Speech on the topic of whether a school uniform is needed. Is a school uniform required? When they wore uniform

Why do you need a school uniform?

Why do you need a school uniform?

In Russia mandatory form for students introduced back in 1834, and canceled in 1992. What kind of school uniform and why is it needed - this became the theme of a grandiose holiday-anniversary

The girls and boys of the school changed their usual costumes - and young ladies from the Institute for Noble Maidens and pupils of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, gymnasiums and gymnasiums of the 19th century, pioneers in ties and students in the form of the "School of Cooperation" walked along the corridors.

The holiday guests visited open lessons, where it was possible to work out according to the program of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in the lesson belles-lettres or paint with starch paints prepared with my own hands, in a chemistry lesson.

After the lessons, the guests were expected Mind games and the premiere of a musical about school uniforms, where teachers and students talked about the morals and traditions of education in small skits different periods Russian history.

And also - defile of a school uniform collection from the famous Russian fashion designer Victoria Andreyanova.

A Brief History of School Uniforms

Institute of Noble Maidens

In 1764, Catherine II founded the "Educational Society for Noble Maidens", which later became known as the "Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens". The purpose of this educational institution, as stated in the decree, was "...to give the state educated women, good mothers, useful members of the family and society."

Training and education went "by age". The girls of each age group wore dresses of a certain color: the youngest (5-7 years old) - coffee-colored, so they were called "coffee houses", 8-10 years old - blue or blue, 11-13 years old - gray, older girls went in white dresses. The dresses were closed ("deaf"), one-color, of the simplest cut. They wore a white apron, a white cape, and sometimes white sleeves. Girls received an advanced education for Europe: reading, languages, the basics of mathematics, physics, chemistry, dancing, knitting, manners, music.

The most famous is the form of the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, a privileged educational institution for the children of the nobility, which Pushkin graduated from. Children of 10-12 years old were admitted to the lyceum, high-ranking officials were trained from the pupils. The lyceum had a humanitarian and legal orientation, the level of education was equal to the university level, graduates received civil ranks from the 14th to the 9th grade.

Summer form of boarding houses

Boarding houses for noble maidens - state and commercial - in the second half of the 19th century spread throughout Russia. Each educational institution adopted a uniform of its own color, but equally modest in appearance. Older girls were already taken out into the world, to balls and receptions, so that the young lady could find a “suitable match” and arrange her future life.

Since many girls lived in boarding houses all the time, for the summer they were allowed to change their everyday uniform to a lighter one - summer. Before us is one of the options for the summer form of boarding houses for walking. But even outside the educational institution, the girl had to look strict and touching - in a boater hat and a long dress.


The oldest Russian gymnasium is the Akademicheskaya, founded in 1726. But the real flowering of gymnasiums dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, when the Ministry of Public Education was formed. Gymnasiums began to spring up all over Russian Empire. The uniform of the gymnasium students consisted of a cap, overcoat, tunic, trousers and dress uniform. In winter, in the cold, they put on headphones and a hood. At each educational institution, they differed in color, piping, buttons and emblems. Teachers and guards strictly monitored the observance of all the rules for wearing a suit, which were detailed in the charter of educational institutions.

Gymnasiums were classical, real, commercial, military. And women's.

The gymnasium uniform for girls was approved only 63 years after the male one. In state gymnasiums, pupils wore brown dresses with high collars and aprons. Mandatory turn-down collar and straw hat. By the beginning of the 20th century, there were more than 160 women's gymnasiums. Upon graduation, the girls were given a certificate for the title of home teacher.

Soviet uniform

In 1918, the gymnasium uniform was recognized as a bourgeois relic and abolished. But in 1948 they returned to the actual pre-revolutionary form. The Soviet form of the new model appeared only in 1962. She already looked more like civilian clothes - without tunics, without caps and belts. The uniform for girls repeated the form of gymnasiums, only it was much shorter. Mandatory were a black or white festive apron, lace collar, cuffs, white or black bows.

In the 70s, the boys got a denim jacket, and the older boys got a pantsuit. In the late 80s, school uniforms were in short supply, they were even sold on coupons. One reason for the demand was her good quality and traditionally low price. Adults began to wear it as an everyday and work clothes.

Mandatory school uniform in Russia was officially abolished in 1992.

Modern form"Schools of Cooperation"

Most prestigious educational institutions have their own form, emphasizing the belonging of students to a certain environment. it world tradition, the most prestigious educational institutions, for example, the Ivy League, which includes Cambridge and Oxford, have their own form.

Educational hour on the topic: Why do we need a school uniform?



    to acquaint students with the position of the school on the school uniform and appearance of students;

    to acquaint students with the history of school uniforms in Russia

    present the school uniform of various countries;

    to form the ability to dress beautifully and correctly, according to certain life situations;

    develop a culture of behavior and a culture of appearance.

Visual aids and materials: various pictures on the topic.

Methods: story, conversation, debate, sociological survey.


Part 1. Why school uniforms are introduced at school.

Everything should be fine in a person:
and face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts.
A.P. Chekhov

Introductory speech by the educator. For several years now, our school has introduced a uniform student school uniform. This process is quite painful for us, the group of middle and senior students hardly accept innovations, resist dressing according to the accepted regulation on the school uniform and the appearance of our school.
Today we will try to find out why a school uniform is needed, is it good or bad, how do students from other schools in our country, as well as abroad, get acquainted with the history of school uniforms in Russia.

First, we will conduct a survey, where I propose next questions on the topic: "Your attitude to school uniforms."

    Continue the offer. "If I were a school principal, I would allow students to wear..."

    Do you like the look of the students?

    Are jewelry compatible with business attire?

    Is a school uniform required?

Answered, put your leaflets aside, we will turn to them at the end of our educational hour and see if your opinion has changed or not on this topic.

Part 2. Why the decision was made to introduce a school uniform.

School uniform - obligatory daily dress code for students during their stay at school and at official school events.

Why is school uniform introduced?

School uniform

    School uniform is a kind of indicator of the level of the school.

    The school uniform helps the student to feel the difference between the yard where he walks and a serious educational institution.

    The form disciplines, makes more organized.

    Clothing determines the type of behavior, creates the aesthetics of the workplace.

    The school uniform allows you to avoid competition between children in clothes.

    She saves time spent in front of the closet, in exhausting doubts: “What to wear to school today?”

Part 3. The history of school uniforms in Russia.

School uniform in the Russian Empire.

Many people ask the question: “Who even came up with this form?” Really, who? Peter I. Peter the Great was very versatile person, and, probably, there was no area in which he would not carry out reforms.

    1834 - a law was passed that approved common system all civilian uniforms in the empire. This system included gymnasium and student uniforms.

    1896 - the regulation on the gymnasium uniform for girls was approved.

    1949 - it was decided to return to the former image: the boys were dressed in military tunics with a stand-up collar, the girls - in brown woolen dresses with a black apron, which almost completely copied the uniform of the Russian pre-revolutionary women's gymnasium.

    1973 - introduced new form for boys. Blue suit in wool blend fabric, embellished with an emblem and aluminum buttons. The cut of the jackets resembled classic denim jackets (the so-called denim fashion was gaining momentum in the world) with epaulettes on the shoulders and chest pockets with brace-shaped flaps. For high school boys, the jacket was replaced with a jacket.

    1988 - Some schools were allowed to waive compulsory school uniforms as an experiment.

School uniforms in different countries.

    In Japan, the school uniform has suddenly become the standard of teenage fashion. Now girls outside the school wear what resembles the usual form of Japanese schoolgirls: "sailor fuku", in our opinion - sailor suits, dark blue pleated mini-skirts, knee-high knee-high knee socks and light leather shoes in harmony with them. Boys wear "gakuran": trousers and a dark jacket with a stand-up collar.

    In America, school uniforms are worn by students of prestigious private schools for children of wealthy parents.

    In Africa, schoolgirls are banned from wearing miniskirts.

    Modern students of conservative England still love the school uniform, which is part of the history of their school. For example, in one of the old English schools for boys, students from the 17th century to this day wear uniform ties and vests and, by the way, are proud that the clothes emphasize their corporate affiliation.

    the biggest European country, in which there is a school uniform, is the UK. In many of her former colonies the form was not abolished after independence, for example in India, Ireland, Australia, Singapore and South Africa.

    It is interesting. In Japan, they released jackets for students equipped with a built-in GPS satellite navigation system. It allows parents to track the location of their children through their personal computers. The system has an important addition: if a child is threatened by someone or something, he can send an alarm to the security service by simply pressing a button.

    In the US and Canada, there are school uniforms in many private schools. Its main purpose is to serve as a symbol and identification mark that distinguishes students from one educational institution from another. AT public schools There is no uniform uniform, although some schools have introduced rules for wearing clothes (dress code). Too open tops, low-cut trousers are prohibited.

    In Cuba, uniforms are compulsory for all students in schools and institutions of higher learning.

Modern Russia.

AT modern Russia there is no single school uniform, as was the case in the USSR, but many lyceums and gymnasiums, especially the most prestigious ones, as well as some schools, have their own uniforms, emphasizing that students belong to one or another educational institution. Besides, in educational institutions who do not have a school uniform, there are rules for wearing clothes.

Schooly and trendy.

School uniform - this is not bad at all: as a sign of belonging to a certain community of people.

The form - identification mark, part of the symbolism that distinguishes people of one profession, beliefs, from others. Most of the world's population living in school age, wore, wears and will wear a student uniform.

"Dress code" - the word is relatively new, but has already become fashionable, according to at least, for those who work in the office. Literally means "clothing code", that is, a system of identification marks, color combinations and forms that indicate a person's belonging to a particular corporation. An employer can set his own rules: for example, women cannot come to work in trousers, or - only in business suits, or skirts should be knee-length - neither shorter nor longer, free form on Fridays, etc. etc. Many adult Russians have already joined the corporate spirit, but their children still go to school “in whatever” .

There is an opinion that the school uniform suppresses the individuality of the student. However, the self-affirmation of the student in school should mainly occur through his creative and intellectual success.

Part 9. Summing up

School uniform. (pros)

    Strict style clothing creates a business atmosphere in the school, necessary for classes.

    The form disciplines the person.

    A student in a school uniform thinks about studying, not about clothes.

    There is no problem "What to wear to school."

    The school uniform helps the child feel like a student and a member of a certain team, makes it possible to feel his involvement in this particular school.

    If the child likes the clothes, he will be proud of his appearance.

    School uniforms save parents money.

School uniform. (minuses)

    The unwillingness of children to wear it.

    "Loss of individuality".

    Increasing financial costs for the education of the child.

    Expenses of time and effort of parents in connection with the acquisition of the form.

And now let's return to our questions at the beginning of the educational hour and tell me your opinion has changed to the school uniform and you realized that everyone wears a school uniform and this is prestigious, relevant, necessary in our interesting modern world in the 21st century.

Conclusions: Drawing conclusions from the foregoing, we note that a modern school uniform is a set of clothes and accessories for it that can be freely combined, while remaining a school uniform. School uniform accustoms to a certain order, discipline, smoothes social inequality, makes it possible to realize one's belonging to a certain team. It should be stylish, beautiful, not destroy individuality. If a person is a person, then it is impossible to destroy his individuality. Pushkin, being a lyceum student, also wore a uniform.

“You may hate school uniforms, but I believe that they will lead to the best,” says 15-year-old Chloe Spencer.

Shirt, tie and jacket may not be my favorite clothes, but if I had a choice, then I would not reject the idea of ​​a school uniform. Wearing it is a symbol of pride, creates the identity of the school and is important part student life.

“The form shows that you are a part a certain society. Wearing it shows everyone is the same,” says Jason Wing, director of the Neale-Wade Academy in Cambridgeshire.

“If you wear your uniform with pride, then you become more respectful of the rules of the school.”

My school is one of those many schools that prefers a strict uniform - this September I will wear a shirt and jacket instead of an old jumper and polo shirt. Some students have complained about the change, but the school claims the jumpers and polo shirts look too childish.

The school uniform teaches students to dress in a businesslike manner and be proud of their appearance. She prepares children for adulthood when they have to wear business attire or a uniform.

Many people believe that uniforms can improve academic performance because they are less distracting, focus on learning, and create a more serious classroom atmosphere that allows students to study better.

And most importantly, wearing a uniform means kids don't have to worry about their clothes or the opinions of their classmates. When everyone is dressed the same, there is no need to worry about your appearance. There is no competition, are you dressed according to last word fashion, which would significantly hit the wallets of students and parents. Potential bullies will have one less reason to be offended. You will not laugh at the fact that someone is not dressed like that if you are dressed exactly the same.

In the US, where most schools don't have uniforms, more than 160,000 students skip school every day for fear of being humiliated by other students. It may not be directly related to clothing, but at least they will be calm about their clothing. A strict uniform gives the impression of a strict order in the school, which will help maintain discipline in the school.

Although school uniforms are cheaper than buying a whole wardrobe of clothes, they still hit the pocket. Many schools have their own suppliers and children may even be penalized if they wear similar but cheaper clothing. For example, a black skirt is not quite the black skirt that is needed. Finding a uniform that fits, especially if you're tied to one store, can be a challenge.

The government recently held a conference on the cost of school uniforms in England. They are considering legislation to ban only one supplier of school uniforms, allowing parents to buy uniforms from multiple stores. If the school decides to change the uniform, then these changes should only affect one or two items, preferably the embroidered logos. The multi-vendor system will help families with uniform costs.

And although I don’t like that for two years I can’t wear what I want, I still support business style in clothes. This not only saves time choosing clothes in the morning, but also makes sixth grade students an example for the little ones, which is extremely important.

Maisie Vallance, an 8-year-old student, says: “I like the uniform because everyone looks the same and no one gets offended for what they wear. Our new uniform is more business-like, which is a good thing.”

My uniform is not the kind of clothes I would wear in my free time, but it gives me a sense of belonging, eliminates the heavy choice of clothes and deters the attacks of detractors. The school uniform is far from fashion, but it is undoubtedly something that should exist.

Based on http://www.theguardian.com/

What is the school uniform for? Bright “You may hate school uniforms, but I believe that they will lead to the best,” says 15-year-old Chloe Spencer.

  • to acquaint students with the position of the school on the school uniform and appearance of students;
  • to acquaint students with the history of school uniforms in Russia
  • present the school uniform of various countries;
  • to form the ability to dress beautifully and correctly, according to certain life situations;
  • develop a culture of behavior and a culture of appearance.
Visual aids and materials: multimedia installation, class hour presentation, paper, pens.

Methods: story, conversation, debate, sociological survey.


Part 1. Why school uniforms are introduced at school.

Everything should be fine in a person:
and face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts.
A.P. Chekhov

opening speech class teacher. In our gymnasium, a single student school uniform has been introduced for several years. This process is quite painful for us, the group of middle and senior students hardly accept innovations, resist dressing according to the accepted regulation on the school uniform and the appearance of our gymnasium.
Today, at the classroom hour, we will try to find out why a school uniform is needed, is it good or bad, how do students from other schools in our country, as well as abroad, get acquainted with the history of school uniforms in Russia.

First, we will conduct a survey, where I propose the following questions on the topic: "Your attitude to school uniform."

  1. Continue the offer. "If I were a school principal, I would allow students to wear..."
  2. Do you like the look of the students?
  3. Are jewelry compatible with business attire?
  4. Is a school uniform required?
Answered, put your leaflets aside, we will turn to them at the end of our class hour and see if your opinion has changed or not on this topic.

Part 2. Why the decision was made to introduce a school uniform.

School uniform- obligatory daily dress code for students during their stay at the gymnasium and at official gymnasium events outside the gymnasium.

Why is school uniform introduced?

School uniform

  • School uniform is a kind of indicator of the level of the school.
  • The school uniform helps the student to feel the difference between the yard where he walks and a serious educational institution.
  • The form disciplines, makes more organized.
  • Clothing determines the type of behavior, creates the aesthetics of the workplace.
  • The school uniform allows you to avoid competition between children in clothes.
  • She saves time spent in front of the closet, in exhausting doubts: “What to wear to school today?”
Regulations on school clothes and appearance of students MBOU gymnasium No. 20 named after. S.S. Stanchev - tell us - a student of our class Sorokin and let's see if he performs himself, what will he say, he is a diligent student of our gymnasium.

Part 3. The history of school uniforms in Russia.

School uniform in the Russian Empire.

Many people ask the question: “Who even came up with this form?” Really, who? Peter I. Peter the Great was a very versatile person, and, probably, there was no area in which he would not carry out reforms.

  • 1834 - a law was passed that approved the general system of all civil uniforms in the empire. This system included gymnasium and student uniforms.
  • 1896 - the regulation on the gymnasium uniform for girls was approved.
  • 1949 - it was decided to return to the former image: the boys were dressed in military tunics with a stand-up collar, the girls - in brown woolen dresses with a black apron, which almost completely copied the uniform of the Russian pre-revolutionary women's gymnasium.
  • 1973 - A new uniform for boys was introduced. Blue suit in wool blend fabric, embellished with an emblem and aluminum buttons. The cut of the jackets resembled classic denim jackets (the so-called denim fashion was gaining momentum in the world) with epaulettes on the shoulders and chest pockets with brace-shaped flaps. For high school boys, the jacket was replaced with a jacket.
  • 1988 - Some schools were allowed to waive compulsory school uniforms as an experiment.
  • 1992 - the abolition of school uniforms in schools in the Russian Federation.
So, you got to know how schoolchildren in our country dressed.

Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of graduates dress in uniform brown dresses with white aprons on the Last Bell holiday at school, and young people in formal suits. This was logical 10-12 years ago, when graduates still found the period of the same school uniform for everyone, and, at the same time, had already managed to wean themselves from it in high school. Therefore, such outfits were a manifestation of nostalgia for the passing childhood. Today's schoolchildren have no idea how it is: being the same without exception, to be able to show their individuality. Nevertheless, they continue to follow the traditions and, saying goodbye to school, put on the Soviet school uniform. On May 25 of each year, on the “Last Bell” holiday, graduate girls come to the holiday in an old school uniform and white aprons. Someone borrowed the uniform, someone kept it in “chests”. It turns out very elegant and solemn.

School uniforms in different countries.

  • In Japan, the school uniform has suddenly become the standard of teenage fashion. Now girls outside the school wear what resembles the usual form of Japanese schoolgirls: "sailor fuku", in our opinion - sailor suits, dark blue pleated mini-skirts, knee-high knee-high knee socks and light leather shoes in harmony with them. Boys wear "gakuran": trousers and a dark jacket with a stand-up collar.
  • In America, school uniforms are worn by students of prestigious private schools for children of wealthy parents.
  • In Africa, schoolgirls are banned from wearing miniskirts.
  • Modern students of conservative England still love the school uniform, which is part of the history of their school. For example, in one of the old English schools for boys, students from the 17th century to this day wear uniform ties and vests and, by the way, are proud that the clothes emphasize their corporate affiliation.
  • Each prestigious school or gymnasium has its own logo reproduced on the students' ties. So shirts and ties, blazers and hats are the standard set for young Brits. For a long time classical form for schoolchildren here included outerwear, shoes and even socks ...
  • The largest European country in which there is a school uniform is Great Britain. In many of its former colonies, the uniform was not abolished after independence, for example, in India, Ireland, Australia, Singapore and South Africa.
  • In France, a single school uniform existed in 1927-1968. In Poland - until 1988.
  • There is no uniform school uniform in Germany, although there is debate about its introduction. Some schools have introduced uniform school clothing that is not a uniform, as students can participate in its development.
  • It is interesting. In Japan, they released jackets for students equipped with a built-in GPS satellite navigation system. It allows parents to track the location of their children through their personal computers. The system has an important addition: if a child is threatened by someone or something, he can send an alarm to the security service by simply pressing a button.
  • In the US and Canada, there are school uniforms in many private schools. Its main purpose is to serve as a symbol and identification mark that distinguishes students from one educational institution from the pupils of another. There is no uniform uniform in public schools, although some schools have introduced rules for wearing clothes (dress code). Too open tops, low-cut trousers are prohibited.
  • In Cuba, uniforms are compulsory for all students in schools and institutions of higher learning.
  • In Australia, younger children wear jeans and sweatshirts to class. But if a young Australian has decided on a specialty, he will only wear a formal suit.

Modern Russia.

In modern Russia, there is no single school uniform, as it was in the USSR, but many lyceums and gymnasiums, especially the most prestigious ones, as well as some schools, have their own uniform, emphasizing the students' belonging to one or another educational institution. In addition, in educational institutions that do not have a school uniform, there are rules for wearing clothes.

Regulations on school clothes and appearance of students MBOU gymnasium No. 20 named after. S.S. Stanchev - tell us - a student of our class Sorokin and let's see if he performs himself, what will he say, he is a diligent student of our gymnasium.

Schooly and trendy.

School uniform- this is not bad at all: as a sign of belonging to a certain community of people.

The form- an identification mark, part of the symbolism that distinguishes people of one profession, beliefs, from others. Most of the world's population, who are of school age, have worn, are wearing and will continue to wear student uniforms.

"Dress code"- the word is relatively new, but has already become fashionable, at least for those who work in the office. Literally means "clothing code", that is, a system of identification marks, color combinations and forms that indicate a person's belonging to a particular corporation. An employer can set his own rules: for example, women cannot come to work in trousers, or - only in business suits, or skirts should be knee-length - neither shorter nor longer, free form on Fridays, etc. etc. Many adult Russians have already joined the corporate spirit, but their children still go to school “in whatever” .

Variants of modern school uniforms in Russia.

  • Bright and juicy tones please the eye only at first.And then they cause fatigue and lead to hidden aggression.
  • Shirts and blouses should be in light pastel colors. Blue, pink, light green and beige.
  • The classic combination - "light top" and "dark bottom" in everyday wear should be avoided.It is tiring for the eyes, causes a headache.
  • Need to choose school clothes without distracting details.
  • A school jacket should be functional and have pockets.
  • School clothes in all shades of gray are universal!
There is an opinion that the school uniform suppresses the individuality of the student. However, the self-affirmation of the student in school should mainly occur through his creative and intellectual success.

Part 9. Summing up

School uniform. (pros)

  • A strict style of dress creates a businesslike atmosphere in the school, which is necessary for classes.
  • The form disciplines the person.
  • A student in a school uniform thinks about studying, not about clothes.
  • There is no problem "What to wear to school."
  • The school uniform helps the child feel like a student and a member of a certain team, makes it possible to feel his involvement in this particular school.
  • If the child likes the clothes, he will be proud of his appearance.
  • School uniforms save parents money.
School uniform. (minuses)
  • The unwillingness of children to wear it.
  • "Loss of individuality".
  • Increasing financial costs for the education of the child.
  • Expenses of time and effort of parents in connection with the acquisition of the form.
  • Poor quality of materials and tailoring of the school uniform.
Now back to our questions at the beginning of the classroom and tell me your opinion has changed to the school uniform and you realized that everyone wears a school uniform and this is prestigious, relevant, necessary in our interesting modern world in the 21st century.

Conclusions: Drawing conclusions from the foregoing, we note that a modern school uniform is a set of clothes and accessories for it that can be freely combined, while remaining a school uniform. The school uniform accustoms to a certain order, discipline, smooths out social inequality, makes it possible to realize one's belonging to a certain team. It should be stylish, beautiful, not destroy individuality. If a person is a person, then it is impossible to destroy his individuality. Pushkin, being a lyceum student, also wore a uniform.

And for all this, we must tell our director that we are keeping up with the times.

One of the topics of the essay that is offered to schoolchildren is a discussion on the topic "Why do we need a school uniform." This topic is relevant, because there are both supporters of uniform clothing, and those who believe that this is an outdated tradition. The student is invited to express their opinion on this matter. The essay "Why School Uniforms Are Necessary" also allows the school authorities to determine whether such a reform should be introduced in their educational institution, taking into account the opinion of students.

When they wore uniform

If you look at old films, illustrations from history books, then the students stood out from the crowd due to the fact that they wore special clothes. School uniform is required" It should be noted that in Soviet era All students were required to attend educational institution in a single form.

And if you think about it, in those days, for many, the fact that everyone dressed the same was not perceived in a negative way, as it is for the modern generation. Why? Just because in Soviet time there was a shortage of good quality clothes not everyone had the money to buy it. Therefore, for many, this was a way out: in this way, children of different social groups did not differ in appearance. And those who want to somehow stand out from total mass complemented clothes with jewelry or decorated clothes (moderately).

Why have canceled the same clothes for students

In the discussion on the topic "Why do we need a school uniform", it is also necessary to give arguments and opponents for schoolchildren to be equally dressed. One of the most important arguments is that in this way schoolchildren are limited in their freedom of expression. A single form depersonalizes, does not allow the student's individuality to be revealed.

Also, most people want to dress according to fashion. And the school uniform means simple elements classic cut clothes. In Soviet times, students' clothes were predominantly dark shades, which for some is wrong, because childhood is the brightness of colors. On the one hand, these arguments can be called reasonable. After all, appearance is one of the ways of self-expression. But what arguments do supporters of uniform clothes for students give?

Why do we need a school uniform: arguments for its introduction

The arguments given by the supporters of this point of view are also quite weighty and convincing.

  1. A single uniform helps maintain discipline in the classroom during the lessons.
  2. Democratic.
  3. Allows you to save time fees to school.
  4. Practical - usually the uniform is sewn from fabrics of non-staining colors.
  5. Hygienic - natural fabrics are used to create uniforms for schoolchildren.

Some of these arguments should be considered in more detail in the essay Why School Uniforms Are Necessary.

How are discipline and dress related?

One of the arguments of the supporters of a single form is the maintenance of order in the classroom during the lessons. At first glance, this argument seems strange. So how can clothes help maintain discipline?

Everything is explained very simply. Schoolchildren simply do not have the opportunity to discuss in class what their classmates are wearing. Indeed, for girls, fashion issues are one of the most discussed. Students do not look at each other, trying to find out where they bought some item of clothing for themselves, do not determine its cost.

Also, students should keep their uniforms in order - after all, on simple classic styles, sloppiness will be immediately noticeable. And due to the fact that children do not need to think in the morning and decide what to wear to school, the number of lateness for classes becomes less. Thus, a single uniform allows you to maintain discipline in the classroom.

Democracy is a component of a harmonious atmosphere in the classroom

One of the obligatory points in the essay "Why do we need a school uniform" is an explanation of the point about democracy. This implies the availability of a school uniform for a family with any income. Thus, with the help of clothes, more affluent students will not show their wealth with the help of appearance.

AT modern society wealthy parents dress their children in expensive brand clothes, although the children of the lower grades do not attach importance to the cost of their outfits. But for other parents it can cause backlash and prejudice to such students, which they can pass on to their children.

And in the older grades, teenagers are already consciously trying to demonstrate their status with the help of their appearance, showing their superiority over children from less wealthy families. And those, in turn, also show their negative attitude towards them. All this does not allow creating a harmonious and healthy atmosphere in the classroom. Therefore, a uniform school uniform avoids these problems, allowing students to stand out due to their talents and academic achievements.

Forming the right attitude to appearance

But it also happens that parents and children do not understand why it is needed. Due to the fact that with the help of clothes, families do not demonstrate social status and children do not try to show their superiority over others in appearance, the correct attitude to clothing is formed. Children do not make a cult out of her, they do not believe that appearance is the main thing in a person.

They learn to appreciate the personality of the people around them, to evaluate them by their actions. Girls have the opportunity not only to follow all fashion trends, but also to learn the finer art of choosing the right jewelry and accessories in order to diversify their image so that it does not look defiant. After all, often girls in their desire to look fashionable choose things that do not suit their age. Or combine elements of clothing that are incompatible in style. And simple things of a classic cut, of which the school uniform consists, have always been considered signs good feeling style.

school traditions

But opponents of uniform clothing for students often do not take into account such a holiday as " last call". Namely, on this day, everyone tries to come the way Soviet-era schoolchildren were dressed. After all, white starched aprons with lace, snow-white cuffs, turn-down collars, bows look beautiful! And on this day, everyone is dressed the same way. And this does not bother anyone So why do parents not like the fact that their child is always dressed neatly, with taste and in accordance with age?And all these requirements are met by a single uniform for students.

Of course, everyone decides for himself whether he wants the child to stand out from the crowd, or whether all of the above arguments are more important to him (democracy, formation right attitude appearance, etc.).

In the essay "Why you need to wear a school uniform" as one of the arguments, you can cite the graduates' holiday as an example. After all, it is necessary that the child early years understood that what is more important is not what a person is wearing, but how he behaves in society.