A 4-year-old child is badly told what to do

alla tsvetkova

I don’t even know how to describe my problem. The speech therapist at the clinic insists that my child is autistic and does not want to work with him. I don’t see that he is autistic, I re-read a lot of information, and didn’t even find a drop of similarity. He plays with children, laughs a lot, makes contacts with everyone, except for those he doesn’t like. The problem is that he can say all the words, but he doesn’t use them in speech !!! for example, I tell him = this is a cow, he will repeat. When I ask someone in the zoo, he can’t answer, although he knows that this is a cow. he swallows a lot of sounds. a lot of sounds will be replaced - fish-gibi, ball-step. speech is very incomprehensible from this. but in the word four-R he pronounces it very clearly. he studies with his grandmother. not with me. I could teach him to speak if I didn’t study with him for 5 minutes, but he doesn’t want more. proposals, proposals consist of normal words and babble. tell me if it is possible to correct his speech. many refuse to deal with him, because k5. he either starts yelling, just yelling, not crying (he is so scary that they don’t come to him) or he goes to draw altogether. By the way, he doesn’t know how to draw either. He doesn’t hold a pen or pencil correctly. he can’t draw a banal circle without my help. but he can draw numbers. he knows the alphabet and reads by syllables.

Hello! Whether it is possible to correct the speech of a child at this age depends on many factors: the causes, the diagnosis and the degree of its severity, concomitant disorders (neurological symptoms, neuropsychiatric), on the age of onset of the specialty. help - a defectologist, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a neuropathologist (the earlier, the period from 3 to 4 years, the better the prognosis). The diagnosis of autism is made by a psychoneurologist, possibly a defectologist. Your child definitely needs the help of a defectologist and a speech therapist. Medical treatment taken courses for several years.

Consultation of a speech therapist on the topic "a child is 4 years old and he does not speak well." is given for reference purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.

About consultant


Speech pathologist. In the field of education since 1992. Graduated from the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute. Passed advanced training courses on the topics: "Fundamentals of Neuropsychology", "Aphasia", "Dysarthria. Voice Disorder" at the Institute of Defectology and medical psychology, as well as an internship at the Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation.

Works with children (4-12 years old) and adults in the following areas:
. Prevention and correction:
- sound pronunciation;
- general underdevelopment speech;
- phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech;
- violations of writing and reading.

Speech therapy sessions with children suffering from delay mental development, cerebral palsy, mental retardation.
. Logopedic help on the restoration of speech in patients with stroke and traumatic brain injury.
. Development of optical-spatial representations and motor functions in children with speech pathology.
. Preparing children for school.

Olga asks
Alinochka will be 5 years old in 2 months. She does not speak at all, sometimes, very rarely, she can babble something. Understands the speech of adults. When he wants to express his thoughts, he begins to actively move his hands in front of his face, a kind of "language". Doctors do not recognize autism. Child visits rehabilitation center for children with retarded development. Have you met similar cases in your practice? What do you advise?

Treatment by a neurologist, psychiatrist and classes with a speech therapist, defectologist.

Elena asks
Pregnancy passed with toxicosis of the 1st trimester, studied at the 1st year of MMA named after Sechenov, passed a difficult session (for a period of 5 months), childbirth with stimulation at 38 weeks (large fetus + young age of the mother (I was 18 years old), born 3700, after Aprgar 8/9 early development passed normally, cooing from 2 months, sat down at 6 months, got up at 7, went to 10 months, from 10 months - many syllables (ma, pa, ba, etc.), later said - mom, dad, then at 1, For 5 years he practically stopped talking, only sounds (we don’t connect with anything), we did a lot with him - read from 10 months, drew, glued, collected puzzles. Speech did not appear (there are plenty of their own words, almost no human ones). At 2.5 we went to a speech therapist at the clinic, they said - early, come later. Were and at the neurologist - pathologies it is not revealed. The result - now we are 4.3 - we say all the words in syllables (first, last or in the middle), we build absolutely ANY sentences from them, we go to speech therapy garden(there is a lesson 5 times a week + educators are engaged). We visited a neurologist, did an ECG - there are no pathologies, hearing is normal. Drug treatment was (as prescribed by a neurologist) - cortexin, pantogam, encephabol, etc. (naturally, intermittently, by appointment). All doctors and speech therapists say - wait, the boy is smart, everything will be fine. So he is very sociable, loves company, communicates well with children, easily finds everyone mutual language. By heredity - our dad spoke at 3.5 ... What else should we do? Very worried...

Firstly, the treatment should be systematic (as a physician, this should be clear to you).
Secondly, in addition to classes with a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to study at home: duplicate the material for sound pronunciation, constantly monitor the child’s speech, achieving the correct pronunciation of words.
Thirdly, singing has proven itself very well. You do not pronounce the words, but sing them together with the child.
V-fourthly, massage of language, faces is probably necessary.

Julia asks
We live in Germany, my son was born here. He is now 4 years and 3 months old, BUT he still speaks very badly or is not at all clear, or in the nominative "I'm dad to drive a car" ... He knows a lot of poems, songs, 2 alphabets, both Russian and German, he thinks in 2 languages... Knows geometric figures up to a parallelogram, and simple speech missing. Our friends' kids are all at least a year younger, but they say everything is fine for a long time. What can you recommend? Thank you in advance!

Massage (I don’t know if the speech therapist does it for your child or not). Work with a speech pathologist.

Material prepared specially
for children's portal
and published on February 15, 2007.

Speech therapist consultation for parents of children 3-4 years old

“If your child speaks badly…”.

Speech therapist Nikiforova T.S.

May 22, 2013

  1. Causes of speech disorders in children.
  2. The development of speech is normal.
  3. Speech therapist's advice.
  4. Answers to parents' questions.

Speech disorders in childrenserious problem our time. For some reason, more and more often, before entering school, parents are surprised to learn that their seven-year-old child does not pronounce one or more letters mother tongue, and cute and funny, for parents, burr is a deviation from the norm, which will prevent the child from being fully engaged in school. The most unpleasant thing is that there is no tendency to reduce the number of such children - on the contrary, every year more and more children need the help of a speech therapist.

All parents, realizing that the child has problems with the development of speech, seek to find out what caused them. This issue becomes especially important if none of the immediate family members had speech impairments in the family. They can arise under the influence of adverse circumstances, or, as experts say, external and internal harmful factors.

  1. intrauterine pathology.

These are problems that occur during pregnancy.Negative factors are most dangerous in the first three months. They can lead to underdevelopment or damage to the central nervous system child, and in particular speech zones cerebral cortex. These include:

  1. Intrauterine hypoxia (insufficient blood supply to the fetal brain). The reasons for it can be different: toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage, pathology of the placenta, increased blood pressure, chronic diseases of the mother.
  2. Infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy: rubella, influenza, scarlet fever, measles, etc. Rubella is the most dangerous: in the first months of pregnancy, it can cause serious deviations in the development of the child (deafness, blindness, mental retardation, heart disease).
  3. Injuries received by the mother during pregnancy, falls and bruises (especially in the abdomen) can lead to placental abruption and premature birth.
  4. Incompatibility between maternal and fetal blood.
  5. Violation of the gestation period - prematurity (less than 38 weeks) and postmaturity (more than 40 weeks).
  6. Smoking.
  7. Alcohol and drugs.
  8. Reception medicines. There are medicines that expectant mother absolutely cannot be accepted.
  9. Work in hazardous production, where physical exercise, or there is contact with chemically active harmful substances, or there is an impact various kinds radiation.
  10. Stress experienced by the expectant mother.

2. hereditary predisposition.

Structural features can be inherited speech apparatus, for example, improper fit and number of teeth, the shape of the bite, defects in the structure of the hard and soft palate, and even stuttering. If one of the parents started talking late, the child may have similar problems. Although speech disorders are not always inherited, but this possibility cannot be ruled out.

3. Adverse childbirth and their consequences.

  1. Birth trauma.
  2. Asphyxia - lack of oxygen supply to the brain due to respiratory failure, for example, when entwined with the umbilical cord.
  3. Small body weight of the child (less than 1500g.)

4. Diseases suffered by a child in the first years of life.

  1. Infectious viral diseases can cause hearing loss or loss.
  2. Injuries and contusions of the brain. As a result, the child may stop talking.
  3. Facial trauma. They prevent the child from learning to pronounce sounds and words correctly.
  4. Prolonged colds.
  5. Certain antibiotics can cause hearing loss.
  6. Severe fear or stress.

For normal speech development child, communication should be meaningful, take place on an emotional positive background and encourage a response. It is not enough for him just to hear sounds (radio, TV, tape recorder), first of all, direct communication with adults is necessary. The speech of the child is delayed and disturbed in the absence of an emotionally positive environment.

Speech develops by imitation, so some speech disorders (stuttering, fuzzy pronunciation, impaired speech tempo) may be based on imitation. This can be the speech of loved ones or, for example, a speech heard on TV. Now quite a lot of leading programs, commentators and even announcers have speech impairments.

What are the norms for the development of the speech of a child of 3-4 years old?

Over the past three years of life, the child managed to accumulate a significant amount of knowledge and ideas about the world around him, acquired some independence and has a certain practical experience actions with various objects.

Three-year-old children begin to express the simplest judgments about objects and phenomena, draw conclusions, and establish a relationship between them. The child develops the ability to generalize, he begins to combine a number of objects that are similar in purpose into a single group. For example, he points to the dog shown in the picture and to the dog outside the window.

By the age of four active dictionary child, i.e. the words that he uses in speech is approximately 2000 units. Is there some more passive vocabulary. These are words whose meaning the child knows, but does not use in speech. He begins to use pronouns more often (my, yours, yours, ours), adverbs (here, there, here), numerals appear (one, two). If a earlier child used only quality adjectives(soft, warm), now also uses possessive ones (uncle's hat, cat's tail).

But the increase itself vocabulary would not have of great importance, if he did not simultaneously master the ability to combine words in a sentence according to the laws of grammar. And although the achievements of the child in mastering the native language are significant, nevertheless, his speech is still far from perfect. Thus, three-year-old children are not always able, without the help of adults, to coherently and clearly tell what they saw on the street, to retell the content of the tale. Not uncommon and grammatical errors such as inaccurate use of prepositions and case endings(Let's go to space) miseducation some grammatical forms(lots of pencils). The child uses words not always correctly (my hands are dry, I need to turn off the light).

The fourth year is the age of the "why". Children constantly ask adults questions that cannot be ignored. It is necessary to patiently and easily answer all “why?”, “Why?”, “How?”, “What is it?”. Sometimes, due to the instability of attention, children are unable to listen to the end of the answers of adults. Therefore, explanations should be short, simple and clear.

By the age of four, the child answers the questions of adults with detailed phrases consisting of 3-4 or more words. Speech as a whole becomes clearer, the pronunciation of words and sounds is clearer. The sound imperfection of speech is explained by age and physiological features. A child of the fourth year of life, although he correctly pronounces the entire group of whistling sounds (owl, fox, goat, winter, chicken), but at the same time can omit them in other words: neg (snow), kotel (bonfire), wonk (call) . Some children do not distinguish between the sounds C and C: lights instead of flowers, saber instead of a heron.

At this age, the child is not always able to correctly pronounce the hissing sounds Sh, Zh, Ch, U and often replaces them with whistling ones: kasa (porridge), nozyk (knife), key (key). Sonorant R, Rb, L the child can replace with the sound L, less often Y: labota (work), leka (river), yulya (yula), lampa (lamp), kayandas (pencil), tired (tired), while, as a rule, , it saves correctly syllabic structure in two-, three-syllable words, i.e. words are not distorted. But finds it difficult to pronounce polysyllabic words, replaces or skips individual sounds, rearranges syllables, shortens words. For example: "lisapet" - a bicycle, "pigin" - a penguin, "tevelizol" - a TV, "misanel" - a policeman, "cafeta" - candy. Voice apparatus the child is not yet strong, so many speak quietly, although they use different intonations.

We conclude that by the age of four, a child may not pronounce the sounds P, Pb, L. It is not always necessary to pronounce hissing Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch. Therefore, you should not demand them from the child correct pronunciation. But by the age of five, all the sounds of the Russian language should be pronounced correctly. If this does not happen, you need to contact a speech therapist.

In our kindergarten There are two speech pathologists. We examine all four-year-old children. If a child speaks incorrectly by the age of five, then he is presented to the PMPK, which decides whether the child will attend speech therapy group. The speech therapy group accepts children who are five years old on October 1 and have retained their intelligence, but if the child does not speak or speaks very little and is incomprehensible, then he can be submitted to the PMPK even earlier.

What conditions are necessary for timely and correct formation speech? The main thing is that the child be somatically healthy, active, have a full-fledged speech environment, feel the need for communication, have normal hearing and intelligence. Therefore, it is necessary to choose games that improve the child's attention, his memory, thinking, and imagination. Use games with imitation of animal voices, with the joint pronunciation of nursery rhymes, jokes, singing lullabies.

Let me remind you that speech is formed by imitation. Parents need to control their own speech, address the child with adequate requests and not demand the impossible from him.

Speech therapist's advice

  1. Very often, children who speak poorly for their age also eat poorly. As a rule, it is a whole problem for them to eat an apple or a carrot, not to mention meat. This is caused by weakness of the jaw muscles, and it, in turn, delays the development of movements. articulation apparatus.
    Therefore, be sure to force your child to chew crackers and whole vegetables and fruits, bread with crusts and lumpy meat. To develop the muscles of the cheeks and tongue, show your child how to rinse his mouth. Teach you to puff out your cheeks and hold the air, "roll" it from one cheek to another.
  2. Talk to your child slowly in short sentences; use the correct Russian language, do not switch to " children's language"(lisping) yourself and do not allow others to do it.
  3. Read to your child every day. Do not show your annoyance and unwillingness if the child asks you to read a book that he especially loved for the hundredth time. If you are very busy, you can put on a cassette or disc, but remember that personal communication is most valuable.
  4. Talk to him more often, patiently answer all his questions, encourage the desire to ask them.
  5. Speak clearly, distinctly, repeating a word or phrase several times, changing places in it.
  6. Do not forget to develop fine motor skills as well - that is, the baby should work as much as possible with his naughty fingers. Scientists have shown that development fine motor skills hands is directly related to the development of the speech centers of the brain. No matter how tedious it may seem to you, let the baby do up the buttons, lace up the shoes, roll up the sleeves. Moreover, it is better for a child to start training not on his own clothes, but first to “help” dress the dolls and even parents. As children's fingers become more agile, his language will become more understandable not only to his mother.
  7. Wean your baby off the pacifier as early as possible, don't force him to sleep with his hands under his cheek, which can deform the jaw.
  8. Don't compare your child to any other children. Each person is valuable individually.