Agniya barto completely. Once I broke the glass

Agniya Barto. Poems for children

Agniya Barto began to write from childhood in lower grades. Most of Agnia's poems Barto written for children - preschoolers or junior schoolchildren. Her poems are easy to read and memorize for children. Barto began writing poems for children when she got older. She wrote children's poems about her girlfriends. Since then, her poems for children have become popular. Humor and expression of children's feelings are characteristic of the poems of A. Barto. Poems for children Bartobring together adults and children, helping themin communication. That is why poems for children Barto so precisely fix everything characteristic of different years, which is experienced by children of several generations. Barto's poems for children are the pages of our childhood. Bartoalmost always in her poems speaks on behalf of the child, and she has the right to do so. When you read these poems, you see that the author does not live somewhere nearby, but together with our children, hears not only their conversations, but also their thoughts, knows how to read between the lines in children's letters, which she received in thousands.

Agnia Lvovna Barto was born in Moscow on February 17, 1906. According to some reports, at birth the girl's name was Getel Leibovna Volova. Agnia was born into an educated family Jewish origin. Her father was Lev Nikolaevich Volov, a veterinarian, and Maria Ilyinichna Volova (nee Bloch), who, after the birth of her daughter, took up housekeeping.

The girl's father was very fond of Krylov's fables and from the very childhood of his daughter regularly read them to her at night. He also taught his little daughter to read, from a book. Agnia's father was very fond of the works of the classic of Russian literature, therefore, on his first birthday, he presented his daughter with a book called "How Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy Lives and Works."

Also in early childhood Agnia began to write poetry. As the poetess herself later admitted, in the first grades of the gymnasium she paid tribute love theme: she covered more than one sheet with naive poetic stories about "marquises and pages in love." However, the girl quickly got tired of composing poems about languid beauties and their ardent lovers, and gradually similar poems in her notebooks were replaced by bold epigrams for friends and teachers.

Like all children from intelligent families of those times, Barto studied German and French went to a prestigious high school. In addition, she entered the choreographic school, intending to become a ballerina. Wherein financial position the Jewish family, and even in the conditions of the October Revolution, left much to be desired. Therefore, at the age of 15, Agnia forged documents, increasing her age by a year, and went as a seller to the Clothing store (its employees were given herring heads, from which it was possible to cook soup).

creative career

Once the choreographic school, in which Agnia Barto studied, was visited by the People's Commissar of Education Anatoly Lunacharsky. He came to the graduation tests of the pupils of the school and, among other things, heard how the young poetess, to the accompaniment of music, read out a very impressive poem in size " Dead March» own composition. Although the work was by no means humorous, Lunacharsky could hardly restrain himself from laughing and confidently declared that the girl would write beautiful, cheerful and joyful poems.

In 1924, Agnia Lvovna completed her studies at the choreographic school and successfully entered the ballet troupe. However, build successful career she still failed on stage: the troupe emigrated, and Agnia's father did not agree to let her go from Moscow.

The poetess brought her first works to the State Publishing House in 1925. The Thief Bear and Chinese Wang Li liked the publishing house, and the poems were published. This was followed by collections of poems "Toys", "Brothers", "Boy on the contrary", "Bullfinch", "Chatterbox" and many others.

The works of the young poetess quickly ensured her great popularity among Soviet readers. She was not a fan of fables, but created humorous and satirical images ridiculed human flaws. Her poems were read not as boring lectures, but as funny teasers, and because of this they were much closer to children than the works of many other children's poets of the early 20th century.

At the same time, Agnia Lvovna always remained very modest and shy person. So, she was crazy about, but at the first meeting with him she did not even dare to open her mouth. However, subsequently Barto and Mayakovsky still had a conversation about children's poetry, and Agnia learned a lot from him for her future work. And when she listened to one of Agnia's poems, she stated that a five-year-old boy had written it. No less exciting for the writer was the conversation with.

Both in her youth and in her more mature years, Agnia Lvovna was distinguished by a kind of linguistic perfectionism. One day she went to a book convention in Brazil. She was to make a presentation, and translated into English language. Nevertheless, Barto repeatedly changed the text of the Russian version of her speech, which almost drove the translator crazy.

During the war years, Agnia Barto was evacuated to Sverdlovsk with her family. She spoke extensively on the radio, published military articles, essays and poems in newspapers. In the 1940s, she came up with the idea of ​​a work about young teenagers who tirelessly work at numerous machine tools in defense factories. To master the topic, she even mastered the profession of a turner, and in 1943 she wrote the long-awaited work "A student is coming."

post-war period

After the war, the poetess very often visited orphanages, talked with orphans, read her poems, and even patronized some orphanages. In 1947, Agnia Barto published one of her most psychologically difficult works - the poem "Zvenigorod", dedicated to numerous children whose parents were taken away by the war.

After the publication of Zvenigorod, a woman from Karaganda, who had lost her daughter during the war years, wrote to her. She asked Agnia Lvovna to help find her. The poetess took the letter to an organization that was looking for people, and a miracle happened: mother and daughter found each other after several years of separation. This case was written in the press, and soon Barto began to receive numerous letters from children and parents eager to find each other.

The poetess took up a job that was beyond the power of anyone. In her radio program Find a Man, children talked about their fragmentary memories from the time when they still lived with their parents. Barto read out excerpts from letters, listeners helped her: as a result great amount people found their relatives precisely thanks to Agnia Lvovna.

Naturally, the poetess did not forget about her work, and continued to write books for the smallest. Her poems for children “Grandfather and Granddaughter”, “Leshenka, Leshenka”, “Bear and Uncle Vova”, “First Grader”, “Vovka Kind Soul” and many others were published in large numbers and read with pleasure by children all over the country.

In addition, according to Agnia's scripts, the films "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character", "Elephant and rope" were shot. A small filmography of the poetess also includes the painting "Foundling", for which Barto helped to write the script.

Personal life

The first husband of Agnia Lvovna is the poet Pavel Barto, whose name the poetess subsequently bore all her life. This marriage, concluded in the youth of both poets, lasted less than ten years.

Pavel and Agnia had a son, Edgar, who died at the age of 18 in an accident.

The second husband of the writer was Andrei Shcheglyaev, with whom she lived in happiness and love until 1970, when Andrei Vladimirovich died due to cancer.

In this marriage, a daughter, Tatyana, was born, who later became a candidate technical sciences.


Agniya Barto died on April 1, 1981, the cause of death was heart problems. After the autopsy, the doctors were amazed that the poetess had lived long enough. long life despite the fact that she had extremely weak blood vessels.

Many fans of Agnia's work subsequently recalled her phrase "Almost every person has moments in his life when he does more than he can" - and noted that for Barto such minutes stretched out for whole years.

Every child in the USSR knew the poems of Agnia Barto (1906-1981). Her books were printed in millions of copies. This amazing woman devoted her whole life to children. It can be said without exaggeration that the works of Agnia Barto are familiar to all kids who have just learned to speak. Many generations have grown up on poems about Tanya crying and a bear with a torn off paw, and the old film "Foundling" continues to touch the hearts of modern viewers. The style of her poems, written for preschoolers and younger students, is very light, the poems are easy to read and memorize for children. Wolfgang Kazak called them "primitively rhymed". The author, as it were, speaks to the child in a simple everyday language, without lyrical digressions and descriptions - but in rhyme. And the conversation is with young readers, as if the author is their age. Barto's poems are always on modern theme, she seems to be telling a story that happened recently, and it is typical for her aesthetics to call the characters by name: “Tamara and I”, “Who does not know Lyubochka”, “Our Tanya is crying loudly”, “Lyoshenka, Lyoshenka, do me a favor” - it is as if we are talking about the well-known Leshenkas and Tanyas, who have such shortcomings, and not at all about child readers. Paying tribute a large number wonderful children's poets, one cannot but agree that Agniya Barto occupies special place in the golden fund of literature.

with that bear?
Agnia Lvovna Barto (nee - Volova, according to some sources, the original name and patronymic Getel (at home - Hanna) Leibovna) was born on (4) February 17, 1906 (although the daughter of the poetess claims that Agnia Lvovna, being a fifteen-year-old girl, added an extra year in documents to go to work in the clothing store, since at that time there was not enough food, and the workers received herring heads, from which they cooked soup) in Moscow (according to some sources, in Kovno), in an educated Jewish family. Under the guidance of her father, Lev Nikolaevich (Abram-Leiba Nakhmanovich) Volov (1875-1924), a well-known metropolitan veterinarian, she received a good home education. He was known as a connoisseur of art, loved to go to the theater, especially loved ballet, and also loved to read, knew many of Krylov's fables by heart, and valued Leo Tolstoy above all. When Agnia was very small, he gave her a book called "How Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy Lives and Works." With the help of this and other serious books, without a primer, my father taught Agnia to read. It was the father who demandingly followed the first verses of little Agnia, taught how to write poetry “correctly”. Mother, Maria Ilyinichna (Elyashevna) Volova (nee Bloch; 1881-1959, originally from Kovno), was the youngest child in an intelligentsia large family. Her siblings later became engineers, lawyers and doctors. But Maria Ilyinichna did not aspire to higher education, and although she was a witty and attractive woman, she did housework. Parents got married on February 16, 1900 in Kovno. Mother's brother - a well-known otolaryngologist and phthisiatrician Grigory Ilyich Bloch (1871-1938), in 1924-1936 director of the throat clinic of the Institute of Tuberculosis Climatology in Yalta (now the Research Institute physical methods treatment and medical climatology. I. M. Sechenov); wrote children's educational poems.

More than anything, Hanna loved poetry and dancing. She recalled about her childhood: “The first impression of my childhood was the high voice of a hurdy-gurdy outside the window. For a long time I dreamed of walking around the yards and turning the handle of the hurdy-gurdy so that people attracted by music would look out of all the windows. She studied at the gymnasium, where, as was customary in intelligent families- Studied French and German. Under the influence of Anna Akhmatova and Vladimir Mayakovsky, she began to write poetic epigrams and sketches - first in a decadent style, and after getting acquainted with the poetry of Vladimir Mayakovsky, which she valued very highly all her subsequent life, she imitated his style for some time. But best of all Hanna succeeded in humorous poems, which she read in the family and among friends. At the same time, she studied at the ballet school. Then she entered the Moscow Choreographic School, after graduating from which in 1924 she entered the ballet troupe, where she worked for about a year. But the troupe emigrated. Agnia's father was against her departure, and she remained in Moscow ...

She became a writer thanks to a curiosity. Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky was present at the graduation tests at the school, where the young ballerina read her humorous poem "The Funeral March" from the stage. A few days later, he invited her to the People's Commissariat of Education and expressed confidence that Barto was born to write funny poems. In 1925, at the State Publishing House, Barto was sent to the children's editorial office. Agnia Lvovna enthusiastically set to work and soon brought her first poems to the State Publishing House. In 1925, her first poems "Chinese Wang Li" and "The Thief Bear" were published. They were followed by The First of May (1926), Brothers (1928), after the publication of which Korney Chukovsky noted Barto's outstanding talent as children's poet. Having ventured to read her poem to Chukovsky, Barto attributed authorship to a five-year-old boy. About the conversation with Gorky, she later recalled that she was "terribly worried." She adored Mayakovsky, but when she met him, she did not dare to speak. Glory came to her rather quickly, but did not add her courage - Agnia was very shy. Perhaps it was precisely because of her shyness that Agniya Barto had no enemies. She never tried to seem smarter than she was, did not get involved in near-literary squabbles and well understood that she had a lot to learn. The "Silver Age" brought up in her the most important trait for a children's writer: an infinite respect for the word. Barto's perfectionism drove more than one person crazy: somehow, going to a book congress in Brazil, she endlessly reworked the Russian text of the report, despite the fact that it was to be read in English. Over and over again receiving new versions of the text, the translator at the end promised that he would never work with Barto again, even if she was at least three times a genius...

However, later, in the Stalinist era, when Chukovsky’s children’s poems were subjected to cruel persecution initiated by Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya, despite the fact that Stalin himself repeatedly quoted The Cockroach, inadequate criticism came from Agnia Barto (and from Sergei Mikhalkov too). Among the party critics-editors even the term "Chukovshchina" arose. Although other sources say that she did not quite poison Chukovsky, but simply did not refuse to sign some kind of collective paper. In addition, Barto was also seen in the persecution of Marshak. “Barto came to the editorial office and saw galleys of Marshak’s new poems on the table. And she said: “Yes, I can write such poems at least every day!” To which the editor replied: “I beg you, write them at least every other day ...” So much for you quiet!

By this time, Agnia was already married to the children's poet and ornithologist Pavel Nikolayevich Barto, a distant descendant of Scottish emigrants, and co-authored three poems with whom she wrote three poems - "Girl-roar", "Girl grimy" and "Counting". In 1927 their son Edgar (Igor) was born. Agniya Barto worked hard and fruitfully, and, despite accusations of primitive rhymes and insufficient ideological consistency (especially the beautiful mischievous poem "The Dirty Girl"), her poems were very popular with readers, and books were published in millions of copies. Perhaps this was the reason that the marriage of the two poets lasted only 6 years. Perhaps the first marriage did not work out because she was too hasty with marriage, or maybe it's professional success Agnes, which Pavel Barto could not and did not want to survive. At 29, Agniya Barto left her husband for a man who became main love her life - one of the most authoritative Soviet specialists for steam and gas turbines, Dean of the EMF (Power Engineering Faculty) MPEI (Moscow Energy Institute), thermal physicist Andrei Vladimirovich Shcheglyaev, later a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and a laureate of the Stalin Prizes. Regarding the married couple of Andrei Vladimirovich, who was called "the most beautiful dean of the USSR," and Agnia Lvovna at the EMF, they jokingly asked: "What are three laureates in one bed?" The answer was: "Shcheglyaev and Barto" (the first was twice a laureate of the Stalin Prize, the second - once, in 1950, for the collection "Poems for Children" (1949)). This talented young scientist purposefully and patiently courted a pretty poetess. At first glance, these were two completely different person: "lyricist" and "physicist". Creative, sublime Agniya and heat power engineer Andrey. But in reality, an extremely harmonious union of two loving hearts. According to family members and close friends of Barto, for almost 50 years that Agnia and Andrei lived together, they never quarreled. Writers, musicians, actors often visited their house - the non-conflict character of Agnia Lvovna attracted the most different people. In this marriage, the daughter Tatyana (1933), now a candidate of technical sciences, was born, who became the heroine famous poem about a girl who dropped a ball into the river.

“Mom was the main helmsman in the house, everything was done with her knowledge,” recalls Barto's daughter, Tatyana Andreevna. - On the other hand, they took care of her and tried to create working conditions - she did not bake pies, she did not stand in lines, but, of course, she was the mistress of the house. Nanny Domna Ivanovna lived with us all her life, who came to the house back in 1925, when my elder brother Garik was born. This was a very dear person for us - and the hostess is already in a different, executive sense. Mom always took care of her. She could, for example, ask: “Well, how am I dressed?” And the nanny said: “Yes, it’s possible” or: “Strangely gathered.”

She was non-confrontational, adored practical jokes and did not tolerate swagger and snobbery. Once she arranged a dinner, set the table - and attached a sign to each dish: "Black caviar - for academicians", "Red caviar - for corresponding members", "Crabs and sprats - for doctors of sciences", "Cheese and ham - for candidates "," Vinaigrette - for laboratory assistants and students. They say that the laboratory assistants and students were sincerely amused by this joke, but the academicians lacked a sense of humor - some of them were then seriously offended by Agnia Lvovna.

After the publication of a cycle of poetic miniatures for the smallest "Toys" (1936), "Bullfinch" (1939) and other children's poems, Barto became one of the most famous and beloved by readers of children's poets, her works were published in huge editions, were included in anthologies. The rhythm, rhymes, images and plots of these poems turned out to be close and understandable to millions of children. Agnia Lvovna received the love of readers and became the object of criticism. Barto recalled: "Toys" was subjected to harsh verbal criticism for being too complex rhymes. I especially liked the lines:

Dropped Mishka on the floor
They cut off the bear's paw.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.

The minutes of the meeting at which these verses were discussed says: "... The rhymes must be changed, they are difficult for a children's poem."

Agniya Barto wrote the scripts for the films Foundling (1939, together with actress Rina Zelena), Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character (1953), 10,000 Boys (1961, together with I. Okada), as well as for the Ukrainian film Real Comrade "(1936, dir. L. Bodik, A. Okunchikov) and others. Together with Rina Zelena Barto she also wrote the play Dima and Vava (1940). Her poem "Rope" was taken by director I. Fraz as the basis for the idea of ​​the film "Elephant and Rope" (1945).

Agniya Barto knew that war with Germany was inevitable. In the late 1930s, she traveled to this “neat, clean, almost toy country”, heard Nazi slogans, saw pretty blond girls in dresses “decorated” with a swastika. To her, sincerely believing in the universal brotherhood, if not adults, then at least children, all this was wild and scary.

In 1937, she traveled to Spain as a delegate to the International Congress for the Defense of Culture, which was held in Spain, the meetings of which were held in the besieged burning Madrid. There was a war, and Barto saw the ruins of houses and orphaned children. She always had a lot of determination: she saw the target - and forward, without swaying and retreating: once, just before the bombing, she went to buy castanets. The sky howls, the walls of the store bounce, and the writer makes a purchase! But after all, the castanets are real, Spanish - for Agnia, who danced beautifully, it was an important souvenir. Alexei Tolstoy then sarcastically asked Barto if she had bought a fan in that shop in order to fan herself during the next raids? But, a conversation with a Spaniard made a particularly gloomy impression on her, who, showing a photograph of her son, covered his face with her finger - explaining that the boy's head had been torn off by a shell. “How to describe the feelings of a mother who outlived her child?” Agnia Lvovna wrote then to one of her friends. A few years later, she received the answer to this terrible question ...

During the war, Shcheglyaev, who by that time had become a prominent power engineer, was sent to the Urals, to Krasnogorsk, to one of the power plants to ensure its uninterrupted operation - the factories worked for the war. Agnia Lvovna had friends in those parts who invited her to live with them. So the family - a son, a daughter with a nanny Domna Ivanovna - settled in Sverdlovsk. In Sverdlovsk, Agniya Barto was settled on March 8 Street in the so-called House of Old Bolsheviks. It was built in 1932 specifically for the party elite. Some apartments are over 100 square meters. square meters, and VIP-residents had a canteen, a laundry, a club and Kindergarten. During the years of the Great Patriotic War important party workers and celebrities evacuated to the Urals began to be massively settled here.

Son studied at flight school near Sverdlovsk, the daughter went to school. Agniya Lvovna writes about herself at this time: “During the Great Patriotic War, I spoke a lot on the radio in Moscow and Sverdlovsk. She published military poems, articles, essays in newspapers. In 1943 she was Western front as a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda. But she never stopped thinking about my main, young hero. During the war, I really wanted to write about Ural teenagers who worked at machine tools at defense plants, but for a long time I could not master the topic. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov [a well-known revolutionary storyteller, "Ural Tales"] advised me to get to know the interests of artisans and, most importantly, their psychology, to acquire a specialty with them, for example, a turner. Six months later, I got a discharge, really. The lowest. But I got closer to the topic that worried me (“A student is coming”, 1943)”. She mastered turning and even received the second category, and Agniya Lvovna gave the prize received during the war for the construction of a tank. In February 1943, Shcheglyaev was recalled from Krasnogorsk to Moscow and allowed to travel with his family. They returned, and Agnia Lvovna again began to seek a trip to the front. Here is what she wrote about it: “It was not easy to get permission from the PUR. I turned to Fadeev for help.
- I understand your desire, but how can I explain the purpose of your trip? - he asked. - They will tell me: - she writes for children.
- And you tell me that it is also impossible to write about the war for children without seeing anything with their own eyes. And then ... they send readers to the front with funny stories. Who knows, maybe my poems will come in handy? The soldiers will remember their children, and those who are younger will remember their childhood.”
The travel order was received, but in active army Agnia Lvovna worked 22 days.

In 1944 the poet returns to Moscow. 4 days before the long-awaited Victory, on May 5, 1945, a tragedy occurred in the family of the poetess - her son Igor, while riding a bicycle, was hit by a truck in Lavrushinsky Lane (Moscow). A friend of Agnia Lvovna, Yevgenia Alexandrovna Taratuta, recalled that Agnia Lvovna these days had completely withdrawn into herself. She didn't eat, she didn't sleep, she didn't talk...

In 1947, the poem "Zvenigorod", unexpected in Barto's work, was published, idyllically depicting the life of children in orphanage. Of course, the content of the poem conveyed the real atmosphere of orphanages quite idealized, but this work had an unexpected response. A woman who had been looking for her daughter Nina, who disappeared during the war, wrote to Barto for eight years that she felt better now, because she hoped that the girl ended up in a good orphanage. Although the letter did not contain any requests for help, the poetess turned to the relevant services, and after two years of searching, Nina was found. The Ogonyok magazine published an essay about this event, and Agnia Lvovna began to receive many letters from people who had lost their relatives during the war, while there was not always enough data for searching. Agnia Lvovna wrote: “What was to be done? Should I send these letters to special organizations? But for an official search, accurate data is needed. But what if they are not there, if the child was lost when he was little and could not say where and when he was born, he could not even give his last name ?! Such children were given new surnames, the doctor determined their age. How can a mother find a child who has long become an adult if his surname has been changed? And how can an adult find relatives if he does not know who he is and where he comes from? But people do not calm down, they have been looking for parents, sisters, brothers for years, they believe that they will find them. The following thought occurred to me: can not help in the search for children's memory? The child is observant, he sees sharply, accurately and remembers what he saw for life. It is only important to select those main and always in some way unique childhood impressions that would help relatives to recognize the lost child. For example, a woman who got lost in the war as a child remembered that she lived in Leningrad and that the name of the street began with “o”, and there was a bathhouse and a shop next to the house. Barto's team unsuccessfully searched for such a street. They found an old bath attendant who knew all the Leningrad baths. As a result, by the method of elimination, they found out that there was a bathhouse on Serdobolskaya Street - the “o” in the name was remembered by the girl ... In another case, parents who lost their four-month-old daughter in the war remembered only that the child had a mole that looked like a rose on her shoulder . Naturally, they did not know the name under which their daughter lived after the war. But the only clue worked: the inhabitants of the Ukrainian village called the transmission and reported that one of their neighbors had a mole that looked like a rose...

Agnia Lvovna's hopes for the power of childhood memories were justified. Through the Find a Person program, which once a month for nine years (1964-1973) she hosted on Mayak radio, reading excerpts from letters describing individual signs or fragmentary memories of lost people, she managed to reunite 927 families torn apart by the war. The first book of the writer's prose is called so and is called - "Find a man." About this work, Barto wrote the first book of prose - the story "Find a Man" (published in 1968), and in 1973 director Mikhail Bogin made the film "Looking for a Man" based on this book.

the same autograph
Seventies. In the Writers' Union meeting with Soviet cosmonauts. On a notepad, Yuri Gagarin writes: "They dropped the bear on the floor ..." and hands it to the author, Agniya Barto. When later Gagarin was asked why these particular verses, he replied: "This is the first book about goodness in my life."

For my writing and social activities Agniya Barto has been repeatedly awarded orders and medals. Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1972) - for the book of poems "For flowers in the winter forest" (1970) (Award for works for children). For many years, Barto headed the Association of Literature and Art for Children, was a member of the international Andersen jury. Numerous trips to different countries (Bulgaria, England, Japan...) led her to the idea of ​​the wealth of the inner world of a child of any nationality. This idea was confirmed by the poetry collection "Translations from Children" (1976), the release of which was timed to coincide with the Sofia writers' forum dedicated to the role of word artists in the practical implementation of the Helsinki Accords. This collection contains free translations of poems written by children from different countries: the main purpose of the collection is the proclamation of humanistic values ​​that are important for children around the world. In 1976 she was awarded International Prize them. Andersen. Her poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Other awards:

  • The order of Lenin
  • Order of the October Revolution
  • two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor
  • Order of the Badge of Honor
  • medal "For saving the drowning"
  • Medal "Miner's Glory" I degree (from the miners of Karaganda)
  • Order of the Smile
  • International Golden medal named after Leo Tolstoy "For merits in the creation of works for children and youth" (posthumously).
In 1976, another book by Barto was published - "Notes of a Children's Poet", summarizing many years of creative experience of the poetess. Formulating his poetic and human credo - "Children need the whole gamut of feelings that give birth to humanity" - Barto speaks of "modernity, citizenship and skill" as the "three pillars" on which children's literature should stand. The requirement of a socially significant theme for children's poetry is combined with the characteristic of the 1970s. a protest against the excessively early socialization of the child, which leads to the fact that the child loses his “childishness”, loses the ability to emotionally perceive the world (chapter “In Defense of Santa Claus”).

Agnia Lvovna loved her grandchildren Vladimir and Natalya very much, dedicated poems to them, taught them to dance. She remained active for a long time, traveling a lot around the country, playing tennis and dancing at her 75th birthday. Agniya Barto died on April 1, 1981, not recovering from a heart attack, and barely having time to rejoice at the birth of her great-granddaughter Asya. After the autopsy, the doctors were shocked: the vessels were so weak that it was not clear how the blood had flowed into the heart for the past ten years. Once Agniya Barto said: “Almost every person has moments in his life when he does more than he can.” In her own case, it wasn't a minute, it was how she lived her whole life. The poetess is buried in Novodevichy cemetery(section No. 3). The name Agnia Barto was given to the minor planet (2279) Barto, located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, as well as to one of the craters on Venus.

Barto's creative heritage is diverse - from propaganda poems written to any Soviet holiday, to heartfelt lyrical sketches. Often Barto's works are frankly didactic: her predilection for aphoristically expressed morality crowning the poem is known: “But, following fashion, / / ​​Do not mutilate yourself”; “And if you need a payment,//Then the deed is worthless”; “Remember the simple truth: / / If the girls are friendly. / / “Five girls about the sixth” // You shouldn’t gossip like that, ”etc. In many of Barto’s works, child psychology is depicted subtly and with gentle humor. Such is the poem “Bullfinch” (1938), whose hero, shocked by the beauty of the bullfinch and trying to become “good” so that his parents agree to buy him a bird, is painfully experiencing this need (“And I answered with anguish:!! - I am always like this now”). Having become the happy owner of a bullfinch, the hero sighs with relief: “So, you can fight again. //Tomorrow morning in the yard”. In the poem “I have grown up” (1944), a girl who has become a schoolgirl and asserts her “adulthood” still retains a touching attachment to old toys. All Barto's work is imbued with the conviction of the right of childhood - as special world- a certain independence from the world of adults. Barto's poetry, which has always directly responded to the demands of the time, is unequal: reflecting the contradictions of the era, it contains both weak, opportunistic works and genuine masterpieces that retain their charm to this day.

On the Internet, Agnia Barto is credited with the poem "Circus", allegedly written in 1957. This poem was copied by many bloggers in 2010. In fact, the verse was written in 2009 by the poet Mikhail Yudovsky. Here one can draw parallels with the poem “Volodin’s Portrait”, actually written by Agnia Barto in 1957.


We're going to the circus today!
In the arena today again
With a trained bear
Tamer Uncle Vova.

The circus is numb with delight.
I want to hold on to dad
And the Bear does not dare to growl,
Only sucks amusing paw,

He takes himself by the scruffs,
It is important to bow to the children.
How funny is the circus
With Uncle Vova and the Bear!

Volodin portrait

Photo in a magazine -
A group sits by the fire.
Did you recognize Volodya?
He sat in the front row.

Runners are standing in the photo
With numbers on the chest.
Someone familiar ahead
This is Vova ahead.

Filmed Volodya on weeding,
And on a holiday, on a Christmas tree,
And on a boat by the river
And at the chessboard.

It was filmed with a hero pilot!
We will open another magazine
He stands among the swimmers.
Who is he after all?
What does he do?
The fact that he is filming!

A. Barto, 1957

In our time, Agnia Barto's poems have received a "second life", in particular in the illustrations of Vladimir Kamaev:

as well as in the "New Russian parodies" Koryukin Evgeny Borisovich:


Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:
The ball will not sink in the river.

Our Tanya howled again:
Dropped the hair dryer in the jacuzzi.
He hisses under water strangely
- Climb, Tanya, into the bath!


Dropped the bear on the floor
They cut off the bear's paw.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.

Dropped Mishka on the floor
He was an adult - he did not cry.
Lie down specifically Michael:
Bratanov invested in cops.


A bull is walking, swinging,
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I will fall!

There is a "bull" - a terrible mug,
The trouble struck again.
Oh, arrow, damn it, yesterday
Didn't ask again.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lie down in a box on a barrel.
Sleepy bear went to bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He sends a bow to the elephant.

After drinking, the bulls sleep
Their mobile calls were silenced.
Mishka is sleeping in a dead sleep,
Only me with a dream a bummer.
I am a security guard - I sleep well ...
And I always dream of a woman.


The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
Couldn't get off the bench
Wet to the skin.

"Bunny" was kicked out by the hostess:
I did not sleep with the hostess of "Bunny".
Doomed, you "Bunny", damn,
Be homeless without a residence permit.


I love my horse
I will comb her hair smoothly,
I stroke the ponytail with a scallop
And I'll go on horseback to visit.

I love my chick so much
Though the hairstyle is like a whisk ...
On March 8, figs,
I'll give her a wig.


No, in vain we decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
Overturned a truck.

No, in vain we decided
Lech, sleeping in the car,
Suddenly burn to the ground with you -
The truck was great!


I have a goat
I will feed him myself.
I am a goat in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden -
I will find it in the grass.

Would a goat live with me,
Than my roommate is a goat.
I'll give him a green buck, -
If only he'd gone!
I would sew it in the garden
- I want to live with the young!


Rope in hand
I am pulling a boat
On the fast river.
And the frogs jump
Behind me,
And they ask me:
- Ride it, captain!

Baseball cap on the tower
bottle in hand
I am sailing on a yacht
On a clear river.
And the girls reach
A cry from the shore
- Take at least for the steward
We are wholesale, man!


Let's build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests
And then back to mom.

We will buy the plane ourselves,
We don't need a sled,
A lot of grandmas if in your pocket ...
Oligarchs, we are with you!


Burning in the sun
As if I
Fire lit.

It was red, I remember
Yes Boris Yeltsin
Burned him!

Modern non-children's poems

I. Technical progress

Objections to progress have always boiled down to accusations of immorality.
Bernard Show

Rubber Zina
Bought at the store
Rubber Zina
They brought it to the apartment.

The purchase was taken out
Inflated with a pump -
This same Zina
There was an inflatable valve.

Was like real
talking toy,
And in the sense of personal belongings
Everything was in it - okay:

Like melons, there were titi
(Forgive the comparison!)
Elastic, moreover
And they smelled like mignonette;

And in the right place of risk,
Two lunar half-disk
You were clearly promised
Fire and passion heat.

And, by the way, Zina,
Like a sultry girl
I could, I'm sorry
Orgasm portray:

Moaned and sobbed,
And gave heat
And even kissed
By God, I'm not lying!

They gave Zina Styopa,
Big Clue,
Because the beauties
Didn't have any success.

Stepan served as a mentor,
And even an obvious fool
Didn't come to the head
Please Stephen.

And here without a market
(Just a "thing" - a couple!)
Will replace the floor capricious
Inflatable sampler!

Another ment was appreciated:
The doll didn't follow
Supply you with a surprise
Venus, for example;

Didn't ask for gifts
And she didn't wear a coat
Rivals recognized -
Put them next to you!

And most importantly, that mother-in-law
Powers were not observed:
Zinulenka without a mother
They brought into the world.

There was only one bad thing:
Zinulya clumsy
In terms of culinary
And the cook was known;

Borsch did not know naval,
But in carnal pleasures
Her, as they say,
At least eat with a spoon!

And, by the way, in the technical age
Us soon cute
Some scientist
Ersatz will invent;

It will have everything you need
For a married girl
In addition, it can also
Wash, cook, wash.

Will not bear children
But we will not be lost:
We will be cloned
From night to dawn...

Who's intrigued here
And time-savvy
Of course, he will ask for the address -
Where to buy all this?

I'll tell everyone without hesitation:
As long as it's all tales,
But the men will soon
That address will be known.

II. Metamorphoses

Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Lost - no, not a ball, -
And a business card to the young man,
The local mafia father.

The godfather appointed her
Arrive at your office by eight
But the devil, damn it
I thought differently.

What is unfortunate: even more so for her
Do not be in secrets
And dressed in Versace
Do not flaunt at the table

Don't go to restaurants
New life to drink wine
And then, in a drunken frenzy,
Fall deeper everything, to the bottom.

How, beauty, do not be ashamed
Shed such tears!
The boss will find it - so obvious! -
Very soon your address ...

III. geeks

It was in the evening
There was nothing to do...
And a bunch of kids
Six years, maybe five
Separated from books
Gathered to chat

About various things there -
Though about the ancestors, for example ...
It was summer outside
Red like a pioneer:

The sun went down like a ball,
Nimble swifts in the sky
With the dexterity of a polygamist
Made turns...

In a word, everything had
To revelations to the children;
Much is said or little
But came to the court

This babble, like a child,
Somewhere even funny
Only the spirit pierced through the Soviet
In every bike naughty ...

Kolya was the first to say:
"If it were my will,
First things first, I decided
Twist the ropes from the veins

Those who deprive us of childhood,
And without false coquetry
All, with one loop,
He sent an unearthly to paradise ... "

Here Vova seemed to assent:
“I’m looping everyone - what’s wrong? ..
I know a way more radical
I am for the execution of all channels:

Buy a lot of chewing gum
Chew and hammer your mouth
To all the filthy politicians,
Who with half-drunk zeal

We draw heaven on earth ...
Who dies - so to hell with you! ..
Don't mess with your grandmother
And caulk our brains!..”

Vlad intervened (oh, and dock!):
"Oh, guys, how cruel
There will be that, and this revenge! ..
I have another one:

Uncle, aunt of all the bad guys
We'll send it to the moon!"
That's how Vlad! .. That's taken aback! ..
Puzzled!.. Well, well!..

Guys thought:
Where can I get such a ship
To all inveterate liars
On the way to send unearthly? ..

Look how many have accumulated:
All liars - wherever you spit!
The light is here:
“It’s June in the yard now,

If we bother,
And don't waste time
That dream can come true
On the eve of October...

And now - closer to the body,
As de Maupassant joked,
We will close this topic -
The rocket will be launched!

For that, all you need
We have five billions of commercials ... "
Supported Svetka together:
“UNESCO can give them!..”

... It was in the evening,
There was nothing to do
And childish fantasy
Spilled by the river...
This is not bullshit for you
Burzhuin my dear! ..

IV. Goat and vine to grandson Fedya

From one nostril in the nose
I'll bring out the goat
I will milk the goat
Milk relatives to drink.

And in the other nostril, a goat,
A vine grows for you:
Will you pinch the leaves -
One, two, three, four, five…

All of them were eaten by a goat -
The vine became bare...
We will not grieve with a goat -
We'll get new ones tomorrow...

© Copyright: Anatoly Beshentsev , 2014 Certificate of Publication No. 214061900739

Most of all, of course, Tanechka got with her ball:

Boris Barsky

* * *
Our Tanya is crying loudly
Days and nights to fly:
Tanya's husband drowned in the river -
That's howling like a coyote.

Not whining, but moaning softly,
He does not see - who is not sighted:
Husband is shit - shit does not sink,
Hush, Tanechka, don't cry...


Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped a ball into the river.
Tanya, don't shed tears
Dive in and catch up!

Our Tanya is drowning in the river -
Jumped for the ball.
Rings float on the water
A round ball.

Our Tanya is crying loudly,
Dropped Masha into the river.
Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,
Crying will not help Masha.

Our Tanya at the factory
He spends all holidays.
So, Tanya, do you want the ball -
Hang out at the factory!

Our Tanya early in the morning
Turned out two blanks.
“Here, boss, look:
We, pigs, became three!

Our Tanya barks loudly
Often lifts the leg.
Hush, Tanechka, don't bark!
Call the paramedics!

Our Tanya with loud snoring
Woke up mom and dad!
Hush, Tanya, don't snore!
Sleep with your head in the pillow!

Our Tanya is very loud
Far sent Romka.
Enough, Roma, do not gundi,
Kohl sent, so go!

Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Threw Tanya burning macho.
Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,
There are so many of them, these matches.

Our Tanya calls the cat
Pokes a cat in a pile with his nose,
Because this cat
Messed us up a little.

Our Tanya is torturing the cat,
The cat meows plaintively.
Hush, kitty, don't cry
Otherwise, you will catch the ball!

A khachik goes to our Tanya,
Moldovan, Armenian.
Don't be scared, it means
Tanya makes repairs.

Our Tanya is crying loudly.
Tanya flew in, so.
Don't roar and don't rage
Go get an ultrasound.

Our Tanya timidly hides
The body is fat in the cliffs.
Okay, Tanechka, don't hide,
All the same, everyone can see you.

Our Tanya is crying loudly.
The female doctor is puzzled:
Explain to me, don't cry
How did the ball get here?

Our Tanya in the apartment
Dropped weights on the floor.
And today our neighbor
Eats lime for lunch.

Our Tanya is waiting for a soldier,
As a suitor to her candidate.
Enough, Tanechka, don't wait,
Marry your neighbor!

Our Tanya is crying bitterly
Crying, crying, crying, crying.
Tears flow a meter around
Tanya is peeling bitter onions.

Our Tanya laughs and jumps.
No, not our Tanya, then.
Our something must roar,
This is obviously not her.

© 2007 Krasnaya Burda

How could famous poets say about this grief?



Tatyana sobs loudly, her grief is inconsolable;
Down from the pink-flaming cheeks, tears flow like a river;
She indulged in girlish games in the garden -
The mischievous ball could not be kept in thin fingers;
A frisky horse jumped out, rushed down the slope,
Sliding off the edge of the cliff, he fell into a turbulent stream.
Dear maiden, do not cry, your loss is healed;
There is a command to the slaves - to bring fresh water;
Racks, they are brave, they are accustomed to any work -
Feel free to swim, and the ball will return to you.

Alexander Blok:

Tatiana sobs inconsolably,
And a tear, like blood, is hot;
She had a heart attack
From the ball that fell into the river.

It sighs intermittently, then groans,
Remembering the past game.
Do not worry. Your ball will not sink -
We'll get it tonight.

Vladimir Mayakovsky:

In this world
Not forever,
Here and now
Curse or cry:
Straight from the shore
Fell into the river
Girls Tanya
Tears are gushing
From Tanya's eyes.
Do not Cry!
Do not be
Crying maiden!
Let's go for water
And we'll get the ball.

Ivan Krylov:

A certain girl named Tatyana,
A fair mind and a flawless body,
In the village, dragging days
I could not imagine leisure without a ball.
Then he gives in with his foot, then he pushes with his hand,
And, having played with him, he does not even hear with half an ear.
The Lord did not save, there was a hole -
The playful ball fell into the abyss of water.
The unfortunate Tatyana is crying, shedding tears;
And the water carrier Kuzma - the one that is always half drunk -
Kartuz soslek
And taco rivers:
“Come on, lady! This trouble is not grief.
I'll harness Sivka, and soon for water
I'll jump up.
My gaff is sharp, my bucket is spacious -
From the river I skillfully and quickly
I'll get the ball."
Moral: simple water carriers are not so simple.
Who knows a lot about water, he calms tears.


Robert Burns:

Tanya lost the ball..
What will you take from her?
Tanya Johnny was kissing..
Is it a lie?
Tanya has sadness in her heart:
Can't get the ball..
There will be someone again by the river
Johnny kissing..


Boris Pasternak:

The ball bounced on the wave
Her ram.
On the shore, on the old stump
Tanya sobbed.
Drop the ball? And in a terrible dream
No, I didn't!
And therefore on this stump
She roared...
But the ball is not a miss and not a sucker,
It won't sink.
And the parodist is good or bad -
The people will judge...

Bulat Okudzhava:

Plays a ball in the river. Plays and frolics.
He is full of thoughts and strength, he is round and he is ruddy.
And there, on the shore, the girls burst into tears,
The choir of grieving Tatyana sobs in unison ...
The ball doesn't care, it swims like a fish
Or maybe like a dolphin, or maybe like ... a ball.
He shouts to Tatyana: "We would add smiles!"
But from the shore, a friendly cry rushes in response ...


Yunna Moritz:

Tanya walked along the canal,
Tatyanka has a new ball.
Quiet music played
On Ordynka, on Polyanka.

The ball is in the water. Didn't catch up.
Tears slide down the cheeks.
Quiet music played
On the Polyanka, on the Ordynka.

Mom wiped her tears
Stupid little Tatyana.
Quiet music played
On Ordynka, on Polyanka


Alexander Tvardovsky:

River, far right bank,
The ball floated away from the left.
Where to find justice, right?
Who would return the ball?
After all, without the ball to the girl
On Russian shores
Not good for dressing up
Without a toy, it's a seam!
Tanya whimpers, sips vodka,
Look, ball fighter! Not a dream!
It was Andryusha Krotkov,
It was, of course, him!
Poetically hot
And mighty as a tram!
Tanya forgot the ball,
Let's lyric Tanka!

Arseny Tarkovsky:

Those were drops of flammable tears,
An almost silent, bitter cry.
By chance, cooler
The ball rolled into the abyss of water.
Unhealed wound...
To the sound of running water
I often see Tatyana
And her footprints by the river...

Bulat Okudzhava:

In the yard where every evening
Tanya played with a ball,
A line of attendants rustled husks,
Black Angel - Valka Perchik,
Run the booth
And they called her Baba Yaga!
And wherever I go
(Today, however, more food)
On business or so, take a walk.
Everything seems to me that
Valka runs on the trail,
And he tries to take the ball away.
Let it be shabby and bald,
Tired, overweight
I will never return to the yard.
Still, brothers, I'm to blame
I'm terribly bored without jokes,
Here is and glad to joke sometimes!


Athanasius Fet:

The only one rolled into the gust of the heating main
Tannin's beloved ball.
All stunned not childishly warlike

Was it just a goodbye?
Nobody understood Tanya.
What to tear off the techies as a punishment?

The ball will not sink and the devil will not cross,
Walk along the heating main -
The hole in the pipe will soon open again!

Igor Severyanin:

In a jaguar cape,
Purple from grief
Tatyana is crying sea
Oh, Tanechka, don't cry!
Our friend rubber ball
He does not see this grief,
Empty inside he's great
And the river is not an executioner.

BELKA (guest from Hochmodrome)

Sergey Yesenin:

Tanyusha was good, there was no more beautiful in the village,
Red ruffle on white sundress on the hem.
At the ravine, Tanya walks for wattle fences in the evening,
And he kicks the ball with his foot - he loves a strange game.

A guy came out, bowed his curly head:
"Allow me, soul-Tatyana, to kick him too?"
Pale as a shroud, cold as dew.
Her scythe developed like a soul-snake.

"Oh you, blue-eyed guy, I'll say no offense,
I kicked him with my foot, but now I can’t find it.”
"Don't be sad, my Tanyusha, apparently the ball went to the bottom,
If you love me, I will immediately dive after him."

Alexander Pushkin:

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!
With you now I shed tears:
The river is deep and misty
Your wonderful toy
I accidentally dropped it off a bridge...
Oh, how you loved this ball!
You cry bitterly and call...
Do not Cry! You will find your ball
He will not drown in a stormy river,
After all, the ball is not a stone, not a log,
He won't sink to the bottom
His seething stream drives,
Flowing through the meadow, through the forest
To the dam of the nearby hydroelectric power station.

Mikhail Lermontov:

White ball lonely
In the fog of the blue river -
Escaped from Tanya, not far away,
He left his native shore...

Waves play - the wind whistles,
And Tanya cries and screams,
She is stubbornly looking for her ball,
He follows him along the shore.

Under it, a stream of lighter azure,
Above him is a golden ray of sunshine...
And he, rebellious, asks for a storm,
As if there is peace in the storms!

Nikolay Nekrasov:

Tanya cried as she dropped the ball,
Bitterly sobbed, drooping without strength,
She washed her cheeks with burning tears.
Ball down the slope playful greyhound
He rolled into the river, and the river murmurs,
Spins the toy, does not want to return
Give the ball to a cute frolic.
There would be trouble. Yes, mother comforted
Poor Tanya: “Well, enough screaming!
It is necessary to rock Arinushka in unsteadiness,
We have to pull carrots in the garden,
Stop prancing free
Throwing the ball, splashing in the palms!
Women, on the river, washing clothes,
The ball was seen floating on the waves,
And they stopped rinsing involuntarily.
- Look, the empty toy does not sink!
- See how it floats. It's unlikely to come here
Will the current wash over the ferry?
- I must tell the carrier Prov,
Suddenly, yes, he will catch ... Oh, women, it's time!
I hear - Redhead mooing at the yard!
So here is Tanyushin laughing day
A gloomy shadow hid the losses.
Tannins full of life cheeks
Sadly faded, covered with tears,
The young soul burned with sadness.
The ball floated away, which means that childhood has passed.

Margarita Shulman

In the style of D. Sukharev.

I was a little boy, and in those years more than once
About the disappeared ball, Tanya listened to the story,
How he fell and swam down the river for show
Multicolored rubber ball.

And the soul painted pictures in anguish:
How I, along with the ball, wait for Tanya on the river,
And the rubber friend sleeps with a wave on his cheek,
Well, Tanya is crying loudly in the distance.

Since then, I have made my dream come true:
Tannin's ball floated away, and I sing a song,
I publish poems, I save fees,
And insanely happy with fate!

Voluptuous poison - Tannin motley ringing ball -
And a toy, and a feeder, and a loss ...
There was a powerful, very mournful cry about you.
Even though I myself do not believe in this sorrow (Tanya, my dear, forgive me!) ...

In the style of R. Rozhdestvensky.

I'll get up before dawn today
I'll look for the tannin ball in the closet.
Something with my memory became:
Can't find it in my hat.

I'll go to the river with her,
I will look around the entire coast.
Where is your ball, my otter,
He's worth that much money!

And Tatyana roars with bitter bitterness,
He points his finger at the bushes by the river.
It can be seen that the ball sank and did not surface last midnight,
Either a thunderstorm, or the ball was carried away by strangers.

In the style of V. Korostylev, V. Lifshitz.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Her case was like this:
Our Tanechka played
Over a fast river.
And the ball is red and blue
Jumped along the shore
Attention Tanechka
Nobody turned.

Can not be!
Imagine this!
Nobody turned.

But now the storm has frowned,
And ripples all over the river
Terrible thunder rumbles
Lightning in the distance.
And Tanechka became scared,
And no one around...
And the ball slipped out of the handles
And run on the water!

And here again over the river
Crying doesn't stop
Tanechka is sad about the past
And remembers the ball.
Elastic, blue-red,
He disappeared and trace ...
Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka
There is no worse loss.

Can not be!
Imagine this!
There is no worse loss.

In the style of S. Yesenin.

You are my obedient ball, playful ball,
Why are you lying, swaying, on a playful wave?
Or what did you see, or do you miss it so much?
Tanya is crying loudly, you don't notice.
And you threaten the local hooligan from there,
Like a forbidden buoy, like Tanya's watchman.
Oh, and today I myself looked sideways,
Instead of a fast river, he fell into the reeds.
I met Tanya there, in inconsolable crying,
Comforted in the arms, I could not help it ...
He seemed to himself experienced and strict,
Not drunk at all, not even miserable.
And, having lost modesty, having become foolish on the board,
He drowned that ball, little blue, striped ...

Mayakovsky "Proletarian Tears"

The product is spherical, molded from red rubber,
Simple Soviet ball, children's,
In the middle of the river, it froze like a monolith.
Above him, on the bridge, unrestrainedly crying out loud furiously,
Only eight years old, a simple girl Tanya,
In the future, the mother of a communist.
Daughter of the hero of labor, artist, metallurgist and proletarian
Your rubber sports equipment
Lost in the river's muddy glow.
Wipe the nurse's padded jacket sleeve,
You shed Tatyana tears in vain.
Spit on the ball, lost in the belly of the river.
Soon scarlet will break dawn over the world!

Night. The street. River. Fall.
uncontrollable crying,
The shock of a young creature,
Lost suddenly not just a ball ...
The soul hurt and suffered,
While carrying the toy away.
Night. Ice ripples of the channel.
Tatyana. Tears. Bridge. Sadness.
Omar Khayyam

And today, even laugh, and even cry,
You will see a ball on the Tanyushin River.
Let them say - I'm blind, I won't judge -
The blind sees farther than the sighted.


There was a day on which, according to the Creator of the universe
Grieving, the sun has faded - a bitter cry
On the bank of the river. floating ball
And the face of the virgin - I became their prisoner captive!

Did I guess that in a dispute between light and shadow
The case will bring us together - an angel and an executioner,
That the gentle arrows of love are hot fire
And cold hearted at the same time?

Well, Cupid got his way -
Willless next to her and unarmed,
I adore her pleading gaze.

I'll get the ball, oh happiness - he's nearby,
And we, brushing the tears from the eyes-pearls,
Come with you, dear, to the altar.

A child's cry is heard near the river:
Half a mile away from this event,
Quite a wet, dirty ball
Cling to the willows. Well-groomed and well-fed
A rook looks at the misfortune from a branch.
If only the Almighty gave me more agility ...
What is left for me to cry with Tanya too?
Child, I know God will help you!

D. Prigov

If, say, in a local river you see a children's ball
And you will hear a nasty cry, I would even say a howl,
Don't touch him, my friend, he's not money or netsuke -
Only a girl's toy, well, which means he's not yours.

But, when weeping is not heard and her face is not seen,
And along the river, as before, the poor ball floats,
Don't doubt it, it's completely, completely nobody's,
Tomorrow may come in handy - you take it and hide it.

Ya. Smelyakov

Along small houses beckons
Cool, in the middle of summer, a stream.
Good girl Tanya
Shutting off the sun's rays

With a hand stained with silt,
Sheds tears in the grass.
The luminary suffers with her,
The sadness of the blue skies.

Reflected in the stream water
The boy rushes to help.
Girl, go, not a stranger -
Factory ... Let it be unaware

Reader, but this is a sign
(Anyone in the village will tell you):
To the ball saved by the answer
Girlish love will be.

Folk. Chastushka

My darling is hot
Move your brains better:
If you don't get the ball,
You'll get the hell out of it at night.

Japanese version. Haiku

Tanya-chan lost her face
Crying about the ball rolling into the pond.
Get a grip, daughter of the samurai.

and my favorite:

Our Tanya is crying loudly.
Dropped a ball into the river.
Cry louder Tanechka -
The damn ball floats.
Life is slipping away
Lie down and die.
In the morning at Tatyana's school
My head was hurting.
And he and his girlfriend Ira
We drank some beer.
After the fifth glass
The headmistress caught them.
Tanya got angry
And because it was
In the state of a subject -
Then she was sent by her mother.
The director started
In general, the fight began.
Well, somehow there in a drunken way,
They broke Tatyana's nose.
The point is not that the eye is lined -
Her heart hurts.
Tanya without warning
The guy left on Sunday.
How not to hang yourself here
On the fourth month.
Everything would be nothing
If only I knew from whom.
Later Tanya went home
The ball was carried in front of her.
There were few failures.
Dropped a ball in the river...


Pavlik is honored everywhere:

Pavlik bakes pancakes.

He had a talk at school -

He spoke, opening a notebook,

How much soda, how much salt,

How much oil to take.

Proved that instead of butter

You can also use margarine.

Decided unanimously:

He spoke beautifully.

Who said such a thing

She can bake pancakes!

But, comrades, hurry up -

We need to save the house!

Where is your fire extinguisher?

Smoke is coming from under the doors!

And the neighbors say:

Those pancakes are on fire!

Oh when it came down to it

Our hero was disgraced -

Nine pancakes burned down

And the tenth was raw!

It's easy to speak

It's hard to make pancakes!


That chatterbox Lida, they say,

This Vovka invented.

And when should I talk?

I don't have time to talk!

Drama circle, photo circle,

Horkruzhok - I want to sing,

For the drawing circle

And Marya Markovna said,

When I walked yesterday from the hall:

"Drama circle, photo circle

It's too much of something.

Take your pick, friend

Just one circle."

Well, I chose from the photo...

But I also want to sing

And for the drawing circle

And what about the talker Lida, they say,

This Vovka invented.

And when should I talk?

I don't have time to talk!

I am old now

In our class, the head girl.

And what do I want?

Become a pilot, guys.

I'll take the stratospheric...

What is this, by the way?

Maybe it's a stratostat

When do elders fly?

And what about the talker Lida, they say,

This Vovka invented.

And when should I talk?

I don't have time to talk!

I still have loads

In German and Russian.

We have been given a task

Reading and grammar.

I'm sitting looking out the window

And suddenly I see a boy there.

He says, "Come here

I'll give you iris."

And I say: "I have loads

In German and Russian.

And he says: "Come here,

I'll give you iris."

And what about the talker Lida, they say,

This Vovka invented.

And when should I talk?

I don't have time to talk!

Botany is sick

Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

The lesson is cancelled.

Dancing like a holiday

Young pranksters

And they shout: - Good day:

Botanists have a migraine!

Such a cry! Such delight!

All like birthdays.

Let her give her peace

Doctor at the clinic

Let her go to treatment

We agree not to study!

And the attendant says:

I had diphtheria

And it took six weeks

Put me to bed.

The leader was indignant,

Pioneers listening.

He says: We show

Indifference to people!

Called sweetheart

They called glorious

Our Olga Nikolaevna,

And now we wish evil:

Let the botanist go to bed!

Here the detachment came to its senses,

Everyone on duty reproaches.

And the attendant says:

Please don't panic!

I had diphtheria

Not botanists!

The conversation went different

Everyone sympathizes with the patient:

It's time for you to get better

Olga Nikolaevna!

In vain we shouted "Hurrah" -

This is us by accident.

Letter R

Five years of Serezha in January,

So far - four, fifth,

But they play with him in the yard

And grown-ups.

And how about sledding, for example,

He flies boldly from the mountains!

Serezhe only the letter "r"

Spoils things a bit.

Sister angry at brother

Her name is Marina.

And he stands in the middle of the yard,

Shouts: - Where are you, Malina?

She repeats: - Hold your tongue,

Press tight to the palate! -

He, like a diligent student,

Takes up studies.

Marina repeats: - “Cancer”, “stream”.

Marina teaches her brother.

He repeats: - "Varnish", "rays", -

Sighing guiltily.

She repeats: - Say "metro",

Let's go to the uncle's on the subway.

No, he replies slyly.

We'd better get on the bus.

It's not easy to say "belt"

"Frost", "river", "cold"!

But one day in January

A miracle happened in the morning.

Big sister sneezed

He shouted: - Be healthy! -

But yesterday I couldn't

Say it this word.

Now he loves the letter "r"

Screaming, rolling down the hill:

Hurrah! I am a bold pioneer!

I will live in the USSR

Study for five!

In an empty apartment

I opened the door with my key.

I am in an empty apartment.

No, I'm not upset at all

That I'm in an empty apartment.

Thanks for this key!

I can do what I want -

After all, I'm alone in the apartment,

Alone in an empty apartment.

Thanks for this key!

Now I turn on the radio

I will shout all the singers!

I can whistle, knock on doors,

No one will say: "Don't make noise!"

No one will say: "Don't whistle!"

Everyone at work until five!

Thank you for this key...

But for some reason I am silent

And I don't want anything

Alone in an empty apartment.

In the theatre

When I was

Eight years,

Watch ballet.

We went with a friend, Any.

We took off our coats in the theater,

They took off their warm coats.

We are in the theater, in the locker room,

They handed out the numbers.

Finally, I'm in ballet!

I forgot everything in the world.

Even three times three

I wouldn't be able to now.

Finally I'm in the theater

How I was waiting for this.

I now see a fairy

In a white scarf and wreath.

I sit, I do not dare to breathe,

I have the number in my hand.

Suddenly the orchestra burst into the pipes,

Me and my girlfriend Any

They even shuddered a little.

Suddenly I see - there is no number.

Fairy spinning around the stage -

I don't look at the stage.

I rubbed my knees -

I can't find the number.

Maybe he is

Under a chair somewhere?

me now

Not for ballet!

The trumpets are playing stronger

The guests are dancing at the ball,

And me and my girlfriend Any

Looking for a room on the floor.

He rolled off somewhere...

I crawl into the next row.

Guys wonder:

Who's crawling down there?

A butterfly fluttered across the stage -

I didn't see anything:

I was looking for the number below

And finally found him.

And just then the light came on

And everyone left the room.

I really like ballet, -

I told the guys.

To school

Why is Petya today

Woke up ten times?

Because he is today

Enters first grade.

He's not just a boy anymore

And now he's a rookie.

He's wearing a new jacket

Turndown collar.

He woke up in the dark night

It was only three o'clock.

He was terribly scared

That the lesson has already begun.

He got dressed in two minutes

He grabbed a pencil case from the table.

Papa ran after

I caught up with him at the door.

Behind the wall, the neighbors stood up,

The electricity was lit

Behind the wall, the neighbors stood up,

And then they lay down again.

He woke up the whole apartment,

I couldn't sleep until morning.

Even my grandmother dreamed

What is her lesson.

Even grandpa dreamed

What is he standing at the blackboard

And he can not on the map

Find the Moscow River.

Why is Petya today

Woke up ten times?

Because he is today

Enters first grade.

important prisoner

It was spring time

There was a war game

And we got a prisoner.

Captive! Captive!

What an honorable prisoner!

Although he is not tall,

But he has a gray temple,

He is a very important person -

Head teacher

Taken in the ring.

He was in the game

He lit signal fires

And he was taken prisoner.

Captured! Captured!

Such venerable prisoners!

I put a deuce not one

He's in our diaries

And today he is in captivity

Schoolchildren in their hands.

It's nice, whatever you say

Things are going well...

Secretaries run to him:

Director! Your report!

And he sighs: - Well, well!

Warn me: I'm a prisoner.

Such an important person

Head teacher

Taken in the ring!

Such a priceless prisoner

Alone in the entire universe!


Spring, spring outside

Spring days!

Like birds are flooding

Tram calls.

Noisy, funny

Spring Moscow.

Not yet dusty

Green foliage.

Rooks roar on a tree,

Trucks rumble.

Spring, spring outside

Spring days!

Passers-by cannot pass here:

There is a rope on the way.

The girls think in chorus

Ten times ten.

This is from our backyard.

Champions, Masters

They carry jumpers in their pockets,

They've been jumping since morning.

In the yard and on the boulevard

In the alley and in the garden

And on every sidewalk

In front of passers-by

And from a run

And in place

And two legs

Lidochka stepped forward.

Lida takes the rope.

Girls jump around

Fun and smart

And from the hands of Lida

The rope broke.

Linda, Linda, you are small!

In vain you took the jump rope! -

Linda can't jump

Do not reach the corner!

Early in the morning in the hallway

Suddenly there was a clatter of feet.

Neighbor Ivan Petrovich got up,

I couldn't understand anything.

He was terribly angry

And he said angrily:

Why all night in the front

Someone stomps like an elephant?

Grandma got up from the bed -

It's time to get up anyway.

This is Lida in the hallway

Learn to jump in the morning.

Lida jumps around the apartment

And she counts out loud.

Linda asks her grandmother:

Turn around a little!

I already jumped

Almost ten.

Well, Grandma said,

Isn't it enough for now?

Downstairs, probably pouring

Lime from the ceiling.

Spring, spring outside

Spring days!

Rooks roar on a tree,

Trucks rumble.

Noisy, funny

Spring Moscow.

Not yet dusty

Green foliage.

Lidochka stepped forward

Lida takes the rope.

Linda, Linda! That's it, Linda!

Look, this is Linda.

Rides for half an hour!

I'm straight

Me and sideways

With a turn

And with a leap

And from a run

And in place

And two legs

Jumped to the corner.

I wouldn't be able to!

Spring, spring outside

Spring days!

With books, with notebooks

The students are coming.

Full of noisy fun

boulevards and gardens,

And rejoice as much as you want

Jump in every way.

All for all

We've arrived! We've arrived!

The parents have arrived!

With sweets, with nuts

The parents have arrived.

Girls and boys

Jumping for joy

In every suitcase

Apples and sweets.

Here is for my daughter

in a knot


And here are the pies

Take care of them for yourself.

Here's to the son


In a sachet.

This is my Petya

This is no one else!

And with bags in hand

Gobble up in the corners

From each other

In secret

Who is the pie

And who candy.

Vitya walks

Past everyone:

"If only I

One nut!

Not wait

I stayed

No candy."

Suddenly guys

Get up from your seats:

We eat,

Doesn't he eat?



Would you like,

But put

Everything on the table

Everything is one hundred!

that we sat down

In the corners?

We'll share everything



All for all:

you walnut

We are walnut...

Everyone has everything

Guys, is there?



Gathered for a team gathering

All! There are no missing!

Collection serious:

Need to choose

The best girls in the council.

Galya is crossed off the list!

Everyone said to her eyes:

First of all, you are selfish

Secondly, you are a fidget.

They offer to choose Sveta:

Sveta writes to the wall newspaper,

And she is excellent.

But he plays dolls of Light! -

Ilyina says.

Like this new member advice!

Nursing her doll!

No! - Shouts, excited, Sveta.

I'm sewing a dress for her now.

I sew a brown dress

I embroider a belt.

Sometimes, of course, by the way

I'll play with her for a while.

You even need to sew for dolls!-

The squad moves in.

Will sew later for grandchildren! -

Pioneers speak.

Natasha raised her hand.

We must resolve the issue.

I believe for dolls

It's embarrassing to sew in the fifth grade!

It became noisy in the school hall,

A heated argument ensued

But on reflection, they all said:

Sewing for dolls is not a shame!

Swan geese

Kids in the yard

They led a round dance.

Game of geese and swan

Gray wolf - Vasily.

Geese-swans, home!

Gray wolf under the mountain!

The wolf does not even look at them,

The wolf is sitting on a bench.

Gathered around him

Swans and geese.

Why don't you eat us?

Marusya says.

Since you are a wolf, don't be afraid!

The goose shouted at the wolf. -

From such a wolf

No sense!

The wolf replied: - I'm not afraid,

I will attack you now.

I eat a pear first,

And then I'll take care of you!

Two sisters look at their brother

Two sisters look at their brother:

Small, awkward

Can't smile

It only furrows the brows.

The younger brother sneezed

Sisters rejoice:

Now the child is growing

He sneezed like an adult!

Grandpa's granddaughter

Walks to school in the morning

All young Moscow

People say verbs

And difficult words.

And Klava is a student

Rushing in the car in the morning

Along the Garden Ring

Straight to the school porch.

white-haired teacher

Walking to class

And Klavochka is in the car.

And for what reason

And by what right

Carrying Claudia?

I am grandpa's granddaughter

My grandfather is a Hero of Labor...-

But the granddaughter is a white woman,

And that's the problem!

She sits bored

And put down the notebook

But grandfather cups of tea

Doesn't dare to submit.

But he will ask his grandfather:

Will you give me a car?

I'm going to the skating rink!

And call the garage.

Sometimes it happens -

All the people marvel:

At the hero grandfather

The idler is growing.

It was in January...

It was in January

There was a tree on the mountain

And next to this tree

The bad wolves roamed.

Here once,

night time,

When it's so quiet in the forest

Meet the wolf under the mountain

Bunnies and bunnies.

Who wants in the New Year

Fall into the clutches of a wolf!

The rabbits rushed forward

And they jumped on the tree.

They pricked their ears

They hung like toys.

ten little bunnies

They hang on the tree and are silent.

The wolf was deceived.

It was in January,

He thought that on the mountain

Decorated Christmas tree.


Morning. It's hot in the sun.

The cat is standing by the stream.

Whose cat is this?

Looks at everyone

Like a savage.

We explained to the savage:

You are not a tiger in the Zoo,

You are an ordinary cat!

Well, purr a little!

The cat is like a tigress again

She arched her back and got angry.

The cat is stalking...

In vain we had a conversation with her.


The speaker was young,

He spoke about work.

He argued from the podium:

Work is always needed, everywhere!

The school tells us to work,

Teaching this squad...

Pick up the papers from the floor!

One of the boys called out.

But here the speaker grimaces:

There's a cleaning lady for that!

The house has moved

Near the stone bridge

Where the Moscow River flows

Near the stone bridge

The street became narrow.

There are traffic jams on the street

Drivers are worried.

Oh, - the guard sighs,

The house interferes with the corner!

Syoma was not at home for a long time -

Rested in Artek Syoma,

And then he got into the car,

And he returned to Moscow.

Here is a familiar turn -

But no house, no gate!

And Syoma stands in fear

And rubs his eyes with his hands.

The house stood

On this spot!

He has gone

Together with residents!

Where is the fourth house number?

He was visible for a mile! -

Syoma speaks anxiously

Guard on the bridge.-

I returned from the Crimea,

I need to go home!

Where is the tall gray house?

I have my mom in it!

The guard replied to Syoma:

You got in the way

You are decided in your home

Take it to the alley.

Look around the corner

And find this house.

Syoma whispers with tears:

Maybe I'm crazy?

You seem to have told me

Do houses move?

Syoma rushed to the neighbors,

And the neighbors say:

We all the time, Syoma, go,

We're going ten days in a row.

These walls move quietly

And the mirrors don't break

There are vases in the buffet,

The lamp in the room is intact.

Oh, happy

So you can go

Well, then to the village in the summer

We'll go to this house!

A neighbor will come to visit us:

"Ah!" - but at home ... not at home.

I won't learn my lesson

I'll tell the teachers

All tutorials away:

The house walks through the fields.

Join us for firewood

The house will go straight into the forest.

We walk - and the house is behind us,

We are home - and the house ... disappeared.

The house went to Leningrad

At the October parade.

Tomorrow morning at dawn

The house will return, they say.

Dom said before leaving:

"Wait before entering,

Don't run after me

I'm off today."

No, - Syoma decided angrily,

The house should not run by itself!

The man is the master of the house,

Everything around is obedient to us.

We want - and in the blue sea,

AT blue sky let's swim!

Let's want -

And move the house

If the house interferes with us!

His family

Vova has a deuce with a minus -

Unheard of business!

He didn't move at the board.

He didn't pick up the chalk!

He stood like a stone

He stood like a statue.

So how do you pass your exams?

The counselor is worried.-

Your family, father and mother,

Reproach at the meeting

The director will be in person!

We have a good twenty-five

And three excellent families,

But for now, your family

The director is unhappy

She raise a student

Doesn't help the school.

So what about my family?

He says with a sigh.-

I get deuces -

And suddenly the family is bad!

He would endure reproaches,

Wouldn't show it

But the question is about the family -

The family will not be offended!

Mom will be blamed:

"We have good twenty-five

And three excellent families,

And you are alone bad mother!» -

The director will speak personally.

Sadly Vova looks into the distance,

A stone lay on the heart:

Mom felt very sorry...

No, he will pass the exam!

She will tell her mother: "Don't be sad,

Rely on me!

We must be transferred

To a good family!

There are such boys

We look at the boy -

He's kind of unsociable!

He frowns, he grunts,

Like drinking vinegar.

Vovochka comes out into the garden,

Gloomy, as if asleep.

I don't want to say hello

He hides his hand behind his back.

We are sitting on a bench

Sat on the side unsociable,

He doesn't take the ball

He's about to cry.

We thought, we thought

We thought we came up with:

We will be like Vovochka

Gloomy, gloomy.

We went out into the street -

They also began to frown.

Even little Lyuba -

She's only two years old

She pursed her lips too

And pouted like an owl.

Look! - we shout to Vova.

Okay, are we furrowing our brows?

He looked at our faces

Was about to get angry

Suddenly how to laugh.

He does not want, but laughs

Sounds like a bell.

He waved his hand at us:

Am I like this?

You are so! - we shout to Vova,

We furrow our brows more and more.

He asked for mercy:

Oh, I can't laugh!

He is now unrecognizable.

We sit on the bench with him

And we call it:

Vova - former unsociable.

He wants to frown

He will remember us and will want to.

Greedy Egor

Oh, what a hubbub!

Komsomol members are dancing.

This is how the youth dance

Whatever you don't want, let's go

Dance on the tree.

A merry choir sings here,

Fables are read here...

Yegor stands aside,

Fat third grader.

He came to the ball first

AT school club on the tree

Egor did not dance:

Why dance to no avail?

He does not look at dragonflies

And bright fish.

He has one question:

Santa Claus coming soon

Give out gifts?

People are funny, funny,

Everyone shouts: - Scream! -

But Yegor keeps saying one thing:

And gifts soon?

Wolf, and hare, and bear -

Everyone came to the tree.

Why stare at them?

Laughing uselessly?

The skiing began from the mountains,

Egor does not ride:

I ride in the park!

He has one question:

Santa Claus coming soon

Giving gifts?

Santa Claus plays collection:

Here are the gifts, children!

Yegor was the first to grab

Golden bag.

Sitting on a chair in the corner

I wrapped my gift

With sense, with arrangement,

Tied with twine.

And then he asked again:

And on the tree in the park

Will distribute tomorrow

Gifts for students?


Klava sighed endlessly:

If I were curly

I would, like in a fairy tale, the king-maiden,

She eclipsed everyone with beauty.-

And the student decided

Appear curled.

Chernobrova and Curly

Beautiful girl-soul!

Everyone whispers: - Petrova Klava

Impossibly good!

But he sits as if lifeless,

As if plunged into a dream.

Oh, - said the link, -

Klava seems to be sick!

Klava said: - Girlfriends,

I really am alive!

I tossed on the pillow:

Curls interfered with sleep -

All in pieces of paper head.

Here she yawned again

And fell asleep in algebra.

Anna Aleksevna is watching:

In the classroom - a sleeping princess.

Oh, my friends are worried

The quarter draws to a close

And Klava has curls!

No, they don't suit her.


In order

Line up!

For charging


We are growing

In the sun


Our feet

Our shots

Our muscles

Not dim.

In order

Line up!

For charging


We are growing

In the sun

Lilac blossomed in the garden

Andryusha was born in the spring

One good day.

The father is proud of the boy

She is six years old

Shouts to the little brother: - Well done,

What was born!


I am Volodya's marks

I know without a diary.

If a brother comes with a triple

There are three calls.

If suddenly in our apartment

The ringing starts

So five or four

He received today.

If he comes with a deuce -

I hear from afar

Two short ones are distributed,

Indecisive call.

Well, what if the unit is

He knocks softly on the door.

herd game

We played flock yesterday

And we had to roar.

We growled and groaned

They barked like dogs

Heard no comments

Anna Nikolaevna.

And she said sternly:

What kind of noise do you have?

I saw a lot of children -

I see these for the first time.

We said to her:

There are no children here!

We are not Petya and not Vova -

We are dogs and cows.

And the dogs are always barking

Your words are not understood.

And the cows are always mooing

Keeping flies away.

And she answered: - What are you?

Okay, if you are cows,

Then I am a shepherd.

I ask you to keep in mind:

I bring cows home.

To us, on colorful pages...

To us, on colorful pages,

Two tits have arrived.

They say: - Trouble struck!

We flew here

Tell me about the slingshot!

We are from birds! We are delegates!

Titmouses are so worried!

They speak with difficulty.

They ask: - Give us some water,

We'll come to ourselves then.-

We brought them water -

The tits have calmed down.

One tit says:

What's going on in the forest!

The chicks are crying in the nest

Help us in need!

My baby bird is so scared

Doesn't fly anywhere

He already flew over the meadow,

Hovered around the nest.

And now he's afraid of everything

Doesn't even eat caterpillars

I want to move

Fly away from these places.

I heard there are young people

But we don't have them in the forest.

boy in a striped shirt

A little light comes to us.

If this boy again

Suddenly appears in the forest,

I am such a thrill

I won't bear it!

Here we found out from the birds

Who is this bully?

Turned out it was Alik

Eight year old boy.

This is him in the woods furtively

He shot at small chicks.

Here he is standing with a slingshot...

Alik, do you recognize yourself?

We tamed two tits,

They were assigned the job

May they be apart and together

They fly to school, to class,

And they bring news to the book

From readers, from you.

They will fly in a squad

Cases will be checked by school ...

Let them fly where they want -

They are free birds.

And we released them

Now we stand and look after.


Lesson don't ask me

Don't ask, don't ask

Lesson don't ask me -

Squad on vacation

On a decorated tree

The lanterns are on.

Schoolchildren will have fun

On free days.

We are out of town, in Sokolniki,

Skiing, skating.

Fall down to the waist

To the waist, to the waist

Fall down to the waist

Stay in the snow

And I'm skiing in the forest

To the North Pole

Run as you wish!

Lesson don't ask me

Don't ask, don't ask

Lesson don't ask me -

Squad on vacation

On a decorated tree

The lanterns are on.

And all notebooks


For now

They will sleep.


We are all morning

fiddling with sprouts

We planted them

With my own hands.

Together with my grandmother

planted seedlings,

And Katya went

With a friend in the garden.

Then we had to

Fight the weeds

We pulled them out

With my own hands.

We dragged with my grandmother

full watering cans,

And Katya was sitting

In the garden on a bench.

Are you on the bench

Are you sitting like a stranger?

And Katya said:

I'm waiting for the harvest.


The fable was chosen a long time ago

Assigned roles,

The link decided to act

At a matinee at school.

The girls decided to read

"Quartet", there is such a fable. *

Svetlana did not fit the role:

I'm not stubborn at all

Why should I play the donkey?

Mom won't let me.

The performers started making noise.

One shouts: - She is a bear,

And not a monkey at all!

Another shouts: - Chur-chura,

I said yesterday -

I am a teddy bear!

A day and two days go by

Then five passes

No way to rehearsal

Artists do not collect.

The goat came and sat down at the table,

But there is no nightingale.

Well, if so, - said the goat,

Then I'll leave too!

naughty monkey

Rushed off to the skating rink

And the clumsy bear

Grabbing your coat

Ran off.

There is no monkey

My aunt took me somewhere

That bear is clubfoot

Gone skiing with dad!

When there is no agreement among comrades,


The elder brother cradled his sister:

Baiushki bye!

Let's get the dolls out of here

Baiushki bye.

Persuaded the girl

(She's only a year old)

Time to sleep,

Bury yourself in a pillow

I will give you a club

Get up on the ice.


Do not Cry,

Soccer ball,

You will be the judge

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

The elder brother cradled his sister:

Well, let's not buy a ball,

Bring back the dolls

Just don't cry.

Well, don't cry, don't be stubborn.

It's time to sleep...

You understand - I'm dad and mom

Released to the cinema.


Weekday and weekend

Distributed behind the wall:

Will you take me to the beach?

What will you give me for this?

Clear my pencil!

What will you give me for this?

Alexey came from school,

I recognize his steps.

He charges everyone.

Buttoned up my brother's pants -

Took him for a cookie

Half a cookie.

Raise your glasses, my dear!

With the request of the grandfather to him.

Dear granddaughter answers:

Give me a penny - I'll raise it!

Alexey came from school.

He now came up with this:

"If I learn the verbs,

I give myself a nickel.

If I learn prefixes,

I need a raise."

Weekday and weekend

Distributed behind the wall:

Alik, help grandfather

To reach the eighth floor?

Alexey, respect your father!

And the answer is the same:

What will you give me for this?


If you're still nowhere

Didn't meet the queen

Look - here she is!

She lives among us.

Everyone, right and left

The queen announces:

Where is my coat? Hang him up!

Why is he not there?

I have a heavy portfolio

Bring it to school!

I charge the duty officer

Bring me a cup of tea

And buy me at the buffet

Each, each one candy.

The queen is in third grade

And her name is Nastasya.

Bow at Nastya

Like a crown

like a crown

From kapron.

Lenochka with a bouquet

Lenochka came on stage

Noise rippled through the ranks.

From children, - said Lena, -

I'll say hello to you.

Lena on the 8th of March

She spoke to her mother.

Everyone was touched by a white apron,

Bows, curls to the shoulders.

Moms do not rejoice:

How cute is she!

Best program number

This girl was.

Once in the hall of the district council

The deputies have gathered.

Lena, a girl with a bouquet,

Came out to them from behind the scenes.

Lena is so bold

Say hello to everyone,

She is familiar with this:

Performing for the third year.

Third year, winter and summer,

Appears with a bouquet:

That will come for the anniversary

That's at a teacher's convention.

Lenochka can't sleep at night,

During the day she does not drink, does not eat:

"Oh, another student

They would not have sent me to the congress!”

Lena speaks calmly:

Tomorrow I'll get a deuce -

I have a district plenum,

I teach greetings.

Lena, a girl with a bouquet,

Falling behind in all subjects:

So when do you study?

Tomorrow is another anniversary!

Summer on the scales

There are scales in our camp,

Not just like that, not for beauty, -

We find out in the morning

Who has gained weight, by how many grams.

No, we do not go to a distant forest:

How about losing some weight while hiking?

We spend the morning by the scales.

We can not wander through the forests:

All by the hour! Yes, by weight!

And in the rain - we immediately under a canopy.

Guys are valued by their weight!

And how many dramas there are:

Seryozha lost a kilogram,

And for a long time he gasped and moaned

All medical staff.

Suddenly our routine has changed:

In the morning we run to the river,

We hug, we scream...

Hooray! Don't hang your noses -

Our scales are out!

Fly, fly!

The look of the birds is pitiful,

We didn't recognize them!

Apparently in a shambles

The birds have been.

At least news from the way

You sent, birds!

We were seated,

The tits are talking.

Do you know Taras?

He's a second class thunderstorm.

He goes - the whole class is trembling.

That's what this Taras is!

We decided not to be silent

And a note to print,

Post his portrait

Shame on the whole world.

He tore up the note

He put us in a cage.

We picked up the pieces

torn notes

And one night

They broke out of the cage.

Well done our tits -

They flew out of the dungeon.

They brought a portrait of Taras.

We are Taras for more than an hour

Made up of pieces.

Look what he is!

Brawler or parasite

Don't be afraid to laugh

Our birds never

Now they're fading away again

Come back to us here...

amateur angler

Sitting on the lake in the morning

amateur fisherman,

Sitting, humming a song

A song without words:




lake deep,

Good luck fishing.

Now catch a perch

Amateur fisherman.




Wonderful song -

And joy in it, and sadness,

And he knows this song

All fish by heart.




How the song starts

All the fish are melting...



blue skirt,

Ribbon in braid.

Who doesn't know Lyubochka?

Everyone knows love.

Girls at the party

Gather in a circle.

How Lyubochka dances!

Best of all friends.

The skirt is spinning

And a ribbon in a braid

Everyone is looking at Lyubochka,

Everyone rejoices.

But if this Lyubochka

You will come to the house

There you are this girl

Find out the hard way.

She screams from the threshold

Announces on the go:

I have many lessons

I won't go for bread!

Lyubochka rides in a tram -

She does not take a ticket.

Pushing everyone with elbows,

Sneaks forward.

She says, pushing:

Ugh! What tightness!

She says to the old woman:

These are children's places.

Well, sit down, - she sighs.

blue skirt,

Ribbon in braid.

That's what Lyubochka

In all its glory.

It happens that girls

Are very rough

Although not necessarily

They are called Love.


Like our Lyalechka

Almost a dozen dresses.

I won't wear white

Badly ironed!

I won't wear yellow

Yellow wrinkled.

I'm not just a girl

I am our guide!

Grandma is confused

Ironing after dinner.

For counselor dress

Will be ironed.

There are such people -

Give them everything on a platter!


My grandfather and I were painting a barn,

We got up with him a little light.

Wipe the wall first

My grandfather taught me. -

You wipe it off, cleanse it,

Then boldly take up the brush.

So my brush flew!

Thunder rumbled in the sky

And I thought it was me

I thunder with my bucket.

Well, finally the shed is ready.

My grandfather is so happy!

Eh, I would take paints of all colors

And paint everything!

There is some paint in the bucket

On the bottom, a little bit -

I will rise at dawn tomorrow

I'll paint something!

cheerleader mom

I do boxing,

I'm into boxing

And my mother assures me

What a fight I got carried away

Trouble! - Mom sighs. -

I'm so depressed

That I raised my son

Such a brawler!

I called my mother

To the boxing gym

She refused me.

No, he says, I can't

I'll run away from the hall!

And she said bluntly:

Boxing is disgusting!

I tell her: - Mom!

You don't think sports!

Here's my first fight

I really need a win

My enemy brought with him

Two grandmothers and grandfather.

All his relatives showed up

All for him, against me.

He sees his whole family

Feels supported in battle

And I'm upset! I give up!

And I need to defend the honor

Ryazan schoolchildren.

Suddenly I see - mom,

Mom is here!

Sitting quietly in the hall

Sitting in the twelfth row

And she said - I will not come!

I instantly felt the rise -

Let's beat the enemy now!

Here he is with all the guys

Tangled in ropes.

Well, how did I fight? Boldly?-

I run to my mother.

I don't know, I was sitting

With closed eyes.

We are at the zoo

- White bear!

Does she live in ice?

— Blizzard and sleet

Bears are not afraid?

- Oh, little teddy bear!

- The child is only a year old!

- He has such felt boots on,

That they are not afraid of ice.

- Oh, the brown bear is walking!

— He is dressed in heavy fur.

He is a portly figure

Can fear catch up on everyone!

Dinner! Dinner! Bringing lunch!

No more patience.

Don't give him lunch

He'll eat his neighbor right now.

At the little sable

While the food is special:

Everyone cares about him

And they feed by the hour

And he is


He knows how to suck himself.

Quiet time at the Zoo

Just like ours!

They are lying,

And we lie.

Same mode.

We cleared the old garden

We cleared the old garden

from harmful insects.

In the garden they saw a detachment

Unfamiliar boys.

They didn't just come

Poppy seeds were weeded out on the beds.

And an hour later appeared in the garden

Another boy group.

The detachment did not just come -

The guys trampled the poppy.

We were surprised: how can this be?

And on the aspen two thrushes

They explained to us: - Yes, yes, yes!

Division of labor.

This is how people do it:

One group is planting a garden,

The other one breaks it.

At the school party

The clown is on stage!

He sharpens well

Will say a word -

And laughter is heard.

School explodes

Bursts of laughter:

Clown is a first grader!

Well, fun!

girls laugh

Especially the call!

But not laughing

One of the girls.

Something got ruffled

This girl:

I don't feel like it

Choke from laughter!

The girls whisper:

She's not laughing

Tanya does not tolerate

Someone else's success.

Our neighbor Ivan Petrovich

Know our neighbor

All the guys from the yard.

He them even before dinner

He says it's time for bed.

He looks angry at everyone

He doesn't like everything.

Why is the window open?

We are in Moscow, not in the Crimea!

Open the door for a minute

He says it's a draft.

Our neighbor Ivan Petrovich

Sees everything is always wrong.

It's such a good day

Not a single cloud in the sky.

He grumbles: - Put on galoshes,

It will be pouring rain!

I got better over the summer

I put on five kilos.

I myself have noticed this -

Running became difficult.

Oh you, bear clumsy -

Mom and dad told me

You added a whole pood!

No, said Ivan Petrovich,

Your child is too thin!

We told mom for a long time:

Time to buy a bookcase!

On tables and under tables

A whole mountain of books.

Against the wall next to the sofa

The new cabinet is now up.

They sent it to our house

And with difficulty dragged through the door.

Dad was so happy.

The walls are strong at the closet,

It's finished in walnut!

But Ivan Petrovich came -

As always, upset everyone.

He said it's not like that:

That varnish will peel off the cabinet,

That he's not good at all

What is the price of such a penny,

What will he go for firewood

In a month or two!

We have a puppy in our apartment

He sleeps near the chest.

No, perhaps in the whole world

Kinder puppy.

He doesn't drink from the saucer yet.

Everyone in the corridor is laughing:

I bring him the pacifier.

No! - shouts Ivan Petrovich. -

This dog needs a chain!

But one day all the guys

Came up to him in a crowd,

Guys came up to him

And they asked: - What's wrong with you?

Why do you see clouds

Even on sunny days?

You wipe your glasses better -

Maybe they are dirty?

Maybe someone out of spite

Gave the wrong glass?

Away!” said Ivan Petrovich.

I will teach you now!

I, - said Ivan Petrovich, -

Oh, what an eccentric neighbor!

It is very bad to live in the world,

If you see everything wrong.

No tits: they didn't arrive!

No tits: they didn't arrive!

Where are the two tits?

Empty in our book

Motley pages.

What happened to the birds?

Where are they, pray tell?

Look around you

In the garden, in the park

Ride maybe now

Two little gray birds?

Or birds flew into the house

Straight from the book?

curious tits

They love new places.

Please run after

For every tit.

No tits!

All no and no!

At least call the police.

The right song

We are learning to sing!

We are now on Saturdays

Don't just eat

We sing along to the notes.

We are many tunes

You must remember:

And on a long journey

We need songs

And a friend's house

Sing at your leisure...

There are smooth songs

And there are dancers.

Today we are in class

Let's eat them for the first time.

At every lesson

That's how to sing!

There is even a special song -

For Wedding.

That's twenty years later

I decide to marry

Then this song

And I will need it.

Once I broke the glass

No, I've been unlucky in my life

Once I broke the glass.

It's under the sun

It sparkled and burned

And I accidentally - the ball!

How hot I am!

And since then,

Ever since then

As soon as I run

Someone shouts after:

Want to break glass?

A lot of water has flowed

Since I broke the glass

But I just need to breathe

Now someone asks:

Are you sighing through the glass?

Broken glass again?

No, I've been unlucky in my life

Once I broke the glass.

Walks towards me yesterday

Thinking about something

A girl from our yard

Good girl.

I want to start a conversation with her

But, correcting the curl,

She's talking some nonsense

About broken windows.

No, I've been unlucky in my life

Glass haunts me.

When I am two hundred years old,

My grandchildren will come to me.

They will tell me:

True, grandfather

You took the cobblestone in your hands

Bulleted at every window? -

I will not answer, I will sigh.

No, I've been unlucky in my life

Once I broke the glass.


Seryozha will not fall asleep in any way,

He looks at lying down

thin-legged deer

On the lawn in the distance -

thin-legged deer

High on the ceiling

He is handsome, majestic,

He stands with his horns up

And around the dark grasses,

The meadows are spreading.

Seryozha got on his knees,

Looked at the ceiling

He sees - cracks on the wall,

He was surprised and lay down.

Said the next day

When the curtains were opened:

I know it was a deer

But he raced off into the mountains.

Where are you from, tits?

Where are you from, tits?

Flying over the capital...

Fifth grader waddle

Slowly down the boulevard

And, imagine, threw a stick!

And in whom?

In a baby!

It suits the predator

A decent bird

It won't be treated like that

To the defenseless chick.

And by the river at any hour

There is always a girl

Lying with a piece of paper on his nose

And looking in the mirror.

The girl is tanning

Grandma does laundry.

We want, - said the birds,

Look at other children.-

Again fluttered from the page

And they set off again.

I'll put it off for later

What am I suffering

Over a blank slate?

No, I'm a blueprint

I'll put it off for later.

It's not glued

Am I to the drawing?

I run to Shura,

I'll tell her a secret.

No, I probably

I'll lay the secret

I'm better with a book

I'll sit for a while.

The book got

weighty tome,

I put it off

For later,

I suffer again

Above a clean slate...

So many worries

All business and business...

It's a pity I am the night

I couldn't put it off.



Soon ten years Serezha,

Not six more

Everything can't

Grow up to Serezha.

Poor Dima,

He is younger!

He is jealous

Brother everything is allowed -

He's in fourth grade!

Can he go to the movies

Take tickets at the box office.

He has a knife in his briefcase

Badges on my chest

And now Serezha

The doctor prescribed glasses.

No guys, this is too much!

He suddenly appeared in glasses!

In the yard he said to the boys:

I'm terribly nearsighted!

And this is what happened the next morning:

Poor Dima suddenly went blind.

There was soap on the window

He said it was bread.

He pulled the tablecloth off the table,

Ran into a chair backwards

And he asked about Aunt Katya:

Is that the closet in front of me?

Dima sees nothing.

Chair takes - sits by

And shouts: - I'm nearsighted!

I need to see a doctor!

I want to go to the doctor

I want to wear glasses!

Don't worry and don't cry

The doctor says to the patient.

He puts on a robe

Takes out chocolate.

Didn't have time to say a word

The cry of the patient is heard:

I don't need chocolate

I don't see chocolate!

The doctor looks at the patient.

She tells him sternly:

We are not fools!

You don't need glasses!

Here Dima walks to the house,

He remained foolish.

Don't envy others

Even if he is wearing glasses.

The first love

Everyone can guess -

Antonina is in love!

So what! She's almost twenty

And it's spring outside!

The phone just rings

Tonya whispers: - It's him!

Became gentle and meek,

Walks with an easy gait

Sings like a bird in the morning...

Suddenly, the younger sister

A little light wakes up

He says: - It's time to fall in love!

I am almost thirteen years old.

And Natasha in class

Looked at all the guys

"Yurka? Too plump!

Petya is too small!

Here is Alyosha, a glorious fellow!

I'll fall in love with him, I guess."

Repeats the class on the map,

Where is the Irtysh, where is the Yenisei,

A lover on the desk

Gently whispers: - Alexey!

Alik looks distressed:

"What does she want from me?"

Everyone knows that girls

He is afraid of fire

He can't understand her!

She rolled her eyes,

She asked for a rubber band

She sighs heavily

Then for some reason a blotter

Gives him love.

Alik has lost his temper!

He treated her cruelly

Fucked up after class.

So from the first date

The suffering begins.

First lesson

I am in class for the first time.

Now I am a student.

The teacher entered the classroom

Get up or sit down?

How to open a desk

I didn't know at first

And I didn't know how to get up

So that the desk does not knock.

They tell me - go to the blackboard -

I raise my hand.

And how to hold a pen in your hand,

I don't understand at all.

How many students we have!

We have four Asi,

Four Vasya, five Marus

And two Petrovs in the class.

I'm in class for the first time

Now I am a student.

I'm sitting right on the desk

Although I can't sit.

Song of the Sailors

We are sailors

Shoulders are wide

Strong hands

Flared trousers.

It's hot in the stoker!

It's not hot in Africa!

Machine pulse beats

It looks like we're in a hurry...

We are sailors

Shoulders are wide

Strong hands

Flared trousers.

Sea in a storm

The waves are murky

Into the black storm

Singing gear.

Look, what a jock!

You bounce like a ball.

Hey, look from the deck -

Wouldn't fall overboard!

We are sailors

Shoulders are wide

Strong hands

Flared trousers.

We are sea devils

We will draw out the whole sea.

Petya is tired

Petya took "Native speech";

Decided to lie down on the sofa.

Let me take something...

Vitamins, right?

Weakness felt again

I'm at school today.

Mother's face changes

Vitamins A, B, C

Suggests to Pete.

(Vitamins A, B, C

Very fond of children.)

Mother looks at Petenka

And, sighing furtively,

Asks: let him not sit

Long over the notebook.

Well, perhaps you're right -

The cunning fellow groans. -

I'll rest for two hours...

I'm so tired!

Stuck in closet

"native speech"

And the mountain fell

Vitamins A, B, C

The cat rolls on the porch.

On the way to class

Nikita hurried to the lesson,

Walked without slowing down,

Suddenly a puppy growls at him,

Curly mongrel.

Nikita is an adult! He is not a coward!

But Tanyusha walked by,

She said: - Oh, I'm afraid!

And immediately tears hail.

But then Nikita saved her,

He showed courage

He said: - Go quietly to class!

And drove the mongrel away.

His Tanyusha is on the way

Thanks for the courage.

Save her one more time

Nikita wanted.

You will get lost in the forest

And I will come - I will save you!

He offered Tanya.

Well, no! - She replied. -

I won't go for a walk alone

My friends will be with me.

You can drown in the river!

Here drown sometime! -

Nikita offered her. -

I won't let you go down!

I won't drown myself!

She responds angrily.

She didn't understand him...

But that's not the point!

He's all the way to the corner

Saved Tanya boldly.

Saved her from the wolf in her dreams...

But then the guys came to the class.


Tanya has a lot to do

Tanya has a lot to do:

Helping my brother in the morning

He ate sweets in the morning.

Here's what Tanya has to do:

Tanya ate, drank tea,

I sat down, sat with my mother,

I got up and went to my grandmother.

Before going to bed, she told her mother:

Undress me yourself

I'm tired, I can't

I will help you tomorrow.

Time to say good-bye

Two birds flew

themselves are small,

How they flew

They got into the book.

They circled through the leaves,

Befriended us.

Two birds said:

Difficult without habit

And we are too small

To fly through the books.

Need to come back

We are in the forest thickets,

Where it's always cold

Where is the babbling stream.

Us in the woods titmouse

Waiting for roll call.

Two birds sighed

By itself small:

It's time for us to say goodbye

Break up with you!

You are in a snowstorm in winter

Give us feeders!

Fell off the pages

Our two girlfriends

Sat on the cover

Yes, and on the road!

Saying goodbye to the reader

Nimble tits.

This closes

Motley pages.

Come help me

Dear children,

They say that among you

A strange boy appeared

Nicknamed "Showcase".

He made a stool

He knocked her down somehow

But painted in a cage,

But the lacquer shines.

You can't sit on it

But the boy said:

She's good for show

Where is the showroom?

Dear children,

They say that among you

A strange boy appeared

Nicknamed "Showcase".

He is a sister - at a party -

He carried sweets in two handfuls,

And then - without strangers -

Threatened: - Try, touch them!

And the neighbor's cat

He caressed for a reason:

The neighbor has "Victory"

Ride until lunch!

Dear children,

Gotta get the kid away

If I can't do it alone

Come help me!

About lazy Fedot

Someone recently told us

About lazy Fedot.

He's in a hammock all day

Dozing with an umbrella in his hand.

Fedot is called to the garden,

He says: - Reluctance ... -

He says: "I'll go later,"

And yawns under an umbrella.

He has one job

He's in the hammock in the morning.

We learned about Fedot

And decided like this:

Let's go to him together

And we'll kill the lazy one.

We fly the day

Flying second

Camp under the mountain.

The links are busy weeding,

And one boy with bangs

Drags water to the garden.

Everyone shouts: - Here, Fedot! -

Is this the one or not?

No matter how you watch him

He's not a bum, he's not lazy!

Smiling Fedot:

It's me, but I'm not the one!

bee venom

On Neglinnaya new house -

Green balconies,

Poppies ripen on one

The other is lemons.

Some have a balcony in the spring

Like a hanging garden

Others, on the contrary,

It's not a garden, it's a vegetable garden.

And on the third, oddly enough,

The bees are bred by the beekeeper.

In the new house - bees!

That's the new settlers!

In the morning on Neglinnaya

A swarm of bees is rushing,

And from there - to the boulevard

Collect nectar from flowers.

The beekeeper breeds bees

He did not take into account one

What are they after all

All residents will be thrashed!

Grandma carried a pear

little grandson,

Suddenly a bee is on the stairs

How I got into her hand!

And yesterday I was crying out loud

Galya-Komsomol member:

The poor thing's nose is swollen -

Bitten by a bee!

Everyone screams: - From your bees

There is no rest for people!

We'll make a protocol

We will complain!

Beekeeper in defense of bees

I even read the lecture.

He said: - Bee venom

Many have been prescribed

The doctors now say

To bite the sick!

And with bee venom

The sisters go home.

If so, said one

The lean citizen

If they are so praised

Let me be stung!

I rarely get sick

The neighbor says

I'm afraid of bees like fire,

But just in case

Let them sting me too

So, perhaps better!

All the old ladies say

Bite us too!

Maybe bee venom

Makes you younger?

In the house - hobby:

New cure!

The whole house is talking about one thing -

Let the bees bite!

Even we now go

Right after school

To the bees for injections.

Rubber Zina

Bought in the store

rubber zine,

Rubber Zina

Brought in a basket.

She was loose

Rubber Zina,

Fell out of the basket

Soaked in mud.

We'll wash in gasoline

rubber zine,

We'll wash in gasoline

And wag a finger:

Don't be so sloppy

Rubber Zina,

And then we will send Zina

Back to the store.

The river has overflowed

Returned third class

With books from the lesson.

He sees the river rise

Spread widely.

Where there was a skating rink recently,

There is a raging stream.

The river threw down bridges

Escaped from captivity.

Everything is nothing to her now.


Flooded the garden

Rushing along the ravine

Rooster floats on the river

It took the poor man away.

Well, now it's over.

He is an inexperienced swimmer.

But with a wave of racing

Down the steep slope

Rushing along the river bank

Schoolchildren guys.

They run to the ravine

Streams flow around.

heavy driftwood

The guys are dragging.

The rooster is flying somewhere

The water carries him.

Here! - the guys shout.

Swim here, swim here!

A gang runs to the river,

A snag flies into the wave.

For a snag, for knots,

The edge of the board caught.

The rooster flutters its wings,

He flies to the shore.

looks around,

He does not believe in happiness.

Everyone knows that the third grade

Saved the rooster today.


Sela red girl

Relax under a tree.

Sat in the children's park

In a shady corner,

I sewed a nurse doll

Batiste apron.

Oh yes, beautiful girl!

What a handicraft!

It's obvious that you're young!

Does not sit idle:

Taught two boys

How to hold a needle

Oh yes, beautiful girl!

What a handicraft!

Teaches everyone how to sew and cut,

No one gives two.


Dad worked

It was forbidden to make noise...

under the sofa


I'm looking under the sofa -

I don't see a cricket

And he, as if on purpose,

Cracking from the ceiling.

That close cricket

That cricket is far away

It suddenly chirps

That is silent again.

cricket flies

Or does he walk?

Cricket with mustache

Or with a colorful belly?

And suddenly he is shaggy

And scary looking?

He crawls out to the floor

And surprise everyone.

Petka told me:

Come on piglet

Then I'll tell you

What a cricket.

Mom said:

Cracking endlessly!

Need to be evicted

Such a tenant!

Everywhere we searched

Wherever they could

Lost umbrella

under cabinet

Found under the sofa

glasses case,

But no

Didn't catch crickets.

Cricket - invisible,

You won't find him.

I still don't know

What does he look like.

Serezha teaches lessons

Serezha took his notebook -

Decided to take lessons.

The lake began to repeat

And mountains to the east.

But just then the fitter came.

Serezha started a conversation

About traffic jams, about wiring.

A minute later the fitter knew

How to jump from a boat

And that Serezha is ten years old,

And that he is a pilot at heart.

But now the light is on

And the counter worked.

Serezha took his notebook -

Decided to take lessons.

The lake began to repeat

And mountains to the east.

But suddenly he saw through the window,

That the yard is dry and clean,

That the rain is over

And the players came out.

He put down his notebook.

The lakes can wait.

He was, of course, a goalkeeper,

Came home soon

Around four o'clock

He remembered the lakes.

He took his notebook again -

Decided to take lessons.

The lake began to repeat

And mountains to the east.

But then Alyosha, the younger brother,

Serezhin broke his scooter.

Had to fix two wheels

On this scooter.

He fiddled with it for half an hour

And ride by the way.

But here is Serezha's notebook

Opened for the tenth time.

How much they began to ask!

Suddenly he said angrily. -

I'm still sitting on the book

And all did not learn the lakes.

Strength of will

We had a sailor at the gathering,

He spoke about the Black Sea.

He served four years

A stoker on a battleship.

He is in the ice on an icebreaker

Stayed for the winter.

He said willpower

It must be developed from childhood.

Alyosha after collection

Walked home on foot

I dreamed that it would be soon

Polar sailor.

He will temper

And evening and day

He will heat up

Everyone will be surprised

And ask about it.

He didn't know where to start.

Maybe a whole day to be silent?

Maybe lie down on the bare floor?

Stop playing football?

The clock on the tower strikes

All lights are out.

Quiet in the rooms, no sound.

Closes windows grandfather.

He goes to visit his grandson

And he's not in bed.

He sleeps near the chest

On the floor, no mattress.

Alyosha is tempered

Like a sailor.

Alyosha did not sleep long:

"It's kind of hard to sleep in here."

And Alyosha got up from the floor

And sleepy lay down in bed.

"Now it's not hard at all, -

He thought in his sleep.-

Lying on bare boards

And it’s so nice for me!”

Well, there are failures!

He decided not to be discouraged.

He will try differently

Develop willpower.

Everyone screams at recess

And he is sternly silent.

He's twenty-five minutes straight

Didn't say a word.

He tried - he was silent,

But no one noticed.

It was beyond strength.

He asked his comrades:

Of course you don't care

What have I been silent for a long time?

Well, there are failures!

He decided not to be discouraged.

He will try differently

Develop willpower.

He bought toffee

Decided not to eat it.

But how not to eat toffee,

When is the toffee?!

Well, there are failures!

He decided not to be discouraged.

He will try differently

Develop willpower.

All the kids in our school

Develop willpower.

The tits are back

Where have you been?

Is it far?

On the Arbat were

Went to third grade.

(Here they both sighed.)

There Smirnov lagged behind in his studies,

And, imagine, because of us!

"The nimble sennitsa is jumping,"

He wrote on the board

And for this unit

Smirnov's diary.

He was upset, poor thing,

Tears gushed from his eyes.

Yes, and we, of course, hard,

That they write us wrong.

The tits told us:

What's going on in the hallway!

Schoolgirls jump in a flock,

Boys rush in a crowd,

Everyone is screaming.

We willingly jump on our own

Up and down, back and forth

We never scream.-

Here two tits sighed

And fluttered off the page.

The starlings have arrived

A tall maple awaits guests -

The branch house is fortified.

The roof is painted

There is a porch for singers...

In the blue sky, chirping is heard

A family of starlings is flying towards us.

We got up early today

Waiting for the birds yesterday.

Security walks around the yard

Drives cats out of the yard.

We wave our hands to the starlings,

Drum and sing:

Live in our house!

Well you will be in it!

The birds began to approach

Arrived at the yard

We couldn't resist

Forget about the snowman.

I followed my mother

Waiting for her at the door

I'm at dinner on purpose

He talked about snowmen.

It was dry, but galoshes

I dutifully put on

Before that I was good -

I did not recognize myself.

I hardly argued with my grandfather,

Didn't spin around for dinner

I said "thank you"

Thank you all for everything.

It was hard to live in the world

And to be honest,

I endured these torments

Only for the snowman.

What have I tried!

I didn't fight girls.

When I see a girl

I will punch her

And I'm going to the side

It's like I don't know her.

Mom was very surprised:

What's wrong with you, pray tell?

Maybe you are sick with us -

You didn't fight on the weekend!

And I answered sadly:

I'm always like this now.

I stubbornly pursued

I messed around for a reason.

Miracles, said my mother

And I bought a snowman.

I brought it home.

Finally now he's mine!

Go to watchman.

Hanging ad

At our gates:

Need a dog

Guard the garden.

You know me,

I am a brave puppy

The cat will appear

I'll knock her off her feet.

I can yelp

I can growl

I know my

Distinguish from others.

Kittens are afraid of me

Like fire.

Tell me honestly:

Will they accept me?

Dad has an exam

The lamp is on...

Dad is doing

thick book

He took it out of the closet

He scribbled and notebook

And a notebook

He must tomorrow

Pass the exam!

Petya fixed it for him


Petya said:

Be sure to submit!

Adults are learning

After work,

Carried in briefcases

Notebooks, notebooks,

Books are read

They look in dictionaries.

dad today

Didn't sleep until dawn.

Peter advises:

Listen to me,

do yourself

Daily schedule!

Shares experience

Petya with his father:

The main thing,

Come out with a cheerful face!

Won't help you


In vain you are transporting with her,

Time is a pity!

Adults are learning

After work.

Come with a book

Pilots for the exam.

With a thick briefcase

The singer comes

Even the teacher

Haven't finished studying!

At your dad's

What marks?


Neighbor's daughter

And he confesses


Our trio:

Worried too!


The puppy was fed milk.

May he grow up healthy.

We got up at night and secretly

They ran to him barefoot -

Feel his nose.

The boys taught the puppy

Fumbled with him in the garden

And he, slightly upset,

Walked about.

He is accustomed to grumbling at strangers,

Just like an adult dog

And suddenly a truck came

And took all the guys away.

He was waiting: when will the game start?

When will the fire be lit?

He is accustomed to a bright fire,

To the fact that early in the morning

The trumpet is calling for gathering.

And he barked until he was hoarse

To dark bushes.

He was alone in an empty garden,

He lay down on the terrace.

He lay flat for an hour,

He didn't want to wag his tail

He couldn't even eat.

The boys remembered him

Came back half way.

They wanted to enter the house

But he didn't let me in.

He meets them, on the porch,

He licked everyone in the face.

The kids caressed him

And he barked with all his heart.

Lesson in the garden

Our teacher gave a lesson

I didn't call to the board.

Us in the lesson is a breeze

He blew a little.

Spring, spring, spring is here!

Wrap his throat.

We understood that he was hurt:

He is at risk of injury

But stop messing around with him.

We have recently decided.

Let him sing like a cherub

He's a real talent

But let's talk to him

Not very kind!

- Listen, future singer!

You are too quick

You will give Petka, finally,

A collection of postcards?!

And if you don't give up, blame yourself -

Get hurt these days.—

But there was no injury

He just realized these days

That he is not the most important.


She sat down on the chest of drawers with us

clay bird

And looks around:

"What would you like to enjoy?"

Like round glasses

She has eyes

And swallows patches

Bird instead of food.

Dropped a coin

There was a penny - and no!

Became a predatory owl

Claim your rights.

Lame stool

She lies three-legged

In the kitchen, on the side.

experienced a lot

In my lifetime.

For a long time someone burned her chest -

They forgot the iron on it,

Then the kittens paws

She was scraped and scratched.

Andryusha whole winter

Told: - I will do it tomorrow

For a stool leg.

However, the whole winter

She lay in bed

As if understanding

That she is lame.

Promised to buy nails

Neighbor one summer

But (trust people!)

Neighbor forgot about it.

Put her in order

Volodenka promised,

But the guy needs to grow up -

While he is three years old.

Petya in the school workshop

All tools at hand

But the stool is not in the plan.

And if he's not in the plan,

Let it lie in the closet!

I'm talking to you, kids!

Take note:

It's time to get on your feet

Lame stool.

I beg you, my reader,

Don't you leave her lame!

The friends shouted:

- How is your health?

Grandma Praskovya?

Grandma got excited:

- Where is my apron? Where is the rag?

How do I welcome guests?—

And set the table for tea.

Trouble at the stove

Puts chips:

Tell me girls

What do you drink, strong?

Drank girlfriends

Seagull in a full mug,

Grandma Praskovya

She said: "Good luck!"

I won't drink tea

And washed the dishes.

And she was so tired

She even got sick!

Enough for the old lady

Attention has been shown!

Friends went home

Saying: Goodbye.

I'm ticked off in a notebook

Placed in the squad:

"Surrounded by love

Grandmother Praskovya.

Joke about Shura

leaf fall, leaf fall,

All the link rushed to the garden,

Shura came running.

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen glitter.

Humboldt W.

Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

Lovely verse like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he wonderfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, a whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry who rejected the word.