The whole world is my home, the universe is my fatherland. North Ossetian Information Portal

Lyudmila OSADCHAYA 2017-10-21
With the name of Kost Khetagurov, a brilliant Ossetian poet, the founder of native literature, revolutionary democrat, artist, prose writer, playwright, ethnographer, publicist, public figure, are vitally connected both North and South Ossetia, and, of course, Karachay-Cherkessia. Here, in a village at the foot of Mount Shoana with an ancient temple of Byzantine architecture, the poet spent last years and was buried, like his father Levan Elizbarovich and sister Olga. And although later Kost's ashes were transported to Vladikavkaz, the place of the first tomb of the poet is revered by the inhabitants of the village, which has long been bearing his name. Costa's stay in Karachay, when he worked as a clerk at the Elbrus lead mine, gave him the opportunity to get to know the Karachays and others closely. local peoples. At one time, the long-liver of the village of Kamennomost Seit-Umar Geryugov said that he often met the poet descending on a horse along the Great Karachay road. He was always a welcome guest in mountain families, especially since he had many friends from the Stavropol gymnasium. And about his touching friendship with the Karachay educator, artist and poet Islam Krymshamkhalov is well known to every schoolchild, because the milestones in the life of these prominent people are textbook. A letter has been preserved where Costa addresses Islam Krymshamkhalov: “Dear Islam! Arrange it as best as possible for my countryman Dr. Gazdanov. Prove to him that our Teberda is the best resort in the world”… It's about about the doctor Dzybyn Gazdanov, well-known in Ossetia at the beginning of the 20th century, who came to our region.
Many of us, residents of Karachay-Cherkessia, poetic lines Costa is accompanied all his life. In the poem "Prophet" in the lines "The whole world is my temple, love is my shrine, the Universe is my Fatherland" there is a powerful, almost cosmic message to subsequent generations: to live in peace and harmony with others, for we are all children of one galaxy, which gave us life, as well as everything living on Earth ...
It was this atmosphere that prevailed on October 15 in the village of the great poet, where the 158th anniversary of the birth of Kosta Khetagurov was widely, solemnly, on a Caucasian scale. According to a long tradition, distinguished guests at the Ossetian cafe "National" were met by the chairman People's Assembly KChR Alexander Ivanov, Chairman of the Government of the KChR Aslan Ozov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the KChR Murat Ozov, Minister of the KChR for Nationalities, mass communications and press Murat Khapishtov, head of the administration of the Karachaevsky municipal district Spartak Kushcheterov, Chairman public organization for the protection of the rights and interests of the Ossetians of the KChR "Farn" Oleg Khetagurov, villagers.
And finally, at the meeting point, a long cavalcade of cars stops, which the young residents of the village in national clothes met with a ritual tray (fyng) with three Ossetian pies, meat and a goblet national drink baganas.
In the Ossetian language, the words “prayer” and “toast” coincide, and three pies, personifying the sun, earth and air, are not only food, but also part of ritual communication with the Almighty. This is the custom in every Ossetian family, regardless of its wealth. For peasants, politicians and businessmen this ritual is the same.
Oleg Khetagurov greets guests in Ossetian, including the President South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov, Minister of Nationalities of North Ossetia-Alania Aslan
Tsutsiev and others, then the word for greeting is given to the first persons of Karachay-Cherkessia. When the rituals of greeting the guests were observed, everyone went to the pantheon of glory and sorrow of the village - a memorial to the fallen during the Great Patriotic War fellow villagers and a monument to the children of Beslan, victims of the monstrous terrorist attack. After laying flowers and wreaths, a cavalcade of cars drove to the center of the village to the grave of Levan Khetagurov, the founder of the village. Since the President of South Ossetia, Anatoly Bibilov, is in our area for the first time, Oleg Khetagurov, as a guide, introduces him to the course of events that took place in this village in ancient times.
On the square near the village house of culture, a stage with an impressive banner depicting Kosta Khetagurov was erected for that day. Under the portrait is the date of birth of the poet - 1859, instead of the date of death - the sign of infinity in the form of a lying number 8, that is, the memory of the great Costa will survive the centuries, he is alive in the hearts of generations ...
The villagers and numerous participants of the holiday warmly greet the President of South Ossetia, and he is brought to the oldest resident, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Maria Vasilievna Datiyeva. And it doesn't matter what they talk about mother tongue, but at the sight of this touching picture, when Anatoly Bibilov, like a son, embracing a long-liver of the village with a heroic biography (Datiyeva fought on the front lines in the war and was a brave anti-aircraft gunner), bowed her head in reverence, listened to her instructions, many had moistened eyes ... In general, the very course of this unforgettable holiday, for which the great Costa gathered everyone, was filled with many emotions. Here there was a place for sadness, and admiration, and the joy of meetings. On this day, it seemed that the whole Caucasus, all of Russia, had gathered here.
The celebratory rally opened and. about. Irina Khetagurova, head of the administration of the Kosta-Khetagurovsky joint venture:
- Village Day and Kost Khetagurov's birthday are our favorite and long-awaited holidays! This is a holiday of veterans, whose work has transformed our village, the young generation, who only have to take over the baton of responsibility for the fate of their small homeland. We can rightfully be proud of history and modern achievements, believe in our future and create it with glorious work.
In his speech, President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov said:
- I am immensely glad that I am for the first time in this village, where they honor traditions imbued with deep respect for elders, cherish the memory of the great Costa, in Karachay-Cherkessia they are very attentive to spiritual values, including the Ossetian people.
Further, Anatoly Ilyich introduced the delegation of South Ossetia, which included: members of Parliament, the rector of the university, the head coach of the Russian freestyle wrestling team Dzhambolat Tedeev, representatives of the creative intelligentsia. And the writer Militon Kazity, co-chairman of the united writers' organization of Ossetia, needed no introduction - he was here countless times to visit places associated with Kosta Khetagurov.
On behalf of the Head of Karachay-Cherkessia, Alexander Ivanov, chairman of the People's Assembly of the KChR, read out a greeting address: “Dear fellow countrymen! Please accept the most sincere and warm congratulations on the Day of the Village and the 158th anniversary of the birth of the Ossetian poet, prose writer, publicist, artist, great humanist Kost Levanovich Khetagurov! For those who were born and live in this village with its glorious history and traditions, who with their daily work contribute to the solution of key socio-economic tasks, this day is special. Kosta Khetagurov was and remains a patriot and citizen, whose bright life path, huge contribution in strengthening the friendship and brotherhood of the people, in the development of Ossetian literature and language are national wealth and great heritage of both living and future generations.
The greeting address from the head of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania Vyacheslav Bitarov was voiced by the Minister of Nationalities Aslan Tsutsiev: “We, the inhabitants North Ossetia, are happy and proud that the center of Ossetian culture has been burning in Karachay-Cherkessia for a century and a half and they live wonderful people that do not allow national traditions to fade away. Let this holiday serve as an incentive for future bright achievements and creation.
Spartak Kushcheterov, head of the administration of the Karachaevsky district, emphasized that all the peoples of the multinational republic are rightly proud of the heroic glory of this village, and he personally has many Ossetian friends. As a former wrestler, Spartak Askhatovich did not fail to remind that the village of Kosta Khetagurova is also the birthplace of eminent athletes. And today, the name of the Honored Master of Sports, six-time world armwrestling champion Oleg Cherkasov has appeared on the sports Olympus of Russia. Spartak Kusheterov also thanked all the guests and noted that Kosta Khetagurov also had the talent of a politician and diplomat - he knew the Karachay language very well, established relations with all neighboring peoples.
At the end of the solemn part, the guests and residents of the village went to majestic monument Kosta Khetagurov, created by the Ossetian sculptor Umar Dzantiev in 1961, which rises in the center of the village, and also visited the Alley of Heroes for laying flowers.
The festive concert was opened by the Song Ensemble of South Ossetia "Simd", where a well-coordinated choir male voices brilliantly performed heroic Ossetian songs. He was replaced by an original orchestra folk instruments North Ossetia, and the melodies amplified by the speakers brought back the old generation of viewers to those times when music from a public loudspeaker on a pole in the center of the village sounded just as far away. With their sparkling dances, the folk ensemble "Caucasus" under the leadership of the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Eduard Khugaev cheered up. The duet of the sisters Albina and Fatima Tsarikaevs (RNO - Alania), known to our viewers on the 9th Wave TV channel, was incomparable, the local group Dombay, which performed popular pop Ossetian songs, won the audience and the ensemble of drummers from North Ossetia, which Accompanied by well-known harmonist Islam Salpagarov in KChR.
The holiday ended with a grand banquet for 400 people in the cafe "National", where all those present at the event were invited.

"The whole world is my temple, love is my shrine..."

NOT. Knyazev

A village in Karachay-Cherkessia is named after him. Thirty years ago, Dalnyaya Street in the city of Cherkessk was renamed and also began to bear the name of this remarkable poet and artist, the founder of Ossetian literature and the creator of Ossetian literary language. But how many of us know what connected Kosta Khetagurov with Karachay-Cherkessia? In the republican gosar-khiva there is interesting stuff telling about the life of the great son of the Ossetian people.

Konstantin Levanovich Khetagurov was born in October 1859 in the village of Nar in North Ossetia in the family of an ensign of the mountain police. Mother was a simple, illiterate, but very hardworking mountain woman. She passed away early, leaving her son as an infant. And the future folk poet She was saved from starvation by her mother's friend, a mountain woman named Chendze.

The dead raven freezes

Terrible storm howl.

Sleeps on the steeper black Nar - deaf aul,

This is how the poet described his homeland in the famous poem "Mother of Orphans".

Nar was located in the Zrug Gorge, which was part of the Terek region. In the late sixties of the XIX century, the inhabitants of this gorge, led by lieutenant Levan Khetagurov, began to petition for their resettlement in the Kuban region in order to get rid of the exorbitant claims of the Machabelov princes, who levied tithes from the Ossetians of the seven gorges. The head of the Kuban region agreed. And the family of Levan Khetagurov was among the first settlers who founded in 1870 in Karachay the village of Georgievo-Ossetinovsky, now bearing the name of Kosta Khetagurov. Levan Khetagurov as an “honorary native” was promised, in addition to 15 acres of land allotment for common grounds, another 150 acres of land.

Head of the Kuban region M.A. Tsakni described the resettlement in the following way: “In mid-September 1870, the Ossetians arrived at the fortification of Humarins-koe together with their families; the beginning of the rains and even the snow made them so depressed that they were about to turn back. Except for their late arrival and the fact that they arrived with their wives and children in the mountains, where they had no shelter from the weather, main reasons Ossetians were dissatisfied: firstly, that before leaving the Ossetian district, many miracles were told about the property of the region intended for their settlement, allegedly producing nuts the size of a fist, etc. absurdity, and, secondly, then that among the 150 families of mountain Ossetians who came there are many inhabitants of the plane adjacent to the Ardon village, without any comparison, the best climate and soil in terms of comfort than the best of the lands upland strip Elbrus region...

At present, the Ossetians have dug dugouts for themselves in the gully of the river. Big Shoona, lined the walls with stones and live protected from cold and rain, but subject to all the disadvantages of damp and stuffy rooms.

The difficult living conditions of the Ossetian settlers were associated with the disorder of life in a new place, until residential houses and outbuildings were built, and livestock was not purchased. In the future, as he wrote in his regard, he added


The gymnasium where Costa studied

renny of the Ossetian society K.L. Khetagurov, their life improved: “At present, the population of our village has almost doubled. Most of buildings are covered with tin and wood. All questions Agriculture our Ossetians are engaged here with great success - arable farming, cattle breeding, sheep breeding, beekeeping, gardening and even gardening flourish here with equal success.

At the time the Khetagurov family moved to Karachay, Kosta was only 11 years old, and he went to Nars parochial school, where he received a two-year education. He remained in Ossetia due to the fact that he was promised to be admitted to the gymnasium in the city of Vladikavkaz. But he failed to become a full-fledged student and continue his studies at the Vladikavkaz progymnasium "due to the lack of vacancies”, and he goes to Karachay to his father.

The arrival of Costa to the shores of the Kuban was unexpected for Levan Khetagurov, since he was sure that his son was studying.

The indignant father writes to the head of the Elbrus district, Lieutenant Colonel Petrusevich, complaining about the failure to fulfill promises: “I was encouraged by both the head of the Ossetian district and the head of the Terek region, inviting me to resettle, to keep for me the benefits that I would have enjoyed by staying in Vladikavkaz ... Meanwhile my son was now returned to me, and he remained unaccepted for lack of a vacancy. I do not receive a salary and do not have any official notification that one will be released to me, and the land has not yet been given.

On his first visit, Costa was not in Karachay for long. His father temporarily placed him in the Kalazhinsk mountain school in Art. Kalazhinskaya Maikop department. Later, an order came to admit Costa to a boarding school at the Stavropol gymnasium, where he studied from 1871 to 1880. Here Costa became interested in Russian literature and painting.

Costa's talent as an artist manifested itself in childhood. Having lost his mother early and not remembering her appearance, he often asked his elders to tell about her. And according to these stories, the boy painted her portrait. People,

those who knew Costa's mother were struck by the exact resemblance of the portrait to the prototype.

Costa's abilities were noted not only by his relatives, but also by teachers. Here are the lines from the petition of the Pedagogical Council of the Stavropol Gymnasium to the head of the Kuban Region for a scholarship for the 6th grade gymnasium student Khetagurov: Pedagogical Council Stavropol gymnasium during the entire stay in the gymnasium of a pupil of Khetagurov, a resident of Batalpashinsk, Pyatigorsk district, fortification of Khumara, a predominant ability and inclination to artistic activity, in which he achieved considerable perfection, his drawings from nature are sent by the gymnasium to the Moscow All-Russian Exhibition. Regardless of his special inclination for art, Khetagurov presents remarkable abilities in all other areas of learning and could be one of best students in all subjects, if he had not devoted all his time and all his sympathies to drawing and related pursuits.

Considering it our duty to take care that the natural, clearly visible inclinations of the student receive their characteristic directions, we are convinced that a useful figure can come out of Khetagurov if he is assisted on the path of art education.

One of the teachers of Khetagurov at the gymnasium was the artist-teacher V.I. Smirnov, who graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. He provided exclusively big influence on the formation of the future painter and played a significant role in his future fate. Costa's gymnasium drawings with the help of Smirnov were presented at the All-Russian Exhibition of Young Artists and received recognition. This strengthened his confidence, and Costa became even more interested in drawing. He called himself a "grateful and grateful student" of V.I. Smirnova. Later, with his help, Khetagurov manages to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

At the academy (1881-1884) Costa converges with the largest artist V.V. Vereshchagin, who became his mentor. Studying the skill of great artists, he paints a number of paintings from mountain life: school bench life”, “Children-masons”, “Walking on water” and others.

But all plans further education unexpectedly collapse: he is deprived of even the small scholarship that he received. Unable to bear the hardships, Costa returns to Ossetia.

Energetic, persistent Costa launched a wide cultural and educational work in his homeland: he created schools, arranged exhibitions of paintings, organized folk performances, gave lectures, worked in the Vladikavkaz theater, took part in


Petersburg Academy of Arts, where Costa studied

sity in organizing a society for the dissemination of technical knowledge among the mountaineers, tried to publish a newspaper in the Ossetian language, spoke in courts and in the press in defense of the mountaineer poor.

Twice the poet was sent out of Ossetia.

From October 1891 to March 1893 he lived in the mountain villages of Karachay, worked at a silver-lead mine. He was not here of his own free will, but was in exile.

During this period, Khetagurov met with the gifted artist and poet Islam Krymshamkhalov. The house of I. Krymshamkhalov in Teberda has become original cultural center Karachay. His friends and colleagues lived here for a long time - artists Yaroshenko, Khetagurov, geologist Professor Mushketov, engineer Kondratiev, composer Alyabyev, Dagestan revolutionary Dakhadaev and others. The communication of these people could not pass without a trace - it mutually enriched and developed them, gave impetus to further creativity.

It is in Karachay that K. Khetagurov draws his famous paintings and landscape sketches: “View of the Big Karachay”, “Teberda Gorge”, “In the Upper Kuban”. Here he also wrote the story "Hunting for Tours", the poems "Desire" and "Meditation".

In 1892, Costa's father, 92-year-old Levan Khetagurov, died in the village of Georgievsko-Osetinovsky. After burying his father, Kosta spent the second winter in Georgievsko-Osetinovsky, and in the spring of 1893 he moved to Stavropol and again became involved in active social and political work, in the struggle against the autocracy for the interests of the oppressed peoples of the Caucasus: on the pages of the newspaper " North Caucasus” his poem “Who lives happily” is published. The theme and images of the poem were inspired by the famous Nekrasov's "Who lives well in Russia." The poet's contemporaries guessed in the characters of the poem real prototypes So, in Senka Lyudoyedov, the head of the Terek region, General Kakhanov, was recognized, in Ivan Zutotychev, the ataman of the Batalpashinsky district Bratkov. The publication of the poem was banned, and the newspaper ceased to exist...

From Stavropol, Khetagurov moved to Pyatigorsk, and then - the second exile - this time to Kherson, then - work in Vladikavkaz ...

The year 19G3 is coming. Kosta enjoys exceptional fame and love in the Caucasus, especially in Ossetia, where his revolutionary poems were known in every shakla and his songs were sung. Costa is sick, tired - he develops incurable disease, since his strength was forever undermined by the exile and persecution of tsarism. The poet's sister Olga Levanovna Kaitmazova transports Kost from Vladikavkaz to the village of Georgievo-Ossetivskoe. And here, for three years, the poet slowly and painfully dies. (The fate of Olga Levanovna was also tragic. She not only stood up for the education of girls, but also opened a school for them in her house. For this and for her bold speeches at meetings, unknown people attacked a teacher who was returning from a school where she studied with adults, and stabbed her to death).

Responding to a letter from a friend Costa in December 19G5, Olga Levanovna wrote: “First of all, you ask about Costa - what is he like now? Now we can already say about Kost that he is completely dead... His terrible illness is doing its devastation unceasingly... His legs have been paralyzed, he speaks badly. It greets everyone quite clearly with only one phrase: “Mae efshymaertae, keeraedzi uarzgaeyae tsaerut” (My brothers! Live loving each other).

On March 19, 19G6, K. Khetagurov died and was buried in the same grave with his father, but the Ossetian intelligentsia insisted on the reburial of the poet in Vladikavkaz. Hundreds of people came to see last way your singer. More than a hundred years have passed since then, but his words are so close and understandable today:

The whole world is my temple

Love is my sacred...

The universe is my fatherland...

March 22nd, 2013 03:07 pm

After reading this post which I borrowed from my friend roks_alana , I am sure that many of you, friends, will be quite skeptical about the whole story below ... And whoever believes in the reality of what happened, with 99 percent probability will express his disapproving "phi" in relation to the actions of the main character ... But this is to be expected.
And all why?
Because when it comes to religion (and the story is about it), for the most part it happens that way ..

So why then did I repost this material, a priori knowing what the reaction would be to it? ..
Then, that, it seems to me, the true words were spoken here for every person living in the world ... I put them in the title of the post.

Original taken from roks_alana in from Islam to Christianity ... a true story

Yesterday my colleague Timur Tshurbati published a story about his friend Akhmed on his Facebook page. Timur came up with his name and changed it, but he didn’t give the girl’s name at all, only the first letter, and with his consent I’ll call the girl Irina, I’ll leave Akhmed Akhmed.
The story is true, it happened recently in Vladikavkaz.
So the story:

“Going to an old friend, I found him nailing an icon of the Virgin Mary with a baby to the wall.

What are you, Ahmed, are you like a Muslim? - I asked.
- Soon Timur will become a grandfather, it was I who decided to please the bride - and I myself was baptized.

Didn't understand why you?

Do you remember Irina, my neighbor - tall black-eyed, with golden curls? The appearance of Irina from the entrance of an ordinary nine-story building was like Aphrodite emerging from the sea foam. Youths of sixteen or seventeen years old - lost the power of speech: "Look, look - Irina," they whispered to each other in a patter and stared at her, brazenly despising Caucasian etiquette. Irina was lavishing smiles right and left, not stinting - both old and young.
The gray-haired elders, whose age was about 90 years old, nodded to Irina, began to wipe their glasses with checkered handkerchiefs, took off their caps for no reason and stroked the remnants of the once magnificent hair. Dzhigits in the prime of their lives, intensively polished the windows of their cars, invariably smiled in response, shifted so as to observe the grace that had descended to the ground for a longer time. myths ancient greece they are silent about what happened to the men who saw - Aphrodite emerging from the sea.

Unlike the Greeks who once saw Aphrodite, the strong sex, who lived in a multi-entrance nine-story building, shivered several times a day. Watching Irina several times a day, and not only leaving, but also entering the entrance. The picture only benefited from this - it was possible to freely slide your eyes along the seductive bulges and bends, where jets of golden curls snaked.

Irina, let's say, was not the most strict rules and apparently correct. Such beauty could not belong to one man. Pride and the possession of such luxury could drive him mad, and make others erupt with black envy. Irina was absolutely not selfish, she appreciated a gentleman in a man, and not the thickness of a wallet.

Ahmed lived with her on the same landing, and as a womanly Caucasian, he could not miss such a beauty, but ... Irina invariably refused him - referring to the fact that she was a believing Christian. The followers of the prophet Mohammed were ignored by Irina, although it is not known how the biblical Mary Magdalene welcomed them.
Driven to despair, Ahmed once directly asked Irina if he could count on something if he was baptized. Having received a positive answer, Ahmed was baptized on the next day off and became Alexy, and then tore off the long-awaited "prize".
This means that the world has lost a sinful follower of the God of Allah and has acquired a Christian in love, in whatever ways it does not spread - the teachings of Christ, I noted with irony.
No, Timur, it means something else - the future grandfather answered. The world is ruled by love and further quoted the great - Costa; “The whole world is my temple, LOVE is my shrine, the Universe is my fatherland.”

One Ossetian girl demands that I stop provocations and not kindle a smoldering fire of hostility between our peoples. Magdalena, that's her name, writes: "Abadiev, if you and your compatriots have problems, then solve them like a man, without tying them to Ossetians. What kind of "extremists" are you talking about? Or do you not know the meaning of the word at all? Why your post about a person who deserves respect from you remains in the background, and you bring negativity towards the Ossetian people to the fore, or is it so intended? vandals - of humanity, "he dragged in the year 92 for some reason ... If you want to convey to your people that the Ossetians are a vile people, then everyone has such an enemy, which he himself is (this is an absolute truth). So you deserve this EVERY Ingush blogger has the task of bringing discord between the two peoples as much as possible, denigrating the Ossetian side, but at the same time, they are waiting for the correct conclusions from the Ossetians to the problem of PR (((And at this time, Ingush children treated in childhood m department of the RCH, Ingush young women who cannot give birth are treated at the Family Planning Center in Vladikavkaz, and the Medical Center in Beslan is completely “crammed” with Vainakhs))). On August 8-10, in the supermarkets of Vladikavkaz, there was a pandemonium of Ingush buyers who, like a tsunami, passed through the departments, knocking others down, but NONE of the Ossetians grumbled, everyone understood that people had a holiday! Is it really impossible to understand that no one is going anywhere, you need to live and, if possible, if great love does not work out between us, then at least not throw firewood into a smoldering fire.

I replied to my new friend:

"You are my dear! I have nothing against Ossetians as a people, I am not some kind of chauvinist. My life credo- these are the words of the remarkable Ossetian poet Kosta Khetagurov: "The whole world is my temple, Love is my shrine, the Universe is my fatherland." I write about Ossetian extremists, just like I write about Ingush ones. I sincerely want peace between us, But the Ossetians must understand one thing: there will never be peace if the condition of this peace is the Ingush's renunciation of their homeland. We do not need such a world. Every word in my post is true. I am responsible for every word in this post. This is also confirmed by the Ossetian lawyers who sound the alarm about this concentration camp. Many of the prisoners there are my friends. So go and deal with this concentration camp and with your extremists - then I won't have to write about it either. As for the PR: the Ingush have always been ready for scientific discussion and dialogue. These are Ossetians, or rather, those in power do not want to enter into a dialogue and solve their problems with the help of brute force, but more specifically Russian troops. Show at least one house that the Ingush took away from the Ossetians. Name at least one Ossetian village captured by the Ingush. Show one Ossetian cemetery desecrated by the Ingush. Show at least one photograph of a murdered Ossetian, which the Ingush passed off as a photograph of a murdered Ingush. Show at least one Ossetian whose stomach was opened by the Ingush. Show at least one Ossetian woman whom the Ingush raped and burned with cigarettes. Show at least one document in which the Ingush rejoiced at the grief of the Ossetians and asked to enter their homes and their lands. We have it all and we are ready to provide it. As for the fact that the Ingush go to Vladikavkaz for medical treatment and for shopping: we don't go to visit Ossetians, we go to our homes. We do not demand a single centimeter of Ossetian territory. We do not demand either Alagir or Ardon or other Ossetian lands. We demand Angusht; we demand Buro; we demand Ezmi; We do not go to Ossetia to kill Ossetians, and Ossetian guys in Ingushetia are not kept in concentration camps, they are not tortured there with electric current and strangulation with packages. With what of what I have written you do not agree, dear Magdalena ?!"