Speech of the head at the New Year's corporate party. Speech by the head to the team as a tool for the development of corporate culture

With the new team in advance. On the eve of the first working day, allocate 1-2 hours of free time for this. Ask your family and friends. Think over your image: what clothes you will wear, what accessories will suit it, what you need to take with you (pen, Notebook, folder, etc.). All things should be modest, in harmony with each other and meet corporate requirements.

Make up short story about yourself: age, marital status, where you studied, previous place of work, hobbies, positive and negative qualities etc. Most likely, most autobiography you will not sound. But having a prepared text, you will not be at a loss when you hear an offer to tell about yourself. Practice your speech in front of a mirror.

Get out of the house early in the morning. It is unacceptable to be late on the first working day. Walk some of the way. A vigorous walk in the fresh air will allow you to calm down, collect your thoughts and tune in positively.

Please check with Human Resources before starting work. In small organizations, it is customary for a new employee to visit the director directly. These people will choose the way they represent you. team.

Acquaintance with the whole team at the same time This is how they do it when a new leader is introduced, or in very small companies where the interaction between employees is very close. In this case, the specialist personnel service or the head of the organization will name your last name, first name and patronymic, position, outline the scope of your duties and area of ​​responsibility.

In large companies of all members present labor collective they won’t introduce you by name, because it will take a lot of time. In the process of work, you will independently learn the names and patronymics of colleagues. In teams with no more than 20 people, you will most likely be introduced to each employee personally. Try to remember the names and main responsibilities of colleagues. Later you will learn more about them, but now it is important to learn what issues will bind you.

Introduction to department staff and tour of the organization Perhaps this is the most common way to introduce a newcomer. Your line manager will first tell you team about you, then list by name all the employees of the department and their official duties will show you workplace clarifies the priorities. A little later, for example, after lunch, you and your boss will visit neighboring departments. There the manager will call you and explain what questions to contact this structural subdivision companies.

After the formal introduction, you may be asked to tell a little about yourself and be asked additional questions. Now the speech rehearsed the day before will be very useful to you.

Speak clearly and distinctly, do not use jargon and parochial expressions. Answer all questions correctly, without hints and ambiguity. Say that you have a certain life and professional experience. Sincerely assure new colleagues of your loyalty and desire to work for the good of the company.

Do not overload your presentation with too personal details. For example, when talking about a family, you should not list the names and ages of all relatives. Say only that you are married and have two sons. Do not bore listeners with listing your awards and merits. During your work professional quality colleagues will appreciate it. It is categorically impossible to criticize the previous place of work. When asked about the reasons for leaving, give a neutral answer: “I think that in your company I can fully realize myself.”

What does this department do? A good reason to get acquainted will be a small professional question, for help in solving which you can turn to colleagues.

18 .10 .2016

planning meeting

corporate meeting

Elena Alexandrova,
Executive Director

Especially for the magazine Personnel "

Speech of the head at the planning meeting and corporate meeting Elena Alexandrova

What makes a leader a leader? The ability to ensure the result of the "hands" of their subordinates. And this requires knowledge and skills in the most different areas. At the same time, there is a skill that is very difficult for a leader to do without. This is the ability to convey a thought in such a way as to be heard, so that the task was understood and performed correctly, and in order to motivate people to the result with just a few words. Let's talk about how to properly build a speech in front of employees at planning meetings and at large corporate meetings.

What makes a leader a leader? The ability to ensure the result of the "hands" of their subordinates. And this requires knowledge and skills in various fields. At the same time, there is a skill that is very difficult for a leader to do without. This is the ability to convey a thought in such a way as to be heard, so that the task at hand is understood and performed correctly, and in just a few words. Let's talk about how to properly build a speech in front of employees at planning meetings and at large corporate meetings.

Any event at which the leader is to speak has its own special rules conduct, limitations and, most importantly, goals. It will depend on this what and how a leader can and should speak.

planning meeting- a short production meeting on current issues that ensure the implementation of the plan. It is recommended to carry out daily in the evening. The optimal time for planning meetings is 30-40 minutes. At the planning meeting, employees report on the progress of tasks, discuss pressing problems and ways to solve them are proposed, tasks are given and those responsible for their implementation are determined.

corporate meetinggeneral meeting employees of a department or company for the purpose of work, to acquaint them with the main strategic objectives, talk about the results, encourage employees and inspire them to achieve common goals in their work. Recommended to be done weekly in the morning. The optimal time for meetings is 30-40 minutes.

Planning and corporate meeting various events. At the first, it is customary to talk more about problems and tasks, at the second - about the results and goals. But regardless of the specifics of the event, the main goal of the leader’s speech is to direct, motivate and inspire. The leader may have additional goals.

A lot depends on what goals are set. Think about it, what would you say if your task is simply to inform? What will you say if you need people to draw up a plan of action? And how do you build your speech if you need to inspire people literally to a feat? Agree, each time it will be a completely different performance.

Start by defining the purpose of the speech

Formulate it in terms of the results you want to achieve. Determine the criteria for obtaining these results. For example, if your goal is to "convey information" or "set a task," then the result criterion may be the fact that employees wrote down what you said.

Consider this point: your speech should not be accusatory, you should not scold anyone, you should not focus on failures. You can talk about problems, but immediately offer ways to solve them. Focus more on success and results. That is, the speech of the leader should be predominantly in a positive way.

Another tip - don't limit yourself common phrases, speak in detail. Who, how much, where, when and what did. Your speeches will be expected to hear your name and about your own, albeit small, but such important achievements and success.

The time of the performance depends on the goals and features of the event. At the planning meeting, the leader can start the event by including everyone in the work, and end it by summing up. Therefore, each of the speeches should not exceed five minutes. At a corporate meeting, you should also not speak for more than fifteen minutes. After giving other leaders a chance to speak, summarize, tell what results you expect, and direct people to work.

There is nothing special in the structure of the speech, and you are guaranteed success if you use the proposed simple plan. Sometimes they say that it's all too simple, but ... yes, everything ingenious is simple.

  1. Introduction. It's a way of "getting into" the performance. It is important to state the topic you are going to talk about. For example: "Today we will discuss (we will talk, I will tell, etc.) ...". And explain why this was needed, starting, as an option, with these words: “We all know that ...”.
  2. Thesis or opinion. Key part speeches: having voiced an opinion, then you will refute or prove it. This is simple form presentation of their thoughts, which is very easily perceived by people. Just remember that it’s better to express your opinion, this will add significance to your words: “I believe / came to the conclusion / think that ...”.
  3. Main part. At this stage, you prove or disprove the opinion expressed. At the same time, it is convenient to go through the points: "Firstly ... secondly ... thirdly ...".
  4. Action. Any speech, story, presentation makes sense only when you get from the audience specific action. Even when telling a joke, you expect everyone to laugh. And this part of the speech gives you the opportunity to voice the final, most striking thought that will make the audience applaud, think, buy, agree - in a word, act. “Therefore, we (you, our company, etc.) should perform (make, purchase, etc.) ...”.
  5. End your speech with a call to action: "So let's defend (overcome, think about the future, etc.) ...".

If you properly organize planning meetings and corporate meetings, this will help discipline the team, will provide an opportunity to see real results work and tie long-term goals to daily tasks. At first glance, formal events can become the basis of employee motivation, when everyone sees common goals, their tasks and opportunities.

Thus, the effectiveness of a leader largely depends on his ability to master the word. It is important to remember that speech, regardless of the duration, must be thought out to the smallest detail. And if at first you need preparation, then over time the ability to effectively convey your ideas will come to automatism. And your level of influence not only on people, but also on the situation as a whole will increase many times over. The main thing is to see the goal and follow the plan. Then you can "sell the idea" and get your idea across as soon as possible and with maximum results.

Elena Alexandrova,
Executive Director
training company "BogushTime",
Especially for the magazine Personnel "
Read article in pdf format at ISSUU

  • How to congratulate employees on the New Year to give them a powerful boost positive energy a year ahead
  • Features of the solemn speech of the head at the New Year's corporate party
  • How not to congratulate the team
  • The main rules of solemn speech

In order to make an impact with your speech, you need to know how to wish employees a happy new year memorable speech. For those who came to the New Year's Eve, the main event is the speech of the director of the company. Employees are waiting for his speech, catching moments that are significant for themselves: whom he will mention, what grades he will give, what he will say about the prospects.

The way you think can change the structure and anatomy of the brain in the direction you want, no matter what. various factors. This was proved by Estanislao Bahrah, who developed a set of exercises, by performing which you will upgrade your mental abilities.

All exercises are available in our article. You no longer have to wait for inspiration or an opportunity - you will learn how to work productively and come up with new ideas in any situation.

If you are already a subscriber of the General Director magazine, read the article

The director understands the significance of the moment, but sometimes refers to the performance as a "necessary evil", because it puts the leader in an unusual position. He feels like an actor who was left alone with the audience, and after all, later his speech will be discussed not only by top managers, but also by ordinary employees.

A speech at a New Year's corporate party is a public message to the team, a kind of promise. At the same time, given the festive atmosphere, the speech should not be boring and original. If you do not prepare it in advance, but say only what comes to mind in last minute, congratulations can turn out to be ridiculous. It can, like in a mirror, reflect the personal problems of the General Director, which do not necessarily have to be made public.

4 examples of how not to congratulate employees

1. Narcissus. Once I witnessed how, at the New Year's Eve party of a large pharmaceutical holding, the head of a large pharmaceutical holding made a toast for 15 minutes. All this time, he spoke only about his own successes, about the fact that last year he proved himself a real hero, pulling the company out of difficult situations. He recalled his exploits of past years (which he already spoke about in previous years). He didn't say anything about those present. In the audience, someone felt superfluous, someone smiled skeptically and exchanged understanding glances with colleagues.

2. Santa Claus. The newly appointed director of a manufacturing company devoted most of the toast to describing a bright future: everyone is waiting for a salary increase, career, new production and office premises will be built, etc. He diligently tried to convince his colleagues that if not everything, then a lot is subject to him. Of course, the employees wanted to believe it, but knowing real situation affairs in the company, many understood that the promises would remain words, and were disappointed.

3. Comrade Ogurtsov. Remember catchphrase from the movie "Carnival Night": "I'll tell you briefly, forty minutes"? The head of one logistics company toasted it as if he was speaking not at a New Year's corporate party, but at a reporting meeting of shareholders. At the same time, he spoke only about facts, figures, income and expenses - and no New Year's wishes. As a result, there was no trace of the festive atmosphere left.

4. Girlfriend. The team of one trading company was mostly female. On the new year holiday the director, congratulating the employees, addressed them in a friendly way: he wanted to get married as soon as possible, lose a few kilograms, decide family problems etc. Summing up the results of the outgoing year, he recalled facts from the personal lives of his subordinates, gave them advice, in which he crossed all the permissible boundaries of decency. And he ended his speech with these words: “I hope that in the new year the number of weddings will exceed the number of divorces, and the average company weight will decrease by 10%!”

The main rules for congratulating employees on the New Year

New Year- this is a time limit that everyone feels without exception. This is the moment of concentration of expectations. It is difficult to find a more suitable situation for a leader to speak. The mood of the team is festive, the atmosphere is relaxed. Therefore, employees with great enthusiasm will perceive everything that you say. Seize the moment!

Be sure to thank the team for the work. Reassure employees that things will get even better in the future. Try to voice in the New Year's toast all the important things for which there is not enough time in the daily bustle. For example, recall the events that this year have had an impact on the company, and express your personal attitude to them.

Mark growth points. This will set the direction joint work in the new year. Thus, a bank president may say: “This year, the number of opened accounts for corporate clients in the bank has become a record. We will move in this direction."

Go beyond numbers and reports, refer to specific people sitting in the hall. Say something that interests those who listen to you: "These results would not have been possible if it were not for the work of the automation department, which created and successfully implemented a new program."

Finally, express a personal relationship with the team. Share your emotions: “It is not just pleasant for me to work with people who have gathered in this hall. I feel a sense of pride for the team, which in times of crisis is able to successfully cope with the tasks set. That is why I am sure that we will celebrate the next New Year in the same composition. I do not plan cuts, but only the recruitment of new people for new directions. Ideally, after your speech, everyone should think: “How great that I celebrate the New Year in such a company!”

  • Thank you letter: how to write it so that it is businesslike and warm at the same time

CEO speaking

Konstantin Komarov, Director of printing house Great Print, St. Petersburg

It is not always possible to thoroughly think over a speech at a New Year's corporate party. However, I certainly strive to think about what I will talk about, so as not to be limited to a stereotyped congratulation.

In my speech, I focus on my colleagues as much as possible. Our company has a small team, so I don't have to resort to official congratulations. It is important for me that each employee has the impression that I am addressing him personally.

Usually, congratulating employees on the New Year, I sum up our work for the outgoing year, thank you for the achievements. I try not to focus on the negative.

How to behave during a speech

The leader must understand that in front of him there will be not just listeners, but spectators. To make an impression, you need to know your body language. So you can convey your thoughts to the team.

Smile? Yes, definitely. It is safe to multiply the strength of your smile by the number of listeners present.

Where to look during the performance? When speaking to an audience of up to 15 people, it is recommended to alternately look at each person present. Visual contact with each person should not exceed 10 seconds. In classrooms of 15-50 people, it is recommended to look at every fifth person. If more than 50 people have gathered, choose for yourself conditionally several groups - about 7-10 people each (for example, heads and employees of departments), and contact each group in turn.

Non-verbal gestures during a speech. At the beginning of the performance, keep your arms in a natural position - along the torso. Together with the first words, the hands should be transferred to a “neutral” position: a half-bent state of two arms stretched forward, bringing the hands together. If you are holding a gift or a bouquet, place it in one hand.

How to stand? You should stand straight, straighten your shoulders, tilt your head slightly. Do not lean on the podium, chair or table. You should not swing from side to side.

When speaking, it should be remembered that the most popular emotions for a leader during a speech are inspiration and enthusiasm. Shareholders, business partners, the staff and other listeners will be grateful to to CEO who provides energy in his speech, with an improvement in the morale of the audience. After all, such a performance with enthusiasm will intrigue the guests with inspired listening.

Most of us, going to a festive celebration, think only about how to successfully choose a wardrobe, what they will treat and how to “dance the accountant Lyubov Semyonovna”. And they completely forget about the morale, atmosphere and purpose of the celebration.

Of course, the main component that sets the tone for the whole holiday can be considered solemn speech leader. It is she who allows you to focus on the most important thing - the meaning of the holiday, expectations and the atmosphere of friendly communication between all guests. Without a properly composed leader speech, the celebration turns into a simple “booze” with lots of snacks. Therefore, the most important thing for him is to draw up a speech plan in such a way that at the time of the celebratory speech, all guests feel an atmosphere of unity and solidarity.

How to write a speech plan for a corporate party?

With the word “toast”, many people have a picture in their heads with a large, friendly table, at which the closest and dearest guests sit. And at the head of all this feast is the main one, the one who can beautifully and vividly deliver an incredible, memorable speech. Most of the guests, with the existing probability of being appointed to the pronunciation of the celebratory speech, go deeper into the “crowd”, without showing enthusiasm and desire to speak. This can be justified by many reasons:

I am not a speaker at heart;
I don't know how to speak nicely;
I do not know what to talk about;
I feel awkward under hundreds of listening eyes;
I'm afraid to blunder;
I'm very worried and I can't breathe.

However, you, like, are unlikely to avoid this fate. Giving a speech at a corporate party is not so difficult. You just need to draw up a clear performance plan that will characterize each individual employee and the entire team as a whole. In your solemn speech, all those present should see for themselves a piece of important and desirable. The solemn speech of the leader should be short, expressive, with a clearly defined goal, and with specifics just for the reason for the celebration.

Since the celebration of the New Year is almost on the "nose", and the corporate party will not keep you waiting, today we will consider correct examples and ways for a leader to compose a spectacular and memorable speech for a New Year's corporate party.

We select a method and prepare a speech for a New Year's corporate party

Method #1: improvisation

The method of composing a speech based on improvisation is ideal if your company and friends at the table are well-known people with whom you have been in close contact for a long time. Since most of your wishes will not be clear to outsiders. When giving a speech at a corporate party for your colleagues, you will mention only those working moments that will be understood by the “initiated”, otherwise you risk a) speaking abstractly and lulling the audience; b) sow embarrassment among the team.

However, improvisation without preparation is impossible. In order for your corporate speech to be as effective as possible and impress with its ease, it is better to draw up a basic plan in advance. And in the course of congratulations, start from what was written, adding impromptu moments appropriate to the occasion.

For example, a speech is being prepared for a corporate party for employees of a garment factory. Speech should be based on words in professional jargon.

Examples of such a solemn speech:

We create fashion, dictate the rules of style, and in each masterpiece we put not only the warmth of our hands, but also a piece of warmth. That is why our products are so popular (here you can add points during the speech that may be of interest to each individual employee who is distinguished by certain qualities: Maria Ivanovna sews quickly, Anzhelika Semenovna takes the initiative, etc.);

Since they are greeted by clothes, we do our best to make this meeting as beautiful and bright as possible.

These are the main "tags" - the thoughts of the whole speech. Each team has its own stories and features that can be highlighted in speech.

Method #2: Poem

Speech at a corporate party in verse is almost a win-win option. You can prepare a poem yourself (if you have talent), or you can view the most profitable options on the Internet. Only without platitudes and not on a piece of paper with hesitation. You can always add on individual characteristics. Do not forget about subordination when preparing a speech for the team (after all, bosses and work colleagues will remember your speech for a long time). For management, these can be poems with wishes for stability and development, with light, unobtrusive humor. For colleagues at work - words calling for self-development and promotion material wealth. Show your imagination, use specifics to adapt the poem to your company.

Method #3: Prepared Plot

This method of speech for a corporate party is to tell a simple storyline with several or one character. This, by the way, is the basis for Georgian toasts, which have the main part - the plot, the story and the unusual denouement (often with humor). If you are making a speech at the table, then at the end you can just say a short but precise toast, which will be the “highlight” of the whole story:

So let's drink so that our life is as bright and beautiful as the life of a bird before the fall;
Let's drink to the individuality that will never be separate part collective;
Let's drink to the fact that our capabilities and desires always coincide.

The basis of this method is the ability to keep the intrigue until the very end of the story. Oratory and during pronunciation - this is half the success.

Method #4: Anecdotal Story

A solemn speech as a short anecdote followed by a toast is an excellent choice when the main solemn speech has already been delivered, but you need to continue to communicate with the team. This is a good option only if you have chosen a “not bearded” joke, and you yourself know how to say jokes. Ideally, if the joke is “highly specialized”, related to the field of activity of your company. Do not forget that listening to every New Year's corporate party is a regular, funny, but already fed up joke is not interesting.

There are many examples of solemn speeches. But there is a basic rule for delivering a speech at a corporate party: give up platitudes and formalities. Say specific things about your company, personally tag employees, list facts and figures to be proud of, mention the planned direction of the company. Even if you choose one example from the ones available on the Internet and adapt it “for yourself”, you can not only make a beautiful and bright speech at a New Year's corporate party, but also earn the glory of a real leader.

Non-material motivation of employees. Each according to the muse

December 17, 2014 - 5 comments

In a large company N, there are many different departments. The people in them are like different planets. The IT department is like a big silent aquarium, and the sales department is like a flickering anthill. In production - handy, real men of the old school. The loaders are all like from one mother - heroes. Marketers and advertisers resemble a motley party at a fashion show ... In general, a motley team gathered.

It's time for the New Year corporate party. The leader thinks for a long time over his speech for verbal non-material motivation employees. He is an ideological person, and really wants his monologue to be listened to, not because it is necessary, but because the speech is catchy. He wanted to raise the morale of the employees for the next year, so that everyone would receive the right message in their ears and feel like an important link in the general chain, on which the success of the company depends to some extent.

Yes, you can just sum up the year of activity, as he did last year, and everyone will click champagne when they hear in once more what they already know (the secretary always keeps her finger on the pulse of the company and loves to talk). But I want more effect from his speech at the corporate party.

And then this note catches his eye. Just in time!

Below is an example of the verbal motivation of employees in vectors that are completely different in their content. In system-vector psychology, a vector is a set of properties of the psyche, certain features of thinking. There are 8 such vectors in total, they are radically different from each other. A person can have several vectors in the set, and according to him, the person chooses for himself suitable job. In other words, from each according to his ability. The desires and values ​​of people with different vectors do not match, because different people best motivate completely different words.

Separate parts of the head's speech, examples by vectors:

a) We have a great team. I want to wish that a healthy, warm atmosphere is always maintained within the walls of the office, high culture communication. So that we can always be as responsive and kind to each other, support good mood each other. The best decoration of a person is a sincere smile!

B) On behalf of the entire management team of the company, I want to express my gratitude for the consistent quality of work. I would also like to wish each of us professional growth and the acquisition of a new necessary experience. After all, a company grows when each of its employees grows, in its niche, in its direction.

C) Everyone contributes to the common cause in their own way. Our strength is in unity. I would like you to come to work and feel like a part of one whole - our huge company, each in his own workplace.

D) Inspiration comes when a person is comfortable working. Therefore, I want to say that the company's management is open to any comments and suggestions. I also wish that intellectual potential companies have not ceased to amaze with new non-standard solutions. After all, sometimes everything depends on one idea.

E) We have accomplished a lot over the year, and we will certainly increase our success in next year. Financial stability, high pay the work of all is directly dependent on each. The management of the company, in turn, guarantees decent financial motivation of our employees. Let's raise our glasses to success and good luck!

Yes, it is important for everyone to come to work not in a terrarium, but in a healthy atmosphere. And so that the management notices the efforts and does not leave them unattended. And to feel the spirit of the team, and to work comfortably. And so that the salary does not upset. But, for some people certain moments have much great importance than for others. How important art is to an artist. How important is music to a musician?

Each of the vectors has its own values ​​and desires. Let's figure out for whom they are addressed in more excerpts from the leader's speech.

Employee motivation, examples by vectors

A) Visual vector. These are the most emotional people, with wet eyes. Them creative thinking and sensitive vision makes it possible to work in those professions where a creative look and creativity are needed. Spectators create warm relations with people in the team, become attached. Of course, the viewer is different for the viewer, it all depends on the state of the human psyche, as in any of all 8 vectors. It can be either the kindest dandelion or a snake, a snob. Carefully choose creative visual personalities among candidates for vacancies, because in a sense the general emotional atmosphere in the team depends on their condition. A harmonious spectator is an ornament of the team, in every sense.

The best motivation for employees with a visual vector is a friendly team, nice talking. They wither without new emotions, friendship at work. It is also important for the audience external factors- office design, the ability to wear clothes that they like to work, to be fashionable. It brings some pleasure. A visual person in the team can be seen by all kinds of trinkets, jewelry, interesting details, a special style of clothing. Do you want to put a flowerpot with violets on the table? Let him put! You don’t understand why, but for him it is important - beauty inspires. Periodically, just pay attention to the viewer, smile back, focus on creative qualities. This stimulates him well.

Of course, you need to understand what kind of viewer it is and what its scenario is. Some skin-visual ladies will not be keen on work, but they will quickly sow discord in the team, constantly blinking their eyes in front of all members of the opposite sex. Not very developed spectators can also be hysterical.

C) Anal vector. The most diligent people. They always strive to finish what they have started, moreover, to do it qualitatively. Slow, meticulous, focused on the little things. They like to work with their hands, teach and learn, process and systematize information. They have a good memory. They perceive everything new with caution, they must be prepared for any changes in advance for some time. Having promised something to such a person, do not forget about it. Otherwise, you risk causing offense in him and negative experience communication with you, which the anal man will definitely remember. This can harm relationships, whether you are a manager or just a colleague.

For analniks, equality and justice are important. If you decide to give a cash prize - be persistent! Yes, it will seem ridiculous to you, but a person may well be embarrassed because of the bonus, because with it you violate his equality with the rest. The best motivation for the work of employees with an anal vector is recognition, gratitude, honor and respect. Therefore, before a cash prize, first give the person a letter with a clear indication of what he distinguished himself in, and only then - an envelope. He will hang it in a frame at his workplace and will be motivated for the year ahead. Analnik will definitely appreciate your directness, sincerity.

C) Muscle vector. This is simple people, workers, large physique. Without any problems, with an even attitude towards everyone else. The best motivation for them is a correctly, clearly set task, a sense of the team, an adequate boss, the provision of food by the employer company.

Do not scold the musclemen for the wrong work done. Scold the one who gave them instructions. Muscle players need to describe and explain each step, draw visual instructions, and clearly set the task. Do not expect initiative, creativity, the ability to make decisions on their own from them. Musclemen work as loaders, builders, in production, where needed physical work.

D) Sound vector. Introverts are able to concentrate, think abstractly. They have a special intelligence. Sound engineers are the ideological generators of companies. Closed, strange, slightly astronauts. Owl sounders, therefore, in the early morning, do not put them any important tasks wait for their brains to kick in. Ideally, if you have such employees, allow them to work in some kind of individual schedule, if possible. Be sure that by asking for time off to work at home or hanging in the office in the evening when everyone has already left, the sound engineer will give birth to what you need.

The motivation of employees of an organization with a sound vector begins with: the possibility of solitude and concentration, silence in the room, the absence of hearing irritants. Put them in offices away from the sales department. See how someone is constantly trying to hide somewhere in the office with a laptop? These sounders. He would have worked in the closet with pleasure, if only they would not touch and make noise around. If you want to say something, speak quietly or write in a letter. In general, try to duplicate tasks in the mail, as the sound engineer can fly away in his thoughts and listen or forget something you said. The main thing for sound engineers is the meaning of their work, ideological constant pressure mind. Admire the result and praise for genius.

E) Skin vector. These are people from logical thinking pragmatic and rational. The skinners won't lift a finger in vain. They are inspired by money. Time and financial gain are something leather workers constantly think about at work. As a rule, these are sales department employees, managers, supervisors, sales representatives, logisticians, economists, accountants, lawyers, etc. The best motivation for sales department employees is bonuses, increased profits, flexible schedule. Their leader needs to monitor well the observance of discipline and subordination, since the skinners are ambitious people, they can be arrogant.

The most developed leather workers become successful entrepreneurs, leaders and managers. top management. The undeveloped ones steal and deceive, and if they become directors or open a business, they scam customers, save on salaries for employees, provoking an eternal staff turnover.


Motivation of employees of the organization and creation optimal conditions labor for each of them requires individual approach from the leader. As well as finding the right staff. When a leader sees his team systematically - who is who according to vectors - then he gives each person what he expects from him. And not what the leader himself considers necessary. System-Vector Psychology- a huge bonus to any experience and baggage of team management techniques.

Based on lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan