Fourth message con - new world order - awareness - galactic federation. The fourth message

4th Epistle of KOH, begins with a commentary by Nikolai Subbotin

It fits amazingly into the scandalous Appeal of Milton Williams Cooper "Secret Government", the Grudge project, Krill's reports, indescribable in their mind-blowing veracity, the KOa Appeal and many other noteworthy documents that reveal the truth about the colonization and use of the Earth by other civilizations (including our companions).

I received this document from my own South American colleague and friend Steve Wingate, who lives near San Francisco (Steve Wingate, e-mail: [email protected]). Yes, we are controlled! Those whom we jokingly call "greenish little men" interfere in our politics. The Americans call them Grace.

The swallow of the growing boom appeared about 10 years ago with the publication of certain documents of the Majestic-12 project. That's when the world found out that the government had more severe information about "flying saucers" if it wanted to show it. Then followed a whole wave of semi-documentary semi-fantastic films, articles, books reflecting certain real reasons presence on Earth of another intelligence. People gradually began to be prepared for something more stunning, even more than the usual understanding of the fact - "Yes, we are not alone in the Universe!" 3rd global war started! War for our minds...

The 1st result was brought by Milton Cooper's Appeal (known in the West as the "Petition of Prosecution"), sent on April 24, 1989 to every member of the South American Senate and House of Representatives and soon dispersed around the world via the electrical network Web. Cooper revealed the policy of governments regarding the extraterrestrial presence, showing that the heads of leading countries are not only long time they know about the existence of other civilizations, and even maintain close ties with them at the level of technology exchange. The Appeal caused a colossal outburst in the world, as a result of which several new problems crystallized, representing the main enthusiasm for modern researchers: - Area 51 (Groom Lake) - a place known as a top secret government military base, created for shared use by earthlings and intruders. According to many researchers, it is in this area that the sadly popular Dulce underground laboratory is located, on which there was a conflict with aliens, as a result of which more than sixty members of the Delta team died; - the project "Grudge-13" ("Yellowish Book") - a scientific program for the study of a captured representative of another civilization, known as Krill. As a result of a long communication with him, the document “Reports of Krill. Descriptions of technologies and culture of aliens”; - Dark People (MIB - Man In Black) - a more disturbing nuance of the invasion of the intruders. In the last two decades, there has been an increase in the activities of the Dark People (researchers consider them to be punitive detachments of aliens), expressed in pressure and intimidation of prominent scientists, researchers, and politicians. The purpose of these actions is to prevent the terrestrial civilization from joining the Galactic Federation of KOa; - bases on the moon - a huge number of facts show that artificial bases must exist on the moon. The only question is whether they are owned by earthlings, or whether they are all built by invaders, or past civilizations of the Earth.

Hundreds of documents, photos and testimonies confirming these facts are stored on the hard drive of my computer. 10 MB of unique information… Photos of Area 51 from satellites, implants implanted into the soft tissues of contactees, fragments of crashed ships and the alien ships themselves, traces of their presence on our planet, Sector 9 documents completely unknown to Russian researchers (reports of observers of the Galactic Federation ), beautiful images of the Martian sphinx, pyramids, canals and roads, lunar anomalies, photos American astronauts, the Apollo 11 lunar epic, and just about everything else. But they all substantiate one thing - our planet for many centuries has been the object of close attention of a number of civilizations, friendly and aggressive ... What you read below, I tend to attribute to the addition of the Third Call of KOa. In the text, I consider it appropriate to understand the term "Galactic Federation" as COH - the Coalition Detachment of Observers. You will understand me by reading it more carefully ... I hope that you will correctly evaluate the information that has fallen into your hands and dispose of it appropriately.

With respect, Nikolay Subbotin.

(So, let's begin.)

4th Message of CON

This Awareness shows that the new World Order is the development of the scenario of the Orion civilization, known as Grace ("Greyish"). The goal is future inclusion in the Orion Empire. This Awareness shows that regardless of the planned actions, they are not the only likely choice or candidate. The Galactic Confederation, which includes the Pleiadians, Vegans and the planets of Sirius, is very concerned and hopes that the Earth will not become part of the Orion Empire or the Draco Federation.

This Awareness shows that they would prefer to create Earth as part of a Galactic Confederation.

This Awareness shows that the Earth has a special meaning for the galaxy and is especially significant in relation to water, also the central computer located in the depths of the planet, which was located in ancient times by the overseers of Orion, when they had great control over this planet, and they wish to restart this computer, and use the planet for your own purposes.

This Awareness shows that there are other terrestrial civilizations that own full rights to the planet, but have lost control over it as a result of wars or other circumstances. The rights of these civilizations should be taken into account in the discussion of the question - who in reality is the owner of the planet.

This Awareness shows that in the real moment it is difficult to find the belonging of the Earth to a certain civilization, despite the fact that many cultures have their own objects on the planet and consider themselves its real owners; Reptoids (Reptoids) require proof of their rights for about 10 thousand years; the Sirius civilization is said to have taken control of the planet from the hands of the Reptoids, while the Pleiadians are demanding a spiritual connection to the earth's population. Representatives of Vega (Vegans) do not protest their own rights, but offer their help as an ally in the fight against despotic extraterrestrial civilizations.

This Awareness shows that the Grace-Orions (hereinafter - the Orions) are the highest intruders with thin noses- claim ownership of a computer located in the bowels of the earth, capable of providing energy through a special energy network for economic and military progress ... Orions are in a better position economic situation, allowing them to control other extraterrestrial civilizations such as the Draconians and the Zeta Reticulans.

This Awareness shows that the petty Grace or Zeta Reticuli are basically mercenaries under the dominance of the Draconians, Draco Reptiles, who in turn are subordinate to the Orions, despite the fact that they have great military power and great strength. The Draconian military is capable of colonizing planets without the help of the Orions, but the Orions have enough experience in this matter that the Draco Reptoids do not challenge their rights by providing military assistance, while the Orions take over the reins of political and economic control.

This Awareness shows that the pseudo-intelligent population of the earth does not pay attention to the manipulations that are performed with it, living in momentary pleasures and being guided not by reason, but by behavioral instincts. This Awareness shows that only a few people among people fully understand the goals and objectives of the presence of aliens on Earth or have any idea about them.

This Awareness shows the Galactic Federation, founded by the Pleiadians, Vegans, Sirius and Arcturans, remains neutral, as it has not been invited by any people or government to help people get rid of the humiliating restraints provided by the armed forces of the Draconians and Orions. Practically, most of people still understand that they are in slavery - from health to technology - which makes it possible for aggressive civilizations to freely expand the scope own impact... The Galactic Federation has plans, abilities and military forces to help the population of the earth, but it is waiting for the moment when people themselves understand the imminent danger and ask for help.

This Awareness shows that the recent death of Creston, also known as Ron Rummell, sent to the planet to warn earthlings of the danger from the Grace and Reptoid civilizations, served as a turning point in the Galactic Federation's awareness of the criterion for the existence of human civilization. The envoy, on the instructions of the Vegans and the Arcturans, was to learn the prerequisites for which the Population of the earth cannot resist the dark armed forces, using currency systems as the main means of invasion and municipal systems management. The Messenger, who is very limited in financial assistance and wholly dependent on the assistance of his own friends to help maintain and continue research, received a fairly clear idea of ​​​​the difficulties that the monetary system of government has brought to the Earth. In the last couple of years of his own stay on Earth, the Messenger had time to realize that the system of facilities was essentially controlled and located on the planet by the military forces of Orion. This form of control has tremendous power over people. Many of those who work for the aliens are silent only because they are afraid of losing their jobs if they start talking on own work about LO or aliens.

This Awareness shows that one of the questions for Ron when he made contact with his Vegan friends is why didn't he manage to do anything when he found out about the real state of things? His response was, "I didn't have the means!" This has led to general confusion, as the Vegan civilization does not use the means. Representatives of the Pleiades, Sirius and Arcturan also do not use the monetary system. Only civilizations subordinate to Orion use and promote the monetary system.

This Awareness shows that the messenger Creston (his name in Vegan), known on Earth as Ron Rummell, conveyed to the Vegans, Arcturans and Pleiadians a very important information, based on which, they were able to understand the prerequisites for which earthlings are not able to get rid of humiliating pripres and slavery. This new information, in addition to a general awareness of the situation, allows you to be more active in their intervention, which was previously prohibited by the so-called "Main Directive" - ​​avoiding any impact on civilization that did not ask for appropriate intervention (help).

This Awareness shows that they now understand that with the current monetary system that has enslaved the people, such an invitation cannot be received.

This Awareness shows that with the elimination of Ron Rammell, the alien military hastened its own end by placing itself in the hands of the Galactic Federation, which, after being reassessed own positions in relation to the population of the earth, there are much more circumstances to be sure that people, being prisoners on their own planet, could not ask for help, since they were simply gagged.

This Awareness shows that in the future it will be decided - either to offer the Dark Armed Forces to end their activities, or in general to free this planet from its own presence ... But for the Earth, hard times, as the aliens are going to end the coup on this planet.

Computer inside the Earth: How can intruders use it?

What can actually happen if the intruders gain access to the computer and manage to start it again? What benefits will this move bring to them? This Awareness shows that the purpose was to release some vibrations... This is a typical kind of barrier against spiritual energies, a barrier to spiritual knowledge. This computer generates special frequencies that force the human consciousness to concentrate on the emotions of the constantly threatening threat and conflict… certain vibrations can generate chaos; these turmoils (disturbances) are also caused by the planets during their movement... for example, the planet Saturn, when the square to the object's sun will give some negative effect on the object. In addition, the computer can be used to stimulate wars and violence, paranoia, conflicts ...

As a result of the computer's work, greed becomes the norm of life, quarrels, unrest, stress... Great amount people are susceptible to these frequencies. This Awareness shows that in the past 2 decades, certain factions of the CIA have tackled efforts and even issued special commands that have killed many of the Computer's crystalline network terminals found in subway tunnels and underground caverns, resulting in the disruption of its centralized operations.

This Awareness shows that there was a special group within the CIA that was responsible for doing this job; but, she was eliminated and could not complete her task.

This Awareness shows that this activity took place not only in the United States, but also in Germany in the 50s, 60s and early 70s.

This Awareness shows that in the end the work of the Computer was reduced to a minimum. What happens if it works again? This will have a huge negative effect, but it is unlikely that it will be included in the near future.

This Awareness shows that there are a sufficient number of people (unaware of the real goals own activities) making significant efforts to restore the Computer and its network. They think that they are working for the benefit of the population of the earth. They take orders from Orion agents and believe that the Orions do it out of concern for the welfare of the people.

This Awareness shows that successful efforts have been made to prevent this group of people from doing their job.

This Awareness indicates that this group is headquartered in Ohio State, in Toledo. It also seems that efforts to restart this computer have generally been frustrated or delayed. This Awareness shows that it is unlikely that this can ever happen.

This Awareness shows that Baron Rothschild (London), according to reliable sources, arranged a meeting in his own house with the role of very stern persons with a request - "to meet someone very principled and special." The Baron introduced the Reptoid representative to the guests. The intruder introduced himself as a messenger of the Draco civilization and said that his civilization was conducting independent research on Earth, like some others, the purpose of which was to help and prepare the Earth's Population to join the Orion Empire and the Bloodthirsty Federation.

This Awareness shows that this incident is a direct confirmation of the connection of the more important representatives of the earth's civilization, who are in charge of the main currency resources, with the representatives of the alien armed forces. Through the monetary system, political regulation is also carried out. Invaders are often divided into Ahrimans (Ahriman) and Angels (Angelic) from the Pleiades.

This Awareness would also like to emphasize that the intruders associated with the Ahrimans are called the Devil in Christian terminology. The owner of the angels - God - is associated with the civilizations of the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturan and Vegan.

This Awareness shows that the Asuras or the demons who work with the Archimans - the Devil - occupy higher official ranks in the armed forces of the Reptoids and Orions. Zeta Reticuli are the least significant, they were known in ancient times as goblins and elves, but then people did not in any way connect them with invaders from other planets.

This Awareness shows that there are still Deros who are crazy (insane) Grace left on this planet for healing, but over time turned into real demons. They are far worse than the Zeta Reticuli that have arrived in the last 30 years.

This Awareness shows that essentially you yourself are in these satanic extraterrestrial hierarchies, but still have friends among other civilizations, which in the Christian annals are called angels and gods. The impact of 2 different vibrational (with different energy) sides - conditionally - Light and Black Forces, will lead to the fact that light and black vibrations will immediately exist on Earth. They will have different effects on various points planets… At some points of the place, the vibrational energies of the Black Forces will have a significant value, by means of which they will have enormous abilities to influence your planet… In other words, the Earth evenly begins to divide into two different measurements. This is due to the mutual influence of the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness on your planet. The forces of darkness will destroy environment, while the Forces of Light will try to make it better, bringing it to its original state. A similar confrontation is shifting the Earth into the newest dimension of higher vibrations, while the other part will strive towards lower vibrations.

This Awareness shows that people will not be aware of the essence of these processes, but will create that some things become better and others worse, depending on what vibrations they strive for.


RESOLUTION of the International Symposium dedicated to "Natural and space anomalies, dilemmas of global ecology and survival of the Earth's population".

The initiators and organizers of the real Symposium were the Ural Roerich Foundation, the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", JSC "Permtourist", the City Society of Ufologists. The general sponsors of the event were PNOS and Perm City Administration. The Symposium was attended by representatives of more than 20 cities of Russia, near and far abroad, among them scientists, ufologists, representatives of culture, the press, radio, television and a number of religious denominations. About 200 participants registered. After the plenary sessions, the work of the Symposium was divided into four sections:

1. The impact of the UFO paradox on the population of the earth. Ways and forms of cooperation with other civilizations.

2. Global crisis of civilization and methods of its prevention.

3. Noospheric-cosmic processes, their impact on the biosphere and reverse relations.

4. Bioenergetics and health.

The Symposium meeting took place in Perm for two days, in Kungur for one day, and for two days the Symposium participants went to the village of Molebka. The Symposium resulted in the following decisions:

1. To open in Perm on the basis of the Ural Fund of the Roerichs the Committee for Bioenergy-Information Exchange and a branch of the International Academy of Energy-Informational Sciences.

2. Since the governments of no country on our planet are able to make an appeal to the Coalition, the Symposium assumes the right, on behalf of all peoples, to apply to the Coalition with a request to accept the Population of the Earth into its composition.

3. In case of refusal or ignoring our Appeal by the Coalition, the Symposium proposes to hold a congress of scientists, ufologists and all people concerned about the situation of the Earth's population on November 30, 1996 in Perm, inviting all those previously invited, also those who have something to say on this issue, transforming this movement into a political party, main goal which will be the preparation of the population of the earth to join the Coalition.


Appeal to the Coalition of Participants of the International Symposium dedicated to "Natural and space anomalies, dilemmas of global ecology and survival of the Earth's population".

67 years have passed since the Third Appeal of the Coalition to the Population of the Earth, which sounded in 1929 on the radio in the main languages ​​of our planet: British, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. The governments of the states left the Proclamation without comment, and the press hurried to present it as a radio joke, similar to that staged by the radio correspondents who staged the play based on the novel by HG Wells "The War of the Worlds". Although the population of the earth was given 50 years to think, in Russia this text became widely known only in 1991, after the publication of the book "Asgard - the city of the gods", when the deadline for an answer had already passed. Judging by this document, the observers sent to Earth by the Coalition did not have full and reliable information about the current situation on our planet.

Over the past 50 years, the governments of the leading states of the world have been hiding the fact of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and most importantly, their own ties with an extraterrestrial civilization that has completely controlled the population of the earth for many 1000 years. Ufologists of the world have many facts that testify to the detrimental nature of this kind of control for people. That is why the governments were discrediting scientists, researchers and politicians who were investigating the extraterrestrial presence, as well as eliminating all the facts of visiting our planet by other extraterrestrial civilizations that are members of the Coalition. Individual members of governments different states tried to tell the people the truth, for which they paid with their lives. So the President of Grenada was overthrown from his post as a result of a military coup only because he raised the issue of an extraterrestrial presence before the 33rd session of the GO. US Secretary of Security James Forrestal was thrown out of a skyscraper window just because he insisted on publicizing information about US government links with extraterrestrial civilization, the list of dead politicians and scientists who opposed extraterrestrial control of the Earth's population is very long. Therefore, the participants of the Symposium, realizing that on our planet not a single government, not a single international organization is able to decide anything without the help of others, much less make an appeal, took upon themselves the right to turn to the Coalition on behalf of all peoples with a request to include the population of the earth into its own composition.


An open letter from the Organizing Committee of the Congress of Scientists and Politicians to all Governments and international organizations.

From August 12 to 17, 1996, an international Symposium was held in Perm, dedicated to the dilemmas of the survival of the Earth's population and cooperation with other civilizations (the Symposium was organized by the Ural Roerich Foundation, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, the City UFO Society with the financial assistance of the Perm Regional Administration, JSC "Permtourist" and PNOS). As a result of the work of the Symposium, an Appeal was drawn up to the Coalition of Civilizations with a proposal to consider the issue of including the Population of the Earth in its own composition (the text of the Appeal is posted in Komsomolskaya Pravda, Trade Union Courier, Local Time and read out on the Rifey TV program) . After the publication of the Appeal to the Coalition, a representative of an alien civilization met with members of the Organizing Committee and expressed a desire to abandon thoughts about the entry of the Earth's Population into the Coalition, since we do not represent the current state of affairs.

Members of the Organizing Committee do not refute this fact, since it is very difficult to draw correct conclusions in the conditions of imposing disinformation and maintaining a negative cause for the dilemma of the existence of other civilizations. The organizing committee considers it necessary to declare that it will not conduct any secret negotiations behind the back of the population of the earth and will cover all the information received in the press.

Understanding the current complexity of the state of governments, with complete extraterrestrial control over them and absolute ignorance of the population about this, the Organizing Committee invites scientists, representatives of all existing governments, public and international movements on Earth on January 27, 1997 to form a Working Body authorized to negotiate with the Coalition on behalf of the Population earth. Those governments that trust the decisions of the Congress may not send their own representatives. The population of the earth, which is single organism, may split due to the fact that some members of the governments are preparing their peoples for entry into separate Federations of Civilizations. On the this moment the question can only be raised about the probable acceptance of the Earth's population into the Coalition, which will remove extraterrestrial control over the states and allow the completion of experiments on people, which are being carried out by a number of extraterrestrial civilizations. The issue of accepting the Earth's Population into any civilization should be postponed until the Earth's Population has a complete and correct idea of ​​the Coalition and all extraterrestrial civilizations in contact with the Earth's Population. From January 27 to January 28, 1997 in Russia in Perm, a congress of scientists, politicians and representatives of international organizations will be held from which the aforementioned body will be elected, which will represent the interests of the entire population of the earth, and not individual countries and different sectors of society. We ask you to indicate your own consent to take part in this congress.

4th Epistle of KOH, begins with a commentary by Nikolai Subbotin

It fits amazingly into the scandalous Appeal of Milton Williams Cooper "Secret Government", the Grudge project, Krill's reports, indescribable in their mind-blowing veracity, the KOa Appeal and many other noteworthy documents that reveal the truth about the colonization and use of the Earth by other civilizations (including our companions).

I received this document from my own South American colleague and friend Steve Wingate, who lives near San Francisco (Steve Wingate, e-mail: [email protected]). Yes, we are controlled! Those whom we jokingly call "greenish little men" interfere in our politics. The Americans call them Grace.

The swallow of the growing boom appeared about 10 years ago with the publication of certain documents of the Majestic-12 project. That's when the world found out that the government had more severe information about "flying saucers" if it wanted to show it. Then followed a whole wave of semi-documentary semi-fantastic films, articles, books, reflecting some real reasons for the presence of another mind on Earth. People gradually began to be prepared for something more stunning, even more than the usual understanding of the fact - "Yes, we are not alone in the Universe!" The 3rd Global War has begun! War for our minds...

The 1st result was brought by Milton Cooper's Appeal (known in the West as the "Petition of Prosecution"), sent on April 24, 1989 to every member of the South American Senate and House of Representatives and soon dispersed around the world via the electrical network Web. Cooper revealed the policy of governments regarding the extraterrestrial presence, showing that the leaders of the leading countries not only have been aware of the existence of other civilizations for a long time, but also maintain close ties with them at the level of technology exchange. The proclamation caused a colossal outburst in the world, as a result of which several new problems crystallized, representing the main enthusiasm for modern researchers: - Area 51 (Groom Lake) - a place known as a top-secret government military base, created for the joint use of earthlings and intruders. According to many researchers, it is in this area that the sadly popular Dulce underground laboratory is located, on which there was a conflict with aliens, as a result of which more than sixty members of the Delta team died; - project "Grudge-13" ("Yellow Book") - a scientific program for the study of a captured representative of another civilization, known as Krill. As a result of a long communication with him, the document “Reports of Krill. Descriptions of technologies and culture of aliens”; - Dark People (MIB - Man In Black) - a more disturbing nuance of the invasion of the intruders. In the last two decades, there has been an increase in the activities of the Dark People (researchers consider them to be punitive detachments of aliens), expressed in pressure and intimidation of prominent scientists, researchers, and politicians. The purpose of these actions is to prevent the terrestrial civilization from joining the Galactic Federation of KOa; - bases on the moon - a huge number of facts show that artificial bases must exist on the moon. The only question is whether they are owned by earthlings, or whether they are all built by invaders, or past civilizations of the Earth.

Hundreds of documents, photos and testimonies confirming these facts are stored on the hard drive of my computer. 10 MB of unique information ... Photos of Area 51 from satellites, implants implanted in the soft tissues of contactees, fragments of crashed ships and the alien ships themselves, traces of their presence on our planet, documents of Sector 9 completely unknown to Russian researchers (reports of observers of the Galactic Federation ), beautiful images of the Martian sphinx, pyramids, canals and roads, lunar anomalies, photos of American astronauts, the Apollo 11 lunar epic and much more. But they all substantiate one thing - our planet for many centuries has been the object of close attention of a number of civilizations, friendly and aggressive ... What you read below, I tend to attribute to the addition of the Third Call of KOa. In the text, I consider it appropriate to understand the term "Galactic Federation" as COH - the Coalition Detachment of Observers. You will understand me by reading it more carefully ... I hope that you will correctly evaluate the information that has fallen into your hands and dispose of it appropriately.

With respect, Nikolay Subbotin.

(So, let's begin.)

4th Message of CON

This Awareness shows that the new World Order is the development of the scenario of the Orion civilization, known as Grace ("Greyish"). The goal is future inclusion in the Orion Empire. This Awareness shows that regardless of the planned actions, they are not the only likely choice or candidate. The Galactic Confederation, which includes the Pleiadians, Vegans and the planets of Sirius, is very concerned and hopes that the Earth will not become part of the Orion Empire or the Draco Federation.

This Awareness shows that they would prefer to create Earth as part of a Galactic Confederation.

This Awareness shows that the Earth has a special meaning for the galaxy and is especially significant in relation to water, also the central computer located in the depths of the planet, which was located in ancient times by the overseers of Orion, when they had great control over this planet, and they wish to restart this computer, and use the planet for your own purposes.

This Awareness shows that there are other terrestrial civilizations that own full rights to the planet, but have lost control over it as a result of wars or other circumstances. The rights of these civilizations should be taken into account in the discussion of the question - who in reality is the owner of the planet.

This Awareness shows that in the real moment it is difficult to find the belonging of the Earth to a certain civilization, despite the fact that many cultures have their own objects on the planet and consider themselves its real owners; Reptoids (Reptoids) require proof of their rights for about 10 thousand years; the Sirius civilization is said to have taken control of the planet from the hands of the Reptoids, while the Pleiadians are demanding a spiritual connection to the earth's population. Representatives of Vega (Vegans) do not protest their own rights, but offer their help as an ally in the fight against despotic extraterrestrial civilizations.

This Awareness shows that the Grace Orions (hereinafter referred to as the Orions) - the highest intruders with thin noses - claim ownership of a computer located in the bowels of the earth, capable of providing energy through a special energy network for economic and military progress ... The Orions are in a more successful economic position, allowing them to control other extraterrestrial civilizations such as the Draconians and the Zeta Reticulans.

This Awareness shows that the petty Grace or Zeta Reticuli are basically mercenaries under the dominance of the Draconians, Draco Reptiles, who in turn are subordinate to the Orions, despite the fact that they have great military power and great strength. The Draconian military is capable of colonizing planets without the help of the Orions, but the Orions have enough experience in this matter that the Draco Reptoids do not challenge their rights by providing military assistance, while the Orions take over the reins of political and economic control.

This Awareness shows that the pseudo-intelligent population of the earth does not pay attention to the manipulations that are performed with it, living in momentary pleasures and being guided not by reason, but by behavioral instincts. This Awareness shows that only a few people among people fully understand the goals and objectives of the presence of aliens on Earth or have any idea about them.

This Awareness shows the Galactic Federation, founded by the Pleiadians, Vegans, Sirius and Arcturans, remains neutral, as it has not been invited by any people or government to help people get rid of the humiliating restraints provided by the armed forces of the Draconians and Orions. In practice, most people still understand that they are in slavery - from health to technology - which allows aggressive civilizations to freely expand their sphere of influence ... The Galactic Federation has plans, abilities and military forces to help the population of the earth, but it expects the moment when people themselves understand the impending danger and ask for help.

This Awareness shows that the recent death of Creston, also known as Ron Rummell, sent to the planet to warn earthlings of the danger from the Grace and Reptoid civilizations, served as a turning point in the Galactic Federation's awareness of the criterion for the existence of human civilization. The Messenger, on the instructions of the Vegans and Arcturans, was to learn the preconditions for which the Population of the earth cannot resist the dark military forces that use currency systems and municipal government systems as the main means of invasion. The Messenger, who is very limited in financial assistance and wholly dependent on the assistance of his own friends to help maintain and continue research, received a fairly clear idea of ​​​​the difficulties that the monetary system of government has brought to the Earth. In the last couple of years of his own stay on Earth, the Messenger had time to realize that the system of facilities was essentially controlled and located on the planet by the military forces of Orion. This form of control has tremendous power over people. Many of those who work for aliens are silent only because they are afraid of losing their jobs if they start talking about LOs or aliens in their own work.

This Awareness shows that one of the questions for Ron when he made contact with his Vegan friends is why didn't he manage to do anything when he found out about the real state of things? His response was, "I didn't have the means!" This has led to general confusion, as the Vegan civilization does not use the means. Representatives of the Pleiades, Sirius and Arcturan also do not use the monetary system. Only civilizations subordinate to Orion use and promote the monetary system.

This Awareness shows that the messenger Creston (his name on Vegan), known on Earth as Ron Rammell, conveyed very important information to the Vegans, Arcturans and Pleiadians, based on which they were able to realize the prerequisites for which earthlings are not able to get rid of humiliating spices. and slavery. This new information, in addition to a general awareness of the situation, allows you to be more active in their intervention, which was previously prohibited by the so-called "Main Directive" - ​​avoiding any impact on civilization that did not ask for appropriate intervention (help).

This Awareness shows that they now understand that with the current monetary system that has enslaved the people, such an invitation cannot be received.

This Awareness shows that with the elimination of Ron Rammell, the alien military has brought its own end closer by placing itself in the hands of the Galactic Federation, which, after reassessing its own positions in relation to the Population of the earth, has much more reason to be sure that people, being prisoners on their own planet, do not could ask for help, as they were simply gagged.

This Awareness shows that in the future it will be decided - either to offer the Dark Armed Forces to end their activities, or in general to free this planet from its own presence ... But difficult times are coming for the Earth, as the aliens are about to end the coup on this planet.

Computer inside the Earth: How can intruders use it?

What can actually happen if the intruders gain access to the computer and manage to start it again? What benefits will this move bring to them? This Awareness shows that the purpose was to release some vibrations... This is a typical kind of barrier against spiritual energies, a barrier to spiritual knowledge. This computer generates special frequencies that force the human consciousness to concentrate on the emotions of the constantly threatening threat and conflict… certain vibrations can generate chaos; these turmoils (disturbances) are also caused by the planets during their movement... for example, the planet Saturn, when the square to the object's sun will give some negative effect on the object. In addition, the computer can be used to stimulate wars and violence, paranoia, conflicts ...

As a result of computer operation, greed becomes the norm of life, quarrels, unrest, stress... A huge number of people are susceptible to these frequencies. This Awareness shows that in the past 2 decades, certain factions of the CIA have tackled efforts and even issued special commands that have killed many of the Computer's crystalline network terminals found in subway tunnels and underground caverns, resulting in the disruption of its centralized operations.

This Awareness shows that there was a special group within the CIA that was responsible for doing this job; but, she was eliminated and could not complete her task.

This Awareness shows that this activity took place not only in the United States, but also in Germany in the 50s, 60s and early 70s.

This Awareness shows that in the end the work of the Computer was reduced to a minimum. What happens if it works again? This will have a huge negative effect, but it is unlikely that it will be included in the near future.

This Awareness shows that there are a sufficient number of people (unaware of the real goals of their own activities) making significant efforts to restore the Computer and its network. They think that they are working for the benefit of the population of the earth. They take orders from Orion agents and believe that the Orions do it out of concern for the welfare of the people.

This Awareness shows that successful efforts have been made to prevent this group of people from doing their job.

This Awareness indicates that this group is headquartered in Ohio State, in Toledo. It also seems that efforts to restart this computer have generally been frustrated or delayed. This Awareness shows that it is unlikely that this can ever happen.

This Awareness shows that Baron Rothschild (London), according to reliable sources, arranged a meeting in his own house with the role of very stern persons with a request - "to meet someone very principled and special." The Baron introduced the Reptoid representative to the guests. The intruder introduced himself as a messenger of the Draco civilization and said that his civilization was conducting independent research on Earth, like some others, the purpose of which was to help and prepare the Earth's Population to join the Orion Empire and the Bloodthirsty Federation.

This Awareness shows that this incident is a direct confirmation of the connection of the more important representatives of the earth's civilization, who are in charge of the main currency resources, with the representatives of the alien armed forces. Through the monetary system, political regulation is also carried out. Invaders are often divided into Ahrimans (Ahriman) and Angels (Angelic) from the Pleiades.

This Awareness would also like to emphasize that the intruders associated with the Ahrimans are called the Devil in Christian terminology. The owner of the angels - God - is associated with the civilizations of the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturan and Vegan.

This Awareness shows that the Asuras or the demons who work with the Archimans - the Devil - occupy higher official ranks in the armed forces of the Reptoids and Orions. Zeta Reticuli are the least significant, they were known in ancient times as goblins and elves, but then people did not in any way connect them with invaders from other planets.

This Awareness shows that there are still Deros, who are crazy (insane) Grace, left on this planet for healing, but over time turned into real demons. They are far worse than the Zeta Reticuli that have arrived in the last 30 years.

This Awareness shows that essentially you yourself are in these satanic extraterrestrial hierarchies, but still have friends among other civilizations, which in the Christian annals are called angels and gods. The impact of 2 different vibrational (with different energy) sides - conditionally - Light and Black Forces, will lead to the fact that light and black vibrations will immediately exist on Earth. They will have different effects at different points on the planet… At some points of the place, the vibrational energies of the Black Forces will have a significant value, by means of which they will have enormous abilities to influence your planet… In other words, the Earth will evenly begin to divide into two different dimensions. This is due to the mutual influence of the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness on your planet. The Forces of Darkness will destroy the environment, while the Forces of Light will try to make it better, bringing it back to its original state. A similar confrontation is shifting the Earth into the newest dimension of higher vibrations, while the other part will strive towards lower vibrations.

This Awareness shows that people will not be aware of the essence of these processes, but will create that some things become better and others worse, depending on what vibrations they strive for.


RESOLUTION of the International Symposium dedicated to "Natural and space anomalies, dilemmas of global ecology and survival of the Earth's population".

The initiators and organizers of the real Symposium were the Ural Roerich Foundation, the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", JSC "Permtourist", the City Society of Ufologists. PNOS and the Perm City Administration became the general sponsors of the event. The Symposium was attended by representatives of more than 20 cities of Russia, near and far abroad, among them scientists, ufologists, representatives of culture, the press, radio, television and a number of religious denominations. About 200 participants registered. After the plenary sessions, the work of the Symposium was divided into four sections:

1. The impact of the UFO paradox on the population of the earth. Ways and forms of cooperation with other civilizations.

2. Global crisis of civilization and methods of its prevention.

3. Noospheric-cosmic processes, their impact on the biosphere and reverse relations.

4. Bioenergetics and health.

The Symposium meeting took place in Perm for two days, in Kungur for one day, and for two days the Symposium participants went to the village of Molebka. The Symposium resulted in the following decisions:

1. To open in Perm on the basis of the Ural Fund of the Roerichs the Committee for Bioenergy-Information Exchange and a branch of the International Academy of Energy-Informational Sciences.

2. Since the governments of no country on our planet are able to make an appeal to the Coalition, the Symposium assumes the right, on behalf of all peoples, to apply to the Coalition with a request to accept the Population of the Earth into its composition.

3. In case of refusal or ignoring our Appeal by the Coalition, the Symposium proposes to hold a congress of scientists, ufologists and all people concerned about the situation of the Earth's population on November 30, 1996 in Perm, inviting all those previously invited, also those who have something to say on this issue, transforming this movement into a political party, the main goal of which will be to prepare the Population of the earth to join the Coalition.


Appeal to the Coalition of Participants of the International Symposium dedicated to "Natural and space anomalies, dilemmas of global ecology and survival of the Earth's population".

67 years have passed since the Third Appeal of the Coalition to the Population of the Earth, which sounded in 1929 on the radio in the main languages ​​of our planet: British, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. The governments of the states left the Proclamation without comment, and the press hurried to present it as a radio joke, similar to that staged by the radio correspondents who staged the play based on the novel by HG Wells "The War of the Worlds". Although the population of the earth was given 50 years to think, in Russia this text became widely known only in 1991, after the publication of the book "Asgard - the city of the gods", when the deadline for an answer had already passed. Judging by this document, the observers sent to Earth by the Coalition did not have complete and reliable information about the current situation on our planet.

Over the past 50 years, the governments of the leading states of the world have been hiding the fact of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and most importantly, their own ties with an extraterrestrial civilization that has completely controlled the population of the earth for many 1000 years. Ufologists of the world have many facts that testify to the detrimental nature of this kind of control for people. That is why the governments were discrediting scientists, researchers and politicians who were investigating the extraterrestrial presence, as well as eliminating all the facts of visiting our planet by other extraterrestrial civilizations that are members of the Coalition. Individual members of the governments of different states tried to tell the people the truth, for which they paid with their lives. So the President of Grenada was overthrown from his post as a result of a military coup only because he raised the issue of an extraterrestrial presence before the 33rd session of the GO. US Secretary of Security James Forrestal was thrown out of a skyscraper window just because he insisted on publicizing information about US government links with extraterrestrial civilization, the list of dead politicians and scientists who opposed extraterrestrial control of the Earth's population is very long. Therefore, the participants of the Symposium, realizing that on our planet not a single government, not a single international organization is able to decide anything without the help of others, much less make an appeal, took upon themselves the right to turn to the Coalition on behalf of all peoples with a request to include the population of the earth into its own composition.


An open letter from the Organizing Committee of the Congress of Scientists and Politicians to all Governments and international organizations.

From August 12 to 17, 1996, an international Symposium was held in Perm, dedicated to the dilemmas of the survival of the Earth's population and cooperation with other civilizations (the Symposium was organized by the Ural Roerich Foundation, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, the City UFO Society with the financial assistance of the Perm Regional Administration, JSC "Permtourist" and PNOS). As a result of the work of the Symposium, an Appeal was drawn up to the Coalition of Civilizations with a proposal to consider the issue of including the Population of the Earth in its own composition (the text of the Appeal is posted in Komsomolskaya Pravda, Trade Union Courier, Local Time and read out on the Rifey TV program) . After the publication of the Appeal to the Coalition, a representative of an alien civilization met with members of the Organizing Committee and expressed a desire to abandon thoughts about the entry of the Earth's Population into the Coalition, since we do not represent the current state of affairs.

Members of the Organizing Committee do not refute this fact, since it is very difficult to draw correct conclusions in the conditions of imposing disinformation and maintaining a negative cause for the dilemma of the existence of other civilizations. The organizing committee considers it necessary to declare that it will not conduct any secret negotiations behind the back of the population of the earth and will cover all the information received in the press.

Understanding the current complexity of the state of governments, with complete extraterrestrial control over them and absolute ignorance of the population about this, the Organizing Committee invites scientists, representatives of all existing governments, public and international movements on Earth on January 27, 1997 to form a Working Body authorized to negotiate with the Coalition on behalf of the Population earth. Those governments that trust the decisions of the Congress may not send their own representatives. The population of the earth, which is a single organism, can split due to the fact that some members of the governments are preparing their peoples for entry into separate Federations of civilizations. At the moment, the question can only be raised about the probable acceptance of the Earth's population into the Coalition, which will remove extraterrestrial control over states and allow the completion of experiments on people that are being carried out by a number of extraterrestrial civilizations. The issue of accepting the Earth's Population into any civilization should be postponed until the Earth's Population has a complete and correct idea of ​​the Coalition and all extraterrestrial civilizations in contact with the Earth's Population. From January 27 to January 28, 1997 in Russia in Perm, a congress of scientists, politicians and representatives of international organizations will be held from which the aforementioned body will be elected, which will represent the interests of the entire population of the earth, and not individual countries and different sectors of society. We ask you to indicate your own consent to take part in this congress.

Transpersonal project: psychology, anthropology, spiritual traditions Volume I. World transpersonal project Vladimir Kozlov

4. Message from Krishnamurti

4. Message from Krishnamurti

Of the current spiritual figures, hardly anyone has greater influence on the modern searches meaning than Krishnamurti. For sixty years he has been in the public eye. His travels often became round the world; his writings and recordings of his lectures have been translated into many languages.

Krishnamurti's message is both simple and complex. Its rightfully the most famous saying 1929, when he dissolved the Order of the Eastern Star, which intended to place him on the throne of the world teacher of our century, is: "Truth is a country without roads" (Jiddu Krishnamurti. See the facts. Saanen, Switzerland, 1983) For its search, he said, no occult hierarchy needed at all, no guru needed, no doctrine needed. “It is important to free your mind from envy, hatred and violence, and for this you will not need any organization” (J. Krishnamurti “Freedom from the Known” - M., 1995).

Krishnamurti vehemently urges people to study their own heart and mind in order to see the root of all suffering and difficulties of selfishness and self-ignorance; this is what hinders enlightenment. But the call comes from him in the most polite and refined manner, with benevolence and good humor, even when, in his sizzling, but absolutely impersonal dialogues, he “passes through the juicer” those who turned to him with a question or entered into an argument with him.

According to Krishnamurti, we are limited by thoughts, sensory responses, biological and psychological conditioning. Our mind is conditioned by religion. It is due to education. It is conditioned by society. Society is created by people with the help of thinking, which is limited, and therefore society, being a psychological activity and external activity, takes the form of thought. Thought is limited because thought is born from memory, knowledge and experience. Without experience there is no knowledge. All science is based on knowledge and experience (quoted in White, 1996).

Starting as the incarnation of a great teacher, Krishnamurti subsequently in numerous conversations with his own students repeatedly emphasized that a person in search of Truth must learn to “dissolve” all stereotypes in himself, including the stereotype of the Teacher.

The change in Krishnamurti's views was greatly facilitated by the theosophical environment in which he found himself from a young age. These were people who had largely departed from the passionate search for Truth that distinguished the founder of the theosophical movement, H.P. Blavatsky. Many of them went into armchair theorizing and occult mathematics, others - in search of higher reincarnations. Significant failures also occurred in the activities of Annie Besant, who, after the departure of Blavatsky, led the theosophical movement. It was she and her entourage who declared the talented Hindu youth the incarnation of Christ and gave him the name Krishnamurti - literally "the face of Krishna" - the Hindu equivalent of Christ.

For forty years he has performed to audiences of many thousands in India, Switzerland, America and other countries. People of all ages and classes came to him with their troubles and questions, and no one met with a refusal. He did not promise and did not give consolation, but in the atmosphere of light and love surrounding him, the most cruel truth was perceived as good and was capable of producing the deepest changes in the souls and minds of people.

It is impossible to present Krishnamurti's system of beliefs, because the word "system" is unacceptable in relation to his philosophy. Reading Krishnamurti, people experience the great shock that comes from an unexpectedly discovered truth. “I don’t teach you anything, I just hold a lantern so that you can see better, and whether you want to see is your business” (J. Krishnamurti “Freedom from the Known” - M., 1995).

The philosophy of Krishnamurti is not a teaching with certain dogmas. His ideas about life and death, happiness and joy, space and time, about love, etc., which are discussed in his conversations, are not imposed on the interlocutor, moreover, they are simply put as a subject of thought for everyone, and a solution for each individual own. Come to everything yourself, do not believe in any dogmas, ideas, patterns - esoteric, Christian, Islamic, etc.

The main position - the main thing that can be put as the basis of Krishnamurti's views - is the idea of ​​​​freedom. Freedom from external and internal influences and motives that limit a person's view of life, narrowing his horizons. But how to manage, having gone through upbringing in the family, education received at institutes, having acquired certain patterns of thinking of the society in which a person lives, to preserve the purity of the perception of the child?

Krishnamurti does not give an unequivocal answer to this question. As, however, to all questions of life, which, in his opinion, do not have a definite answer. Krishnamurti's answers are almost always paradoxical, they tack on a razor's edge and are extraordinarily accurate, opening a person's eyes to the eternal and imperishable. Here, for example, the concept of life as something changeable, dynamic flow, in order to see and evaluate immortality and metaspace, not limited by time parameters. He talks about the experience that causes the ossification of our perception, forms certain stereotypes of behavior in already known situations. He points out that it is necessary to be aware of this in order not to limit the possibility of perceiving each phenomenon, to perceive it as for the first time. Krishnamurti's definition of a truly religious mind as an explosion of awareness, a rebellion against all fetters and systems, is unusually vivid.

Krishnamurti engaged in active educational activities in the period of the 50-60s, when the post-war crisis led to the collapse of the world system, a mighty stream of national liberation revolutions arose in different countries. He saw the way to resolve world conflicts not in politics or religion, but in individual revolution, in the process of self-knowledge of the individual. “If there is no transformation of the individual, who is a product of society, I don’t know how we will get out of this chaos. One must begin with an understanding of the slavery of the mind ”(J. Krishnamurti“ Freedom from the Known ”- M., 1995).

This fundamental theme is developed by Krishnamurti step by step.

But what does Krishnamurti offer us? This is not a system of beliefs, not religious dogmas, not a set of ready-made rules and regulations, not calls for spiritual uplift and not inspired chatter about existence in transcendental worlds.

He does not offer self-discipline and prayer, he is not a supporter of yoga. In all his lectures he spoke about the development of awareness, about the fact that life is a transcendental spontaneity, a creative Reality. Only the awareness of such a reality, the openness of a person to the dynamic flow of experiences, without choice, leads to full understanding and full of love. This awareness without choice in every moment, in all life circumstances, is the only effective meditation (Mystics of the 20th century, 1996). Reading Krishnamurti, you understand and feel not consolation, not affection, not support, but the unity of mankind in the most difficult and eternal problems that everyone needs to decide here, in this life.

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A Message from Above I want to understand what happened to my friend Chick D'Arpino on an early February morning in 1966 and how that experience changed his life in a dramatic way and has continued to change since. I want to figure out what happened to Chic because I want to know

To mankind from Coalition Detachment Observers (KON), a broadcaster who introduced himself as a messenger of an interplanetary civilization and called himself "Nikomo" more than once got in touch with messages for earthlings. This was documented in Brad Steiger's Encounters with the Alien (1977). Excerpt from the book translated into Russian:

“John Keel claims that most often they receive unknown radio messages with friendly warnings to stop nuclear testing and the cessation of hostile and warlike relations towards each other. Keel writes:
... On August 3, 1958, radio amateurs throughout the United States reported receiving a strange transmission on the 75-meter international band. Male voice, who called himself Necoma from the planet Jupiter, warned his listeners that the American tests atomic bombs can lead the world to disaster. He spoke for two and a half hours in English, German, Norwegian, and his own language, which has been described as a kind of "musical gibberish".
"It was the most powerful signal ever received," said one listener. "The long broadcast period attracted hundreds of listeners who called friends and neighbors, called relatives in other states (states)."
F.C.C. later denied any information about the broadcast…”

Later, in 1996, a message appeared, which is called the "Fourth Message to Humanity from CON". The Russian version of this message is known to us in the translation of Nikolai Subbotin. It fits in amazingly with Milton Williams Cooper's scandalous Secret Government Proclamation, the Grudge Project, the Krill reports, the CON Proclamations, and many other noteworthy documents that reveal the truth about the colonization and use of the Earth by other civilizations (including previous civilizations of the Earth itself) .

Foreword by Nikolai Subbotin

I received this document from a South American colleague and friend, Steve Wingate, who lives near San Francisco. The first reading of the 4th Appeal causes a slight shock to the uninitiated. You can treat this document in different ways. However, the issues raised in it are confirmed by numerous independent sources. Yes, we are controlled! But not presidents or senators. Those whom the press calls little green men interfere in our politics. Americans call them "grays" ("greys" - "gray").

After the publication of some documents of the Majestic-12 project, the world first learned that governments have more serious information about "flying saucers" than is shown to the general public. This was followed by a whole wave of semi-documentary and semi-fiction films, articles and books, reflecting some real reasons for the presence of another mind on Earth. People began to gradually prepare for something more overwhelming, much more than the realization of the fact that we are not alone in the universe! The 3rd Global War has begun! War for our minds...

Former US government military consultant William Milton Cooper, in his "Petition of the Prosecution", sent on April 24, 1989 to each member of the US Senate and Congress, showed that the heads of the leading states of the world not only have long been aware of the existence of other civilizations, but also maintain close relations with them. contacts at the level of technology exchange and joint research. The “petition”, sent around the world via the Internet, caused a great resonance, although it was not discussed in the media. mass media, but crystallized several new problems of primary interest to modern researchers:

  • "Area 51" (Groom Lake) - a place known as a top-secret government military base, intended for joint use by earthlings and aliens. According to many researchers, it is in this area that the infamous underground laboratory in Dulce is located, on which there was a conflict with aliens, as a result of which more than 60 members of the Delta team died.
  • Grudge Bluebook #13 Project - scientific program research of a captured representative of another civilization, known as Krill. As a result of a long communication with him at one of the military bases in New Mexico, the document “Reports of Krill. Descriptions of technology and culture of aliens. The Blue Book itself is a document whose existence (over 600 pages) has been denied by the US government. It contains reports on the technical condition, data on flying saucers and weapons, autopsy reports alien creatures and their photographs (alive and dead).
  • "Men in Black" (MIBs - Men in Black) is the most disturbing aspect of the alien invasion. The last two decades have seen the rise of the men in black. Researchers consider them punitive detachments of aliens. This activation was expressed in exerting pressure and intimidating prominent scientists, researchers, and politicians. The purpose of these actions is to prevent earthly civilization from joining the Space Coalition.
  • Bases on the Moon. Many facts indicate that there must be artificial bases on the Moon. The question is whether they were built by aliens or by previous civilizations of the Earth.

Together with Steve Wingate, we are conducting a systematic study of the lunar surface in the places of probable deployment of bases. After gaining access to the database of the Clementine project (1.6 million photographs of the lunar surface), we were able to identify many anomalies of the lunar surface caused by artificial technological factors, as well as create detailed map dislocations of lunar bases with very precise coordinates.

What you will read below, I am inclined to attribute to the addition of the Third Address of KOH to Humanity. I hope that you will correctly evaluate the information that fell into your hands and dispose of it properly.

Sincerely, Nikolay V. Subbotin, Russia, Perm.

KOH Fourth Appeal: Good and Bad Representatives of the Cosmos

Our knowledge indicates that the New World Order is the development of a script written by a civilization from Orion known as the Greys. The goal of the Order is future inclusion in the Orion Empire. Despite planned events, they are not the only possible choice or alternative. The Cosmic Coalition, which includes civilizations from the Pleiadians (Pleiadians), Vega (Vegans) and the planets of Sirius (Sirius) is very worried and hopes that the Earth will not become part of the Orion Empire or the Federation of Draco (Dragons). They would prefer to see the Earth as part of the Cosmic Coalition.

The Earth is of particular importance to the galaxy and is especially significant due to its water content, as well as the central computer located in the depths of the planet. The computer was located by the Orion Overseers in ancient times when they had a lot of control over the Earth. Now they want to restart the computer and use the planet for their own purposes.

There are other terrestrial civilizations that have full rights to the planet, but have lost control over it as a result of wars or other circumstances. The rights of these civilizations must be taken into account in the discussion of who really is the master of the planet.

AT this moment it is difficult to determine the belonging of the Earth to any one civilization, despite the fact that many cultures have their own objects on the planet and consider themselves to be its true owners. Reptoids (Reptoids) have been demanding confirmation of their rights for about ten thousand years. The Sirian civilizations claim to have taken control of the planet from the hands of the Reptoids, while the Pleiades insist on a spiritual connection with Humanity. Representatives of Vega do not protest their rights, but offer their help as an ally in the fight against despotic alien civilizations.

The Grays (hereinafter - the Orions) - tall aliens with thin noses - claim ownership of a computer located in the bowels of the Earth and capable of providing energy through a special energy network for economic and military progress. The Orions are in a better economic position, which allows them to control other alien civilizations such as the Draconians and the Zeta Reticulans.

The smaller Grays and the Zeta Reticuli are mostly mercenaries, dominated by the Draconians, the Draco Reptoids, who in turn are subordinate to the Orions despite having great military power and great power. Draconian military forces are capable of colonizing planets without the assistance of the Orions, however, the Orions have sufficient experience in this matter, and therefore the Draconians do not challenge their rights, providing them with military assistance, while the Orions take over the reins of political and economic control.

Pseudo-reasonable Humanity does not pay attention to the manipulations that are carried out with it, living in momentary pleasures and being guided not by reason, but by behavioral instincts. Among people, only a few fully understand the goals and objectives of the presence of aliens on Earth or have any idea about them.

The Cosmic Coalition, which includes the Pleiades, Vega, Sirius and Arcturans, remains neutral, as it was not invited by any people or government, to help people get rid of the humiliating oppression exerted by the armed forces of the Draconians and Orions. In fact, most people do not yet realize that they are in slavery - from health to technology - which makes it possible for hostile civilizations to freely expand their sphere of influence. The Space Coalition has plans, capabilities and military forces to help Humanity, but it is waiting for the moment when people themselves realize the imminent danger and ask for help.

The recent death of Creston, also known as Ron Rummell, who was sent to Earth to notify earthlings of the threat from the Grays and Reptoids, served as a turning point in the Cosmic Coalition's understanding of the conditions for the existence of human civilization. The envoy, on the instructions of the Vegans and the Arcturians, was to find out the reasons why Humanity cannot resist the Dark Armed Forces, which use monetary systems as the main means of invasion and government systems board. The messenger, who was very limited in money and completely dependent on the assistance of his friends to help maintain and continue research, received a fairly clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe difficulties that the monetary system of government brought to the Earth. In the last couple of years of his stay on Earth, the Messenger managed to understand that the monetary system, in essence, was controlled and implemented on the planet by the military forces of Orion. This form of control has great power over people. Many of those who work for the invaders are silent only because they are afraid of losing their jobs if they start talking about UFOs or aliens.

One of the questions for Ron when he made contact with his friends from Vega was: "Why couldn't you do anything when you found out about the true state of things?". His response was: "I didn't have Money! This has led to widespread confusion as the Vegan civilization does not use money. Representatives of the Pleiades, Sirius and Arcturus also do not use the monetary system. Only civilizations subordinate to Orion use and propagate monetary system.

The messenger Creston (that is his name on Vega), known on Earth as Ron Rammell, gave the Vegans, Arcturians and Pleiadians extremely important information, based on which they were able to understand why earthlings are not able to get rid of humiliating oppression and slavery. This new information, in addition to a general understanding of the situation, allows them to be more active in their intervention, which was previously prohibited by the so-called "Main Directive" - ​​avoiding any influence on a civilization that did not ask for appropriate intervention (help). Now they understand that with the existing monetary system that has enslaved people, such an invitation cannot be received.

With the destruction of Ron Rummel, the invading military forces hastened their end by placing themselves in the hands of the Cosmic Coalition, which, after reconsidering their positions on Humanity, has much more reason to be sure that people, being prisoners on their planet, could not ask for help, because they just shut their mouths. In the future, it will be decided either to offer the Dark Armed Forces to stop their activities, or to rid the Earth of its presence altogether. However, hard times are coming for Earth as the invaders are about to complete the coup on this planet.

How can aliens use a computer inside the Earth? What might happen if aliens gain access to the computer and are able to restart it? What benefits will this move bring to them? Our awareness indicates that the purpose was to release some vibrations - a kind of protection from spiritual energies, a barrier to spiritual knowledge.

This computer generates special frequencies that force the human mind to focus on feelings of constantly threatening danger and conflict. Some vibrations are capable of generating disturbances - these disturbances are also caused by the planets during their movement (for example, Saturn), when the quadrant of the object to the Sun will have some negative effect on the object. In addition, the computer can be used to stimulate wars and violence, paranoia, conflicts. As a result of the work of the computer, greed, quarrels, anxieties, and stresses become the norm. A huge number of people are susceptible to these frequencies.

In the past two decades, some units of the US CIA have made efforts and even created special teams that have destroyed many of the Computer's crystalline network terminals found in subway tunnels and underground caverns, resulting in the disruption of its centralized activities.

There was a special group in the CIA responsible for doing this work. However, it was disbanded and did not finish the job. Such activities took place not only in the United States, but also in Germany in the 50s, 60s and early 70s. We are aware that in the end the work of the Computer was reduced to a minimum. But what happens if it works again? This will cause a huge negative effect. But it is unlikely that it will be included in the near future.

There are many people who are unaware of the true goals of their activities and are making significant efforts to restore the Computer and its network. They think that they are working for the benefit of Humanity - they receive instructions from Orion agents and believe that the Orions do this out of concern for the well-being of people. Successful efforts have been made to prevent these people from doing their job. The headquarters of this group is concentrated in the state of Ohio, in the city of Toledo. It also appears that efforts to restart the Computer have been frustrated or delayed. It is unlikely that this can even happen.

Baron Rothschild (London), according to reliable sources, arranged a meeting in his house with the participation of very serious persons with a request to "meet someone very important and special." The Baron introduced the Reptoid representative to the guests. The alien introduced himself as a messenger of the Dragon civilization and said that his civilization is conducting independent research on Earth, like some other civilizations, and that the purpose of their research is to help and prepare Mankind to join the Orion Empire and the Merciless Federation (Bloodthirsty Federation). This case is a direct proof of the connection of the most significant representatives of the earth's civilization, who are in charge of the main financial resources, with representatives of the armed forces of the invaders. Political regulation is also carried out through the monetary system.

Aliens are often divided into Ahriman and Angelic beings from the Pleiades. We would like to emphasize that the aliens associated with Ahriman are called Satan in Christian terminology. The owner of angelic beings - God - is associated with the civilizations of the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus and Vega. Asuras (Asuras) are demons (demons) working with Ahrimans - the Devil - they occupy the highest official ranks in armed forces Reptoids and Orions. The inhabitants of the Zeta constellation Grid are less significant and were known in ancient times as goblins and elves, but then people did not in any way associate them with aliens from other planets. There are also Deros - these are mentally ill (crazy) Grays left on this planet for treatment, but over time turned into real demons. They are much worse than the Zeta Reticuli who have arrived in the last 30 years.

In essence, you yourself are members of these Satanic alien hierarchies, but nevertheless you have friends among other civilizations, which are called angels and gods in the Christian chronicles. The influence of two different vibrational (with different energy) sides — conventionally Light and Dark Forces — will lead to the fact that light and dark vibrations will simultaneously exist on Earth. They will have different effects on different points planets. In other words, the Earth will gradually begin (and already begins) to be divided into two different dimensions. This is due to the mutual influence of the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness on the Earth. The Forces of Darkness will destroy the environment, while the Forces of Light will try to improve it, bringing it back to its original state. Such a confrontation shifts the Earth into a new dimension - higher vibrations, while the other part will strive for lower vibrations. People will not understand the essence of these processes, but will see that one becomes better and the other worse, depending on what vibrations they aspire to.

* The text of the message is given in the edition of the site site, taking into account the available two translation options and ease of reading.

An analysis of the color of the stars of the constellations Pleiades, Sirius and Vega showed that they have white and white-blue - the colors of the auras of saints. In Orion, the supergiant star Betelgeuse has a red color - the color of the untouchable caste, and the only blue one is the star Rigel. Perhaps the civilization from Rigel (high Grays) is the “fallen angels” depicted in the biblical legend.

Resolution of the International Symposium

Resolution of the International Symposium dedicated to "Natural and space anomalies, dilemmas of global ecology and survival of the Earth's population".

The initiators and organizers of this Symposium were the Ural Roerich Foundation, the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", JSC "Permtourist", the City Society of Ufologists. PNOS and the Perm City Administration became the general sponsors of the event. More than 20 cities sent their own representatives to the Symposium Russian Federation, near and far abroad, among which were scientists, ufologists, representatives of culture, the press, radio, television and a number of religious denominations. About 200 participants registered. After the plenary sessions, the work of the Symposium was divided into four sections:

  1. The impact of the UFO paradox on the population of the earth. Ways and forms of cooperation with other civilizations.
  2. Global crisis of civilization and methods of its prevention.
  3. Noospheric-cosmic processes, their impact on the biosphere and reverse relations.
  4. Bioenergetics and health.

The Symposium meeting was held in Perm for two days, in Kungur for one day, and for two days the Symposium participants went to the village of Molebka. The Symposium resulted in the following decisions:

  1. Open in Perm on the basis of the Ural Fund of the Roerichs the Committee of Bioenergy-Information Exchange and a branch of the International Academy of Energy-Informational Sciences.
  2. Since the governments of no country on our planet are able to make an appeal to the Coalition, the Symposium assumes the right, on behalf of all peoples, to turn to the Coalition with a request to accept the population of the Earth into its composition.
  3. In case of refusal or ignoring our Appeal by the Coalition, the Symposium proposes to hold a congress of scientists, ufologists and all people concerned about the situation of the Earth's population on November 30, 1996 in Perm, inviting all those previously invited, as well as those who have something to say on this issue, transforming this movement into a political party whose main goal will be to prepare the population of the Earth to join the Coalition.

Accepted by the participants of the Symposium on August 17, 1996.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee V.A. Shemshuk.

Appeal to CON

Appeal to the Coalition from the Participants of the International Symposium dedicated to "Natural and space anomalies, global ecology dilemmas and the survival of the Earth's population."

67 years have passed since the Third Appeal of the Coalition to the population of the Earth, which was heard in 1929 on the radio in the main languages ​​of our planet: English, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. The governments of the states left the Proclamation without comment, and the press hurried to present it as a radio joke, similar to that staged by the radio correspondents who staged the play based on the novel by HG Wells "The War of the Worlds". Although the population of the Earth was given 50 years to think, in the Russian Federation this text became widely known only in 1991, after the publication of the book "Asgard - the city of the gods", when the deadline for a response had already passed. Judging by this document, the observers sent by the Coalition to Earth did not have complete and reliable information about the current situation on our planet.

Over the past 50 years, the governments of the leading states of the world have been hiding the fact of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and most importantly, their own ties with an extraterrestrial civilization that has undividedly controlled the population of the Earth for many millennia. Ufologists of the world have a lot of facts testifying to the harmfulness of this kind of control for people. Therefore, the governments were discrediting scientists, researchers and politicians who were investigating the extraterrestrial presence, as well as eliminating all the facts of visiting our planet by other extraterrestrial civilizations that are members of the Coalition. Individual members of the governments of different states tried to tell the people the truth, for which they paid with their lives. So the President of Grenada was overthrown from his post as a result of a military coup only because he raised the issue of an extraterrestrial presence before the 33rd session of the UN. US Secretary of Security James Forrestal was thrown out of a skyscraper window just because he insisted on publicizing US government links to extraterrestrial civilization. The list of dead politicians and scientists who spoke out against extraterrestrial control of the Earth's population is very long. Therefore, the participants of the Symposium, realizing that on our planet not a single government, not a single international organization is able to decide anything without the help of others, and even more so to make an appeal, took upon themselves the right to turn to the Coalition on behalf of all peoples with a request to include the population Lands in own composition.

Open letter from the Organizing Committee of the Congress of Scientists and Politicians

An open letter from the Organizing Committee of the Congress of Scientists and Politicians to all Governments and international organizations.

From August 12 to 17, 1996, an international Symposium was held in Perm, dedicated to the dilemmas of the survival of the Earth's population and cooperation with other civilizations (the symposium was organized by the Ural Roerich Foundation, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, the City UFO Society with the financial assistance of the Perm Regional Administration, JSC "Permturist "and PHOS). As a result of the work of the Symposium, an Appeal was drawn up to the Coalition of Civilizations with a proposal to consider the issue of including the Earth's population in its own composition (the text of the Appeal is posted in Komsomolskaya Pravda, Trade Union Courier, Local Time and read out on the Rifey TV program) . After the publication of the Appeal to the Coalition, the members of the Organizing Committee met with a representative alien civilization and expressed the desire to discard thoughts about the entry of the population of the Earth into the Coalition, since we do not represent the present state of affairs.

Members of the Organizing Committee do not refute this fact, since in the criteria for imposing disinformation and maintaining negative attitude it is very difficult to draw correct conclusions about the existence of other civilizations. The Organizing Committee considers it necessary to declare that it will not conduct any secret negotiations behind the backs of the Earth's population and will cover all the information received in the press.

Understanding the current complexity of the situation of governments, with complete extraterrestrial control over them and absolute ignorance of the population about this, the Organizing Committee invites scientists, representatives of all existing governments, public and international movements on Earth on January 27, 1997 to form a Working Body authorized to negotiate with the Coalition on behalf of the population Earth. Those governments that do not trust the decisions of the Congress may not send their own representatives. The population of the Earth, which is a single organism, may split due to the fact that certain members of governments are preparing their peoples to join separate Federations of Civilizations. At the moment, the question can only be raised about the probable acceptance of the Earth's population into the Coalition, which will remove extraterrestrial control over states and allow the completion of experiments on people that are being carried out by a number of extraterrestrial civilizations. The issue of accepting the Earth's population into any civilization should be postponed until the Earth's population has a complete and correct idea of ​​the Coalition and all extraterrestrial civilizations in contact with the Earth's population. From January 27 to January 28, 1997, a congress of scientists, politicians and representatives of international organizations will be held in Perm, from which the above-mentioned body will be elected, which will represent the interests of the entire population of the Earth, and not individual countries and different strata of society. We ask you to notify us of your own consent to take part in this congress.

Used materials from sites

Only then will deliverance be sent to the people of Israel, when [the Jews] will help those in need, as it is said: "[Zion will be freed in merit for justice], [the Jewish people] will return from captivity in merit for helping those in need."

It is written: "Mercy will guide him [like a guardian angel]." In accordance with the simple meaning of the text, one should say not "lead him", but "go ahead of him." [Why is it said, after all, "he will lead him"? This will become clear from] the explanation given below. It is written: "Your words resound in my heart: "Seek in Me the hidden things." (Another interpretation of what the Almighty said - "Seek the hidden in own heart".) [Love for the Almighty, which, like] a flame, [flares up] from the Divine [spiritual] element of fire, is originally laid in the heart [of a person]. There are two varieties of this love; [it can be caused by factors that we we will conditionally call] "external" and "internal". The "external" factor is the intellectual comprehension of Ein Sof [- the Most High], blessed be He, awakening love for Him in the heart and consisting in an in-depth understanding and awareness of the greatness of the Most High. "This love is hot, like red-hot coals ... ". The "internal" factor is an irrational desire for Him, arising in the very depths of the heart and not amenable to intellectual analysis; it cannot appear as a result of the realization of the greatness of the Most High. As it is written: "From the depths I called to You, G -Lord" - from the depths of the heart (we observe something similar in the world around us: in extreme situation when something happens that reveals the meaning of a person’s life, and he is shaken by this to the very depths of his soul, he often does such things and says things that are contrary to logic [but are a natural manifestation of his irrational nature]). In the book of Koelet it is written: "...[The Almighty created the world in such a way that] everything that exists [in it] has its own opposite...". [This principle is also true in relation to the spiritual service of a person to the Creator:] the irrational desire for Him, which arises in the very depths of the heart, is much more important than the emotions generated by the work of the intellect and controlled by that of its spheres in which the assessment of the observed takes place and an attitude towards it is developed. . This striving is a reflection of the Sephirah Hochma [- the boundary area between the rational and the irrational], in which the Almighty is revealed much more fully than in the Sefirot of Binah [corresponding to a person's ability to understand] and Daat [corresponding to his ability to realize sensation], - she is a vestment and a receptacle for the light of the Creator [Himself]; we can say that she is this light itself. As it is written: "The Lord [manifests] in Hochma...". The divine radiance [of Hochma] is the essence of every Jewish soul.

Why is it that not every person is rewarded with an ascent to that spiritual level, when service to the Almighty is expressed in an irrational desire for Him that arises in the very depths of the heart? Because this aspiration in many people is either suppressed or controlled by a bad inclination, and this is the reason that Divinity [- the presence of the Almighty among the Jewish people — does not manifest itself clearly, for the Creator is in in a certain sense] is in exile [together with Israel. And what is Divinity?] That very radiance of the Most High, which is the essence of the Divine soul. About the reason for the exile, our teachers said, blessed be their memory: "They were taken to Babylon, and Divinity [went into exile] along with them ...", meaning that the irrational desire of man for the Most High was reborn into the opposite: thirst carnal pleasures - and put on filthy clothes [which evil wears in this world], and Babylon is a symbol of this, [for the people in this country were immoral. Thirst for carnal pleasures] - the irrational desire of the heart for the Almighty, which has taken on an ugly form - interferes with the unity of a person with the Creator, and it should be got rid of - just as it is necessary to get rid of the foreskin in order to conclude an alliance with Him; and of this it is said: "Remove the shell [of evil] from your hearts."

To fulfill the commandment of circumcision, you need to do two things: mila[removal of the foreskin] and pria[removal of a thin subcutaneous film from the operated site], and if the film was not removed, then the person is considered uncircumcised. What has been said is also true in relation to the spiritual analogue of circumcision: there are two types of carnal desires [- to the forbidden and to the permitted]; the first of them [creates around the heart] a more dense shell [of evil], and the second - less dense. [Now it becomes clear the deep meaning of the law of the necessity of action pria at circumcision:] until the thin film of evil is removed, the desire for the Almighty in the heart of a person remains hidden under the shell of vice.

The words of the Torah: "Remove the shell [of evil] from your hearts" hints at the need to remove the denser shell from our hearts, [and it is emphasized that] we must do it ourselves. However, it is difficult for a person to remove a less dense shell [without the help of the Almighty]; it is said that only in the time of Mashiach "the Lord your God will remove the shell [of evil] from your heart ... so that you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, [realizing] that in Him is your whole life." And a person will love the Almighty [as recklessly] as himself. Such love can come, as has already been said, only from the very depths of the heart, from its spiritual essence, which is outside the realm of the rational. [The Talmud says: despite the fact that we are waiting for] the arrival of the Messiah [every minute, he will still appear] unexpectedly for the Jews; it means [that with his advent such depths of the Divine will be revealed that are unpredictable and incomprehensible to the intellect, and] the supra-personal irrational desire for the Almighty will be revealed, and the supra-individual essence of Divinity will be freed from the power [of evil] and subordination [to him] - now forever and ever.

A similar phenomenon - the exit from the exile of that spark of the Divine, which is intended for the soul of each individual Jew - is periodically observed even now, when a person is spiritually renewed during prayer, if his prayer comes from the very depths of the heart and breaks the [double] shell surrounding him evil to merge with the Almighty; [at the same time, he must feel] a passionate desire [to comprehend the Creator, realizing], as we said earlier, that in Him is his whole life. This spiritual upsurge during prayer is also, in a certain sense, a surprise for a Jew, for no reflection on the greatness of the Almighty is able to give such an effect - this is a gift that the Creator honors, the highest degree of manifestation of His favor, as it is written: "And it will be favorable the Lord to you..." and as it is said elsewhere: "... the Lord your G-d will remove the shell [of evil] from your heart...".

It is known, however, that this generosity [of the Almighty] is due to the spiritual awakening of the person himself, which causes the manifestation of the Creator’s kindness and is an action that the Cabal calls the “splash Mayim Nukwim". As our teachers said, blessed is their memory: "A drop will not fall from heaven [until two drops rise there]."

Therefore, the person himself should begin: he must [make efforts to] remove both shells from his heart: both denser and less dense, which prevent him from loving the Almighty with all his heart, as himself, which we spoke about earlier. . For before this feeling of his was aimed at satisfying his carnal needs and "to love himself" for him meant to love his own flesh - which is diametrically opposed to love for the Almighty, as mentioned above. [What should he do in order to free his heart from the shells?] To help those in need materially, as required by the Almighty, - for the money that a person donates, he takes away from himself [- from the one whom he loves most]; this applies especially to those who are short of money, who are themselves in a difficult situation: after all, such a person really forgoes what is most important to him - all the more so if he feeds on the labor of his own hands. After all, it cannot be that he does not put his whole soul, his whole heart into the business he is engaged in; [this is true for everyone -] take at least a merchant [accustomed to keeping track of money]. And so he generously distributes the fruits of his labor at the command of the Almighty, doing it with sincere joy, and [thereby] saves his soul from death, [saves that very] spark of the Divine in his heart, which was in exile under the cover of one of shells [of evil], as it is said about: "Free your heart from imprisonment." Word mesher, [the main meaning of which is "keep"], in this context means "conclusion". By helping those in need, a person who was in captivity of temptations "ransoms" himself. Now the hidden meaning of the word becomes clear pria: it comes from the verb lifroa- "to pay off"; a person pays the forces of evil by paying off them - for they ruled over the most secret in his heart [and were a constant source of temptation for him]. This is what it says: "[Zion will be freed in merit for justice], [the Jewish people] will return from captivity in merit for helping those in need."

This also emphasizes literal translation the phrase given at the beginning: "Mercy will go ahead of him, [like a guardian angel]." Lefanave- "ahead of him" (literally - "in front of his face") - has one more meaning: the word is without a prefix le means "inner", "hidden". The simple meaning of the word yaaloh not "go", but "lead" - that is, helping the needy will "lead" the heart of a Jew to the Almighty, and then the person "will go through life in the ways that the Creator has indicated," as it is written: "... Walk in the ways that He pointed out, "Follow the L-rd your G-d." This means keeping His commandments and studying the Torah, which is equivalent to keeping all the other commandments combined. If the fulfillment of the commandment to study the Torah is dictated by the deepest need of the heart, there is much more spirituality in this than when a person’s actions are caused by a simple response of his heart to the arguments of reason. In the second case, the favor of the Almighty is not so obvious, because the person did not awaken it [from the Creator] by helping those in need; [because it is known that] the fulfillment of this commandment leads to harmony in his relationship with the Almighty. About this it is written: "Free my soul from [the captivity of temptations], so that [between me and You] harmony will be established." The word "soul" here refers to that spark of the Divine, [which burns in the heart of every Jew].

Our teachers said that the fulfillment of the commandment to help those in need creates harmony between the Jewish people and their Heavenly Father, blessed be their memory. Helping the needy, [they believed], frees the Jewish souls, in which there is a particle of the Divine essence, from the power of evil that keeps them captive - all the more so [if it comes to] supporting the poor living in Eretz- Israel - the country chosen by the Almighty - as it is written: "... The gaze of the Lord your God is constantly directed at her", "... She will always be before My eyes and in My heart." In the merit of keeping this commandment, we have escaped the slanderous accusation of those who tried to make us go astray. And may this merit provide us eternal life which He who breathed life into all His creations will give us, and may He illuminate us with His life-giving light, marking us forever with His favor. Amen! May it be His will!