Green cars road patrol. Meet the Highway Patrol

(CODD) created a new service - " Highway Patrol". Its specialists check the road infrastructure and help drivers in an accident.

“This is a logical continuation of all the activities of the TsODD, the Department of Transport in order to improve the situation on the roads and help both our internal services, as well as people. The Highway Patrol service does not in any way replace the traffic police, it has several responsibilities. In particular, it monitors the state of road transport infrastructure that affects safety. These are signs, road markings, road bumps, traffic lights,” said Vadim Yuryev, head of the Traffic Management Center (TsODD).

Inspectors also work as technical assistance on the road. They are ready to start a broken car, change a punctured tire, tow the car to the nearest gas station. In case of an accident that falls under the European Protocol, the employees will explain the rights and obligations to motorists and help to draw up the necessary documents.

The work of the Highway Patrol service is managed and coordinated from the situational center of the TsODD. “Center operators send patrol crews to where they are needed most. Now there is a pilot operation. Routes change, patrols are all over Moscow, but in about a week the crews go around the whole city. Mostly within the Moscow Ring Road,” added Vadim Yuryev.

Now five patrols are moving around the city, in which 17 employees are on duty. They operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is planned that the Highway Patrol will be actively used during major sporting events, where it is necessary to manage numerous public and private transport flows.

By mid-2018, the service is planned to be expanded to 30 crews to cover the entire territory of Moscow.

The road patrol appeared in Moscow last summer. And its main goal (one might say sacred) is to increase the capacity of roads. So that cars stand in traffic jams as little as possible and drive as much as possible. But how to do it?

First of all, make sure that there are no obstacles on the roadway. For example, a foreign car has stalled at an intersection and cannot start in any way. The blond girl runs around the car like a mother hen, batting her eyes and can't do anything. And then a green jeep rolls up from around the corner, catches a stuck foreign car with a cable and drags it to a service station. Well, or at least to the island of safety, where you can stand and not bother anyone. Or there was an accident. Two inexperienced drivers stare in horror at the scratches on their cars and argue over who is to blame. And this is instead of issuing a European protocol quickly and dispersing without any police. In this case, the highway patrol also helps. They have a whole bunch of these European protocols. Enough for everyone. Even capital drivers often run out of gas right in the middle of the road. Especially the taxi drivers. And they also have to be pulled off the roadway so as not to interfere with other motorists.

In addition, road patrol crews monitor the condition of signs, traffic lights and asphalt on the roadway. They cut through the capital's routes around the clock.


I sit in the back seat of a Volkswagen Amarok Jeep and look around. Ahead - Patrolmen of the Traffic Management Center Dmitry Kovalenko and Vladislav Rodin. Large guys over 180 tall. Both served in the army. They say that having reseeded to an SUV, they breathed freely. Because there is much more space inside the pickup truck than in the Solaris they drove before.

We are driving along the Third Transport Ring near the Rizhskaya metro station. And suddenly we see a white Opel standing in the middle of the road. Flashing alarm. The driver sits inside. We stop for a foreign car. Set up traffic cones. And we come to the "Opel". And there is a classic picture. Two girls are sitting and do not know how to proceed. Vera (the driver) said that white smoke suddenly poured out of her car. And the car itself began to sneeze and cough.

I was yesterday in a car service, - she said. - And they told me there that ... But, look ...

The girl took out the document and read in one breath:

The membrane of the crankcase gas recirculation valve has failed. But I was promised that I would drive with such a membrane for two weeks. Have you been deceived?

I must say that in such a situation, not only a woman, but also a man can be confused. Imagine. The car, enveloped in acrid smoke, twitches like a paraplegic and refuses to go. Cars rush past with a whistle. It's not somewhere in the yard or on Pyatnitskaya. This is TTC.

Dmitry Kovalenko took out a cable from the trunk and hooked the Opel to a green SUV (a pickup truck, by the way, is very powerful - during recent snowfalls, he calmly pulled trucks out of the snowdrifts on the Moscow Ring Road). Vladislav Rodin stopped the traffic so that the "Amarok" of the road patrol dragged the broken car to the safety island. Faith from excitement even forgot how to turn on the neutral speed. But she did it. And after a few minutes she thanked the patrolmen. Like, on the roadway it was scary to even open the door, let alone go out. Then she called the car service and called a specialist. And we went further.


Our task is to clear the road, - Dmitry and Vladislav say. - If there was a service station nearby, we would have dragged it. And so we usually tow to the side of the road. The situations are always different. Once our colleague was driving along the Third Ring Road and saw a man near the bump stop. It is not clear how he got there. But he was drunk and was about to cross the road. I had to stop the cars and, like a grandmother at a crossroads, lead him to safe place. And that would have landed under the wheels.

Another time we were driving in the area Kutuzovsky prospect and noticed a taxi car on the right lane. Without any signs of life. Come up. And there, a driver from sunny Uzbekistan chatters his teeth from the cold and sleeps. The car broke down, and he was in Moscow for almost the first day. Just left for work. He doesn't know where to call. Well, he fell asleep. And, most importantly, the frost was twenty degrees. His Skoda was covered with frost and inside began to resemble a freezer.

It is clear that saying “if only yes if only” is not serious, the guys say. - But in this weather, you can freeze very quickly.

A similar situation was on the Shchelkovo highway, where the driver of the municipal bus got stuck in the middle lane, left without diesel fuel. While he was waiting for his “friends”, he got into the car of the road patrol several times so as not to die (the engine does not work without fuel and, accordingly, the stove too).

In the meantime, we ended up on Novoslobodskaya Street (near the 62nd house). The passenger car Mazda and the cargo Mercedes did not part there. The damage is very minor (two scratches each), and therefore the issue was resolved peacefully. The Mercedes driver took out 500 rubles and handed it to the Mazda driver. He shrugged his shoulders, but took the money anyway. Both came to conquer the capital from the southern Russian republics. They refused to draw up a European protocol (it is drawn up for damage not exceeding 50 thousand rubles).

According to patrol officers, most accidents are caused by taxi drivers who work 20 hours a day, other visiting drivers, women driving (nothing personal!) and Gazelle cars (they constantly break down and stall). A good half of motorists do not have any tools in the trunk, which is why they stand on the roadway even with minor breakdowns.

During the shift, we traveled up and down the square - from the Third Ring Road to the Moscow Ring Road and from Dmitrovsky to Schelkovo highway. They towed several cars. Issued a couple of European protocols. It is compiled in 20 minutes. Indeed, convenient. On his letterhead, a diagram of an accident is drawn, which indicates who and where was moving. The injured person receives the original protocol, and the perpetrator of the accident receives a copy. Then the drivers turn to their Insurance companies. And the company of the perpetrator compensates the damage to the company of the victim.

For one duty, the crew of the road patrol winds up to 300 km.


The road patrol assisted almost 6,000 drivers in six months, - Anastasia Pisar, press secretary of the Center for Traffic Management, told KP. - Also during this time, patrolmen helped a faulty car and freight transport(2,225), drivers in case of an accident (2,062), issued 633 Euro protocols, 829 faulty cars were towed. The duty shift of the situational center of the data center monitors the traffic situation in real time with the help of a video analytics system. So, when fixing an accident, which negatively affects bandwidth road, the shift on duty informs the crew of the road patrol about it.


Can I call the Highway Patrol by phone?

No. Initially, the service was created in order for the crews to patrol the streets in a free mode. Employees of the situational center inform patrolmen about road accidents and stuck cars.

How many cars does the Highway Patrol have?

When the service was created, there were 5. Now there are 10 (and 40 patrolmen). By the end of 2018 there will be 40 cars.

What are the duties of a Highway Patrol?

Street patrol

Identification of broken road signs and traffic lights

Assistance in case of an accident (registration of a European protocol, first aid)

Towing broken cars, as well as cars that have run out of gas

Traffic control in case of large traffic jams

Assistance to drivers in case of minor breakdowns

What routes do patrols take?

Routes change every day. They cover all city districts of the capital. Most often, green cars can be found on the largest and busiest highways - the Third Ring Road, Moscow Ring Road, Garden Ring, Volgograd Avenue, Enthusiasts Highway, Profsoyuznaya Street and so on.

MOSCOW, June 17 - RIA Gebboo, Sergey Belousov. In May, green cars of the Center for Traffic Management (TsODD) with the words "Road Patrol" appeared on the roads of Moscow. Many motorists began to confuse them with cars that fix parking violations, some take them for traffic police officers, but most do not even know who they are and why they are needed. RIA correspondent Gebboo spent one day as part of a road patrol crew and found out exactly what the service recently created by the capital's government is doing.


Oleg and Ramil meet me at the parking lot of the main office of the TsODD - two "old-timers" of the center, who were recently appointed to the crew of the road patrol. Both are wearing dark-colored uniforms and caps with checkers over the visors. The headgear strongly resembles the design of British police caps. Both of them are employees of the "Road Patrol TsODD" - a service that should provide motorists with assistance on the roads in case of traffic accidents, car breakdowns, traffic difficulties, emergencies and other troubles.

A traffic officer of the TsODD during a patrol in Moscow

“Our crew patrols the Garden Ring, other vehicles go to the Third Transport Ring (TTK) and adjacent streets. Basically, we work within Treshka,” Ramil admits. “Our project is considered a pilot one, so only five crews are working so far. If the project is recognized as successful, the staff will be expanded to 30 vehicles, and then we will cover the whole of Moscow.”

Oleg - former driver with many years of experience, Ramil has two higher education- legal and economic - and experience driving a traffic police car, which detects parking violations, and on a "giraffe" - a mobile complex for fixing violations. Before starting work in the Highway Patrol, both received special training.

Employees of the road service of the TsODD during patrol in Moscow.

“While we are working only in daytime days, shifts last from seven to 16 hours and from 14 to 22 hours. And so - five days a week. On weekends, the road patrol does not yet function, ”they say.

In the interior of their company car, two DVRs hang, which film everything that happens in front and behind. Backpacks with many pockets hang on the backs of the front seats. They contain a flashlight, a penknife and other tools that may be needed on the road, as well as two striped batons, just like traffic cops.

The car of the road service TsODD during patrol in Moscow

“Sometimes the central office gives us a tip if they see on the cameras that an accident has occurred somewhere. We're leaving immediately. Today, just two cars collided on the Nizhny Novgorod highway, but we didn’t have time to get there, before us, a traffic police squad arrived at the accident site, ”the patrolmen say.

The car of the road service TsODD during patrol in Moscow

The car of the road service TsODD during patrol in Moscow

In the trunk of a patrol car are two large fire extinguishers, a box with a set of keys, cones with orange and white stripes, a cigarette lighter to start the engine, a large jack, like in car services. All this equipment, like Chekhov's gun, someday "shoots".

“If we run out of gas, we can drag it on a cable to the nearest gas station, if, of course, the towed car has the technical capability: the eyes are there, and so on. If you need to drag a truck, then we stop another truck and ask for help - we have a special reinforced cable for heavy vehicles, - the traffic patrol officers explain. - It was given to us by the management after one case when we could not stop a truck for a long time in order to ask to tow another one that had stalled on the roadway truck. We also make sure that various repair teams work on the roads according to the rules, we monitor the safety of workers.”


We leave the office of the TsODD in 2nd Lesnoy Lane and move towards the Third Ring Road along Butyrskaya Street. It makes no sense to go to the Garden Ring - the usual route of Oleg and Ramil, there is now a large-scale reconstruction, therefore, except for road equipment, we will not be able to help anyone.

The work of the crew of the road patrol TsODD

“The day before yesterday, for example, we had a quiet day. We didn’t encounter a single accident,” says Ramil. - But yesterday we turn towards the base, and right before our eyes an accident occurs: one driver stopped to let pedestrians pass at the crossing, and the second was distracted by a mobile phone. It was still raining, the asphalt was wet, and hard braking did not help. By the way, a lot of these minor accidents happen precisely because of mobile phones.”

Although the patrol car is equipped with an orange flashing beacon, but break the rules, drive in dedicated lanes for public transport she can't. For each violation that the camera captures, employees write explanatory notes. Since the fines come to the TsODD, it is easy to cancel them.

The work of the crew of the road patrol TsODD

The work of the crew of the road patrol TsODD

“The other day, I blocked off an open sewer manhole in the middle row with a car and cones on Suschevsky Val, where a car could drive a wheel or a motorcyclist could fall,” continues Ramil. - I stood and waited for special services that were supposed to fix the problem. The drivers were ambiguous: who honked, who could swear obscenities. But what can you do, safety is above all.”

We are just driving along Sushchevsky Val and see how cars go around an accident of four cars. The picture is as follows: Chevrolet, Volvo and Skoda taxis yellow color stopped one after another at the tail of the traffic jam, and Hyundai flew into them from behind, because of which all four cars “kissed”. We drive up behind, turn on the flasher. Oleg puts out cones, Ramil goes to the participants in the accident to find out if there are any victims and if anyone needs medical help.

Employees of the road service of the TsODD during patrols in Moscow

Employees of the road service of the TsODD during patrols in Moscow

“We help to file an accident if the amount of damage is less than 50 thousand rubles, if no more than two cars collided, there were no victims, and both participants agree on who is right and who is to blame,” the patrol officers say. - In general, the conditions of the "Europrotocol" must be observed. We help drivers to photograph the scene of the accident, correctly fill out notices of accidents. If you need a traffic police outfit, then before it arrives, we cover the scene: not everyone, for example, has emergency stop signs. We also contact the traffic police battalion responsible for this section - this way the traffic cops arrive at the place faster. We will definitely report all our actions to our Situation Center.”

Fortunately, no one was injured in this accident, but the “European protocol” is powerless here - there are too many participating cars. Ramil calls the traffic police. Surprisingly, none of the drivers has yet even dialed 112 on the phone. Literally five minutes later, a traffic police car arrives, followed by an ambulance. Despite the presence of an inspector, Ramil and Oleg do not leave the scene - after sending photos and messages via a tablet connected to the Internet, they are waiting for a signal from the Situation Center of the TsODD. At this time, a taxi driver comes up to us and complains that the car has just entered the park and has traveled only 50 thousand kilometers. Another driver - judging by the accent, from southern regions- the caps of Oleg and Ramil were very interested: "Guys, I'll tell you - I want the same hat for myself." Having received permission from the TsODD, we are leaving.

“Sometimes they confuse us with “parkons” (TsODD cars that detect parking violations. - Ed.), - road patrolmen smile. - We drive up to somewhere where there are a lot of illegally parked cars, we start photographing a rickety sign, and drivers rush to close their numbers, quickly leave the place of illegal parking. They think that they "hit" a fine.

A traffic officer of the TsODD during a patrol in Moscow

A traffic officer of the TsODD during a patrol in Moscow

We turn off the TTK onto Sharikopodshipnikovskaya. Immediately after the traffic lights we pass a pedestrian crossing on which the asphalt has sunk. If I were in my car, I would not pay attention - there are plenty of such places in Moscow. However, the highway patrol stops, photographs the place, sends the data to the center.

“In a couple of days, this hole can become even larger, and even now the car can be damaged if it passes at high speed,” Oleg explains. - The center will transfer the information to the relevant services, they must eliminate everything. It happens that the next day we go to the same point - the pit is gone.

We drive to 1st Dubrovskaya Street, stop at the crossroads, where Oleg and Ramil take pictures of a tilted metal mast with road signs. On the opposite side squinted sign " the main road”, it is also filmed on a tablet. The TsODD is responsible for the installation of signs, information from the situational center is sent to the appropriate unit, everything should be corrected within 12-16 hours.

The work of the crew of the road patrol TsODD

The work of the crew of the road patrol TsODD

“A couple of shifts ago, I was driving along the Garden Ring and saw an old VAZ-2104,” says Ramil. - A man was standing near him, holding wires in his hands, a woman with a child was sitting in the cabin. No one stopped to help them. I photographed the situation, reported to the base, “lighted up” the car. The man was very pleased with our service.”

Another accident. At the intersection of Volgogradsky Prospekt and Talalikhina Street, BMW and Renault got used to each other, their female drivers blame each other. The situation again does not fall under the “European protocol”, traffic is very difficult, cars go around the accident on the sidewalk, a dog whines from the Renault window. "Do you know what the 'Highway Patrol TsODD' is?" I ask one of the participants in the accident. The girl throws up her hands. Ramil calls the local traffic police department and finds out that there are no free outfits yet. Surprisingly, after ten minutes, the traffic police manage to persuade the girls to take a picture of the accident scene on mobile phones and go to the same traffic police department for its registration. Traffic is free, we're moving on.

Employees of the road service of the TsODD during patrols in Moscow

Employees of the road service of the TsODD during patrols in Moscow

“Sometimes we work on ceilings, for example, on May 9, when with the help of our crews we blocked the streets for parade columns to pass. People know very little about us. There will be exercises soon: simulating a situation with a fire in a tunnel, we don’t know where exactly, but all the emergency services of Moscow, including ours, will be involved there, ”said the patrolmen.

Heavy rain begins, sewer drains can not cope with the flow of water. And here is another accident - on Krutitskaya Embankment: a taxi drove into the rear bumper of a Mazda. Before we had time to get out of the car, the driver girl rushed to us - she thought that we were traffic cops. It turned out that the participants in the accident had been standing there for more than three hours. Ramil again calls the traffic police, takes pictures of cars in the rain, then explains to drivers from what angles it is better to take pictures. Finally, the wands came in handy: Oleg stops the flow, the taxi driver and the woman back into the nearest pocket to free traffic along the embankment, where there is only one lane in each direction. Everything about everything takes about five minutes.


"Road Patrol TsODD" is not the first experience of creating a service of automobile "angels" in Russia. From 2013 to paid sections highway M-4 "Don" emergency commissioners of the state company "Avtodor" work, which helps motorists in emergency situations. The duties of the commissioners are almost the same: they can provide first aid to the victims, call emergency services, block off the scene of an accident, remove an animal that got on the roadway, clear the road from foreign objects or improperly parked cars, and even eliminate the consequences of natural disasters.

In Germany, there is a Gelbe Engel ("Yellow Angel") service organized by the German automobile club ADAC. Cars mobile technical assistance- these are mostly minivans - turned into workshops on wheels and can provide any assistance to the motorist. In addition to cars, ADAC has several dozen medical helicopters, which should be in any problematic place in Germany in 15 minutes. However, they help only those who have paid for membership in the club, and at the expensive PLUS tariff. Special ADAC international insurance allows helicopters to fly to any country in Europe to save a person from trouble, or use equipment of partners in other countries around the world.

"Road Patrol TsODD" does not take money from motorists for its help and does not plan to take it.

Creation idea special service which assists motorists in different situations, is not new. On the roads of the Avtodor State Corporation (which manages toll roads), for example, for a long time. Happen that on the expressway toll road and they are right there. Avarkoms are equipped with special equipment that allows to provide needed help. A prompt response is possible thanks to the constant monitoring of all sections of the autobahn by special centers. But it's on the track. In cities of similar services we have up to last moment did not have. And so the Center for Traffic Management (TsODD) of the Moscow Government presented us with this one. Meet the Highway Patrol.

So far, these are five vehicles that conduct daily traffic monitoring in the capital. It is clear that this is not enough for such a city. Due to heavy traffic, it is simply impossible to cover all city streets. Therefore, now the duty is carried out in the most problematic areas. The patrol takes place in different modes. Some crews are free-floating. They follow their route and check the condition of the road. Everything gets into the field of view - from open hatches and incorrectly installed signs to emergencies. I spent several hours with one of the crews.

Here, for example, a small truck stopped next to the emergency gang. At the same time, he occupied one lane of the already narrowed Garden Ring. As a result, traffic stalled. The patrol stops, turns on the orange "chandelier", the inspectors put out the cones. They approach the truck, ask the driver what the reason for the stop is and whether help is needed. The driver, it turns out, was trying to figure out how to get to the point of unloading the goods. The inspectors asked to move into a pocket so as not to interfere with the movement of cars. The problem was solved in a few minutes.

Let's go further. Here the truck crane still stopped right on the lane, at the construction site on the Garden Ring. This driver, seeing our special car and inspectors in uniform, immediately ran up and said that he would leave right now.

Just don't fine! he asked.

By the way, inspectors of the Highway Patrol cannot fine by definition. They do not have such powers. Yes, and the tasks are completely different.

Help solve the problem - yes! For example, there was an accident. The inspectors will. Or help move a broken or damaged car to a safe place. Flat tire and no jack or wrenches? Not a problem. Car stalled in the middle of the road? The patrol will be towed to safety. The vehicles of the Highway Patrol have everything you need for this, from a repair kit to special powerful cables capable of towing even multi-ton trucks.

“The other day, for example, a van froze at the crossroads,” says patrolman Oleg. - The traffic is blocked, the cars lined up in a multi-kilometer traffic jam. We stop the trucks, ask for help to pull the van, but the drivers do not have a cable. Then we give ours, and traffic resumes,” the inspector proudly shares.

In general, this is a full-fledged technical assistance on the road. And it's free.

Another area of ​​interest is compliance control. construction organizations working conditions on the roadway. Patrolmen are watching that the builders do not pollute the road, they correctly install road signs. If they see something wrong, they will immediately inform the Situation Center of the TsODD, and there they will promptly notify contractors of the need to eliminate all shortcomings.

Moreover, if the situation is serious, the Highway Patrol officers are required to take measures to ensure the safety of all road users. The dangerous area is marked special characters and cones. Highway Patrol does not leave such a place before arrival operational services(traffic police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, utilities).

The crews of the Highway Patrol are always in touch with the Situation Center of the TsODD. If an emergency happens somewhere in the city or an accident on the road blocks traffic, a nearby patrol can come and help. But this is not a replacement for the traffic police. In no case! I repeat once again: the main task of the Highway Patrol is to help drivers and do everything possible to drive freely.

A new division has appeared in the Moscow Center for Traffic Management (TsODD) - "Road Patrol". It has been operating in test mode for three months, but only now it has been presented to Muscovites. Patrolmen will be involved in emergency assistance in case of traffic jams, fix damage to the roadway and road signs, and also help motorists in every possible way - towing their cars, advising on compiling the Europrotocol and even warming them up in the cold. So, if a green sedan is approaching, they most likely want to help you, not fine you. More likely.

To start - five crews

The head of the TsODD, Vadim Yuryev, first of all emphasized that the Highway Patrol service does not in any way replace the traffic police.

“She has several responsibilities. First, the service monitors the state of the road transport infrastructure, primarily in the zone of attraction of the data center, which affects safety. These are signs, road markings, bumps on the road, the functioning of traffic lights. Second, we charge the patrol with roadside assistance. And the third - he works out together with the traffic police and other services, organizes road traffic in special and special situations,” he explained.

Employee new service TsODD Highway Patrol.

The work of the "Road Patrol" is coordinated from the situational center of the TsODD, with which the crews are constantly in touch. It will be possible to see green sedans with yellow flashing beacons almost all over Moscow - their area of ​​responsibility is limited to the Moscow Ring Road.

“We currently have five crews. We hope that the project will be successful, and as it develops, it will grow to 30 crews,” Yuryev told reporters. “We would consider it expedient to do this by the middle of next year.”

The composition of the entire service this moment- 17 people. According to the head of the TsODD, the help of patrol officers may be especially needed during the matches of the Confederations Cup.

First Road Aid

“It is important for us that the city moves,” Yuryev emphasized. - One of the problems why the city stops is road accidents, including minor ones. Minor accidents can now be registered according to the Europrotocol, and colleagues explain, remind about the possibility of drawing it up, and perform a recommendatory and incentive role.”

In addition, the patrol will come to the rescue if the road is blocked by a car that has stalled due to lack of gasoline or a car with a punctured wheel. Such a car is driven to the side, freeing the lane for traffic.

Employees of the situational center of the new service TsODD Road Patrol.

Photo: Evgenia Novozhenina / RIA Novosti

The help of the Highway Patrol is absolutely free, but their the main task- solve not the problems of a specific driver, but solve the problem of the city, so that when the minimum program is completed and the cause of the congestion is moved to the side of the road, the crew goes to the next call or continues patrolling.

But, if a motorist is really in trouble, they will not leave him, the patrolmen themselves promise. If you're out of season dressed girl and did not wind up in the February frost - they will certainly warm you up. So it was already on University Avenue. “She was standing after the accident. The accident itself was sorted out, everyone dispersed, but it did not start. We appeared. I invited her to warm up, and she gladly sat down in the car, where we warmed her up. When the tow truck arrived, they followed the loading, and the girl left,” said service inspector Oleg Kozlov.

"Horses" would be more

The form of inspectors is partly borrowed from colleagues from the UK and partly from domestic fighters of the Ministry of Emergencies. The Highway Patrol vehicles are equipped with only the bare necessities: orange cones, fire extinguishers, flashlights, video recorders (the employees should soon have breast cameras as well).

From other means of "first road aid" - a three-ton jack to quickly change a wheel even on an SUV, an ordinary five-ton cable, a more powerful cable that can withstand 20 tons, for towing heavy equipment (not by yourself, but with the help of a passing truck ), a set of tools, a pump and wires for "lighting up" the battery. In the near future, small temporary road signs should also appear.

Of course, a “passenger car” with an engine with a power of a little more than a hundred horsepower is a so-so tractor, so the TsODD is considering the possibility of using pickups. In addition to the number of “horses” and all-wheel drive, its advantage is in a roomy body, where, for example, a plastic filling block can fit.

Finally, for those who like to neglect traffic rules, it would be a mistake not to take into account the new green cars of the TsODD. Although detecting violations is not their profile, they have such an opportunity. “They can fix violations. "Moscow's Assistant" - that's what it's called new tool which colleagues are testing. Plus, violations are already being recorded at the venues road works", - concluded the head of the TsODD Vadim Yuryev.