What does an intelligent, comprehensively developed person mean? Versatile personality.

The very concept of development is very relative, so it should be explained what is meant by this. The bodies depicted under this name correspond to any person with a pure mind, finally determined and striving for "what is above" and not "what is below." However, this is not a person who has already gone through a lot on the path to adeptship, since in this case the difference both in size and in their ratio would be more significant. But, nevertheless, by the nature of the image of the bodies, we can say that we are talking about a person, seeking the truth, about a man who has risen above purely earthly interests and lives by a certain ideal. Among people like that there are those who are more developed in one direction or another. This drawing depicts a body more or less evenly distributed in all directions; it is the body of a man, evenly developed in all aspects, corresponding to the majority of people of this level.

Figure 17. Causal body ( developed person)

Consider ill. 17, which depicts the causal body of a developed person. Comparing it with Fig. 1 and ill. 4, we will notice that the person has advanced significantly, and this is reflected in the appearance of his body. Many beautiful qualities have developed in man, as evidenced by the appearance of a large shell, colored with enchanting colors that have arisen, which express higher forms love, devotion, sympathy, as well as a subtle, spiritualized mind and striving for the Divine. To quote on this occasion from the book "Mental Plan" (Devachanic Plane) from a series of manuals I wrote:

"... It (the body) is woven from very thin and delicate matter, incredibly mobile and pulsating with living fire. In the process of its evolution, the causal body turns into a radiant sphere of sparkling colors, the vibrations of which, like waves that change shades, spread over its surface. These are colors which we know nothing about - they are so soft, luminous and warm that they cannot be described in words.Imagine the colors at sunset in Egypt and add to this the softness of the English sky at dusk; elevate it all as much as the one you imagine differs from the colors of children's pencils, and even then it will not match the beauty of these luminous spheres that the clairvoyant sees, going beyond all the limitations of our world.

All causal bodies are filled with living fire of an even higher level, with which the spheroid of the body is connected by a vibrating thread of intense light, which recalls the words from the book "Dzyan": "The spark of Fohat, connected with the flame by the thinnest thread." As the soul grows, it is able to receive more and more light from the inexhaustible ocean of the Divine Spirit, pouring through this thread, like a channel; the soul expands and opens the way to the tide, resembling a funnel that connects heaven and earth; it is even better to say that it is like a sphere through which a spring flows and pulsates, and so it will continue until the causal body seems to have become one with the incoming light. This is evidenced by verses from the same book "Dzyan": "From the Firstborn, the Thread between the Silent Witness and his Shadow becomes stronger and more shining with each Change ... Morning sunlight transformed into the radiance of Noon ... "Now, this is your Wheel," said the Flame to the Spark. - "You are I, my Likeness and my Shadow. I myself clothed myself in you, and you are my vahana, until the Day "Be with Us", when you will again become me and others, yourself and me."

How hopeless is the attempt to depict this radiance on paper! Still, our artist found a way to convey the feeling that no brush can reproduce. Despite the fact that any physical image is far from transcendental reality, it at least gives the imagination starting points, on the basis of which it is possible to form an idea about it.

It is impossible not to mention one of the most beautiful qualities of a developed person - his ability to be a conductor (or channel) Higher Power. We see that from his causal body emanates into different directions rays of this power. An unselfish approach, a willingness to help and give, allow the Divine energy to descend directly on him, and through him to reach many, to those who are not yet strong enough for a direct connection. Crown of shining sparks, crowning upper part body, testifies to the activity of spiritual aspirations. It gives beauty and dignity to a person's appearance. This radiance radiates continuously from the causal body of man, no matter what he is doing on the physical plane. From the moment when the human soul has awakened and begun to understand what concerns its own nature and connection with the Divine, it, being at its level, is directed upwards, towards the source from which it originated (regardless of the type of activity for which it may inspire at lower levels). It must never be forgotten that even the noblest person can be only a small and partial expression of the Higher Self; the more awakened a person is, the more open to him unlimited possibilities who during this limited physical life can not imagine.

It is this ascending ray of spiritual aspirations, which forms the majestic crown of a developed person, that in itself is the channel through which the Divine energy descends; the greater the grace that descends from heaven, the stronger and fuller this aspiration.


When studying a developed person, the observer will undoubtedly notice that the bodies here are not only better and thinner than those of previously presented types of people, but also more similar to each other. Given the difference that exists between what we can call octaves of colors (the difference between shades that convey higher and lower levels mental plane), illus. 18 will be almost a reproduction of ill. 17. Similarity between ill. 18 and ill. 19 is even more pronounced, although in comparing them we must remember that the astral colors belong to an octave different from that of the lower mental.

Figure 18. Mental body (developed person)

In addition, it is useful to compare Fig. 18, 5 and 2 to see how the evolution of man manifests itself on the mental body, and how the mental body differs primitive man from the mental body of an unselfish person. Exploring this issue, we note that pride, anger and selfishness have completely disappeared, and the rest of the colors have not just taken over. more space, filling the entire oval, but also acquired a different shade, creating a different impression. Each color has become thinner, more tender, because any thought about oneself has disappeared; in addition, there was a clean purple with golden sparks, which indicates the acquisition of new and best qualities. The energy emanating from above, from the causal body, also acts through the mental body, although with less force. In general, this beautiful mental body is well developed, which indicates the possibility of rapid progress on the path when the time is right.


It is immediately noticeable that the astral body (ill. 19) is very similar to the mental. In fact, it is more than just a reflection of the mental on the coarser matter of the astral plane. This suggests that a person keeps his desires under the complete control of the mind, there are no longer wild outbursts of emotions that could easily carry him away from the solid foundation of the mind. Of course, he is still irritated, he is familiar with various interfering (undesirable) aspirations, but now he has enough knowledge and understanding to fight against such manifestations (instead of immediately giving in to them). These desires may change the astral body for a short time, but such changes do not leave behind irreversible or lasting traces, since vibrations dominate here. superior qualities person.

Figure 19. Astral body (developed person)

In the subsequent phase of development, the mental body in the same way becomes a reflection of the causal, for a person acquires the ability to follow only the impulses of the Higher Self, coordinating the dictates of the mind with them. This drawing illustrates interesting fact, associated with the nature of yellow, representing intelligence. This color, when present in a spheroid, always occupies the upper part, near the head. This explains the origin of the idea of ​​a halo, or radiance around the saint's head: yellow- most conspicuous color the astral body, and for a person who is close to discovering the ability to see, it is easiest to see it. This color can sometimes be seen without even owning astral vision, y developed people, absorbed in their work, requiring mental effort - when reading a lecture or sermon, when the mind is fully occupied, and the yellow color is more intense. In some cases, the yellow color crossed the line separating the astral body and the physical, and then it was noticed by many people who did not have any other abilities than the usual physical vision. It's about not that the astral vibration itself crossed the boundary separating it from the physical plane, but it became stronger than usual and, through resonance, caused response vibrations of coarser and heavier matter physical plane. There is no doubt that our medieval artists acquired the idea of ​​a halo or radiance around the head of saints, either by observing this phenomenon, or by following a tradition that has preserved echoes of the knowledge of clairvoyant sages. We can recall that a cross is usually inscribed in the halo of Christ - this does not go beyond the boundaries of the possible, from the point of view of occult research, since in the auras of highly developed people various geometric figures, which denoted certain lofty thoughts. Examples of such images can be found in my book Thought Forms.

It would be useful for the student to carefully compare the pictures. First, one must examine each causal body in relation to the mental and astral bodies, which are its partial expression, in order to understand the connection between different bodies. Secondly, it is necessary to compare the astral bodies depicted in fig. 3, 6 and 19, in order to understand how the progress of a person is manifested in the body of desires, which is most accessible to clairvoyance and which is ordinary mentally developed person can only see. You should also compare Fig. 2, 5, 18 with ill. 1, 4, 17 to study the effect of evolution on higher bodies person.

There are many books in the Theosophical literature that explore other aspects of evolution. They contain a listing of all moral qualities required at its various phases. This is interesting topic, but it is beyond the scope of our small work. Those who wish to learn more can look at my book Invisible Helpers chapters XIX-XX, read the books In the outer court and Path of Discipleship by Annie Besant.

From these works one can get an idea not only about the conditions of growth, but also about ultimate goal, the majestic future that awaits us if we do everything the necessary conditions- when, after many incarnations in this world, we finally learn all the lessons that we must learn in physical life. Then we will attain the "resurrection from the dead", which St. Paul so dreamed of, for we will be freed from both death and birth, we will leave the circle of necessity. We will be forever free to help our brothers walk the Path that we ourselves have overcome; to help them acquire the Light and become winners like ourselves. This goal awaits every person regardless of age; reaching the goal is only a matter of time. There is no doubt about the "salvation" of man, for the only thing to be saved from is from one's own ignorance and delusion; we cannot speak of eternal hope in relation to man, but we speak of eternal certainty. Everyone will achieve this goal, for this is the will of God, and this is the only purpose and meaning for which He created man. Even now the world is advancing, growing stronger: the morning sunrise will surely come to the Glory of noon. Even the keenest vision cannot see the end of the field of growth that is unfolding before man. We only know that it extends to indescribable, boundless and divine beauties.

When we educate and educate ourselves (or try to do it with others), we have before our eyes a tempting ideal - a comprehensively (it is understood that harmoniously) developed personality.

I will name the moment in history when this brilliant mirage was born, leading many to the very heart of the desert.

In the Renaissance (it is also the Renaissance), a type of personality appeared, which is commonly called the "Renaissance Titans", with light hand either Marx or Engels. In Russia, Mikhail Lomonosov, for example, can serve as an example of such a person. These titans were distinguished by the fact that they could do a lot at once: they wrote treatises on chemistry, mineralogy, the art of the sonnet, riding, poisons ... At the same time, they were engaged in public administration, dissected corpses, painted pictures, worked as diplomats, doctors, made discoveries in astronomy, knew many languages ​​and collected ancient fragments, compiling catalogs for them that art historians partially use to this day. This type of personality is called - " renaissance personality type ". I can do everything, I can do everything. Such people are still found now. But very rarely. This is a special gift, a dislocation of nature, an exception to the rule. Like flexibility (stretching) in gymnastics, like in ballet - a high jump.

However, the world that decided to bow before the Renaissance (from the dubious principle - "you must bow before something." So Russia decided to "bow" before Pushkin) raised this dislocation, this unique gift, into a universal ideal. Feel the mistake, please! This mistake cost us dearly.

Yes, the Renaissance personality type... "happens." And there are times when the number of people with this type of personality is growing right before our eyes. Is this connected with "passionate explosions", with the next round of the scientific and technological revolution, when dozens of new sciences are being laid ... everything is possible. Such a "passionary explosion" was the period when all modern sciences- 5-3 centuries BC, in Ancient Greece. The renaissance is called "Renaissance" precisely because Europe once again experienced the state that the ancient Greeks experienced in Athens.

The universe is cyclical, rhythmic, subject to ebb and flow. Society is going through a "peak form", periods of calm development and ... recessions. What happens to a society at the peak of its form cannot be expected from it at other times.

But now the mistake was launched, it became the dogma of the education system. And we all unconsciously strive to be a "comprehensively developed personality." And we pay for this by becoming smaller, turning into stupid and unbearable amateurs, and only degenerating even faster.

However, everyone who thinks about education and self-education should remember: the most main feature formed personality is

developed ability to selection and selection

What is hidden under beautiful phrase"the ability to choose and select"? And the following is hidden under it: to choose and select a person forced. And forces him to do it all the time a lack of anything.

If a person did not have it herself shortage , he would not have learned to choose and would not have become a formed personality.

So need makes us, if not geniuses, then at least, talented people, craftsmen, inventors. This is the meaning of the saying: "The need for inventions is cunning."

We curse the need to "choose and select" when we should thank it. Imagine all your needs. Now imagine how much money you have for this. The ability to choose and take away will be formed in us only when there is not enough money for all the needs.

It's like a parable about football and the old man Hottabych watching him. Give every player a ball and the game will fall apart.

Let me remind you once again: a developed ability to choose and select is a sign of a well-formed personality. And it's not even about the lack of money. There is another, more total lack, which we are all endowed with from birth. We cannot choose "a hundred ways and a hundred roads" at the same time due to the lack of life time. We have very little time to deal with everything, to cover everything. Therefore, all of us, both rich and poor, are still subject to necessity. choose .

But the ideal of a “comprehensively (“harmoniously”) developed personality, which has been serving us as a false guide for a long time, does not allow us to develop this skill in ourselves. crippled and turned into a mental freak.

Fatally, the pursuit of culture breeds lack of culture. The pursuit of knowledge generates dullness of the mind and inner emptiness. Thirst permanent activity leads to the fact that not a single thing is brought to the end.

And our education continues to bend its line - demanding perfection in all areas. Of course, you can turn your back to the formation, but you will receive the stigma of a loser. And not everyone cares about this invisible, but tangible stigma. And therefore, many - are drawn from the last forces, depriving themselves of the opportunity to become what they wanted and could be - perfection.

However, there are more and more people who are not afraid to "turn their backs", and therefore loners are no longer so afraid. There are people whose children do not go to school at all, but study at home. Oddly enough, they master the 10-year math program in 2 years without straining. There are people who could afford a very pretentious lyceum with an enhanced program, but prefer to send their child to an idyllic-quiet local school, where elderly teachers coo like turtledoves and poke a wooden pointer at an outdated manual, and children and parents are just as quiet, gracious and without pretensions.

And those who go the same way, leading to a dead end, by increasing the amount of information, come to terrible results - they acquire vulgarity . My favorite English writer- Gilbert Keith Chesterton, in one of his essays, wrote probably the best words about it:

"It seems to me that vulgarity has two indispensable features: nothing is difficult for her and nothing alien. A vulgar person, in the full sense of the word, pours out - thoughts and feelings gush out of him, he does not select them, does not filter them. He is everything knows i.e. knows nothing. He who knows everything has lost sacred awe... he judges everything immodestly, haughtily, he forgot that everything in the world is sacred in its own way.

It is impossible not to continue the discussion about such "comprehensive one-sidedness" with the words of Arthur Schopenhauer, whom I do not like. But how precise he is sometimes in his pessimism!

"Dumbness of the mind gives rise to inner emptiness. You will see it on many faces. It betrays itself by constant interest in the most insignificant external events. This inner emptiness pushes in pursuit of external excitations in order to stir up the mind and soul with at least something.

Here I am writing these lines, and in my eyes there is a transmission "Let them talk." As if Schopenhauer and Chesterton wrote about her.

However, I have worse examples. What do I need some transmission? I have before my eyes the fate of specific people.

Nothing stupefies a child more than having to go to school and bring good marks. Before my eyes, not one smart, interesting preschooler turned into a dumb and unhappy middle school student. To the question "Why does the child not read anything?" I hear one standard answer from mothers and grandmothers: "Yes, when should she read? She has so many lessons!"

But why should these "excellent students" learn French and English languages simultaneously? About a hundred years ago, people learned English in order to read Shakespeare in the original. Voltaire and La Rochefoucauld were read in French. Why do education for those who happily spend their leisure time "VKontakte"?

Our education shines with the light of a dead, extinguished star. It performs some senseless actions, but the purpose for which these actions are performed has long been in the span.

The theme of "comprehensively developed personality" from the side of psychology does not cease to excite me. The fact is that I personally, physically, suffered and continue to suffer in the company of those from whom they tried to make this very "comprehensively developed personality", but received the type of so-called "educated person". These people always got fives. But get close to them, look into their eyes. They are empty, like the monsters from a nightmare.

What do you think it means and includes the concept of a versatile person? In what areas and areas should he understand, what to know and what to be able to do? There was a great desire to develop, I just feel overwhelmed with energy, I need to draw up an action plan and know what to strive for) Where to start, how many and what books to read, what courses to sign up for, etc. etc. And how do you plan everything so that you can do a lot? There is a lot of free time now for a while, but still I still don’t quite understand how to properly distribute my time. Thanks to everyone who responds))

Answers (38 ):

"What does an intelligent all-round developed person mean?"

This means that he is a first-class nerd and nerd, without imagination and the ability to think for himself. He just stuffed a bunch of information into his brain, and trumps it, if possible.

Really smart people, are extremely rarely comprehensively developed (there are a couple of exceptions in world history), due to inclinations, desires to study something. So don't get excited. It's better to be a knowledgeable and thoughtful person in one area than to be top-notch in many fields of activity.

OMG .. you read your question yourself! Say a lot of energy, and so send it not into a bunch of channels at once, but into some distance so that there is a result. Again, the quote "Where to start, how many and what books to read, what courses to enroll in" how do we know???? What are you interested in, what do you want. You received an adequate answer to your completely spatially blurred question, namely, they will not inflame.

I don’t understand one thing, what for people come to the forum, ask garbage, and then they themselves yell that they don’t need advice and in general they are insulted here ...

For me, a comprehensively developed person is one who can discuss the latest fashion trends with you, the reasons for the growth, fall or rise in the price of VTB shares, how to treat simple diseases, distinguish edible mushrooms from non-edible ones, disassemble and assemble an AKM, change a wheel from a car, disassemble the starter to assemble who won the World Cup to know, to name the specific mass of the nucleus of the oxygen atom, who won in 1945, why the ink rose, these are just examples, but I think the essence is clear.

I believe that an intelligent and comprehensively developed person should speak beautifully and correctly, have good manners, understand cinema, literature, music, fashion, religion, politics, economics, art, history, finance. Of course, it is impossible to know all this high level, but I believe that there should be at least the minimum, thanks to which you can keep up the conversation on any of these topics. And it is also important that a person is very well versed in one thing, so that he has, so to speak, something "his own")

oh, I already wrote and deleted it 10 times))) I know, after all - some will throw slippers ...))) and figs with them - I’ll write)))
... comprehensively developed - it's like me))) ... I have a decent education in different areas, I know languages, I understand many issues, I follow the necessary news, I travel and read a lot and I will support any conversation at least at the level of an average person...))
well, now you can downvote))

I am a blonde) "smart comprehensively developed person", in my understanding, this is not a stupid person, i.e. smart))), who understands not only one area, but many, as YEN and Angelica Angel wrote...
in short, I went from here ... it's not for me bright head question ... I can’t even put my thoughts together)
and why is that? because I'm not a smart and well-rounded person...

Well, I, as a comprehensively developed person (modesty has gone for a walk))), I will say - what the girl does not need this! Griboyedov was right, grief - from the mind ... And I will advise you to develop the art of flirting, plasticity, femininity and read about everything that is interesting for you (and not about what a supposedly smart person "should" know).

Because I reap the fruits of this very "mind")) Men are not interested in how many books I have read. In institutions, knowledge is not important, much more important skill get out in session. In life, worldly ingenuity is more important than mental development. So it turns out that in fact this comprehensive knowledge has nowhere to apply (((

I just stopped purposefully studying something, striving for the mythical heights of the mind. Because the question arose "why?". To solve crossword puzzles in old age? Or just to people call me "comprehensively developed personality"? I am much more pleased with the compliment - "all-round beautiful personality")))

It does not interfere. You know, I don't watch the news either, the world of science captures me more than the world of politics and economics. I gave myself such freedom - to know less in those matters than even decently. But I'm sure that you are also interested in psychology, or music, or something else, and you will learn about it not for scanwords and men, but for yourself.

An intellectually developed person is always in great demand, he has many friends and acquaintances, he is valued and respected. Many people dream of being such, but not everyone succeeds, because it is a huge work. Below you can find out how to become a developed person.

We develop intelligence

To become developed, first of all, you should take care of your intellect. Read more books, scientific journals, articles. It is important that the literature touches as much as possible more areas, then it will be possible to develop diversified, and you can always keep up the conversation.

Also be interested breaking news, read analytics: in this way you will be able to put together disparate facts into a single picture and form an opinion on a particular case or event. A few more development tips can be gleaned from our article -.

Get Moral

Set goals and achieve them

Your intellect should serve you: determine what you want to achieve and try to bring it to life. Set bold goals, because you will achieve them thanks to your intellect. People will see this and will definitely ask you for advice and learn from your experience.

It is prestigious and, in general, pleasant to be considered a versatile person in society, although not every adult individual understands why he needs certain well-learned sums of knowledge in a variety of ways. different areas. But, nevertheless, the education systems in developed and relatively civilized communities and states, in their content and content, are arranged in such a way as to provide a versatile student.

Diversified personality development

To some extent (and a certain moment development) in most cases this is good and wonderful for future life man and his practical activities. , balanced in directions (natural and exact sciences+ humanitarian and interdisciplinary areas of knowledge + a minimum of labor skills and cultural skills), provides a person with at least a minimum competence in certain life situations. This is especially important when it is necessary not only to express an opinion, but to make a decision and take action on a specific problem.

It should be noted that various developed personality in such situations, it can manifest itself more effectively due to a more voluminous view of the problem from different positions. I.e, diversified development personality provides general awareness and, in some way, competence in different areas of activity. It should be noted that sometimes this slows down the process.

Of course, we are aware that the times of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, when education gave birth to comprehensively developed and encyclopedic knowledgeable people passed. Most of universal scientific knowledge, as they say, does not fit into the head of a separate average modern man due to too much volume. Therefore, modern secondary vocational and higher education seeks to train specialists who are competent in their field, which, in fact, is correct. However, every specialist, as you know, is like a flux (that is, in other words, developed somewhat one-sidedly). That is why at present a diversified personality is an educated, man of culture- the most valuable for society (however, they are not always respected in due measure).

In general, the versatile development of the personality implies such a state of it, when an adult individual himself, having already completed his studies in educational institutions, continues to explore the world and does not stop in his cultural development. Actually, such an attitude to life, that is, the desire for harmony, guarantees the versatile general cultural development of the individual.