All capitals of foreign Asia. Partially recognized states of the region

South Asia is a region located on the southern peninsula of Hindustan, with several small coral and volcanic islands in Indian Ocean, Indo-Gangetic Valley, Himalayas. This is a remarkable part of the planet that attracts tourists and exists according to its own customs and rules.

AT South Asia includes seven countries:

  1. Bangladesh;
  2. Nepal;
  3. Butane;
  4. India;
  5. Sri Lanka;
  6. Pakistan;
  7. Maldives.

Square southern region makes up 4% of the entire earth, but the density is quite high and is determined by about 20% of the total population of the planet.

In the southern part, the region is surrounded by the seas and bays of the Indian Ocean. Of all the states, only two countries, Bhutan and Nepal, are not provided with access to the sea.
The population fluctuates around 1.2 billion people.


A relatively poor state with a rapidly increasing population. Located on an area of ​​about 144,000 km2, the number is 142 million.
Most of the country is flat lowland. The Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers form one channel a little west of the capital Dhaka and flow into the Bay of Bengal. The state is almost regularly exposed to floods, which cause the loss of many lives.
About 20% of the total population of the country lives in the cities of Bangladesh. Since it is problematic to find work here, people live by farming (tea, sugar cane, jute) and fishing.

State of Bangladesh

Capital of Bangladesh– Dhaka with a population of 6.97 million. It is located on the Buriganga (Ganges) river. Seems major port and concentration of aquatourism.

Capital Dhaka

The main share of industrial enterprises is located in the capital and suburbs:

  • production of jute fiber,
  • lightweight and cotton.

Almost 90% of the population are Muslims.


Federal Democratic Republic Nepal is located between two neighbors: from the north it borders Tibet, from the south, west and east - India.

The highest mountain state is located on an area of ​​140,800 km2. The population of Nepal is almost 30.4 million people, they profess Hinduism.

Countryside Nepal

There are three high-altitude zones in Nepal: flat area- 17% of the total area, the mountainous part - 64% of the area and the high Himalayan ranges.

A large number of rivers: Karnali, Arun through the slopes of the Himalayas flow south and fall into the Ganges.

The capital of the country is Kathmandu.. It is home to about 1 million people.

In the city there are various craft workshops and small enterprises: textile, leather, pottery.


The Kingdom of Bhutan is located on the slopes of the Eastern Himalayas. On the one hand, it borders on China, on the other, its neighbor is India. Its territory is 47,000 km2. The population practicing Buddhism is 770 thousand people.

Cities of Bhutan

The capital is Thimphu- most Big City states. It is home to 40 thousand people.
For the rest of the world Bhutan for a long time remained a closed state, and only in 1974 the veil was slightly opened. For 80% of the inhabitants, the rural and forest industries are the main source of livelihood. The industry is undeveloped, there are a number of woodworking enterprises and the food industry.

Bhutan surprises with its contrasts. On the plain, near India, bananas grow, and on a hill, in the central part of the state, oaks grow. From the north, Bhutan is surrounded by the Himalayan mountains.


Republic of India It is the seventh largest state in the world and the second largest in terms of population. The country is located on the Hindustan Peninsula, the Himalayan mountains and the Indo-Gangetic plain. The most significant height is Kanchenjunga (5898 meters). The number is 1.3 billion. India borders on the west with Pakistan, eastern neighbors- Bangladesh and Myanmar, from the northeast - China, Nepal, Bhutan. Almost 80% of the inhabitants practice Hinduism.

Holy city of India

major rivers, flowing from the Himalayan mountains and flowing into the Bay of Bengal are the Brahmaputra and the Ganges. Several rivers: Krishna, Mahanadi, Godavari serve as the main source of irrigation. India has no large lakes.

Capital of India - New Delhi. It is located in the northern part of the country, in seismic zone and occupies almost the entire area of ​​the Indo-Gangetic plain.

City in India New Delhi

New Delhi is official capital state and one of the districts of the city of Delhi. The buildings of the government of India and various historical sights are located here.
Since 1997, Delhi has been territorially divided into 9 districts, and each of them is divided into 3 districts.

New Delhi has a population of around 295,000 while the city of Delhi is home to over 13 million people. It is one of the most developed economic terms districts.

The economy of the capital consists of industries: tourism, telecommunications, information technologies. Industry includes the manufacture of products for mass consumption. In Delhi, in comparison with other cities in India, transport and infrastructure are best developed. In this regard, in the suburbs of the capital are developing international corporations, automotive manufacturing.
Energy, healthcare and various services for the population make up a significant share in the economy.

Sri Lanka

Democratic socialist republic. It is located on the island of the same name off the coast of Hindustan. The area of ​​the country is small - approximately 65,000 km2. Along and across the island, small rivers cross: Nai-Aru, Kalu.

The majority of the population professes Buddhism - 69%, while adherents of Hinduism make up 15%. The total population is 21.7 million people.

tea plantations in countryside Sri Lanka

The country got its name from the Sanskrit "Shri" - glorious and "Lanka" - land. Familiar to the whole world under another one - Ceylon. The state is proud of its huge tea plantations and rice fields.

The capital of Sri Lanka in 1982 was transferred from Colombo to the nearby suburb of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte. Here is the state parliament and Supreme Court. The process of transferring the capital to the end is not yet completed. The population of Kotte is 150,000 inhabitants. In fact, the capital continues to be Colombo - the most Big city in the country (there are almost 600 thousand people). Colombo has a deep-water harbor, and the city center is located near the port. The port of Colombo is the largest in South Asia. Several industries are developed here: chemical, glass, woodworking, textile and oil refining.


The country arose as a result of the division british india in 1947 and is officially known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It borders with countries: Iran, India, China, Afghanistan.

City and slums of Pakistan

In the south is the outlet to the Arabian Sea. It is noted relatively high density population. In terms of the number of residents, it ranks sixth in the world - almost 194 million people with an available territory of 803,940 km2. The majority of the population professes Islam - more than 97%. Most of the region is the Indus Plain and the mountains located from the north and west, belonging to the Iranian plateau.

The capital of the country is Islamabad. It was founded in 1967. The population is 1150000 people. In the west of the capital, the Indus River flows, the Himalayas stretch east of the city.
Since Islamabad was originally built as a capital, there is practically no industry in the city.

City of Islamabad

The exception is:

  • light, food industry, handicrafts.
  • The financial sector and telecommunications industries are developing.


The state is located on several small islands in the Indian Ocean. Closest countries: India, Sri Lanka. The Republic of Maldives includes 1196 islands, the length from east to west is 130 km, from south to north - 823 km. Islands of volcanic origin, form a paired necklace of 26 large coral patches (atolls). From total Only 202 islands are inhabited. The longest island is eight kilometers long. Due to the gradual melting of glaciers, the Maldives is threatened with flooding.

City in the Maldives

The population living on the archipelago is 400,000 people. The population professes Islam.

Capital Male located on the neighboring islands of Villingili and Male. The territory is 5.8 km2, the number of inhabitants is about 105 thousand people.
The absence of industry determined the occupation of the population: fishing, resort business.

May 10, 2016

On the territory of Asia there are several dozen countries with different political system and standard of living, with surprising and dissimilar cultures. Russia also partially belongs to Asian countries. What states does Overseas Asia include? The countries and capitals of this part of the world will be listed in the article.

What is called overseas Asia?

Foreign territory is called the territory of this part of the world that does not belong to Russia, that is, these are all Asian countries except Russia. In the geographical literature, foreign Asia is divided into four large regions. So, they distinguish Central, Eastern, Southern and Front (Western). North Asia- this is Russian territory, and foreign Asia, of course, does not belong to it. The countries and capitals of this part of the world are absolutely different from each other, they are unique and inimitable.

The table below gives alphabetical list countries of foreign Asia with names of capitals.

CountryAsia regionCapitalOfficial language
AbkhaziaWesternSukhumAbkhazian, Russian
AfghanistanWesternKabulDari, Pashto
BruneiSouthBandar Seri BegawanMalay
IsraelFrontTel AvivHebrew, Arabic
IndiaSouthDelhiHindi, English
IraqFrontBaghdadArabic, Kurdish
KazakhstanCentralAstanaKazakh, Russian
CambodiaSouthPhnom PenhKhmer
CyprusFrontNicosiaGreek, Turkish
KyrgyzstanCentralBishkekKyrgyz, Russian
KuwaitFrontEl KuwaitArab
MalaysiaSouthKuala LumpurMalaysian
United United Arab Emirates FrontAbu DhabiArab
Saudi ArabiaFrontRiyadhArab
North Korea EasternPyongyangKorean
SingaporeSouth AsiaSingaporeMalay, Tamil, Chinese, English
ThailandSouth AsiaBangkokThai
PhilippinesSouth AsiaManilaTagalog
Sri LankaSouth AsiaColomboSinhalese, Tamil
South Korea EasternseoulKorean
South Ossetia FrontTskhinvaliOssetian, Russian

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Developed countries of foreign Asia and their capitals

Among the most highly developed countries in the world is Singapore (capital - Singapore). This is a small island nation high level life of the population, which is mainly engaged in the production of electronics for export.
Japan (the capital of Tokyo), also engaged in the creation of electronic equipment, is among the ten most prosperous countries in the world. Almost all countries of foreign Asia and their capitals are rapidly developing. For example, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan are among the five fastest growing (in terms of GDP growth) economies in the world.

Not everyone needs to be ahead...

Least the developed countries foreign Asia and their capitals: Bangladesh (capital - Dhaka), Bhutan (capital - Thimphu), Nepal (capital - Kathmandu). These and some other countries cannot boast of either a high standard of living or special achievements in industry. And yet foreign Asia (countries and capitals are listed in the table above) plays important role in the global economy. The largest financial centers located in the largest part of the world on the planet: Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore.

Asia- the most most of light, forms together with Europe the continent of Eurasia. The area (together with the islands) is about 43.4 million km². Population - 4.2 billion people. (2012) (60.5% of the world's population). Asia is now the largest developing region in the world.

There are 48 countries in Asia. China is not only the most big state by area in Asia, but also by the number of inhabitants in the world. India confidently ranks second in the world in terms of population and is predicted to overtake China in a couple of decades. Indonesia ranks fourth in terms of population and in the next 20-30 years may reach third place, overtaking the United States.

Japan is one of the G8 and financial terms now one of the leading countries in the world.

The role of Asia in the world economy and politics behind last years increased greatly. The economies of China and Japan are now among the largest in the world. fast paced growth shows India.

Countries and capitals of Asia

  • Azerbaijan (capital - Baku)
  • Macao (capital - Macao) (Portugal)
  • Armenia (capital - Yerevan)
  • Afghanistan (capital - Kabul)
  • Bangladesh (capital - Dhaka)
  • Bahrain (capital - Manama)
  • Brunei (capital - Bandar Seri Begawan)
  • Bhutan (capital - Thimphu)
  • East Timor
  • Vietnam (capital - Hanoi)
  • Hong Kong (capital - Hong Kong)
  • Georgia (capital - Tbilisi)
  • Israel (capital - Tel Aviv)
  • India (capital - Delhi)
  • Indonesia (capital - Jakarta)
  • Jordan (capital - Amman)
  • Iraq (capital - Baghdad)
  • Iran (capital - Tehran)
  • Yemen (capital - Sanaa)
  • Kazakhstan (capital - Astana)
  • Cambodia (capital - Phnom Penh)
  • Qatar (capital - Doha)
  • Cyprus (capital - Nicosia)
  • Kyrgyzstan (capital - Bishkek)
  • China (capital - Beijing)
  • North Korea (capital - Pyongyang)
  • Kuwait (capital - El Kuwait)
  • Laos (capital - Vientiane)
  • Lebanon (capital - Beirut)
  • Malaysia (capital - Kuala Lumpur)
  • Maldives (capital - Male)
  • Mongolia (capital - Ulaanbaatar)

  • Myanmar (capital - Yangon)
  • Nepal (capital - Kathmandu)
  • United Arab Emirates (capital - Abu Dhabi)
  • Oman (capital - Muscat)
  • Pakistan (capital - Islamabad)
  • Saudi Arabia (capital - Riyadh)
  • Singapore (capital - Singapore)
  • Syria (capital - Damascus)
  • Tajikistan (capital - Dushanbe)
  • Thailand (capital - Bangkok)
  • Turkmenistan (capital - Ashgabat)
  • Turkey (capital - Ankara)
  • Uzbekistan (capital - Tashkent)
  • Philippines (capital - Manila)
  • South Korea (capital - Seoul)
  • Japan (capital - Tokyo)

Asian countries with their capitals

Western part:

Central part:

  • Tajikistan (Dushanbe),
  • Kazakhstan (Ankara),
  • Afghanistan (Kabul),
  • Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek),
  • Turkmenistan (Ashgabat),
  • Uzbekistan (Tashkent),

South Asia (countries):

  • Nepal (Kathmandu),
  • Sri Lanka (Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte - official, Colombo - fact.),
  • Bhutan (Thimphu),
  • Pakistan (Islamabad),
  • India (New Delhi),
  • Bangladesh (Dhaka),
  • Maldives (Male),

East End:

  • Japan Tokyo),
  • Democratic People's Republic of Korea - North Korea or North Korea (Pyongyang),
  • Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar),
  • Republic of Korea or South Korea (Seoul),
  • China - China (Beijing).

Countries South-East Asia(list):

Northern part:

  • Russia and all its Asian republics (Moscow).

States not recognized by the world community and not fully recognized

Unrecognized states of the region:

  • Waziristan (Vana),
  • Shan State (Taunggyi),
  • Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Stepanakert),

Partially recognized states of the region:

  • State of Palestine (Ramallah),
  • Abkhazia (Sukhum),
  • Republic of South Ossetia (Tskhinvali),
  • Azad Kashmir (Muzaffarabad),
  • Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (Lefkosa),
  • the island of Taiwan Republic of China(Taipei).

Controlled territories:

  • British Indian Ocean Territory (Diego Garcia)
  • Akrotiri and Dekeria (Episkopi),
  • Christmas Island (Flying Fish Cove),
  • Macau - Macau (Macao - Macau),
  • Cocos Islands (West Island),
  • Hong Kong - Hong Kong (Hong Kong - Hong Kong).


Now the reader has an idea of ​​what diverse and dissimilar states there are in Asia, where their capitals are located and how many there really are.

And if suddenly you decide to visit one of these states, then approach the choice of a place of further stay with special care, because Asia is not only beautiful and amazing, but also dangerous! Many of the customs and traditions of the peoples living there may be contrary to ideas about the norm and morality. European resident, and vice versa, an act that seems harmless to you and me, in the East can be regarded as immoral and even illegal. Therefore, be vigilant and attentive.

All Asian countries on the maps

Asia world map:

Political map of overseas Asia:

Physical map of Asia:

Countries and capitals of Asia:

List of Asian countries and their capitals

A map of Asia with countries gives a clear idea of ​​their location. The list below is the capitals of Asian countries:

  1. Azerbaijan, Baku.
  2. Armenia - Yerevan.
  3. Afghanistan - Kabul.
  4. Bangladesh - Dhaka.
  5. Bahrain - Manama.
  6. Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan.
  7. Bhutan - Thimphu.
  8. East Timor - Dili.
  9. Vietnam - Hanoi.
  10. Hong Kong - Hong Kong.
  11. Georgia, Tbilisi.
  12. Israel - Tel Aviv.
  13. India - Delhi.
  14. Indonesia - Jakarta.
  15. Jordan - Amman.
  16. Iraq - Baghdad.
  17. Iran - Tehran.
  18. Yemen - Sana'a.
  19. Kazakhstan, Astana.
  20. Cambodia - Phnom Penh.
  21. Qatar - Doha.
  22. Cyprus - Nicosia.
  23. Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek.
  24. China - Beijing.
  25. North Korea - Pyongyang.
  26. Kuwait - El Kuwait.
  27. Laos - Vientiane.
  28. Lebanon - Beirut.
  29. Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur.
  30. Maldives - Male.
  31. Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar.
  32. Myanmar - Yangon.
  33. Nepal - Kathmandu.
  34. United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi.
  35. Oman - Muscat.
  36. Pakistan - Islamabad.
  37. Saudi Arabia - Riyadh.
  38. Singapore - Singapore.
  39. Syria - Damascus.
  40. Tajikistan - Dushanbe.
  41. Thailand - Bangkok.
  42. Turkmenistan - Ashgabat.
  43. Turkey - Ankara.
  44. Uzbekistan - Tashkent.
  45. Philippines - Manila.
  46. Sri Lanka - Colombo.
  47. South Korea - Seoul.
  48. Japan Tokyo.

In addition, there are some recognized countries, for example, Taiwan separated from China with the capital Taipei.

Attractions of the Asian region

The name is of Assyrian origin and means "sunrise" or "east", which is not surprising. Part of the world is distinguished by rich relief, mountains and peaks, including highest peak world - Everest (Chomolungma), which is part of mountain system Himalayas. Here are all natural areas and landscapes, on its territory is the deepest lake in the world - Baikal. The countries of foreign Asia in recent years have been confidently leading in terms of the number of tourists. Mysterious and incomprehensible traditions for Europeans, religious buildings, interweaving ancient culture With the latest technologies attract inquisitive travelers. Not to list all the iconic sights of this region, you can only try to highlight the most famous.

Taj Mahal (India, Agra)

A romantic monument, a symbol of eternal love and a magnificent building, in front of which people freeze in a daze, is the Taj Mahal Palace, listed as one of the new seven wonders of the world. The mosque was erected by a descendant of Tamerlane Shah Jahan in memory of his deceased wife, who died in childbirth, giving birth to the 14th child. Taj Mahal is recognized as the best example of the Great Mughals, including Arabic, Persian and Indian architectural styles. The walls of the building are made of translucent marble and inlaid with gems. Depending on the lighting, the stone changes its hue, becoming pink at dawn, silvery at dusk, and dazzling white at noon.

Mount Fuji (Japan)

it iconic place for Buddhists who practice Sintaism. The height of Fujiyama is 3776 m, in fact, it is a dormant volcano, which should not wake up in the coming decades. It is recognized as the most beautiful in the world. Tourist routes are laid on the mountain, operating only in summer, since most of Fujiyama is covered with eternal snow. The mountain itself and the "5 Lakes of Fuji" area around it are included in the territory national park Fuji-Hakone-Izu.

largest architectural ensemble the world stretched across Northern China at km 8860 (including branches). The construction of the Wall went on in the 3rd century BC. and had the goal of protecting the country from the Xiongnu conquerors. The construction dragged on for a decade, about a million Chinese worked on it and thousands died from exhausting labor in inhuman conditions. All this served as a pretext for the uprising and the overthrow of the Qin dynasty. The wall is extremely organically inscribed in the landscape; it repeats all the curves of the spurs and depressions, encircling the mountain range.

Borobudur Temple (Indonesia, Java)

Among the rice plantations of the island rises an ancient giant structure in the form of a pyramid - the largest and most revered Buddhist temple in the world 34 m high. Steps and terraces encircling it lead upstairs. From the point of view of Buddhism, Borobudur is nothing more than a model of the universe. Its 8 tiers mark the 8 steps to enlightenment: the first is the world sensual pleasures, the next three are the world of yogic trance that has risen above base lust. Rising higher, the soul is cleansed of all vain things and gains immortality in celestial sphere. The upper step represents nirvana - a state of eternal bliss and peace.

Buddha Golden Stone (Myanmar)

A Buddhist shrine flaunts on Mount Chaittiyo (Mon State). It can be shaken by hands, but no forces can throw it off its pedestal, for 2500 years the elements have not brought down a stone. In fact, it is a granite block covered with gold leaf, and its top is crowned by a Buddhist temple. Until now, the riddle has not been solved - who dragged him up the mountain, how, for what purpose and how he has been balancing on the edge for centuries. Buddhists themselves claim that the stone is held on the rock by the hair of the Buddha, immured in the temple.

Asia is a fertile land for laying new routes, knowing oneself and one's destiny. You need to go here meaningfully, tuning in to thoughtful contemplation. Perhaps you will open yourself with new side and find answers to many questions. When visiting Asian countries, you can make a list of sights and shrines yourself.

Asia is one of the most rapidly developing regions, and (most of them) are known to every schoolchild. Asian and eastern tigers "registered" here, breaks into world economy and economically backward states sleep peacefully.

There are more than 48 sovereign states on the territory. Some of them are crumbs who do not take any part in world politics and economics. The other part are serious players on the world stage.

The largest Asian countries with capitals we will try to describe in a brief overview.

Thailand with capital Bangkok

More than 70,000,000 people live on a territory of 514,000 km² (in Bangkok, the population is more than 15,000,000 people). Most of those living in Thailand are ethnic Thais and Laos, but there are others ethnic groups. The country's economy is largely concentrated around Bangkok. But most of the population (60%) are employed in the region Agriculture. Tourism is becoming an important source of income for the people of Thailand, with more than 19 million tourists visiting the country in 2011 alone.

Japan with Tokyo as its capital

Nippon (Nihon) is unique in that without solid reserves of oil, gas and other natural resources it was able to break into the ranks of the largest economies in the world. Today, hundreds, thousands of tourists come to the country to admire the cherry blossoms, Buddhist temples and cultural monuments. But the foreign Asia of the country and the capital does not end there.

and the city of Delhi

India is a tiny state in terms of territory, where more than 1,200,000,000 people live (the 2nd state in the world in terms of population). Mysterious, wise, calm and covered with a halo of mystery, India attracts attention, beckons. But along with Eastern culture and the way of life here you will meet the problems of the economy, poverty and misery. But we will not stop at India, we will continue .

and its capital Dhaka

10.8 million people lives in the capital. In total, 142 million people live in Bangladesh.

Due to acute local conflicts the state has not been able to reach a high level economic development. At in large numbers The population of Bangladesh is considered one of the poorest regions of the planet.

Of course, it would be worth talking about China, mentioning Nicosia and other cities. Each of them has its own special charm.

On the territory of Asia there are several dozen countries with different political systems and living standards, with amazing and dissimilar cultures. Russia also partially refers to Which states does Foreign Asia include? The countries and capitals of this part of the world will be listed in the article.

What is called overseas Asia?

Foreign territory is the part of the world that does not belong to Russia, that is, these are all Asian countries except Russia. In geographical literature, foreign Asia is divided into four large regions. So, they distinguish Central, Eastern, Southern and Front (Western). - this is Russian territory, and foreign Asia, of course, does not belong to it. The countries and capitals of this are absolutely different from each other, they are unique and unrepeatable.

The table below gives an alphabetical list with the names of the capitals.

CountryAsia regionCapitalOfficial language
AbkhaziaWesternSukhumAbkhazian, Russian
AfghanistanWesternKabulDari, Pashto
BruneiSouthBandar Seri BegawanMalay
IsraelFrontTel AvivHebrew, Arabic
IndiaSouthNew DelhiHindi, English
IraqFrontBaghdadArabic, Kurdish
KazakhstanCentralAstanaKazakh, Russian
CambodiaSouthPhnom PenhKhmer
CyprusFrontNicosiaGreek, Turkish
KyrgyzstanCentralBishkekKyrgyz, Russian
KuwaitFrontEl KuwaitArab
MalaysiaSouthKuala LumpurMalaysian
United Arab EmiratesFrontAbu DhabiArab
Saudi ArabiaFrontRiyadhArab
North KoreaEasternPyongyangKorean
SingaporeSouth AsiaSingaporeMalay, Tamil, Chinese, English
ThailandSouth AsiaBangkokThai
PhilippinesSouth AsiaManilaTagalog
Sri LankaSouth AsiaColomboSinhalese, Tamil
South KoreaEasternseoulKorean
South OssetiaFrontTskhinvaliOssetian, Russian

Developed countries of foreign Asia and their capitals

Among the most highly developed countries in the world is Singapore (capital - Singapore). This is a small island state with a high standard of living of the population, which is mainly engaged in the production of electronics for export.

Tokyo, also engaged in the creation of electronic equipment, is one of the ten most prosperous countries in the world. Almost all countries of foreign Asia and their capitals are rapidly developing. For example, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan are among the five fastest growing (in terms of GDP growth) economies in the world.

Not everyone needs to be ahead...

Foreign Asia and their capitals: Bangladesh (capital - Dhaka), Bhutan (capital - Thimphu), Nepal (capital - Kathmandu). These and some other countries cannot boast of either a high standard of living or special achievements in industry. And yet overseas Asia (countries and capitals are listed in the table above) plays an important role in the global economy. The largest financial centers are located in the largest part of the world on the planet: Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore.