Get rid of patterns: practice non-standard actions. Non-standard actions - the fullness and brightness of life

We continue the theme of freedom! The inner freedom of the speaker from what others think of him!

    Freedom, which gives the speaker lightness, looseness, naturalness, courage, drive ...

Option number 1. "Psychotherapy"

Come to a psychotherapist and, under his strict guidance, go far into the past, looking for cases when mom / dad / grandmother pasted all sorts of attitudes into the brains like:

    Quiet! Do not be noisy!

    Don't stand out!

    Do not shout!

    Be like everyone else!

Attitudes that now interfere with being a strong, bright speaker. And having worked through these situations, to get rid of the heavy legacy of the past.

    As they say, "it's never too late to have a happy childhood"

It is also useful to work out situations of unsuccessful performances (especially the very first ones).

    When a poem was poorly read in kindergarten and all the children laughed, and the teacher poked her finger contemptuously ...

Brrr… It is better to rewrite, re-live these pages of your life in a different way.

Option number 2. " Non-standard actions"

The famous physicist Lev Landau was very shy and timid in his youth. And in order to overcome this shortcoming, he included in his life what can be called non-standard actions.

Raising his thin shoulders, he walks along the university embankment tall student…. This is Landau. He is terribly timid, awkward, dressed in some kind of gray jacket, which northern capital no one wears it, it seems to him that he is ridiculous. It is necessary to overcome this timidity, to overcome it by any means, to learn to endure even the ridicule of passers-by.

- Would you be kind enough to answer one question? - Lev turns to the self-confident bearded man, who looks like a Nepman.

He stops.

- Why do you wear a beard? Leo continues in the same gracious tone.

Did not help. And the next day he walks along Twenty-fifth October Avenue (as Nevsky was called at that time) with a balloon tied to his hat.

An excerpt from Maya Bessarab's book "Pages of Landau's Life"

What is included in the modern classic list non-standard actions:

    Walking in strange clothes: in summer in winter, turned inside out, for men in women's ...

    Ask strange questions to passers-by. For example, under the guise sociological research, "and you are cheating on your wife / husband" ...

    Make strange requests. For example, asking for a condom. Or give sweets to passers-by (so that they take them).

    Collect charity.

The list is endless. There are a lot of non-standard actions ... And it’s worth choosing exactly those that are the most scary for you to do.

    Keep in mind the law of the zone of proximal development. Gradually increase the difficulty of tasks for yourself. No need to immediately take on a very difficult exercise for you, on which you can overstrain.

If you dial in any search engine phrase "non-standard actions" you can easily find more links to 20-30 similar reports.

Leader and Lead Trainer

"University of Rhetoric and Oratory"

The fact that non-standard actions help self-development, I think, is far from news for the habra community and especially for readers of the GTD blog. In the topic, the topic is revealed somewhat more fully, plus there are examples of what should be done in order to feel good and work easily with a fresh mind and sharp attention.

To work well, it is important to be a winner(which is regularly mentioned in various Success Stories and books on motivation). Each victory is a proof of one's own strength, a fixation for further success, an improvement in mood and condition. Also, building new neural connections and lots and lots of development.

Roughly speaking, it works like this: when you win, the brain starts the stimulation processes, fixing the tendency to success at a low level.

There is also the so-called “frontier factor”: businessmen who have ever taken serious risks and won in their lives usually achieve more than those who always choose complete safety (research and methodology are described in the book “Good to Great”).

Fresh emotions from unusual actions and overcoming oneself and circumstances are the emotions of victory. Unconventional behavior training is a thing that helps you feel the risk, do unusual things and get a bonus in the form of a sharp increase in productivity.

Non-standard actions fall into three main categories:
- Just unusual ones that build new neural connections in the brain.
- Associated with the rejection of something, giving a feeling of lightness.
- Physically safe, but risky, which gives a feeling of victory.

The most interesting, of course, are the third, but first we will analyze the first two types.

So, just unusual actions

Example: try to work with the mouse with your left hand for half an hour if you are right-handed. Pretty soon, "Expo rolls" in the form of a charge of vivacity. When in a couple of days you get better at controlling the mouse In a similar way, the energizing effect will disappear: the act will become habitual and you will get a new standard skill

Methodology: choose standard actions and do them differently. Tie your shoelaces with your left hand, rearrange icons on your desktop, carry your phone in another pocket. The task is, if possible, to disable template reactions that are launched on everything already habitual actions. In Eastern Zen practice, for example, there is an exercise where the student asks the teacher for permission for every action, even for just wanting to scratch. The goal is to catch any patterns and come to the awareness of each action.

Profit: a feeling of cheerfulness, positive reinforcement during mastering tricky thing, the potential development of neural connections, a decrease in downtime (including one that leads to salty coffee, because the code, and the salt shaker was closer than the sugar bowl).

Change of pace

One of the most interesting classes of this type of action is the change in the pace of perception. Try to eat your favourite dish exactly one hour (you won't believe how much flavor you'll discover then), respond to IM half as often, walk as slowly as possible. At Eastern peoples By the way, even at school there are lessons in contemplation, when students just look at some object for hours, it's something like that. Just try it, it's incredibly exciting and unexpectedly difficult: as practice has shown, not everyone on Habré can withstand 2 minutes of inactivity.


This is when we remove something very familiar and routine from our lives. Examples - cleaning the desktop (remember what a relief it gives), switching to new job(more precisely, the gap between the old and the new), completion big project when nothing else "presses". The principle here is also simple: a lot of things take away some of the brain's resources in the background. Unloading leads to the fact that we stop worrying.

Remember what happens if you accidentally kill a screw and screw up backup. First, the shock of the loss ... and then the unreal relief of the fact that there is no more need to disassemble the folders "Disassemble", "Any" and "New Folder", no need to store a 40-gig archive of photos and so on. I think the situation is familiar to many. The more there was, the more anxiety there was.

Physically safe but risky actions

And this is a classic of many psychological training. The in-house psychologist once made us do the craziest things as part of the out-of-the-ordinary behavior training. We had to greet everyone we met, take pictures of all pedestrians (politely asking and getting permission), go to different companies with guards at the door (like damn salesman spammers), proudly wear a brick with a red bow on outstretched arms through the center of the city, have picnics on the pavement and generally do a lot of things that are normal notorious person will not do. I must say that the acquired skills were very useful in life, in particular, for me personally - at the negotiations.

Modern salespeople, by the way, train by selling an ordinary match to passers-by for 300-500 rubles, distributing free flyers in the metro for a ruble apiece, and other tricks.

Everything that challenges our complexes, ideas about the prevailing reality and the standard way of life - all this served as a wild source of buzz from defeating ourselves and circumstances at such trainings.

Let's get back to reality

AT ordinary life, not within the framework of insane training or any course of study, non-standard actions are quite a rarity (maximum, break loose and go somewhere). The mind is a rather lazy thing, it wants stability and a minimum of inclusions, for which it forms standard patterns for many, many actions. Crazy actions make very unusual adjustments to the vividness of the sense of reality.

Let's play in the training of non-standard actions?

Here are examples of moderately insane tasks: delete all RSS subscriptions, try to read books upside down all day, go to the zoo, write a letter to someone on paper (damn attractive), suddenly give your beloved a bouquet (“And when you gave flowers - two months ago?"), rearrange the room and, oh yes, change the standard passwords and finally learn new ones.

Let's play?

How about coming up with a moderately crazy act (which can still be done in reality without much physical consequences) and unsubscribe it in the comments? I suppose in this case it will be possible to simply go over the comments and choose your “act of the day” to increase productivity.

P.S. Moved to corporate to show

An excellent exercise to remove "Evaluative dependence", i.e. dependence on the opinions of others, and the fear of being judged,

harmful thing that absolute majority people and prevents us from freely living, creating and expressing ourselves.

Actions can be absolutely anything, provided that it does not interfere with others and is non-standard for you. Options: Walk on all fours, read poetry on the bus, dance in the store, walk with a bucket on your head, walk around the city with a baby pacifier in your mouth, for men - walk around the city with brightly painted lips, for women - march, for overly educated and sophisticated ladies - spit on the asphalt and swear, for not very well-mannered and rude men - politeness, gallantry and restraint, there are an infinite number of options.

Behavior and style of communication can also be non-standard.

The effect is grandiose, from a significant increase in self-confidence and gaining an amazing inner freedom, to the development of strong leadership and powerful leadership qualities. Recomend for everybody.


Consists of 2 steps.

First - you just keep silent, accepting Active participation in surrounding events with the help of gestures and gaze.

The second is a very deep exercise, when you remain only an observer of life and completely turn off the processes taking place around you, so that even those around you soon stop noticing you. The exercise is especially recommended for active people, although it can be useful to everyone. Attention! It can generate deep philosophical feelings and very interesting conclusions. "Let the world exist without you."


Exercise for a home meeting. It's simple - for the duration of a home meeting, a person turns off his vision with a bandage. Impressions are more than enough. Usually weight inner discoveries and new understandings. You can do it at home with safety precautions.

If I loved...

Love for yourself, for people, for pieces of furniture, mother's love(forgiving), paternal love ("I'll make a man out of you!"). To get started, choose 1 type of love that you will constantly radiate during the week or during a home meeting. Can be assigned certain time for every kind of love. We choose a person that we do not really like and begin to behave towards him as if you loved him.


You act like the blonde from the jokes. I especially recommend it to men.

I want- start any action or request with these words.

I ask for help- ask completely strangers to help you, although you can also acquaintances ...

You can take background tasks to a home meeting (for quick receipt high-quality feedback) and for a week, for the most effective and fast practice of the exercise.

It is recommended to take exercises according to the principle: “For now, this is the most difficult thing for me to do, but in life, oh, how useful it is.” Those. if you are a sunshine and a good-natured person in life, and give a negative feedback and scolding unlucky colleagues is a difficult and rather unpleasant task for you, then the Scolding exercise is exactly what you need. Or if you are used to believing that the world is cruel and unfair, and the glass is, of course, half empty, then the best way for you - of course the exercise "Good."

We train and use in communication.

GDP technique



When communicating with a person, it is important to provide him with GDP.

Attention - give compliments. Competent compliment goes from outside to inside. We note the quality or sign of the interlocutor that we like and draw conclusions about what internal property is characteristic of him.

For example: "You have such a beautiful suit, it shows that you have good taste"

Power - define a quality or something that the interlocutor can do very well or better than others, sincerely admire it, say that you would like to be able to do it too.

For example: “You perform so easily without preparation, I would like to learn this”

Support is the promise of help. Help can be personal or assistance in finding information.

For example: “By the way, I have a manicurist friend, if you need, contact me, I’ll give you a phone number”

Technique "I-speaking"

In any situation good or bad behavior someone, talk not about the misconduct or act of the person, but about how you feel about this act.

For example: “I’m so glad that I don’t have to wash the dishes today and can immediately relax” (the child has washed the dishes by your return).

Or: “What a pity that I now have to spend time washing dishes instead of relaxing after work” (came in and found a mountain of dishes in the sink).

All examples are exaggerated, because are educational.

5 exercises that develop creativity

1. Two accidents

Take dictionary and randomly choose two random concepts. Just point your finger at any page. Compare them, try to find something in common between them. Come up with a crazy story in which to put the relationship. Similar exercise excellent brain training.

2. Crazy geneticist

Take Blank sheet paper and marker. It’s very good if you don’t know how to draw, because beauty and result are absolutely not important here. The main thing, as I said above, is the process. Now draw something that will combine as much as possible more signs all the animals you know. You will get, for example, a fox with fish scales, or a long-necked hare with hooves. The purpose of the exercise is to kill any rudiments of logic and common sense with an emphasis on creativity.

3. Mad Architect

From animals to architecture, let's draw a house. But before we start this lesson, choose 10 any words. Imagine that you, as an architect, have been commissioned to design a house. But the customer set 10 mandatory requirements. These are the chosen words. Anything can be here. For example, "orange" - and the roof of your house should be orange, "plate" - make round windows in the bathroom, etc. While drawing on paper, at the same time imagine how it could look in real life.

Choose any word, it must be a noun. Now write 5 adjectives that you think suit him best. For example, "socks" - black, warm, woolen, winter, clean. Done? Now try writing 5 more adjectives that don't fit at all. This is where everything stalled. It turns out that this is very difficult to do. dig into various fields perception and find the right words.

5. Title

Try every time you are interested in some subject, come up with a name for it. It can be short and biting, or long and deployed. The purpose of the exercise is that you should definitely like the name.

Repeat the exercises every day several times and be sure to become a creative person.

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Good afternoon!

It's spring outside, when it's sunny, and when it's raining - it's time to warm up and do the exercise "Non-Standard Actions".

Tourists in Japan could see how businesslike young people suddenly began to sing or read poetry just like that on the square. This is the training of managers to develop their self-confidence, the ability to behave without constraining themselves within the framework of the expectations of others. Individual training "non-standard actions" is to do things that are unusual for yourself and non-standard for others. Things are not harmful to anyone, often kind, useful, but - but I never did that! Kind of scary! Scary!

The exercise of non-standard actions is work with fear, this is confidence training, this is courage training.

It will be even more difficult if these things and actions go against not only your habits, but also the expectations of others. If these are actions not according to a pattern, unexpected, strange, incomprehensible actions - such that "normal" (that is, those who fit into the norms, frameworks, standards!) People do not perform.

Instead of a detailed briefing, it is more convenient to provide documentary reports of those who took this training.

Notes from the battlefield

E.M., while the deputy head of the department, the most promising specialist, it seems - the hope of Russia:

  • I sat on the rail in the subway (although there were many empty seats)
  • From the subway to the house I walked backwards
  • Sang a delightfully passionate Spanish love song in the subway (thanks to Mr. Almadver). The words there are: “Ku-ku-ru-kukuuuu ...!”
  • She bit her lip. It wasn't long enough.
  • In the subway, she took a pen in her mouth and portrayed a woodpecker.
  • Poems to the crowd. After the first line out loud - a wave of ecstasy! And at the end - a moral orgasm. Especially when they began to applaud me.
  • I fell into childhood, in the rose garden, lying on my belly, I drew all sorts of prettiness with crayons on the asphalt ...
  • Friends incited to confess their love to anyone. Please! Anytime. If you mean by the words "I love you!" the fact that at that very moment I just wanted to say exactly these words (and how many deep meanings there are under this!).
  • I was afraid to catch cars. But - she overcame it (herself) twice. Further - I will deliberately catch them, disagree on the price and let them go. Until you stop being afraid.

Tips and Safety

  1. If you are scared, it is better to do non-standard actions in the company first. Together is fun! And it's not so scary...
  2. You should not practice non-standard actions, because of which you may have any everyday troubles. Do not strain policemen, neighbors and colleagues - overly bold training of non-standard actions at work can damage your business reputation.
  3. Do not get carried away, even if you liked this training. Yes, those people who are in a good mood are having fun with you, but those who are in a bad mood are twitching or grumbling. We realized that we have freed ourselves from the fettering framework - stop shocking and get down to business. A leader is a person with the feeling "I am the boss!" (not only the world in which I live, but also the situation in which I am here and now), and it is absolutely not necessary for the owner to spoil his own property out of stupidity. The owner acts as he sees fit, that's true, but constantly artificially (and without much benefit!) "Strain" people and the situation - is it worth it? The training of non-standard actions is not the practice of hooliganism.


Various exercises in the style of "Non-standard actions":

  • On the street, ask passers-by walking towards what time it is. The trick is to ask everyone in a row, one by one... See →
  • Walking down the street with a pacifier in your mouth.
  • In the subway, entering the car, start moaning in the style: "Sorry, good people, that we are turning to you! We ourselves are local people, take money from us, whoever wants it!" - and give away change to those who wish ...
  • On the bus stop aloud, for everyone, to read Pushkin's poems, for example, "Eugene Onegin".

Have a nice day!