The main control center of outer space.

). Until December 1, 2011, it had the name "Center for Control outer space» ( CCMP).

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    SKKP serves for information support space activities state and countering the means of space reconnaissance of potential adversaries, assessing the danger of the space situation and bringing information to consumers. Performs the following tasks:

    • detection space objects in geocentric orbits;
    • recognition of space objects by type;
    • determination of the time and area of ​​possible fall of space objects in emergency situations;
    • determination of dangerous encounters along the flight path of domestic manned spacecraft;
    • determination of the fact and parameters of the maneuver spacecraft;
    • notification of overflights of foreign reconnaissance spacecraft;
    • information and ballistic support for the actions of active means of anti-missile and anti-space defense (ABM and ASW);
    • maintenance of a catalog of space objects (Main catalog of the system - GCS);
    • evaluation of the work of the SKKP facilities;
    • control of the geostationary area of ​​space;
    • analysis and assessment of the space situation.


    On March 6, 1965, the Directive of the General Staff of the Troops was signed air defense(VPVO) on the formation on the basis of the 45th Specialized Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense (SNII MO) of the "Personnel of the Special TsKKP". This day has been the Center's birthday since 1970. In April 1965, a government decision was made to build a complex of technological buildings for the Central Control Commission in the Noginsk district of the Moscow Region, called Noginsk-9, and on April 27 the first temporary staff of the Special CCMP Personnel was put into operation. On October 7, 1965, the "Personnel of the Special CCMP" was assigned the number - Military Unit No. 28289. On November 20, 1965, the first order in the history of the Central Control Commission was signed, which stated that Lieutenant Colonel V.P. At the end of 1965, Colonel N. A. Martynov, who graduated from the Academy with a gold medal, was appointed head of the Central Control Commission General Staff, Lieutenant Colonel V.P. Smirnov became the chief engineer. On October 1, 1966, on the basis of the directive of the General Staff, the "Personnel of the Space Control Center" subdivision was transformed into the "Space Control Center", removed from the 45 SNII MO and transferred to the command of the commander of military unit 73570. In November 1966, the control service outer space was transferred to Noginsk-9, the 45th space control division was formed on the basis of the 18th separate building anti-space defense and control of outer space.

    In April 1967, the Dniester radar was put into service. In 1968, to align the stations and test the capabilities of the SKKP, the DS-P1-Yu spacecraft of the Dnepropetrovsk Sputnik project was specially launched.

    In 1970, the TsKKP was commissioned and put on combat duty. In 1974, he was associated with the information facilities of the PRN and ABM systems. As a result, the zone of controlled outer space has dramatically expanded, and at the same time, thanks to the possibility of maintaining a complete catalog of space objects, the reliability of information generated by the PRN system has significantly increased. In 1975, the TsKKP was equipped with the latest Elbrus computers. In the same years, the construction of specialized surveillance equipment began - ROKR "Krona", OEK  "Window", PK RTK "Moment".

    On December 1, 2011, the Space Control Center became part of the VVKO and received modern name - main center reconnaissance of the space situation.

    see also

    • Radio-optical complex for recognition of space objects "Krona"



    • Alexey Shironin. They control space. September 21, 2011.
    • Vitaly Ragulin. The Space Forces are responsible for the defense of Russia in space. (blog in LJ)


    • We look into space distances (on the 40th anniversary of the Central Control Commission) // Under general edition L. K. Olandera- M. : AviaRus-21, 2005. - S. 222. - ISBN 5-901453-12-3
    • Gavrilin, E. V. The era of "classical" rocket-space defense. - M.: Technosfera, 2008. - S. 13. - ISBN 978-5-94836-156-7.
    • Anna Potekhina. Under supervision space. Interview with the head of the RKO Center Colonel Alexander Logvinenko // Krasnaya Zvezda, July 18, 2013.
    • Votintsev, Yu. V. Unknown troops of the vanished superpower // "Military Historical Journal". - M .: "Red Star", 1993. - No. 11. - S. 12-27. - ISSN 0321-0626.

    The Outer Space Control System (SCS) is a special strategic system, the main task of which is the observation of artificial satellites of the Earth and other space objects. This system Today it is part of the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces and maintains the Main Catalog of space objects. The SKKP is designed to provide information support for Russia's space activities and counteract the space reconnaissance means of our potential adversaries, as well as assess the danger of the space situation and bring all this information to the end user.

    It should be noted that with the launch into space of the first artificial satellite Earth to mankind has begun new era. Quite quickly, the progressive world community realized that the use of outer space opens up new, previously unseen horizons for solving a wide range tasks of research, economic and military-applied nature. Space exploration in the foreseeable future opened up the opportunity for earthlings to control actions various countries and international organizations in outer space.

    The leading powers quickly realized this and work on the creation and design of radar (decimeter and meter bands), radio engineering, optoelectronic, optical and laser space tracking equipment was launched in the USSR, the USA and China already in the mid-1950s. great attention countries tried to devote to the work of a military-applied nature. Therefore, comprehensive studies were carried out on the probability of active opposition to the enemy both in space and from space. In the USSR, missile attack warning systems (PRN), anti-missile (ABM) and anti-space defense (PKO) systems were consistently put into operation. To provide information to them joint activities The Outer Space Control Service (SCSP) was created, the main tasks of which were solved in the Outer Space Control Center (SCCC) specially created for these purposes.

    Special connection

    Until 1988, the Outer Space Control System included the Outer Space Control Center (SCCC), which established and maintained in perfect order catalog of detected and maintained space bodies and systems. CKKP processed incoming information, combined non-trajectory and trajectory data from various sources information in the interests of determining the exact parameters of recognition and movement space systems and objects. Per last years CKKP survived the 2nd modernization of the hardware complex (VK "Elbrus-1" and VK "Elbrus-2"), as well as the algorithmic systems associated with them. In addition, the system includes new radio engineering, radar, optical means of detecting and recognizing high-orbit and low-orbit space objects, as well as objects located in geostationary orbit.

    By the early 1990s, it became clear that existing system control requires its organizational design. The CKKP, which at that time formed the backbone of the SKKP, had neither the ability nor the strength to manage such a versatile system with the deployment of its own funds on the vast territory of the state. There was a need to create a special connection. At the same time, work began on the formation of the outer space control corps (KKP), as well as anti-space defense (PKO) as part of the USSR Air Defense Forces. Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Soviet Union dated June 17, 1988, the staff of the headquarters and administration of the KKP and PKO corps was approved. The structure of the created connection included a command post, the Central Control Commission, as well as specialized optoelectronic and radar surveillance equipment and anti-space defense equipment.


    Colonel A. I. Suslov was appointed the first commander of the unit, who later rose to the rank of lieutenant general. This connection can be considered unique both in terms of solving the tasks assigned to it, and in terms of the composition of the various means used in it. The division is engaged information support solution of some combat tasks by anti-space and anti-missile defense systems. Special attention At the same time, it focuses on issues that are related to ensuring the launch of Russian spacecraft (SC), as well as assessing the situation along the flight path, the safety of orbital flight, warning about possible dangerous approaches to any space objects. Timely informing important objects military purpose and military units on the overflights of foreign reconnaissance satellites, which makes it possible to ensure the secrecy of the implementation of many important works to increase the defense capability of Russia.

    Subsequently, the corps was transformed into a separate division of the KKP, which became part of the army of rocket and space defense. In the course of the reform, the connection was transformed into the GC RKO - the Main Center for Reconnaissance of the Space Situation. In the past few years, this unit has been able to replenish its own means of controlling outer space, as well as to strengthen information exchange with other parts of the aerospace defense forces, in particular with the radar of anti-missile defense and missile attack warning systems. Currently, the GC RSC includes:

    KP, associated with consumers and sources of information of the SKKP;
    - optical-electronic complex "Window", located on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, consisting of 2 tracking stations, 4 detection stations, as well as a command and computing center;
    - ROCR - radio-optical complex for reconnaissance of low-orbit space objects "Krona", located on the territory North Caucasus as part of a centimeter-range radar, a decimeter-range radar and a command and computing center;
    - a radio engineering complex for monitoring radiating spacecraft "Moment", located in the Moscow region.

    Also included in the interacting information media KKP systems included radar "Volga", "Daryal", "Dnepr", "Danube-ZU", multifunctional missile defense radar "Don-2N", radio equipment of the radio and electronic intelligence system, optoelectronic stations "Sazhen-T" and "Sazhen-S" (in the process of debugging interaction).

    think tank

    The GC RSC is the center for understanding the processes that take place in space. The role of this center especially increases in the event of the occurrence in orbit emergencies when a Russian spacecraft is in distress. AT this case no one, with the exception of the KKP connection, is able to accurately inform where the spacecraft is located and how it behaves on earth orbit. During the adoption of the CCMP demonstrated its high level efficiency.

    At one time, the SKKP discovered the American shuttle and Chinese artificial earth satellites of the Chikom series, the first experiments under the Delta-180 SDI program, and provided control over the tests of the American ACAT anti-satellite system. With its help, the fall areas of the Cosmos-1402 spacecraft were determined in Atlantic Ocean not far from Ascension Island on February 7, 1983 and the Kosmos-954 spacecraft with nuclear installation on board January 24, 1978 in a deserted area in Canada. In 1985, with the help of information received from the SKKP, to a multi-ton space station"Salyut-13", which was doomed to fall with unpredictable consequences, was summed up by the domestic transport ship Soyuz T-13 with cosmonauts Savinykh and Dzhanibekov on board. As a result, the station was saved. Also, the SKKP with the means of connection carried out work on the safe flooding of the Mir station.

    The government of the country highly appreciates the work personnel connection parts. AT different years more than 200 people were awarded orders and medals of the USSR, and then Russia. Also, the CCMP was awarded the pennant of the Minister of Defense of the USSR "For courage and military prowess." Units of the formation were awarded with challenge banners many times, were noted by the leadership of the armed forces as the best in the types of the country's armed forces.

    The Main Center for Space Situation Intelligence celebrates its 25th anniversary in the conditions of its further improvement. In the near future, the Main Center should include new promising means of observation (both optoelectronic and radio engineering). With the commissioning of the Voronezh-type radar network, the flow of orbital measurements from the Main Missile Attack Warning Center will increase significantly, which in turn will require the modernization of the algorithmic system, as well as the massive use of new computing tools, including more powerful PCs. Today, the GC RKO continues to exercise control over outer space, solving the combat mission assigned to it, and also being one of the most advanced formations of the Aerospace Defense Forces.

    Prospects for Russian space intelligence

    Until 2020, Russia is going to build 4 new SKKP stations, which will allow the military to form a catalog of space objects that surpasses the similar American catalog created by NORAD. True, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is not going to open this catalog to the general public yet. 2 new space monitoring stations will be ready by 2016, they will be built in the Moscow region and in the Far East, 2 more stations will be ready by 2020 - in Siberia and the Urals. Colonel Anatoly Nestechuk, head of the Main Space Control Center of the East Kazakhstan Defense Forces of Russia, told reporters about this.

    Currently, the NORAD catalog contains about 15 thousand objects, while the Russian main catalog contains only 12 thousand. At the same time, the Americans are able to detect objects in space with a size of 15 cm, while their Russian counterparts are at least 20 cm in size. Twice a year, specialists from the two countries exchange catalog data, clarifying information and comparing lists; They have no secrets in this matter. Today, the military is greatly assisted by modern Computer Engineering which has been completely modernized in recent years. In particular, it provides the possibility of expanding the existing catalog up to 30,000 objects.

    Currently the number Russian stations, which are engaged in the control of outer space, laser-optical, radio engineering and optoelectronic - is inferior to the US system. But by 2020, with the commissioning of 4 new stations, the Russian military expects to establish permanent control over the near-Earth space in "all inclinations and all heights." At the same time, Nestechuk told reporters that seeing objects from 10 cm or less is a very significant problem for us and for the Americans. Speaking about the prospects of Russia, he noted that as part of the development of the SKKP until 2020, the construction of new specialized means of monitoring outer space will be carried out, which will allow tracking small-sized space debris and modernizing existing complexes. The newly built and modernized stations will allow tracking objects with dimensions as small as 10 cm, which will significantly increase the possibilities for maintaining the Main Catalog of Space Objects.

    Sources of information:

    We were accompanied to the center by a representative of the Office of the Press Service and Information of the Space Forces

    and met in the center by the head of the Main Center of the KKP, Colonel A.N. Nestechuk

    who told us about the tasks of the GC (about them later), as well as about the means (about them, too, later).
    In addition, he spoke about the differences between our and the American center. There are about 100,000 objects and devices in space, the Americans can control up to 15,000 from 15 cm in size, we are approx. 12,000 sizes from 20 cm. At the same time, modernization is underway. The main catalog computer can already store information about 30,000 objects. By 2016, it is planned to build 2 more observation stations, one Far East, another Moscow region, and by 2020 another one, the Urals, and then ...
    In addition, Anatoly Nikolayevich answered questions from bloggers and journalists. In short, why do Americans announce earlier? All questions to the press service. At the same time, the Americans have put the matter on a commercial basis and pay amateur astronomers who find the object. We don't have that, and we don't need to.
    Meteorite observation? Not our job, it's RAS.
    UFO - not seen.

    Then he invited us to his office.

    He had mock-up rockets on his closet.

    and opposite our map there was a poster with a map American system space control

    After that, we left the headquarters of the center and moved directly to the command post of the center

    Passing through the corridors (Comrades, do not fall back, otherwise you will get lost)

    We approached the door of the command post

    and went to him.
    Everything is as it should be on CP
    Report of the officer on duty at the checkpoint

    After that, the head of the center greeted the duty shift officers

    After that, the major, if the head of the department does not lie, gave us a short lecture

    On the main tasks of the HC KKP

    Special means, which uses HC KKP

    These funds are as follows (photos are taken from the booklet donated to us)
    Relocated radio control complex "Moment"

    Radio-optical complex for recognition of space objects "Krona" as part of the Radar Station

    and laser-optical locator

    Optoelectronic complex "Window"

    and Sector early warning radar "Danube 3U"

    In addition, in order to solve the problems of space control, the Main Center of the KKP closely cooperates with the facilities of the Main Center for Missile Attack Warning, the Anti-Missile Defense Division, the State Research Center for Testing and Control of Space Assets. G.S. Titov, GRU, RAS.

    We were shown various maps and diagrams

    However, the lecture is a lecture, and the duty shift officers continue to serve (by the way, on the night before our arrival, the shift on duty performed the task of putting a military satellite into orbit)

    Characteristic inscriptions on handsets)))

    We talked to the officers of the center.
    So far, there are more of our spacecraft, at the same time, the Americans are doing more launches. Well, do not forget about China, after all, five spaceports.
    In the issue of space control, we are partners with the Americans, at least once every six months we compare the data of the Main Catalog. At the same time, the Americans love to check us, they send not quite accurate data, they say a dangerous convergence is possible, and they are waiting)))
    One of the American faxes, take pictures, you still won’t understand, narrow-profile terms

    And this is what is happening in space right now

    The banner of the unit is also located on the command post

    Officers go on duty for 12 hours. so, food is organized at the command post

    and a place to rest, for 2-3 hours the officer can lie down, sleep

    After that, we said goodbye to the shift officers and left the command post. We were offered to show the Main Catalog, at the same time saying that there was nothing to look at, a metal box, it is a metal box.

    After leaving the command post, we moved to the neighboring unit, which, as I understand it, deals with the issues of protection and provision of the CCP GC.
    The unit commander met us there

    Who said that we were lucky, and the fighters are now engaged in learning points, so let's go and see what the bloggers agreed with.
    Passing the guard town

    We went to the shooting range, where the fighters practiced the occupation of the position "To battle!"

    After that, we moved to the point of mining RKhBZ, by the way, they also supply OZK. According to the unit commander, the L-1 is used in the Strategic Missile Forces, but in Space Forces no.
    While we were walking along the shooting range to the RHBZ point, they lit a smokehouse there

    An RCB reconnaissance car shot off a flag with a powder charge

    The soldiers came out to check the level of infection

    And here they are already degassing the BRDM (if radio contamination, you just need to wash off the dust, if chemistry, it is washed off with a special solution based on alkali)

    Meanwhile, another group is practicing tricks hand-to-hand combat(class is conducted by the deputy commander of the unit for physical training)

    A fire brigade is training at another point

    At the point along engineering training the task of finding mines using a metal detector and a probe is being worked out

    According to the stories of the commander of the unit, such exercises at the points are held twice a week. Soldiers shoot twice a month.

    After the points we were invited to lunch

    The dinner was superb.
    cabbage salad


    Gorgeous borscht

    Vermicelli with stewed beef

    We had lunch just in time for the soldiers to come for lunch.

    After dinner we said goodbye to the officers, received an invitation to come again and went to Moscow.

    With the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, a new era in the development of mankind began. Very soon, the world community realized that the use of outer space opens up new horizons in solving not only scientific, but also military tasks. Already in the mid-1950s, in the USA, China and the USSR, work was launched on the design and creation of radar (meter and decimeter ranges), radio engineering, optical, optoelectronic and laser means for tracking space objects.

    Studies were carried out on the possibility of conducting active operations in space and from space. In the USSR, anti-missile (ABM), anti-space defense (PKO) and missile attack warning (PRN) systems came into operation. To provide information support for their activities, the Outer Space Control Service was organized, the main tasks of which were solved in the Outer Space Control Center (TSKKP) created for these purposes.

    In the early 1980s, the flow of information to the Central Control Commission for Command and Control from interacting radar, radio engineering, and optical surveillance equipment increased sharply. The accuracy of determining the parameters of the orbits of space objects has increased several times. The capabilities of the Central Control Commission for the tracking of space objects have increased almost 20 times compared to 1970. It became possible to detect space objects at altitudes up to 40,000 km. It was decided to create a space control system (SKKP).

    Until 1988, the SKKP included:

    The Outer Space Control Center (TSKKP), which contained and maintained a catalog of detected and tracked space objects and space systems, processed information from various sources and determined the exact parameters of the movement of space objects and systems. In recent years, the Central Control Commission has undergone two upgrades of the hardware complex (VK Elbrus-1 and VK Elbrus-2) and the associated algorithmic system.

    Radar, radio engineering, optical means of detection and recognition of low-orbit, high-orbit space objects, as well as objects in geostationary orbit.

    By the beginning of the 1990s. it became quite clear that the control system requires its organizational design. The CKKP, which at that time formed the backbone of the SKKP, had neither the strength nor the ability to manage such a diverse system, with its own funds allocated to vast space territory of the country. There was a need to form a special connection.

    The result was the formation of a separate space control corps (KKP) and anti-space defense (PKO) as part of the country's Air Defense Forces. The directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR of July 17, 1988 approved the staff of the command and staff of the KKP and PKO corps. The compound included: a command post, the Central Control Commission and specialized radar and optoelectronic surveillance equipment, as well as anti-aircraft defense equipment.

    The development of an anti-space defense system for the destruction of enemy spacecraft was carried out under the "Satellite Fighter" program at the Central Research Institute "Kometa" under the leadership of Academician Anatoly Savin together with the chief designer of the Central Design Bureau Vladimir Chelomey. By the end of the 60s, a special automated PKO complex was created. It consisted of a ground-based command, computing and measuring station in the Moscow region, a launch pad at the Baikonur training ground, a launch vehicle and a spacecraft-interceptor with radar and thermal homing heads, with a fragmentation warhead and a satellite target for the Sputnik Fighter PKO complex. In August 1970, according to the target designations of the TsKKP, the IS-M PKO complex with a thermal guidance head hit a target apparatus for the first time in the world. The USSR was 15 years ahead of the USA. Subsequently, the IS-M complex was modernized and on July 1, 1979 it was put on combat duty. August 18, 1983 against the background of the extreme aggravation of Soviet-American relations, Soviet leadership issued a statement on the freezing of work under the PKO program and in 1991 the complex was decommissioned.

    From 11/01/1988, the unit took up combat duty. Colonel A.I. was appointed the first commander of the formation. Suslov, later Lieutenant General.

    Created by the decision of the government of the country, the connection of control of outer space and anti-space defense is unique both in its composition of heterogeneous means (radar, radio engineering and optoelectronic) and in solving the tasks assigned to it. It is engaged in information support for solving a number of combat missions by anti-missile and anti-space defense systems, Special place occupy issues related to ensuring the launches of domestic spacecraft, the safety of their orbital flight, assessing the situation along the flight path, warning about possible dangerous encounters with other space objects and space debris. Timely informing the troops and important military facilities about the overflights of foreign reconnaissance spacecraft (SC) ensures the secrecy of many very important works to improve the defense capability of our country.

    Subsequently, the corps was transformed into a division of the KKP, which became part of the army of rocket and space defense. During the reform period, the connection was transformed into the Main Center for Reconnaissance of the Space Situation (GC RKO). In recent years, the RKO connection has been replenished with its own means of controlling outer space (radar, radio engineering, optoelectronic and laser). Information interaction with other parts of the aerospace defense (aerospace defense) formation, in particular, with the radar facilities of the PRN and ABM systems, has become even stronger.

    The system currently includes:

    KP, associated with sources and consumers of information of the SKKP;

    Radio-optical complex for reconnaissance of low-orbit space objects (ROKR) "Krona" in the North Caucasus as part of a decimeter-range radar, a centimeter-range radar and a command and computing center;

    Optoelectronic complex "Window" in the territory of Tajikistan, consisting of four detection stations, two tracking stations and a command and computing center;

    Radio control complex "Moment" in the Moscow region.

    The composition of the interacting information means of the KKP system includes: radar stations "Dnepr", "Daryal", "Volga", "Danube-3U" and the multifunctional missile defense radar "Don-2N"; radio technical means of the radio and electronic intelligence system; optoelectronic stations "Sazhen-S" and "Sazhen-T" (in the process of debugging interaction with the KP PKO and KKP).

    The GC RSC is in fact the brain center for understanding the processes taking place in space. Its role especially increases in case of emergencies, when any domestic apparatus is in distress. In this case, no one, except for the KKP compound, can say exactly where this device is and how it behaves in orbit. There were plenty of examples of this in the history of the connection. During its adoption in service since 1992, the TsKKP has demonstrated high efficiency.

    Thus, the space control system discovered the US Shuttle spacecraft, Chinese satellites of the Chikom series, provided control of tests of the US ASAT anti-satellite system and the first experiments under the Delta-180 SDI program. She determined the fall areas of the domestic Kosmos-954 spacecraft with a nuclear installation in Canada on January 24, 1978 in a deserted place and the Kosmos-1402 spacecraft in the Atlantic Ocean near Ascension Island on February 7, 1983. In 1985, according to the SKKP, a Soyuz T-13 transport spacecraft with cosmonauts Dzhanibekov and Savinykh was brought to the multi-ton Salyut-13 station, doomed to fall with unpredictable consequences. The station was saved. The SKKP with the means of connection worked to fulfill the task of flooding the Mir space station.

    On July 17, 2013, the KKP connection, now the Main Center for Reconnaissance of the Space Situation, celebrates the 25th anniversary of its formation.

    With the commissioning of the network of radar stations of the Voronezh series, the flow of orbital measurements from the Main Missile Attack Warning Center will significantly increase, which will require the improvement of the algorithmic system, as well as the massive use of new computing tools, including personal computers.

    At present, the GC RKO continues to exercise control over outer space, to fulfill the combat mission assigned to it, and is one of the advanced formations of the Aerospace Defense Forces.