Write that I will not go to a corporate party. Is it necessary to go to corporate parties? This is your own business.

A month before the main holiday of the year, a magical mood hovers at work, office enthusiasts decorate offices, and personnel department employees think where to lead a crowd of colleagues to a New Year's corporate party. For the company, this is a kind of watershed, an occasion to take stock, and for employees to relax and spend time in a relaxed atmosphere.

Corporate parties in Russia over the past few decades have expanded in format. Banal banquets with an evening disco are often replaced by trips to nature or a recreation center, quests, bowling trips or cultural events. Be that as it may, such festive events become a test of loyalty, and sometimes strength.

Is going to a corporate event worth it? Yes, definitely. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or have been working for a long time, visiting the New Year’s holiday will count as a plus for you. Even if the program is predictable or repetitive, do not miss the chance to show your respect for your superiors and involvement in the life of the company, otherwise you will be considered an outcast or incapable of surviving in a team outside of the work process.

So, you are going to a party with colleagues. Tune in: this is not a gathering with friends and not an opportunity to finally tell Lyudochka from personnel management or Yurochka from the sales department about your feelings. You need to perceive a corporate party as work, combined with pleasant bonuses in the form of a set table and entertainment. All evening you will be in sight, and the most best strategy at such events - do not give a reason to talk about yourself after the holidays.

The first thing to consider is your image. Dress appropriately for the theme of the event. As a rule, it is reported 2-3 weeks before the event, so prepare carefully. Consider specifics. A trip to the ski base or a chic banquet in the spirit of Bond will dictate what to bring with you: woolen socks or red lipstick. Do not experiment on yourself, leave the ambition to be the brightest for everyone new year's eve in the circle of loved ones. At a corporate party, it is better not to attract too much attention to yourself. This is especially true for lovely ladies. Candid outfits, cutouts in the neckline or legs, ultra-short dresses and skirts should be put aside so as not to cause an ambiguous reaction from male colleagues and not become a reason for gossip among women.

In general, Bond was not mentioned by chance: the corporate party really looks like a classic spy party. The team is divided into two categories - "holidays" and "spies". The former came to have fun and forget about everything, while the latter collect information about the former throughout the evening in order to enthusiastically discuss their adventures and laugh at unsuccessful photos on Instagram (which, most likely, they will post themselves). So be prepared to act like you're under the gun of a spy camera.

First of all, it concerns feasts. At such holidays, alcohol flows like water, and it is important to control yourself. Calculate your strength and do not consider it your duty to drink a pile with each colleague. Don't skimp on snacks or cut out alcohol altogether, covering yourself with one glass of champagne to clink glasses with. the right people. Stay a professional in your field, not a liter-ball champion.

At the table, try to eat at least something that everyone else eats, even if you are on a strict diet or just do not want to eat. Bringing a protein shaker with you or a container of steamed asparagus will cut you off from the crowd, even for something as small as a gala dinner. If you still do not want to touch mayonnaise salads and boiled pork, refer to poor health, this is perhaps the only way not cause unnecessary questions or comments from colleagues about excessive love for your body.

Communicate at a corporate party you need to common topics, without delving into either the work or the personal. Stay away from gossip, discussions of outfits and the behavior of others, because your words can be "pencilled". The same applies to the details of your privacy. Choose any abstract topic - travel, pets, memories of hometown or music. In general, something that is easy to talk about for each of us.

Work talk should also be kept to a minimum. Do not dare to solve important work issues in the midst of a feast or disco, especially if they relate to your position and salary. This move may be perceived as an attempt to take advantage of a situation where the authorities are in a good mood. It might work or it might play with you bad joke. The chef needs to pay attention, thank him for the holiday, express gratitude for the fruitful work this year, invite him to a slow dance, but no more.

Dancing, by the way, is also a kind of test of employees for strength in an informal setting. Do not refuse to go to the dance floor at least once, not for long. The main thing is not to overdo it. Even if you are sure that you are ready to make a triple wheel in the spirit of Gazmanov or turn on the crowd with strip plastic, it is better to give up this idea. Let's start with the fact that you can get injured, and end with the fact that when drunk, we seem graceful only to ourselves.

A corporate event is, first of all, an opportunity to get to know your work team better, to set goals for coming year. Therefore, treat this holiday with respect and responsibility in order to show yourself with better side and strengthen good relations with those who work with you.

New Year's corporate party is a traditional event that takes place in almost every company. The difference lies only in its scope, format, team cohesion and the desire of employees to take part in it. For managers, holding a New Year's corporate party is a way to reward their employees for a good job, sum up the results, and emphasize the success of the company. For employees, this is an occasion to relieve the tension that has accumulated throughout the working year, to have fun with like-minded people. On the one hand, communication in a non-working environment brings together, helps to look at your colleagues from a different angle, on the other hand, it is not always pleasant, for example, to see employees in a not quite sober state. So, what about the upcoming New Year's corporate party?

If a objective reasons do not go to the corporate no, you need to go.

To show your respect for management, to get to know your colleagues better and better, to prove yourself as interesting personality. For new employees, this is an occasion to get to know everyone, to establish contacts. Think of it as an enjoyable part of your day job. If there were people in the team who bothered to organize the event, find the strength in yourself to attend it.

If the reasons are subjective-objective ...

For example, you have a jealous husband, Small child, a lonely cat, or 18 hungry relatives at home, and the event takes place far in the mountains, and will last a week. Warn in advance that you do not have the opportunity to take part in the holiday, be sincerely sad, wipe tears of chagrin from your eyes, wish everyone to have fun, send personalized postcards to your colleagues at least by e-mail.

material reasons...

This is when a corporate event is celebrated by employees, in whole or in part, and this is an additional, not always acceptable, expense. Especially unpleasant if there is no money. In this case, there are two options for getting out of the situation. If you feel good and comfortable in the team, lend money and go to the event. It is not a fact that the people who gathered at the New Year's table this year will gather in the same composition next year. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to celebrate the holiday with them. In a situation where colleagues are not friends for you, or even people who are completely unpleasant for you, tactfully refuse. If at work, for some reason, they don’t understand the refusal and continue to insist on your presence, know that you can always “suddenly get sick”, “go to another city to visit your great aunt”, “flood the neighbors”. It is a pity that “on this very day” this can happen and “just with you”.

In any case, whether you go to a corporate party or not, do not forget to congratulate the boss. Prepare a collective gift and thank you personally for the organized holiday. Believe me, for every person, no matter what position he occupies, attention and recognition from colleagues and subordinates is important.

How were your corporate events? We are waiting for your interesting stories in the comments below this article!

I get asked this question every time the New Year holidays are approaching. If you approach it from the point of view of building a career, the answer is unequivocal: “Of course, yes!” And even if you hate parties, don't like to wear a suit and tie, don't want to see your colleagues, you don't like dancing, food, drinks, large crowds, confined spaces, or some other reason to miss this event, I'm all I will still say: "Go." Go ahead and use this opportunity to climb the corporate ladder. The time and effort spent will be more than paid off if you use our tips:

1. Rate guests. Find out which one important people will attend the event. If you are not going alone, the same applies to your companion. Her behavior will reflect directly on you, either positively or negatively. Inform your companion in advance about the state of your affairs. If conversations about work begin (and they will), it will be easier for her to keep the conversation going.

2. Come early. Chat with the event organizer. Thank him for the invitation. He spent his time and money on this, so showing gratitude is an elementary courtesy. When the rest of the invitees gather, you can quietly leave. Nobody will be offended.

3. Be on the lookout. Choose a place where you can see everyone in the audience, and they can see you. What's the point of standing in the corner with your co-workers when you're already spending all your time with them? working time. If you don't want to offend them, you can simply move between groups of people. And do not think that the boss or HR manager is not watching what is happening.

4. Make a good impression. The first impression is the most important. The components of success are self-confidence, self-control and positive emotions. Take the opportunity to promote your new ideas, but in a way that doesn't come across as bragging or trying to impress. Don't forget to bring Business Cards. You want to be called after the party.

5. Don't be selfish . Anyone can feel out of place, regardless of their position or experience. Don't monopolize the conversation, let others have their say. Ask open questions try to involve everyone in the conversation. Read the local news so you have general topics of conversation (other than work). Remember, people are drawn to those with whom they are more comfortable, and appreciate the one who listens to their opinion.

A few days after the party, executives and HR managers will definitely discuss the past celebratory event. And if you draw attention to yourself as a person who looks and acts like a promising employee, this will undoubtedly benefit your career.

How about in your company? Planning a New Year's corporate party?

P.S. Alcohol at a corporate party is a very dangerous thing. Drinking too much is a 100% way to attract attention, but rest assured, career growth this attention will not help.

Based on materials

6 chose

A corporate event is an ambiguous one. On the one hand, it seems like a holiday. On the other hand, its participants are subject to so many rules and conditions (don’t wear shorts, don’t drink a lot, don’t talk about work, don’t flirt with superiors) that many would gladly exchange it for a quiet evening at home. If you are one of them, let's think about whether it is worth going to a corporate party, or is it better to skip it.

How creepy stories starts with words "We had a corporate party..." I have seen many times how some employees, having relaxed too much on a working holiday, behaved inappropriately: threw tantrums, expressed to superiors and colleagues what was not worth saying, got involved in office romances. And although in my memory no one was fired after a corporate party, these are the cases when long years be ashamed of one wasted evening. At one of my jobs, an unfortunate girl who had the imprudence to burst into tears at a corporate party with complaints about her life was discussed by employees for another six months.

In principle, it is clear that the main characters of such stories are to blame themselves. If you control yourself and observe good corporate rules, the holiday will pass with dignity and without consequences. Most often. Although there are exceptions.

“I hate corporate parties! Not only is this an evening crossed out of my life. Not only did I absolutely not want to see how my colleagues get drunk, in this state they dance and take pictures of each other on Cell phones. This whole story also ended with the fact that the next few days after the corporate party, half of the office “got sick”, and I and several other non-drinking colleagues had to do all the work for them!” – one of my friends complained. So, as you can see, sometimes not only correct behavior, but even a corporate pass will not protect against possible unpleasant consequences holiday.

Don't go

If you sincerely do not like corporate parties, do not want to mix work and leisure and generally see your colleagues after hours, then in some cases you can skip the holiday. Notice how it's done. If it's just a booze buffet with minimal entertainment program, if the authorities do not take part in it and generally try not to catch the eye of the celebrating employees, then such a holiday can be safely missed. Most likely, the authorities did not suit him because they believe in magic power corporate organizations in the matter of increasing work motivation, but simply because it is customary. It is as much a liability for management as it is for you. So the absence of some employees will not hurt anyone there.

But, in any case, it would be nice to make sure. Well, if there is an opportunity to explain the absence at the corporate party production necessity- for example, mandatory duty in the office. Then, in the eyes of your superiors, you will not be a "truant" of a corporate event, but a hero who puts the public above the personal.


Another story, if the management invests in corporate not only money, but also the soul. When they try to make the holiday active, involving all employees in recreational activities. When during the holiday the authorities themselves "go to the people", using it as an opportunity for informal communication with subordinates. Such corporate parties are designed to support team spirit and increase the motivation of employees. Accordingly, skipping a holiday without good reason may be perceived as disloyalty to the company. Of course, this is unlikely to directly affect your career, but an unpleasant aftertaste may remain.

So in such cases it is better to go to a corporate party. In addition, at the holiday you will have the opportunity to take a closer look at your colleagues. Perhaps, in vain you do not want to communicate with them - in an informal setting, it may turn out that among them there are people who are interesting and close in spirit to you. And if you miss a holiday, you will fall out even more public life, because with a high probability the next few months, colleagues will discuss it.

Do you like corporate events? Or is it boring for you? How do they work in your company? Are you planning to go this year? Tell your stories.

With the onset of winter, stores begin to appear discharged Christmas balls and decorated with colorful garlands Christmas trees, here and there, talk about carnival costumes for children in Kindergarten and school, and already in some places they start talking about New Year's corporate parties.

And it is right! The sooner you start preparing for the New Year's corporate party, the more interesting it will be. For everybody labor collectivecelebrate New Year's corporate is task number one. And it does not depend on whether the team is small or large. Summing up the results of the year, putting an end to it, rallying employees, distracting from work, entertaining and even testing for strength - this is just not most of tasks facing the leader. But, unfortunately, not everyone and not always support the idea of ​​holding a corporate party, even a New Year's one. When the same people work in the same team for several years and even decades, they are no longer so interested in such events. Or it happens that the team is full of workaholics and family people. How to be a leader in this case?

The leader is the leader, to know all his subordinates, not only in person and according to their work characteristics. In any collective there is an initiative group (or activist). It usually shows up right away. It is through him that you can convey some ideas to the whole team. Including the fact that a holiday is planned. Naturally, on general meeting It also needs to be said and discussed. But a little ahead of time, it is better to warn employees about such a conversation so that they come there already with their ideas.

If the team is very large (from two hundred people), then it is best to entrust such an important event holiday agency. It, among other things, is also engaged in corporate parties, preparation and distribution of invitation cards. In a large team, there are usually not so many people who refused the event - no more than ten percent. But what if the team is small, ten to twenty people?

Sometimes "decadent" and "pessimistic" moods capture everyone in turn. And employees begin to name the reasons why they want not to go to a corporate party. There are many reasons - “no money”, “everyone is tired at work, even at corporate parties to look at them”, “I don’t drink”, “husband (wife) don’t want me to go”, “no one to leave the child with”, “I have no mood”, “reluctance”, “I’d rather rest at home”…

In this case, it is very important to introduce intrigue in the preparation of the future holiday. You can come up with a holiday that has not yet been in the team. Of course, given the composition of the workers. It is very important. You can take people out of the city, renting houses with a bathhouse, snow fun, you can hold a corporate party for all families of employees, including children. Very interesting in this case, the appearance fairy tale characters(Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga). It would be even better if the roles of these characters are played by the workers themselves. But let it be a surprise for others.

Or, on the contrary, you can arrange a "beach" party by renting a pool, sauna or water park (if possible, of course). There can be a lot of ideas for holding a corporate party. Holiday agencies will also offer a lot of interesting things. But this will cost extra.

It is very important to set a corporate day for workers. In this case, many are afraid to skip. In addition, announce that the celebration will announce the best workers, annual bonuses, gifts and the like were handed out. In this case "merge" with the corporate party not many want.

In no case do not force employees to go to a corporate party and donate money for it . This is their personal business and their budget. The main thing is to interest people so that they have a desire not only to go to the holiday, but also to take part in it. Sometimes preparation for New Year's holiday even more interesting than the holiday itself. And after the corporate party, you can arrange a fun slide show.

Of course, most of the corporate party depends on how much money is spent on it. And not every event is ready to pay the management in full. But I think that any leader has some kind of reserve for such events. Sometimes you can invite the team to invest small funds for holiday table, and the cost of the entertainment part to take over. And do not be stingy with small memorable gifts for employees, such attention is very nice. And it is even more pleasant if such gifts are individual, with personal cards, and not the same for everyone.

To go or not to go to a corporate party, a personal matter of each employee. But if you first intrigue the employees, make an interesting announcement of the holiday, announce the presentation of annual bonuses and gifts, invite the families of employees to the holiday, in this case, a rare workaholic will not agree to take part in it and will not find a reason not to go to the corporate party. Now it's up to you - to fulfill all your promises and justify the hopes of the team for a fun holiday.