Learning Kazakh. How are the training lessons and who do they help? effective tips for learning the Kazakh language with children from Asel Sapakova @kaz_for_moms

Today study of the Kazakh language - pressing need every inhabitant of the republic for study, work or just communication. Everyone needs the state language: schoolchildren, students, young professionals and experienced employees. With the help of ESHKO, with a desire to learn Kazakh and a minimum of free time, you can achieve inspiring results.

Start Kazakh language training from scratch according to our progressive methodology, which has managed to prove itself. The course does not require any prior preparation or special knowledge from the trainees, it is suitable for people of different ages.

The "" program is suitable for those who want to learn the basics or refresh existing knowledge. Classes begin with the development of the necessary base: the alphabet, articulation and specific sounds, the rules for compiling sentences. Lessons are complemented by high-quality audio recordings made by native speakers. With CDs, you can practice listening and listening comprehension. correct pronunciation words.

Data Kazakh language courses affect more than thirty lexical topics. You will be able to understand and use the language in various situations, whether it is a meeting or going to the bank. Textbooks are rich in illustrations, include a large number of dialogues. Lesson topics are clearly presented in the form of diagrams. Transcription in Russian will help when reading and memorizing words.

ESHKO attracted for its distance learning Kazakh language the best specialists in this domain. Each student is assigned a curator-teacher who gives advice and checks homework with detailed comments. At the end of the course, students receive a Certificate, which confirms the acquired knowledge and strengthens the position of the employee in the labor exchange.

You can sign up for these Kazakh language courses in Almaty, Astana and other cities of Kazakhstan are completely free, because training is conducted remotely. Our Kazakh language lessons- it is lightweight and interesting way master necessary knowledge. In this case, you do not have to be distracted from other important matters. First visible results you will see after a few classes.

NEW!: In ESHKO (Student social network ESHKO) are available.

Teacher's greeting

Dear Student!
I greet you on behalf of European School Correspondent Training!
My name is Bekzat Momynova, I am a teacher of the ESHKO course and I am pleased to invite you to join distance learning ESHKO. How personal teacher student, I will supervise you during the entire period of study. If you have any questions or problems during the training, you can contact me in writing or by phone during consultations.

I wish you success in your studies!
Bekzat Momynova,
Course instructor

There are a large number of sites where you can study the Kazakh language. One of the largest and most famous - the project Soyle.kz, created by the State Language Development Fund.

The site says that more than 109 thousand people already use the free service. They have access to an online course of the Kazakh language, thematic audio and video recordings, a dictionary and tests to test knowledge. In addition to the web version, there are apps for Android and iOS.

There is also a special course where the user will work with teachers - this is training via Skype. This approach - direct communication with the teacher - can give nice results However, you must register for courses in advance.

There is another specialized site - "Kazakh language. Just about the complex" . It is led by Tatiana Valyaeva from Almaty, who has learned the language to help children with their homework. The portal contains both individual lessons and information about grammar, books in the Kazakh language, a dictionary and much more.

There are many other courses on the Internet (including on Youtube) and self-taught books. Everyone can choose the option that seems more convenient to him.

No. 2. Is it possible to learn a language on social networks?

Yes, you can. Popular in Kazakhstan in social networks there is thematic groups for the study of the Kazakh language. For example, there is a separate group on VKontakte SOYLE.KZ, and on Facebook - community Bas Qosu. The description of the latter states that it is "a club for everyone who wants to improve their spoken Kazakh".

Number 3. What dictionaries can you use?

The above courses already have dictionaries. But if you need a separate service, then one of the best is Sozdik.kz. The project of the Russian-Kazakh and Kazakh-Russian online dictionary has been operating since 2000, now it has more than 60 thousand dictionary entries.

In addition, a translator and a converter are available to users. The latter will help translate Kazakh texts from Cyrillic to Latin.

Kazakh is also included in the list of service languages Google translate. The word base is constantly expanding, and the system is gradually learning to translate words and sentences more accurately.

When learning a language, watching movies and reading literature can be very helpful. There are films and books in the Kazakh language on the Internet great multitude, and in cinemas you can watch popular films with Kazakh dubbing.

But you should pay attention to thematic sites. Among them "Adebiet portals" where collected literary works, audiobooks and encyclopedic data, as well as interviews with modern Kazakh cultural figures.

No. 5. What is the best way to practice?

The best practice of a language is to communicate with native speakers. If you live in Kazakhstan, then any trip to the store or trip to public transport already give you the opportunity to practice your Kazakh language. The main thing is not to be shy and remember that it is impossible to learn a language without practice.

You can also use applications with a Kazakh-language interface. For example, the iTys messenger has been working for a long time, language localization for Telegram was created relatively recently - to install it, you need to find and run the QazTransBot bot.

In addition, there are network games for smartphones in the Kazakh language. For example, in the application "Who's Smarter" you can compete in knowledge in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

There are also various offline clubs, for example,

- Kanat, tell me, is there any universal method for learning the Kazakh language?

Actually today effective methodology for the study of the Kazakh language has not yet been created. Let's think logically. Let's start with the fact that graduates of Russian schools do not speak Kazakh, which means that there is no such methodology in the country's schools. Another example is civil servants who have huge motivation learn official language(the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad), but among them there are many who cannot master the language in any way. That is, there is no effective technique for adults either.

- You started speaking Kazakh in a short time, what is the secret of success?

I learned the language myself, I speak and write fluently. My methodology is intended for adults, Russian-speaking people, for those who do not have time to go to courses to learn the language on their own. The first volume of my "Situational Kazakh" is devoted to classical situations: weddings, funerals, tusaukeser and other traditional situations, the second is devoted to situations in interethnic relations, the fate of the country, language, people and the third volume is a dictionary, which contains speech expressions that I myself needed in the process of speaking the Kazakh language. This is my author's dictionary speech stamps, revolutions. Here are collected several thousand expressions that a person needs for ordinary colloquial speech.

- What is the peculiarity of the proposed method?

When a person begins to speak Kazakh, at first he thinks in the language he is used to. For the vast majority of us, this is Russian. For example, when meeting a friend whom he has not seen for a long time, a Russian-speaking person will come to mind with an exclamation: “How many years, how many winters!” But you have to say in Kazakh, we learn Kazakh language. Simply translate - "Kansha zhyl, kansha zhaz!" - does not fit. But this Russian expression has a Kazakh equivalent - “Körmegeli kai zaman!”. Here, several thousand such equivalents are collected in my dictionary. I am not a philologist, and this does not interfere, but helps me in my work, because I do not bother about whether it is a phraseological unit, an idiom, a proverb or an interjection. I just sorted Russian colloquial expressions into alphabetical order and gave their Kazakh equivalents. Without knowledge of these equivalents, it is generally impossible to speak the language.

- Isn't this an effective technique?

There is no effective technique yet, except for mine, of course (laughs) But they say: “If a patient wants to live, no doctor will interfere with him” - this is sarcasm, of course, or “Who does not want, he is looking for excuses, and who wants, looking for a way."

A vivid example of this is our cosmonaut Tokhtar Aubakirov, who was Russian-speaking. Now he speaks fluent Kazakh. At one time, he recorded songs in Kazakh, memorized them, and in this way he learned the language. Therefore, everyone has his own method, which is convenient or close to him.

- Many experts note the effectiveness of immersion in the environment. To what extent do you think it justifies itself?

The immersion method also exists. For example, to go to the village ... but we have a small problem. There are no auls in Kazakhstan where people do not know Russian at all. A Russian-speaking person has arrived, if he speaks in Russian, he will be understood. And such a method is effective when absolutely no one in the environment understands you. For example, when a person goes to study in England, he is placed in a family in which no one speaks Russian. Willy-nilly, a person has to explain himself in English. Now I am going on a trip to Mongolia, the Kazakhs live there, who have preserved the language, our old customs, traditions and live the way our ancestors lived for hundreds of years. Therefore, I plan to go there, get acquainted with everything and, perhaps, open courses on the immersion method there.

- How about individual lessons with a teacher?

Yes, it is effective, but very expensive. Today, Kazakh language courses per hour are more expensive than the same English...

- Why do you think this is happening?

This is the market. This means that there are more offers of English language tutors, more competition, hence the pricing policy.

-Tell us about your experience of learning the Kazakh language?

It cannot be claimed that you are fluent in one language or another. I started learning the language by my own method 5-6 years ago, for a short time reached the level freehold them in traditional situations (at toys, funerals, etc.), then developed it to the ability to convey own thought on any topic, and now I'm improving. According to Gerold Karlovich Belger, who, by the way, treated me with almost paternal love, the speech of the Kazakh language is a huge ocean. The thing is that the Kazakh language is very figurative, metaphorical, so if you speak Kazakh, you need to speak beautifully and figuratively. So I'm still in the process of learning.

- Are there people who have learned the language according to your method?

Of course, I don’t have exact data, but the total circulation of my “Situational Kazakh” has already amounted to 36,000. I know that the book is widely used on language courses countrywide. A couple of years ago, a television project “Learning Kazakh with Kanat Tasibekov” was held on the Osekmen-Kazakhstan TV channel in Ust-Kamenogorsk. They posted a video where they invited everyone to be trained according to my method, gathered a certain number of people - mostly Slavs. Classes with a teacher on my book "Situational Kazakh" went on for three months, during which they were selected. As a result, 5 people remained and I was invited to conduct the final. Before that, I had never seen these people in my eyes, and then the first place was taken by a guy of Slavic nationality, who almost cited my book by heart. And when I spoke to him, he expressed his thoughts in Kazakh, although not fluent yet, but most importantly, he knew how to talk and what to talk about. In this example, I made sure that my technique works without any progress. Basically, we are taught what we do not use in life, so this knowledge becomes ineffective.

Orymbetov is in his blood: he loves mathematical puzzles, plays chess, is well versed in physics, chemistry, and astronomy. He believes that in any language - Kazakh, English - or the subjects of astronomy, geography - you can always deduce a system of how it is easier to memorize material.

“At school, I was lazy and dreamed of a universal textbook, so that it would be written easily, understandably, without unnecessary “water”, which is not needed in life,” says the author. - Once one of the scientists said that in ancient times people communicated in short sentences. I immediately opened the English textbook, looked at the basic phrases, they are short. Began to "dig" further. Understood - there is a system here. As it turned out, it is enough to know the basic words in order to communicate, listen to the news, for example. When I posted the manual “English for lazy people” on social networks, I received hundreds of responses, including from teachers. Then I decided to sort out “on the shelves” and the Kazakh language. I understand that many authors have studied it before me, hundreds of books have been written. But I have my own vision of how it is easier and more convenient to learn a language. This is how the “Kazakh for lazy people” technique was born.

System with the letter "C"

Yerzhan Orymbetov sent his work to the Ministry of Culture and Information. He admits that he didn’t even expect that in a couple of days he would get a call from the ministry, because the title of the manual is far from the usual “clerical” language of officials:

– I was asked to print and send additional materials for submission to the expert council, which will be held in Astana.

I wonder: what is the essence of the technique?

- I thought for a long time: how to interest the students? And I decided to give before each text interesting information, such that it does not distract from the main topic - language learning, - continues Yerzhan Orymbetov. - Like what famous chemist Dmitri Mendeleev at school had a triple in chemistry, but this did not stop him from creating the famous table. The student must understand that even if he is a triple student, he will succeed. Including learning the language.

I have noticed that it is easier to remember words when they are grouped according to some criteria. The efficiency is three to four times higher. In the Kazakh language, systems are also traced. Take, for example, liquid foods. They can be grouped by the letter “s”: sorpa, cheese, su, sut, susyn. To make the process go faster, you can make short sentences of two, then three words. It is easier to learn when there are combinations with adjectives starting with the letter “s”: salkyn susyn (cold drink), suiyk sorpa (liquid soup), suyk su ( cold water) and so on.

Gradually, I realized that the system can be attached to the main topics. You can fix the material common phrases with the letter “c”: salem, sau bol, and so on.

Eke - ene, kantar - ak kar

The names of the months are deposited in the head, if you compose visual image. What is January associated with? Of course, with white snow. Remembering the name of the month - kantar - is easier if you add to it - ak kar ( White snow). Accordingly, akpan - snowstorm, zheltoksan - meiram ...

AT individual groups the author proposes to single out nature, relatives, acquaintances, various phenomena. They all come together in some way. So, most questions in the Kazakh language begin with the letter “k” (kalay, kansha, kandai, kashan, kym?). Words denoting work usually end in the letter “s”: zhumys (work), tabys (profit), dagdarys (crisis), ondiris (production) and others. Words denoting relatives often consist of three letters: ana, apa, ata, aha, ene, kyz ... Like most of those that denote body parts: bass (head), bet (face), shash (hair) and so on . And there are many such vocabulary groups!

“When studying languages, I never learned everything, but only what was needed for communication,” Yerzhan reveals the secret. - At first I learned words, then I made phrases, after - sentences of three, then four words. At the same time, I studied grammar. And it worked! Once, at the negotiations, he even acted as a translator from Spanish.

I tried to remember the months using Yerzhan's method. Indeed, with the associative series it turned out faster, plus I also remembered 12 words.

500 words per month

“I teach, I teach Kazakh words, expressions, and the next day everything flies out of my head, the words get confused, ”complains one of my acquaintances, who has been attending Kazakh language courses for several months. She says that the desire to learn is huge, but her “computer” cannot accommodate 10–15 words per lesson.

“The fact is that a person individually perceives and remembers this or that language,” says Yerzhan Orymbetov. - The teacher should feel each student and approach him individually, even if the classes are held in a group. Once I was asked to teach a group English for a month. Was finished program which I should have read. I felt in my heart that it wouldn't work. Then I printed out all the words, and we began to study on a systemic basis. I noticed: in 15 minutes you can repeat 400-500 words with an audience. I spoke in Russian, and the audience answered me in English, then vice versa. I observed: who speaks without looking at the textbook, who is silent. I have always divided the group into those who learn everything on the go, and those who “harness for a long time, but go fast”. After class gave students additional material. In a month they knew up to 500 words!

“I test methods on children”

Our interlocutor plans to facilitate the program of Kazakhstani schoolchildren and draw up shorter methods for studying mathematics, physics, astronomy and other subjects.

- I made several discoveries in astronomy, geography, discovered many new formulas in chemistry, mathematics, and noticed a long time ago: more complex shapes You can always decompose into simpler ones, - the author reveals the secret. - I test my methods on children. If I see that it reaches them faster, they are interested, it means that I am working in the right direction.

Or maybe it’s really worth paying attention to more simplified methods of learning the Kazakh language? Here in my son's textbook for the 4th grade there are words, expressions for study, which even adults rarely use in colloquial speech. For example, “arrogant”, “blows gentle breeze”, “greatness”, “heritage”. Undoubtedly, they need to know. But it is much more useful for a child to learn first ordinary words and expressions used in everyday life - ask for a spoon, ask for directions, competently address elders ...

Educational program at the stove

Especially for those who are going to go to Kazakh courses, we decided to find out the opinion of an expert: how is the material better absorbed? group lessons or individually?

“A competent teacher from the first lesson will notice how it is more comfortable and promising for a student to study,” says Yerzhan Orymbetov. “It all depends on your goals and finances. You can study individually, and then work out the acquired knowledge in practice, for example, with a colleague or friend. Be sure to watch the news in Kazakh. To understand what it is about, write out from the dictionary the main words of a political, economic nature - 30-40 words. When you listen to the news, you will already understand what in question. And other words will automatically cling to those that you know.

- A leaflet with words can be hung by the stove, near the mirror, above the TV - as you like. It is useful to pronounce your actions in Kazakh, for example, you opened the door, repeat what you did in Kazakh, so that it comes to automatism. Try to pronounce words at home, make expressions, even if you don’t know grammar well. With time, this will come. With this approach, time will work for you!

They want to learn the Kazakh language different reasons. Someone recently moved to Kazakhstan and wants to get rid of language barrier. It's embarrassing for someone not to know native speech. Many do not have enough time to visit a tutor and training courses. Therefore, today we will tell you how to learn the Kazakh language at home.

Kazakh language from scratch

The methodology of teaching the Kazakh language as a whole does not differ from the study of languages ​​of other peoples. First you need to create a base that will make further study more effective.

  • "Kazakh language. Grammar. Just about the complex."

The creator of the resource is Tatyana Vladimirovna Valyaeva. To help the children in their studies, she learned Kazakh on her own. In addition, Tatyana Vladimirovna composes poetry, understands astrology and programming. The last skill helped her to create a website for everyone who wants to understand the nuances of the grammar of the Kazakh language. It contains tables and many lessons. Try it and bookmark it.

  • Online course Soyle.kz

A great tool to quickly learn spoken Kazakh, and it's completely free. There are 24 lessons here.

Soyle.kz has an application for smartphones. Got a couple of free minutes? Give them training. It is convenient on the road when there is no computer at hand.

The teaching methodology connected traditional approach with technology. Information is presented in the form of special exercises, as well as audio and video clips. Also at your disposal is a dictionary of the Kazakh language and a grammar guide.

  • YouTube channel Maksat Imangazi.

Great channel for those who know English language. Maksat Imangazi talks about the basics of the Kazakh language in 24 lessons, from greetings to grammar rules.

If you have not practiced English for a long time and want to learn Kazakh, the Maksat channel is a great opportunity to "pump" two languages ​​at once.

  • Interactive educational site Uchim.kz.

It is known that emotional reinforcement promotes better memorization. And what, if not a game, evokes emotions?

The Uchim.kz website helps to learn the Kazakh language online, literally effortlessly. "Birds" and "Bubbles" will help you earn vocabulary and refresh knowledge.

  • Group "Kazakh language" in "VKontakte".

Learning a language in an environment of like-minded people is easier. Meet new people in the Kazakh language group and move towards a common goal.

In this community, you can not only chat and ask for advice, but also find educational material. Join the group! May the power of knowledge be with you!

  • Test your knowledge with Kazakhtest.kz.

After learning the grammar rules and thousands of words, achieving perfection in all learning games, take a serious test in the Kazakh language. This site will help.

Testing is carried out according to the KAZTEST system, which is approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Here you can test reading skills, listening comprehension, as well as lexical and grammatical knowledge.

How to learn Kazakh at home

So, we have a set of services. Let's talk about how to put them into practice. For fast learning Kazakh language at home there are several effective methodologies. Where to start?

Dedicate the first lessons of the Kazakh language to mastering letters and sounds, so as not to get confused in the pronunciation and spelling of words in the future. This is the basis, and, as you know, a house cannot be built without a solid foundation.

Fortunately, the alphabet of the Kazakh language, in addition to the usual 33 Cyrillic letters, contains only 9 unique sounds: ә, i, ө, ү, ұ, ң, ғ, қ, һ. Therefore, the first steps in learning will not seem difficult.

Having mastered specific letters, buy Kazakh dictionary. Write down words that contain these sounds and work on them. Having perfected your pronunciation, move on to increasing your vocabulary.

The wider the vocabulary, the better you understand the interlocutor and the easier it is to build sentences. You can learn Kazakh words with a dictionary or with the help of online services, the tools that we mentioned above.

Learning Kazakh: Grammar

No speech can be mastered perfectly without knowing grammar. The Kazakh language is no exception: there are quite a lot of rules for writing and constructing sentences. For example, there are no gender pronouns. The usual "he" and "she" are replaced by "ol".

Therefore, it is difficult for many Kazakhs to master the endings of words in Russian. All grammar rules can be learned at home by studying and rereading texts in the Kazakh language, but this will take a lot of time.

If you want to quickly understand all the intricacies, sign up for Kazakh language courses. The specialist will explain and show with examples all the rules of grammar. If something is not clear, you can always ask again.

How to force yourself to start learning? Kazakh for beginners can seem difficult because people set themselves impossible tasks - learn 200 words in a day or master grammar in a week. With so much work in front of you, it's easy to get lazy. As a result, the training never starts.

Pay attention to these secrets:

It involves doing anything for one minute every day. You can't do much in 60 seconds. But this is only the first step that will lead to perfect command of the Kazakh language.

  • Increase the load gradually.

If some cannot start exercising, then others, on the contrary, load themselves too much.

The main thing in Kazakh for beginners is the regularity of classes. 30 minutes of training every day is enough to achieve impressive results. With this approach, there will still be time for household chores.

  • Listen.

If you live in Kazakhstan, listen to how others build their speech, and try to remember.

In life, they don’t speak the way they write in textbooks, so it’s better to practice right away, speaking in a “human” language.

If you learn a language from a dictionary, it is impossible to understand from the proposed variants of words of the same meaning which one is better suited to specific situation. For example, for the word "understand" the dictionary offers nine translation options. However, the word tusinu is more often used in speech. If a person is not a native speaker, he will not be able to understand this.

  • Use associations.

Information is better remembered if you associate it with images. folk traditions will help to learn the Kazakh language more effectively. In Kazakh culture, there are many proverbs and popular expressions. Study them, find out the meanings of words.

In addition, reading, watching films in the Kazakh language, visiting national websites, listening to music will help in associative learning. Be sure to watch the films: “Mahabbat stations”, “Shal”, “Cocktail for a star”, “Menin atym Kozha”.

  • Practice.

Try to always apply your knowledge by inserting words and phrases into speech. The best place for this - the market. The Kazakhs will treat with great respect the one who tries to learn their native language.

If you live in Kazakhstan, read the signs, listen to the radio and memorize the words. A great solution is to chat with native speakers on social networks. Those who wish will find in thematic groups.

To quickly go through all the Kazakh lessons for beginners and remember what was discussed, use the services that we talked about.

Do not forget about regularity: every day, spend 10-30 minutes studying, buy a Kazakh phrase book and practice ready-made phrases. And most importantly, remember: Konilsiz bastagan іs köpke barmaidy - ‘A work begun without a soul, begun and will remain’.