Does a person need rest? Change of activity

It seems that it is inconvenient to write on such a topic. The question is among the no less absurd ones: Why do we need sleep? What does food give a person? Do we really need air? A three-year-old child will smile and give an alignment in a couple of minutes. Without air and food, a person cannot live, he will say, and rest ... it is simply pleasant. The fact that rest is vital for us is not known even by many adults. We encounter the results of workaholism every day: in the subway, checking the diameter of the circles around the eyes (our own and someone else's), at work, redoing Anya's work, working for 16 hours, when meeting with friends who admit for the hundredth time that they have time for themselves absolutely not enough.

Now from the world of science. AT International classification diseases appear and syndrome chronic fatigue aka CHU. Experts came to the conclusion that the syndrome may be the result of many factors: the Epstein-Barr virus, a malfunction immune system, genetic predisposition, stress. CFS is more prone to people 40-50 years old who live in major cities. And another nuance! CFS develops more frequently in women than in men and occurs in 37 cases per 100,000 population.

About the treatment. It's short, because our resource is not a newspaper " Healthy Look Life." And so treatment should be complex, strictly individual. Here and Physical Culture, and the intake of vitamins, and sleep, at least 8 hours a day, and the rejection of an irregular work schedule.

What are we talking about? And we're talking about vacation! The very one that will deprive you of ownership of any abbreviations. Build muscle mass

help straighten your shoulders and master the new kind sports activities. It will tear you away from work, routine, long stay in the office and will allow fresh eyes look at the business to which you devote most of your time. We have repeatedly noticed that rare vacationers, for three days only come to their senses at the Igora resort. On the fourth day, their eyes open, the body wants movement, and ... oh, adventure. The secret of the long swing is that the rest in the schedule of such guests takes a week or two out of 365 days. Returning home with a healthy skin color and a strong body, our spa guests will again begin to lose strength in an endless cycle of events.

constructive proposal. What if we change the approach? Who eats well, sleeps well. Who thinks well - writes well. Who works great - he rests first-class! You can build another logical chain, the main thing is to come to the conclusion that rest is a continuation of life, and not just crosses on the calendar. He gives us strength, awakens Creative skills, and, in the end, gives time for self-awareness.

The resort "Igora" is waiting for you both tired and cheerful, and cheerful and sad. We are waiting for you, because we are sure that rest with us will change your life for the better! Publication date: 09/25/2014
We all understand that everything in the world has its limit. So, if someone claims that he is an avid workaholic, that he can spend unlimited time at work, that he does not need rest at all, then this is not true. Even the most persistent person once loses his nerve, there comes a moment of moral and physical exhaustion. It is good if a person realizes this, accepts and corrects the situation. But there are also such instances that break down on others, get annoyed, poison the atmosphere in the team.

Such people simply ordered the road to the site Do not think anything wrong, this is just the site of one major tour operator. After all, what can save a person from fatigue better than a vacation!
A vacation is simply necessary for a person. It can be compared to a breath of air for a drowning man. Indeed, work, everyday life can absorb a person like a quagmire, you need to break out of it.

I think that every person can afford to go somewhere once a year, change the situation and environment. If you have the funds, you can easily go to a foreign resort, if you don’t have the funds, then you can safely relax within the country. Rest in a sanatorium will bring no less pleasure and health benefits than spending time under the scorching sun of hot countries. It is worth considering that sometimes just sunbathing is not enough for relaxation. Sometimes people need a real shake-up, a reboot. In such cases, you can try extreme views recreation. For example, you can take a couple of skysurfing lessons.

In general, you should not drive yourself into a dead end, break down, give all your strength to work. You need to take good care of your health emotional state and make timely pauses in your professional activity. Believe me. it will only benefit you.

What is rest for?

The human body is designed in such a way that it needs rest. It is clear that sometimes even two days off is not enough to regain the lost calm. Little of, daily work many associated with the constant sitting at the desk. By the end of the day, the muscles of the neck and back become numb, the lower back hurts and you just want to get on your feet and walk around the office.

It’s good if you can go for a run in the park in the morning to breathe fresh air in the green alleys and shake your stiff body after sleep, and even better when there is enough willpower for such events. More calm people, such as theater fans, prefer to relax their body and soul by buying tickets to the Bolshoi and enjoying the exciting spectacle. But even such a rest is again sitting, and not exercise stress. Of course, here you can unwind, but after the performance, the body will request movement.

To make up for the lack physical activity, ideal option there will be a trip to the sea or to the mountains. On the skiing not everyone can ride, but it is not necessary. Even the classic "mattress" style of tourism will be an excellent stimulus for the body, because from the sunbed the vacationer still moves towards the sea, the ocean, and at worst, the pool.

A well-rested person is able to move mountains. Labor productivity increases, and any tasks are up to him. Incomprehensible outbursts of irritation and unexpected conflicts in the team and family disappear. The silence and tranquility of the house, in addition to the constructive atmosphere in the office, is worth it to rest when the body requires it.

It is pleasant to realize that rest is an opportunity to prevent illness. Pain in the chest, lower back, back, fatigue in the eyes - all this is the result of many hours of sitting in front of the computer at the office desk. There will be no rest - and health will inevitably deteriorate, because the body simply does not have time to restore the spent energy. Human forces are not unlimited, after some time of constant work, indifference and apathy set in, an aversion to work appears. If you have not reached this stage, the process of destruction of the body has not yet started, but the bells are already being heard, drop everything, it's time to relax.

Any work is stress and fatigue that you need to get rid of. Each person intuitively feels that career success and the wear and tear that accompanies them guarantees the transformation into a draft horse, and rest is the only thing that promises salvation. Someone plunges into sports, another packs his bags and watches the weather forecast by the sea, and someone just closes his eyes, turns on any audiobook and relaxes for the benefit of the soul. Relax your limbs a little, take off your headphones and run to the box office, where a ticket to the opera The Enchantress is waiting. F beach will wait nerve cells can be saved with less spending and pronounced spiritual growth.

Name: Evil theory
Executor: Konyshev Pavel
Cycle/series: Mila Vasquez
Book number: 02
Publisher: ABC-Atticus
The year of publishing: 2019
Read by edition: LLC Publishing Group Azbuka-Atticus, 2019
Translation: with it. L’IPOTESI DEL MALE, translator A. Yu. Mirolyubova, translation, 2019
Quality: mp3, vbr, 48 kbps, 44 kHz, Joint Stereo
The size: 337.73 MB
Duration: 16:26:13

Every day, in any country, in any city, people disappear. Disappear into darkness.

No one, including the police, knows why, does not understand how this happens. And soon almost everyone will forget about these missing people. Everyone but Mila Vasquez. Seven years have passed since the events described in The Prompt, but the darkness does not let Mila go, it leaves marks on her skin, perhaps because ......

Today, work for many has an overestimated socio-psychological value. Workaholism wins healthy desire recreation. carved rest everyone is trying to make it as rich and “useful” as possible. Decision making, connection with home and work, planning every day, involvement in the Internet - this is what most often accompanies vacation modern man. The intended sensations after such a rest are rarely achieved. So, how to have a good rest, and why this rest is needed at all?

Why you need rest

There are at least several reasons to organize yourself rest.

  • In fear of losing time for nothing, a person is even more immersed in activity. But it is regular rest as one of the areas of life that will fill the time life achievements eliminating anxiety and fear.
  • Constant planning, organization can lead to crises of awareness of their labor achievements and missed opportunities, for example, in family life. After that, people can decide to cardinal changes. Regular and sufficient rest would allow maintaining the balance all this time.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome overtakes even those who are in love with their profession. Performance will decline. Inability to concentrate, loss of strength, emotional instability, Bad mood- this is only a minimal set of syndrome. You will have to count less and less on achievements.
  • Permanent work with the refusal of rest for the sake of the well-being of the family cannot always be appreciated. Mutual claims and the accusations will pile up, creating permanent problems in the relationship.
  • Lack of rest and a heavy workload, work stress will certainly affect physiological state health. In the end, "rest" can overtake in a hospital room.

How to rest well

Even highlighting rest for ourselves and our family, we do not know how to have a good, proper rest. It can be said that we have forgotten how to do it for real, having incorrectly set priorities. Psychologists suggest following simple rules.

  • Rest is not just the absence of work. During the rest, you need to enjoy life from the other side, in its various manifestations.
  • Ask yourself: will active rest create harmony for you during this period? Any doubts? Then you better get away fashion trends(calls from active friends) and choose relaxation therapy, passive recreation. Visualize the desired picture of rest - feel your feelings.
  • Approach with love to the choice of clothing for leisure. It should be not only comfortable, safe, but also beautiful, inspiring to relax.
  • During rest, there should be a time of rest - learn to do nothing. Sometimes it is worth lying down and lying down, even turning off the desire to make yourself a cup of tea. There must be complete relaxation.
  • During the rest, you should not overload your body with harmful food and drinks. Otherwise, the whole rest will turn for the body into hard work leaving no room for recovery.
  • Do not make the goal of your vacation creating a photo report or regularly blogging about your vacation. You should have time to get full pleasure from the rest, and not reduce it by obligatory fixation of your momentary happiness.
  • From each vacation, bring a wonderful little thing that will collect all the positive atmosphere. It will also become an incentive for a new vacation.
  • Vacation doesn't have to wait until vacation. It is important to allocate daily for good rest at least 30 min.
  • For a feeling of relaxation, for a moment you can stop looking at what resembles the sea. Green or blue tones in the interior, a picture in these colors will not only make it easier to create moments of relaxation, but also set you up for a future good rest.

More than 40% of Europeans complain about the lack of free time, doing nothing to allocate it for themselves. It is better to rest at will than according to the need of a worn out organism and psyche. Have a nice holiday!

The first danger lies in wait for us in the evening of an ordinary working day, when we don’t feel like doing anything. In order not to spend the whole evening on social networks, cut off your escape routes in advance. Buy a ticket to a concert, promise your wife to go to a restaurant, bet a friend that you won't miss a workout. And in order not to think on a tired head, do a simple exercise “Evening Rest Scenarios” right now.

Divide the sheet into two columns. On the left, write options for a typical dull evening: “flipping through Instagram”, “sit in front of the TV”. And on the right - remember good options: "walk in your favorite park", "go to a new exhibition", "dive into the pool after training in the gym."

A great option for those who meet Friday in a state of squeezed lemon. All you need to do is once a week finish your business 1-2 hours early, leave the office and do one of the evening rest scenarios. Do something that you don’t have enough time and energy for in an ordinary evening: go to the cinema, to a water park or to a concert. Having had a good rest in the middle of the week, you will have much more time on the remaining working days. Wednesday evening is perfect for a half day.

Planning a vacation for the weekend is a pleasant experience, it is rarely a problem. But the mountain of household chores is a real danger of ruining everything. After all, it is on weekends that most of us are used to shopping for groceries, cleaning, washing and cooking.

Here are a few ways to clear the weekend of household chores or significantly reduce the time for these activities:

a) Make to-do lists, assign responsible persons and deadlines. Everything is like at work. This will save you several hours.

b) Do not save up for the weekend. For example, you can start the washing machine on Tuesday evening.

c) Delegate. Other family members, including children. Or professionals, but for money (windows can be washed by guys from a special office, for example).

d) Shop for groceries on weekdays. Remember the terrible queues and traffic jams on Sundays.

e) Use delivery services (food, household chemicals, pet products).

Rituals are needed not only for work, but also for relaxation. Normal action details differ from ritual. Compare: frying a “ready-made barbecue” from something that is not clear or choosing good meat on your own, marinating it with interesting spices, frying it on the right grill, serving it in beautiful dishes.

Here are some ideas:

a) Spectacles: cinema, theater, football

b) Pleasures for the body: bath, massage, spa

c) Communication with nature: forest, river, sea

d) Sports: cycling, badminton, skiing

e) Games: board games, cards, chess

f) Food: barbecue, cake

Dr. Elaine Iker warns that you should not rest less than twice a year, otherwise the risk of heart attack and depression increases significantly. At the same time, it is better to rest a little, but more often.


a) 2 weeks in summer + new year holidays+ November and May holidays

b) 2 weeks + scatter one day on Fridays to make a long weekend

c) change the climate: leave winter for summer

Taking a month off at once is a bad idea.

On vacation, alternate rest and switching. Rest is a passive scenario, like lying on the beach and reading a book. Switching is active option, giving vivid impressions: explore architectural monuments, play volleyball.

The most important switch should happen at the beginning of the holiday - you need to switch from work. Therefore, first we “pump up” ourselves with switching in order to knock work problems out of our heads, then we passively rest, and so we alternate until the end of the vacation.

Passive rest, one or two days, is obligatory before going to work. Otherwise, you will go to work broken, unrested.