Method for studying the level of subjective control usk. Questionnaire for the study of the level of subjective control (SCS)

When selecting applicants for leadership positions, forming teams, there is often a need to determine how responsible a person is, to find out how much he “controls himself” in various professionally significant situations, to assess the degree of his activity and emotional maturity.

Level subjective control is a generalized personality characteristic that manifests itself in a similar way in different situations. Psychologists believe that the level of subjective control is associated with a person's sense of responsibility for what is happening "here and now", as well as for long-term consequences, that is, with social maturity and individual independence. For the first time, methods for diagnosing such a personality characteristic were tested in the 60s in the United States. The most famous among them is the scale of locus of control ( locus of control scale) developed by J. Rotter ( J. B. Rotter). This scale is based on the position that all people are divided into two types - internals and externals - depending on how they evaluate what causes various events in their lives and who is responsible for them. Every person can be valued on the scale "internality-externality". Internals have internal locus control, externals - external. Differences between the two types of localization of control can be significant in terms of success. professional activity(internal locus of control correlates significantly with the index of professional success).

Internal type people evaluate everything that happens to them. significant events as a result of their own activities. They work more productively in solitude, more active in the search for information. In addition, internal personalities are better at work that requires initiative. They are more decisive, self-confident, principled in interpersonal relationships, not afraid to take risks. Research shows that internal leaders are capable of exercising directive leadership successfully.

An external personality, on the contrary, interprets all the events taking place in her life as depending not on her, but on some external forces(God, other people, fate, etc.). Since the externals do not feel able to influence their lives in any way, to control the development of events, they relieve themselves of any responsibility for everything that happens to them. At the same time, they are characterized by greater conformity, more compliant and sensitive to the opinions and assessments of others. In general, external personalities turn out to be good performers, working effectively under the control of other people.

In domestic practice, it is used methodology for studying the level of subjective control (USK), created by E. F. Bazhin, E. A. Golynkina and A. M. Etkind at the Leningrad Psychoneurological Institute. V. M. Bekhterev based on the scale of J. Rotter. The authors of this technique proceed from the fact that the direction of subjective control in one and the same person may have variations in different areas of life. Therefore, USC includes a number of scales that measure not only internality-externality, but also the manifestations of this characteristic in such areas as attitudes towards achievements, failures, health and illness, as well as in the sphere of family, production and interpersonal relationships.

This experimental psychological technique makes it possible to relatively quickly and effectively assess the level of subjective control formed in the subject over various life situations.

to study the level of subjective control (USK)

Instruction: You are offered 44 statements that describe various ways human interpretation of the most common social situations. Read each statement carefully, rate the extent to which you agree or disagree, and mark the answer sheet number corresponding to your choice:

3 - totally agree
+2 - agree
+1 - agree rather than disagree
-1 - Disagree rather than agree
-2 - disagree
-3 - completely disagree

Try to use the full range of ratings.

Answer sheet
Full Name




Promotion is more about luck than personal ability and effort.
Most divorces are due to the fact that people did not want to adapt to each other.
Illness is a matter of chance; if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done
People are lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.
The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.
It is useless to make an effort to win the sympathy of other people.
External circumstances, parents and well-being affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses
I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.
As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, and does not rely on their independence.
My grades in school depended more on random circumstances (such as the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts.
When I make plans, I generally believe that I can
implement them
What many people think is luck or good luck is actually the result of long, focused efforts.
I think that correct image life can help health more than doctors and drugs
If people do not suit each other, then no matter how hard they try, to adjust family life they still can't
The good that I do is usually appreciated by others.
Children grow up the way their parents raise them.
I think that chance or fate does not play important role in my life
I try not to plan too far ahead because a lot depends on how things turn out.
My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.
AT family conflicts I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side
People's lives depend on circumstances
I prefer a guide where you can decide for yourself what to do and how to do it.
I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.
As a rule, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.
In the end, the people who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.
I often feel that I can’t change anything in the existing relationships in the family.
If I really want, I can win over anyone
The younger generation is affected by so much different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often futile
What happens to me is the work of my hands
It can be difficult to understand why leaders act the way they do.
A person who has not been able to succeed in his work, most likely, did not show enough effort.
More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.
The troubles and failures that occurred in my life were more often to blame for other people than myself.
You can always protect a child from a cold if you follow him and dress him correctly.
In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until problems resolve themselves.
Success is the result of hard work and little depends on chance or luck.
I feel that more than anyone else, the happiness of my family depends on me.
I have always found it difficult to understand why some people like me and others don't.
I always prefer to make a decision and act
on your own, rather than relying on the help of other people
or to fate
Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.
In family life, there are situations that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire.
capable people who failed to realize their potential should only blame themselves
Many of my successes were only possible thanks to the help of other people.
Most of the failures in my life came from ignorance or laziness and depended little on luck or bad luck.

Results processing

Processing of test results is carried out in several stages. The number corresponding to the choice determines the number of points received for each answer. First, using the keys, the scores for each scale are calculated (simple summation). At the same time, points for answers to questions with a “+” sign are summed up with their own sign, and for questions with a “–” sign - with the opposite sign.

Keys to scales

1. Scale of general internality (I o)

2. Scale of internality in the field of achievements (I e)

3. Scale of internality in the field of failures (I n)

5. Scale of internality in the region industrial relations(And p)

7. Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (I h)

As a result of scoring for each of the scales, so-called "raw" scores are obtained, which must be converted into standard scores (walls). To do this, use a special table.

Table for converting "raw" scores to standard scores

Click image for larger version

The scores obtained in the walls are entered in the table:

Final table of results

The results expressed in the walls are compared with the norm (5.5 walls). An indicator above 5.5 walls indicates an internal type of control in this area, below 5.5 - an external one.

The results can also be presented as a graph or as a profile.

Example of a USC chart

USK profile example

Interpretation of the results

AT psychologically man with high rate of subjective control possesses emotional stability, perseverance, determination, sociability, high self-control and restraint. Man with low subjective control emotionally unstable, prone to informal behavior, uncommunicative, poor self-control and high tension.

The scale of general internality (I o). High rate on this scale corresponds high level subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most important events in their lives is the result of their own actions that they can control them. They feel their own responsibility for these events and for the way their life as a whole develops. Subjects with low level subjective control do not see the connection between their actions and significant life events for them. They do not consider themselves capable of controlling their development and believe that most events are the result of chance or the actions of other people.

Scale of internality in the field of achievements (I e). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over emotional positive developments and situations. Such people believe that they themselves have achieved everything that was and is in their life, and that they are able to successfully achieve their goals in the future. Low rate on a scale indicates that a person attributes his successes and achievements to circumstances - luck, good fortune or the help of other people.

Scale of internality in the field of failures (I n). High rate on this scale reflects a developed sense of subjective control in relation to negative events and situations, which is manifested in a tendency to blame oneself for various troubles and suffering. Low rate indicates that the subject is inclined to attribute responsibility for such events to other people or to consider them the result of bad luck.

Scale of internality in the field of family relations (I s). High rate And c means that a person considers himself responsible for the events taking place in his family life. Low rate And c indicates that the subject considers his partners responsible for the situations that arise in his family.

Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (I n). High rate on this scale indicates that in the organization of their production activities a person relies mainly on himself. He believes that he can influence his relationships with colleagues, manage them and be responsible for them; thinks that his professional career, promotion depends on more from himself than from other people or external forces. Low rate indicates that a person has a tendency not to take responsibility for his professional success and failure. Such a person believes that not he himself, but someone else - bosses, colleagues, luck, etc. - determine everything that happens to him in this area.

Scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations (I m). High rate And m indicates that a person considers himself able to control his formal and informal relationships with other people, to arouse respect and sympathy for himself. Low rate , on the contrary, indicates that a person cannot actively form his social circle and tends to consider his interpersonal relationships as the result of partners' activity.

Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (I h). High rate indicate that the subject considers himself responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery largely depends on his actions. Man with low rate on this scale, he considers the disease the result of an accident and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of others, primarily doctors.

For professional diagnostics the most informative are the results on the scale of internality in industrial relations (I p). Results on other scales make it possible to build a multidimensional profile. Since most people are characterized by a more or less wide variability of behavior depending on specific social situations, the characteristics of subjective control can also change in a person depending on whether the situation seems to him complex or simple, pleasant or unpleasant, etc.

The level of subjective control increases as a result of psychological correction. At the same time, it should be remembered that internals prefer non-directive methods of psychological correction; and externals as individuals with increased anxiety, prone to depression, are subjectively more satisfied with behavioral methods.

Article provided to our portal
the editors of the magazine

When needed: allows you to assess how the person being assessed relates to the events taking place in his life, whether he considers them under control or thinks that he has no power over them.

Questionnaire for the study of the level of subjective control (SCS)

Instruction: You are presented with 44 statements that describe the different ways in which a person interprets the most common social situations. Read each statement carefully, rate the extent to which you agree or disagree, and mark the answer sheet number corresponding to your choice:

3 - totally agree
+2 - agree
+1 - agree rather than disagree
-1 - Disagree rather than agree
-2 - disagree
-3 - completely disagree

Try to use the full range of ratings.

Answer sheet
Full Name




Promotion is more about luck than personal ability and effort.
Most divorces are due to the fact that people did not want to adapt to each other.
Illness is a matter of chance; if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done
People are lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.
The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.
It is useless to make an effort to win the sympathy of other people.
External circumstances, parents and well-being affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses
I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.
As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, and does not rely on their independence.
My grades in school depended more on random circumstances (such as the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts.
When I make plans, I generally believe that I can
implement them
What many people think is luck or good luck is actually the result of long, focused efforts.
I think that the right lifestyle can help health more than doctors and medicines
If people are not suitable for each other, then no matter how hard they try, they still will not be able to establish family life.
The good that I do is usually appreciated by others.
Children grow up the way their parents raise them.
I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.
I try not to plan too far ahead because a lot depends on how things turn out.
My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.
In family conflicts, I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side.
People's lives depend on circumstances
I prefer a guide where you can decide for yourself what to do and how to do it.
I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.
As a rule, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.
In the end, the people who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.
I often feel that I can’t change anything in the existing relationships in the family.
If I really want, I can win over anyone
The rising generation is affected by so many different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often futile.
What happens to me is the work of my hands
It can be difficult to understand why leaders act the way they do.
A person who has not been able to succeed in his work, most likely, did not show enough effort.
More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.
The troubles and failures that occurred in my life were more often to blame for other people than myself.
You can always protect a child from a cold if you follow him and dress him correctly.
In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until problems resolve themselves.
Success is the result of hard work and little depends on chance or luck.
I feel that more than anyone else, the happiness of my family depends on me.
I have always found it difficult to understand why some people like me and others don't.
I always prefer to make a decision and act
on your own, rather than relying on the help of other people
or to fate
Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.
In family life, there are situations that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire.
Capable people who failed to realize their potential have only themselves to blame.
Many of my successes were only possible thanks to the help of other people.
Most of the failures in my life came from ignorance or laziness and depended little on luck or bad luck.

Results processing

Processing of test results is carried out in several stages. The number corresponding to the choice determines the number of points received for each answer. First, using the keys, the scores for each scale are calculated (simple summation). At the same time, points for answers to questions with a “+” sign are summed up with their own sign, and for questions with a “–” sign - with the opposite sign.

Keys to scales

1. Scale of general internality (Io)

2. Scale of internality in the field of achievements (ID)

3. Scale of internality in the field of failures (In)

5. Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (IP)

7. Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (From)

As a result of scoring for each of the scales, so-called "raw" scores are obtained, which must be converted into standard scores (walls). To do this, use a special table.

Table for converting "raw" scores to standard scores

Click image for larger version

The scores obtained in the walls are entered in the table:

Final table of results

The results expressed in the walls are compared with the norm (5.5 walls). An indicator above 5.5 walls indicates an internal type of control in this area, below 5.5 - an external one.

The results can also be presented as a graph or as a profile.

Example of a USC chart

USK profile example

Interpretation of the results

Psychologically, a person with high rate of subjective control possesses emotional stability, perseverance, determination, sociability, high self-control and restraint. Man with low subjective control emotionally unstable, prone to informal behavior, uncommunicative, poor self-control and high tension.

Scale of general internality (Io). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most of the important events in their lives are the result of their own actions, that they can control them. They feel their own responsibility for these events and for the way their life as a whole develops. Subjects with low level subjective control do not see the connection between their actions and significant life events for them. They do not consider themselves capable of controlling their development and believe that most events are the result of chance or the actions of other people.

Scale of internality in the field of achievements (Id). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over emotionally positive events and situations. Such people believe that they themselves have achieved everything that was and is in their life, and that they are able to successfully achieve their goals in the future. Low rate on a scale indicates that a person attributes his successes and achievements to circumstances - luck, good fortune or the help of other people.

Scale of internality in the field of failures (In). High rate on this scale reflects a developed sense of subjective control in relation to negative events and situations, which is manifested in a tendency to blame oneself for various troubles and suffering. Low rate indicates that the subject is inclined to attribute responsibility for such events to other people or to consider them the result of bad luck.

Scale of internality in the field of family relations (IS). High rate Is means that a person considers himself responsible for the events taking place in his family life. Low rate Is indicates that the subject considers his partners responsible for the situations that arise in his family.

Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (IP). High rate on this scale indicates that in the organization of their production activities a person relies mainly on himself. He believes that he can influence his relationships with colleagues, manage them and be responsible for them; thinks that his professional career, promotion depends more on himself than on other people or external forces. Low rate indicates that a person has a tendency not to take responsibility for their professional successes and failures. Such a person believes that not he himself, but someone else - bosses, colleagues, luck, etc. - determine everything that happens to him in this area.

Scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations (Im). High rate They are evidenced by the fact that a person considers himself able to control his formal and informal relationships with other people, to arouse respect and sympathy for himself. Low rate , on the contrary, indicates that a person cannot actively form his social circle and tends to consider his interpersonal relationships as the result of partners' activity.

Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (Iz). High rate indicate that the subject considers himself responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery largely depends on his actions. Man with low rate on this scale, he considers the disease the result of an accident and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of others, primarily doctors.

For professional diagnostics, the most informative are the results on the scale of internality in industrial relations (Ip). Results on other scales make it possible to build a multidimensional profile. Since most people are characterized by a more or less wide variability of behavior depending on specific social situations, the characteristics of subjective control can also change in a person depending on whether the situation seems to him complex or simple, pleasant or unpleasant, etc.

The level of subjective control increases as a result of psychological correction. At the same time, it should be remembered that internals prefer non-directive methods of psychological correction; and externals, as individuals with increased anxiety and prone to depression, are subjectively more satisfied with behavioral methods.

  • Psychology: personality and business

When selecting applicants for leadership positions, forming teams, there is often a need to determine how responsible a person is, to find out how much he “controls himself” in various professionally significant situations, to assess the degree of his activity and emotional maturity.

The level of subjective control is a generalized personality characteristic that manifests itself in a similar way in different situations. Psychologists believe that the level of subjective control is associated with a person's sense of responsibility for what is happening "here and now", as well as for long-term consequences, that is, with social maturity and individual independence. For the first time, methods for diagnosing such a personality characteristic were tested in the 60s in the United States. The most famous among them is the scale of locus of control ( locus of control scale) developed by J. Rotter ( J. B. Rotter). This scale is based on the position that all people are divided into two types - internals and externals - depending on how they evaluate what causes various events in their lives and who is responsible for them. Every person can be valued on the scale "internality-externality". Internals have an internal locus of control, externals have an external one. Differences between the two types of localization of control can be significant in terms of the success of professional activity (the internal locus of control correlates significantly with the index of professional success).

People of the internal type evaluate all significant events that happen to them as the result of their own activities. They work more productively in solitude, more active in the search for information. In addition, internal personalities are better at work that requires initiative. They are more decisive, self-confident, principled in interpersonal relationships, not afraid to take risks. Research shows that internal leaders are capable of exercising directive leadership successfully.

An external personality, on the contrary, interprets all the events taking place in her life as depending not on her, but on some external forces (God, other people, fate, etc.). Since the externals do not feel able to influence their lives in any way, to control the development of events, they relieve themselves of any responsibility for everything that happens to them. At the same time, they are characterized by greater conformity, more compliant and sensitive to the opinions and assessments of others. In general, external personalities turn out to be good performers, working effectively under the control of other people.

In domestic practice, it is used methodology for studying the level of subjective control (USK), created by E. F. Bazhin, E. A. Golynkina and A. M. Etkind at the Leningrad Psychoneurological Institute. V. M. Bekhterev based on the scale of J. Rotter. The authors of this technique proceed from the fact that the direction of subjective control in one and the same person may have variations in different spheres of life. Therefore, USC includes a number of scales that measure not just internality-externality, but also the manifestations of this characteristic in such areas as attitudes towards achievements, failures, health and illness, as well as in the sphere of family, industrial and interpersonal relations.

This experimental psychological technique makes it possible to relatively quickly and effectively assess the level of subjective control formed in the subject over various life situations.

to study the level of subjective control (USK)

Instruction: You are presented with 44 statements that describe the different ways in which a person interprets the most common social situations. Read each statement carefully, rate the extent to which you agree or disagree, and mark the answer sheet number corresponding to your choice:

3 - totally agree
+2 - agree
+1 - agree rather than disagree
-1 - Disagree rather than agree
-2 - disagree
-3 - completely disagree

Try to use the full range of ratings.

Answer sheet
Full Name




Promotion is more about luck than personal ability and effort.
Most divorces are due to the fact that people did not want to adapt to each other.
Illness is a matter of chance; if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done
People are lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.
The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.
It is useless to make an effort to win the sympathy of other people.
External circumstances, parents and well-being affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses
I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.
As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, and does not rely on their independence.
My grades in school depended more on random circumstances (such as the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts.
When I make plans, I generally believe that I can
implement them
What many people think is luck or good luck is actually the result of long, focused efforts.
I think that the right lifestyle can help health more than doctors and medicines
If people are not suitable for each other, then no matter how hard they try, they still will not be able to establish family life.
The good that I do is usually appreciated by others.
Children grow up the way their parents raise them.
I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.
I try not to plan too far ahead because a lot depends on how things turn out.
My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.
In family conflicts, I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side.
People's lives depend on circumstances
I prefer a guide where you can decide for yourself what to do and how to do it.
I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.
As a rule, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.
In the end, the people who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.
I often feel that I can’t change anything in the existing relationships in the family.
If I really want, I can win over anyone
The rising generation is affected by so many different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often futile.
What happens to me is the work of my hands
It can be difficult to understand why leaders act the way they do.
A person who has not been able to succeed in his work, most likely, did not show enough effort.
More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.
The troubles and failures that occurred in my life were more often to blame for other people than myself.
You can always protect a child from a cold if you follow him and dress him correctly.
In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until problems resolve themselves.
Success is the result of hard work and little depends on chance or luck.
I feel that more than anyone else, the happiness of my family depends on me.
I have always found it difficult to understand why some people like me and others don't.
I always prefer to make a decision and act
on your own, rather than relying on the help of other people
or to fate
Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.
In family life, there are situations that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire.
Capable people who failed to realize their potential have only themselves to blame.
Many of my successes were only possible thanks to the help of other people.
Most of the failures in my life came from ignorance or laziness and depended little on luck or bad luck.

Results processing

Processing of test results is carried out in several stages. The number corresponding to the choice determines the number of points received for each answer. First, using the keys, the scores for each scale are calculated (simple summation). At the same time, points for answers to questions with a “+” sign are summed up with their own sign, and for questions with a “–” sign - with the opposite sign.

Keys to scales

1. Scale of general internality (I o)

2. Scale of internality in the field of achievements (I e)

3. Scale of internality in the field of failures (I n)

5. Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (I p)

7. Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (I h)

As a result of scoring for each of the scales, so-called "raw" scores are obtained, which must be converted into standard scores (walls). To do this, use a special table.

Table for converting "raw" scores to standard scores

Click image for larger version

The scores obtained in the walls are entered in the table:

Final table of results

The results expressed in the walls are compared with the norm (5.5 walls). An indicator above 5.5 walls indicates an internal type of control in this area, below 5.5 - an external one.

The results can also be presented as a graph or as a profile.

Example of a USC chart

USK profile example

Interpretation of the results

Psychologically, a person with high rate of subjective control possesses emotional stability, perseverance, determination, sociability, high self-control and restraint. Man with low subjective control emotionally unstable, prone to informal behavior, uncommunicative, poor self-control and high tension.

The scale of general internality (I o). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most of the important events in their lives are the result of their own actions, that they can control them. They feel their own responsibility for these events and for the way their life as a whole develops. Subjects with low level subjective control do not see the connection between their actions and significant life events for them. They do not consider themselves capable of controlling their development and believe that most events are the result of chance or the actions of other people.

Scale of internality in the field of achievements (I e). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over emotionally positive events and situations. Such people believe that they themselves have achieved everything that was and is in their life, and that they are able to successfully achieve their goals in the future. Low rate on a scale indicates that a person attributes his successes and achievements to circumstances - luck, good fortune or the help of other people.

Scale of internality in the field of failures (I n). High rate on this scale reflects a developed sense of subjective control in relation to negative events and situations, which is manifested in a tendency to blame oneself for various troubles and suffering. Low rate indicates that the subject is inclined to attribute responsibility for such events to other people or to consider them the result of bad luck.

Scale of internality in the field of family relations (I s). High rate And c means that a person considers himself responsible for the events taking place in his family life. Low rate And c indicates that the subject considers his partners responsible for the situations that arise in his family.

Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (I n). High rate on this scale indicates that in the organization of their production activities a person relies mainly on himself. He believes that he can influence his relationships with colleagues, manage them and be responsible for them; thinks that his professional career, promotion depends more on himself than on other people or external forces. Low rate indicates that a person has a tendency not to take responsibility for their professional successes and failures. Such a person believes that not he himself, but someone else - bosses, colleagues, luck, etc. - determine everything that happens to him in this area.

Scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations (I m). High rate And m indicates that a person considers himself able to control his formal and informal relationships with other people, to arouse respect and sympathy for himself. Low rate , on the contrary, indicates that a person cannot actively form his social circle and tends to consider his interpersonal relationships as the result of partners' activity.

Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (I h). High rate indicate that the subject considers himself responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery largely depends on his actions. Man with low rate on this scale, he considers the disease the result of an accident and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of others, primarily doctors.

For professional diagnostics, the most informative are the results on the scale of internality in industrial relations (I p). Results on other scales make it possible to build a multidimensional profile. Since most people are characterized by a more or less wide variability of behavior depending on specific social situations, the characteristics of subjective control can also change in a person depending on whether the situation seems to him complex or simple, pleasant or unpleasant, etc.

The level of subjective control increases as a result of psychological correction. At the same time, it should be remembered that internals prefer non-directive methods of psychological correction; and externals, as individuals with increased anxiety and prone to depression, are subjectively more satisfied with behavioral methods.

Article provided to our portal
the editors of the magazine


Raw scores and transfer to walls

Scale Raw scoresTranslation into the walls Walls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
And about 45 -132−-14 -13−-3 -2−9 10−21 22−32 33−44 45−56 57−68 69−79 80−132 7
eid 12 -36−-11 -10−-7 -6−-3 -2−1 2−5 6−9 10−14 15−18 19−22 23−36 7
Ying 5 -36−-8 -7−-4 -3−0 1−4 5−7 8−11 12−15 16−19 20−23 24−36 5
Is 4 -30−-12 -11−-8 -7−-5 -4−-1 0−3 4−6 7−10 11−13 14−17 18−30 6
Yip 11 -30−-5 -4−-1 0−3 4−7 8−11 12−15 16−19 20−23 24−27 28−30 5
Them 0 -12−-7 -6−-5 -4−-3 -2−-1 0−1 2−4 5−6 7−8 9−10 11−12 5
From 8 -12−-6 -5−-4 -3−-2 -1−0 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9−10 11−12 8


. General scale of internality(Io = 7 )

A high score on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations: internal control, internal personality. Such people believe that most important events in their lives are the result of their own actions, that they can control them, and thus they feel their own responsibility for these events and for how their life as a whole develops. The generalization of various experimental data allows us to speak of internals as more self-confident, more calm and benevolent, more popular in comparison with externals. They are distinguished by a more positive system of attitudes towards the world and a greater awareness of the meaning and goals of life.

A low score on this scale corresponds to low level subjective control: external control, external personality. Such people do not see the connection between their actions and the events of their lives that are significant for them, do not consider themselves capable of controlling their development. They believe that most of the events in their lives are the result of chance or other people's actions. The generalization of various experimental data allows us to speak of externals as people with increased anxiety and concern. They are distinguished by conformity, less tolerance for others and increased aggressiveness, less popular compared to internals.

. Achievement Internality Scale(id = 7 )

High performance on this scale correspond to a high level of subjective control over emotionally positive events and situations. Such people believe that they themselves have achieved all the good things that have been and are in their lives, and that they are able to successfully pursue their goals in the future.

Low scores on the scale indicate that a person attributes his successes, achievements and joys to external circumstances - luck, good fortune or the help of other people.

. Scale of internality in the field of failures(Ying = 5 )

High scores on this scale indicate developed sense subjective control in relation to negative events and situations, which is manifested in the tendency to blame oneself for various troubles and suffering.

Low scores indicate that a person tends to attribute responsibility for such events to other people or consider them the result of bad luck.

. Internality scale in family relationships (Is = 6 )

High rates mean that a person considers himself responsible for the events taking place in his family life.

Low values ​​indicate that the subject considers not himself, but his partners to be the cause significant situations arising in his family.

. Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations(IP = 5 )

High rates also indicate that a person considers his actions an important factor organizing their own production activities, developing relationships in the team, their promotion, etc.

Low values ​​indicate that the person tends to attribute more importance external circumstances - management, workmates, luck or bad luck.

. Scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations(Im = 5 )

High indicators indicate that a person considers himself responsible for building interpersonal relationships with others.

Low values ​​indicate that a person tends to attribute more importance in this process to the circumstances, the occasion, or the people around him.

. Internality Scale for Health and Illness(From = 8 )

High rates indicate that a person considers himself largely responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery largely depends on his actions.

A person with low scores on this scale considers illness and health to be the result of an accident and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of other people, especially doctors.

Questionnaire "Level of subjective control" (LSC)

The identification of a personal characteristic that describes the extent to which a person feels himself an active subject of his own activity, and to what extent a passive object of the action of other people and external circumstances, is justified by the existing empirical research and may contribute to further study a wide range problems in general and in particular applied psychology personality. This characteristic is fully consistent with the theoretical concepts prevailing in domestic psychology in which the study and formation of conscious, vigorous activity The individual has always been given priority.

In total, the USK questionnaire consists of 44 items.

In order to increase the reliability of the results, the questionnaire is balanced according to the following parameters:

I) for internality-externality, half of the items of the questionnaire are formulated in such a way that people with internal USC will give a positive answer to them, and the other half is formulated so that people with external USC will give a positive answer to it;

2) according to the emotional sign, an equal number of items of the questionnaire describe emotionally positive and emotionally negative situations;

3) in the direction of attributions - an equal number of points are formulated in the first and third person.

In contrast to the Rotter scale, the questionnaire includes items that measure internality-externality in interpersonal and family relationships. For medico-psychological studies, it includes items that measure USC. regarding illness and health.

To increase the range of possible applications of the questionnaire, it was designed in two versions, differing in the format of the respondents' answers. Option A, intended for research purposes, requires a response on a 6-point scale “-3, -2, -1, +1, +2, +3”, in which the answer “+3” means “strongly agree”, “- 3"-"completely disagree" with this paragraph. Option B, intended for clinical psychodiagnostics, requires responses on a binary scale "agree-disagree".

As shown by studies conducted on normal student subjects, the answers to all items of the questionnaire have a sufficient spread: none of the half of the scale was chosen less than 15% of the time. The results of filling out the questionnaire by an individual subject are converted into standard system units-walls and can be visualized as a profile of subjective control.

The indicators of the CSC questionnaire are organized in accordance with the principle of the hierarchical structure of the activity regulation system in such a way that they include a generalized indicator of the individual CSC, invariant to frequent situations of activity, two indicators of the average level of generality, differentiated by the emotional sign of these situations, and a number of situation-specific indicators .

1. Scale of general internality. A high score on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most of the important events in their lives were the result of their own actions, that they can control them, and therefore feel their own responsibility for these events and for how their life as a whole develops. A low score on the I o scale corresponds to a low level of subjective control. Such subjects do not see the connection between their actions and the events of their lives that are significant for them, do not consider themselves capable of controlling their development and believe that most of them are the result of a case or the actions of other people.

2. Scale of internality in the field of achievements I d. High scores on this scale correspond to a high level of subjective control over emotionally positive events and situations. Such people believe that they have achieved everything good that was and is in their life themselves and that they are able to successfully pursue their goals in the future. Low scores on the Id scale indicate that a person attributes his successes, achievements and joys to external circumstances - luck, good fortune or the help of other people.

3. Scale of internality in the field of failures I n. High scores on this scale indicate a developed sense of subjective control over negative events and situations, which manifests itself in a tendency to blame oneself for various failures, troubles, and suffering. Low values ​​of I n indicate that the subject is inclined to attribute responsibility for such events to other people or to consider them the result of bad luck.

4. Scale of internality in family relations. High scores on this scale mean that the person considers himself responsible for the events of his family life. Low I s indicates that the subject considers not himself, but his partners to be the cause of significant situations that arise in his family.

5. Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations I p. High I p indicates that a person considers his actions an important factor in organizing his own production activities, in developing relationships in a team, in his advancement, etc. Low I p ​​indicates that the subject is inclined to attribute more importance to external circumstances - management, workmates, luck or bad luck.

6. Scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations I m. A high Im indicator indicates that a person considers himself capable of controlling his informal relationships with other people, commanding respect and sympathy for himself, etc. A low Im, on the contrary, indicates that he does not consider himself capable of actively form their social circle and tend to consider their relationship as the result of the actions of their partners.

7. Scale of internality in relation to health to disease Iz. High rates of Iz indicate that the subject considers himself largely responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery largely depends on his actions. Person with low Iz: considers health and disease to be the result of an accident and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of other people, first of all doctors.

Keys to USC scales

The processing of the completed forms should be carried out according to the keys below, summing up the answers to the items in the “+” columns with a positive sign and the answers to the items in the “-” columns with an opposite sign.

1. Io scale

+: 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 34,. 36, 37, 39, 42, 44.

-: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 33,

35,. 38, 40, 41, 43.

2. Scale of Id: +: 12, 15, 27, 32, 36, 37.

-: 1, 5, 6, 14, 26, 43.

3. Ying scale: +: 2, 4, 20,31,42,44.

- :7,24,33,36,40,41

4. Scale Is: +: 7,24,33,36,40,41

. -: 7, 14,26,28,41

5. Scale Ip: . +: 19,22,25,31,42.

-: 1,9, 10,24,30

6. Scale Im. +; 4.27.

7. Scale I. +: 13.34.

Converting raw scores to walls

To convert the raw score of the USC questionnaire scales into standard value(sten), find the desired scale in the top line and move down the column to the line with the range of values ​​in which the raw score you calculated falls. In the leftmost column of the found row, the corresponding wall is indicated. For example, if the raw score on the IS scale is 8, we find the interval 7-10 in the IS column and the wall value -7 is indicated in the left column of this row.


Instruction. Read each of the statements below carefully and mark on your answer sheet:

Completely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree

agree than disagree than agree disagree

1. Promotion depends more on luck than on the ability and effort of a person.

2. Most divorces come from the fact that people did not want to adapt to each other.

3. Illness - gave a chance, if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done.

4. People are lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others. to those around you.

5. The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.

6. It is useless to make efforts in order to win the sympathy of other people.

7. External circumstances - parents and well-being - affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses.

8. I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.

9. As a rule, leadership is more effective when the actions of subordinates are fully controlled, and do not rely on their independence.

10. My grades in school often depended on random circumstances (for example, on the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts. .

11. When I make plans, I generally believe that I can carry them out.

12. What many people think is luck or luck is actually the result of long, focused efforts.

13. I think that the right lifestyle can help health more than doctors and medicines.

14. If people are not suitable for each other, then no matter how hard they try to improve family life, they still cannot.

15. The good that I do is usually appreciated by others.

16 Children grow up the way their parents raise them.

17. I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.

18. I try not to plan too far ahead, because a lot depends on how things turn out.

19. My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.

20. In family conflicts, I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side.

21. The life of most people depends on a combination of circumstances.

22. I prefer a guide where you can independently determine what and how to do

23. I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.

24. As a rule, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.

25. In the end, the people who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.

26. I often feel that I can’t change anything in the existing relationships in the family.

27. If I really want to, I can win over anyone.

28. The rising generation is influenced by so many different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often futile.

29. What happens to me is the work of my own hands.

30. It can be difficult to understand why leaders act the way they do.

31. A person who could not succeed in his work, most likely did not show enough effort.

32. More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.

33. In the troubles and failures that were in my life, other people were more often to blame than myself.

34. A child can always be protected from colds if he is monitored and properly dressed.

35. In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until problems resolve themselves.

36. Success is the result of hard work and little depends on chance or luck.

37. I feel that the happiness of my family depends on me more than on anyone else.

38. It has always been difficult for me to understand why some people like me and others don't like me.

39. I always prefer to make a decision and act on my own, rather than relying on the help of other people or on fate.

40. Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.

41. There are situations in family life that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire.

42. Capable people who failed to realize their potential should only blame themselves for this.

43. Many of my successes were only possible with the help of others.

44. Most of the failures in my life came from inability, laziness and depended little on luck or bad luck.

gender_______ age__________ profession_______________________ date___________


Please answer the questions posed using (marking on the form) one of the gradations of the 7-point scale :

USK Questionnaire

1. Promotion depends more on luck than on the ability and effort of a person.

2. Most divorces come from the fact that people did not want to adapt to each other.

3. Illness is a matter of chance; If you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done.

4. People find themselves lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.

5. The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.

6. It is useless to make efforts in order to win the sympathy of other people.

7. External circumstances - parents and well-being - affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses.

8. I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.

9. As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, and does not rely on their independence.

10. My grades in school often depended on random circumstances (for example, the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts.

11. When I make plans, I generally believe that I can carry them out.

12. What many people think is luck or good luck is actually the result of long, focused efforts.

13. I think that the right lifestyle can help health more than doctors and medicines.

14. If people do not fit together, then no matter how hard they try, they will not be able to establish family life.

15. The good that I do is usually appreciated by others.

16. Children grow up the way their parents raise them.

17. I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.

18. I try not to plan too far ahead, because a lot depends on how things turn out.

19. My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.

20. In family conflicts, I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side.

21. The life of most people depends on a combination of circumstances.

22. I prefer leadership where you can decide for yourself how and what to do.

23. I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.

24. As a rule, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevents people from achieving success in their business.

25. In the end, the people who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.

26. I often feel that I can't lie to change the existing relationships in the family.

27. If I really want, I can win over almost anyone.

28. The rising generation is influenced by so many different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often futile.

29. What will happen to me is the work of my own hands.

30. It is difficult to understand why leaders act in this way and not otherwise.

Completely disagree