Days of the solar eclipse in the year 17. So, let's summarize what you need and do not need to do during a solar eclipse.

Greetings! August 2017 will bring us 2 eclipses: Lunar (partial), which will take place on August 7, 2017 at 21:10 Moscow time in Aquarius and Solar, which will be on August 21, 2017 at 21:30 Moscow time in Leo.

A bit of astronomy... Moon eclipse happens only on a full moon, when the moon is opposite the sun, and between them is the earth, the shadow of which falls on the moon, which creates a dimming effect on the moon. But the Sun opposite the Moon happens once a month, and eclipses are about 2 times a year. Why? Because there are still participants in this process - (intersection points visible orbits Sun and Moon), which are also called Karmic knots. There are 2 nodes - North and South, which always stand opposite each other. So, when one node during the full moon is located next to the Sun, and the other next to the Moon, an eclipse occurs.

Lunar eclipses are of several types:

  • Complete;
  • Partial (only part of the Moon is hidden by the Earth's shadow);
  • Penumbral (small contact with the shadow of the Earth).

A solar eclipse occurs only on a new moon, and at the same time, the Moon, like sausage on bread, covers the Sun. But then again, the new moon happens once a month, and eclipses are about 2 times a year. For a solar eclipse to happen lunar node must be near the Sun, and the Moon must be close to the Earth, so that its apparent diameter seems larger than the Sun.
Solar eclipses are the same as Lunar 3 types:

  • Full;
  • partial;
  • Ring.

And now about the astrology of eclipses in August 2017

I note right away that the effect of eclipses can begin a few days before their completion and continue for several days after.

The moon is traditionally associated with our unconscious, and when a lunar eclipse occurs, this unconscious can break out into external world. The lunar eclipse in August will take place in the sign of Aquarius, which means that it will be controlled by Uranus - a rather peculiar planet, a planet that can bring various "tricks" into our lives, both positive and negative. An eclipse in Aquarius will bring many of us increased excitability, a craving for freedom, for bold decisions. And since Uranus is now in the sign of Mars, there may be a craving for bold deeds. The period of the lunar eclipse can be quite a traumatic period, therefore, keep your emotions under control, drive carefully and do not take risks once again. It is considered very auspicious to complete any business on the days of the Lunar Eclipse. For example, repay a debt, start looking for new job, clean up and throw out old things.

The sun, on the contrary, symbolizes our consciousness. And these days, the emphasis is on our conscious actions. On the day of the Solar Eclipse, August 21, from the Sun will go favorable aspects to Uranus and Saturn, so I don't think there will be any fatal events in anyone's life. Since the eclipse will occur in the sign of Leo - and this is the sign of the Sun, then all actions and decisions can be directed to noble goals and to manifest themselves in the outside world.

The main rule of Solar and Lunar eclipses is prudence, avoidance of passions and a sparing attitude towards oneself and loved ones. You should never dramatize eclipses, but you need to observe yourself, observe life as a whole, as if from the outside, in order to understand which of the chosen path options you really need in this moment. Eclipses themselves do not bring events, but by taking wrong decisions these days, we can create events by ourselves.


Lunar eclipse in 11th house

During an eclipse, some changes may occur in this house associated with friends or with the team in which you often stay. It can also be an interest group - a thematic Internet forum, for example. On such an eclipse often end various projects or achieved certain goals. There may also be some changes in the area of ​​wages.

Solar eclipse in 5th house

Activates, first of all, the theme of children, if you have children, or if you want to have a child. You may witness some changes in your child's life, or you yourself will take Active participation in their life. Creative people may want to create some kind of masterpiece, while others, on the contrary, may feel a decline in inspiration. The 5th house is also the house of recreation and entertainment, so you can make some decisions related to these topics. Maybe decide on a vacation spot or decide to buy lottery ticket. There may also be some changes associated with your hobby. Someone will decide to sign up for dance courses, and someone will buy a new cross-stitch kit.


Lunar eclipse in 10th house

With an eclipse in this house, there is a great chance to see how some work project is completed or begun. There may be changes at work and in your career, as well as in social status. Someone can defend a dissertation or receive an award for sports achivments. Someone will get married or have a baby.

Solar eclipse in 4th house

An eclipse in this house can activate various questions related to your home or family. Possible moves to another house or trips to your homeland. Someone may decide to start making repairs or want to buy new furniture for their apartment. Also, a solar eclipse in the 4th house can bring changes related to real estate - with buying or selling, for example. Or they may become topical issues family and your parents.

Lunar eclipse in 9th house
In this house, an eclipse can activate long-distance travel themes. It is possible that a sincere feeling will break out of the depths of your subconscious mind to go to another country and whether to start getting acquainted with new culture. Questions may also be higher education, someone decides to go to study and not necessarily to the university. Self-study astrology or philosophy can also be attributed to the 9th house. Someone may have a teacher, from whom it will be possible to draw a lot of knowledge that expands their horizons. Also, the 9th house is the house of litigation, so the issue of litigation may become relevant for someone.

Solar eclipse in 3rd house

Such an eclipse can activate your mental processes. Someone again wants to learn something new or improve their existing skills. The affairs of your neighbors, brothers and sisters may also become relevant. It is possible that they will come to visit you or you will actively participate in their lives. Travel during this period, paperwork, and purchases may become more frequent.


Lunar eclipse in 8th house

Such an eclipse will have to do with the general finances or with the finances of other people. It can be questions of inheritance, questions of investments, credits, loans. At an eclipse in this house, debts are often returned. But there can also be big tax notices.

Solar eclipse in 2nd house

In this house, an eclipse portends that you can increase your self-esteem. Questions of some personal values ​​may be relevant for you - both material and spiritual. You can experience desire make some kind of purchase, the source of your income may also change.

a lion

Lunar eclipse in 7th house

The eclipse in this house makes partnership issues relevant. Both personal and business partnerships. A business in which there are other participants may take place or fall apart, there may be a discord in personal relationships, or maybe one of the Lions, on the contrary, will meet their soul mate. In any case, get ready on the days of the Lunar Eclipse to yield to each other and be more diplomatic.

Solar eclipse in 1st house

Such an eclipse will make hot topics your own person. Either you will attract a lot of attention to yourself or you will devote more time to yourself. This is an auspicious time to improve your appearance: going to a beautician, shopping new clothes, fitness, diet. You may also notice that your character or way of thinking changes in some way.


Lunar eclipse in 6th house

Such an eclipse can make the topics of daily work relevant. You may feel that too much of it has fallen on you, or vice versa, you will enthusiastically redo all current affairs. Also, the 6th house is the house of health, so health issues may become relevant for you. Or you decide to take a course of examination or feel a little unwell. It is good to go on a diet during this period to get rid of excess weight or quit smoking. Questions about your pets may also become relevant for you.

Solar eclipse in 12th house

In this house, an eclipse can bring the disclosure of some secrets. Either your secret can be found out, or you will learn about something mysterious earlier. Also during this period, some kind of psychological breakthrough or deep introspection may occur.


Lunar eclipse in 5th house

An eclipse in this house can give the completion of some business related to your creativity. There may also be some business or problem related to your child, and if you want to have a child, then the issue of pregnancy may become relevant. Some news or ideas may be related to your vacation or leisure.

Solar eclipse in 11th house

It can bring new acquaintances or give an opportunity to join some organizations, to participate in something collective. You will find out some news about the life of friends or will actively participate in their fate. Also, during a solar eclipse in the 11th house, our dreams and plans can come true. It's good to arrange new ones at this time life goals and make plans.


Lunar eclipse in 4th house

In your life, some business related to your home or family may end. Someone will finish the repair, someone will go to their homeland or decide to transport their parents to the web. Moving is a common occurrence at such eclipses. There may also be clarity in matters related to real estate, with the purchase or sale of housing, for example.

Solar eclipse in 10th house

Your work affairs or your position in society may become relevant. Perhaps you will have new prospects in work and career, there may be opportunities to publicly express yourself.


Lunar eclipse in 3rd house

It can activate your mental processes. Some project may be completed or you may receive some news related to current work. There may also be relevant issues related to the life of your brothers, sisters or neighbors. They may turn to you with a request, or you will participate in their lives on your own initiative. You may have a desire to make some kind of purchase or trip related to current affairs.

Solar eclipse in the 9th house

Such an eclipse can make questions of philosophy, science, and also the expansion of the worldview relevant to you. Someone may decide to go on a trip to get acquainted with the culture of other countries, someone will want to study a new science for themselves, but someone will be busy with litigation, since the 9th house is also the house of legal affairs.


Lunar eclipse in 2nd house

An eclipse in this house can bring clarity or completion of financial matters. You may have a new source of income or you may lose an old one. It is possible that you decide to make some valuable purchase or you will be busy with the issues of your property. In any case, be prudent with your values ​​during the Lunar Eclipse, both material and spiritual.

Solar eclipse in the 8th house

In this house, the eclipse will make financial issues relevant again, but only the finances of common or other people. Issues of investments, loans, credits, insurance, inheritance may become relevant. Also, the 8th house is the house of sexual relations, so some Capricorns may have a lover or mistress. It is good during the period of a solar eclipse in the 8th house to engage in meditation or introspection.


Lunar eclipse in 1st house

Gives the completion of some business related to your personal manifestation. It is possible that you will experience a reassessment of values ​​or you will begin to think differently, want to change your image, for example.

Solar eclipse in 7th house

Many Aquarius can get a marriage proposal at such an eclipse or start a new business collaboration. One way or another, the topic of personal or business partnership will become relevant for you. Also, the flow of clients can increase if you are in the position of a specialist working with the population.


Lunar eclipse in 12th house

Such an eclipse gives a revolution in the spiritual plane. Some new processes may begin in your subconscious. It is good for Pisces to devote some time to spiritual practices, introspection, and rethinking of personal values ​​during the period of the Lunar Eclipse.

Solar eclipse in the 6th house

The 6th house is associated with daily work, employees, health, and pets. It is possible that you will be visited by the thought of conducting an examination of the body or starting healthy lifestyle life. For some, the topics of finding a new employee, both in the office and at home, may become relevant: hire a nanny, for example. Also, the topics of daily work will be relevant for you - general cleaning, preparing reports, setting new work goals. If you have a pet or are just about to get one, then this topic may be relevant for you during the Solar Eclipse in August.

This was eclipse forecast for august 2017 for all signs of the zodiac. Below you can watch my video about the August eclipses.

Astronomy of eclipses 00:52
Eclipse Astrology 03:12
Aries 06:43
Taurus 08:18
Gemini 09:31
Cancer 11:00
Lev 11:49
Virgo 12:59
Libra 14:10
Scorpio 15:10
Sagittarius 15:58
Capricorn 17:02
Aquarius 18:14

Muscovites in 2017, like last year, were again unlucky. Although in 2017 and there will be two solar eclipses, but the territory of Russia does not fall into the visibility zone of both eclipses.

Solar eclipse February 26, 2017

The first solar eclipse of 2017 will be "annular". It will occur on Sunday, February 26th at 17:54 Moscow time (14:54 UTC) on the February New Moon.
The observation zone of this solar eclipse is in southern hemisphere Lands: water area Atlantic Ocean, West Africa and South America.
Russia out of sight of September solar eclipse.
The duration of all phases of the eclipse is 5 hours 25 minutes 14 seconds.
Phase proper annular eclipse(when the disk of the moon is completely inside solar disk) will last only 44 seconds.

Solar eclipse on August 21, 2017

On Monday, August 21st at 21:26 Moscow time (18:26 UTC) during the August New Moon, total solar eclipse.
The observation zone of this solar eclipse is all of North and Central America.

The entire territory of Russia was again out of sight of the second solar eclipse this year.
The duration of all phases of the eclipse is 5 hours 17 minutes 32 seconds. The duration of the Total Eclipse of the Sun is 2 minutes 40 seconds.

Great American Eclipse

August 21, 2017 will be the Great American Eclipse (Great American Eclipse). The zone of visibility of the Total Eclipse of the Sun will pass in a narrow strip across all of America from west to East Coast. The shadow of the Moon that covered the Sun, starting its journey in the north Pacific Ocean, will fall on the continent in Oregon and, moving at a speed of 2,700 km / h, as if cutting the territory of the states into two, will go into the Atlantic through South Carolina.
Eclipse August 21 called "Great American Eclipse", as it will be the first eclipse of the Sun since the formation of America (1776), the total phase of which can be observed exclusively in the United States. The previous such "favorite" total solar eclipse, visible only from this area, occurred on June 13, 1257. It is characteristic that over the past 37 years (from the Olympic 1980 to the Great Eclipse of 2017), the lunar shadow during a total eclipse of the Sun did not touch the territory of the continental states.

Russian eclipse of the first world

Exactly one hundred and three years ago (August 21, 1914) there was a significant solar eclipse. AT full phase eclipse the shadow of the moon covered from north to south areas western regions Russian Empire(shown as a blue line on the map). This eclipse is symbolic in that three weeks earlier (August 1, 1914) German Empire declared war on Russia, and the visibility band of the eclipse on August 21, 1914 passed through the places of bloody battles of the First World War on the Russian-German front.
Currently, these lands are no longer part of Russia. With the exception of Crimea, a century after this eclipse, it returned to its “native harbor”.

But this.

The eclipse on April 8, 2024 will put an end to America

Following Full eclipse The sun will be visible over America six and a half years after the Great American Eclipse. This will happen on April 8, 2024. Although the April eclipse will not be exclusively US, it attracts attention in tandem with. In 2024, the shadow from the disk of the Moon that obscured the Sun will pass through the territory of the United States from the south (Texas) to the northeast of the country along the border areas with Canada. Thus, collectively, the shadow of the eclipse of 2024 forms a giant cross over all of America.

So, significant because

What will the moon be like during the American eclipse? The question is absolutely rhetorical, since solar eclipses occur only on the New Moon.

Lunar eclipses 2017

There will be two lunar eclipses in 2017. The February eclipse will be penumbral, while the August eclipse will be partial.

Lunar eclipse February 11, 2017

On Saturday, February 11th at 03:45 Moscow time (0:45 UTC) during the February Full Moon, a Penumbral eclipse of the Moon will occur. In such types of eclipses, the lunar disk is covered not by the shadow of the Earth, but only by its penumbra. During a penumbral eclipse, the change in the brightness of the moon is almost imperceptible to the naked eye.
This lunar eclipse in its various phases can be observed on almost all continents of the Earth: in Europe and Asia, in Northern and South America, in Africa. The only exceptions are Australia and Antarctica.

The lunar eclipse will begin at 22:34 02/10/2017 UTC when the Earth's penumbra touches the edge of the lunar disk.
At 0:45 02/11/2017 UTC, the moment of the greatest eclipse will come, when the Moon will be closest to the center of the Earth's shadow. At this time, the Earth's penumbra will almost completely cover the Moon's disk, but the border of the Moon's disk will still not reach the edge of the Earth's shadow.
At 02:53 UTC, the Moon will fully emerge from Earth's penumbra. This will end the eclipse.
The duration of the February lunar eclipse of 2017 is 4 hours 19 minutes 10 seconds.

Lunar eclipse on August 7th, 2017

The second lunar eclipse of 2017 will occur on Monday, August 7th at 21:21 Moscow time (18:21 UTC) during the August Full Moon.
The whole of Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia falls into the zone of visibility of the eclipse. In the Americas, the Moon will be below the horizon for the duration of the eclipse.
On the Far East at the sunset of the moon.
The lunar eclipse will begin at 15:50 UTC (the penumbral phase of the eclipse).
At 17:23 UTC, the Earth's shadow will begin to cover the surface of the Moon (the partial lunar eclipse stage will begin).
At 18:11 UTC the moment of the Full Moon.
At 18:21 UTC, the moment of greatest eclipse (the Moon will be closest to the center of the Earth's shadow). The moon at this time will be at its zenith for a point in the center of the Indian Ocean
At 19:18 UTC, the Moon will completely emerge from the Earth's shadow (the partial eclipse stage will end). The partial lunar eclipse will last 1 hour 55 minutes.
At 20:51 UTC, the penumbral eclipse phase will also end, which will last 5 hours and 1 minute.

Observation of the lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 in Moscow

In most of Russia, the February lunar eclipse will be visible from the very beginning to the end. However, it should be noted once again that the penumbral eclipse is almost imperceptible to the naked eye.
Chronology full moon on the night of the lunar eclipse in Moscow (Moscow time):

  • 16:53 - moonrise
  • 00:36 - the upper culmination of the moon
  • 01:34 - the beginning of the Penumbral eclipse of the moon
  • 03:45 - eclipse peak
  • 05:53 - end of the lunar eclipse
  • 08:05 - Moonset over the horizon line.

Observation in Moscow of the lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017

In Moscow, this lunar eclipse can be observed late in the evening on August 7 at moonrise. The "low" location of the rising full moon will greatly increase its visual size. The first half of the eclipse will take place at sunset, which will heighten the perception of the "gore" of this August Full Moon.
So, the chronology of the Full Moon in the Moscow sky on the night of August 7-8, 2017:
  • 18:50 - the beginning of the lunar eclipse (penumbral phase), but for Moscow the Moon is still behind the horizon
  • 20:10 - moonrise
  • 20:23 - sunset
  • 20:23 - the earth's shadow will touch the surface of the moon (the stage of a partial lunar eclipse will begin)
  • 21:21 - the moment of the greatest lunar eclipse (coverage of the lunar disk by the Earth's shadow will reach a maximum)
  • 22:18 - the disk of the Moon will completely leave the earth's shadow (completion of the partial eclipse stage)
  • 23:51 - the end of the lunar eclipse (the moon will completely come out of the penumbra of the Earth)
  • 04:13 – The moon in Moscow will disappear behind the horizon line
  • 04:48 - sunrise
Lunar and solar eclipses of past years: 2015 eclipses 2016 eclipses
Eclipses of the last three years:

A solar eclipse is coming up on August 21st. A solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which the moon blocks out the sunlight that hits the earth. The essence of a solar eclipse is changes on the outer plane, the rejection of everything that has become unnecessary. Astrology does not recommend watching the eclipse of 2017 - this has a negative impact on the fate of a person.

August 21, 2017 at 15:46 (Moscow time), at 28 ° 53 "Leo, a total solar eclipse will begin. The maximum phase at 21:21 Moscow time, the end of the eclipse at 24:04 Moscow time. The axis of the shadow of this solar eclipse will pass between the center of the Earth and south pole. The eclipse activates a sense of realism in people, situations will be created as a result of which they will have to get out of their illusions and go down to earth, ground themselves.

A solar eclipse always occurs on a new moon. A lunar eclipse only occurs on a full moon.

During the action of this solar eclipse, many will feel that "eyes have been opened", many things will become clear, past illusions about the important will subside. And situations, people, relationships will appear in their true light, and not as it was convenient to see them before. At this time, it will be possible to find the truth in a long-tormenting insoluble issue.

The solar eclipse of August 2017 will create an opportunity to receive earth energy, we will be able to see everything around us from a more practical angle. At this time, review all your plans for the future in terms of their realism - you can understand what they lack for successful implementation.

When and where can you see the eclipse on 08/21/2017

The total phase of the eclipse will be visible from western hemisphere namely, in the United States. Part of the eclipse will be visible in North and South America and in Western Europe.

In which zodiac sign will the eclipse occur and how will it affect people

The solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 has direct relationship to north node. Those territories that are exposed to the shadow of the eclipse, that is, where it will be seen most fully, are under the direct and most complete influence of the solar eclipse. The eclipse of August 21, 2017 most completely covers the territory of the United States, where there will be the greatest visibility of this eclipse. The shadow of the solar eclipse will pass over everything North American continent, that was last time in 1918. Even more exceptional is the fact that the shadow of the solar eclipse will plunge only the United States into darkness. There was a similar eclipse in 1776.

This solar eclipse in Leo is directly related to the natal chart of US President Donald Trump. This time, even after the eclipse, will be for him a time of serious trials or important decisions and will become a landmark for his fate and for the fate of all Americans and the whole world.

The solar eclipse in Leo will reveal topics such as creativity, love relationship, children, arts and entertainment, stock trading, income from parents and real estate, real estate ownership. The eclipse in August puts emphasis on risk and high stakes, with a good location of the planets in natal chart personal horoscope it can bring changes in your career.

During the eclipse, creativity and your new creative plans will go into development, will receive an impetus to action for future implementation. There may be a situation where you will be forced to take responsibility and control of your project. During an eclipse, you can solve old problems with new methods, through atypical, innovative ways.

The solar eclipse on August 21 will be in exact trine with Uranus. The solar eclipse on August 21 will help find a way out of those difficult situations, which were indicated by the lunar eclipse on August 07. The solar eclipse will fill us with energy that will act and influence our affairs for the next few years. Termination sunlight and the impact of its rays on the earth marks the very period of the eclipse as a time of surprises and surprises, causing uncertainty in everything, not only in important points of fate. The whole meaning of which will be clear much later.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

In August 2017, a new cycle of eclipses awaits us: lunar (August 7) ​​and solar (August 21), and between them - the so-called "eclipse corridor", enhanced by the influence Mercury retrograde. How to direct the energy of this time to your advantage, tells the astrologer

Any eclipse is a bright and energetically intense phenomenon, and the months in which they follow a succession are always considered difficult. Since ancient times, astrologers have advised against planning the most important for these months, key events life, such as marriage or moving.

The eclipses in August 2017 will take place on the Leo-Aquarius axis, like the one already in February, so now we can expect the continuation of the events that began in February of this year.

An eclipse on the Leo-Aquarius axis always touches on issues of freedom and limitations, where Aquarius is a symbol of freedom, and Leo is a symbol of power and hierarchy. In world events, this can be reflected both in favorable and in adverse events of an unexpected nature, changing the mood of society: the introduction of renewing reforms or, conversely, limiting factors, strengthening local conflicts etc.

But this month will be the busiest for people born or having active planets in the signs of Leo and Aquarius. In the life of these people, with a very high probability, the most important, fateful events will occur, however, everyone has their own, depending on the personal instructions of the horoscope. What is noteworthy: true meaning these events can be judged only after 18 years, so the main thing that we need to do now is to gain calm and be ready to respond correctly to what is happening.

Partial lunar eclipse August 7, 2017

The first August eclipse - a partial Lunar eclipse - will begin on August 7 at 20:22 and end at 23:18 Moscow time. The eclipse will be visible over most of the the globe, and residents of the central part of Russia will see it in full. The lunar eclipse will be projected onto 15 degrees of Aquarius.

The presence of the planet Mars on the axis of the eclipse (it conjuncts the Sun in Leo and opposes the Moon) adds tension and brings unpredictable results. Mars is known to be the planet of war and confrontation. Be careful in the period from August 6 to 8 with transport, travel, electricity, household and industrial appliances, do not allow fires.

At the same time, the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius - perfect time for those who need change. Don’t close yourself off from them, accept everything you see and hear today, and don’t worry if these changes don’t seem rosy at first glance – this may change in the near future. And do not forget that this stage is not the end of the path, but only one of its turns. You can regard it as a kind of staging post where you can do introspection, spiritual searches, or just take a short pause before further ascent.

Eclipse day is best spent on calm environment and not do anything unusual or risky.

A total solar eclipse will take place on August 21, 2017 at 21:25 Kyiv time. It will take place in the 29th degree of Leo, the creative sign of the zodiac, so one of the main themes of the eclipse is creativity. For people creative professions, as well as for the arts, the solar eclipse on August 21 has a beneficial effect, promising a period of new opportunities, inspiration and talents.

Love is another eclipse theme. It can rekindle faded feelings, contribute to the renewal of relations, give rise to a new stage. solar energy Leo gives courage to follow the dictates of the heart, to confess one's feelings or to decide on parting. Also, the period of this eclipse is good time to heal broken hearts, to release what no longer brings joy.

The combination of Fire and Air - and in the 29th degree the influence of the "air" sign, Virgo, already begins - makes this eclipse very active. The events that will occur under the influence of this eclipse will be swift, and may even be resolved in your favor. The eclipse will awaken huge transformational forces that will quickly change the face of the world and the fate of people.

The solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 will try to destroy plans and undertakings that run counter to love and mercy. Lions, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus will feel it the most.

During the period of a solar eclipse (from August 18 to 24, that is, plus three days before and three days after it), the tendency to make very "important", peremptory decisions and take strategic actions that are likely to be irreversible increases. Therefore, it is undesirable at this time to undertake any important business, to make large transactions, purchases, financial transactions. If you have planned significant meetings or trips for these days, it is better to reschedule them.

Eclipses render strong influence to the subconscious inner world and psychological condition person. It is believed that a solar eclipse has a greater effect on the well-being and behavior of men, and a lunar eclipse affects women. Children and the elderly are most sensitive to eclipses.

The eclipse will awaken huge transformational forces that will quickly change the face of the world and the fate of people.
During a solar eclipse, problems with physical health: headaches, pressure surges, exacerbations of chronic diseases. People with cardiovascular pathologies, hypertension and those who are undergoing treatment at this time feel especially bad on the day of the eclipse.

In general, a solar eclipse polarizes health problems. The reason is that, according to oriental medicine The sun sends us positive charge or Yang energy, and the Moon - Yin - eclipsing the Sun, takes energy. The Chinese believe that the day of a solar eclipse is a temporary victory of the feminine Yin over the masculine Yang. To avoid feeling unwell, on this day you should take a contrast shower and avoid active actions.

A solar eclipse makes it possible to quickly get rid of unnecessary connections, outdated ideals and values. For example, you can break up with people you don't like, get out of bad company.

During the period of influence of eclipses, both lunar and solar, the probability different types disasters are increasing. At this time, the following are likely: escalation of conflicts, protests, terrorist attacks, fires, airport disasters or unusual meteorological phenomena. There may be illogical or wrong decisions made by world leaders, as well as elections that will subsequently bring losses and disappointments.

Try to spend at least the day of the eclipse, August 21, in a calm atmosphere and not do anything unusual or risky. During eclipses, it is better to think about peace in your country and around the world. Be patient and delicate.

The day of a solar eclipse is a favorable time for practicing spiritual practices that will allow you to achieve complete harmony with yourself and the world. You can use solar eclipse as unique opportunity to correct your destiny.

When the eclipse falls on the next birthday, it means that next year will be extremely important. If your birthday coincided with a solar eclipse (plus or minus three days), then serious changes await you in the near future. Your attention throughout the year will be riveted to self, questions of self-realization. The year could be fatal. On the one hand, there is a risk of facing the burden of accumulated questions, on the other hand, the eclipse can speed up their resolution, and then you will be freed from everything that prevented you from moving forward.

Experience shows that an eclipse on a birthday is equally brings both negative and favorable events: moving, divorce, marriage, obtaining a scientific degree or creative title, a change in family composition, etc.

As a rule, it is during periods of eclipses that big changes, fateful events and unexpected twists of fate.

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