Unusual graduation scenarios at a music school. Scenario prom "musical express"

Description of work: Materials for extracurricular activities of secondary students school age(13-15 years old) (lyrics of songs and sketches for use in "Kapustnik" at the graduation party at the Children's Music School and Children's Art School). this work may be of interest to teachers additional education(children's music schools and children's art schools).

Prom- a special event in the life of any school. Integral part of this holiday is the “kapustnik”, which becomes the final chord not only of the entire event, but of all the years spent at school.

Graduation "skit" is the focus of living ideas, unexpected discoveries, bright creative finds. As a rule, the object of jokes are academic disciplines at school, certain events that occurred during the years of study. Do not bypass the attention of teachers!

The most valuable thing about skits is the fact that they have no restrictions in terms of the flight of fancy and self-expression of the participants, except, of course, moral and aesthetic ones. Children who have gone through this holiday of humor for a long time retain in their memory good memories of this period of their lives in particular, about the school and its teachers in general.

Often, teachers preparing a graduation "skit" in children's music schools are faced with the problem of obtaining literary material, which would reflect the specifics of education in a MUSIC school. This work presents fragments of graduation "skit" different years, which, according to the author, could be useful as a "filling" of the graduation "pie", or, in the form of ideas and blanks for processing.

"Song of teachers" (to the motive of the song "Man is a friend to a dog")

The teacher is a friend to the child,

Everyone around knows it

There is no kinder being!

If someone "gets" -

Will not give nerves

No one has noticed yet

To scream at the children!

In vain does not swear

Doesn't throw fists

And if it breaks, -

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite!

The teacher is a friend to the child,

Everyone around knows it

Everyone knows how twice two -

There is no smarter creature!

He doesn't get lazy

And sets an example for everyone

And, despite the strict appearance,

In his heart he does not hold grudges!

Very sweet smile

Tries to be objective

And besides education

It has a lot of charm!

"Hello Hello!" (to the motive of the song “Everything is fine, beautiful marquise!”

Performed by two graduates, then the rest join them:

Hello Hello! What news?

So, how is your granddaughter doing?

Oh, what - the heart is not in place now,

How did you pass the solfeggio?

I forgot the mode, and the scale too,

Four will be me, it seems ...

And the rest, dear grandmother

All is well, all is well!

Well, how is it, my paw?

How did you forget C major?!

Even though I still love you

But how can I bear the shame?

There were troubles in the dictation,

I didn't recognize the note with the dot...

Well, for the "troika" - I know that for sure

I sang very well!

Hello, hello, what trio?

What came over you all of a sudden?

Well, tell me, let's go to your granny

How it all happened...

The tone was hard

I did not sing the note La,

And she didn’t play a seventh chord, -

And Minnikhanov could not!

But I passed the solfeggio,

Even though I only got two

And the rest, beloved grandmother -

All is well, all is well!

Hello, hello, what a deuce?!

What an incredible blow...

Will arrange mother a head-washer,

What a nightmare, what a nightmare!

Didn't pick up the textbook

Then I went to the "artist"

The weather was warm…

But I need to take a walk

After all, childhood can not be returned again

Then the pool and aikido,

And in the morning tests in the city administration,

I need to know Chinese

To stay away from life

And I walked around London

Folk langwidge studied,

But now I'm without worries

I can spit at the ceiling

- (all) And to us now, beloved granny,

Well, just really good!

Scene "INTERVIEW"(the answer of the interviewee due to "technical problems" comes to the previous question of the "correspondent")

First: Can you hear me well? Hello Hello? Here you studied music school, you had such a subject as solfeggio, where you studied tritones, seventh chords. They say it's very difficult. How did you deal with them? Do you hear me?

Second: Hello, speak ... Ah, now I hear, speak.

First: We are limited in time. Next question. What can you say about your teachers?

Second: Yes, I can hear you. We got tired of them. So many problems with them! Someone waved their hand at them altogether, someone remembered them only before the lesson. Actually, to be honest, normal child they are simply impossible to understand.

First: At the music school, everyone plays scales, and how did you feel about them?

Second: Oh, we remember them with great tenderness and love. They left an indelible mark on our hearts.

First: What can you say about the director and vice teacher?

Second: Oh, horror, they haunted us all 8 years. There was no peace for us or our neighbors. Even during the holidays it was impossible to forget about them and rest in peace. But, nevertheless, they kept us in shape and did not let us relax.

First: Have you ever received a deuce? How did you treat them?

Second: You know, we have always been proud of them, no one can do without them at school. They lead the learning process.

First: Well, were there any excellent students among you?

Second: Well, yes, it's a shame for them, of course, but we successfully fought with them, and the teachers helped us in this. And gradually they became less and less.

First: Were there those who did nothing at all, missed classes?

Second: Well, there were, of course, such people among us. We have always tried to follow their example. Their photographs were always hung on the honor roll, and the whole school was proud of them.

First: You probably often attended concerts, theaters?

Second: Hello, say there is no connection.

First: Yes, what are you going to do, what about the connection! Okay, next question. Have there been such phenomena as drugs, smoking mixtures, alcohol in your life?

Second: Ah, now I hear. Yes, of course, after them everything is seen in a different light. But, in general, it is useful for general development. Without them, it is difficult for real musicians to succeed.

First: Tell me general education school did you manage to study?

Second: Who do you take us for?! It's bad for health! No, it's not for us.

First: Have you ever visited discos, nightclubs?

Second: Yes, we had time everywhere and there were not on last place. We went regularly. After all, this is the first stage of our education.

First: Any man of culture must go to museums, exhibition halls...

Second: What are you, this is not for us. Yes, we were kids then. And in general, it was of no use to us. Why waste time on nonsense?

First: Well, everything is clear with you, now it is clear what you are!

Second: Well, we are intelligent people!

First and Second: Thanks to the music school!!!

Scene "Two lessons"

Lesson through the eyes of a teacher

There are several chairs on the stage, graduates sit on them in relaxed poses. There are "horns" on their heads. To the sounds of gentle music, the teacher enters the classroom. A halo made of paper and wire “shines” above his head. No one pays attention to the teacher, everyone is busy with their own work.

Hello guys! How smart are you today! Did everyone sleep? Well, who will answer today?

(no one hears)

Maybe you, Dimochka? Dima!

But I didn’t learn, we went to visit yesterday! (Dimochka answers lazily)

OK. Get ready next time!

And you, Masha?

And I spent the whole day yesterday at the hairdresser's...

That's it, I see you are so beautiful today!

Well, then, maybe, Kolya, you?

And I had a competition yesterday!

Ah! .. Well, it's okay, you'll answer another time.

Lenochka, come on, you answer ...

And I .. and I have .. And we ... (having come up with nothing, reluctantly goes to the blackboard)

Sing the scale in C major.

(sings off-key)

Well, not bad...umm...you must have a sore throat today. But, I see how you tried and I give you a four with a small minus.

For what?! I taught! It's not fair!

Well, okay, with a big plus!

(sits down with an unhappy look)

Guys, of course, you know - who wrote Oginsky's polonaise?

But we didn't pass!

What is the name of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky?

But we didn't hear!

How many years did you study at our school?

But they didn't tell us!

What is the name of our school principal?

We didn't record!

How many pigs are in the Three Little Pigs?

We didn't count!

What good fellows you are today - you worked so well in the lesson. Well, rest, I'm not asking you anything at home. The lesson is over.

Tatyana Andreeva
Graduation party at the Children's Art School "We will leave our hearts here!"

Scenario teacher MAOU DOD DSHI MO "Baryshsky district"

Andreeva T. A.

Scenario High school prom

"We let's leave our hearts here

Leading the way to the music.

Presenter 1:

Kind evening, Dear friends,

Guests, parents, teachers!

We are very glad to see you

On this day and at this hour!

Lead 2:

And then came the cherished day

Everyone is a little sad

And as if a shadow wanders somewhere,

And everyone is not until spring.

Presenter 1:

There will come a day for everyone when

It's time to leave school.

Lead 2:

Away with sadness! And the holiday to start

It's time for us to invite alumni and graduates.

Out to the music Graduates on stage and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter 1:

Here they are! Graduates of 2010! (Applause in the audience)

Lead 2:

To you home school graduates

Don't accidentally forget

Come on, everyone to the questions

Answer without hesitation

Presenter 1:

1. Which cabinet has the most out of tune piano?

2. Why do you love solfeggio?

3. What inscriptions did you make on the desks during the training?

4. What color are the curtains in the dance hall?

5. What advice would you give to the director of the school when you leave?

6. How much does the piano weigh?

7. Where did you hide cheat sheets during exams?

8. What Christmas tree remember you more the rest?

9. Why did you need this education?

10. Did the neighbors often knock on the radiator when you played scales?

11. Have your parents ever had to convince you to continue attending our school?

12. Do you use the skills learned in choreography lessons at the disco?

13. Will art be your profession?

14. What to wear is heavier: textbooks or sheet music?

15. How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?

Lead 2:

Remember the first day of September?

How far is this date from us!

Here is the end of your long lesson,

There was no bell only from the lesson.

The time has come to ring for you

The very last, farewell call!

To the music of each alumni rings the bell.

The song sounds "Last call" (at the end graduates sit down)

Presenter 1:

Together with us a little excited

As happens in moments of separation

He is the head of our art school

Wise adviser and friend.

Lead 2:

Who tell me guys in our school

Are all questions resolved?

Who calmly and skillfully

Leading everything?

And of course, who will present the certificates now?

All: Director!

Presenter 1:

The principal of the school is invited to the stage

Director congratulates alumni and present certificates

Lead 2:

And now our graduates demonstrate their talents, they have prepared a festive concert.

Concert alumni.

Presenter 1:

At concerts in this hall

We play the piano

Classical, pop, jazz

Everything you want - everything for you!

Music number – –

Music number -

Music number -

Lead 2:

Today the music is heard

Not at all the same as before.

The guitar string is ringing

Music number -

Presenter 1:

Being a choreographer is not easy.

We pass the machine every time

But in concert performance

Don't take your eyes off us

Music number -

Lead 2:

Farewell, scales and etudes,

It's time for us to part with you too

You will hardly forget us

Affairs of musical master

Music number -

Music number -

That will teach you, friends,

In our school of music

Sing no worse than a nightingale.

Music number -

Lead 2:

Piano department.

Pianists are taught here.

Everyone plays the piano

They live in friendship with music.

Music number -

Music number -

Presenter 1:

In our dance class -

There is a thumping sound

Our best dancers

get to know "sock-heel".

Music number -

Lead 2:

And the music plays again

For us it sounds.

Music has fun with us

With us the music is silent

The world is filled with joy again

But in the pauses you can hear

Sad quiet melody

And sad silence.

Music number -

Music number -

Presenter 1:

Magical sounds of music

Everyone admires them

And I know - listen to songs

You really, really like it!

Music number -

Lead 2:

Thank you music, thank you!

Thank you for the bright moment

When suddenly it opened up to me -

Your bright and beautiful world!

Music number -

Presenter 1:

Now the word provided to graduates!

(Everyone exits Graduates)


Allow me on behalf of everyone graduates open"congratulatory" part of our evenings called"We let's leave our hearts here


Dear Tatyana Gennadievna! We want to congratulate you on your new release.

The ship sails on the waves of knowledge,

And you are at the helm.

Lead clearly and skillfully

You are the entire crew of the ship.


On behalf of everyone alumni we want to tell you…Thank you!

For the mind! For the wisdom of leadership!

For the power of experience and knowledge,

For kindness and nobility

For the fulfillment of promises!

The time has come

Give a gift to your native school.

We collected all the warmth of our hearts.

To you we want to give a heart, finally!

(Graduates give a heart on which everyone signed graduate)


We continue solemn ceremony "delivery" our hearts and we invite Tatyana Gennadievna, Tatyana Anatolyevna, Margarita Vladimirovna, Natalia Petrovna, Gennady Vladimirovich, Yuri Alexandrovich and Irina Gennadievna to come to us. Dear, Dear and Beloved our teachers! Today we say goodbye to you and

We wish you health

We wish you well

To be in your life

Tomorrow is better than yesterday.

May your strength not decrease

Let joy shine in your eyes

May happiness not leaves

Not in your life, not in business.

You are a gift of warmth our hearts!

(Graduates presenting hearts)


Workers of the invisible front are invited to the stage - Nina Valentinovna, Evgeny Petrovich, Nadezhda Alexandrovna!

They walked along the stairs and corridors of the school

Over the years our feet hundreds of kilometers

And these corridors were washed, cleaned, drowned

Behind us our nannies imperceptibly.

We are very grateful to you and accept as a gift our hearts!

(Graduates presenting hearts)


It would be unfair not to remember those who were with us all the years during lessons, tests, exams, who worried about us in a way that we did not worry about ourselves ... This our parents. Expensive our mothers, dads, grandparents! We love you, we bow before you. Our school life was cloudless thanks to you!


When we are sad and anxious -

Mom hugs us.

When we need advice urgently -

We'll go to dad.


Well, grandma and grandpa

Everyone in the world knows

They have empathy and affection

We will always find.


Please accept our deepest regards and warmth. our hearts.

(Graduates presenting hearts)

Presenter 1:

We invite parents to the stage to say words of gratitude to teachers and parting words graduates.

The kindness of a beautiful parent

There is nothing more precious in the world

For everything to work out graduates are great -

Give them parenting advice!

(Speech by parents)

Presenter 1:

Congratulate our graduates were decided by teachers.

(teachers leave)

Dear Guys! You, making the path of the earth,

Tied your fate with our fate!

Now neither distance nor year

We will never be separated!

Do you remember, a carefree and cheerful boy

Did you see the school for the first time?

I saw delight in your eyes

I saw a smile on her lips.

And you are a snub-nosed girl with a bow

Do you remember how you entered the music house?

Elegant, like a doll, all in flowers,

And curiosity sparks in the eyes.

So fast strings of days fly -

And there are no more awkward ducklings.

They all turned into swans

And the wings behind your back grow faster.

Behind a year of study

Rise and fall ahead

And in this evening we wish

Walk happily through life

We wish you inspiration

Fewer failures and tears

So that you find a job to your liking

And seriously love music

Our hearts will never forget you

We will often remember you

And believe that we love you

And new meetings, we will wait with you

Our dear graduate! Even after many years

Fly into our unquenchable light...

And whatever happens, don't you dare

Forget the art school, and your teachers!

And now we ask you to stand up! And repeat our words:

We, Graduates 2010 of the Izmailovo Children's Art School, solemnly we swear: be faithful to your native school, do not forget your teachers and classmates,

Succeed in life to native school could be proud of us.

All: We bow! We bow! We bow!

All together teachers and children sing a song "Little country"

Music: phonogram "Blue wagon"
Alumni Exit.
Speaker:"Musical Express" No. 2008 arrived at track 1 of the Nikiforovskaya DTTTI station. Numbering of wagons from the tail of the express train. I repeat... The request of the meeting passengers to take their seats. Train stop 60 minutes.
- Song: "Music" music. Struve
Speaker: Attention to those who arrived by "Musical Express" No. 2008! The request of the graduation car to prepare for passport control and obtaining a document certifying maturity.
Exit Leading.

1 leader: Yes, the station is already full, the chairs are shining,
The people gathered are seething,
Parents whisper all the time
Everyone is in a hurry to praise his own.

2 host: Our journey is coming to an end
All that's left is to say
Now who's on stage
You will wish for a lot.

Speaker: Dear passengers! For all questions
please contact the station management: the head of the station and his deputy.

1 leader: Together with us a little excited
As happens in moments of separation
He is the head of our art school
Wise adviser and friend.

2 host: Who tell in our school
All questions are resolved
Who calmly and skillfully
Leads everything!

All: Of course, director!

2 host: The director of the school is invited to the stage (presentation of certificates, congratulations).

Alumni response.

1: How did we come to this school
It was all a few years old
And we just sat down at the notes
There isn't a minute to spare.

2: Heard at school from everywhere
Knock and key chime
If they didn't go to school, they would only know the metallophone.

3: With this house, with this house
To us and dear and familiar, We say goodbye to despondency, He is no longer ours from now on.

4: Our school is interesting
There is no place for boredom Dancing, music, computer There is enough here for everyone.

5. I still can't understand
Surprise is not melting:
Who graduated from this school -
Maybe mom, maybe me!

6. In our dance class -
There is a thumping sound
These are young dancers - Learn "sock-heel".

7. Farewell, scales and studies,
It's time for us to part with you too
You will hardly forget us
Affairs of musical masters

8. Thank you, music, thank you!
Thank you for the bright moment
When suddenly it opened up to me -
Your bright and beautiful world!

9. Goodbye Temple of Art
It's time to part with you. Grateful to this school. Lessons of truth and kindness.

Song "Song does not say goodbye to you"

At night the stars,
In the distance they run along the blue rivers.
Stars in the morning
They fade away without a trace.
Only the school stays with the person
School - true friend yours forever
Through the years, through the breakups
On any road, on any side
Music will not say "Goodbye!"
The music will stay with you!

Something is not fun for us today. And this is understandable: they rode - they rode in a comfortable, soft car, and now they have to change into a hard one.
And the name of the express is not clear and the route is not known.
What kind of passengers are on this train?

Art school graduates: pianists, guitarists, bayanists, accordionists and dancers.

1 leader: Today the music is heard
Not at all the same as before.
The guitar string is ringing
Let it keep ringing.

Music number.

1 leader:
At concerts in this hall
We play the piano
Classical, pop, jazz
Everything you want - everything for you!

Music number.

Being a choreographer is not easy We pass the machine every time, But in a concert performance You won’t take your eyes off us

Music number.

2 host: Forty buttons on it
With mother-of-pearl fire.
A merry fellow, not a rowdy My vociferous accordion.

Music number:

1 leader: He looks like a brother to the button accordion, Where there is fun, there he is. I'm not going to suggest, Everyone knows the accordion.

Music number:

Let's go to the information desk, look at the stations
Look: School of Music, Rachmaninoff Institute,
Lots of work, no time to rest.
No, I don't want to go there. Let's go back to our art school!
Well, yes! Dreaming, there already new shift taking up space!
And the parents spent all the money on their studies.
Let's go get tickets!

Cash register:

OA, you can return the tickets, we changed our minds about leaving!

And what! We want to stay in art school.
It's nice, cozy, good teachers!
Write a letter to the head of the station
Write Seryozha in notes!
No, I make mistakes
It is immediately clear that he did not finish his studies!

Statement: (Headmaster), we kindly ask you to allow the passengers of Express No. 2008 to exchange tickets for No. 2009 for further travel around the country of music, we promise to assist the school management:

Detect malicious truants
- exercise until you lose your pulse
- participate in all school concerts
- conductors, please do not change. We will stay with them.
- Listen, maybe we'll try to find out what the head teacher, teachers, parents think about this:
So they told you the truth. They will begin to tell how, we are dear to them!

Congratulations: We invite the head teacher of our school to the stage.

1 leader:
Our head teacher is kind, fair
Keeps order in the school
So that no one is late
And I didn't miss the lesson.

Congratulations teachers.

Behind a year of study
Rise and fall ahead
And tonight we wish
Walk happily through life

We wish you inspiration
Fewer failures and tears
So that you find a job to your liking
And seriously love music

Our heart will never forget you
We will often remember you
And believe that we love you
And new meetings, we will wait with you

Song "Lavender"

AT school life Anything can happen,
The student loses his diary
Forgets notes at home
The academy does not give up.
Plays he sometimes does not know
He writes whatever
And when it's completely silent,
Says: "I taught"
Chorus: Children, dear children,
Our meetings with you -
bright dreams
Children, dear children,
Lot years will pass
We will remember you.
The school gave you warmth
Learned to love music
Childhood was carefree
In this school you have.
But where did all this go?
There was no answer! It's already summer
And we are losing you!

1 leader: We invite parents to the stage to say words of gratitude to teachers and parting words to graduates.

2 host: The kindness of a beautiful parent There is nothing more precious in the world
So that everything turns out great for us -
Give us parenting advice!

Speaker: Passengers of the "Musical Express" No. 2008 go to the boarding station, the train is on the first track.
- It's a pity to leave, because here we met so many friends, got acquainted with interesting musicians.

Song "Your Grace"
Your honor, dear school
Kind for some, and different for others,
Try seven years at the piano, sit down, Unlucky in your studies, lucky on the way.
Your honor, high art.
We comprehended you until the loss of feeling
I didn’t always teach solfeggio theory,
But the director, dear certificate, handed

Speaker: Attention passengers! Express departure in 5 minutes. The request of the mourners to get out of the cars. The musical express of the future departs from the first track of the station "School of Arts" No. 2008. Good luck on your journey guys!

From this stage we send thanks to you!
For the fact that in the whirlwind of affairs
You were so wise, beautiful!
We want to be always in business!

All: Thank you!

Song "Without Me"

Our teacher know what's wrong with you
You're just a little tired
On this day, a declaration of love
How do we place flowers at your feet?
Chorus: Believe us without you, dear
The earth is as small as an island
Without your advice life to us,
Fly with one wing
You will forgive us for pranks,
Forget your grief
Don't judge us too harshly
And we will sing!
La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

I looked at several graduation scenarios at a music school and thought that they were, after all, quite the same type. I do not argue, songs-alterations and poems about teachers are very sincere way thank you for your years of study. I still don't mind if you use such reworked songs in the script, but I want to offer you a more interesting general concept evening, in which you insert any numbers.

The evening can be hosted by two hosts. I think you can easily find charming guys with expressive speech among the graduates.


The holiday will consist of 7 blocks - 7 notes. The name of each block begins with a syllable-note. After the words of the hosts - a number that makes sense. Kids, graduates, teachers, talented middle school students, professionals will participate in the graduation script.

The proposed ideas can be adapted for any team, I just want to help your imagination fly!

To avoid turning prom into an endless "Chinese concert", make sure that the block takes no more than 10 minutes.

Before the beginning of each block, you can make a fanfare - a major chord (or a series of chords) from the desired note. This will force the audience to listen carefully to the words of the presenters.


Ideas for a graduation script at a music school

Before - Long-awaited holiday

Presenter 1: The very moment has come, about which it is impossible to say unequivocally whether it is joyful or sad! We graduated from the music school №5!

Host 2: Today everything will be “like clockwork” again! And let's start, of course, with the note DO.

Presenter 1: Note DO is a long-awaited holiday. We are very sorry to part with our beloved school, because for seven years we have come here several times a week. The sounds of music greeted us from the threshold, and every day we improved our skills.

Host 2: But it is today that opens new doors for us: and let not all graduates become professional musicians! The love for music that was instilled in us within these walls is FOREVER.

It is better to put the numbers here in bulk:

  • performance of a choir or vocal ensemble (let them stand on stage from the first minutes of the holiday)
  • school orchestra performance
  • after the speeches - the word to the head of the educational institution

Re - Reconstruction

Presenter 1: Note RE - Reconstruction!
Host 2: And what is it?
Presenter 1: Well, this is a re-creation of the period of our study at the music school. For example, who brought you by the hand to audition?
Host 2: Grandmother. I was so worried ... But then everyone was smiling and sincerely glad to see me. Let's remember our first steps in music!

  • performance of the youngest students of the school (piano, violin, flute)
  • vocal number junior group chora
  • poems for graduates with wishes (can be taken from the scenarios of ordinary school graduations)
  • congratulations from teachers-instrumentalists,
  • kind words from grandmothers, mothers and fathers who took little musicians to school

Mi - Minute of Glory

Presenter 1: Note MI - Minute of glory. You know, I always enjoy watching such a program on TV, sometimes I even imagine my moment of glory ...
Host 2: You know, some students of our school have already experienced the joy of victory. This is the pride of not only school number 5, but of the whole city!

You can give the floor to the director, who will present the most successful students (these can be not only graduates, just talented children who have taken worthy places in various competitions)

  • performances by the most talented children, laureates and prize-winners of competitions

Fa - Star Factory

Presenter 1: Fa - Star Factory. Our school is also such a factory!
Host 2: I still don’t know who I will be, but I know for sure that there will always be music in my life. But now I want us to remember those graduates of our school who became professional musicians.

A representative of the teaching staff can tell about such stars.

  • performance of teachers who graduated from this school (musical performance and parting words to graduates)
  • invite musicians-graduates of past years who now work in city orchestras, folk ensembles, tour with a solo program

Salt - Solo number

Presenter 1: We have reached the note SALT - time for a beautiful solo number.
Host 2: It's always scary to perform alone, you must admit. In an orchestra or ensemble, we feel the shoulder of a friend, but here ...
Presenter 1: And let's invite little artists to the stage who solo to the music, but they main tool- sign language!

  • dance number from a ballet or choreographic studio

La - la-la-fa

Presenter 1: Note La - La-la-fa ... You and I have not yet talked about theoretical subjects that have been studied all these years.
Host 2: Indeed, without solfeggio, we would not understand music “from the inside”, we would not know that harmony in music has its own, almost mathematical, laws. Marvelous!
Presenter 1: Musical literature is a subject that every cultured person in our country should study. Biographies of famous composers and the history of the creation of great musical works are the springboard from which the fate of any musician begins.

  • A word to teachers of solfeggio and musical literature with good wishes

Si - The power of music

Presenter 1: The last note is the SI note! The power of music!
Host 2: Music has accompanied man always and everywhere. The first musical instruments appeared in ancient times. With the help of sounds, people called out to the gods, prayed for rain, rejoiced at the birth of a new person.
Presenter 1: Music led our soldiers into battle for the Fatherland, talked about home, love and hope for a brighter future.
Host 2: Music accompanies us from the first day of life, decorates our everyday life and holidays.

Together: Long Live MUSIC!

  • Final mass number or just a recording of a spiritual work (something like a Strauss waltz), under which all graduates can go up on stage to general applause. Flowers, gifts.

Before - Goodbye!

Presenter 1: Note DO - Goodbye! Till we meet again on the stages of the city, the country and the whole world!

How to use holiday photos

I highly recommend doing a lot. professional personnel during each block. The fact is that you can arrange a wonderful photo exhibition for someone or just to decorate the school foyer. The titles for each series of photographs will be the same: "Minute of Glory", "The Power of Music" and "Star Factory". Don't miss the chance!

What can be added to each block:

"Again Prazdnik" organizes any events, therefore, in addition to ideas, I will be happy to offer our services to residents of Moscow:

  • decoration of the hall with balloons (here)
  • dropping balls (from a huge net at the end of the holiday, colorful balls are poured onto the graduates - about 300 pieces)
  • launch of balloons (these are helium balloons that can be solemnly released into the sky at the end of the celebration)
  • and (usually this happens to the music, you can arrange for your graduates to play during the show)
  • photography, video
  • host for a fun disco after the program
  • cake in the form musical instrument or just with a treble clef

School of Music - special world not like a public school. The main difference is that students of the same class or stream intersect only on general subjects such as solfeggio, musical literature and choir.

The subject (specialty, tool), when the student masters the program individually under the guidance of a teacher, takes large quantity hours in the learning process.

An individual program in all subjects for those who are lagging behind or, conversely, for especially gifted students, almost completely excludes the contact of pupils with each other - many children see each other only at exams and annual final concerts.

This explains the lesser unity of students, which leads to the fact that organizing graduation at a music school is somewhat more difficult than.

Place in music

It would seem that the solution that allows you to easily organize the final holiday lies on the surface - parents and teachers should take everything into their own hands, and leave the role of performers to the pupils. But this is not a way out - there is no sadder story than to sing about what you do not agree with.

A script written for students by dedicated teachers who are obligated to chant as teachers educational process, while children do not always support these moods, it is unlikely to be successful and sincere. Even under the condition boundless love to music on the part of students, they see in learning not only bright aspects and high aspirations. Each side perceives the knowledge of music from its own angle.

In this regard, it is best to find activists from among the pupils, fathers and mothers and energetic teachers with a sense of humor to create a single scenario in which every opinion has a place.

The scenario can be based on real stories and incidents from the world of music, anecdotes and aphorisms of the great.

From school to school

Trying to grow from offspring diversified developed individuals, many parents enroll their child in all available circles, sections and institutions of additional education. As a result, the school day looks something like this:

  1. From regular school baby goes in sports.
  2. At the end of the workout, on legs buckling from fatigue, he wanders into the music room.

A common theme played up as part of skits at a graduation party at a music school is coexistence. compulsory education and additional, when children who are very busy in other educational systems, do not have time to prepare for classes in a musical educational institution, and teachers are forced to treat this more than humanely.

Flight of the supersonic bumblebee

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's interlude Flight of the Bumblebee is the most popular work among virtuoso guitarists. Famous rock musicians, following the example of Joey DiMaio, who played "Flight of the Bumblebee" on bass guitar in 1988 and made the first rock arrangement of the work, put excerpts from it in their performance programs.

Musicians are attracted not only by beauty, but also by the difficulty of reproducing a masterpiece. It was this circumstance that gave rise to such a massive interest in the sideshow and a separate direction - its performance at speed.

Music at the same time, of course, loses its features, but every year the "Bumblebee" "flies" faster and faster, and the Guinness Book fixes more and more ultra-fast records - from a tempo of 270 beats per minute to 2000 bpm.

It is this theme that is regularly played up in youth comedies, where the main characters are young musicians with ambitions and a desire for fame.

You can joke about the desire to quickly play the program and do something else indefinitely. In a famous anecdote, a violinist at a symphonic music concert looks at his watch and suddenly begins to play his part twice as fast, explaining his actions to a neighbor by saying that he is afraid of missing the train.

Students often “drive” the tempo out of a desire to hide those notes and fragments that they do not succeed in.

Music and music

You can also be ironic about the quality of the musical product. This topic is close not only to future conductors and composers, but also to everyone else.

“Everyone can do it, but you give Murka,” a phrase born by Soviet cinema, draws the line between professional and, so to speak, amateur (consumer) attitude to musical material in the best possible way.

Another aspect of the same theme is the attitude towards music as an activity. Is music a serious and worthy occupation?

There is a story that once, when Fyodor Chaliapin was driving a cab, out of curiosity, he asked what the master was doing. Fyodor Ivanovich answered that he sings. “We all sing to sing,” retorted the cabbie, “but I ask about business.”

It's hard in torment, or don't torment the cat

Odessa humor is extremely rich in jokes about studying at a music school, in particular, in the violin class, and about applying the results of study in real life. But the process of finding the right note and learning homework in the framework of other subjects is no more humane in relation to the forced listener.

Compassionate neighbors even sometimes call the police, hearing those heartbreaking sounds that the instrument exudes during classes.

"Don't torture the cat!" or "Don't mock Beethoven!" - not fictitious, but real claims from others, which are sometimes listened to by pupils of music schools, their parents and duty officers of a law enforcement stronghold.

At a graduation at a music school, the script simply must include playing out this important component of the educational process.

The fuss around the piano

Prom program in musical educational institutions has always been and will be distinguished by great demands on the material performed - here one cannot limit oneself to “three chords”. But the classical repertoire does not really allow you to turn around if there is a great desire to approach the issue with humor. What can be changed, sung and played in a new way and not be accused of bad taste in music?

There are two main approaches to this issue:

  1. The first, like many decades ago, suggests that compulsory program for the exam and the final speech, the student receives from the teacher. The result is a classic in every sense (and sometimes boring) concert.
  2. Another thing is when the exam itself, and farewell to the school is built on the principle of " last call”, within which the musical components are determined by the students themselves.

With creative freedom, you can turn to:

  • romances performed by a duet;
  • vocal works Soviet authors who are easily decomposed into 2, 3 and four voices ("Three White Horses", "Grass at the House", "City Flowers", "Uchkuduk", etc.);
  • operetta parts;
  • fragments of musicals and rock operas.

The title song at the graduation at a music school can be both light and cheerful, and serious in terms of the thought contained in it. The latter include the song of the Avtograf group, “Monologue”, about the fate of the person on the stage and questions of succession, which was covered more than once by the masters of the Russian stage.

Another piece to keep an eye on when preparing for a musical skit, hailing from the rock world of 1975 is Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

This 4-voice composition combines several independent musical directions (opera, ballad, a cappella singing, heavy metal with falsetto singing), and therefore can be performed by a mixed vocal composition. Unusual musical form and frequent shifts moods give great opportunity for dramatic experiments (especially if you do not go into the plot of the composition, and start only from theme music). Interesting from the point of view of reworking and performance and "Killer Queen" by the same authors.

Instrumentalists who are capable of forming a trio, quintet or chamber orchestra for the sake of a common cause should familiarize themselves with the extraordinary presentation of the material by the Hamburg chamber music quartet “Salut Salon”.

The musicians not only masterfully perform their parts, but add theatricality to them - comprehensively and with good humor beat those images that this or that work gives rise to in them.

Look for the note!

Improvisation is an important part of any musical direction is a special art that borders on science. Each style has its own improvisational canons, and representatives of different musical movements are very zealous about their directions, but they train their sense of humor on fellow tribesmen from other musical "camps".

You can take and twist the famous anecdote about a blues guitarist and his colleague from a metal band who took part in the competition for the title "Best Guitarist of the Year".

Contrary to the expectations of the public, it was not the one who gave out dizzying passages that won, but the one that played only a couple of notes. To the question of the loser to the panel of judges about the motives for such a decision, the chairman of the jury replied: “You are still looking for your note, but he has already found his.”

The search for the right note, both in a practical and philosophical sense, can be made one of the leitmotifs of the plot of the staging of a farewell skit concert, since creative personality it is characteristic and necessary to be in search, so as not to turn from a person of art into an artisan.