Krivosheev Mark Iosifovich family children. Museum of Television and Radio on the Internet - family album

Krivosheev Mark Iosifovich (b. 1922) - Russian scientist, specialist in the field of television measurements, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1966), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1984). Developed (1946) a device that made it possible for the first time to receive a television image of the new standard of 625 lines. He supervised the development of a telecomplex for satellite communications of the Molniya system. State Prize USSR (1981).

  • - ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary pseudonyms

  • - Nikolai Alekseevich, chemist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Proceedings on the chemistry and technology of condensed energy-intensive systems and energy conversion. Lenin Prize, State Prize of the USSR ...

    Russian encyclopedia

  • - - Dr. historical sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Director of the Institute general education Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. see also Russian Academy education...

    Pedagogical terminological dictionary

  • - military and polar pilot, staff captain of the Russian army. Pole by nationality. Member of the First World War...

    Encyclopedia of technology

  • - Genus. in Vladivostok in a family of employees. Graduated from philosophy. Faculty of Rostov university He was an electrician, handyman, teacher in rural school, taught in Yelabuga ped. institute...
  • - President of the international association "SOLEV Management"; was born on May 6, 1947 in Kuibyshev...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Theater expert and theater critic, head of the department of foreign art of the St. Petersburg state academy theatrical art; was born on August 12, 1927 in Irkutsk...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Genus. 1896, mind. 1957. Design engineer, specialist in the field of power engineering. Supervised the development of steam and gas turbines. Twice winner of the State and Lenin Prizes...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - famous hebraist. Studied at the verbal faculty of Moscow University; was the first Russian Jew to receive a university education...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Chief Editor magazine "Barnaul". Born November 9, 1918 in Bogotol Krasnoyarsk Territory. Graduated from Omsk pedagogical institute in 1940. In 1940-1941. - teacher of the Omsk Pedagogical Institute ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Ilya Petrovich, Mordovian Soviet poet. Graduated Saratov University. The first poems were published in 1923. One of the founders of Mordovian Soviet literature...
  • - Mordovian Soviet poet. Graduated from Saratov University. The first poems were published in 1923. One of the founders of Mordovian Soviet literature...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - polar pilot Polish by nationality...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Russian specialist in the field of power engineering. Chief designer steam and gas turbines. Lenin Prize. USSR State Prize...
  • - Russian chemist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Proceedings on chemistry and technology of condensing energy-intensive systems and energy conversion. Lenin Prize, USSR State Prize...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - military and polar pilot. Pole by origin. Since 1909 in the Russian army. In 1914 he made the first seaplane flights in the Arctic along west coast New Earth. Since 1919 in Poland...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

"Krivosheev Mark Iosifovich" in books


From book silver Age. portrait gallery cultural heroes of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

PETRAZHITSKY Lev Iosifovich 1 (13) 4/1867 - 15/5/1931 Lawyer, legal theorist. One of the founders psychological school rights. In 1898-1918 he headed the Department of Encyclopedia and Philosophy of Law at St. Petersburg University. Member of the Polish Academy since 1912. Deputy 1st State Duma, cadet.

Vladimir Iosifovich Pyatnitsky

From the book Intelligence School No. 005 author Pyatnitsky Vladimir Iosifovich

Vladimir Iosifovich Pyatnitsky Vladimir Pyatnitsky is younger son the world-famous revolutionary Joseph (Osip) Pyatnitsky (1882–1938), one of the founders of the Bolshevik Party and the Communist International (Comintern). His father was one of the leaders


From the book 100 famous Jews author Rudycheva Irina Anatolievna

SCHWARTS ISAAK IOSIFOVICH (born in 1923) Soviet composer, member of the Union of Composers (1955), Honored Art Worker of Russia (1983), laureate of the State Prize of Russia (1998), Prize of the President Russian Federation in Literature and Arts (2003), three


From the book Fall tsarist regime. Volume 7 author Schegolev Pavel Eliseevich

Krivosheev Krivosheev, dir. Varsh. government theatres. II, 399,

Mark, you are wrong! (Mark Donskoy / Eldar Ryazanov)

From the book Scandals Soviet era the author Razzakov Fedor

Mark, you are wrong! (Mark Donskoy / Eldar Ryazanov) At the beginning of 1972, a serious scandal happened between two famous film directors - Mark Donskoy and Eldar Ryazanov. And it began on February 16, when the Main Directorate for Feature Cinematography adopted

Petrazhitsky Lev Iosifovich

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (P) author Brockhaus F. A.

Petrazhitsky Lev Iosifovich

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(PE) author TSB

Krivosheev Ilya Petrovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KR) of the author TSB

Nagursky Yan Iosifovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (NA) of the author TSB

Krivosheev Grigory Vasilievich

From the book We burned alive [Victims of the Great Patriotic War: Tankmen. Fighters. Stormtroopers] author Drabkin Artem Vladimirovich

Krivosheev Grigory Vasilievich

From the book I fought with the aces of the Luftwaffe [To replace the fallen, 1943-1945] author Drabkin Artem Vladimirovich

Krivosheev Grigory Vasilyevich I was born on March 31, 1923 in the Crimea. His mother was a rural doctor, and his father was a decorator. I had a sister and two brothers. Moreover, all three brothers became pilots. The elder brother Boris in the 40th already flew over the Caucasus, the middle brother Volodya

Krivosheev Grigory Vasilievich

From the book Fighters ["Cover, attack!"] author Drabkin Artem Vladimirovich

Krivosheev Grigory Vasilievich Pilots of the 17th GvShAP receive a mission. In the background are the Hurricane fighters, with which the regiment was armed before receiving the IL-2. We arrived at the regiment. I come to Eremin, introduced myself, and Eremin is such a figure for me! I let go of my mustache in the reserve regiment

Krivosheev Grigory Vasilievich

From the book We fought in fighter jets [Two bestsellers in one volume] author Drabkin Artem Vladimirovich

Krivosheev Grigory Vasilyevich I was born on March 31, 1923 in the Crimea. His mother was a rural doctor, and his father was a decorator. I had a sister and two brothers. Moreover, all three brothers became pilots. The elder brother Boris in the 40th already flew over the Caucasus, the middle brother Volodya


From the book Small Bedeker on NF author Prashkevich Gennady Martovich

Georgy Iosifovich 1 In the story “An Eccentric Man” (“Only Overtaking”, Moscow, 1985), Georgy Iosifovich Gurevich wrote: “Twenty years ago, I - the author, not the hero - received a letter from a fourteen-year-old reader from Taiga - there is such a station in Siberia. The guy loved science fiction, read,


From the book 1996_2(2) author Newspaper Duel

ARE THE RUSSIAN PATRIOTS THE CARRIERS OF FASCISM IN RUSSIA? (Yes - MARK DEICH No - Y. MUKHIN) MARK DEICH ... There is, however, one problem, on the speedy solution of which too much depends in Russia. I mean the legal existence in the Russian Federation of fascist and

Mark Iosifovich Krivosheev(born July 30) - Soviet and Russian scientist, one of the creators of modern Russian television, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1966), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1984).

Milestones of biography and activities

  • On May 7, 1945, while still a student at the Moscow Institute of Communications Engineers (MIIS), he participated in technical support Europe's first post-war transfer of the Moscow television center(ITC)
  • In 1946 - graduated from the Moscow Institute of Communications Engineers (MIIS) and was sent to the MTC
  • In 1946, he developed a device that made it possible for the first time to receive a television image according to the new standard of 625 lines. Participated in the development of the first TVs according to this standard.
  • In 1947, he was appointed head of the MTC's hardware and studio complex. In 1948, he first broadcast TV program signals in 625 lines.
  • In 1950 he was transferred to the USSR Ministry of Communications and appointed head of the television department. Performed great job on the formation and development of the transmission network of TV and VHF-FM broadcasting of the country.
  • In 1957, he prepared the first drafts of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the construction of a new Moscow television center with a tower for antennas 500 m high, as well as a draft terms of reference GSPI of the USSR Ministry of Communications for the design of this complex.
  • In 1959, he was appointed head of the television department and the laboratory of TV measurements at the Scientific Research Institute of Radio (NIIR). Carries out many developments in the field technical means TV broadcast. He is a recognized founder of the national school of TV measurements. Since 1996 - chief Researcher.
  • In 1962, he led the development of a television complex for the Molniya satellite communications system, which for the first time in 1965 transmitted TV programs from Moscow to Vladivostok and back.
  • In 1954-1970 he was elected a member and vice-chairman of the Bureau of the TV Study Group international organization on the radio and television broadcasting(OIRT).
  • Since 1970, for 30 years, he has been the permanent head of the TV study group (SG 11) at ITU - a recognized international forum on the standardization of TV broadcasting.
  • In 1980, he led the development of a television complex for transmitting signals from the programs of the 1980 Olympics.
  • From 2000 to the present, he has been the Honorary Chairman of the Broadcasting study group(SG 6, ITU-R). He supervised and participated in the development of more than 150 recommendations, which became a set of standards, the foundation for the implementation of digital TV broadcasting in Russia and in the world.
  • In 2004, he was elected President of the First Session of the RRB Conference 2004/6 in Geneva, which developed technical background for planning at the second session in 2006 and secured for the first time throughout Russia and the CIS countries the frequency channels (approximately 500 MHz in the sub-1 GHz band) required for terrestrial TV broadcasting and other services.
  • In 2008, on his initiative and his proposed strategy, the ITU launched international standardization of 3D digital TV broadcasting.
  • In 2009, as the founder of interactive video information systems that will provide mass screening of high-quality visual information in crowded places, including "outdoor" TV broadcasting, he was elected head of the international group in ITU-R on the problems of standardizing such systems. The group's report was approved in 2011.
  • In 2010-2011 they developed starting positions new concept development of television and radio broadcasting until 2020-2025. integrating new areas, international studies which are held both on the initiative of Russia and with its active participation. Prior to that, he developed the main provisions of the implemented concept (2009-2015), which for the first time marks the transition from analog TV broadcasting to digital.

Performance evaluations

Estimates of the activities of M. I. Krivosheev by a number of representatives of the highest world echelon in the field of broadcasting and communications are limited by the international standardization of digital TV broadcasting. President of the Russian NTO of radio engineering, electronics and communications (RNTORES) named after. A. S. Popova, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu. active participation in the development of domestic TV broadcasting, M. I. Krivosheev has been very effectively engaged in international standardization in this area for many years ... It is important to emphasize that ... the global approach to the development of TV broadcasting systems, first formulated by the author of the book and introduced into television science, primarily based on digital technologies, was distinguished by a fundamental novelty, taking into account the need for harmonization and interconnection of program production complexes, technological features of the main sections of the TV path with their radio frequency support ... made it possible to transform traditional TV broadcasting and turn it into a powerful means of mass information communications. This approach is also used in Russia when introducing digital TV broadcasting… the package of fundamental ITU-R recommendations on digital TV broadcasting has rightfully entered the elite international standards. Thus, for the first time, it was possible to open the era of digital TV broadcasting in all countries ... in terms of duration, extensiveness of research and volume results achieved in this area, their relevance to the creation of a global information society The contribution of the author of the book is certainly unique and unparalleled. This will forever be preserved in history as evidence of the significant work of the scientist.

At the meeting of Study Group 11 of the CCIR (Geneva, July 21, 1972), the international standardization of digital TV broadcasting was launched for the first time. Under the leadership of M. I. Krivosheev, the first research program on the coding of digital TV signals, which united world efforts in this area (Doc. 11/198 15July 1972). Achievements began with the unanimous adoption at the XV Plenary Assembly of the CCIR in 1982 of the first Recommendation on digital television (Recommendation 601). It became the basis for the standardization of video signals and equipment in television studios around the world. The National Academy of TV Arts and Sciences of the United States recognized this success of the CCIR with the "Golden Emmy". CCIR Director R. Kirby, who announced the award, said: "This agreement was reached by SG 11 under the chairmanship of Prof. Mark Krivosheev, whom we respect not only for his leadership, but also for his personal competence and dedication to digital TV, and for his personal leadership in this work...

An important role in the progress of international standardization of HDTV was played by the XV Plenary Assembly of the CCIR (Dubrovnik, May 1986), at which the Chairman of SG 11 presented for the first time his global approach to studying HDTV. Technical Director of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and Chairman of the Award Committee of the 15th International TV Symposium (Montreux, 1987) R. Gressmann, presenting M. I. Krivosheev, the first laureate from our country the highest award Symposium, - Gold medal noted: "At the recent Plenary Assembly of the CCIR in Dubrovnik in May 1986, Krivosheev played important role and contributed to the development of a compromise plan for further study various systems HDTV offered as international standards”.

ITU Secretary-General R.C. Butler: "I joined ITU almost 21 years ago and have always brought to the fore the importance of television broadcasting in modern world. As you know, Professor Krivosheev, during this entire period I strictly followed the experience of your work. I congratulate you on reaching an agreement on a number of parameters, first of all on a single HDTV image format, and also on the fact that you were the first to realize the importance of joint work with ISO and IEC in the field of HDTV.

Ambassador B. Holmes Bureau Director international relations and information policy US Department of State: “Let me also acknowledge the achievements of Professor Mark Krivosheev, Chairman of Study Group 11. You provided guidance and inspiration for the development of the HDTV industry standard. Let me join many around the world in celebrating you for your outstanding accomplishments” (Press release following the International Meeting on High Definition Television (HDTV), Atlanta, USA, March 28, 1990). The Association of National North American Broadcasters NANBA for his contribution to the development of international TV broadcasting standards presented the Chairman of SG 11 with a bronze plaque of Honor.

Y. Nakamura, President of the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan, wrote in a letter dated June 6, 1990: “Dear prof. Dr. Krivosheev, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that at the ITEJ General Assembly on May 26, 1990, you were elected an Honorary Member of the Institute for your contribution to the development of TV technologies and outstanding activity in international HDTV standardization…” This was the fifth ITEJ award after V.K. Zworykin, who was elected the first Honorary Member in 1955 (New Breeze, 1991, No. 4).

Prof. U. Reimers, head of the development of the most widespread in the world and accepted in Russia digital TV broadcasting system DVB, President of the Society for Television and Film Technology of Germany (FKTG) addressed M. I. Krivosheev (letter dated July 5, 1993) in connection with the election his Honorary Member of this society: “Congratulations… you can say from son to father. However, I bring them on behalf of all members of the presidium and all members of the FKTG.”

These global solutions put an end to decades of contention in the TV market and benefit users worldwide,” said P. Tarjanne, then ITU Secretary-General, “I express my gratitude to Chairman of the TV Study Group M. I. Krivosheev for his prominent role in achieving and eliminating differences in this area (ITU News, 1997, No. 7).

R. Nickelson, head of the CCIR/ITU-R Study Group Department from 1980 to 1995, writes: “Mark Krivosheev’s leadership with literally fantastic foresight in the field of broadcast standardization in the ITU… along with the extraordinary technical capabilities of representatives from the USA, Europe, Japan, Canada , Australia and other leaders in the work of ITU-R SG 11 led to this historic moment. It is especially significant that for the first time various countries, the regions and industries involved in these efforts have been able to move beyond their narrow own interests and understand that everyone will benefit by agreeing on global core standards” (PTC Members’ Bulletin, May/June, 1997).

At the international symposium in Montreux in 1997, digital HDTV systems were demonstrated, the signals of which were transmitted in standard radio channels. In this regard, the EBU Technical Review - Summer 1997 wrote: “Who would have guessed at the beginning of this decade that such a level of high quality compression could be achieved in the terrestrial channel bands? Only one person thought so, and he inspired the broadcaster community to develop and implement the systems shown in Montreux. It was prof. Mark Krivosheev, Chairman of ITU-R SG 11. His dream of HDTV compatibility with the 6, 7 and 8 MHz channel bands has come true.”

In 1998, the National Association of Broadcasters USA (NAB) Honoree was Prof. M. I. Krivosheev - the first representative of Russia (NAB-98, Daily News 1998, April 7). It is traditionally considered the highest international award for professionals in the field of broadcasting and is awarded at the NAB convention held in Las Vegas (USA). “We would like to acknowledge your leadership and achievements as Chairman of the Television Study Group, which resulted in the adoption in 1997 of important ITU standards on digital television,” the NAB decision states.

J. Flaharty - Chairman of the Technical Committee of the World Broadcasting Union (WBU-TC), Senior Vice President for Technology of the CBC Corporation (USA) in his report at the TRBE conference in 1998 noted: “America is indebted to the Russians who found their second home in America and brought us great benefit thanks to his outstanding abilities. The most notable were David Sarnoff, president of RCA, who gave the twentieth century television and color television to America, and Vladimir Zworykin ... who ensured the introduction of modern electronic television.

And further: “... television systems developed nationally and regional levels, each according to its own standard, and these standards were often incompatible with each other. All this continued with the emergence and development of color TV. The chaos continued despite the development of video recording systems, international satellite systems and the early development of digital TV. All this tower of babel piled higher and higher, and the situation became worse. This would have continued further if another engineer from Russia had not intervened and international union Telecommunications (ITU). The problem was solved thanks to the titanic efforts of Professor Mark Krivosheev, who, in a difficult political environment led the entire technical community involved in the work of ITU through the heaps of technical problems to a decision that had a vital importance for world telecommunications. I will cite only two of the most significant results- Recommendation ITU 601-4, which led to the creation of worldwide standards for digital video recording systems, and Recommendation ITU BT.709-2, which created a unique HDTV standard (HDTV CIF) for the production and exchange of HDTV programs on a global scale.”

In 2007 in Geneva, ITU Secretary-General H. Toure "For lifetime achievement in technical development television services and systems” presented M. I. Krivosheev with the prestigious award of the “World Information Society - 2007”.

In 2011 he was awarded National Prize « big number"-" For contribution to the development of digital television.


  • Measurements in television equipment. (1956)
  • Measurements of fluctuation interference in television. (1961)
  • Fundamentals of television measurements. Three editions. (1964, 1976, 1989)
  • Prospects for the development of television. (1972, 1982)
  • Digital television. (1985)
  • International standardization of digital television broadcasting. (2006)

The book by M. I. Krivosheev “Fundamentals of television measurements” was republished in six countries, according to the prospects for the development of television in three countries. He is the author and co-author of more than 300 publications, more than 90 inventions, domestic and foreign patents. He personally and jointly with his students have written more than 30 monographs and books on TV-measurements, the prospects for the development of TV-broadcasting, digital TV and its standardization, some of them have been published in nine languages.


  • 1974 - Order of the Red Banner of Labor
  • 1991 - National Order for Merit (France)
  • 1992 - Gold medal Order of Merit (Poland)
  • 1981 - State Prize of the USSR Reference. State Prize of the USSR 1981 - Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 30, 1982
  • 1999 - Order of Friendship
  • 2000 - State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
  • 2002 - TEFI award (to the only engineer in its entire history)
  • 2002 - Gratitude from the President of Russia - in honor of the 80th anniversary of his birth
  • 2006 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree - for huge contribution in the development of domestic television and radio broadcasting and many years of conscientious work
  • 2009 - Honorary Doctor of the St. Petersburg University of Cinema and Television (SPBGUK and T)
  • 2011 - Honorary Doctor of St. Petersburg state university telecommunications named after prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT)
  • 2011 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland III degree- for great merits in the development of domestic television and radio broadcasting and many years of fruitful activity.

M. I. Krivosheev was also awarded honorary titles and awards in Australia, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, Iran, Spain, Italy, China, Poland, USA, Ukraine, France, Japan, major international TV forums HAT, NAB, IBC, etc.


  • Mark Krivosheev received a prestigious award from the World Information Society // Broadcasting. Television and radio broadcasting” #4, 2007
  • Leader in broadcasting. // Magazine "Electrosvyaz" No. 6, 2007
  • Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 29, 1974
  • Decree of the President of the Republic of France of May 15, 1991
  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Poland on July 27, 1992
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 6, 1999 No. 26
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2000 No. 2084
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 9, 2002 No. 377-rp
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 1315
  • Graduations " honorary doctorate SPbGUKiT"
  • Presentation of diplomas of the "Honorary Doctor of St. Petersburg State University of Technology"
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2011 No. 1492

Latin name: Krivosheev Mark Iosifovich

Floor: male

Date of Birth: 30.07.1922

Place of Birth: Poltava, Ukraine

Date of death: 16.10.2018 Age (96)

A place of death: Moscow, Russia

Zodiac sign: a lion

Eastern: Dog

Key year: 1946

Mark Iosifovich Krivosheev

Russian scientist, one of the creators of modern world television, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1966), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1984). One of the creators of modern international standards for digital television and high-definition television.

In 1933, at the Palace of Pioneers, he participated in the assembly of a home-made mechanical television with a Nipkow disk, which predetermined future profession. In 1945, while still a student at the Moscow Institute of Communications Engineers (MIIS), he participated in the technical support of the first post-war broadcast in Europe of the Moscow Television Center (MTC). In 1946 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Communications Engineers (MIIS) and was sent to the MTC. In 1946, he developed a scanner that made it possible for the first time to receive a television image according to the new 625-line standard. Participated in the development of the first TVs according to this standard. In 1947, he was appointed head of the MTC's hardware and studio complex. September 3, 1948 for the first time broadcast TV program signals in the standard 625 lines. In 1950, he was transferred to the USSR Ministry of Communications and appointed head of the television department. He did a lot of work on the formation and development of the transmission network of TV and VHF-FM broadcasting of the country.

In 1957, he prepared the first drafts of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the construction of a new Moscow television center with a tower for antennas 500 m high, as well as a draft of the terms of reference of the GSPI of the USSR Ministry of Communications for the design of this complex. In 1959, he was appointed head of the television department and TV measurements laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of Radio (NIIR). Carries out many developments in the field of technical means of TV broadcasting. He is a recognized founder of the national school of TV measurements. Since 1996 - Chief Researcher. In 1962, he led the development of a television complex for the Molniya satellite communication system, which for the first time in 1965 transmitted TV programs from Moscow to Vladivostok and back. In 1954-1970. was elected a member and vice-chairman of the Bureau of the TV study group of the International Organization for Radio and Television Broadcasting (OIRT). Since 1970, for 30 years, he has been the permanent head of the TV Study Group (SG 11) at ITU, a recognized international forum for TV broadcast standardization. In 1980, he led the development of a television complex for transmitting signals from the programs of the 1980 Olympics. From 2000 to present, he has been Honorary Chairman of the Broadcast Study Group (SG 6, ITU-R). He supervised and participated in the development of more than 150 recommendations (including the well-known BT.601), which became a set of standards, the foundation for the implementation of digital television in Russia and in the world. In 2008, on his initiative and his proposed strategy, the ITU launched international standardization of 3D digital TV broadcasting. In 2009, as the founder of interactive video information systems that will provide mass screening of high-quality visual information in crowded places, including "outdoor" TV broadcasting, he was elected as the head of the international group in ITU-R on the problems of standardizing such systems. In 2010-2011 he developed the starting points for a new concept for the development of television and radio broadcasting until 2020-2025.

Sources (1)

Facts (1)


Dear Sirs! Unfortunately, I did not read the issue of your (truly excellent) magazine with an article about M.I. Krivosheev. Therefore, I don’t know if it indicates that he was born in Ukraine, in Poltava, studied at the only Russian (in those years) school No. 10 in the city. Mother's name was Ekaterina Mikhailovna (she was shot in October in Poltava during German occupation), she was a good, kind woman, a pianist (I don’t know the level of education) - a music teacher in schools and kindergartens, and her father was blind (he lost his sight during chemical experience) and died when Mark was still very young (he did not remember his father).

In passing: it would be nice if the list of individuals (at the end of each issue) indicated in which issue the specified article was published.

I am a classmate, a resident of Poltava, born in 1922, a friend of childhood and youth of M.I., his classmate, I have been living in Kyiv since 1945, Rosenfeld Ilya Aleksandrovich. We call Mark from time to time.

Who am I? Candidate of Technical Sciences, worked at NIISK until 2005, and at the same time an amateur writer, author of several books of novels and short stories, as well as several magazine publications ("Rainbow", "Kiev", "Continent" (USA, Chicago, etc.) I write at the computer, use the Internet, and correspond by e-mail Tel.

With sincere respect, I.A.R.