The round leaves of wintergreen and heather are still green here.

Powder talks about events in winter forest. A fox's footprint winds in a forest clearing. A lanky elk furrowed a snowdrift, a white hare galloped. A couple of footprints stained the snow. It was a marten that ran, a predator was looking for squirrels.

Snow sparkles, snow sparks flash and go out. Good forest in winter dress! (94 w.)

(By D. Zuev)

Prefixes, case endings of nouns and adjectives ... sentences with homogeneous members; complex sentences.


It's good to go swimming in the river early in the summer. The water is warm, and tiny droplets in the grass sparkle in the rays of the morning sun. It seems that fragments of crystal are lost in the grass and play with red, green and blue lights. This is dew.

All night dew lies on the grass and in the early morning does not immediately evaporate. During the day, the sun first heats the earth, and then grass, flowers, and air heat up from the earth.

But the night has come. Now the earth is the first to cool down. Light warm air tends to fly up, and cold air descends in its place. Grass, flowers, leaves cool down. Moisture is already in the air, it begins to cool and turn into water droplets. This is how dew forms. (100 lines)


    Abzhanova T.A., Begalieva S.B., Bruleva F.G., Maryukhina T.M. Collection of dictations and texts for presentations. For 5th grade teachers secondary school. Almaty "Atamura", 2001.

    Algazina N.N. Prevention of spelling errors of students in grades 5-8. M., 1965.

    Vinogradova L.A. Collection of dictations in the Russian language. A guide for the teacher. – M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

    Vinogradova L.A. Collection of dictations in the Russian language Grade 5. The book for the teacher. Moscow: Education, 1988.

    Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Russian language in the 5th grade. M.: Education, 1977.

    Nikitina E.I. Russian language lessons in the 5th grade. M., 1975.

    Pronina I. V. Study difficult words using etymological analysis. M., 1964.

    Explanatory note ……………………………………………….3

    About dictations (methodology) …………………………………………………5

    Texts of dictations of different types ……………………………………….10


Please note: The Ministry of Education and Science recommends in 2017/2018 academic year include educational events dedicated to the year of ecology in the programs of upbringing and socialization(2017 is declared the year of ecology and specially protected natural areas In Russian federation).

We recommend that teachers of grades 1-11 and educators of preschool educational institutions, together with the children, take part in international competition "Laws of Ecology" dedicated to the year of ecology. Participants of the competition will test their knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature, learn Interesting Facts about animals and plants listed in the Red Book of Russia. All students will be rewarded with colorful award materials, and teachers will receive free certificates on the preparation of participants and prize-winners of the international competition.

Dictionary dictations for all the rules of the Russian language


Vocabulary dictations:

1.1. Spelling of the checked vowels in the root Insert unstressed vowels into the roots of the words. Pick up test words.

Zap_vat verse - zap_vat medicine,

open a potato - open a window,

sex_search underwear - sex_search a kitten,

local st_rozhil - warehouse st_rozhil,

devote yourself to a flashlight - devote yourself to science,

prim_ryat dress - prim_ryat those who quarreled,

industry develops - flags develop,

minify dignity - minify for help,

fluctuation frequency - room frequency.

Revival, praise, harmonize with something, deepening, high barrier, trembling with fear, earthquake, exhausted from fatigue, key, frail, enjoyed, inexhaustible source, clothe on the railing, expose vices, renewed, content, pay for travel, cost, thaw, adorable girl, moisture absorption, elderly person, repentance, spoiled, scornful, solder a detail, enlightenment, dissociation, enraged, pour a stove, melt, p_luxury, regret, abbreviation, fused, sl_drink from clay, deal with circumstances, a fascinating story, fading flowers, oppression, being surprised, secluded place, protector, Christmas tree decorations, simplified parsing, speeding up.

Insert unstressed unchecked vowels.

Ab_nement, aqua_rel, acr_bat, alternative_tiva, an_chronism, ant_gonism, apl_dismenty, ar_mat, b_grovey, tank_laurel, b_derol, ben_fis, b_chevka, verm_shel, v_stibule, vin_gret, v_rtuoz, v_chatlenie, guard_rob, g_rnison, gore_rar, d_declarate d_legatsiya, del_katnost, dem_gog, def_tsit, dil_tant, d_rektiva, d_firamb, ind_fferentny, inkr_miniruetsya, intell_gentsiya, interpr_tatsiya, ints_dent, k_lambur, k_leydoskop, kall_grafichesky, kan_nada, k_nspekt, sowing k_mpaniya, kat_strofa, komb_nezon, komp_tentny, komp_zitor, kont_nentalny, l_kvidatsiya, min_atyura , med_kamenty, mer_dian, metz_nat, unattainable, enchantment, hug, hug, opt_mystical, orange_rhea, original, p_villon, p_lisadnik, per_feria, p_simism, pl_giat, preliminary, prerogative, precedent, privilege, pre_gnosis, prop_gand, p_respect, p_rest_ration , san_torium, sentimental, certificate_fiqat, scholarship, sovereign_tet, tradition, transp_rant, chor_ography, ev_kuatsiya, eqv_vale nt, exk_vator, extra_vagant, em_grant, yuv_lir.

Insert alternating vowels into the roots of the words.

Try, collect, dismantle, select, withdraw, withdraw, select, withdraw, withdraw, freeze with fear, dying, dying customs, resist, lock the door, unlock the lock, resist, reject, wipe, wipe, melt, lay, pour, break up, bl_stet, incendiary, burn out.

Approach, touch_sleep, touch, non-descriptive, to_satelnaya.

State, location, adjective, application, contributors, confluence.

Undergrow, grow, grown, age, renter, salary, branch, age, grown-up suit, undergrowth.

Unburnt, warm, warm, warm up, warm up.

Wow, insight.

vengeance, vengeance, veneration, vengeance.

Charity, creation of the master.

P_vuchy, ppl_vok, p_vets, p_vchiha.

Dip in water, blotting paper, dunk your feet, wash your feet in the rain.

Stretch hair, leveling, r_vnina, r_vnopravie, straightened, compare, pay.

Jump on a horse, jump, jump, jump, jump.

Insert voiced or voiceless consonants. Choose test words.

Armless, blu, knitted vars, vatru, newspaper clipping, deforestation, higher pilot_, bouncy gymnast, smooth surface, hungry housekeeper, tree, daring answer, foal, slurry, buggy dream, freezing, groovy hope, production costs, button, ko_ba, crumbs of bread, a cup of milk, an inflatable bowl, an impudent lie, a milk, a soft bread, an inheritance, a low, a low score, dressing a wound, piro_ki with meat, a small pichu_ka, a support, a lining for a coat, a help, an assistant to the captain, a hot chowder, bring the goods, convincing request, spy_chik, last round_, river forest, woodwork, ro_kiy boy, handbrake, wedding, key binding, skry_ka, folk sk_ki, how_kaya_ka_ka, sle_ki_ki, investigative department, sru_ kol_tsa, junction_of_ships, u_kaya path , sledding horses, mustache, fast walking.

1.5. Spelling words with unpronounceable consonants

Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants. Choose test words.

Agency, be silent, shine on the sun, see, leap year, delicious dishes, powerful glance, gigantic structure, vile intentions, cumbersome, amateurish, reporter, dependent, zagvozka, backwater town, hello, famous composer, intriguing, incidental, skillful work, curfew, compromise, ascertain, oblique speech, oblique broth, greedy, small scale, confidante, hated, rainy day, inappropriate question, road breaker, surroundings, dangerous, sloppy, slip, dinner, handwriting, feel relieved, anxious premonition, lovely, addicted, joyful, peer, peer, whistle, sweet dream, verbal skirmish, crazy, happy day, cane sugar, painful conversation, terrible, tie up, positive answer, participate, sympathetic neighbor, boastful, honor, private face, wonderful view, walk down the street, scottish song, i_svestny sound, furious resistance.

1.6. Spelling words with double consonants

Insert the missing consonants where necessary.

Ab_reviation, Agres_In, Ak_ompastener, Ak_ord, al_Hohegoria, al_yuminiy, anatom, apola_yat, AP_Arath, AP_Etititis, AT_RIBUT, AT_ESTATH, AT_RATING, BALLYOVOY, BALK_YUTDDA, BAS_EIN, SELL_ETRISTICS, BULL_ETEN, GAL_EERY, GAL_YUSCINATION, GRIMA_A, humanism, diagram, discussion, table length, drama_atic, jock_ey, fat, buzzing, il_lumination, imitation, im_unity, impressionism, initiative, intellect, cavalry, canonada, caricature, quantity, collective, hell_column, colossal, comical, comm_entary, comedian_eric , coefficient, crystal, cross-overs, mass_azh, mili_metering, mis_ioner, can_evel, operetta_full, operetta_a, op_onent, official, play_a, sym_metria, sum_arny, ter_asa, ter_itoriya, cel_ofan, civilization, expression, elastic, effective, young.

Fill in the missing letters z or s.

Without_valuable, without_human, without_form, without_end, without_selfish, without_number, without_ceremonial, without_tasting, without_intelligent, without_literacy, without_integrity, without_darn, without_calm, without_noise, without_sense, without_pain.

To_to fly, to_mad, to doze off, to_alarmed.

In_birth, in_action, in_walking, in_calling, worldview, in_love, in_click, in_soar, in_obstruct.

Exile, and_fulfillment, and_run, and_frightened, and_spend, and_scoop, and_fry, and_scratch, and_holds, and_for a long time, and_under the forehead.

Neither_fall, nor_refutation, nor_throw, nor_rush, nor_send, neither, nor_shiy.

Ra_sale, ra_doubling, ra_to scratch, ra_to be generous, ra_to fight, ra_crack, ra_to spread, ra_toloch, ra_chetly, ra_to flog, ra_draw, ra_twist.

Chere_chur, over_dimensional.

Dacha, _dacha, _dealing, _here, _run, _give, _boron, _quit, _health, _hold on, _move, _hot, _dravnitsa, _beat, _gone, not visible _gi, _pull, _burn.

Insert into prefixes and or e.

To create plans in life - to create a door,

radio receiver - right receiver,

pr_stupnik - impenetrable fortress,

pr_vratnik - vicissitudes of fate,

passing nanny - ongoing success,

succession - an acceptable option,

to go to the city - to go to captivity.

Unpretentious, refraction of rays, impassive, bow down before beauty, flatter, pr_road, pr_open, overcome obstacle, pr_possible pain, pr_sit on a bench, pr_faltering, pr_muffle, pr_sea, pr_turn, satiate, pr_dream, pr_create sick, pr_vka, pr_neglect, pr_rotation, pr_following , pr_know, despise a coward, pr_daniye of antiquity, pr_careful, pr_obrazhenie, pr_to get down to business, pr_stop, pr_sunrise, pr_education, pr_refuge, pr_table holiday, pr_fancy, pr_city, pr_to hand, pr_dream business, punctuation stone, pr_build, pr_attractive, signs of pr_kicking, pr_funny kitten, give publicity.

Apply for a post, pr_lyudiya, pr_priority, pr_zident, pr_vilegia, pr_miera, pr_rogative, presentation, pr_mitive, prestigious, pr_ambula.

Insert, where necessary, separators ъ or ь.

Unity, rise, ruffle, presenter, move away, edible, ot_evident, sting, volume, in_yav, from_yang, raz_ezd, super_bright, two_tier, inter-linguistic.

Subjectively, adjutant, object, injection, conjunctivitis, pan_european.

Pre-notice, teach, narrow down, irresponsible, save, agitate, inter-regional, three-story, counter-attack.

V_yunok, inter_er, p_pedestal, interview, d_yavol, car_er, chicken_ez, r_yany, breaks, p_esa, bill_yard.

Bul_on, postal_on, companion_on, pavil_on.

Children_nursery, head_lawyer.

Under_train, impeccable, announcement, unbelievable, bar_er, counter_strike, super_natural, furious, pass_yance, trilingual, nav_yuchit, unbelievable, v_etsya, pre_persuasion, premiere, conjuncture, monkey, pre_guess, film_capture, storm_yang, inter_tier, computer, in_south, subject, explain.

Insert s or and in place of gaps.

Explore, previous, without_action, from_scan, pre-Julian, without_gloomy, from_again, take, without_inventory, sum up, draw, well-known, with_improvise, without_skull, sub-integral number, beat, from_mother.

Inter-institutional, super-industrialization, super-interesting, inter-regional period, inter-institutional, super-impulsive.

Sub_inspector, counter_grass, trans_ordanian, disinfection, super_interesting, post_impressionism, pan_slamism.

Sports equipment, medical institute, financial inspector.

Fore_story, inter_international, without_initiative, sports_gra, ob_skat, super_inventive, nameless, counter_sk, s_zmala, super_sophisticated, not without_interesting, pre_infarction, post_infarction, charge, inter_groovy, dis_information, super_industrial, pedagogical_institution, without_similar, Head_zdat, super_grass_child, under_mother, pulseless.

Insert the letter o or ё (e).

Lamb_k, galch_nok, girl_nka, book_nka, ravine_k, pie_k, river_nka, shirt_nka, hand_nka, snow_k.

With baggage_m, with an open soul, brick_m, scoop up a ladle, porch_, under the roof, with Kuzmich_m, puddle, decorate with brocade, cloak_m, beach_m, grove, floor_m below.

Cherry plum jam, glossy, penny, pear, reed, walrus, brocade, plush, lead, canvas.

Hot_ to argue, fresh_.

Chubby girl, short tail, best share, mighty strength, small piece, red fox, good attitude, stranger.

Bech_vka, yellow, well_lud, well_forehead, well_cay, hood_n, kryzh_vnik, hairstyle, guard, gluttonous, past_l, bee_ly, resh_tka, sch_t, sh_tka, rattle_tka, thicket_ba, h_lka, black_rst, black_rt, black_porny, chech_tka, sh_lk, sh_rstka sh_kirovat, sh_kolad, sh_mpol, sh_se, sh_tlandets, sh_fer, sh_loch.

Indignant, forbidden, infected, extinguish, boiling, tense, overnight, lined, burned, ringed, devastated, reflected, dancing, enlightened, retouching, thickening, experience, dancing, enthusiastic, learned.

Wolf, armed, with a doctor, peas, cheap, conductor,

shower, hot, hot, hard, lit, suede, credit, depleted land, red flags, lily of the valley, best student, major, wet, sunbeam, burnt, veneer facade, burnt hand, devastated man, illuminated, stove, letter, towel ,

crimson, jump, plowing, rasch_ska, calico, with great experience, slum_ba, carcass, heavy burn_g, good_, ch_ln, damn, someone else's thing, sh_pot, sh_vinizm, sh_roh, sh_rty, sh_gol.

Insert the letter y or u.

C_stern, process, c_clone, c_rk, c_tron, c_nism, c_rulnik, vaccine_on, c_circulate, patient, initials.

Reaction_ya, diction_ya, position_ya, lecture_ya, station_ya, portion_ya, ration_ya, evolution_ya.

C_gan, c_film, on c_buds, c_knut.

Sisters_n, dark-skinned, short, pale-faced, Trinity day.

Cucumber_, finger_, starling_, knitting needles_, three maidens_, fox hole_.

Clerny, street_, ts_gansky, delegates, nest of bird_, c_truce, pantz_yr, η, Страски, Кологольциці, Эмотор_, Синціна_, Ц_liland, Курц_Н, Ц_vizalitz_ya, boltits_, Ц_phra, dirts_ss, Krasnolits_Y, Zaiten, Akats_H, Ц_Kul, schoolgirls .

Insert the letter y where necessary.

Jumped_, married_, leashed_, wide open_, unbearable_, unbearable_, completely_.

Take care, weigh, meet, bake, appoint, smear, stay, don't cry, eat, sit, study.

Wilderness_, rook_, dacha_, roof_, lily of the valley_, bream_, many puddles_, sword_, youth_, mouse_, night_, help_, birth_, experience_, quiet_, above clouds_.

Mighty_, like_, good_.

Woman, powerful, driver, donut, river, glazier, dot, lucky.

Eight_hundred, seven_ten, six_hundred.

Eternal, thing_, get up, get ready, nine_hundred, trembling, soul_, hedgehog_ prickly_, tenacious_, mason, lie_, beam_, wash_, back_, backhand_, cut off_, crying_ of a child, move_, other_, five_ten thousand_, reportage_, speech_, speech_, among grove, pen, hide, black ink, carried away, good luck.

Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

Along the alley_, in a large auditorium_, to dry on the battery_, the flag on the tower_, in all grandeur_, to appear in the imagination_, along the gallery_, to visit Gwine_, while moving_, to live in the village_, in ancient times_, to be in the Arctic_, about the villain_, trees in ine_, to work in Kazan_, at the last lecture_, about Lidi_, about Mari_, an exhibition in the museum_, about Natal_, about misfortune_, to be in the region_, to stop at the crossroads_, was in the planetarium_, on the square_, about help_, about the profession_, on the desert_, to be in thought_, to visit Ryazan_, rested in a sanatorium_, leave on a seat_, live in harmony_, stand in the distance_, about tragedy_, about pleasure_, sits in despondency_, on an interesting excursion_, about Yuri_.

A lot of orange_, these Bashkirs_, five hectares_, two Georgians_, five kilograms_, six lemon_, a bed of tomatoes_, go off the rail_, a pair of boots_, a company of soldiers_, these Tajiks_, these gypsies_.

Insert the missing letter in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Pencil_k, pocket_k, pocket_k, ladle_k, blacksmith_k, leaf_k, bag_k, knife_ch_k, man_k, box_k.

Desire, building, armchair, oil, coat, letter, dress, gun, village.

Bus_nka, vpad_on, pea_on, wild_nka, raisin_nka, well_on, straw_nka, old_on, crack_on.

Apparatus_ik, spacing_ik, runaway_ik, transport_ik.

Freckled, gritty, laggy, bubbly, patterned.

Avant-garde cue, climber cue, Greek cue, journalist cue, Cossack cue, Kyrgyz cue, peasant cue, fisher cue, slippery cue, weaver cue, tourist cue, French cue.

Stealthy, gullible, caring, affable, quirky, choosy, talkative, confusing, accommodating, talkative, evasive, diligent.

Insert the letter n where necessary.

Crimson sunset, drumming, calm weather, insomnia, windy, windy day, windmill, ham sausage, clay jug, living room, guest yard, humane law, goose feather, wooden table, strange box, discussion question, road

length, wood warehouse, squad, only friend, crane flock, legal reception, earthen floor, snake poison, birthday, artificial, true feelings, stone fence, pocket watch, picture gallery, cranberry juice, leather gloves, mosquito squeak, thrift store, hemp oil, chicken broth, swan song, ice cover, elk trail, lion's share, oil stain, machine translation, instant decision, monotone melody, courageous deed, remarkable abilities, weathered face, lunch break, sheepskin coat, tin soldier, autumn time , donkey stubbornness, sandy beach, cockscomb, writing, fiery speech, wardrobe, tribal cattle, nephew, captive, authentic, authentic art, linen sheet, food store, spicy smell, desert street, bee honey, five-ton truck, reaction mode , rosy cheeks, zealous side_ik new theory, pork pate, silver chain, property, straw hat, country, antique, glass tumbler, strange behavior, poplar fluff, ceremonial meeting, traditional event, misty morning, pumpkin puree, outbuildings, linen shirt, hurricane wind, price discovery, numerical superiority, cast iron stove, woolen blanket, tour desk, young athlete.

Insert the letter n where necessary.

Spoiled child, bleached ceiling, abandoned leaf, boiled potatoes, plowed field, task completed, knitted scarf, knitted sweater, welcome meeting, roast duck, dinner party, played sketch many times, sauerkraut, forged chest, stolen watch, painted hair, purchased ticket, lacquered box, broken line, pickled cucumbers, butter pie, furnished apartment, slow pace, labeled atom, frozen meat, written letter, sliced ​​sausage, unseen marvel, unironed blouse, unexpected guest, simple breakfast, unwritten law, uninvited intrusion, unheard of insolence, accidental collision, worn coat, worn jacket, mistake discovered, article published, tour well organized, light extinguished, floor swept, signed leaflet, painted fence, polished furniture, worn jacket, book read, tangled footprints, wounded fighter, torn sleeve, solved problem, risky step, freshly baked pie, fresh-frozen vegetables, knitted cap, sacred duty, mowed grass, broken gazebo, shackled movements, smart boy, plucked flower, shot sparrow, cropped hair, woven tablecloth, etched wolf, trained athlete, volume up.

Insert vowels into participle suffixes and verbal adjectives.

Struggling, things, seeing, all-encompassing, astringent, holding, dormant, breathing, caring, hovering, looking, guarding, clinging, stabbing, coloring, laying, cherishing, washing, thinking, hating, foaming, crawling, cutting, cutting, hearing, creeping, dragging, tolerating, disturbing, hearing, chirping.

View_my, executed_my, oscillating_my, violated_my, hated_my, streamlined_my, decided_my, heard_my, dismissed_my.

Cherished, aged, delayed, stabbed, shot, appointed, finished, hung, overheard, planted, lost, spent, stirred, destroyed, shot, honored, settled, heard.

Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

They are fighting, they are cool, they are turning, they are crying, they will recover, you will fly out, we will sleep, we will survive, you will endure, they will chase, they will doze, we will care, he will linger, you will close, we will close, they will search, the dog la_t , he melts, you are offended, he shaves, he looks, you cut, you split, you tell, you spread, the flags re_t, he ro_t, he connects, noise is heard, the snow is so_t, we can not stand it, he is exact, we will see, you hold, he pricks, we arrange.

Talk, fight, educate, ridicule, complain, lead, turn, explore, wander, whistle, equip, build, debug, spend the night, try, rage, examine, develop, tell, tell, advise, demand, lay, seat, learn.

Fill the gaps.

Six_ten_ books, to one hundred tasks, ninety_ students, five_st_ participants, three_st_ employees, about one hundred friends, nine_hundred_ rubles, three_hundred_ apartments, about two_hundred_ examples, to ninety_ years, in seven_hundred_ pages, two_st_ viewers, ninety_ institutes, one hundred books, six_st_ residents, in five_st_ schools.

During the summer, during the week, as a result of a fire, unlike other children, a rock like a cone, give a task at the end of the lesson, later we often recalled this.

Right_, right_, right_, first_, left_, left_, left_, clean_, dark_, occasionally_, full_, tight_, easy_, sizmal_, hasti_, askance_, again_, again_, white_, dry_, long_, light_.


Option number 1

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c

Burn your hand, hood, stove, calico oar.

C_rk, c_film, reaction_ya, streets_, sisters_n.

Eternal, unbearable, sit down, cold shower _, born_.

Domishk_, a pair of boots_, along the alley_, about the pleasure_, to live in the village_.

Cossack, friendly, leaflet, borehole, armchair.

Crimson, chicken, birthday, ham sausage, desert street.

Spoiled, frozen meat, wounded, played many times, etude, smart.

Struggling, blushing, looking, feeling, nurturing.

You close, they doze, they turn, talk, educate.

St_ books, during the day, left_, brightened_, subsequently_ we often remembered this.

Option number 2

Boiled, sh_roh, sh_pot, glossy, with a raincoat.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

Ts_tron, ts_gansky, nieces_n, dict_ya, bird's nest_.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b.

Among the groves_, appoint_those, open_, night_, driver.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

Town_, along the gallery_, live in Kazan_, a bed of tomatoes_, in all its grandeur_.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

French cue, trustful, straw, box, oil.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

Cranberry, windmill, living room, commission, true.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

Forged chest, boiled, thrown, knitted scarf, sacred.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

Prophetic, visionary, fulfilling, offended, enduring.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

They scream, they chase, you fly out, ridicule, howl.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

Dry_, directed_, due to the rain, six_ten_ books.

Option number 3

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c.

Thick, gluttonous, cheap, plush, under the porch.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

Proceed, click, position, chicken_n, knitting_.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b.

eight_ten, weigh_those, deaf_, hedgehog_ prickly_.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

Borodishch_, live in Guinea_, by area_, five kilograms_, sits in despondency_.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Weaver, caring, raisin, human, villager.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

Windless weather, insomnia, picture, silver, youth.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

Already worn jacket, varnished, knitted, accidental, volume up.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

Holding on, rising, oscillating, growing, glued.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

Keep cool, they will recover, we care, complain, turn around.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

Tr_st_ employees, clean, again, give a task at the end of the seminar.

Option number 4

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c.

Conductor, black, bech_vka, at the round-faced girl.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

Ts_nizm, ts_pyatnitsa, lecture_ya, Trinity_n day, cucumber_.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b.

Point, back, help, many puddles, study.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

Ruchisch_, two Georgians_, across the desert_, dry on a battery_, live in harmony_.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Walnut, steadfast, pea, blacksmith, freckled.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

The zealous side of the "green" movement, goose, sheepskin, oil stain.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

Freshly frozen, the gazebo is broken, marinated, fried, plucked.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

Chu_shchy, breathing_shchy, broken_my, stuck, hung.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

They fight, he lingers, we sleep, head, sit down.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

In ninety_ institutes, nabel_, six_st_ inhabitants, in the course of_ a day.

Option number 5

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c.

Major, pear, letter, mascara, shrimp.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

Three girls_, ts_ganshchina, short_y, ts_vilizats_ya.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b.

Move on, move on, mouse, five ten thousand.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

The actor_, a lot of orange_, about help_, was in the museum_ and in the planetarium_.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Slippery, slippery, cracked, ladle, crunchy.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

Woolly_oh, the road is long, windy, pewter, mosquito.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

The apartment is furnished, stolen, beveled, desired, purchased.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

Seeking, caring, hated, endured, shot.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

We close, you are offended, we stand, explore, build.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

Two_st_ to the audience, occasionally, request_, due to_ being late.

Option number 6

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c.

Black, work experience, under the roof, shorts, crimson.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

C_fry, on c_kidneys, tits_, portion_ya, red-faced.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b.

Lily of the valley, married, speech, powerful, don't cry.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

I rested in a sanatorium_, six lemons_, cowards_, trees in hoarfrost_, oh song_.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Kyrgyz_cue, evasive, bus_nka, pencil_k, bubble_ty.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

Guest yard, property, outlandish, wooden, windy.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

Polished, book read, painted, tied, unsolicited.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

Decisive, hating, streamlined, stirred, remorseful.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

He pricks, they seek, you endure, roam, learn.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

Hasten_, five_st_ students, by the age of ninety, within a week.

Option number 7

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c.

Lead, tense, bang, kryzh_vnik, with crying.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

Circulate, burrow of foxes_, c_gane, delegate_ya, white-faced.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b.

Donut, bream, tenacious, get up, youth.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

Overcoat_, oh misfortune_, oh Mari_, these gypsies_, to be in Ryazan_.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Journalist, wild, coat, fancy, patterned.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

Compatriot, linen, pig, monotonous melody, country.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

Task completed, broken line, unironed, worn, risky.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

Ta_shchy, hear_shchy, decide_my, loathed, sown.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

We arrange, the dog is la_t, he looks, spend the night, whistle.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

Ninety tables, in the course of an hour, sideways, to the left, afterwards he told about it.

Option number 8

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c.

Suede, yellow, rattle, dance with Kuzmich.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

armor, rac_ya, fighter_, c_klichny, pale-faced.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b.

Woman, carried away, beam_, solid_, thing_.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

Nosish_, about the villain_, about the tragedy_, to be in the region_, a company of soldiers_.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Peasant, sneaky, falling on, letter_tso, krupitch_ty.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

Excursion_y, squad_ik, sandy, swan_y, pumpkin_y.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

Shackled, plowed field, butter pie, painted, slow.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

Guard, sharp, heard, hopeful, shot.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

He melts, you spread, you hold, equip, rage.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

With nine hundred rubles, right, tight, in continuation of the negotiations.

Option number 9

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c.

Facing the facade, slums, hard, prickly hedgehog.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

Patient, evolution, finger, barber, dark-skinned.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b3

Bricklayer, above the clouds, jump, stop, tremble.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

Fists_, these Bashkirs_, oh Yuri_, leave on the seat_, the flag on the tower_.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Avant-garde, legible, old, dress, transport.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

Ruddy, glassy, ​​straw, cock, genuine.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

Trained, error found, tagged, signed, resolved.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

Creeping, thinking, dismissed, despaired, rewarded.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

He ro_t, you cut, you hear noise, advise, develop.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

In seven_st_ pages, darkened, sizmal_, a rock like a cone.

Option number 10

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c.

Canvas shirt, rasch_ska, sh_kirovat, lined_bath.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

Initials, cistern, hare, emotional, chubby.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b.

Glazier, unbearable, rook, hide, hush.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

Wolves_, oh Lidi_, oh fable_, these Tajik_, to be in the Arctic_.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Tourist_cue, talkative, pocket_k, desire_tse, defector_ik.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

Writing, leather, pocket, traditional, donkey.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

Sausage is sliced, unwritten law, swept, confused, unexpected.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

Tolerant, lazy, explored, hung, heard.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

The snow is ta_t, it binds, it shaves, tries, looks.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

In five_st_ schools, on the left_, satiety_, in the continuation of the summer.

Option number 11

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c.

Heavy burn, ringed bath, lamb, brocade.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

Vakts_na, ts_tron, akats_ya, starling_, long-faced.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b.

Sword_, similar_, take care, black ink_, six_hundreds.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

Humans_, be on an excursion_, five hectares_, o Natal_, o bur_.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Climber, talkative, pocket, gun_tso, apparatus_ik.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

Clay, discussion, moose, machine, nephew.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

The tour is well organized, ragged, extinguished, simple, unheard of.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

You split, we can't wait, he is precise, demanding, telling.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

About two_st_ examples, again, at first, unlike the rest.

Option number 12

1. Insert o or ё (e) after hissing and c.

Sh_fer, night_vka, zh_rdochka, towels_, with luggage_m.

2. Insert s or and in place of the gaps.

Narts_ss, sensational_ya, schoolgirls_, ts_trusovy, narrow-faced.

3. Insert, where necessary, the letter b.

Crying of a child, nine hundred, mighty, meet, lie.

4. Add, where necessary, the endings of nouns.

5. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives.

Fisherman, collaborative, pouch, building, spacing.

6. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in nouns and adjectives.

Reactionary, remarkable, poplar, earthy, captive.

7. Insert, where necessary, the letter n in the suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives.

8. Insert vowels into participles and verbal adjectives.

Washed, glued, quoted, hated, lost.

9. Insert vowels into the verbs in place of the gaps.

Re_t flags, you tell, we will see, install, debug.

10. Fill in the missing letters for numbers, adverbs and prepositions.

In tr_st_ apartments, right, long ago, due to a fire.




Test 2. SPELLING OF SUFFIXES AND endings of words

To dictionary dictations: SPELLING OF PREfixes AND ROOTS OF WORDS


Test 1. Spelling prefixes and roots

Option number 1

sloppy, simplified analysis,

oppression, enlightenment,

room ch_stoy.

akv_rel, d_zertirovat, k_lambur,

opt_mystical, privilege_legia.

zar_sli, unburnable, pl_vuchy,

adjective, will be taken.

der_kiy answer, razvechik, shit_

ring, convincing test.

agency, shine on the sun,

crazy, happy moment.

aggressive, gallery, crosses,

colossal, effective.

worthless, nor_fall, _cottage,

ra_sale, and_gnane.

legal successor, pr_road,

pr_open, flatter, pr_stupnik.

explain, monkey, children_nursery,

under_em, pre_persuasion.

idle, inter-institutional,

raz_skat, counter_gra, medical_institute.

Option number 2

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words:

think about help, spread,

enjoy, Christmas decorations,

deal with the circumstances.

2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

vin_gret, hug, scholarship,

call_graphic, v_stibule.

3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

ot_sl, tanned, pl_vchikha,

application, select.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

knitted vares_ki, rocky boy,

lot_ka, ko_ba, inheritance.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

be silent, tasty_meals,

gigantic structure, bulky.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

accompaniment, aluminum, bulletin,

humanism, discussion.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

ra_doubling, excessive_dimensional, _delshchina,

inhuman, walking.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

pr_overcome obstacle, pr_sea,

unpretentious, mute.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

odd, pre-notification,

head_lawyer, v_etsya, subjectively.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

inter_nternatsky, sports_equipment,

pre_history, from_scan, sub_inspector.

Option number 3

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words:

pour out the oven, angry, prim_ryat

dress, dressed up, expose vices.

2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

ab_nement, v_rtuoz, overall_nezon,

p_lisadnik, rest_vration.

3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

por_sl, dog_rat, stoop,

sl_gaya, wipe_ret.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

armless_ka, fast walking, blue_tse,

zhu_ky dream, newspaper expression_ka.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

vision, powerful look, hello,

nefarious intentions, incident.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

al_egoria, association, gram_ota,

caricature, commentary.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

birth, too much, _run away,

formless, nor_verification.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

pr_create plans in life, pr_tendovat

to the post, passing nanny, bow down

before beauty, impassive.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

irresponsible, conjuncture,

ruffle, break, premiere.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

uninitiative, over_industrialization,

pre-July, super_gra, financial_inspector.

Option number 4

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words:

exhausted from fatigue, repentance,

be surprised, adorable girl,

industry is developing.

2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

akr_bat, ben_fis, hug,

unattainable, sovereign_tet.

3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

swindler, vengeance, squander,

expel, dip in water.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

liquid solution, captain's assistant,

vatru_ka, production costs.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

leap year, amateurish, zagvozka,

compromise, premonition.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

cancel, appeal, attribute,

dramatic, colonial hell.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

endless, scratch, _give,

go down, into action.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

pr_gatekeeper, pr_ludiya, pr_fastidious,

allow pain, break rays.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

presenter, s_save, p_esa,

object, from_yan.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

well-known, misinformation,

v_skat, inter_grovoy, ped_institute

Option number 5

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words:

regret, clothe yourself on the railing,

fading flowers, secluded place,

flags are waving.

2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

an_chronism, b_groovy, recite,

sowing campaign, per_feria.

3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

age, blotting paper,

fold, location, reject.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

bread crumbs, last round_,

deforestation, lower score, usa_ba.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

dependent, intriguing, participating,

small scale, i_stvenny sound.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

symmetry, imitation, appetizing,

ball around, grimace.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

no_rush, _bor, call,

unselfish, generous.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

pr_shutdown, pr_zident, pr_neglect,

to be sick, to be in the city.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

trip, nav_uchit, predict,

s_agitate, conjunctivitis.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

post_impressionism, super_interesting,

without_gly, sports_gra, previous.

Option number 6

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words:

diminish dignity, deepening,

acceleration, inexhaustible source,

oscillation frequency.

2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

ant_gonism, delicacy, incident_dent,

k_leidoscope, r_glament.

3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

trim hair, charity,

sweep your feet, follow, rest.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

the highest pilot_, geeky gymnast,

hungry mongrel_ka, zamoro_ki.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

backwater town, skillful work,

ascertain, surroundings, coeval_nick.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

at_estat, canonada, operet_a,

artillery, initiative.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

noiseless, fly in, throw,

crack, and filling.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

pr_satisfaction, priority, pr_vivka,

radio receiver, give in to dreams.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

computer_yuter, in_south, under_learn,

inter_tier, film_capture.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

over_impulsive, trans_ordanian,

pre_infarction, without_skusny, Head_zdat.

Option number 7

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words:

praise, devote yourself to science,

dear man, pay for the fare,

solder the detail.

2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

defi_cit, incr_mined, orange_rhea,

preliminary, transp_rant.

3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

vym_kli in the rain, creation of the master,

level, incendiary, grown.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

river forest, tree_ka, none,

medical department, youth.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

famous composer, oblique speech,

obez_chik roads, handwriting, honor.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

attraction, bell_etristika, jock_ey,

grammatical, table length.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

numberless, _keep, and_run,

spread, worldview.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

pr_brezhny, pr_know, pr_vilegia,

forward_rotation, forward_follow.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

interior, announcement, s_uzit,

super_natural, p_edestal.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

silent, super-inventive,

ob_skat, s_new, disinfection.

Option number 8

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words:

high barrier, protector,

open potatoes, drink from clay,

local caretaker.

2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

d_firamb, intelligence_genzia, metz_nat,

solicitation, propagandize.

3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

ride a horse, freeze with fear,

r_vnina, touch_snow, ignite.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

wedding, zy_kaya hope, support,

u_kaya path, re_ba on a tree.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

curfew, cane sugar,

slip, wonderful view, reporter.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

il_lumination, zh_eny, corridor_idor,

impression_ionism, quantity.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

doze off, move, crush,

unceremonious, and frightened.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

despise a coward, pr_obrazhenie,

pr_miera, pr_refuge, pr_sunrise.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

edible, three-storey,

interview, injection, d_yavol.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

rose_grysh, sub_mother, super_interesting,

inter-building, with_provision.

Option number 9

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words:

disintegration, flooring underwear,

abbreviation, fascinating story,

tremble with fear.

2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

dil_tant, interpretation, competent,

ind_fferent, chor_ography.

3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

r_vnopravie, sk_chok, bl_stet,

categorically, dying.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

smooth surface, soft bread,

a cup of milk, a bunch of keys.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

slanting broth, confidante, peer,

feel relieved, hateful.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

im_unity, cavalry, coefficient,

operetta_accurate, expression.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

calculating, furious,

Hot, tasteless, and_spend.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

pr_daniye of antiquity, pr_stop,

pr_fancy, pr_ruchit, pr_grad.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

out_revealed, two_tiered,

counter_attack, kar_er, with_to sting.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

pod_tozhit, without_inventory, counter_sk,

vo_met, mezh_rrigationny period.

Option number 10

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words.

dismissive, take medicine,

key, op_lchenie, ott_pel.

2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

verm_shel, l_quidation, mer_dian,


3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

insight, upstart, touch,

bl_stelyny, podr_sti.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

sweet, hot chowder, impudent lo_b,

bandage of wounds, docking of ships.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

greedy, dangerous, sympathetic neighbor,

heavy conversation, Scottish song.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

intellect, commercial, young,

official, territory.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

senseless, to love,

Beat, flog, and scoop.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

pro_education, get down to business,

pr_byvat in captivity, pr_stolny

holiday, vicissitudes of fate.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

interlingual, unspoken,

volume, counter, bar_er.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

without_similar, over_skusny, with_play,

pan_slamism, subintegral number.

Option number 11

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words:

zap_vat verse, harmonize with smth.,

p_luxury, table of contents, cohesive.

2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

b_chevka, medical_kamenty, r_license,

prerogative, equivalent.

3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

ot_stit, post_pour, pl_vets,

prompt_chit, k_satelnaya.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

inflatable lo_ka, piro_ki with meat,

hint, button, bring the goods.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

inappropriate question, walk down the street,

whistle, lovely, beautiful.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

collective, crystal_ny, play_a,

mil_dimension, op_onent.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

To bend, draw, and fry,

stupid, click.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

stumbling stone, attractive,

acceptable option, pr_rogative,

enduring success.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

impeccable, pan-European,

under_ezd, kur_ez, v_yav.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

super_scan, post_infarction,

s_zmala, not without_interesting.

Option number 12

1. Insert unstressed checked vowels into the roots of words:

renewed, moisture absorption,

open the window, respawn,


2. Insert unstressed unchecked vowels:

precedent_dent, em_grant, yuv_lir,

p_simism, catastrophe.

3. Insert alternating vowels into the roots of words:

to spread, to sleep, in vain,

floated, leveled.

4. Insert voiced or voiceless consonants:

how long is the road, lining to the coat,

hand brake_, scream_ka.

5. Insert, where necessary, unpronounceable consonants:

sweet dream, terrible, boastful,

pos_ny dinner, take by the tie.

6. Insert, where necessary, the missing consonants:

mis_ioner, civilization, sum_arny,

goal_ofan, effective.

7. Insert into prefixes s or s:

ra_twist, v_parit, _pull,

illiterate, and scratching.

8. Insert into prefixes and or e:

create a door, create dreams,

succession, pr_stizhny, pr_build.

9. Insert, where necessary, separators b or b:

furious, pass_yans, adjutant,

inter-regional, tri-lingual.

10. Insert s or and in place of the gaps:

pulseless, cheat, out of_mother,

super_industrial, trans_indian.


(Vocabular dictations)


1.1. Spelling of unstressed checked vowels in the root

Sing a verse - drink medicine,

boil potatoes - open the window,

rinse clothes - caress the kitten,

local old-timer - guarded the warehouse,

shine a flashlight on yourself - devote yourself to science,

try on a dress - reconcile those who quarreled,

industry develops - flags flutter,

belittle dignity - beg for help,

oscillation frequency - cleanliness of the room.

Revival, praise, harmonize with smth., feast for the eyes, high barrier, tremble with fear, earthquake, languish with fatigue, prickly, wrinkled, enjoy, inexhaustible source, lean against the railing, expose vices, renewed, table of contents, pay fare, militia , thaw, pin-up girl, moisture absorption, old man, repentance, thinned, dismissive, solder a detail, enlightenment, disunity, furious, heat the furnace, explain, luxurious, regret, reduction, close-knit, mold from clay, resign to circumstances, fascinating story, fading flowers, oppression, wonder, a solitary place, tamer, Christmas decorations, simplified parsing, acceleration.

1.2. Spelling of unstressed unchecked vowels at the root

Subscription, watercolor, acrobat, alternative, anachronism, antagonism, applause, aroma, crimson, bachelor, parcel post, benefit performance, twine, vermicelli, vestibule, vinaigrette, virtuoso, impression, wardrobe, garrison, fee, debut, desert, recite, declaration, delegation, delicacy, demagogue, deficit, amateur, directive, dithyramb, indifferent, incriminated, intelligentsia, interpretation, incident, pun, kaleidoscope, calligraphic, cannonade, abstract, sowing campaign, catastrophe, overalls, competent, composer, continental, liquidation, miniature , medicines, meridian, philanthropist, inaccessible, obsession, charm, sense of smell, optimistic, greenhouse, original, pavilion, front garden, periphery, pessimism, plagiarism, preliminary, prerogative, precedent, privilege, forecast, promote, regulations, restoration, abstract, review , sanatorium, sentimental, certificate, scholarship, sovereignty, tradition, banner, choreography, evacuation, equivalent nt, excavator, extravagant, emigrant, jeweler.

1.3. Spelling of alternating vowels in the root

Wade, collect, dismantle, select, climb, select, wade, fight, freeze with fear, dying, dying customs, resist, lock the door, unlock the lock, resisting, unlock, wipe, wipe, rub, rub, lay, spread, brilliant success, shine, incendiary, burn out.

Touch, touch, touch, rigorously, tangent.

State, location, adjective, application, terms, addition.

Grow up, grow, grown, age, pawnbroker, thickets, industry, growth, suit for growth, teenage.

Fireproof, tanned, burn out, burn.

Dawn, illumination.

Bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down.

Charity, the creation of the master.

Floater, floater, swimmer, swimmer.

Dip in water, blotting paper, wet feet, soaked in the rain.

Trim hair, equation, plain, equality, aligned, compare, level.

To ride a horse, jump, upstart, jump.

1.4. Spelling of checked voiced and voiceless consonants in the root

Tank top, saucer, knitted mittens, cheesecake, newspaper clipping, deforestation, aerobatics, flexible gymnast, smooth surface, hungry mongrel, piece of wood, defiant answer, draw, liquid solution, terrible dream, frost, unsteady hope, production costs, button, mowing, bread crumbs, a mug of milk, an inflatable boat, a blatant lie, threshing, soft bread, inheritance, low, lowest score, wound dressing, meat patties, little birdie, support, coat lining, hint, captain's mate, hot pottage, fetch goods, persuasion, scout, last round, rare forest, wood carving, timid boy, handbrake, wedding , keychain, violin, folk tales, slippery path, sweet, investigation department, log house of a well, docking of ships, narrow path, team of horses, estate, fast walk.

1.5. Spelling words with unpronounceable consonants at the root

Agency, be silent, flash in the sun, squeal, leap year, delicious food, domineering gaze, gigantic structure, nefarious intentions, cumbersome, amateurish, speaker, envious, snag, backwater town, hello, famous composer, intriguing, incident, ingenious work, curfew, compromise, ascertain, oblique speech, bone broth , selfish, small scale, confidante, hateful, rainy day, inappropriate question, road breaker, neighborhood, dangerous, dirty trick, slip, fast dinner, handwriting, feel relieved, foreboding, lovely, partial, joyful, peer, peer, whistle, sweet dream, verbal skirmish, crazy, happy day, cane sugar, painful conversation, terrible, bridle, verbal response, participate, sympathetic neighbor, boastful, honor, private person, wonderful view, walk down the street, Scottish song, clear sound , violent resistance.

1.6. Spelling words with double consonants in the root

Abbreviation, aggressive, accompaniment, chord, allegory, aluminum, annul, appeal, apparatus, appetizing, association, artillery, attribute, certificate, attraction, run, balustrade, pool, fiction, bulletin, gallery, hallucination, grammatical, letter, grimace, humanism, diagram, discussion, table length, dramatic, jockey, burnt, buzz, illumination, imitation, immunity, impressionism, initiative, intellect, cavalry, cannonade, caricature, quantity, collective, colonnade, colossal, commentary, commercial, compromise, corridor , coefficient, crystal, sneakers, massage, graph paper, missionary, juniper, operetta, operetta, opponent, official, play, symmetry, total, terrace, territory, cellophane, civilization, expression, elastic, effective, young.

1.7. Spelling of prefixes on -з (-с) and prefixes with-

Priceless, inhuman, formless, endless, selfless, countless, unceremonious, tasteless, stupid, illiterate, aimless, talentless, restless, silent, meaningless, painless.

Take off, furious, take a nap, alarmed.

Rebirth, impact, ascent, appeal, worldview, love, exclaim, soar, hinder.

Exile, execution, avoid, frightened, spend, exhaust, fry, scratch, costs, long ago, sullenly.

Fall down, overthrow, fall down, fall down, send down, low, lower.

Sale, bifurcation, comb, be generous, break, cleft, spread, crush, prudent, rip, draw, unwind.

Too, excessive.

Surrender, building, piecework, here, run away, hand over, collect, dump, health, restrain, move, rashly, health resort, knock down, disappear, not visible, pull off, burn.

1.8. Spelling prefixes pre- and pre-

Turn plans into reality - close the door,

radio receiver - assignee,

the criminal is an impregnable fortress,

gatekeeper - vicissitudes of fate,

babysitter - enduring success,

succession is an acceptable option,

to arrive in the city - to be in captivity.

Unpretentious, refraction of rays, dispassionate, bow before beauty, seduce, roadside, open up, overcome an obstacle, overcome pain, sit on a bench, fastidious, muffle, seaside, adventure, satiate, indulge in dreams, pretend to be sick, inoculation, neglect, transformation, persecution , confess, despise the coward, the legend of old, coastal, transformation, get down to business, suspend, excellent, transformation, refuge, patronal feast, bizarre, barrier, tame, ultimate dream, stumbling block, attach, attractive, punctuation marks, amusing kitten, make public.

Apply for office, prelude, priority, president, privilege, premier, prerogative, presentation, primitive, prestigious, preamble.

1.9. Spelling separators ъ and ь

Association, rise, ruffle, bearer, move off, edible, notorious, sarcastic, volume, awake, flaw, traveling, super-bright, two-tiered, interlingual.

Subjectively, adjutant, object, injection, conjunctivitis, pan-European.

Forewarning, learn, narrow down, irresponsible, save, agitate, interregional, three-story, counterattack.

Bindweed, interior, pedestal, interview, devil, quarry, curiosity, zealous, breaks, play, billiards.

Bouillon, postman, companion, pavilion.

Children, chief.

Entrance, impeccable, announcement, unbreakable, barrier, counterattack, supernatural, furious, solitaire, trilingual, load, immense, winds, prejudice, premiere, conjuncture, monkey, predict, filming, weeds, intertiered, computer, blizzard, subject, explain.

1.10. Vowels ы и и in the root after prefixes

Find, previous, unprincipled, refined, pre-July, needleless, again, have, inventoryless, sum up, draw, notorious, improvise, artless, integrand, beat, withdraw.

Inter-institutional, super-industrialization, super-interesting, inter-irrigation period, inter-publishing, super-impulsive.

Sub-inspector, counterplay, transjordanian, disinfection, super interesting, post-impressionism, pan-Islamism.

Sports equipment, medical institute, financial inspector.

Prehistory, inter-boarding school, initiativeless, sports game, search, super-inventive, nameless, counter-game, sizmala, super-refined, interesting, pre-infarction, post-infarction, exact, inter-game, disinformation, super-industrial, pedagogical institute, hopeless, Glavizdat, super-game, raise, play, super-skillful, trans-Indian, pulseless.


2.1. Spelling o and ё (e) after hissing and c

Lamb, galchonok, girl, little book, ravine, pie, river, shirt, little hand, snowball.

with luggage, open mind, brick, scoop up with a ladle, porch, under the roof, with Kuzmich, puddle, decorate with brocade, raincoat, beach, grove, floor below.

Cherry plum jam, glossy, penny, pear, reed, walrus, brocade, plush, lead, canvas.

Hot to argue, fresh.

A chubby girl, a short tail, a better share, a mighty strength, a small piece, a red fox, good relationship, a stranger.

Twine, yellow, acorn, gutter, jockey, hood, gooseberry, hairstyle, slap, gluttonous, passed, bees, lattice, bill, brush, ratchet, thicket, bangs, stale, devil, prim, tap dance, silk, wool, seam, shock, chocolate, ramrod, highway, Scot, driver, lye.

Outraged, forbidden, infected, obscure, boiled, tense, sleepover, lined, burned, ringed, devastated, reflected, dance, enlightened, retoucher, condensed milk, trainee, dance, enthusiastic, scholar.

Wolf cub, armed, with a doctor, peas, cheap, conductor, little soul, chewed, perch, hard, lit, suede, offset, exhausted earth, red flags, lily of the valley, best student, major, soaked, sunbeam, glutton, veneer the facade, burned the hand, a devastated person, illuminated, liver, letter, towel, crimson, jump, vest, comb, calico, with great experience, slum, stew, severe burn, well, canoe, dash, someone else's thing, whisper, chauvinism, rustle, shorts, dandy.

2.2. Spelling s and and after q

Cistern, quote, cyclone, circus, citron, cynicism, barber, vaccine, circulate, patient, initials.

Reaction, diction, position, lecture, station, portion, radio, evolution.

Gypsy, chick, tiptoe, chick.

Sestritsyn, swarthy, stubby, pale-faced, Trinity Day.

Cucumbers, fingers, starlings, knitting needles, three girls, a fox hole.

Cyclic, streets, delegation, bird's nest, citrus, shell, chubby, emotions, tits, top hat, chicken, civilization, fighters, figures, daffodil, red-faced, hares, nieces, acacia, compass, schoolgirls, sensation.

2.3. Spelling words with letter z

Jump, marry, only, wide open, unbearable, unbearable, completely.

Take care, weigh, meet, bake, appoint, spread, stay, don't cry, eat, sit down, study.

Wilderness, rook, cottages, roofs, lily of the valley, bream, many puddles, sword, youth, mouse, night, help, rye, experience, silence, above the clouds.

Powerful, like, good.

Woman, powerful, driver, donut, river, glazier, dot, lucky.

Eight hundred, seventy, six hundred.

Eternal, thing, get up, get ready, nine hundred, trembling, shower, prickly hedgehog, tenacious, bricklayer, lie, beam, wash yourself, back, backhand, cut off, crying child, move over, away, fifty thousand, reporting, speech, river, among groves, pen, hide, black ink, get carried away, good luck.

2.4. Spelling of noun endings

Down the alley, large audience, dry on a radiator, a flag on a tower, in all its grandeur, conjure up, in a gallery, visit Guinea, while moving, live in a village, in ancient times, to be in the Arctic, about the villain, trees in hoarfrost, to work in Kazan, at the last lecture, about Lydia, about Maria, an exhibition in the museum, about Natalia, about misfortune, to be in the region, to stop at a crossroads, was at the planetarium, around the square , about help, about the profession, in the desert, to be in thought, to visit Ryazan, rested in a sanatorium, leave on the seat, live in harmony, stand in the distance, about tragedy, about pleasure, sits in despondency, on an interesting excursion, about Yuri .

Many oranges, these Bashkirs, five hectares, two Georgians, five kilograms, six lemons, a bed of tomatoes, go off the rails, a pair of boots, a company of soldiers, these Tajiks, these gypsies.

2.5. Spelling of noun and adjective suffixes

Pencil, pocket, pocket, ladle, grasshopper, leaflet, bag, knife, little man, box.

Zhelanice, building, armchair, oil, coat, letter, dress, gun, village.

Bead, hollow, pea, curiosity, raisin, well, straw, elder, crack.

Apparatchik, peddler, defector, translator.

Freckled, granular, pawled, blistered, patterned.

Avant-garde, climbing, walnut, journalistic, Cossack, Kyrgyz, peasant, fishing, slippery, weaving, tourist, French.

Insinuating, trusting, caring, affable, whimsical, choosy, talkative, confused, accommodating, talkative, evasive, assiduous.

2.6. Spelling n and nn in nouns and non-verbal adjectives

Crimson sunset, drumming, calm weather, insomnia, anemone, windy day, windmill, ham sausage, earthen jug, living room, guest house, humane law, goose feather, a wooden table, an outlandish box, a debatable question, the road is long, a wood warehouse, a warrior, the only friend, crane flock, legal reception, earthen floor, snake venom, birthday boy, artificial, true feelings, stone fence, pocket watch, art gallery, cranberry juice, leather gloves, mosquito squeak, thrift store, hemp oil, chicken broth, swan song, ice cover, elk trail, lion's share, oil slick, Machine translate, instant decision, monotonous melody, courageous act, remarkable abilities, weather-beaten face, lunch break, sheepskin coat, tin soldier, autumn time, donkey stubbornness, sandy beach, cockscomb, writing, fiery speech, wardrobe, breeding stock, nephew, captive, original, genuine art, linen sheet, grocery store, spicy smell, deserted street, bee honey, five-ton truck, reaction mode , rosy cheeks, zealous new theorist, pork pate, silver chain, property, straw hat, countryman, antique, glass tumbler, strange behavior, poplar fluff, ceremonial meeting, traditional event, foggy morning, pumpkin puree, outbuildings, linen shirt, hurricane wind, valuable discovery, numerical superiority, iron stove, woolen blanket, tour desk, young athlete.

2.7. Spelling n and nn in verbal adjectives and participles

Spoiled child, bleached ceiling, abandoned leaf, boiled potatoes, plowed field, task completed, knitted scarf, knitted sweater, welcome meeting, roast duck, dinner party, sketch played many times, sauerkraut, forged chest, stolen watch, painted hair, purchased ticket, lacquered box, broken line, pickled cucumbers, butter pie, apartment furnished, slow pace, a marked spoon, frozen meat, a written letter, a sliced ​​sausage, an unprecedented marvel, an unironed blouse, an unexpected guest, a simple breakfast, an unwritten law, an uninvited intrusion, an unheard-of impudence, an accidental collision, a worn coat, a jacket already worn, a mistake is discovered, an article is published, tour well organised, lights out, floor swept, paper signed, painted fence, polished furniture, worn jacket, book read, tangled footprints, wounded soldier, tattered sleeve, problem solved, risky step, freshly baked pie, freshly frozen vegetables, knit cap, sacred duty, mowed grass, the arbor is broken, constrained movements, a smart little boy, a plucked flower, shot sparrow, cut hair, woven tablecloth, etched wolf, trained athlete, volume up.

2.8. Spelling of vowels in suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives

Struggling, blowing, seeing, howling, embracing, astringent, holding, dozing, breathing, caring, dependent, seeking, guarding, gluing, stabbing, coloring, barking, cherishing, washing, thinking, hating, foaming, shedding, cutting, flying, hearing, creeping, melting, enduring, disturbing, smelling, chirping.

Visible, executable, explored, swayed, violated, hated, streamlined, recommended, solved, heard, cited, fired.

Withstood, endured, dependent, glued, hoping, offended, disgusted, desperate, sensing, repentant, melted, hating.

Cherished, aged, delayed, glued, shot, appointed, finished, hung, overheard, sown, lost, spent, stirred, destroyed, shot, honored, settled, heard.

2.9. Spelling of suffixes and verb endings

They fight, it's cool, they spin, they howl, they'll recover, you'll fly out, we'll get enough sleep, we'll survive, you'll endure, they're chasing, they're dozing, we care, he'll be delayed, you'll seal, we'll close, they're looking, the dog is barking , he grinds, you will be offended, he will shave, he will look, you cut, you will split, you will tell, you will spread, flags will fly, he will dig, he will tie, noise is heard, the snow is melting, we can not wait, he sharpens, we will see, you will hold, he will prick, we will arrange.

To talk, to fight, to educate, to ridicule, to complain, to manage, to wrap up, to explore, to roam, to whistle, to equip, to establish, to debug, to spend the night, to try, to rage, to look at, to develop, to tell, to advise, to demand, to lay down, to seat, to assimilate.

2.10. Spelling of numerals, adverbs and prepositions

Sixty books, one hundred tasks, ninety students, five hundred participants, three hundred employees, one hundred friends, nine hundred rubles, three hundred apartments, two hundred examples, ninety years, seven hundred pages, two hundred viewers, ninety institutes, one hundred books, six hundred residents, in five hundred schools.

During the summer, during the week, due to a fire, unlike the other children, a rock like a cone, to give a task at the end of the lesson, later we often recalled this.

To the right, to the right, to the right, first, to the left, to the left, to the left, completely, darkly, occasionally, to the full, tightly, easily, from the beginning, hastily, askance, again, anew, white, dry, long ago, light.

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Teaching a child to write words without errors is one of the main tasks facing the teacher. primary school. Spelling dictation- one of the most common written exercises, which reveals the grammar and spelling literacy of students. Exactly at primary school spelling skills are formed, on which further depends successful learning child at school, his spelling and speech literacy, his ability to learn native language in writing.

Experience shows that the development of spelling vigilance is possible under the condition of systematic and purposeful work on the formation of the ability to detect spellings. The selection of words I propose for the studied in primary school spelling will help students improve spelling vigilance, develop skills analytical thinking. Teachers will be helped to implement individual approach in training and check the level of formation of spelling vigilance in junior schoolchildren. Spelling dictation. Grade 4 (2 semester)1. They visit, grimy, Zinochka, circles, cordial, ready, cow, Moscow, ice floe, regional, midnight, horse, neat, pre-anniversary, does not regret, starfall, reached, is, chicken, clean.

2. Confuse, daughter, bird, overcoat, run, near birch trees, find, Russia, lights, serf, jumble, fish, juniper, explained, captivity, forest planting, home, spinning, patient, feed.

3. They crack, let go, stove, chic, rain, arena, exercise, Cheboksary, animals, honest, Muscovite, seat, illustration, injection, bask, friendliness, ran, suffer, emotion, water.

4. Help out, bring, night, worldly, pine, breast, bookmark, Chuvashia, break, diamond, key, serious, flakes, correspondent, drove off, didn’t want to, earthquake, in the clearing, you’ll get it, fingers, endure.

5. A thousand, squinted, juicy, honeysuckle, rag, shore, mistake, Sergeevich, lion, late, harness, salt, friends, trolleybus, explained, did not notice, removed, treated, brothers, you dream.

6. Smoky, twist, street, effervescent, mushroom, radish, strong, Indian Ocean, smaller, serious, crumb, Demyan, territory, entry, was not, traveler, from the hut, stay, tits, breathe.

7. Beginning, foreign land, milk, pencils, colored, ice hole, horse, Ivanovna, ash, sad, tractor, Daria, application, departure, did not drink, vegetable grower, closed, remain, fathers, you rejoice.

8. Sorochata, chain mail, Lidochka, in a hurry, marine, mushroom, fragile, Volga, icicle, terrain, speech, courage, millimeter, sarcastic, did not come, russula, behind you, put up, stairs, lay.

9. Cripple, drag, river, fragrant, cleanliness, square, girlfriend, America, ring, in vain, stove, beehives, collection, shooting, does not go out, shrew, gardener, enter, work, circus, you guess.

10. Task, grow, thread, shelf, fig, pulled out, froze, rope, Cow, stem, valiant, lie, sparrows, telegram, eat, do not escape, stranger, in the subway, fight, operation, have lunch.

11. Plot, smelled, boat, spring, pricked, boot, book, Baikal, perch, happy tornado, washing, kilogram, cringed, does not see, spelling, ran in, engaged, cucumbers, shave.

12. On the shoulders, little beetle, sonorous, reeds, lowlands, hike, paper, Petrov, spruce forest, furious, barbel, Ulyana, team, drove up, disliked, hard work, behind the barn, make a mistake, station, pay.

13. Grumble, chirp, flowers, lilies of the valley, troublesome, hawk, boots, Nikolaev street, distant, joyful, trembling, Aksinya, suffix, leftovers, do not win, toothpick, think, swing, compasses, sob.

14. Locust, miracles, mushrooms, man, bakes, baby, blouse, Black Sea, lilac, giant, false, kills, million, overeating, unwell, fast, riddle, lazy, foxes, turn yellow.

15. Square, closet, lucky, giraffe, slide, love, cart, goat Squirrel, crane, cabbage, walrus, dog, commission, voluminous, does not like, stone crusher, ran away, wash, mill, dance.

16. Sentry, spend the night, Olechka, bump, featherbed, sharp, treasure, shoes, Ufa, earrings, stairs, bitterness, swept away, passenger, edible, hates, poultry farming, with a dog, gather, units, you can do it.

17. Farewell, silent, excellent, swifts, dig up, cottage cheese, crawling, Murka cat, bear, starry, key, sons, pool, entrance, I don’t think, cook, run over, want, motorcycle, brighten.

18. Sad, whim, thorn, fluff, frolicked, people, jogging, Rostov, briefcase, heart, thing, drinks, Saturday, unite, did not fall asleep, Old Russian, on a nail, be afraid, birds, offend.

19. Watchmaker, closet, ring, kids, big, pie, flags, Brazil, ice floes, hello, ink, branches, terrace, presented, did not run, plane, pulled off, offended, aviation, dry.

20. From a comrade, a stranger, a swallow, a wild rose, distant, threshold, deftly, Gagarin, chop, mute, owl, oven, yeast, drive up, don’t forget, porcupine, from a birch, climb, hotels, pickle.

21. Cleanse, prowl, herringbone, top, dried up, request, Yesenin, ten, diamond, drawing, game, appetite, clarified, unwell, sunshine, substitute, resound, quote, twirl.

22. Silent, burning, Bug, wide, straighten, bread, beard, Asia, Olga, whistled, trumpeter, links, hockey, announcement, does not require, housewarming, cellar, depart, acacia, hold.

23. Note, grab, sister, guard, treat, Leonid, landing, Africa, hospital, sailing, rich, lazy, classic, furious, perplexed, shrew, fly up, stretch, well done, chop.

24. Pincers, frail, days, stripe, illuminate, beautiful, smile, Morozov, strong, private, help, bad weather, apparatus, disheveled, don’t pass, moon rover, rose, torn, shell, you decide.

25. Frequent, smoked, oncoming, animal, spotted, frost, dove, Lake Seliger, autumn, sun, youth, dress, quarrel, disconnect, don’t be proud, radiant, ran away, profit, gypsies, spend. List of used literature1. Buneev R. N., Buneeva E. V., Pronina O. V. Russian language. Textbook for the 4th grade. M.: Balass, 2012

2. Uzorova O. V., E. A. Nefyodova “5000 control dictations in Russian "M.: AST: Astrel, 008

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