Bewitched by the invisible, the forest stands enchanted. Expressive reading of a poem by students

Fyodor Tyutchev "The Enchantress in Winter ..."

Enchantress Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands,

And under snowy fringe,

Motionless, dumb

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched,

Not dead and not alive -

Magically enchanted by sleep

All entangled, all bound

Light chain downy...

Is the winter sun mosque

On him his ray oblique -

Nothing trembles in it

He will flare up and shine

Dazzling beauty.

Boris Pasternak "It's snowing"

It's snowing, it's snowing.

To the white stars in the blizzard

Stretching geranium flowers

For the window frame.

It's snowing and everyone is confused

Everything takes flight

black stairs steps,

Crossroad turn.

It's snowing, it's snowing

As if not flakes are falling,

And in the patched coat

The sky descends to the ground.

Like a weirdo

From the top staircase

Sneak around playing hide and seek

The sky is coming down from the attic.

Because life doesn't wait.

Do not look back, and - Christmas time

Only a short interval

Look, it's New Year's.

The snow is falling thick,

In step with him, those feet,

At the same pace, with that laziness

Or with the same speed

Maybe time passes?

Maybe year after year

Follow as it snows

Or like the words in a poem?

It's snowing, it's snowing

It's snowing and everything is in turmoil:

whitewashed pedestrian,

surprised plants,

Crossroad turn.

Konstantin Balmont "Snowflake"

Light fluffy

snowflake white,

What a pure

what a bold!

Exuberant dear

easy to carry

Not in the sky azure -

asks for the sky.

blowing under the wind

trembles, rises,

On him, cherishing,

swaying lightly.

his swing

she is comforted

With his blizzards

spinning wildly.

In the rays of shining

skilful glides

Among the melting flakes

safe white.

But here it ends

long road,

Earth touches

crystal star.

lies fluffy

small snowflake.

What a pure

what a white!

Alexander Blok " dilapidated hut»

dilapidated hut

All covered in snow.

old grandmother

Looks out the window.

For the naughty grandchildren

Knee-deep snow.

Cheerful for the kids

Fast sled running...

running, laughing,

Making a snow house

In the snow house

Rough game...

Fingers get cold

It's time to go home!

Drink tea tomorrow

Looking out the window -

But the house has melted,

It's spring outside!

Nikolai Nekrasov "Snowball"

Snow flutters, spins,

It's white outside.

And the puddles turned

In cold glass

Where the finches sang in summer

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On the branches of snowmen.

The snow is cut by skis,

Like chalk, creaky and dry,

And the red cat catches

Cheerful white flies.

Ivan Demyanov "First Snow"

Gray bushes to a twig ...

On land and at home

On white parachutes

Winter is coming down!

Snowflakes are flying.

Looking out of my hand:

Spinning and dancing in the air

Fluffy and light!

The street got brighter

Pretty village.

Snowflakes are flying, spinning,

Around white-white!

I. Mashkov "Lake Geneva. Gpion"

Metaphors and personifications in the poem by F. I. Tyutchev "The Enchantress in Winter ..."

In F. I. Tyutchev’s poem “The Enchantress in Winter”, a beautiful winter forest is described. Let's see what paths help the reader to see his inner life.

Bewitched by the Enchantress in Winter, the forest stands -

And under the snowy fringe, Motionless, mute, He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, - Not a dead man and not alive - Enchanted by a magical dream, All entangled, all shackled With a light downy chain ...

Does the winter sun cast its slanting beam on it - Nothing will tremble in it,

It will all flare up and sparkle with dazzling beauty.

- What picture did Tyutchev paint? (The poet created wonderful picture winter forest, as if frozen in its extraordinary life.)

- How does the reader get the perception of a wonderful, magical forest? (Tyutchev from the very beginning of his text sets a magical image: the forest is “bewitched by the Enchantress Winter.” The poet emphasizes the fabulousness of the description with the words “wonderful life”, “magic dream”, the word “bewitched” is repeated twice.)

- What metaphors and personifications does the poet use? (Tyutchev uses such metaphors: the forest " charmed by a magical dream”, “bound in a downy chain”, the poet points to the “dazzling beauty” of the forest. The whole poem is riddled with personifications: Bewitched by the Enchantress Winter, the forest stands»; “He (forest) shines with a wonderful life”; forest

« enchanted, all entangled, all chained downy light chain"; "the sun ... casts its ray obliquely on him"; "in him nothing will tremble, it will all flare up and sparkle ...».)

- Explain the meaning of the use of metaphors and personifications in this text. (Tyutchev sees the forest alive, more precisely, the poet writes: “not a dead man and not alive.” This forest is frozen, enchanted, like a person who has been enchanted by a sorceress. The poet sees the Enchantress Winter, feels “wonderful”, secret life forest, which froze in its glassy immobility.)

- What does the word "mess" mean? (Tyutchev writes about how the rays of the sun fall on the winter forest. The sun does not just throw rays, namely “ sweeps, "throws like arrows.)

- Do you think the sad image was created by the poet in his poem or not? (First of all, this image is beautiful. The forest is striking in its mystery and amazing charm. It is a little sad that it is motionless and mute - it is covered by a “motionless and dumb” fringe of snow, but this forest is like a fairy tale, therefore unusually attractive.)

- What colors can be distinguished in the description of the forest? (The main color, of course, is white, silvery, because it is the color of winter and snow: “snowy fringe”, the forest “glistens”, “bound in a light downy chain.” But the sun also adds shine and radiance to the forest, so in the picture

golden, bright tones invade: “Does the winter sun cast its slanting beam on it”; “It will all flare up and shine with dazzling beauty.”)

- How does Tyutchev draw the color palette of the text: does he directly name the shades or indirectly - through objects and images that carry a certain color? (There is no direct naming of color in the poem at all, there is only a mention of snow, not even snow, but “snow fringe” or “downy light chain.” Also, the image of the sun introduces golden tones, emphasizes the radiance of white snow.)

- Why does the poet choose this way of describing the forest? (When specific colors are not named, different pictures arise in our imagination, one more picturesque than the other. And Tyutchev's forest is not at all an ordinary winter forest, but as if born from a fairy tale, from a miracle, from the poet's amazing imagination.)

Let's look at the picture of Arkhip Kuindzhi " sunspots on frost." This painting is in the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg. The artist was a master of lighting effects, which he became interested in in his youth, when he worked in a photographic studio. Ilya Repin wrote about Kuindzhi in 1913: “The illusion of light was his god, and there was no artist equal to him in achieving this miracle of painting. Kuindzhi is an artist of light.

Kuindzhi preferred mystery and fabulousness in depicting the world: this was in tune with the mood of the art of the end 19th century. In the landscape of the end of the century, the expression was valued state of mind and a special atmosphere of spirituality of nature.

"Sun spots on hoarfrost 20" - a picture of a winter forest.

- How did Kuindzhi depict the winter forest? (The forest in the picture is light and a little mysterious. It seems that the sun penetrates it through and through, this creates a joyful mood.)

- Why is the painting called "Sunspots on Frost"? (The artist emphasizes that his canvas is not dedicated to the image of winter trees, but sunlight, which the

20 Hoarfrost - a thin layer of snow formed due to evaporation on a cooling surface. 44

fills the air, snowdrifts, clearing, treetops. Everything is covered with a light layer of hoarfrost, shining under the rays of the sun.)

- How is the space of the picture constructed? (Kuindzhi deepens the space due to a rather large gap between the spruce trees covered with snow, mountains and distant crowns of trees are visible through this gap. Large branches of huge spruce trees covered with snow caps are highlighted in the foreground.)

- Is it possible to call the meadow painted by Kuindzhi fabulous? (The glade and the fir trees surrounding it, the caps of snow, the hoarfrost that seems to cover the whole world, the sun illuminating this wonderful corner - it seems fabulous and magical. You might think that Kind fairy so decorated the forest.)

- Does Kuindzhi's painting remind you of Tyutchev's poem "The Enchantress in Winter ..."? (These two works are similar in the feeling of light mood with which they are transmitted different elements winter forest. Both the poet and the painter illuminate their paintings sunlight. Both forests are not gloomy and frozen, but some light, almost airy. Tyutchev’s forest is “bound in a light downy chain”, while Kuindzhi’s is covered with a delicate layer of hoarfrost shining from the sun.)

Consider the painting by Igor Grabar "February Blue", painted in 1904. The painting is in Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

One of the features of Grabar's work is that the artist did not mix paints on the palette, but applied them separately to the canvas.

- What color is already defined in the title of Grabar's landscape? (The azure color dominates over all the colors of the picture. Although the whole canvas is unusually bright and sunny.)

- Analyze color scheme canvases. (Grabar depicted a birch grove. The background for the picture is azure - deep blue color, the color of the sky, which is given a lot of space in the picture. The snow is shown as soft blue, with white spots, the shadows from the trees are blue, a little brighter than the snow. The birch trunks are white-pinkish, and the crowns are reddish-purple. In some places on the trunks you can see small black spots. frost on




frozen on branches. The forest in the background seems to be crimson from the rays of the sun.)

- Why are the colors in the painting so bright and the sun so shining? (It's February

- the last month of winter, and nature is no longer as sad and dull as in real winter. February azure - almost spring azure.)

- How is the space of the painting organized? ( Most of The canvas is filled with an image of an azure sky, against which high birch trees with crimson crowns are shown. The forest in the distance seems small, but very bright, dense, flooded with sunlight. It seems that the artist was painting a picture, standing right under the birches and looking up and into the distance.)

- How are birch trees depicted on canvas? (The birches are clearly written, every branch is visible, almost every scale on the bark. Kuindzhi is not like that at all, we see snow caps in him, the outlines of objects are soft and blurry. Grabar makes all the outlines surprisingly clear.)

- What do you think, which of the two landscapes is closer to Tyutchev's poem "The Enchantress in Winter ..."? (Each of the pictures in its own way resembles a poem by Tyutchev. Grabar’s landscape is more open, less mysterious, but brighter and more filled with light: each birch seems to shimmer from the rays of the sun, and the last lines of the poem are consonant with this picture (“Does the winter sun throw its ray obliquely on it - nothing will tremble in it , it will flash all over and shine with dazzling beauty"). But at Kuindzhi the forest is more mysterious, "bewitched" by the Enchantress Winter. So one feels that “under the snowy fringe, motionless, mute, wonderful life, he shines.”)

Tasks for independent work

1. Find winter landscapes from Russian artists (for example, in the works of N. Goncharova, N. Krymov, K. Yuon, I. Levitan, etc.).

2. Analyze the style features of your chosen artists. How do they see the Russian winter, what details on their canvases seem significant to you?

Topic: Features of the image of nature in the poem "The Enchantress in Winter .." Lesson-research in the 5th grade


educational: to form initial interpretation skills lyrical work, the ability to find means in the text artistic expressiveness to understand the mood, feelings of the poet;

developing: develop research skills, associative thinking, the speech of schoolchildren;

educative: instill interest in the poetic word, poetry, teach careful attitude to nature.

Methodological techniques: analytical conversation.

Lesson type: lesson-research

Thanks guys, you did a great job. And now, during the whole lesson, each group will have a bright sun.

And we begin our acquaintance with the poem "The Enchantress in Winter"

4. Expressive reading poems "Winter Enchantress ..." (music, pictures on slides) Listen to the poem and try to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the winter landscape.

Enchanted winter

Bewitched, the forest stands

And under the snowy fringe,

Motionless, dumb

He shines with a wonderful life

And he stands bewitched -

Not dead and not alive

Magically enchanted by sleep

All wrapped up, all wrapped up

Light chain downy,

Is the sun in winter

On him his ray oblique

Nothing trembles in it

He will flare up and shine

Dazzling beauty.

- You came across an unfamiliar word.

Meshchet is an obsolete form of the word to throw, which means to throw, throw, now we say mosque

5. Conversation. Emotional mood. Now let's get to the text.

Did you like the poem?

repetition of the theory. What is a theme and idea?

Theme of the poem- this is what the writer talks about - events, facts, life phenomena

The idea of ​​the poem (main idea)- this is an assessment of events, facts, life phenomena that the author describes

6. Text research.

People try to depict winter nature in different ways. Composers "paint" it with the help of sounds. Artists do it with the help of paints, and writers and poets do it with the help of words.

Now we will pass research work with the text of the poem and find out what words helped Tyutchev to draw the magnificence of the winter forest. You will make notes on worksheets. Open your textbooks on page 84.

The first task of the worksheet: determine the theme of the poem.

Let's name the topic. (Answers) Let's write it down on the worksheet.

Winter has become a full-fledged mistress of nature. How much has she changed by being in the forest?

- Read the first stanza.

What pictures did you imagine after reading the first stanza?

Is the forest alive or dead?

(The forest is like a living organism, it shines with a mysterious, wonderful life even under the winter cover.)

How do you understand the word sorceress?

(Witch. Enchantress . Winter - the sorceress bewitched, enchanted the forest. Winter - the sorceress enchants, hypnotizes, puts you to sleep)

Under the snowy fringe... What kind of means of expression is this? (Metaphor)

What is fringe?

(Fringe is a strip of fabric or braid for sheathing a tablecloth, a women's scarf with hanging tassels)

And here is a snowy fringe near the forest, how do you understand that?

(The poet figuratively refers to snow-covered tree branches as snow fringes, which, intertwining with each other, form various snow patterns)

What is the name of the life of the winter forest? (Motionless, mute, wonderful life)

How do you understand the word dumb? What is this means of expression? ( Epithet)

(Not having the ability to speak, to express in words their thoughts and feelings)

This word is used in the poem figurative meaning quiet, silent.

There is deep silence in the forest, the branches of the trees do not sway, and nothing disturbs the peace of the forest.

A wonderful life ... What is this word formed from? (Miracle)

And what does it mean? (Something very beautiful, unusual. A winter miracle is performed in a state of sleep)

Let's choose the words - synonyms: beautiful, amazing, magical

Let's write out in the worksheet the epithets and metaphors that we met.

We read the second stanza.

So the forest creature fascinated... What?

(A magical dream.)

Let's imagine what he dreams about?

(Maybe spring?)

With what words does Tyutchev create a bewitching image of the forest? What magic words does he use?

(Tyutchev skillfully selects witchcraft words: enchantress, enchanted, bewitched, wonderful, dazzling beauty)

Let's compare the words charmed and sorceress. Do they have anything in common?

(The common root of the enchantment is magic, charm)

What do these words say? What picture is being painted in the mind?

(About the fairy tale, oh fabulous description winter forest)

Who among you was fascinated by such a picture?

Let's turn to the word chain ... What is a chain? (A chain is a series of rings tightly connected to each other)

Entangle with a chain. What is this means of expression? (metaphor)

What does it mean in a poem to entangle with a chain? How do you imagine that?

(The snow that lies on the branches of trees is very light, Chained means to surround, tightly entangle).

What is the name of the chain in the poem? (Light, downy, i.e. consisting of down)

- Write out the found means of expression from the second stanza (worksheet)

- Read the last stanza.

What does the sun do? (The sun sweeps its ray obliquely) What kind of means of expression is this? (epithet)

Why is the beam called oblique?

(In winter, the sun is low on the horizon, and therefore its rays fall from the side)

What happens to the forest when the sun shines its ray on it?

(The whole forest will flare up and sparkle. Snowflakes will shine under the rays of the sun, and this will make the forest sparkle. The forest becomes very beautiful, sparkling with multi-colored lights. We seemed to be in a fairy tale)

Guys, are the words flashing, sparkling in a direct or figurative sense? What is this means of expression? ( metaphor)

What is this means of expression? (epithet)

What feelings does this epithet convey? (Feeling of admiration for the winter forest)

Write down the epithets and metaphors from the last stanza on the worksheet.


Let's do some exercise. Get up and repeat the movements after me. Let's try to feel like a forest.

In autumn, the forest sheds its leaves, wraps itself in a warm snow coat, falls asleep with a sweet dream. And in spring, the forest wakes up, takes off its snow clothes and enjoys the gentle sun.

Let's continue work.

What other means of expression did the author use to create the image of a winter forest? What allowed us to speak of him as a living being? (These are personifications)

Write it down on your worksheet. Complete the task to the end.

Independent work (3 minutes)

epithets : motionless, mute, wonderful (life), magical (dream), light, downy (chain), oblique (beam), dazzling (beauty)

Avatars: enchantress Winter, the forest stands, the forest is enchanted, bewitched, shrouded; the sun sweeps

Metaphors: snowy fringe, downy chain, the forest will flare up, sparkle.

- Read the summary of your work. In the course of the study, we received an analysis of the poem "The Enchantress in Winter ..."

7. Work with a reproduction of the painting "Winter" (slide). Group work.

Guys, at the beginning of the lesson, we talked with you, that the beauty of nature inspired composers and artists, poets to create immortal masterpieces. There is a picture in front of you famous artist"Winter".

What do you see in the picture? (Winter landscape)

How did the artist depict the forest?

Both the poet and the painter, independently of each other, saw a winter forest that struck each of them with its “dazzling beauty”

-Now let's work in groups. . Each group will select as a caption for the picture such lines from Tyutchev's poem that are especially close to the painter's canvas. (“Enchanted by a magical dream”, “The forest is bewitched by the Enchantress Winter”, etc.)

Well done, you all did an excellent job!

8. View video.

No less impressive musical works. Let's listen to the musical fragment "Winter" by the Italian composer A. Vivaldi.

What thoughts and feelings did the music evoke in you?

Expressive reading of the poem by students.

- Thank you guys!

Now let's turn to the epigraph.

Summary of the lesson.

Appeal to the epigraph.

“Not what you think - nature ...

It has a soul, it has freedom"

- What is his idea? What does Tyutchev make us think about?

– Nature is a living being, it is free, it has a soul.

So, having carefully examined the texts of the poems, we were convinced that Tyutchev, depicting nature, is trying to understand her soul, to hear her voice. Tyutchev's nature is a living, intelligent being.

F. Tyutchev's poems turn into sounds, into color, into smells. They open wide the doors to the natural world, embrace beautiful moments. The poet seemed to want to tell us: “Look how much beauty is in nature, how magnificent every moment of life is. Do not pass indifferently past this beauty, stop, rejoice


Guys, each group received pictures with the image different states weather. Consult and choose the picture that matches your mood and stick it on the board.

Summary of the lesson. Grading.


1. Learn the poem "Winter Enchantress ..."


Worksheet №1

1. Theme of the poem "Enchanted Winter» -_________________________

2. Main idea this poem is in the following lines:



Worksheet №2

5th grade student________________________________

1. Theme of the poem « spring waters» -_________________________


3. To create artistic image ______________________________ pictures the poet uses such figurative and expressive means of language:

epithets ___________________________________________________________________

metaphors _______________________________________________________________

personifications _____________________________________________________________

4. The poem evokes a feeling _________________________________________________________

Application to reflection


1. Belyaeva studying lyrics at school: Theory and practice of a differentiated approach to students: A book for teachers of literature. M:-2004

2. . Lesson developments Literature Grade 5. M: "Wako".2009

3. Shan analysis artistic text. M:- 2004

4. Etkind on poetry. M:- 2004

December ends the year and begins winter: "As soon as it snows, and as soon as it falls, summer will tell the peasant about the stubble." At the beginning of the month, Vvedensky frosts, followed by Nikolsky ones.

January - "cut", "prosinets". According to the January weather, they judged the next spring and summer: "If it is March in January, be afraid in March January."

February - "snow", or "bokogrey". February blows winter with winds, lets water in, and March picks it up.

They said: "At the Meeting of the Snow - a dozhzhok in the spring." And before Lent, a merry Maslenitsa went on for a whole week.

Signs of winter do not always coincide, year after year is not necessary. But Russian poets have a magic tool - a poetic word. It transforms and paints reality, even the impossible becomes possible. We are convinced of this when we read the winter poetic classics.

K.D. Balmont

For winter

The forest has become completely transparent,
Sheets are rare in it.
Soon there will be fluffy snow
Fall from a height.

Let down our windows
In the nursery and everywhere.
The stars will shine brighter
Ice sticks to water.

Let's start skating
We are on clear ice.
Our laughter will be heard
In the park on the pond.

And in the calm of the rooms - hide and seek,
Even and odd count.
And then the holidays will come
New Year again.

N. Rubtsov


Frost under the bright stars

In the white meadow, in the snow

Walks, playing with branches,

Snow creaking cheerfully.

And everything walks under the trees,

And he takes care of the trees -

Dress up with satin snow

And on the New Year's path sees off!

The calm beauty of the sorceress of winter amazes us and makes us stop, forget our endless bustle, listen, see the charm of the fabulous atmosphere of the winter world. We will enter the sparkling chambers of the Russian winter, enjoy the wonderful light frost and iridescent snow, its holidays and blizzards. Wonderful halls conceal many new and unusual things. Each corner is interesting and alluring in its own way.

F.I. Tyutchev

Enchantress Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands -
And under the snowy fringe,
Motionless, dumb
He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -
Not dead and not alive -
Magically enchanted by sleep
All entangled, all bound
Light chain down...

Is the sun in winter 1
On him his ray oblique -
Nothing trembles in it
He will flare up and shine
Dazzling beauty.

1 sweeps (outdated) - from the word "throw", which means to throw, throw, modern word"mosque".

F.I. Tyutchev is a true connoisseur of the beauty of nature. How could he pass by this winter miracle? The marvelous landscape, painted in the jubilant colors of a clear day, cheers up. Everything fell asleep in nature, life calmed down and, it seems, died.

A.A. Fet

In the pastures of the dumb I love in the crackling frost
In the light of the sun, I snow prickly shine,
Forests under hats or in gray hoarfrost,
Yes, the river is sonorous under dark blue ice.
How they like to find thoughtful eyes
Winded ditches, winded mountains,
Sleepy blades of grass among the bare fields,
Where the hill is bizarre, like some kind of mausoleum,
Sculpted at midnight - or clouds of distant whirlwinds
On white shores and mirror polynyas.

But under the deceptively white snow mask boils unconquered life, wonderful fairy tale the winter forest continues its course, imperceptible to the eye.

Ask yourself: why do we love winter? Of course, for the beautiful winter landscapes. And still winter - favorite time years for kids. So many fun and holidays! And skis, and skates, and sleds, and snowballs, and a snow fortress, and snowmen!

A.A. Fet

Mother! look out the window
Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat
Washed the nose
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
Brightened, whitened -
Apparently it's cold.

Not scratchy, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches -
Just look at you!
Like someone with a beef
Fresh, white, plump cotton
Removed all bushes.

Now there will be no dispute:
For the sled, and uphill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won't refuse
And you might say to yourself:
"Well, hurry up for a walk!"

A.S. Pushkin says about his favorite heroine:

I loved Russian winter
Frost in the sun on a frosty day,
And the sleigh, and late dawn
Shine of pink snows,
And the darkness of Epiphany evenings.

This is a confession of the poet himself in love to the dear heart of the "north".

Here is the north, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
Beauty is coming winter.
Came, crumbled; shreds
Hung on the branches of oaks;
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills;
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
I'll tell mother winter...

No other time of the year can please us with such magnificent landscapes. Artisan frost decorates city streets, roofs of houses with a dazzling white robe, delighting adults and children. And the magnificent ice patterns on the windows! This is another winter fairy tale!

I.A. Bunin

On the window, silver from hoarfrost,
During the night the chrysanthemums bloomed.
In the upper glasses - the sky is bright blue
And stuck in the snow dust.
The sun rises, cheerful from the cold,
The window shines golden.
The morning is quiet, joyful and young.
Everything is covered in white snow.
And all morning bright and clean
I will see the colors in the sky
And until noon they will be silver
Chrysanthemums on my window.

Winter is beautiful when it sends us bright, sunny days in which all the colors of an amazing natural palette shimmer. But there are other winter days, when the whole world suddenly twitches in a muddy veil of blizzard and an icy wind rages. And it's scary to be out of the house in such bad weather.

... Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;
The moon is like a pale spot
Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,
And you sat sad -
And now ... look out the window ...

Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, my lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open eyes closed by bliss
Towards North Aurora 2,
Be the star of the north!

2 Aurora - morning dawn.

Pushkin's poem Winter morning”and about human happiness, and about peace, and about tranquility. It brings a feeling of fullness of life, a feeling of all the charm of the coming morning.

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.

The whole room amber gleam
Enlightened. Cheerful crackling
The fired oven crackles.
It's nice to think by the couch.
But you know: do not order to the sled
Ban the brown filly? ..

Winter gave Alexander Sergeevich happy moments of joy and poetic creativity. It is moments like these that are associated with this poem. When Pushkin lived for two years without a break in his small village of Mikhailovskoye, he often visited Trigorskoye, where he was sincerely loved, where he found a noisy society of youth.

The village is very nice. old house on the mountain, garden, lake, all around pine forests. But rural solitude and winter immobility sometimes evoked sad thoughts and even melancholy.

Winter. What should we do in the village? I meet
The servant who brings me a cup of tea in the morning,
Questions: is it warm? Has the blizzard subsided?
Is there powder or not? And can the bed
Leave for a saddle, or better before dinner
Messing around with your neighbor's old magazines?..
How much fun! Here is the evening: a blizzard howls;
The candle burns darkly; embarrassed, the heart aches;
Drop by drop, I slowly swallow the poison of boredom.
I want to read; eyes glide over the letters,
And thoughts are far away... I close the book;
I take a pen, I sit; forcibly pull out
The dormant muse has incoherent words.
No sound goes to the sound ... I lose all rights
Over the rhyme, over my strange servant:
The verse drags on languidly, cold and foggy.
Tired, with a lyre, I stop the argument,
I go to the living room; I hear a conversation
About close elections, about a sugar factory;
The hostess frowns in the likeness of the weather,
With steel knitting needles nimbly moving,
Ile about the red is guessing the king.
Yearning! So day after day goes into solitude!

It is known that the purity and freshness of winter air is sometimes annoying. I want change!

Six months of snow and snow
After all, this is, finally, the inhabitant of the lair,
Bear, get bored.

I.A. Bunin

I remember a long winter evening
Twilight and silence;
Dimly pours the light of the lamp 3,
The storm is crying at the window.

"My dear, - whispers my mother, -
If you want to take a nap
To be cheerful and cheerful
Tomorrow morning to be again, -

Forget that the blizzard howls
Forget that you are with me
Remember the quiet whisper of the forest
And the midday summer heat;

Remember how the birches rustle,
And behind the forest, at the border,
Walk slowly and smoothly
Golden waves of rye!”

And familiar advice
I trustfully listened
And filled with dreams
I started to forget.

Together with a quiet dream merged
Lulling dreams -
Whispers of ripening ears
And the indistinct noise of birches ...

3 lampada - a vessel filled with oil, usually lit in front of the icon.

Poem by I.A. Bunin reminds sincere lullaby, which gives calm and harmony to the suffering soul. So, it’s too early to grieve, we will wait for a fun drop ...

"The Enchantress in Winter..." Fyodor Tyutchev

Enchantress Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands -
And under the snowy fringe,
Motionless, dumb
He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -
Not dead and not alive
Magically enchanted by sleep
All entangled, all bound
Light chain down…

Is the sun in winter
On him his ray oblique -
Nothing trembles in it
He will flare up and shine
Dazzling beauty.

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "The Enchantress in Winter ..."

Landscape lyrics in the work of Fyodor Tyutchev are allotted special place. Being one of the founders of Russian romanticism, the poet paid great attention to the descriptions of nature, never ceasing to admire its perfection. Landscape sketches of amazing beauty and grace can be found in Tyutchev's poems of various periods. Both in his youth and in old age, the poet paid tribute to the greatness and grace of Russian nature, rightly believing that it was she who was the source of his inspiration.

To the most striking and memorable works landscape lyrics Fyodor Tyutchev refers to the poem "The Enchantress in Winter ...", written in 1854. From the first lines, the author identifies his favorite season with a charming woman who can change beyond recognition the world, giving it a special luxury . The object of Tyutchev's poetic research this case is the winter forest, which "under the snowy fringe" appears in a completely different, unusual form and shines with "wonderful life."

With the help of figurative and very accurate metaphors, the poet managed to convey a peaceful state winter nature, which is immersed in a magical dream. The forest is “bewitched, not dead and not alive”, and in this phrase one can hear the genuine amazement of the author, who never ceases to be amazed at how ordinary snow can change the world around it, turning it into a sleepy kingdom, where the trees froze before the onset of spring, bound by “light downy chain. Such a metaphor is very refined, albeit contradictory.. After all, the chain cannot be woven from fluff. However, Fedor Tyutchev considers such a definition of soft snow captivity, in which spruce and birch trees turned out to be, to be the most appropriate. Indeed, thanks to this one phrase, the imagination vividly draws a snow-covered grove, silent and filled with serene calm. One gets the impression that the author really ended up in a fairy-tale kingdom ruled by the sorceress Winter. Here life flows according to its own laws, which ordinary person it is very difficult to understand. They can only be accepted, as inevitable, as a fait accompli, and to pay tribute to the magnificent winter landscape which gives rise in the soul to joy and a sense of the perfection of the surrounding world.

Wanting to enhance the effect of the recreated picture, Tyutchev notes that there is no such force that could destroy the charm of the winter landscape. “Nothing will tremble in it,” the author notes, pointing out that it is only in the power of nature itself to change everything. Time will pass, the snow will melt, and the trees, freed from the winter shackles, will try on new clothes. In the meantime Sunshine unable to wake the silent forest dwellers. He can only fill the landscape with a dazzling brilliance that will turn every snowflake into a precious diamond. “It will flash all over and shine with dazzling beauty,” the poet notes, emphasizing how amazingly nature is changing. A moment ago, the forest seemed inanimate, frozen and inhospitable. However, thanks to the sun, which glided as if inadvertently over the snow-covered branches, it turned into a luxurious palace, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. And this amazing metamorphosis impressed the author so much that in the poem “In the Enchanting Winter ...” he tried to convey his feelings as accurately as possible and show that the world is infinitely beautiful, and there will always be a place for a miracle in it. After all, how in a matter of minutes nature can transform an ordinary forest edge is beyond the control of any living creature. Therefore, Tyutchev personifies her with something divine and inaccessible, sublime and romantic.