Non-standard actions as a way to develop positive thinking. Non-standard actions (extreme trainings)

...Eleventh grade. We enter the office together. The young doctor says: "Let one sit on the sofa and watch Playboy, and the second one - to me for an examination." We left the office good mood, and the doctor (by the way, an excellent specialist!) was remembered for a lifetime. Anna Perevoznik

Fresh emotions from unusual actions and overcoming oneself and circumstances are the emotions of victory.

Non-standard actions fall into three main categories:

vJust unusual ones that build new neural connections in the brain.

vAssociated with the rejection of something, giving a feeling of lightness.

vPhysically safe non-standard actions, that give the feeling of victory.

AT ordinary life non-standard actions are quite rare (at most, break loose and go somewhere). The mind is a rather lazy thing, it wants stability and a minimum of inclusions, for which it forms standard patterns for many, many actions. Crazy actions make very unusual adjustments to the vividness of the sense of reality.

Goals of performing non-standard actions :
1. Detuning from external control and dependence on assessments from the outside ("oh, what will they think").
2. Self-management in non-standard situations (after I could - it seems that everything is possible and any task is on the shoulder).
3. The study of human psychology in general (it turns out that people themselves are shy when you perform non-standard actions - and you don’t care about them).
4. Workout different roles, including those not peculiar to you (in other words, acting).
5. Improving the mood of yourself and even sometimes those around you (energy is still rushing, checked).

hints andtechniquesecurity:

vIf you are scared, it is better to do non-standard actions in the company first.

vTogether is fun! And it's not so scary...

vYou should not practice non-standard actions, because of which you may have any everyday troubles.

1. Sing songs in public (in the subway, on the street, at a bus stop - in general, where it is usually not customary to sing).

2. Dance (as well as sing - there and then, where and when it is not accepted).

3. Take a pacifier in your mouth and take public transport.

4. Loudly greet everyone you meet.

5 . Dress strange, eccentric, and feel like a queen at the same time.

6. At one in the morning, call the neighbors at the door and congratulate them on "Neighbor's Day".

7. In the subway car, announce stops :) It's funny and everyone is smiling!

8. Dress like a bum and walk around the street like that, wallow in the mud, beg for food or money.

Very strong impressions! Especially when meeting with real homeless people or the police :)

9. Standing in the subway in the transition on one leg - "flying", keeping balance.

10. Take a ruler (roulette) and measure everything that catches your eye in the subway / shops.

11. Approach 5 strangers and ask: “Tell me, what do you think of me now?”

12. Imagine yourself on an airplane and fly with full voice acting, leaning in different directions.

13. Draw hopscotch on the pavement with chalk and jump.

14. Run around in circles waving your arms and yelling "I'moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomore

15. Walks with binoculars and from time to time no into it on those around.

16. Walking down the street, say hello to 20 strangers. With a smile!

1 7. For girls: “Young man. Please tell me a compliment. Thank you, you are very gallant!

1 8. For girls - go to the policeman. "Comrade, policeman! Please check my registration. I had never had it before and I was very afraid. Now there is, but I'm still afraid. Check, please!".

19. Take those 24 packs of condoms and discreetly unfold those them on cartsother buyers.
0 . In the household goods section stiall alarm clocks so that they
called every 5 minutes.

21 . Move the sign “Caution - wet floor! » to the place where the floor
covered with carpet.

22 . Looking at a set of kitchen knives, ask beat the saleswoman: “Where is
Can I buy calming pills?

Main advantage non-standard actions- they allow you to feel the fullness and brightness of life.

In unusual circumstances, our ability to perceive information increases hundreds of times! This is confirmed by Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov in the book “The Fool’s Experience, or the Key to Enlightenment”:

“Get on a bus or any other vehicle that has automatic doors. Go inside and wait. When they begin to close, immediately stick your head out so that your neck is pinched. So you will need to drive a whole stop. Q: Will you ever forget this trip? Not! Because the case is extraordinary, out of the ordinary! And everyone who wanted to help you, their compliments addressed to you for your stupidity, the smell of fumes coming from some of them, every car passing by, in a word, you will remember all the details of the trip clearly and forever.

Heightened perception in non-standard situations helps to develop new skills and abilities, to release hidden reserves person. In a new role, you will know yourself better and you can discover new talents in yourself!

Feel that Life is going on a knurled track, and nothing changes in it? So, there is a reason to commit a non-standard act. Express your feelings violently if you are usually secretive; go camping instead of an annual vacation in a boarding house; take up a new business for yourself; take part in a charity project. And if your act, in addition to thrills, will benefit someone, it is doubly worth doing.

Doing something unusual, you are very clearly aware that the choice of how to act is only yours. And neither public opinion, no circumstances can do it for you. And you automatically take responsibility for dullness and routine in your life. And from here to correcting the situation is within easy reach!

When pushing your limits, freeing yourself great amount positive energy, which can and should be directed to achieve unattainable goals!


We continue the theme of freedom! inner freedom speaker from what others think of him!

    Freedom, which gives the speaker lightness, looseness, naturalness, courage, drive ...

Option number 1. "Psychotherapy"

Come to a psychotherapist and, under his strict guidance, go far into the past, looking for cases when mom / dad / grandmother pasted all sorts of attitudes into the brains like:

    Quiet! Do not be noisy!

    Don't stand out!

    Do not scream!

    Be like everyone else!

Attitudes that now interfere with being a strong, bright speaker. And having worked through these situations, to get rid of the heavy legacy of the past.

    As the saying goes, "it's never too late to have a happy childhood"

It is also useful to work out situations of unsuccessful performances (especially the very first ones).

    When a poem was poorly read in kindergarten and all the children laughed, and the teacher poked her finger contemptuously ...

Brrr… It is better to rewrite, re-live these pages of your life in a different way.

Option number 2. "Unusual Actions"

The famous physicist Lev Landau was very shy and timid in his youth. And in order to overcome this shortcoming, he included in his life what can be called non-standard actions.

Raising his thin shoulders, he walks along the university embankment tall student…. This is Landau. He is terribly timid, awkward, dressed in some kind of gray jacket, which northern capital no one wears it, it seems to him that he is ridiculous. It is necessary to overcome this timidity, to overcome it by any means, to learn to endure even the ridicule of passers-by.

- Would you be kind enough to answer one question? - Lev turns to the self-confident bearded man, who looks like a Nepman.

He stops.

- Why do you wear a beard? Leo continues in the same gracious tone.

Did not help. And the next day he walks along Twenty-fifth October Avenue (as Nevsky was called at that time) with a balloon tied to his hat.

An excerpt from Maya Bessarab's book "Pages of Landau's Life"

What is included in the modern classic list non-standard actions:

    Walking in strange clothes: in summer in winter, turned inside out, for men in women's ...

    Ask strange questions to passers-by. For example, under the guise sociological research, "and you are cheating on your wife / husband" ...

    Make strange requests. For example, asking for a condom. Or give sweets to passers-by (so that they take them).

    Collect charity.

The list is endless. There are a lot of non-standard actions ... And it’s worth choosing exactly those that are the most scary for you to do.

    Keep in mind the law of the zone of proximal development. Gradually increase the difficulty of tasks for yourself. No need to immediately take on a very difficult exercise for you, on which you can overstrain.

If you dial in any search engine phrase "non-standard actions" you can easily find more links to 20-30 similar reports.

Leader and Lead Trainer

"University of Rhetoric and Oratory"

In these classes, participants get the opportunity to see themselves from the outside and orient themselves in own experience communication. Learning takes place on the example of simulation significant situations interactions, in progress role playing, group discussion, psychotechnical exercises.

Number of participants: 10-15 people.

Objectives: to form the need to understand oneself, other people, their relationships; broaden our understanding of the spiritual and psychological culture; promote the development of communication skills; expand the range of practical skills.

Here are two examples from this program.

Topic: "Manipulation in educational process» Purpose: to become aware of your own manipulative actions in the educational process and learn how to defend yourself from them in order to build a full-fledged interaction with children and adolescents in the detachment.


Leading. What qualities do you think a person should have in order to be successful in their field? That's right, professionalism (that is, skill) and a sense of self-confidence. Do not expect from me ready-made recipes, following which you will quickly acquire these qualities. But we will work on important issue, which has direct relationship to professionalism: "Pedagogical manipulation in the educational process."

I propose for free discussion the principles of work in a group:

Sincerity in communication

Compulsory participation in group work at all times,

Each participant speaks for himself on his own behalf,

Do not criticize and recognize the right of everyone to express their opinion.


Participants stand around the table, facing each other. Everyone on the card writes their real name and answers to the questions:

What do I value most in people?

What do I not accept in people?

My the main problem in communication.

Participants hold the card in front of them at chest level. For some time, everyone moves around the room, stopping next to each other.

After that, they sit around the table and exchange impressions.


Leading. Pedagogical communication is an interaction.

Impact is pedagogical manipulation.

Consequences of pedagogical manipulation: pupils either become overly anxious, stiff and insecure, or rebel, show aggression and complete rejection of the school, family, social environment.

What to do? How to overcome formal communication with pupils and change yourself?

Let's take a few steps together in this direction.

Exercise "He-emotion"

Leading. Take cards with the designation of emotions (sadness, surprise, etc.), remember your pupils and pick up a word for one of them. Who is internally similar to this word? The image of which child corresponds to this emotional state? Pick up 5-7 cards in this way.

Discussion. degree of difficulty for each, what gave you this exercise?

Exercise "I-emotion"

Leading. From the available cards, select 3-4 to yourself, which in most correspond to your state, mood, character. Write it down. Then choose cards that reflect the personality of the "ideal" counselor. Write down, compare two columns of recorded states.

No discussion.

Exercise "Frankness vs. Manipulation"

Leading. Situation: the child is at fault. What are you going to do? (Everyone writes the answer on a piece of paper. Having collected the answer sheets, we divide them into two groups: manipulation, communication.)

Discussion. What does the teacher say?

Leading. You need to invite the child and talk to him. On a piece of paper, write down your version of the beginning of the conversation with him.

Discussion. What is the purpose of the conversation? Did you manage to achieve your goal using your option? What kind problem situations can be resolved through a frank conversation?

Exercise "Nickname"

Leading. Almost always, children come up with nicknames for each other. Practice yourself in the art of naming your pupils.

Discussion. What is the difficulty level of this exercise? Can this help to understand the individuality of the child?

Exercise "Drum - Violin"

Leading. Assign each of the pupils of your group either to the group of “violins” or “drums”.

Violins - emotional, sensitive;

drums - stubborn, patient, balanced, slow.

Discussion. Which group would you classify yourself as? How should you communicate with each group?


Generalization of what has been gained. On a piece of paper, each participant of the training writes down his thoughts, opinion about participation in the work done.

Topic: "Independence and freedom" Goals: to help overcome dependence, insecurity, fear; boost self-esteem.

Everyone got up in general circle, calm, quiet music sounds.

Exercise "Spotlight"

Leading. How do people look at each other? Are you afraid of the look? Why? How do you look at other people? Is the gaze an intrusion option or a benevolent interest? And who thinks that he will feel calm and confident in the center of attention of the whole group? Okay, so who's first?

The task of the “subject”: sitting in front of the whole group, calmly and kindly for 1 minute, look from one group member to another, lingering on each as much as it would be interesting to look at his eyes and face.

Keep track of your mental and psychological state and at the same time think about the person you are looking at now: what is he like? Why is his face interesting to me? What do I see in it?

The task of the group is to examine the face of the person who is in the center of attention in complete silence, to feel the dynamics of his psychological state: what feelings and experiences were there at the beginning, a little later?

The first minute passes in complete silence. If at least one person cannot stand it: he giggles, smiles, speaks, then there is a change of pairs in the “carousel” and a new countdown.

Pairs change 3-4 times. At the end, each participant thanks the partner.

Discussion. The facilitator asks questions, the group looks for answers to them:

In what and how is our dependence on the opinions of others manifested? From the opinion of loved ones? From the assessment of people significant to us? How to overcome this dependence in practice? What methods, methods and techniques can you name?

Non-standard behavior training

Perform actions that attract attention, shocking, causing bewilderment, even amazement of those around you on the street.

For example: walk with a pacifier in your mouth, in "strange" clothes: boots, mittens different color; flag or pennant on the chest; loudly, joyfully singing in the street; guy paints his lips bus stop etc. The point is to overcome the barrier that exists here, to allow others to think whatever they want about themselves.

Then discuss the versions of the group members about the state of the person in the spotlight: his sensations, feelings, experiences. Then let the participant himself tell about his condition: when was it difficult and why? Were you able to complete the task?

The task of the leader in the discussion is to reveal the reason for the emerging unusual situation psychological stress: all of us (but in varying degrees) depends on the assessment, the opinions of other people, on what they think of us and “how they look”. This affects even when we do not know whether we are being evaluated positively or negatively, “good” or “bad”. The most affected by this dependence and the most insecure in the situation heightened attention feel people with low, unstable self-esteem.

Method of overcoming: conscious observation of oneself, one’s thoughts, feelings, sensations (the so-called reflection), especially in difficult situations; increasing self-esteem.

Exercise "Carousel"

Leading. It is necessary to break into pairs and organize a “carousel”: two circles, external and internal, facing each other at a distance of about half a meter.

4 minutes to calmly and kindly look at your partner in complete silence. Feel an interest in him... What is he like? Also pay attention to your spiritual movements, thoughts, feelings.

Then, within 10 minutes, you need to come up with and write down options for non-standard actions that are possible for implementation now, in a group. It can also be role-playing tasks (for example, portray someone or something), sing (in the image of a hero), dance (in a certain style), etc.

To complete the task - 30 minutes.

Short discussion of participants' work. What task was the most original, interesting? Who showed himself as the best actor-performer? Was there a barrier? How did you deal with it? Thank each other with applause.

Exercise "Non-standard pass"

Leading. Your task is to walk around the room in a way that no one has walked before you.

Groups sit facing in a circle, one person from each team gets up in turn, passes inside the circle and returns to their place. The originality of the passage is confirmed by the applause of the groups (30 minutes).

Short discussion. What task was the most original, interesting? Who showed himself as the best actor-performer? Was there a barrier? How did the participant cope with it?

Fighting game "Horde Raid on the Outcasts"

The task of the detached is to plunge into oneself, to renounce any external influences. You need to freeze, mentally “freeze”.

The task of the horde is to “unfreeze” the participant, to evoke any emotional reaction in him.

Game time: 1-2 minutes. Discussion.

The fact that non-standard actions help self-development, I think, is far from news for the habra community and especially for readers of the GTD blog. In the topic, the topic is revealed somewhat more fully, plus there are examples of what should be done in order to feel good and work easily with a fresh mind and sharp attention.

To work well, it is important to be a winner(which is regularly mentioned in various Success Stories and books on motivation). Each victory is a proof of one's own strength, a fixation for further success, an improvement in mood and condition. Also, building new neural connections and lots and lots of development.

Roughly speaking, it works like this: when you win, the brain starts the stimulation processes, fixing the tendency to success at a low level.

There is also the so-called "frontier factor": businessmen who have ever taken serious risks and won in their lives usually achieve more than those who always choose complete safety (research and methodology are described in the book "Good to Great").

Fresh emotions from unusual actions and overcoming oneself and circumstances are the emotions of victory. Unconventional behavior training is a thing that helps you feel the risk, do unusual things and get a bonus in the form of a sharp increase in productivity.

Non-standard actions fall into three main categories:
- Just unusual ones that build new neural connections in the brain.
- Associated with the rejection of something, giving a feeling of lightness.
- Physically safe, but risky, which gives a feeling of victory.

The most interesting, of course, are the third, but first we will analyze the first two types.

So, just unusual actions

Example: try to work with the mouse with your left hand for half an hour if you are right-handed. Pretty soon, "Expo rolls" in the form of a charge of vivacity. When in a couple of days you get better at controlling the mouse In a similar way, the energizing effect will disappear: the act will become habitual and you will get a new standard skill

Methodology: choose standard actions and do them differently. Tie your shoelaces with your left hand, rearrange icons on your desktop, carry your phone in another pocket. The task is, if possible, to disable template reactions that are launched on everything already habitual actions. In Eastern Zen practice, for example, there is an exercise where the student asks the teacher for permission for every action, even for just wanting to scratch. The goal is to catch any patterns and come to the awareness of each action.

Profit: a feeling of cheerfulness, positive reinforcement during mastering tricky thing, the potential development of neural connections, a decrease in downtime (including one that leads to salty coffee, because the code, and the salt shaker was closer than the sugar bowl).

Change of pace

One of the most interesting classes of this type of action is the change in the pace of perception. Try to eat your favorite dish exactly one hour (you won't believe how much flavor you'll discover then), respond to IM half as often, walk as slowly as possible. At Eastern peoples By the way, even at school there are lessons in contemplation, when students just look at some object for hours, it's something like that. Just try it, it's incredibly exciting and unexpectedly difficult: as practice has shown, not everyone on Habré can withstand 2 minutes of inactivity.


This is when we remove something very familiar and routine from our lives. Examples - cleaning the desktop (remember what a relief it gives), switching to new job(more precisely, the gap between the old and the new), completion big project when nothing else "presses". The principle here is also simple: a lot of things take away some of the brain's resources in the background. Unloading leads to the fact that we stop worrying.

Remember what happens if you accidentally kill a screw and screw up backup. First, the shock of the loss ... and then the unreal relief of the fact that you no longer need to disassemble the folders "Disassemble", "Any" and "New Folder", you do not need to store a 40-gig archive of photos and so on. I think the situation is familiar to many. The more there was, the more anxiety there was.

Physically safe but risky actions

And this is a classic of many psychological training. The in-house psychologist once made us do the craziest things as part of the out-of-the-ordinary behavior training. We had to greet everyone we met, take pictures of all pedestrians (politely asking and getting permission), go to different companies with guards at the door (like damn salesman spammers), proudly wear a brick with a red bow on outstretched arms through the center of the city, have picnics on the pavement and generally do a lot of things that are normal notorious person will not do. I must say that the acquired skills were very useful in life, in particular, for me personally - at the negotiations.

Modern salespeople, by the way, train by selling an ordinary match to passers-by for 300-500 rubles, distributing free flyers in the metro for a ruble apiece, and other tricks.

Everything that challenges our complexes, ideas about the prevailing reality and the standard way of life - all this served as a wild source of buzz from defeating ourselves and circumstances at such trainings.

Let's get back to reality

In ordinary life, not within the framework of crazy training or any course of study, non-standard actions are quite a rarity (at most, break loose and go somewhere). The mind is a rather lazy thing, it wants stability and a minimum of inclusions, for which it forms standard patterns for many, many actions. Crazy actions make very unusual adjustments to the vividness of the sense of reality.

Let's play in the training of non-standard actions?

Here are examples of moderately insane tasks: delete all RSS subscriptions, try to read books upside down all day, go to the zoo, write a letter to someone on paper (damn attractive), suddenly give your beloved a bouquet (“And when you gave flowers - two months ago?"), rearrange the room and, oh yes, change the standard passwords and finally learn new ones.

Let's play?

How about coming up with a moderately crazy act (which can still be done in reality without much physical consequences) and unsubscribe it in the comments? I suppose in this case it will be possible to simply go over the comments and choose your “act of the day” to increase productivity.

P.S. Moved to corporate to show