Wheel of balance of 12 spheres of life. The wheel of life balance is a powerful tool for success and harmony.

Or Mandala of Life. Or Chamomile. As someone likes and fits into the "map".

A wonderful model based on the "Balance Wheel" Coaching technique, which has been expanded and improved in the course of my practice. So - Wheel of Life Balance. The technique is light, elegant and multifaceted.

Probably, you will agree with me that it is more harmonious and pleasant to develop in all spheres of life. And in self-development, and in personal, and in public life, both in career and in financial terms, and in the richness and variety of communication with outside world. What about health? What is all of the above without it? All these areas of life are equally important and necessary to us. And, of course, for each of us significant areas will be slightly different.

But one thing will remain unchanged - desire for harmony in life.

After all, sometimes it happens that we devote a lot of time to some areas, and our satisfaction with this sector is quite small, and it happens that we are especially successful in something, although we spend quite a few resources for success.

And the Wheel of Life Balance will allow us to visually see what our whole Life is about. Where does the time go? How do we manage our life?

And, of course, then we will be able to find both blind spots and failure points, as well as resource islands and much more, and direct all our potential to achieve our Deep Goals!

How often do you ask yourself the question: what I am doing right now is leading me Toward or Away from the Goals of my Life? Leads me Toward From Balance and Harmony?

So, harmony in all spheres of life is, of course, great. But not VAK-criteria.

And to translate this rather abstract concept into real life, we have a wonderful tool.

So - the Wheel of Life Balance:

  1. Identify and write down areas of your life that are significant to you. There can be from 6 to 12 of them. And for each of us, they can vary. For example, these can be: Health, Family, Self-development and Personal growth, Leisure, Finance, Love, Relationships, Sports, Career, Spirituality, etc. Keep your individuality, draw exactly your Life!
  2. Determine how much time each area takes up in your life(all together = 100%).
  3. Draw a circle and divide it into as many sectors as significant areas in your life. The size of the sector should approximately correspond to the time spent on it.
  4. Rate your satisfaction with each area. On a scale from 1 to 10 points. Or from 1 to 100. As you like. In the center of the circle - at the intersection of all lines - 1, and on outside circle — 10 or 100. Shade each sector responsible for a particular area, in accordance with your level of satisfaction with this area. Color the sectors if you like. different colors. Show your imagination and Creative skills. After all, this is about your life! Evaluate truthfully and honestly - this is your life! And the Wheel is your assistant to make your life even better!
  5. How is the Wheel of Your Life rolling? Doesn't roll at all? Or does it roll over according to the principle "in some areas it is empty, in others it is dense"? What does your life consist of? What is important to you? Does it suit you? On the resulting "Wheel of balance" of your life, you can clearly see how your life is balanced, harmonious and what else needs to be worked on. Write down which sectors of your wheel require reinforcement. What needs to be done to acquire harmony? What steps do you intend to take in this direction? How much time do you need for this? To bring life to complete harmony, you need to make sure that all its important areas for you are sufficiently realized and please with their presence in your life. It's completely — absolutely real! You just need to act! The seeker will find! Going - comes! No one will make you happy against your will, so choose. In any case, your life is the result of your actions, decisions and continuous choices.
  6. Determine Strategic Objectives for each area. In each of the areas that are significant to you, write a strategic (global) Goal. It can be non-specific, and be just a Request to the Universe. We remember that the Universe is Friendly, don't we? Already the presence of these rather general and non-specific goals sets the right vector and direction for life. further development. When making a decision, it is easy to understand whether it fits into general direction life.
  7. Define Tactical Objectives for each area. For each area we draw up a plan with goals for a year, three months, a month. You can choose any level of breakdown/detail. The main thing is that it is convenient and joyful to use this "plan". Goals are written according to the HSR.
  8. Define Tactical Objectives for the most significant areas. Select 1-3 areas that are most in need of change. Write Goals to increase your score from low to medium to high. Align the Wheel so that it rolls easily and freely through life.
  9. Select milestones to track/summary changes that occur. Redraw the Wheel of Balance every 2-4 months. From the "as if" position, you have not yet drawn it at all. Like the first time. You can print and hang your Balance Wheel in a prominent place. This is additional motivation. You can simply ask yourself every morning: "What am I going to do today to make my Wheel run smoother?"

You can also come up with your own options.

What exactly are you going to do to get closer to Harmony and Balance?

I am sure that every person creates his own world and his reality for himself at every moment of time, and that each of us can change our world for the better at any moment of time!

Joy to you on the way to creating your own harmonious and happy World!

The essence of the task is simple. Take a piece of paper and draw a circle of life on it (as in the picture above). I want to immediately warn the very lazy, you need to do it not in your mind, namely to draw. Next step- define for yourself 6-8 areas of life that have at least some meaning for you. Some of them are common to all people - this is Health, Work, Family / Close people.

Others may differ, for some people Money is important, for others access to Entertainment, for some people Personal growth is important, or the possession of Property (apartment, car, etc.). There may be hundreds more different areas of life that are important to you personally. Divide the circle into sectors, each sector is an important area of ​​life for you.

Wheel of life balance.

Now think about how you rate each of them on a scale of 10.

And here it is important not how much you think, others can evaluate it, but your assessment, your attitude to this. This is important point so I'll explain it. For example, take such a sector as Family / close people, from the point of view of most people, success in this category is determined by the presence of a husband / wife, children, close friends. level of relationship with them. But if you live alone, and at the same time are happy (at this particular moment in time), then evaluate this sector accordingly, and not with common point vision.

Now, again, as in the picture, you combine the ratings that you put on each sector. You should end up with something like this:

The question is brewing, and what does this wheel of the balance of life mean and what should I do?

And not a single psychologist, coach or trainer can give you a 100% correct answer. At what, regardless of what happened in the picture. Only you yourself can draw conclusions, but to help in this I will give a couple of explanations.

It is believed that if you really succeed more or less uniform circle like a wheel, then life is balanced. It may completely satisfy you or, on the contrary, not completely suit you, but in such a situation, there really is often no desire to change something. You are in harmony with yourself, your life and the environment. Of course, if the wheel turned out to be large, evenly high marks in all areas of life, one can only wish further success and not stop there. If you have uniformly low marks in all areas, then you have to big job, but it will only make sense if you yourself want to change something. There are essentially two ways. The first is to try to evenly change something in all sectors, the second is to focus on one / two and make a breakthrough on them, and the rest will follow them.

If you have a completely uneven circle in the picture, then, as they say, there are problems and the right directions for face development. At the same time, you should not violently regret the failed areas of life, but realize and appreciate what you have already achieved. After all, your successes are what have ALREADY been done, and failures are just what you STILL have to do.

One of the most successful tools knowledge of the world is visualization. It is no less effective for comprehending one's inner "I". For such an analysis, the “wheel of life” technique is actively used, which can demonstrate the degree of balance in your own life.

How the wheel of life will help you find inner harmony

Many people often have to deal with periodic concentration on some important project, for example, choosing future profession. In this case, a person is maximally absorbed in achieving his goal, highlighting priorities along the way and rejecting insignificant details. Positive final result brings satisfaction and new goal.

However, many work on such a "project" throughout their lives, ignoring what seems unnecessary. Concentrating on career growth, the person forgets about the family. And sometimes increased attention to family affairs really harms a talented specialist who loses the opportunity to prove himself in his profession.

Therefore, it is so important to find the necessary balance between the main goal and the seemingly insignificant details of your own life. Numerous spiritual practices help with this.

However, in order to gain control over one's own being, one does not need to immerse oneself in many days of studying thematic Talmuds. It is enough to master the “wheel of life” exercise in order to conduct a full-fledged objective assessment of your existence and find inner balance.

To recreate your own “wheel of life”, a pencil and a sheet of paper are enough. However, its subsequent interpretation may take quite a long time, although in social networks there is a “wheel of life” technique, which allegedly allows you to make an analysis in just a minute.

Thoughtful interpretation requires honesty with oneself and objective evaluation own being. Only in this case will you be able to outline the main directions in which you should move further on your life path.

The wheel of life technique is patented in the USA. It is actively used by coaches for personal growth and effectiveness, since it is truly effective in analyzing one's own life and inner world.

Despite the seeming simplicity, this exercise helps to concentrate on the main thing, to see real problems and the existing internal imbalance in order to further develop a methodology for achieving balance.

Visualization helps improve similar analysis and show those details that can be missed when using verbal techniques.

12 tricks that will help you break out of the vicious circle and start living

Business absorbs the entrepreneur with his head. By developing their offspring, managers put the rest of their lives on hold. And when they achieve financial or career success, they discover that they got it all at the cost of undermined health, loneliness, and spiritual devastation.

In the article electronic journal“General Director” three of your colleagues tell how they were able to break out of a vicious vicious circle, learned how to set priorities correctly and due to which they found life harmony.

The main components of the "wheel of life"

The wheel of life reflects different aspects of your life. Each of them is evaluated on a 10-point scale, where the number 1 shows complete dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in this area of ​​your being, and the number 10 shows one hundred percent satisfaction. Based on inner feelings, evaluate all aspects.

Sector "Health and Sports"

Health is the foundation of any full life. Healthy man enjoys every day, the patient is deprived of such joy. This segment of the "wheel of life" also includes taking care of your well-being. The person who maintains healthy lifestyle life, devoting part of his time to sports, will appreciate this aspect highly, putting the appropriate score. If your concern is own health insufficient, the mark will be low.

Sector "Friends and Environment"

This segment of the "wheel of life" helps to assess the degree of influence of your environment (friends, relatives, colleagues) on life and comfort level. If people around you give positive emotions and energy and in their company you enjoy your time, the score will be high. If your environment is made up of people with whom you are uncomfortable, and the feelings evoked can hardly be called positive, then this sector will receive low score.

Sector "Family and Relations"

If you are in a close relationship or have a family, this segment of the wheel of life should evaluate how happy you are with these people. When the existing relationship fully satisfies you, the score will be high. If there is tension between you or you experience discomfort from communicating with a loved one (family), you must put a low score. With absence family relations(families) score will also be low (1 point).

Sector "Career and business"

Most people spend a significant part of their day at work, so when building a "life balance wheel" it is impossible to ignore this part. human life. The overall comfort of life largely depends on career satisfaction. To assess this aspect of your life will help the feelings that you experience both during the labor process and after its completion. If discomfort prevails, a feeling of emptiness or fatigue, lack of strength, etc., the chosen job may not meet your expectations. If you are in high spirits, then you like your profession.

People who are employees need to assess their satisfaction with their activities, the feelings they experience, the degree of comfort when they are in the workplace, etc. Those who are involved in entrepreneurship evaluate their business (like it or not).

Sector "Finance"

In this segment, it is necessary to assess satisfaction with one's own financial condition, that is, with the level of income available (regardless of whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur).

The assessment of the financial sector "wheel of life" shows whether the current level of income corresponds to the desired one. How more difference, the lower the score should be.

Sector "Spirituality and Creativity"

The question of spirituality is extremely individual. Therefore, it is difficult to give specific advice here that will help evaluate this sector of your “wheel of life”. Many people are fond of spiritual practices, some ask philosophical questions about the meaning of being and your own stay in this world. If you have studied this aspect at least once in your life, you will be able to objectively assess the degree of your spirituality. If you have never asked yourself this question, it's time to start.

The creative aspect is all those details that help you express your own inner self (for example, drawing, dancing, playing the musical instruments, needlework, singing, etc.).

Sector "Personal growth"

Despite the current popularity of downshifting, a person always strives for personal growth. Developing your own skills in a variety of areas of interest to you helps you achieve your goals. Otherwise in a fast pace modern life you may be out of business. Do you consider yourself a person who strives to continuous development? Assess how you fit the presented ideal.

Sector "Brightness of Life"

Everything that a person devotes his free time with pleasure brings him joy. Such a hobby (for example, mountain hiking, jet skiing, cycling, etc.) adds color to the palette of life and diversifies gray everyday life. This segment of the "wheel of life" helps to assess how actively you spend your free time from routine duties. If you dedicate it to static TV watching or online gaming, the score will be low because the brightness of life in this case tends to zero. If thoughts about the upcoming hobby after work spur you on, and every free minute is spent actively, then the degree of brightness of life will be high.

How to make a wheel of life

Step 1. We draw or print our individual "wheel of life". To imagine how to make a "wheel of balance of life", you need to divide this circle into 8 equal parts:

Step 2 Give each area a name. Each sector must be given the name of that area of ​​your life, which is one of the defining ones of your being. Estimate that in this moment is important to you, which helps you feel the joy of life and achieve your goals. Your environment (family, colleagues, friends) also significant influence mood and comfort level. Therefore, these aspects also need to be included in the wheel of life.

As a rule, the points described above are among the most mentioned, but you can make your own scheme. Do not forget to weigh the degree of significance of a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife of the “wheel of balance”. Turning on the one that seemed to you important aspect, you risk losing sight of what really has a significant impact on you.

Step 3 We enter the main criteria that will help determine the maximum level achievable in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. By highlighting for each segment a list of criteria for evaluating the dynamics, you can understand at what level you are now and what needs to be done to achieve the desired maximum. Do not forget that in order to achieve the coveted "top", you must constantly perform those tasks that will help you realize yourself in the area in question.

Step 4 We evaluate each area on a 10-point scale at the time of the creation of the “life balance wheel”. Having identified the main criteria that determine the areas of life that interest you, you have the opportunity to begin assessing each sector. In this way, you can see which of the segments has congestion according to the score, and which one you ignore or shows low performance.

In the presented figure, you can see that the “friends and environment” sector is the busiest, and therefore the most significant. The “finance” segment demonstrates the second result, “career and business” – the third one. The low indicators of the "leisure" and "spirituality and creativity" sectors indicate a clear imbalance.

Step 5 We connect all the dots. Now you need to connect all the dots as follows:

The resulting strange polygon looks nothing like a wheel. For achievement life balance it is necessary to bring this figure to the even form of a classical circle.

  • How to make a life plan to live and work 100%

How to analyze the wheel of spheres of life

The first stage of work is done. Now you need to put your thoughts in order and relax a bit. Get distracted by other things by setting your drawing aside. After some time, after reflecting on your being, return to the drawn “wheel of life” again and once again evaluate each sector. You may decide to change the points or leave them unchanged. If you agree with the initial marks, proceed to the next step - the analysis.

Try to remain objective and resignedly accept the level at which you are now. The next steps depend on what goal you set for yourself now and what price you are willing to pay to achieve the desired result.

As a rule, coaches practicing the “wheel of life” technique call for aligning all sectors, because they are sure that only balance will allow you to harmoniously continue your life path. However, this is only relevant if your goal is to achieve happiness. By following the advice of these mentors and striving to "fix" each quadrant, over time, you will be able to improve your well-being and self-esteem. However, this process can take many years.

All sectors of the "wheel of life" are interdependent. The spheres of human life are subject to the law of compensation, which (like the law of conservation of energy) helps to reveal the threads connecting them. In the diagram below, you can see how the sectors of the “wheel of life” are interconnected.

Such a scheme clearly demonstrates the connection of polar types of personalities. However, do not worry if your interests are at first glance opposite. In the case of the predominance of one of your spheres of life does not mean at all that you will not be able to expand or change the usual standard of behavior.

Consider the law of compensation on an example. A person seeks to increase his income, but, despite all efforts, nothing comes of it. Having lost hope, he turns to coaches who “pump” his self-esteem and help him set up self-programming. A person applies new knowledge in practice, which leads to a 30% increase in salary or other changes.

However, such a result will not be 100% successful. All the resulting changes will be single, and the effect of them will be short-lived. In addition, such growth can negatively affect health or personal relationships. The reason for this deterioration is the fact that in order to achieve a result in one of the areas of his life, a person is forced to “pull” energy resources from other areas, thus weakening them.

In this case, the Pareto law rule is clearly visible: 20% of efforts give 80% of the result, 80% of efforts - only 20% of the result. Adding points to a certain sector of life and applying efforts to fulfill them will be the very 80% of the efforts that will give only 20% of the result.

To achieve the balance of the spheres of the “wheel of life”, you need to make efforts only in the niche of the required growth, the area of ​​​​nutrition and the area on which the comfort zone depends.

The latter is worth considering in more detail. For each person it is individual. AT different areas living comfort zone can vary significantly. It can be viewed as a state psychological security, which occurs after the execution of the usual sequence of actions in the form of the expected result. By limiting oneself to a comfort zone, a person deprives himself of the opportunity to learn new things and acquire survival skills in an ever-changing world. As a rule, such limitations in all spheres of life have one root, hidden in one of the sectors and at first glance seeming absolutely innocent.

For understanding, consider a specific example. The “wheel of life” of a person taken as a model seems to be balanced. However, each of the sectors is rated rather low (the income is small, the environment is poor, there is no brightness of life, although he is married for love). In general, he is satisfied with everything. Therefore, there is no desire to expand the sphere of interests and learn new things. Spiritual Aspect weakly expressed. However, there is little potential, based on which we can talk about future development. At the same time, the desire for personal growth is represented so far only by social realization.

Analysis and decision

To begin with, it is necessary to consider the spheres of life in terms of energy resources, which are the sectors of spirituality and personal growth, career and health. AT specific example the assessment of these sectors is extremely low. The reason is the lack of time. However, the lack of free minutes arises due to errors in the definition of priorities and the degree of responsibility. A "stalled" career negatively affects self-esteem, which is also a key energy resource. As a result, a person finds himself in the trap of patterned actions, wasting time and health.

In the chosen example, the comfort zone, from which a person is afraid to leave, is on the axis "adventure (brightness of life) - environment (friends)". Fear of leaving this zone limits choice and knowledge. The main reasons for this behavior are:

  • fear of doing something new, unusual;
  • distortion of the assessment of reality due to fear;
  • shift in the focus of attention caused by the fear of leaving the comfort zone;
  • loss of nervous energy due to fears.

However, do not despair and give up. The search for exit paths must be carried out precisely on this axis. First you need to find time in the weekly calendar and distribute it, allocating weekends for going with your family to a place that a person has never visited before. The novelty of sensations will help you break away from your usual thoughts and experiences and focus on your feelings at a given moment in time. Leaving the comfort zone will help and talking with a stranger, the conversation with which should last at least 15 minutes, or the decision to leave the usual routes and explore new streets and roads, getting up early and devoting part of the time to this on the way to work.

The second step is to identify the colleague who causes rejection and try to get closer to him, learning about him as much as possible and trying to imagine yourself in his place.

In addition, in order to get out of the usual comfort zone and acquire new skills, a person was asked to find a hobby that he was not familiar with and get carried away with it enough to demonstrate to others his interest and desire to succeed in this area.

This scheme was initially rejected, because this person was sure of its unattainability and gave several arguments, convincing the coach that there would be no result. However, after a long conversation, he agreed to a 45-day experiment.

The result surprised not only the practitioner, but also the “test subject”. As a result, a person:

  • was able to make friends with his envious;
  • made a new friend who proved useful to his work;
  • received a promotion by jumping over the rung of the career ladder;
  • I was able to level up wages twice.

And this is not an accident, but a natural result of the actions taken to get out of the limiting comfort zone and improve areas of life.

Now take a look at your own "wheel of life" and find your limiting comfort zone. Fears, laziness and fear of losing control over the situation prevent you from getting out of it. However, the greater the certainty that everything is under your control, the less degree your influence on anything. Therefore, it is so important to determine your own sector in which your comfort zone is located.

  • Exercises to help you get out of the whirlpool of endless cases

All aspects of the "wheel of life" are interconnected

Irina Shalagina, General Director of MolMed, Sales Director of the company dairy house", Moscow

When I needed to leave for India, my "wheel of life" was clearly skewed towards the areas of career, study and finance. Other aspects clearly escaped my attention or were completely ignored, as evidenced by low scores (from 1 to 3 points).

This was the reason for my dissatisfaction with life. However, now the balance has leveled off. Using the "wheel of life" as a technique for analyzing and planning life, we can see that the predominance of one of the areas entails a decrease in the role of other aspects, and vice versa, since they are interconnected.

For example, my area of ​​life, which is responsible for a career, helps to develop the aspect of creativity (I write articles, prepare for publication own book). At the same time, the development of the creative sphere has a positive effect on the career aspect.

How the "wheel of life" depends on the temperament and personality type of a person

The "wheel of life" of people of different temperament and personality type will be different, despite a large number of similar moments. First of all, it depends on differences in self-esteem perspectives. In the diagram below you can see an example of evaluation own positions three different types people: an optimist, a pessimist and a fanatic.

These people, two of whom were ordinary employees, and the third a member of some kind of movement, made their own drawings of the "life balance wheel", which gave interesting results:

  1. The fanatic, despite his overtly radical views, was not insane, as his scheme demonstrated.
  2. The optimist showed a clear overestimation of his success in all areas of life, except for those that he neglects. Here his scores were more objective.
  3. The pessimist, on the other hand, showed low self-esteem, especially in the area of ​​high significance.

Do not forget that in this experiment involved an optimist and a pessimist with pronounced corresponding qualities. A person, as a rule, tends to be in a certain average position, the polarity of which can fluctuate depending on external and internal factors.

How the "wheel of life" affects the planning of further actions

Now that you have completed the previous stages of creating your "wheel of life", the method of analysis and planning of life will help you develop a further forecast.

Main planning goals:

  1. Alignment of the "wheel of life" (goal: to align the wheel as much as possible). This can be done by systematically “pulling up” the lagging behind sectors to the leading ones.
  2. Increasing the "wheel of life" (goal: maximize the wheel). Such a "fullness" of life will make your life long, bright and interesting. To achieve this, after leveling the “wheel of life”, it is necessary to gradually increase each of its sectors, increasing its volume with the help of an increase in the assessment.

The “wheel of life” technique will help you plan your life competently, placing the right accents and formulating the right goals and objectives. For this you need:

  • identify lagging sectors with minimal scores;
  • formulate real steps that will help increase performance in these areas. With equal assessments in all spheres of life, it is necessary to plan actions that will give a simultaneous increase in quantitative criteria in all sectors;
  • reassess assessments and change the "wheel of life" when actions are completed;
  • follow the first three points until the maximum performance is achieved in all sectors;
  • constantly monitor and maintain maximum scores.

When your "wheel of life" is perfectly even and as large as possible, your being will be bright and balanced.

For understanding, you can consider a few examples that will show how to properly plan the necessary actions.

Suggested steps to help improve the assessment of the Health and Sports Sector of the Wheel of Life:

  • lose weight by 15 kg;
  • do yoga for half an hour daily;
  • give up fast food.

Planned actions that will help increase the appreciation of the “Family and Relationships” sector of the “wheel of life”:

  • invite your favorite colleague to the cinema;
  • register on a dating site;
  • confess close person in your feelings.

Indicative steps to help improve the assessment of the Career and Business sector of the Wheel of Life:

  • improve your skills as a manager of the logistics department;
  • offer a solution that increases the efficiency of the company's logistics flows;
  • lead the logistics department.

Suggested actions that will help raise the valuation of the "Finance" sector of the "wheel of life":

  • introduce a system of permanent accounting of household expenses;
  • create a reserve account with capital in the amount of 6 monthly expenses;
  • raise personal financial literacy by daily studying the relevant literature.

Planned actions that will help increase the appreciation of the “Friends and Environment” sector of the “wheel of life”:

  • stop communicating with a person who has become unpleasant;
  • make new pleasant acquaintances in social networks and beyond them;
  • regularly meet with those people with whom you really enjoy communicating.

Suggested actions that will help improve the assessment of the "Personal growth" sector of the "wheel of life":

  • engage in the study of motivational literature;
  • learn a foreign language;
  • learn programming.

Indicative actions that will help raise the assessment of the "Spirituality and creativity" sector of the "wheel of life":

  • visit all new exhibitions;
  • learn to cross stitch;
  • learn the harmonica.

Suggested actions that will help improve the assessment of the "Brightness of Life" sector of the "wheel of life":

  • go on a mountain hike
  • go kayaking;
  • jump with a parachute.

Planned actions that will help raise the sector's valuation “ Life goals» «wheels of life»:

  • use a special planner program to write down your goals in the short and long term;
  • take daily steps towards achieving goals;
  • plan a new goal immediately after reaching the previous one.

Some actions that will help improve the assessment of the "Children" sector of the "wheel of life":

  • enroll a child in a creative studio;
  • create with the children the design of their own room and bring it to life;
  • have another child.

Suggested actions that will help raise the assessment of the “Environment” sector of the “wheel of life”:

  • sort out things in closets and pantries;
  • change jobs;
  • visit another city.

Planned actions that will help improve the assessment of the "Recreation" sector of the "wheel of life":

  • go on vacation to another country;
  • Go on a picnic once a week;
  • visit the cinema at least once a month.

These examples are not a standard. You can plan other activities that will be relevant for you. The planned steps largely depend on the sectors that are included in your "wheel of life".

What mistakes are most often made when making the "wheel of life"

Mistake 1. Wheel of expectations.

One of the main mistakes in compiling the "wheel of life" is the substitution of concepts. Many people often do not realize their real goals, putting the standard, approved by society priorities at the forefront and forgetting about the personal. Taking as a guide what a person should want, a person forgets about what he really wants. As a result, the constructed “wheel of life” takes on an uneven shape due to the fact that initially overestimated or unattainable goals were chosen. Review your priorities. Could be a job CEO will not bring you such pleasure as confectionery classes and subsequent self-improvement in this area will bring. History knows many examples when leaving a profitable, but not joyful job, allowed one to start a personal business, which in the end turned out to be much more successful and exciting.

Mistake 2. The trap of idealizing the wheel.

Do not strive to achieve a perfectly even "wheel of balance of life" with maximum performance in all sectors. In pursuit of 10 points, you risk losing harmony. The purpose of balancing the "wheel of life" is not to fight for maximum points, but to balance all your life areas.

Error 3. The trap of comparison with the spokes of the wheel.

A delusion is the desire to bring an equal volume of each of the sectors of the "wheel" into balance in real life, devoting the same amount of time to each of the areas. You simply cannot spend as many hours on your hobby or family as you do on work. You need to prioritize correctly. The importance of each of the sectors is determined by the degree of satisfaction arising from personal implementation in each of the areas.

Mistake 4. Misunderstanding the size of the wheel.

When evaluating each of the sectors at a given time, do not ignore circumstances that may affect quantitative indicators. For example, if you have a cold, you should not give a low rating to the Health sector. This will only be relevant if you have chronic diseases that can affect your life.

Error 5. "Wheel of life" in the moment.

When for several years you have been striving to take the chair of the head of the sales department, the mark of the "Career" sector will be low. But if you have achieved this goal, you should not make a radical reassessment, changing the indicators from 2 points to 10. Each sector must be assessed as a whole, since several criteria affect satisfaction in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

How to work with the "wheel of life"

It was mentioned at the beginning of this article that the wheel of life technique will help you achieve balance in all areas of your life. So what is balance? This is a state of affairs that gives you a feeling of absolute satisfaction in all areas of life. Something that gives you joy and happiness, even if it is not a billion in a personal bank account.

To achieve necessary balance, you need to follow a certain algorithm:

Step 1. Put your perfectionism aside.

The ideal is the lot of incorrigible dreamers. He is unattainable. But you can and should strive for it. Each success along the way to the goal should bring joy, otherwise you risk facing constant disappointment caused by the pursuit of an unattainable standard.

Step 2 Remove obstacles to balance.

No one but you can determine the criteria that make you happy. And only you create obstructive conditions that prevent you from achieving balance. The happiness of each person depends on himself, on his individual preferences, which shape the actions on the way to the desired satisfaction.

Step 3: Be grateful.

Sincere gratitude is a property of an open and friendly person. Such people win over those around them. That is why it is so important to remember the gratitude you show towards others. If you respond with kindness to every positive deed of a person close to you, positive energy your communication will facilitate the path to your goals.

Step 4. Determine how you see your life balance.

When you strive to achieve the ideal, the list of criteria can be endless. However, there are far fewer of them on the way to harmony. To achieve a balance, it is necessary to determine for yourself the optimal minimum requirements, the fulfillment of which will not cause serious difficulties. Each problem solved will bring you closer to harmony.

Step 5. Learn to enjoy any, even the smallest successes.

In the rhythm of modern life, a person often forgets to enjoy any little things, setting himself the task of achieving satisfaction only when global goals are achieved. However, the ability to enjoy the little can add a positive note to your daily mood, which will speed up the path to finding harmony.

Demanding and strictness to oneself discipline, but do not forget about the praise for the results. Only laziness and unwillingness to change anything in your life deserve condemnation. Give credit to your efforts, this will help to achieve harmony.

    • Give each area a name
    • Connect all the dots
    • Wheel of expectations
    • The trap of idealizing the wheel
    • Wheel size misconception
    • Wheel of life in the moment
  • What is balance in life?
  • How to achieve balance in life: 5 essential tips on the path to balance in life
    • Be more grateful

Analysis and planning of one's own life

Most people - probably about 80-90% - live, so to speak, with their heads down and do not see much of what is happening around. Because of this viewing angle, the scope of their interests is quite narrow. In fact, all they care about is work and personal life, and often we are talking not about involvement in the process, but about the so-called "serving the number".

In other words, every day a person wakes up in the morning and goes to work simply because “it’s necessary”. The longer he works in the same place, the less often he thinks that he could do something else, open up in some other area. the main objective life for many is to provide for themselves and their families, but in the pursuit of money, people lose the most important emotional connections and find themselves locked within the framework of a single sphere of life - material.

The technique that we will consider in this article will help you raise your head, look around, see new horizons and reformat your life - not the way it is “supposed”, but the way you want it to be.

This technique is called the "Wheel of Life".

What is the wheel of life and what is it for?

wheel of life (otherwise - the Wheel of Life Balance) is a graphic image of our life, which is presented as a circle divided into several sectors. Each sector is one of the most important areas of your life, the implementation of which directly affects your satisfaction with life. We will talk in more detail about how to work with the wheel of life balance in the next section, but for now let's try to understand why such a method is needed at all?

So, the wheel of life is necessary for you in order to:

  • prioritize appropriately: determine which area of ​​life is more important to you, and which is less;
  • realize how satisfied you are with life, and understand what needs to be changed in order to become happier and find harmony;
  • identify what is bothering you;
  • determine in which direction to move me to solve existing problems.

If all this is interesting and important to you, let's move on to the main thing - we will help you make the wheel of your life balance.

Watch related videos:

How to make the wheel of life yourself?

Draw or print our custom wheel of life

As we mentioned above, the Wheel of Life is a circle divided into sectors. As a rule, for clarity and simplicity, the drawn circle is divided into eight equal parts (see the figure below):

Give each area a name

The name of the sectors should correspond to the important areas of your life. Think about what it takes to make you feel complete person to have enough motivation and zest for life? For most people, it is important to be healthy, have a decent material base time for rest, self-development. In addition, it is important for us to love and be loved, and this is not only about the family, but also about friends and superiors, from whom we expect respect, in accordance with our merits.

The areas we have chosen as an example are the most common and widest, but do not blindly redraw this wheel of life. Before assigning a name to the next sector, think carefully - is this area so important to me? Don't forget for a second that each sector corresponds to certain area it is your life, and only you decide which areas will be represented in your wheel of life balance, and which ones will not.

Write down the main criteria by which you will understand that this is the maximum that you want to achieve in this area

Now that you have decided on the areas of life that are most important to you, let's make a list of the main criteria for each area. This is necessary to assess how close you are to your own maximum in a particular area. Simply put, the more tasks you have completed or are performing on permanent basis, the more you are realized in the area under consideration.

Rate each area on a 10-point scale at the time of creating the wheel of life balance

Having decided on the areas that are included in our Wheel of Life, and the criteria that characterize the attitude to a particular sector, we must determine how overloaded or, on the contrary, this or that area is ignored on a scale from one to ten, based on the selected criteria.

AT graphic image it looks something like this:

Based on this example, we can conclude that the most busy areas for you are spirituality, followed by recreation and the environment. At the same time, you pay very little attention to health and a little more to career and self-development.

Connect all the dots

We connect all the dots like this:

What did we get? Pretty strange geometric figure, a kind of incomprehensible polygon. How far can you go on this wheel? Of course no. What are we striving for? Smooth wheel.

Everything is simple.

Watch another video about the Wheel of Life Balance:

We choose a sector, changes in which will improve overall performance

The first thing you need to do after you have connected the dots is to identify the most problematic area.

Based on the example above, health is the worst thing, which means that we need to start with it in order to straighten our wheel of life.

Checking the correctness of the selected sector

To make sure that the area for correction is selected correctly, we once again look at the list of criteria for this area. What are you doing to be healthy? Are your current actions sufficient? Obviously not.

We identify steps that will help improve performance for the selected sector

Now that the most problematic area has been identified, you must decide where to start, which flaws to eliminate first, which ones second, and so on. In essence, you are making a plan for yourself to improve your life. And really - is it possible to be happy without health?

What is the ultimate goal of working with the wheel of life?

The ultimate goal is to get a straight wheel. It is obvious that eliminating problems in the most critical area is not enough to achieve this goal - other parameters must also be tightened.

At the same time, you should understand that your goal is not 10 points out of 10 possible in each area. The ideal wheel is a standard to strive for, but in the pursuit of top score in some of the areas you can even lose the existing success in other areas. In other words, you should not throw all your energy into health, but forget about your personal life and career, otherwise you will again have the same strange geometric figure at the exit, just the failure will not be from below or from above, but from the side.

Remember: the main thing we are striving for is spiritual harmony . The wheel is just an honest illustration, a chart that helps us allocate our resources correctly.

With that in mind, let's talk about 5 dangers that can result from a misinterpretation of the balance wheel.

5 Dangers of Misinterpreting the Wheel of Life

Wheel of expectations

Often there is a substitution of concepts: we begin to achieve not what we want, but what we should want. In other words, we come to the same point when we need something just because it is necessary. But in fact, everyone has their own priorities in life.

Perhaps your wheel is not straight, not because you have not achieved a number of conditions in certain areas. Perhaps you simply initially set overpriced or unattainable goals? Think about it. Maybe you don’t have to become a billionaire - maybe it’s enough just to do what you love and get as much as you need to live? It is up to you to decide, based on your personal feelings.

The trap of idealizing the wheel

What we have already mentioned above: achieving 10 points out of 10 will not work, do not chase these numbers. It is important that there is harmony. Let six indicators be 8 points, and two - 7. If you feel happy, then the method has already worked.

The trap of comparison with the spokes of the wheel

Another common misconception is that the wheel of life, among other things, illustrates the time we devote to each of the areas. In our example, the sectors are the same, yes. But this does not mean that we devote as much time to spirituality as to a career (we don’t rush to the temple for an 8-hour mass after an 8-hour working day, right?).

Just in case, let's clarify: the division into equal sectors was made by us for clarity.

The same size of sectors does not mean that all 8 spheres are equally important to us. Importance is determined by the criteria of our satisfaction with our implementation in each of the areas.

Wheel size misconception

This point again lies in the wrong choice of criteria. Suppose you have a cold and feel, to put it mildly, unimportant, but this does not mean that your health is at zero, does it? Yes, of course, if we are talking about chronic diseases, then health indicators will be quite low. But to underestimate the performance due to a cold or runny nose is not worth it.

The same applies to quarrels with his beloved wife or time pressure at work - these factors are temporary and therefore should not affect the performance in general.

Wheel of life in the moment

This error is similar to the previous one. For several years you unsuccessfully sought the location of the boss - as a result, the indicator of the Career sphere is low. And suddenly the next day you are promoted - you immediately change the conditional two points to ten. It is not right. The wheel of life shows your status in this moment, Yes. But the criteria for improvement should be assessed adequately, because the increase cannot and should not be the only criterion career satisfaction is just one of the points.

What is balance in life?

To make it easier for you to work with the wheel of life, it is important to understand what is the balance that we strive so hard to achieve?

Balance in life is that state of affairs when you feel satisfied on all major fronts. It doesn't have to be billions of euros, a model wife and an island in the middle of the Red Sea. This is what you personally need to feel happy.

Now let's try to organize all the information that we have learned about the wheel of life balance and the dangerous misconceptions associated with this method, and compose step by step instructions How to achieve balance in life.

Put aside your perfectionism

The ideal is unattainable. It is worth striving for, of course, but the absence of an ideal should not make you unhappy. Each local success should bring you satisfaction, otherwise your whole life will turn into a pursuit of a standard, an unattainable goal, that is, into constant disappointment.

We ourselves are an obstacle on the way to balance

The list of criteria that make us happy is determined only by you. Accordingly, only your own irrational balance conditions can prevent you from achieving it. Do not forget for a second that happiness is individual for everyone. Strive for what you can truly achieve. This will bring you the desired satisfaction.

Watch a video on how to improve self-discipline:

Be more grateful

The ability to give credit to others is extremely important. Open and friendly people win over others, but here, of course, sincerity is extremely important.

In communication with a person who plays certain role in your life, think about it - are you grateful enough for this person? Maybe he deserves more? Try to return kindness with kindness, and it will become much easier to achieve your goals than before.

Decide how you see your life balance

The list of criteria for achieving the ideal can be extensive, almost endless. There are much fewer criteria for finding harmony. Select the main criteria, the minimum that will allow you to achieve balance, and strive for it. No one deprives you of the right to strive for new heights, but with harmony in your soul, this desire will turn into a unique journey, and not into painful torture.

Learn to rejoice in any, even the smallest successes.

Last but extremely important step on the way to life balance - learn to enjoy the little. Every action that brings you closer ultimate goal- finding harmony - is a significant contribution to success. We have become closer to the desired result - is this not a reason for joy?

Be strict with yourself, but know how to give yourself credit. Only laziness deserves condemnation, unwillingness to do at least something to change your life in better side. Everything else is worthy of praise.

Good luck with your life balance!

And may the road on which your wheel of life rolls be smooth.


Dear readers, perhaps each of us thinks about harmonious life. At each stage, we can have a rethinking of values, which is primarily important for us, what can be done next, how to work on ourselves. On my blog, I often raise the topics of our internal content and just such work. I believe that true health comes to those who live in harmony with the world, with themselves, who can give their Love to relatives and friends, our children, who themselves live a full life.

Today, the guest of my blog, Anna Rogozina, will tell us about the wheel of life balance and our development in every area. I have already introduced you to Anya. There was an amazing article of hers on the blog. And not so long ago there were articles about Anna. I am very pleased with your response to Anna's articles. I myself am very interested in all the topics that Anya and I discuss on the blog. Many of you listened to Anya's webinar "Formula of a Happy Mom". I received very kind words about this webinar in the mail.

Today we will continue our conversation with you on a very important topic about life balance. I give the floor to Anna Rogozina.

Life balance or development in every area of ​​human life

One of the key tasks of any mother is to be in harmony with herself and with the whole world at once. Otherwise, it is simply unrealistic to become the support and center of the Universe for your child. How will the baby gain confidence if mom is confused and dad is frowning? And so from day to day. Yes, balance is difficult to achieve, uncertainty and some kind of dissatisfaction with oneself are constantly present. You are tormented by thousands of questions, millions of problems deprive you of sleep, and what can we say about self-esteem, even if the reflection in the mirror is critically crooked!

Do you recognize yourself? Then this is a reason not to be upset, but to buy a stylish notebook, a good pen and a beautiful cup. Exclusively for myself and as a sign of the beginning of a new one, interesting stage In my life. Then you need to do preliminary work with the family. Explain to your family that you need some time for yourself. You can release it by sending your husband to walk with the child in the park. If the baby has grown up and is already a schoolboy, let them go together to extra classes Or visit your grandmother. You can find a place yourself, but one where no one will disturb you and nothing will distract you.

To feel happy, mom needs to have enough time for all the important things for her. Otherwise, her quality of life deteriorates at times, self-esteem suffers and the desire to do anything completely disappears. Let's see where the problems are hidden, and what area of ​​life requires the closest attention. The result of the work done will be a clear understanding of what is currently happening to you and what measures to take in the first place.

Wheel of life balance. Spheres of human life

There is more work to be done next. If you just draw a Wheel and hang a piece of paper in a prominent place, there will be no benefit. In addition to the drawing, it is required to describe in detail what and how to do so that the angular figure acquires the shape of a circle, and life becomes harmonious and balanced.

We open a notebook and draw a beautiful large circle on the first piece of paper. Now we determine the most significant areas of life for us and divide the circle into the required number of sectors, put a scale from 1 to 10 on the segments that have turned out inside the wheel.

You can name the sectors in different ways, but we suggest taking the following categories as a basis:

  • Your health and that of your family;
  • Beauty external and internal;
  • Career / own business;
  • Finance;
  • Children;
  • personal development;
  • Self-education;
  • Home and comfort in it;
  • Relationship with a loved one;
  • Vacation, travel, meeting new people.

Wheel of life balance. Sample

Here's what it would look like at the start:

And then the fun begins. Brew a cup of tea and thoroughly "dig" in yourself, think, think. What is wrong with you and in what area? What confuses you? What would you desperately want to change in a particular segment?

How to work with the wheel of life balance?

Rate your satisfaction with each area of ​​life on a 10-point scale . What will 10 mean to you, and what will only 1 mean? For example, in the field of health, for 10 you can take what you want to see yourself in six months, a year, five years. How will you eat, or what indicators will you reach. Everything is purely individual.

Be honest. Do not feel sorry for yourself, do not embellish and do not idealize. Reflect the real picture by placing a dot inside the circle at the level of the scale score you defined. Having finished the analysis of all spheres, connect the points with segments, paint over each piece of the sector in any color from zero to the selected level, and look at the result.

The figure that has turned out inside the circle does not look like an even wheel? Don't be surprised, this happens most of the time. On the this stage work, identify several areas of life, changes in which will have the maximum impact on improving the situation inside the entire wheel. Where is the greatest imbalance? These are the areas where you can start working. At the same time, you can deal with 2-3 sectors, and the rest will begin to change on their own or require a little adjustment from you.

Work with each sector of life balance

For example, let's choose the health sector. Suppose it is he who is in a deplorable state. What can be done here, because you need to have strength for everything conceived, for raising children? Kids take an example from their parents and it is very important to instill in them a good, right habit take care of your health.

First, we determine for ourselves personally what we equate to 10 points and where we are at the moment. The “Health” category includes: my and my family’s well-being (many mothers do not share these concepts, here it’s optional), appearance, activity, energy, diet, weight, sports, sleep.

What do we need to do to achieve the goal?

  1. Find information on the nutrition system of interest and revise the diet for tomorrow.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
  3. Get up 20 minutes earlier on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and do bodyflex exercises. To do this, find and download lessons.

Indicate small time intervals in the plan. Optimal - a month. Then see how your Balance Wheel changes and write down your actions for the next month.

Secondly, completely switch to your desires and feelings. Do not think about how others will perceive your aspirations for change. It is only YOUR desire, only YOUR dream.

Visualization of our desires

To help you work in this sector, be sure to look for inspiring pictures. They will help visualize your aspirations and desires, they will be great to encourage action.

In such pictures, write down your desires in precise short phrases, and in the format of those that have already been fulfilled. For example, “I will lose 5 kg” is wrong, but “I lost 5 kg” is wonderful! Stop using negative particle"not" and any negative statements. It will not work right away, correct yourself and this manner of expressing your thoughts will become a habit in the near future. Keep in mind that good habits and skills are formed in about 20-40 days. One of the main points of the whole process is that you should be morally as comfortable as possible.

Don't forget to praise yourself!

In addition to the Wheel of Life Balance and all activities related to improving the quality of life in areas that are important to you, make it a habit to praise yourself. In writing! Get into the habit of doing everything in writing.

You can have a separate notebook "My achievements" or separate half from the one in which you started working with the Wheel of Life Balance. Write down everything in which you are great today, what you were able to achieve, what happened, how difficult the first month of working on yourself was for you, but you managed and continue. These recordings are just for you, they are great to raise self-esteem and build strong self-confidence, and also support in moments when everything goes wrong. Trust me, they will too!

Julia Cameron "The Artist's Way" Book to help us

In conclusion, I will recommend one wonderful book, which isn't as well-known or as readable as I'd like, but extremely useful. It's a must read, if you don't quite like the first few pages, promise yourself to finish reading about halfway through the book. And you definitely won't stop.

So, Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. Don't be confused by the name, each of us becomes an artist in our work on ourselves. And no matter how much before we considered ourselves creative personality. Moreover, having decided to “dig into” ourselves and improve the quality of life, to reach a new, more comfortable level, we all become very creative and resourceful people. So why not?

Take advantage of this book exercise called "Morning Pages" . It is for this reason that I recommend this book. It takes no more than 5-10 minutes, but it works great. You will always want to fulfill it, and this will be a great help in working on yourself and your successful future.

You know, for a long time I wanted to implement one project that would give powerful support to mothers and strong knowledge, while I wanted to create something much more than just a community or a group. I want every mother to be whole person so that I can do everything as much as possible, find myself in life, rejoice every day and life was really very bright and full! And for this it is necessary that there be harmony in all spheres of life. This is so important for every mom. I understand this very much, because. I have always aspired and strive for this.

So, I want to tell you in detail about the new big online project for moms - MODERN MOM UNIVERSITY .

It's closed educational club, where every month we will work to improve life in important areas for us, moms:

  • Your health and family health.
  • Cozy house, order.
  • Beauty internal and external.
  • Career / own business
  • self-education
  • Personal development (work on yourself)
  • Finance.
  • Relationship with loved one
  • Leisure, travel, entertainment, traditions.
  • Communication, acquaintances, connections.
  • Creativity, creativity

One area of ​​the mother's life is worked out monthly. Each topic is considered through efficiency and expansion of internal boundaries. 1 topic - 1 month.

The scope of the first month is the HEALTH of mom and her whole family

Interesting communication, belonging to the community developing mothers, invited speakers every month - professionals, each in their own field, and many more advantages.

All this is waiting for you very soon! Join now!

The opening of the club will take place on October 23, 2015

More information about the club, all the privileges for its members, as well as subscription options can be found here. You can also register using this link to receive interesting information from the club.


All the best! Harmony in the soul, happiness and joy every day!

I thank Anna for the information.

And for the soul, we will listen today Michel Pepe : La Vision du Coeur Everything is very beautiful. Give yourself a mood.

see also










