Building fittings rebirthing and holotropic breathing difference. Rebirthing - what is it? Method and technique of rebirthing

If you want to master the Rebirthing technique in Moscow, we invite you to group classes or individual sessions at the Free Space training center. Experienced trainers will help you find shortest way to yourself with the help of rebirthing!

Rebirthing (eng. Rebirthing, “re-birth”) is a special breathing technique that was developed by the American psychotherapist Leonard Orr in the late 70s of the 20th century. Due to its availability, ease of use and effectiveness, the method quickly gained fans around the world and became one of the most popular respiratory psychotechniques. The popularity of the method is understandable: thanks to this practice modern man manages to let go of thoughts, relieve bodily tension and, in addition to everything, get amazing changes in life.

Numerous reviews on the Internet tell about the amazing changes that begin after rebirthing: people discover a huge reserve of strength and energy in themselves, reveal their creative potential, get rid of stress and restrictions, become more free, happy and successful. In other words, rebirthing allows you to reach new level spiritual development.

Rebirthing - what is it?

As in the story of Newton, who, according to legend, an apple that fell from a tree contributed to the discovery of the law gravity, Leonard Orr was also helped to get insight by a very ordinary case. Being in a hot bath a little longer than usual, a scientist familiar with various Eastern practices tried to breathe in a certain way, and this helped him experience the experience of remembering his own birth. Then, together with like-minded people, Orr continued his research and invented his own breathing technique - rebirthing.

Despite the fact that even today there are supporters of rebirthing sessions in water (both hot and cold), the “dry” option is more common. By the way, we would not recommend for those whose rebirthing experience cannot be called great to practice classes in the bath: accidents are possible.

Originally Aimed this method it was considered "re-experiencing birth" and liberation from the trauma received at that moment. According to the theory of Leonard Orr, all people, being born, experience trauma (fears, worries, pain, etc.), these toxic experiences are then suppressed, continuing from the depths of the unconscious to provide Negative influence for the rest of your life.

The breathing technique proposed by Orr helps to release suppressed negative emotions and thereby get rid of their consequences - blocks in the body, all kinds of chronic diseases, depressions and neurotic reactions, etc.

The modern view of rebirthing is much broader. Today it is believed that with the help of this breathing technique, one can get rid of not only injuries received by a person at the time of his birth, but in general from any that he has ever experienced. Unfortunately, not a single negative event passes without a trace for us.

  • birth injury;
  • parental disapproval;
  • unconscious desire for death;
  • karma of previous incarnations;
  • negative experiences.

In fact, rebirthing is a kind of reboot, which can be repeated as many times as you like, for any reason. Or for no reason at all. Need to heal old wounds? Do you feel de-energized, loss of vitality? Rebirthing! It is necessary to stir up, catch the muse, run new project- this amazing technique will help again, helping to get rid of the burden of experienced negative experiences and be filled with energy!

The rebirthing technique gives a chance not only to relive the moment of birth, but to begin new life Here and now. All once suppressed feelings and experiences in the process of conscious intensive breathing can come out and be transformed from negative to positive.

In other words, an experienced user with the help of rebirthing can enter the flow state and change his reality from it.

Rebirthing technique: how to breathe correctly

If we touch on the theoretical side of the method, then five elements formed the basis of rebirthing:
  1. Maximum physical and mental relaxation;
  2. Energetic connected breathing without pauses between inhalation and exhalation;
  3. Attention to detail (total focus on own feelings, emotions and thoughts, uncontrolled by the mind);
  4. Integration in joy (transformation of a negative vision of a situation into a positive one).
  5. Complete trust in the process (acceptance of everything that happens to you during rebirthing - your experiences, physical sensations, awareness; understanding that everything is going the way it should be - at the pace you need, with the possible this stage results).

It would seem that everything is clear and understandable. However, very often, in connection with the use of this technique, the question arises, is it possible, after reading a smart and detailed book on rebirthing, to repeat the theory in practice on your own? Probably you can. But there are nuances here: HOW to repeat and WHAT result to get.

It is quite possible that you will be able to get close to the repressed negative emotions, but deeply and for a long time (for several hours or even days) you will get bogged down in them, not having enough experience to competently integrate them (convert them into another energy).

Trainers, on the other hand, will help you live the process of “rebirth” as safely and environmentally as possible and get out of it without earning new ones. negative programs. Believe me, sometimes the “second birth” is no less painful than the first, and only a competent coach will help you cope with the surging panic or an attack of pain and, most importantly, integrate them correctly.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that the first steps in rebirthing (in fact, as in other practices, be it holotropic breathing, vayveishen, etc.) be done under the guidance of a competent rebirthing mentor. And you can hone your skills (as you know, there are no limits to perfection) on your own, at home. However, by this point you will know the basics.

And questions about how to breathe correctly (fast or slow, deep or shallow, mouth or nose, with an emphasis on inhalation or exhalation), you will not have. Usually for different tasks rebirthing techniques of different volume and speed of breathing can be used: deep and slow, fast and superficial, deep and fast, etc. And an experienced coach will definitely teach his students all these wisdoms and "tricks".

Despite the opportunities to work in different conditions, the group format of rebirthing was recognized as the most effective.

If you are planning to start rebirthing in Moscow, we invite you to master this wonderful technique at the Free Space training center.

Time did not allow.
But everything coincided so that I got to Lyosha for a rebirthing lesson as a breather (between ourselves we jokingly call this “being a carcass”).
Lyosha teaches his techniques. He transfers his knowledge very carefully so that the level of consciousness of the student, the level of his culture corresponds to the amazing knowledge that Lesha has.
More than once I have even been a “carcass” in training sessions on rebirthing.

And after this lesson, I came to the conclusion that, perhaps, in vain I lost sight of this technique for personal use :)

Rebirthing is a powerful process of working both along the energy and psychological lines (especially if the rebirthing is under the supervision of a holistic specialist). A holistic specialist works not only along the lines traditional for rebirthing: bodily, bioenergetic and emotional, but also along other lines of work with consciousness, which increases the effectiveness of the session at times.

The whole breathing session is accompanied by music, very accurately selected by a specialist. The specialist monitors the musical flow, based on the dynamics of the process of this particular breather, and changes tracks, monitoring the state of the breather. There is not the same averageness that exists in group sessions, where processes take place that often even worsen a person’s condition, which Lyosha spoke about quite succinctly on the page dedicated to group practice.
A specialist who works in such an individual way must have a particularly finely tuned sensory apparatus, so that even without talking to a client, he can catch a change in his inner, emotional state. Very delicate work...

Rebirthing is a technique of connected breathing, it causes a large surge of oxygen in the body, due to which certain physiological processes that cause the desired state, and work begins on the release of energy blocked in the body.

By the way, it is interesting, physiologically due to such breathing, there is a change in the acid-base balance of fluids in the body.
And in what direction?

The person who is concerned various problems and is stressed, breathing shallowly and abruptly, or even holding his breath. It is possible to change the breathing pattern to a healthy one by changing thinking and consolidating skills. Rebirthing is a breathing technique psychological correction and self-study. The rebirthing technique is based on deep and frequent breathing without pauses between inhalations and exhalations. Inhalation, at the same time, is performed actively - muscles are involved for this, while exhalation, on the contrary, is relaxed and passive. One session of rebirthing involves the implementation of this breathing technique from half an hour to several hours. Find out about the benefits of rebirthing for the body.

Respiratory psychotechnics rebirthing was created in the early 1970s by the American Leonard Orr. The author of the technique set himself the goal of creating a technique that would allow him to relive the birth and free himself from birth trauma. These ideas have been criticized more than once by psychologists and physicians, but, according to the adherents of this technique, having established correct breathing, it is possible to get rid of suppressed negative experiences.

Supporters of technology believe that rebirthing can help to open and find hidden unconscious complexes, which contributes to harmonization inner peace and improve physical and spiritual health.
the main task rebirthing - by using special breathing techniques allow the mind and body to carefully readjust to increase the feeling of happiness and transform inner personal harmony.

Types of breathing during rebirthing

Connected breathing is the main tool for accessing information that is in the unconscious part of the psyche. The rebirthing technique involves the use of 4 types of breathing:

1. Breathing is fast and shallow. This type of breathing is useful in extreme situations, when the emotion is brought to the limit and it needs to be quickly “slip”.

2. Breathing is frequent and deep. Such breathing is twice as frequent and deeper than usual. This type of breathing is the main one in rebirthing. Exhalation should be relaxed and not controlled. If the inhalation is done through the mouth, then you need to exhale through the mouth.

3. Breathing is deep and slow. The breaths are slow and as if drawn out. Thus it is possible to achieve maximum relaxation. This type of breathing can be used when you want to prevent surging negative feelings and prevent depression from developing.

4. Breathing is shallow and slow. This type is used to exit rebirthing. The process should be exited carefully, slowly. Breathing should be chest since it is in her muscles that “settles” a large number of emotions.

Rebirthing consists of three stages:

Stage 1. Release of breath and energy, at this stage bloom muscle clamps in body.

Stage 2. Working out 5 main problems:

  • fear of death or unconscious longing for death;
  • parental disapproval;
  • birth trauma;
  • negative attitudes;
  • cellular memory of past lives.

Stage 3. The concept of “Thought is material”. One should, as it were, inhale pure and transparent thoughts and exhale bad ones.

It is believed that rebirthing can help get rid of children's fears and stuttering, get rid of depression, dissolve psycho-emotional "clamps" in the body. Also, thanks to this technique, it is possible to achieve improved sleep and unleash your creative potential.


- I don't like the way Luciano Pavarotti sings.Fake, and even burr strongly!

- Where did you hear it?

- Yes, my neighbor Moishe sang to me ...

Over the years of my own practice of rebirthing (and this is already more than 20 years), I have met with the fact that very few people are familiar with real rebirthing. Some people are familiar with this word, but they do not represent the essence of rebirthing. But, perhaps, situations were even sadder when people understood by rebirthing something that was not at all.

I remember the astonished eyes of Leonard Orr, the creator of Rebirthing. In 2003, he first came to Moscow at our invitation. We translated to him a description of "rebirthing" from a website of some Moscow center. "How can it be?- he said. - This is not a rebirthing at all! Why do they use my name for their own breathing exercises?!» We were unable to answer his question because these people were not interested in the possibility of personally getting to know Leonard Orr and learning (or even improving) the practice of rebirthing "first hand".

Breath Master Dan Brule teaching rebirthing at his seminars, he constantly makes a reservation that he prefers not to use the term himself. The fact is that the amazing effectiveness of this technique caused such a rapid explosion of its popularity in the very first years after its publication in the 70s of the twentieth century in the United States that the term "Rebirthing" became a kind of guarantee of attracting customers. However, many began to bring something of their own to the technique, and, alas, often changed it beyond recognition! Dan Brule says: “Under the name“ Rebirthing ”, they began to do sometimes very dangerous things. And I decided with some colleagues that I do not want my name to be associated with this word ".

Myth 1. A person in the USA died from rebirthing.

Of course, in the USA "added fuel to the fire" tragic story death of one 10-year-old girl, who was presented in the media as "death during rebirthing practice." This was the reason that rebirthing is officially prohibited by the laws of one state in the United States. However… even in this case, the same “neighbor Moishe” sang the word “rebirthing”. The fact is that for the English language this word is quite common, and it is translated as “revival” or “new birth”. Beautiful name for almost any transformation technique, right? And such a term began to be called certain psychotherapeutic methods of working with clients, not at all connected with Leonard Orr's research in the field of breathing. In particular, the “New Birth” technique (“Rebirthing” on English language!), which consisted in the fact that she was completely swaddled, practically tied up with sheets, then pressed with pillows, they demanded that she free herself - this, according to psychologists, imitated the experience of birth - moving through the birth canal. They squeezed the girl so hard with pillows that she suffocated and died.

As you understand, nothing to do with skill energy breathing this case did not. Leonard Orr himself no longer just says "Rebirthing", but constantly uses the "Rebirthing Breathwork" add-on.

So, starting a few years ago work on the creation of the Center conscious breathing, focused on a Russian-speaking audience, I found that it is impossible to find a clear definition of what "Rebirthing" is. I want everyone to be extremely clear about this wonderful and safe technique, so that any person can absolutely understand if he is (or has been) rebirthing or something else.

Rebirthing- a technique of working with breathing, practiced by separate “breathing sessions”, during which a process of energy movement occurs, starting an “energy cycle” - activation of suppressed blocks, their release and integration of a new state:

  • breath should be coherent (circular), inhalation active and relaxed exhalation;
  • body is in a state of maximum relaxation;
  • consciousness remains, does not turn off, but operates in the mode of awareness - a neutral observer of thoughts, emotions and body sensations.

Myth 1. Rebirthing creates a trance state.

Myth 3. Rebirthing requires the supervision of another person.

Let's remember the definition: rebirthing is the practice of conscious intuitive connected energy breathing. Mindfulness is a skill that is practiced by the individual himself. Intuition is also a quality inherent in the person himself. Breathing is also an action performed by the person himself. The goal of rebirthing training is to give each person the most important “keys” to your own breathing, to teach you how to control your breathing so that you can independently use the power and potential of the energy of breathing. Since the practice is carried out under the condition physical relaxation, is not a trance, but rather requires maintaining full awareness, and in the basic training course, the breather is taught to regulate different options breathing in order to independently manage the respiratory process - this practice does not pose a danger. We, as specialists in rebirthing, following Leonard Orr, its creator, very much hope that you will master this wonderful way of using the energy of your own breath and will do this practice on your own.

You can compare rebirthing training with learning to drive a car: at first you drive with an instructor, but as you develop your own skills, certain moment feel ready to drive a car on your own.

It can be noted that the practice of breathing with an instructor contains many important qualities and opportunities for the breather, due to which even experienced practitioners still continue to come to the instructor’s classes: this is the very fact of the presence of another person for you, attention to your every breath, support with a word or advice before or after a breathing session (and sometimes during breathing session), observation of relaxation (being inside the process, it can be difficult to objectively assess your relaxation). This can be compared with a massage (you can massage yourself, but it’s still more pleasant when another person does a massage) or with a trip to the bath (you can steam yourself with a broom, but it’s still more pleasant when the other person does it).

However, self-rebirthing skills are acquired by each person who has passed basic course training, and supervision by another is optional.

Myth 4. Rebirthing requires music

The practice of rebirthing does not require musical accompaniment. Wonderful activities held in nature, in the forest, on the seashore. You can have a breathing rebirthing session in any room where you need it.

However, many find musical accompaniment breathing session is very useful, inspiring and allows the process to go to the greatest depth. Since rebirthing is aimed at developing personal breathing skills, you can decide this issue at your discretion. The main thing is that there should not be a rigid dependence “you need to breathe only to the music.” The breath master owns the entire range and does not need external "crutches".

Myth 5. Rebirthing requires deep, frequent breathing.

Rebirthing does not require deep, rapid breathing. The main task of the breather is to learn to finely control all the parameters of his breathing in order to independently control energy process. There are people for whom deep rapid breathing is excessively intense, they have to be limited and stopped so that they do not accelerate. When learning rebirthing, it is useful for any person to practice passing a breathing session through soft and thin, slow and shallow breathing.

Myth 6. Rebirthing can cause hyperventilation.

Hyperventilation is an increased (or excessive) passage of a volume of air through the lungs. By itself, this does not mean anything, and in some cases it is even performed on purpose - for example, by scuba divers to obtain a beneficial effect of oxygen supply. However, if you are not a scuba diver before diving, then pay attention to the fact that in rebirthing you do not need to breathe “a lot”, you do not need to breathe “deeply”, you do not need to breathe “quickly”. The most important thing you need to do with your breath is to remove pauses from it, to connect inhalations and exhalations. However, even if you breathe “more” (that is, formally start “hyperventilation”), this also does not mean anything bad in itself. During the practice of rebirthing, you will have different sensations in the body. This is part of the process, you increase your awareness and your sensitivity on the one hand, and the breath energy, like a magnifying glass, increases the visibility of any sensations. While beginners do not have sufficient skill to control all 7 parameters of their own breathing at the same time, discomfort may occur at first. Even the novelty and unusual sensations can cause some people discomfort. But since classical rebirthing is performed with the obligatory relaxation of the body, the preservation of consciousness, and training is carried out with an instructor, dangers or negative consequences cannot arise from this. In any case, you should understand the essence of hyperventilation: doctors define it as "effort syndrome". If you put excessive effort on your breathing where it is not required, then you can create discomfort for yourself. Most often this happens during the first lessons, and especially for those who find it difficult to relax, allow, let go, accept - for such people, the exhalation phase is performed without the necessary relaxation. But since breathing is physical action, it is trainable. Therefore, after a few sessions, absolutely any person who has begun to study rebirthing already masters this skill of balancing work on inhalation and relaxation on exhalation - and is freed from any manifestations of hyperventilation. And hyperventilation is dangerous if it suddenly starts on its own, not during rebirthing, but at some other time during your day. That's when you should be worried.

Myth 7. 5 principles of rebirthing were formulated by Jim Leonard and Phil Lauth.

Jim Leonard was trained in rebirthing by Leonard Orr, and decided to improve this practice by making some personal additions to it. Since the practice began to differ from the classical rebirthing, he began to look for a new name for it. For a while, his breathing technique was called Integrative Rebirthing. And over time, he gave her a new beautiful name "Waiting". With his friend and colleague Phil Lauth, Jim Leonard began to promote his breathing technique (in particular, he wrote the book Rebirthing or How to Know and Use the Fullness of Life. Translated from English - St. Petersburg: TF "IKAM", 1993, - 192 p. » In it, he formulated 5 elements of his practice:

  1. Connected breathing
  2. Complete relaxation
  3. Attention to detail
  4. Integration in joy
  5. Process Trust

However, since this practice was called "integrative rebirthing" at the time, these principles began to be cited in relation to Leonard Orr's "rebirthing". In fact, these principles (also often referred to as "elements") describe the essence of the practice of "Waiting", however, in in general terms they are quite applicable to the Rebirthing and do not contradict it.

Mindful breathing practices around the world have proven effective in the following areas:

  • Health: breathing - as a way of self-healing.
  • Emotions: release of stress, emotional harmonization.
  • Inner harmony: contact with yourself, a better understanding of yourself, self-acceptance, self-love.
  • Relationships: interaction with other people and outside world, acceptance of self and others, understanding of needs, understanding of limitations, compassion, giving from overflow.
  • Creation: frequent results of rebirthing are creative insights, new ideas, inspiration and strength to realize these new ideas.
  • Success: awareness of one’s value and uniqueness, getting rid of limiting thoughts, the ability to see existing opportunities and use them in harmony between their own needs and the interests of other people.
  • Spirituality: development and deepening spirituality that extends throughout your life.