Differentiation to g logopedic lesson. Speech therapy lesson "Differentiation K - G

Svetlana Khodakovskaya
Summary of the lesson "Differentiation of sounds [g] - [k]"

Goals lessons:

Develop auditory differentiation of sounds K and G;

Develop the ability to relate K sounds, G with letters K and G,

Develop phonemic awareness;

Expand words knowledge;

Develop attention, logical thinking;

Cultivate self-control.

Material to occupation:

1. How many times in the poem met G sound?

Find a word with soft sound G.

Between themselves for centuries

Live in harmony G and K

And does not fall into offense,

When G replaces her,

What is similar to a heron in appearance

And stands on one leg.

I don't think I'm wrong

Let's remember G by heart - G - like a dove, G - like a goose.

This is pride, this is sadness. G mushrooms, peas, biscuits,

All words starting with G Need- City, gas, decanter, newspaper.

In speech, they are so needed!

How many times in the poem met sound K?

Name words with soft sound K.

Rabbit, chickens, cat and cat, K - cinema, compote, cutlet,

And cabbage, and potatoes, Book, paints and candy,

Clover, cacti and maples, Lace, ship, whale -

Cypress evergreen. Hear, K - sounds everywhere!

Viburnum bush, cedar grove,

Oh, what a generous language we have.

We remind you!

Sound G - voiced, voice is involved in its formation, vocal cords vibrate. If you put your hand on the neck, you can feel the vibration.

2. Test yourself! Compare sounds:

a) Put your hand on your neck. If vibration is felt, trembling is a ringing sound if there is no jitter - deaf.

b) Close your ears with your palms and pronounce a voiced sound G and deaf K.

3. Game "Echo". Repeat syllables:


goo-ku-ku ga-ka-ga-ka go-ko-ko-go ko-go-go-ko.

4. Name first sound in a word:

Goose, newspaper, cabbage, bush, garage, cat, caterpillar, dove, chickens, nest, book, city, movie.

5. Determine which sound in a word - G or K and its place:

Cat, poppy, gas, garden, riddle, T-shirt, coast, pie, wagon, tanks, horns, fire, jackdaw, leg, slide, gander.

6. Think about what the letter G looks like?

What does the letter K look like?

7. Draw these letters with eyes closed on the sand, on the palm, in the air. Draw the letter G.

Lay out these letters from small objects.

8. Think about what elements are made of capital letters Gg and kk?

9. Read the words with the letter G, then with the letter To:

10. "Who is bigger?"

Think of and write down as many words: starting with the letters G, K; having them in their composition.

11. Insert the letter K in green, D - blue. When writing down, pronounce the words aloud in syllables.

Pisces ... ah, ... asha, but ... ah, glad ... ah, mar ... ah, ... apusta, ball ... he, ... azeta, dear ... ah, oh ... oh, oh ... but, bu ... var, ... itara, ... eroy , …osmosis, …room, …uvshin.

12. Bottom line lessons.

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Summary of the lesson "Differentiation of sounds [Ш], [Ж]" Directly - educational activities in preparatory speech therapy group. Compiled by: teacher - speech therapist Shamova Tatyana Viktorovna.

1. Listen to the words, name the syllables with the sound g or to.

b) caviar, needle, meadows, Igor, game, window, fire, meadows, river

2. Write down the syllables with the letters g and k.

a) Galya, Kolya, Gulya, cat, dove, lips, fist, piece, weights, Gera, cinema, walk

b) mushrooms, crooked, mane, warms, roof, pear, rattles, blade, glues, screams

c) sleeves, berries, take care, helps, buys, jumps, camps

d) rainbow, leg, legs, boots, needle, napkin, hands, branches, cage

3. Compare pairs of words in sound and meaning. What are the sounds of these words? Orally make up a sentence with each word.

slide - crust guests - bones stake - goal tracing paper - pebbles

4. Look at the pictures. Determine the presence of sounds g, k c the names of these pictures. Arrange the pictures in three columns according to the presence of sounds G or k, g and to.

An approximate list of pictures selected by a speech therapist: a bush, a pear, boots, a rainbow, a roof, a heating pad, an accordion, cubes, jump ropes, a nesting doll, a pillow, a hammock.

5. Listen to the words. Draw their diagrams. Write a letter G or to over the corresponding syllable. Write the corresponding word under the diagram.

chickens, kettlebell, prick, caviar, road, shop, pocket, rolling pin, weather, cover, bell, giant, city, formidable, block, brigade, heels, pigeons, boots, jump rope, heel.

6. Working with pictures. (It is carried out similarly to the previous task, you can use pictures from task 4.)

7. Change words to include letters to or d. Underline the letters geek different pencils.

city ​​- town, needle - ..., newspaper - ..., mushroom - ..., voice - ..., decanter - ..., bark - ..., head - ..., dove - ..., lips - ..., accordion - .. .

8. Complete the words by adding a syllable ha or ka.

nit... ...zeta ru... but... ro... lu... re...

kocher... soba... ram... shovels... take... ma...zin ru...wa

ro…thy ma…rony more...thy bit... sem... vet... nor...


9. Complete the words by adding a syllable hh or kch.

but... cap... saber... tele... ve... mountains... sapo... uro...

ru... vra... chambers... cable... re... day... patches... riddles...

10. Insert the missing letter in the words G or to.

u...ol, va...he, u...sus, po...ode, u...ol, lava...a, ...stone, ...usto, ...mouth , ... rafin, I ... ode, ... al ... ah, ... al ... ah, s ... az ... ah, I ... od ... ah, ... olub .. .a, for ... hell ... ah, ... born ... odil

11. Change the words so that after the consonant G or to. a vowel appeared.

iron-... hammer-... claws-... leaf-... shore-... nails-...

ravine - ... canopy - ... elbows - ... tie - ... boot - ... light - ...

stack-... tangle-... soft-...

12. Add the letter r missing in the words or to. Write the test word in brackets.

dream..., kula..., curd..., pau..., ro..., pillars..., zamo..., colander..., pidja..., dru..., kablu ..., hose ..., gon ..., din ..., knowing ..., sharp ..., ryno ..., plu ..., club ..., lu ..., four. ..

13. Answer the questions in one word. Write down the answers. Underline d and to different pencils.

Questions: What is on the back of a camel? (Or feature camel.)

What is the name of the type of swing woven from ropes (in the form of a net)?

What remains on the table after cutting bread?

What toy do the youngest children like to play with?

What rumbles during a thunderstorm?

What is the name of the green area in the city?

Where is the common television antenna installed?

How is temperature measured?

Reference words: hump, hammock, crumbs, rattle, thunder, park, rooftop, thermometer.

14. Guess riddles. Write down the clues. Underline the letters g, k. different


What kind of beast in cold winter

Walking through the woods hungry?

Five boys

Five closets;

Dispersed boys

In dark closets

Every boy

Into your closet.

Without a head, but with a hat.

One leg, and that without a boot.

We always walk together

Similar as brothers.

We are at dinner - under the table,

And at night - under the bed.

red paws

Pinch on the heels

Run without looking back.

Black, nimble

Shouts: "crack!"

Worms are the enemy.

He has a rocking chair and a bed.

It's good to lie on it.

Is he in the garden or in the forest

Shows on weight.

small, remote

Passed through the earth

I found the red cap.

Dove is white

Arrived at the house.

What, where did you see

She told about everything.

Answers: nail, wolf, boots, gloves, geese, mushroom, rook, hammock, newspaper.

15. Solve the crossword.

Vertically: 1. Books that children learn from.

Horizontally: 2. What remains after the combustion of firewood.

3. Spring bird.

4. Male name.

5. Crustacean inhabitant of the sea.

6. What is threaded into a needle.

7. Type of shoes.

8. Neatly wound threads.

9. Type of agricultural equipment.

Reference words: vertical: 1. textbooks.

Horizontally: 2. coals, 3. rook, 4. Yegor, 5. crab, 6. thread, 7. boots, 8. ball, 9. rake.

16. Dictations.

Warning dictation

Guidelines. The speech therapist draws word schemes on the board, writes a letter over the corresponding word G or to. After the students write the dictation, they check it using the diagrams given on the board.

chief, milk mushrooms, rolling pin, gloomy, heating pad, weights, head, geography, cry, biography, garden bed, cart, deep, fist, eyes, hammock, guests, rooks, cap, column, bones, pencil, viper, ties.

Posyllabic dictation (with pronunciation of syllables)

carnation, bell, head, dove, daisies, strawberries, horizon, heels, twilight, loud, ground, jackdaw, lid, jug, heel, pear, brigade, collective farmers, mug, squirrel, onion, grief, bitter

Test dictation

letters, maple, rake, drop, radish, walk, walk, exhibition, piggy bank, smooth, snowdrifts, ice rink, bunches, cabbage, game, caviar, tracing paper, deep, pebbles, gooseberries, boot, pie, poppy, hammock, horned, horn

Differentiation r - to in sentences

1. Complete the sentences by choosing the right words.

guests - the dog gnaws bones ....

On Thursday we will...

slide - crust Grisha loves bread ....

On Monday the whole class went to

goal - Kolya Galkin scored into the goal ....

The builders drove the first ....

pebbles - tracing paper There are many on the sea ... .

The copier has a lot ... .

Galina - viburnum Blooms in the garden ....

Katya's friend's name is...

caviar - an interesting game was going on in the yard ....

Very useful black ... .

2. Make up phrases, choosing words from paragraph a that are suitable in meaning from paragraph b.

a) bitter, labial, loud, small, buckwheat, blue, hot, red, beautiful, deep

b) accordion, porridge, ribbon, milk, bow, city, voice, goslings, gouache, well

3. Write out pairs of words from sentences that are interconnected in meaning, with letters g, k. Underline the letters g, k pencils of different colors.

The sky was covered with a thundercloud. Gulya feeds pigeons every day. Grisha loves buckwheat porridge. Mom washed the baby with a soft sponge. There is a bay horse in the stable. We ate hot potatoes. Alenka has running skates. Our team played in blue jerseys. Kolya scored a goal. Was interesting game. The red jacket is hanging on a chair.

4. Think up and write down sentences with these phrases. Underline the letters g, k.

clusters of viburnum bunches of grapes a sack of potatoes

a handful of cereals jumped high galloped

spoke loudly fed pigeons gnawed on a bone

dug the beds nodded his head painted with gouache

made a riddle bought an accordion basked in the sun

rolled down the hill jumped along the road swayed in a hammock

played the violin disappeared over the horizon jumped over the ditch

5. Insert words with letters that are suitable in meaning into the sentences g, k. Underline the letters g, k in these words.

Today at the lesson we guessed .... blew strong wind, ... thunder. Cuckooing in the forest.... Red fluttered on the house .... Galya winds threads in ... . A small, gray meowed... The car was driving on asphalt... Galya paints the picture with color ... . In the forest, the guys gathered white ... and ripe ... . The rain stopped, and ... the sun. Grisha... on a sled with... .

6. Insert the missing letters in the words. Emphasize consonants g, k.

Summer morning.

The sky is... blue. Bree...hell worked for lu...y. ... olkhozni ... and carried fragrant hay and ... made it a hundred ... a. A large herd requires a lot...oh...orma. From ... the form depends ... the quantity and ... the quality of young ... but. Molo ... oh they are sent to ... orod. From...the tribe...olkhozni...and get other...products...you.


Abacho ... - fat ...

Le... on...a row...at -

And silently....

He lies on ... a row ... e

Tins without lifting.

Small and big.

Little ... th Manya

Little... oh shovel... oh

Carefully sun...opal

Small ... th ... row ... at.

Little...th seed

In ... a row ... I planted,

Small...im fenced

E ... oh oh ... gave birth.

I thought...

For her job:

"Probably will grow

Small...th something.”

But I was wrong ... rap ... oh

I'm in my do...hell...e:

Veli...an watermelon

He grew up here on ... a row ... e.

At the school site.

Spring has come. The sun is strong ... soaring. Noisy be ... ut stream ... and. On ... wild winds ... oh, almost ... and appeared. Bri...hell s...olny...s on the o...orode. They... sing... rows and... make... flower beds. Oh ... the kids help ... the pioneers.

7. Answer the questions in full sentences. Write them down. Underline the letters g, k.

Questions: What birds arrive in spring?

Where do vegetables grow?

Which hero city is located on the Neva River?

Where do the pioneers go in the summer?

Who coos and who cackles?

How is hay raked?

What bird is chirping in the forest?

Where do daisies, porridge and bluebells grow?

8. Make sentences from these words, changing them according to their meaning.

Gnaw, under, bone, dog, porch. Basking, on, viper, sun. Collective farmers, in, stack, hay, stack. Covered, all around, with snow, everything. Beneath, bent over, snow-covered, branches, bushes, and, trees. Class, our, went, exhibition, paintings, on , graphics, i. Starlings, from, warm, larks, rooks, and, countries, are returning. The road, strewn, all, with pebbles. We went, on, in a crowd, Octobrists, a walk.

Differentiation r - to in connected texts

1. Read tongue twisters, write them down from memory.

The gorilla told them, she said, The whole attic is already on fire,

She spoke, she spoke, she spoke. Pigeons are fighting in the window.

The dove pecks at the grain. Don't whip the horse

And drive the horse with oats.

Like on a hill, on a hill

Thirty-three Yegorkas are sitting.

2. Dictations

Visual dictations

Write the underlined words in syllables.

Take care of the books.

Take care of your textbooks. Not bend the corners pages. Use a bookmark. Don't take notes with a pen. Then your books will be fine.


boys went for a walk in the forest. There they looked for mushrooms and berries. Kolya found a lot of mushrooms. He had boletus, mushrooms, blackies. Grisha got a lot of berries. Home came running children satisfied. Kolya has a full basket mushrooms. Grisha has a whole jar of berries.

Auditory dictations

Write in syllables with pronunciation.

Jackdaw and doves.

Doves coo on the roof. Grisha fed the pigeons. A jackdaw jumped around the pigeons. The jackdaw was hungry. She screamed loudly. She always fed near the pigeons. Grisha threw a handful of cereal to the jackdaw. The jackdaw pecked and flew away. The pigeons did not touch the jackdaw.

The storm has passed.

In the evening a thunderstorm came. She grumbled for a long time in the woods. Lightning struck the distant haystacks. Suddenly the rain stopped. Thunder is silent. We lit a fire and warmed up. In the ravine the night birds were calling. Finally, everything calmed down, and we fell asleep soundly.

Three peas.

There were peas in one pod. They felt good. Suddenly a blow. The pod opened and the peas rolled into the boy's palm. The boy loaded a gun with peas and fired. Two peas flew to the roof. Pigeons pecked them there. One pea rolled into the groove. It sprouted there. And later the sprout became a bush.

Grisha and geese.

Mom let Grisha go for a walk. There were geese in the meadow: a goose, a goose and two goslings. Grisha wanted to pet the little goslings. The goose was worried, cackled. And the goose arched its neck and pecked Grisha painfully on the leg. Grisha was frightened, but did not cry. He never touched the geese again.

Letter from memory

Listen to the story. Write down as you remember.

The mouse was scared.

The mouse went to the market. I bought a mouse cheese and put it in a bag. When she returned to her house, the first star lit up. The mouse ran through the forest. She got lost in the dark. Suddenly the mouse sees two eyes shining between the trees. “Probably it’s a cat,” the mouse got scared and darted under the stump. And when the sun rose, the mouse realized that she was afraid of the windows of her house.

Differentiation w - w

1. Select the first sound from words beetle, coat Describe sounds w, w.

2. Say which of these sounds are similar in articulation: t, f, b, sh.

3. What is the first sound in the words: Shura, Zhanna, sting, hot, mine, acorns, seam, six, belly, tire, Zhora.

4. Form syllables. Say them fluently.

w o w o w w

a o a and o u a u

Differentiation w - w in syllables

1. Read the syllables in pairs. Say what letters these pairs of syllables differ in.

zha - sha zhu - shu sha - zha shu - zhu

sho - jo zhi - shi sho - jo shi - zhi

2. Listen to the syllables and sound combinations. Write down only their first letters.

zha, shi, sha, zhi, zhu, shu, sho, zho, same, she; shta, wait, shtu, wait, wait, went, zhne, shta, shti, zhni

3. Listen to the sound combinations. Write only the consonants.

already, asho, ears, ozhu, oshu, snakes, azhi, ashi, oshi, ishi, already, already, hedgehog, eat, snake, ear

4. Listen to the rows of syllables. Repeat them in the same sequence. Write it down.

Zha-sha-zhu-zhu-zha-sha-zha-sha shi-zhi-zhi-shi

sha-zha-sha shu-zhu-shu sha-zha-sha-zha zhi-shi-shi-zhi

5. Write down the syllables and sound combinations in two lines: with the letter sh - in one, with letter f-v another. (Syllable sequences from previous tasks are used.)

6. Write down the syllables and sound combinations under the dictation of a speech therapist (The material of tasks 2, 3 is used.)

Differentiation w - w in words

1. Listen to the words. Determine the presence and place in these words of sounds w, w. Write down the corresponding letters.

a) noise, beetle, toad, vein, awl, hat, fur coat, step, sting, steps, rustled, murmured, twine, rod, slag, reaper, naughty, waited, pants, regretted

b) cat, midge, puddle, skis, leather, boundary, interfered, bag, leather, baby, swifts, guarded, pedestrian, circled

2. Compare pairs of words in sound and meaning. Say what sounds these pairs of words differ in. Orally make up a sentence with each word.

ball - heat sewo - zhito lived - sewed fumble - fry

shawl-sorry to sew-live sting-shawls crush-circle

sila - vein to play pranks - sting ears - snakes Lusha - puddle

3. Look at the pictures. Determine the presence and location of sounds w, w h picture titles.

An approximate list of pictures selected by a speech therapist: acorn, hat, frog, toad, cake, pear, jasmine, eggplant, car, tire, whatnot, floors, galoshes, gooseberries.

4. Listen to the words. Determine the presence and place of sounds in them w, w. Make word patterns. Write down the letters w, w over the corresponding syllable.

school, skier, cold, roof, galosh, car, giraffe, redheads, bag, sparrow, foal, each, important, fluff, scallop

5. A similar task with pictures. (The speech therapist does not pronounce the name of the picture, but only shows it. Pictures from previous tasks are used.)

6. Listen to the words, write down the syllables with the letter and or sh.

sting, awl, lived, sewed, shawls, ball, bugs, balls, chew, walk, live, Zhenya, neck, heat, knives, burden, good, good, wake up, wear, drive, ski, Masha, pears, lilies of the valley, well, car, bag, hedgehog, hung, lampshades, bear cub, blackberry, mouse, dozen, knives, respect, hash, multiplication, movement, yolk, magazine, darn, harvest, darn, gills, school, thing, fat, millstone, little thing

7. Listen to the words. Name the syllables w, w. Write the syllables in two lines: in one - with the letter and, to the other - with a letter sh.(The words of the previous tasks are used.)

8. Insert the missing syllable into the words sha or Ms. Write down these words.

ka... Mi... paw... we... ta

lu... yes... roof... e... that

Lou... sa... bar... kalo...

Ma... ly... sar... ku... et

ko... lo... Pa... stu...

9. Insert the missing syllable into the words zhi or shi. Write down these words.

we... roofs... polo... ma...na

ly... leader... dock... du... on

but ... say ... write ... lu ... tsa

lu ... slo ... this ... polo ... la

ma… stri… clav… ma…nist

10. Insert the missing syllable into the words zhu or Shu. Write down these words.

vi... stu... voro... mi...ra

but... look... polo... at... chalk

pi... about... naka... pi... schaya

si... ska... drink... ve... schaya

re... spe... doka... ...sanded

le... slo... hold... ...ravi

11. Finish the word by adding a syllable jock or shock. Say the whole word, write it down.

me..., poo..., pry..., lu..., small..., pyro..., iron..., ver..., curd..., paw..., one hundred..., sapo..., dream..., petu..., bark..., sti..., pasta..., cru..., fla...

12. Change the words according to the model: I drove - I drive, I wrote - I write.

drove-... circled-... said- ...

wrote- ... waved- ... hurried- ...

wore- ... served- ... drove- ...

sitting- ... laying- ... drying- ...

13. Write out the words in three columns: in the first - with a letter and, in the second - with a letter w, h third - with letters w, w.

lying, writing, circling, waving, laying down, pitying, jacket, friendly, living, galosh, lace, supper, reel, gooseberry, window, shower, holding, cutting, crane, stuffy, horse, must, waiting, lawn, beetles, basket, window

14. Insert the missing letters in the words. underline the letter and yellow pencil, sh - black.

a) ... uba, ... uk, ... mind, edge ... a, ... willow, vi ... nya, vra ... yes, line ... ny, bula ... nick, multiplication ... ve ... alka, pe ... ka, layering ..., movement ..., dol ... en, ti ... e, bl ... e, curd ... nicks, ... irny, paper ... ny, ... pores, ... burnt, roof ... ovnik, this ... yerka

b) ...a...ki, mo...e...b, ...ur...al, ...ive...b, le...i...b, . ..tani...ki, ...ari...b, ma...e...b, ...me...b, ...ur...it

15. Change the word so that after the consonants and. w a vowel appeared. name and underline last syllable. Remember the rule "Stunning voiced consonants at the end of a word."

Sample: baby - small w and.

luggage-... naked-... already-... swift- ...

floor- ... knife- ... bucket- ... mouse- ...

soutache- ... hedgehog- ... walrus- ... beach- ...

hut - ... siskin - ... mirage - ... stained-glass window - ...

16. Change the word so that after the consonants w, w a vowel appeared. Remember the rule "Stunning voiced consonants in the middle of a word." Underline the vowel after the letters w, w.

Sample: mug - mug.

pillow-... matryoshka-... spoon-... bowl-...

girlfriend - ... matting - ... midge - ... stitch - ...

frog-... old woman-... shavings-... fly-...

cat- ... haircut- ... cover-... puff-...

jog- ... mug- ... window-... reel-...

17. Fill in the missing letters in the words and or sh. Write the test word in brackets. Underline the vowel after the letter w or sh in the test words.

go...ka, friend...ka, doro...ka, moro...ka, but...ka, luko...ko, ov...ra...ki, ok...ki, gray ... ki, cro ... ki, boom ... ka, ruba ... ka, side ... ka, lid ... ka, hut ... ka, roma ... ka, var. ..ka, lepe...ka, sapo...ki, game...ki, pyro...ki

18. Listen to the beginning of the poem, answer the question: What else was in Zhenya's pocket? Write the named words in syllables. (The speech therapist requires you to name words with and or sh. If children have difficulty, a speech therapist can offer pictures.)

What does Zhenya not have in her pocket?

Screws, cloves, threads, pieces of paper...

Approximate list of pictures: acorn, coil, piece of iron, bobbin, pencil, knife, typewriter.

19. Answer the questions in one word. Write down the answers. Underline the letters w, w. difficult words write in syllables.

Who is buzzing?

Who wrote "The Tale of the Goldfish"?

What berry grows on thorny bushes?

How does a fish breathe?

What is hung on the tree?

Who is afraid of cats?

Who is afraid of the mouse?

What does a lace maker knit?

Who croaks in the swamp?

20. Guess the riddles, write down the riddles, underline the letters w, w. Write out from the text of the riddle the words with the letters w, sh.

Methodical instructions. A speech therapist can write riddles on the board or on individual cards. Each student should have two riddles.

Run along the path

Boards and legs.

Growth different girlfriends

They don't look like each other.

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes.

Under the pines, under the trees

Lies a ball with needles.

The funny animal is sewn from plush.

There are paws, there are ears.

Give the beast some honey

And arrange a lair for him.

mustachioed muzzle,

striped coat,

Washes often

And I don't know about water.

What they dug from the ground, Holding a cane with their hand,

Roasted, cooked? I've been waiting for you for a long time.

What we baked in the ashes, You will eat me, and the bone

Ate and praised? Bury in your garden.

Answers: skis, hedgehog, matryoshka, Teddy bear, cat, rain, potato, cherry.

21. Dictations.

Auditory dictations

Methodical instructions. The speech therapist offers students: a) draw a graphic diagram of the word they heard and write the letter and or w over the corresponding syllable; b) write words, dividing them into syllables; c) write words, pronouncing them syllable by syllable.

a) cover, cranes, toys, lawn, okroshka, iron, foal, playful, spring, top, cracker, circled, naughty, ran

b) carefully, panties, pea, lawn, shirt, pencil, noisy, bearish, carefully, shore, humpback, gatehouse, old woman

c) pillow, car, kite, waited, greedy, everyone, skin, mug, noodles, cold, rustle, thirst, checkers

visual dictation

Methodical instruction. The speech therapist writes three or four words on the board. Students read these words. The words are closed. Students write them from memory. Then the speech therapist opens the words written on the board and invites the students to check the work done.

An approximate list of words: lace, luggage, lily of the valley, already, floor, hut, reeds, grandfather, pies, spoon, grandmother, chamomile, paths, shirts, sparrows.

Writing words from pictures

(The speech therapist shows the pictures without naming them, the students write down their name.)

List of pictures: skis, frog, flags, hat, pillow, hedgehog, bump, circle, foal, crane, giraffe, scarf, spotlight.

Differentiation w - w in sentences

1. Write down the sentences, changing the words according to the model.

a) I'm waiting - you're waiting; I will show - you will show; I lie - you lie

i wait-... i will show-... i cut-... i fry-...

I press - ... I smear - ... I respect - ... I lie - ...

I chew - ... I regret - ... I keep - ... I am on duty - ...

b) you cut - I cut

you cut - ... you fry - ... you dine - ...

you smear - ... you lie - ... you sit - ...

you regret-... you hold-... you look-...

2. For the words from the first column, select words from the second column that are suitable in meaning. Write down the resulting phrases.

3. For the words of the first column, select the words from the second column that are suitable in meaning. Write down the resulting suggestions. Underline the letters w, w different pencils.

a) Zhenya is neighing

grandma buzzing

horse writes

Masha knits

bumblebee on duty

grandpa runs

b) the reaper rustles

Shura is circling

lacemaker chews

horse knits

bumblebee has dinner

4. Insert the appropriate words into the sentences. Write down the resulting suggestions.

fever - a ball Zhenya has a yellow ... .

Shura has a strong ... .

shawl - sorry Mom bought a new one ... .

We ... part with the summer.

snakes - ears The hare has long ... .

Not dangerous at all.

lived - sewed ... - there were an old man with an old woman near the blue sea.

For the New Year's ball, the guys themselves ... their own costumes.

naughty - the Wasp stings strongly ....

Zhenya... at the lessons.

Lusha is a big puddle after the rain... .

She put on a wool hat.

5. With each phrase, make and write down a sentence. Underline the letters w different pencils.

big bag greedy teddy bear tiny mouse

fresh cottage cheese yellow circle leather hat

nimble foal living corner small snowball

scary battle fat roast right cars

6. Write down the sentences, change the meaning of the words given in brackets. Underline the letters w, w.

You (knit) mittens. I (knit) a scarf. You (to be on duty) are in class today. I am (on duty) in the lobby. You (fry) potatoes. I (fry) fish. You (lying) on ​​the couch. I (lying) on ​​the sofa. You (butter) bread with butter. I (smear) bread with jam.

7. Complete the picture sentences. Write down the resulting quatrain.

C (mouse) in the rye

Befriended (hedgehogs).

Gone into the (reeds),

And in the rye - not a soul.

Pictures: mice, hedgehogs, reeds.

8. Write down proverbs and sayings, dividing words into syllables. Underline the letters f..

A good gardener, a good gooseberry.

As you live, so you will be known.

What goes around comes around.

You can't get bread lying down.

Once you get burned, you will beware of the second.

(The speech therapist explains the meaning of proverbs and sayings. Then he invites students to learn and write down any proverb from memory.)

9. Insert the missing words into the sentences. Write down the resulting sentences in their entirety.

It poured torrential all day.... I'm sitting on a stone and a notebook in my hands .... I'll sew him new ones..., he will run again... . Hush, ..., the cat is sitting on our ... . These guys don't fight, they always play... . October - ... guys.

10. Fill in the sentences with the missing words with letters and or sh. Check consonants w, w in the middle of a word.

In the swamp croaked .... Masha and Zhanna are good... . Misha drank milk from ... . Grandma bakes delicious ... . The cat is catching... The mouse is afraid... Soup is eaten .... The dressmaker has an even ... . Funny toy - ... . Tourists carry water in ... .

Words for reference: frog, girlfriends, mugs, pies, mouse, cats, spoon, stitch, matryoshka, flask.

11. Fill in the missing letters in the words and or sh.

Guys ... ki run ... ali to the ma ... ina. ... enya vya ... there is a grandfather ... ke ... aket. Ko...ka le...it on le...anke. In ... willow corner ... and we are ... and. ... hooray... ivet about... cola. By ... ary sweat ... or by ... ar. Ma...ina babu...ka...ivet on the second e...e. Guys ... ki be ... ali on lu ... aike.

On the body ... ke le ... ali me ... ki. Mi...a polo...il...books...ku in...department. Babu ... ka scored onion ... ko rat ... ovnik. ...enya...et Nata...e me...ok for kalo... . ... Kolniki should ... us ... be different .. but. ...anna and Sere...and polo...or e...and in...apka. Yes ... but I dropped the flag ... ok in lu ... y.

12. Fill in the missing letters in the words w, w. Write the test words in brackets. Underline the test vowel.

On the table is a circle ... ka. Mo ... ka got into my eye. On the body ... ke I'm in ... at the grass. Grandfather ... ka ... ivet in the side ... ke. Storo ... ka stands on the edge ... of the forest. So the willow dressed up in white grays ... ki. Far away on the lake, a frog croaks ... ka. Petya did...there are flasks. The blizzard sweeps up the roads. They threw off Roma...ki white shirts...ki.

13. Make sentences from these words. Underline the letters w sh.

Chizhik, in, Masha, y, cage. In, snakes, grass, rustle. On, ran out, schoolchildren, track, jogging. Grisha, yellow, beetle, found, path, on. Po, foal, lawn, fled, red-haired. School holidays are approaching already.

Ball, ears, suddenly, alert. He, to hear, someone else's steps. U, Masha, live, hedgehogs. Wet, rain, from, clothes. We, and, acorns, found, in, put, a bag. Zhenya, yellow, coloring, pencil, circle.

14. Answer questions complete offer. Write down your answers.

Where does the stork live?

What is the name of a cat, horse, dog?

What is in the bookcase?

How is paper cut?

What animal has the longest neck?

What birds are chirping?

What is the name of top part boy's clothes?

Differentiation w - w in connected texts

1. Read the texts. Memorize them and write them down. Complete an additional task.

Methodical instruction. The speech therapist writes out proverbs, riddles, etc. to an individual card. Each student, having received such a card, reads the content, memorizes, then turns the card over and writes from memory. After completing the work, he turns the card over again and checks the correctness of what was written. In addition, there may be an additional task in the card.

Card number 1.


Uphill is a piece of wood, and downhill is a horse.

Guess the riddle, write the riddle. Remember how to write live, shi.

Card number 2.

They're alike.

Spruce looks like a hedgehog:

a hedgehog in needles, a Christmas tree - too.

Remember how you can check the consonant at the end of a word.

Card number 3.


On the track came out horns. I touched them a little

You won't butt? Horns hid again.

Guess a riddle. Match the underlined words with test words.

Card number 4.


mouse in a mug green Dozen kids

Made porridge millet. Looking forward to dinner.

Pay attention to how the underlined words are spelled. Write these words in syllables.

Card number 5.


I have three girlfriends, each has mug.

How many mugs do all my girlfriends have?

Guess a riddle. Write an answer. Find test words for the highlighted words in the text.

Card number 6.


It grows on our melon,

How cut- juice flows

It tastes fresh and sweet

It's called....

Guess a riddle. Pick up test word by the way fresh. Pay attention to how the underlined word is spelled. Write it in syllables.

2. Read the texts. Divide them into sentences. Underline the letters w, w different pencils.


big cloud the sky was closed it was raining the kids were walking home from school near the house puddles pioneer Shurik Nikashin helped the kids he put a board through the puddle the kids went through they were happy.

In the village.

Misha and Zhenya lived in the village in the summer, they saw a harvester there, this machine stings and threshed wheat, the collective farm gathered a big harvest.


The children went into the forest, the sun was covered by a heavy cloud, the rain poured down, the children ran to the hut.

Viper sunbath.

The viper crawls out every morning on a dry stump; it crawls with difficulty; in the cold, its blood has cooled in the sun; it comes to life and crawls, rustling, after mice and frogs.

3. Dictations. Visual dictation.

Check with syllable underscore.

Autumn came.

A cold wind blows from the north. Yellow leaves are falling from the trees. It rains day and night. The cry of cranes is heard in the sky. Autumn came.

High water.

Spring has come. Streams flowed from the mountains. One night the people of our village were awakened by a noise. It was the sound of the river. The ice floes piled on top of each other. On one ice floe, a wet hare was moving. He was shivering from the cold. Suddenly the wind blew and nailed the ice floe to the shore. The bunny jumped onto the land and ran.

Auditory dictations. Write with syllable pronunciation.


Misha found a crane behind the garden. The crane's wing was wounded. He couldn't fly. Misha took the crane home and began to care for him. He called the crane Zhurka. Zhurka soon recovered. Zhurka lived well at Misha's.

Telegram from the forest.

We were on duty in the trees near the lair. suddenly seemed big head bears. Two cubs followed the bear. The bear went into the forest, the cubs ran after her, skipping.

Letter from memory

Methodical instruction. The speech therapist reads the text in full. Deals with students difficult or incomprehensible words. Then the text is read again. Then the students write the text as they remember.

Natasha ran out into the meadow. She saw a beetle on the road. The beetle lay belly up. He can't fly away. Natasha took pity on the beetle. She turned the beetle over with a branch. The beetle flapped its wings, buzzed, and flew away.

Game of "cats and mice".

Zhanna, Lyosha and Zhenya were playing "cats and mice" on the lawn. Zhanna was a "cat", and Zhenya was a "mouse". Zhanna caught Zhenya. Zhanna caught Zhenya. Then Lesha was a "cat", and Zhanna was a "mouse".

Methodical instruction. The names of the children are written on the board.

4. From these words and phrases, compose and write down a story.


grandfather, lived, gatehouse, guarded, granddaughter Masha, dinner

After the rain.

Seryozha, Shura, ran, lawn, puddle, toad, ran up, jumped, into a puddle, sorry, toad, left

in a hut, a hut on the lawn, a large oak tree, the weather is hot and stuffy, bumblebees buzz, clouds came running, it started to rain, raindrops, together, on the roof of the hut

Come up with a title for this story.

5. Statements (on questions).


The sunbeam flew and hit the lark. The lark started up, fluttered out of the nest, rose high and sang a song: “Oh, how good it is in the fresh morning air! How good!”

Questions: Who did you hit? Sunshine?

How did the lark behave?

Disassemble and write the words in syllables nest, startled.


The toad lived. Every day she caught a lot of bugs. She did not chew them, but swallowed them straight. The toad was thirsty. But now the toad is tired of living in a swamp slurry. The toad thinks: "We must run to other lands." The toad thought and "ran. The crane saw the toad and swallowed it.

Questions: Where did the toad live?

Who did she catch?

What was the frog?

What bothered the toad?

What did the toad do?

What happened to the toad?

Training exercises

1. Write the letters in two lines: voiced consonants in one, voiceless consonants in the other.

b, t, d, p, e, c, w, f, f, h, k,

2. Pick up a paired deaf consonant for the voiced one. Write down these pairs.

b, e, h, f, c, d, p, t, s, w, f, k

(The speech therapist gives voiced and deaf consonants mixed.)

3. Think of words with voiced consonants.

4. Listen to the syllables, write down: a) initial letter each syllable; b) only a voiced consonant; c) only a deaf consonant.

ba, ta, po, du, zy, shi, zhi, ve, fa, boo, sy, those, ku, gi; dru, tra, plo, zva, blue, shka, press, fla, vli, spa, klu, gra

5. Think up and write down 5 syllables on your own, where the first sound is a voiced consonant. Then 5 syllables, where the first sound is a deaf consonant.

6. Say the syllables in reflection, replacing the voiceless sound with a voiced one and vice versa. Methodical instruction. The speech therapist calls the syllable or sound combinations with the initial voiced, students write with the deaf and vice versa.

7. Listen to the words, write down: a) the initial letters of each word; b) only a voiced consonant; c) only a deaf consonant.

road, bouquet, notebook, path, hockey stick, bar, nails, three, flag, mole, school, mug, nail, raft, friend, crane, fleet, fabric, health, fairy tale

8. Select a syllable from the beginning of a word with a voiced consonant, then with a voiceless consonant. Write down the syllables.

fish, container, bugs, tire, mountain, bark, houses, fog, heat, arc, pigeons, lantern, cotton wool, dawns, dirt, late, hard, eyebrows, circles, mushrooms, herbs, moisture, glass, pear, eyesight, goalkeeper.

9. Insert the missing syllables into the words. (Speech therapist selects pictures for these words) Indicative list pictures: dog, pillow, fish, pigeons, beetles.

so...ka, po...ka, ry..., ...lu..., ...ki

10. Insert the missing letters in the words.

zha...a, ...ima, du..., ...oro...a, ...ol, ...baby, for...ota, ...rug, ...rach , ...rat, ...o...dee, ...uket, ...e...ry, ...a...eta, ...ruzy, ar...u.. .s

11. Write down only one voiced consonant in a word.

Methodical instructions. The speech therapist pronounces a word, the students repeat this word, name a voiced consonant in it and write it down in a notebook. On doskedany word schemes.

house, sides, star, beep, beads, clothes, base, vase, victory, branch, sound

12. Listen to the words. Write them in syllables, underline the paired consonants.

hut, lips, nest, beard, eyebrows, truck, neigh, wander, fungus, hello, thank you, thermometer, perhaps thrush, lark

13. Change the voiceless consonant into Narn and voiced consonant.

Sample: tom - house.

wheelbarrow - ..., dot - .... volume - ..., body - ..., rafts - ..., shadow - ..., duck - ..., kidney - ..., stick - ..., sang-..., dust-..., drank- ..., lock up - .... soup - ..., dew - ..., soybeans - ..., luggage -.. .. cat - ..., mole - ..., bark - ..., caviar - ..., crust - ..., background - ...

14. Vocabulary dictation.

fence, tuesday, teeth, fish, fungus, oaks, door, pigeons, motherland, plants, paper, task

15. Write down the words, select test words for them.

Sample: oak - oaks, mug - mug.

thrush, tooth, soup, ladder, swift, baby, grotto, city, garden, warehouse, brother, plow, meadow, scarf, eyebrow, blood, eye, basin, cube, salute, hornbeam, siskin, hedgehog, knife, cold, hunger, shavings, mug, boat, beets, skirt, tub, fleece, branch, baby, forging, fairy tale, knitting, frying pan, herring, cup, spoon, box, book, mitten, saucer, boat, neighbor, light, girlfriend, toy, clapperboard, rope

16. Fill in the missing words in the sentences.

Rooks build strong ... . Rusty ones were pulled out of the board .... The squirrel lives in... . After Monday comes ... .There were bunches in a vase ... . It rang... The patient was given... Temperature is measured... Alyosha has a younger ... . ... beat the cucumbers.

Words for reference: nests, nails, hollow, Tuesday, grapes, bell, thermometer, brother, hail, thermometer.

17. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

As on... an orc, on an... orc, si...yat three...tsat...ri E...orcs. Fields ... sowed corn ... oh. In the sauce ... it sa ... currants grew ... ina. In the gardens, co..reli is flat..s. All...oh...ry...oh...ry for s...oh...oh...ryat. In...the oopark...children you...ate...at...a...ditch and a ti...ditch. Behind...belief...was given a re...cue...wonk.

18. Independent work.

Card number 1.


Blow in pipes, hit in spoons!

They came to visit us nesting dolls.

wooden spoons,

Ruddy matryoshkas.

Match the underlined words with test words.

Pay attention to how the word is spelled wooden, write it in syllables.

Card number 2.


walked girlfriends on track,

There were them a little:

Two Matryonas, three Matryoshkas

And one Matryoshka.

Choose test words for the highlighted words.

Card number 3.


Beavers live in our river

Beavers are kind, beavers are kind.

Underline the paired consonants.

19. Test dictations.

The pond was wide. A willow hung low over the water. A large oak tree grew on the shore. There is a gazebo near the oak. There was a boat on the shore. There was a deep ravine in the distance. A narrow path led to the forest.


The guys run to the pond. There is a large meadow on the shore. There is mowing. The entire collective farm is at work. Grandfather Ivan puts hay on the cart. Petya got on the cart. Zhenya led the horse into the yard.


All day it's raining. The porch is muddy and puddles. Bread and potatoes were removed from the field long ago. The bear climbed into the den. Winter is coming soon.


There is a pond near our camp. A narrow path leads from the house to it. Birches and oaks grow along the banks of the pond. We often go boating on the pond. The water in the pond is clean and smooth. AT still water fish flicker.

20. Listen to the story. Answer the questions with words from the text.


Winter has come. Petya put on a warm coat, hat and mittens. Went out into the garden. There was snow on the paths in the garden. There was a snowdrift at the gazebo. Smooth ice glistened on the pond. The boys were skating on the ice. Petya got into the sled and slid down the hill. Questions: What season is it?

How is Peter dressed?

Where did he go?

Where was the snow?

Where is the snowdrift?

What glittered in the pond?

What were the boys doing?

What did Petya do?

Differentiation s - w

1. Highlight from words sleigh, hat initial sounds. What is the first sound in words sleigh, hat. Describe these sounds. Compare them by articulation. Tell me how these sounds are similar, how they differ.

2. From these sounds, name those similar in articulation: o, s, p, u, sh.

3. Say, then write down the letters c, sh, leaning on the hand of a speech therapist. (The speech therapist reminds students that when pronouncing a sound with the tongue is down oral cavity, behind the lower teeth, and when pronouncing a sound w tongue goes up upper teeth. If the hand rises up, then we pronounce the sound sh, down - sound from.)

Write down the letters with sh, based on arrows.

Methodical instructions. The speech therapist on the board writes arrows pointing up and down, students write down the letter With or sh.

Sample: ¯ ¯

c) Write down the letters c, w under the dictation of a speech therapist.

d) Write down the letters c, w by conventional icons.

(The speech therapist reminds students that when pronouncing a sound, lips stretch in a smile, when pronouncing a sound w lips are rounded. On the conditional sign - we write the letter c, on O - sh.)

Sample: - O - O O - O - -O

s s s s s s s s

4. Read the syllables and sound combinations.

a o u i o e i i

Differentiation With - sh in syllables and sound combinations

1. Read the syllables and sound combinations in pairs.

sa - sha sha - sa asa - asha osha - wasp

so - sho sho - so osho - osho asha - aso

su - shu shu - su usu - wushu ashu - asu

si - shi shi - sy isi - ishi asho - aso

se - she she - se ese - yeshe ashe - ose

Say what sounds these pairs make.

2. Listen to the syllables. Write down the first letter of each syllable.

sa, sha, shu, su, shi, si, sy, se, she, sho, so, sho; sla, went, went, sli, ska, shko, shka, spa, shpa,

shpu, sle, shti

3. Listen to sound combinations, write down only consonants.

asha, asa, wushu, mustache, mustache, breathe, mustache, be, yesha, yusa, ear

4. Listen, memorize, repeat and write down the series of syllables in the same sequence.

sa - sha - sa sha - sa - sha sa - sha - sa - sha

so - sho - so sho - so - sho sho - so - sho - so

su - shu - su shu - su - shu su - shu - shu - su

5. Write down syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in one - with a letter With, to the other - with a letter sh.

sa, se, she, su, shu, shi, si, sho, sho, syu, sha, hundred, walked, shpo, ate, slu, shlo, ska, shka, shku, sku, asha, wushu, mustache, mustache, mustache, isi, ishe, axes, oshi

6. Write down syllables and sound combinations from dictation. (Use material from previous assignments.)

Differentiation s - w h words

1. Listen to the words, highlight the sounds with, sh, write down the corresponding letters.

a) from the beginning of a word:

garden, shawl, bough, noise, awl, power, sleigh, hat, chair, storm, bayonet, table, joke, ball, cheese

b) from the middle of a word:

mask, cat, bowl, midge, reel, oil, leaf, mouse, helmet, ears, mustache, fable, cover

c) from the end of the word:

shower, kvass, ours, penny, nose, reeds, baby, focus, voice, galosh, hair, naked, cactus, forest

2. Write down the words. Underline the syllables with w, s.

sleigh, sewed, dry, fat, neck, awl, catfish, steps, salt, fur coat, nightingale, chocolate, hiss, raw, boot, noise, gray, fox, porridge, noses, braids, ours, Masha, wear, wear, pasha, bears, tub, bite, weighs, car, beautiful, eats, mice, antennae, pillow, aspen, pigtail, mower, cheesecake

3. Determine the presence and location of sounds s, w h the names of the pictures. (Pictures are selected by a speech therapist.)

4. Compare pairs of words in sound and meaning. What are the sounds of these pairs of words? Make up a sentence with each word orally.

fable - tower rat - roof ears - mustache

helmet - porridge jokes - day bear - bowl

5. Complete the word by adding syllables.

a) sa or sha:

whether-… ko-… Mi-… kol-… but-…

ka-… su-… rat-… flask-… ro-…

b) sy or shi:

whether-… y-… but-… ro-… shala-… hair-…

ko-… u-… we-… rat-… kamy-… small-…

6. Listen to the words. Determine the presence and place of sounds with, w in them. Make up the schemes of these words, write the letters s, w above the desired syllable, and under the scheme - the word corresponding to it.

old woman, motley, drying, crown, cabbage, scarf, cheesecake, cones, brother, shepherd boy, sun, machinist, I hear, palms, mockery, rhyme, scary

7. Write down the words, insert the missing letters in them with or sh.

a) a game ... ka, three ... three, ... cafe, kru ... ina, edge ... ive, ... spool, .. tal, ... it, naked ..., maku...ka, me...then, ri...k, ...agat, kro...it, ..strong, kamy..., ...o...tav, plus.. .ka, pi...k, karanda..., vy...vyvat, redi...ka, marches..,ka, ...pulled...til...I, ...ur. ..it, cro...ki, naked...and...ty, ...and...ka

b) ... tra ... but, ... e ... t, pu ... and ... ty, pu ... you ... ka, ... me ... Inca, . ..u...ki, pa...tu...ok, ma...ini...t, ...u...three, demon...tra...ny, ... u...kick...i, ve...well...ki, ...tee...ok

8. Answer the questions. Determine the presence and location of sounds s, w h words. Write down the answer words.

Who is driving the train?

Who shines during the day?

What is the name of a person who tends a herd of cows?

What is the body of a cat or dog covered with?

What is another word for small donuts?

The children listened to the story and laughed. What was the story?

What are the little dots on the face called?

What is the name of the road that cars drive on?

Words for reference: machinist, sun, shepherd, wool, drying, funny, freckles, highway.

9. Complete the sentences.

Long live soap...

And a towel...

And dental...

And thick...

Words for reference: fragrant, fluffy, powder, scallop.

10. Vocabulary dictations

Methodical instructions. The speech therapist offers students:

a) draw a diagram of the word and write the letters c, w over the corresponding syllable; b) write words, dividing them into syllables; c) write words, pronouncing them syllable by syllable.

a) hats, dry, heard, rustling, fell down, fluffy, heard, made laugh, spring, fluff, noisy, scales, galoshes, plane, bicycle, bus, aster, went, found, brooch, pawn, wing, side, haste

b) rhyme, poems, grandfather, nightingale, little head, heard enough, obeyed, naughty, woolen, gear, hastily, heard, wool, pole, procession, invasion, journey, came, lilies of the valley

c) words from paragraph are used a or b at the choice of a speech therapist.

Differentiation s - w h proposals

1. Change phrases according to the model

a) you wear - I wear; b) I wear - you wear

you ask - ... I ask - ...

you hurry - ... I hurry - ...

you sleep - ... I extinguish - ...

you extinguish - ... I draw - ...

you draw - ... I pour - ...

you pour - ... I sow - ...

you sow...

2. Complete the sentences by choosing the right words.

porridge - a helmet was given to Gaucher ... .

Firefighters have iron ....

bear - a bowl Sonya bought a plush ... .

Give the dog... with soup.

the roof is a rat It is necessary to change the old one ... .

We saw a big terrible ... .

ears - mustaches The elephant has big ... .

Grandpa has fluffy...

tower - a fable We saw the Kremlin ... .

At the lesson we read ... Krylov.

3. Make up phrases, choosing words from the second column that are suitable in meaning to the words of the first column. Underline the letter with blue pencil, letter sh - black.

a) fun highway b) high oats

clear shepherd blue tower

dry sun woolen ball

interesting cat dried scarf

gray journey fluffy snow

4. Compose and write down sentences, choosing leading words from the second column to the words of the first column. Underline the letters with and sh.

a) the pine is in a hurry b) the leaves are grazing

Sonya dries the old woman sews

mice make noise, the sun dries

the reeds rustle the shepherd crumble

5. Think up and write down sentences with these phrases.

delicious noodles pine cone fragrant lily of the valley

six balls seven cars eight nesting dolls

go sledding take a shower paint a wall

The Cherry Orchard ten scarves senior machinist

send a letter hurry to school

6. Complete the sentence by inserting the missing word with the letters c, w, underline the inserted letters.

Sasha gave way ... . Cockerel, cockerel, golden ... , olive ... , silk ... . The cat sits on... and warms itself on... . Sasha has only one in the dictation ... . The swallow made its nests... under... . Sasha and Lesha are brothers. Lesha is younger than Sasha, and Sasha... Lesha. Sanya is studying in a new ... . Cars raced along...

7. Write off the sentences by inserting the missing letters c, sh.

Cook... ka ve... eats cuckoo, ... but... but not... gr... and. Pa...tu...ok...ne...it home. ... e ... tra ... sewed ... a ... e shirt ... ku.

Ma ... but not ... there is a woman ... I will throw ... smart. ...a...e...tra...but. He rub...and...ka. How to ... tell ... b, and ... drink ... b. ... Anto is standing on one leg.


Ve...elaya...taru...ka U...tala...it...taru...ka

Ve... day... today... no. And ... ate at the gate,

Behind a round spool ... A with a round spool ...

Ledit pu ... and ... ty cat. Play p...til...I'm a cat.

8. Make sentences from these words, changing them according to their meaning. Write down the resulting suggestions.

Sasha, under, collect, cones, pine. Dry, rustling, under, leaves, feet. Covered, fluffy, snow, bushes. In, in a hurry, Sasha, school. Glade, on, forest, lily of the valley, fragrant, grows. Sonina, tells, grandmother, fairy tales, good. Little Red Riding Hood, listened, about, we, a fairy tale. The old woman, Sasha and Shura, were helped to cross the highway, through.

Differentiation s - w h connected texts

1. Listen to tongue twisters. Memorize them, write them down.

Pine cones, checkers on the table.

Our gray cat was sitting on the roof

And your gray cat was sitting higher.

I sewed a shirt for a bear,

I'll sew him pants.

Mice stood on stilts

To get as high as possible.

2. Dictations. Visual dictations


We have a cat. His name is Fluff. Fluffy's ears are pointed, his mustache is long, his fur is fluffy, silky.

In the woods.

Good summer in the forest. The gentle sun shines. The tall pines are rustling. Misha collects cones under the pines and puts them in a bag.

Auditory dictation

Hut in the forest.

The sun shines brightly. Dew glistens on the grass. Hear the cuckoo chirping. The children built a hut in the forest. When they completed the hut, they began to run barefoot around it.

Lesson summary

Topic. Proverbs.

Target. To teach children to understand the meaning of proverbs, not to mix letters in writing s, sh.

Course progress.

I. Organizing time.

The speech therapist invites students to name one word at a time with a sound with and sh. Determine the place of these sounds in the word. Name the syllable with these sounds. After completing the task, students sit in their seats.

II. Work with proverbs.

The speech therapist reads the first proverb: Hurry up and make people laugh. Explains the meaning of the proverb. In case of difficulty, the speech therapist himself explains its meaning.

The proverb is repeated by the students. Then one student writes it on the board, the rest in notebooks.

The speech therapist introduces students to the second proverb: You can't plow the field with song. Clarifies the meaning of this proverb. Further work in progress the same as with the first proverb.

Third proverb: Do not hurry with your tongue, but hurry with your deeds. The work is carried out similarly to the previous proverbs.

III. Work with texts.

The speech therapist invites students to listen to stories and answer questions.

Sanya and Lesha went to the forest to collect dried wood. Sanya walks through the forest, looks under every birch, looks for dry twigs in the hazel. And Alyosha walks through the forest and sings songs. Sanya and Alyosha went out to the edge of the forest. Sanya has a big armful of dry wood, and Alyosha has empty hands.

Understanding the meaning of the words: heap, dry.

Question: Think about which proverb fits this story. (You can't plow the field with a song.)

Dad told Sasha and Masha that tomorrow they would go to the theater to watch an interesting fairy tale. We must get up early, do everything on time, so as not to be late for the beginning of the performance.

Masha got up early, washed, dressed, ate quickly. Sasha lay in bed for a long time, ate porridge poorly and had no time at all. Sasha hurries, gets dressed. Finally, everyone left the house. Masha looked at Sasha and laughed: Sasha did not have a tassel on his hat. He put on his hat inside out, and his boots look in different directions. Questions: Why is Sasha dressed like that?

What proverb fits this story? (Hurry up - you will make people laugh.) Misha was with his grandfather. Grandpa has a big garden.

Tomorrow I have a lot of work in the garden, - said grandfather, - I need to collect pears and dig up potatoes ...

I will do everything myself: I will gather pears, I will dig up a basket full of potatoes, - Misha promised.

In the morning grandfather and Misha went to the garden. Grandpa was picking pears. Misha picked a few pears and ate them. The pears were fragrant and juicy. Then Misha examined the insects on the leaves, caught the bumblebee.

Where are your pears, where is the basket with potatoes? - asked the grandfather. Questions: Did Misha keep his promise?

Why didn't he keep his promise? Which proverb fits this story? (Do not hurry with your tongue, but hurry with your deeds.)

IV. Selection of texts for proverbs.

The speech therapist draws the students' attention to the fact that there were no names in the stories. Invites students to choose instead of the name of the story a suitable proverb.

The speech therapist calls one of the proverbs, for example: “You can’t plow the field with a song.”

Students choose a story that makes sense and retell it. Similarly, work is carried out with other proverbs and stories.

v. Recording stories from memory.

The speech therapist invites students to remember and write down any story from the previous tasks. In the title of the story, write a proverb that matches it. VI. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Today you got acquainted with proverbs, sorted out their meaning. If among you there are such children as Misha, Alyosha and Sasha, remind them of these proverbs and do not forget them yourself.

1. Listen to the story "Cat Muska". Write what Muska was like.

Muska cat.

Sasha had a cat Muska. Muska was grey. Her fur was frizzy. Muska has gray, pointed ears, and a mustache. Muska has a beautiful fluffy tail. When Muska gets angry, she wiggles her tail. Sasha gives Muska meat, porridge and milk.

2. Listen to the story. Answer the questions. Come up with a title for the story.

Two frogs got into a jug of sour cream. For a long time the frogs floundered in sour cream. One frog was tired and did not flounder, sank to the bottom. The other frog continued to flounder. She floundered, floundered and knocked down a lump of butter from sour cream. Then she climbed on a lump of oil and jumped out of the jug. And the first frog remained at the bottom of the jug. Questions: Which of the frogs did the right thing?

Who can name a suitable proverb for this story? Proverb for reference: Patience and work will grind everything.

Differentiation h - and

1. Name in words hare, beetle first sound. Describe the sounds and. Compare them by articulation. List the similarities and differences between these sounds.

2. Say which of these sounds are similar in articulation: a, h, u, w.

3. Write down the letters z, and:

a) leaning on the hand of a speech therapist;

b) on the arrows;

c) on conditional icons;

d) under the dictation of a speech therapist.

4. Read the syllables and sound combinations together.

h o f o w

a o u i o e i i


1. Strengthen students' ability to distinguish consonants G-K in oral and writing;



4. Development of coherent speech;


Equipment: signal cards, tape recording, punched cards, a card with the text "The mouse was scared", 2 paper wheels.

Course progress.

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of the material covered . What sounds did you work with in the last lesson? Characteristics of sounds (consonants, K - deaf, G - voiced). What are the similarities and differences between the articulations of these sounds?

The game "The letter is lost."

Find the missing letters in words.

Ora ... orca books ... but dear ... but

... dream fish ... ovik ... oshka ... mouth.

no...and Ni...ita...rockodile.

III. Consolidation of the material covered.

1. Differentiation of sounds Г-К in syllables.

Write the syllables in two lines: with G - in the first, with K - in the second.


2. G-K differentiation in words.

1) Work with signal cards on tape recording.

Bitter, labial, loud, small, buckwheat, blue, hot, red, beautiful, deep, accordion, porridge, ribbon, milk, onion, city, voice, goslings, well.

2) Where more words(in the left or right wheel)? Read clockwise and in reverse direction, but always in a row.

(Answer: on the right - sand, juice, mowing, eye; on the left - spit, wasp, dock

vocabulary work: eye, code.

3) Change the words so that a vowel appears after the consonant G or K.



ravine - canopy -



4) Answer interrogations in one word. Write down the answers, Underline G and K with different pastes.


What's on the camel's back?

What is the name of a type of swing woven from ropes in the form of a net?

What remains on the table after cutting bread?

What rumbles during a thunderstorm?

What is the name of the green area in the city?

How is temperature measured?

Reference words: hump, hammock, crumbs, thunder, park, thermometer.

3. G-K differentiation in sentences.

a) Complete the sentences with the right words.

guests-bones The dog gnaws ....

On Thursday they will come to us ....

hill-crust Grisha loves bread....

On Monday the whole class went to...

Galina-viburnum Blooms in the garden....

Katya's friend's name is...

caviar game. There was an interesting...

Very useful black...

Read the suggestions.

b) Working with punched cards: Insert into the sentences suitable words with the letters G, K.

Today at the lesson we guessed ____________.

A strong wind blew, __________ thunder.

______________ is crowing in the forest.

Galya paints the picture with colored _____________.

In the forest, the guys collected white __________ and ripe ___________.

The rain has stopped and __________ the sun.

Read the sentences, name the main members of the sentence.

Speech therapy physical minute.

4. G-K differentiation in connected speech.

Letter from memory. Listen to the story. Write down as you remember.

The mouse was scared.

The mouse went to the market. I bought a mouse cheese and put it in a bag. When she returned to her house, the first star lit up. The mouse ran through the forest. She got lost in the dark. Suddenly the mouse sees two eyes shining between the trees. “It must be a cat,” the mouse was frightened and darted under the stump. And when the sun rose, the mouse realized that she was afraid of the windows of her house.

Read the recorded story.

IV. Summary of the lesson. What did you learn in class?




1. To form in students the ability to differentiate the consonants Zh, Sh in oral and written speech;

2. Development phonemic perception;

3. Development and improvement grammatical structure;

4. Development of coherent speech;

5. Development of memory, thinking, attention.

Equipment: syllable table, tables for mnemonic reception, individual cards with tasks; Free Images: beetle, ball, acorn, hat, frog, toad, cake, pear, jasmine, eggplant, car, tire, whatnot, galoshes, gooseberries.

Course progress.

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of the material covered.

What sounds did you work with in the last lesson? Call voiced, deaf. What are the similarities and differences in the articulation of these sounds?

The game "Tell me a word."

You must match words with any of these sounds.

What's the creak, what's the crunch? Michael played football

What is this bush? And he scored at the gate ... (GOAL).

How to be without a crunch.

If I... (CABBAGE). Boats are sailing on the sea

People with oars ... (rowing).

Round, crumbly, white.

She came to the table from the fields On the willow, the buds burst with a crack.

You salt it a little. On the river ice cracks at night.

After all, the truth is delicious ... (POTATOES). And nests are made without wire

On the branches are the first ... (ROOKS).

Who will color our album?

Well, of course... (PENCIL).

III. Introduction to new material.

1. Extraction of sounds. What is shown in the picture? (BEETLE, BALL) from the beginning of words by subject pictures. Select the first sound. Sound characteristic. ( Similar work with the second sound).

2. Clarification of the articulation of sounds, establishing their similarities and differences.

3. Comparison of the articulation of sounds with their graphic representation.

This letter is wide Ah, the stool is good!

And it looks like a beetle, Psreturned - and the letter - Sh!

And at the same time, it’s definitely a beetle

Makes a buzzing sound: J-J-J.

4. Differentiation Zh-Sh.

a) in syllables(syllabic table).

1) Read the syllables in pairs. Say what letters these pairs of syllables differ in.



2) Listen to the syllables and sound combinations. Write only the consonants.


Count the number of letters, determine which letters are more.

3) Listen to the rows of syllables. Repeat them in the same sequence. Write it down.


sha-zha-sha shu-zhu-shu sha-zha-sha-zha.

b) Differentiation W, W in words.

1) Syllabic auction. Think of words with a syllable (lark, heat, sting, etc.); with the syllable SHA - a ball, a hat ...

2) "Ladder". Accept words that begin with Zh, Sh.




3) Slapping syllables. Listen to the words, clap the number of syllables in the word with your hands.

noise, beetle, toad, hat, fur coat, steps, rustled, murmured, naughty, pedestrian, swifts, guarded, leather, bag, interfered, midge, foal, bear cub, school, fat.

4) Compare pairs of words in sound and meaning. Say what sounds these pairs of words differ in. Orally make up a sentence with each word.



5) Look at the pictures. Determine the presence and place of the sounds Ж, Ш in the names of the pictures.

Approximate list of pictures: acorn, hat, frog, toad, cake, pear, jasmine, eggplant, car, tire, whatnot, galoshes, gooseberries.

6) Insert the missing syllable ZhI or SHI into the words. Write down these words. Before writing down the words, repeat the spelling JI-SHI.

7) Writing words in two columns (with different pastes):


Read the words of the 1st column, the second.

in) Differentiation W, W in sentences.

1) Fill in the sentences with the missing words with the letters Zh or Sh.

Croaking in the swamp...

Misha drank milk from...

Grandma bakes delicious...

The cat is catching...

Tourists carry water in ...

Words for reference: mugs, pies, frog, mouse, flask.

Read the suggestions. Find the main members of the sentence.

Speech therapy session.

G) Differentiation Zh - Sh in connected speech.

Working with cards. Read the texts, memorize them and write them down from memory. (Each student, having received a card with individual task, reads content, memorizes. Then he turns the card over and writes from memory. After completing the work, he turns the card over again and checks the correctness of what was written. In addition, there is an additional task in the card).

Card number 1


Uphill is a piece of wood, and downhill is a horse.

Guess the riddle, write the riddle. Remember how to write ZhI, SHI.

Card number 2

They're alike

Spruce looks like a hedgehog:

Hedgehog in needles, Christmas tree - too.

Remember how you can check the consonant at the end of a word.

Card number 3


On the track came out p glasses.

You will not butt.

I touched them a little

Horns hid again.

Guess a riddle. Match the underlined words with test words.

Card number 4


Mouse in mug green.

Made porridge millet.

Dozen kids

Waiting for dinner

Pay attention to how the underlined words are spelled. Write these words in syllables.

Card number 5


I have three girlfriends, each has mug,

How many mugs do all my girlfriends have?

Guess a riddle. Write an answer. Find the correct words for the underlined words in the text.

Card #6


It grows on our melon,

As you cut it - the juice flows,

It tastes fresh and sweet

It's called...

Guess a riddle. Choose a test word for the word FRESH. Pay attention to how the underlined word is spelled. Write it in syllables.

IV. Summary of the lesson. What did you learn in class?




    To form in students the ability to distinguish between consonants G-K;

    Development of phonemic perception;

    Development and improvement of the grammatical structure;

    The development of connected speech.

Equipment: syllabic table, tables for mnemonic reception, a table with flip words, cards with the text of the fairy tale “How to cook compote”.

Course progress.

    Organizing time.

    Repetition of the material covered. What consonants did you work with in the last lesson? Remember what are the similarities and differences in the articulation of these sounds, Call a voiced consonant, deaf.

The game "Find the "extra" word."

Now I will pronounce words with the sound B, and you must find the “extra” word.


What is the "extra" word? Why?

With the sound "F".


What is the "extra" word?

    Introduction to new material.

    Guessing riddles, extracting sounds from words.

A log floats on the river.

Oh, and it's wicked.

Those who fell into the river.

The nose will bite off ... (CROCODILE).

Select the first sound from the word CROCODILE.

What is the sound, vowel or consonant?

Dried up in the hot sun

And breaks out of the pods ... (PEA).

Pick out the first sound from the word.

Characteristics of sound (consonant, sonorous).

    Clarification of articulations of sounds, establishment of similarities and differences.

    Comparison of sounds with their graphic representation.

Before us is the letter G, who manages to fly,

It costs like a poker. Does it carry a branch in its beak?

    Differentiation G-K.

a)G-K differentiation in syllables.

1) Read the syllables written on the table:























2) Listen to the syllables, write down the initial letter of each word.



3) Listen and memorize the rows of syllables, repeat them in the same sequence.


b)G-K differentiation in words.

1) Work with words-shifters. Read the words from left to right and then vice versa.

What happened?





2) Guessing riddles, writing riddle words in different columns, with different pastes.

A sheet of paper in the morning There is a commotion in the yard:

They bring us to the apartment, From the sky, peas are pouring,

On one such sheet, Nina ate six peas,

Lots of different news (NEWSPAPER). She now has angina (HAIL).

A box on my knees is dancing I am under a colored hat.

Now he sings, then he cries bitterly (HARMONY). I stand on one foot

I have habits

[The child is wrapped in a hundred diapers. I always play hide and seek.


Not a beast, not a bird, Evil as a she-wolf,

Sock like a knitting needle, It burns like mustard!

Flies - screams, What a marvel?

sit down - is silent (KOMAR). This same ... (NETTLE).

A violinist lives in the meadow,

He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop (GRASSICK).

3) Compare "pairs of words in sound and meaning. What are the sounds of these words?

Orally make up a sentence with each word.


4) Warning dictation. The speech therapist draws on the board, word schemes, writes over the corresponding wordletter D or K. After the students write the dictation in this way, they check it using the diagrams given on the board.


in)G-K differentiation in sentences.

Make up sentences from these words, changing them according to the meaning.

Gnaw, under, bone, dogs, porch.

Basking, for a year, the sun.

Collective farmers, in, stack, hay, stack.

The road, strewn, all, with pebbles.

Beneath, bent by snow, branches, bushes, and, trees.

Read the sentences, find the main members of the sentence.

G)G-K differentiation in connected speech.

Read a fairy tale.

"How to cook compote"

A cat, a goat, a chicken, a cow and a rabbit lived in the same yard. One day a cat came out into the yard and shouted:

“Listen everyone, I read, in old book how to cook compote?

"Well, how do you cook it?"

“Everyone bring all the most delicious, the rest is for me.” The whole company went to look for all the most delicious, and meanwhile the cat made a fire and hung a cauldron of water over it. The goat came first and brought a cabbage stalk. Then a hen came and brought five grains of corn. The cow brought watermelon peels, the rabbit brought clover, and the cat himself took out a piece of sausage from his pocket. When the water boiled, the cat threw the stalk, rinds, corn, clover and sausage into the cauldron and closed the lid. After a while he rang the bell:

"Ready? Eat for health?

Friends tried, they spit:

“Compote is called? Do you eat yourself?

"Why did it turn out so tasteless" - the cat thought gloomily.


Why do you think the cat failed compote?

When you read the text, which letter did you meet more often K or G?

Answer the following questions about the content of the story:

    Who lived in the yard?

    What did the cat tell his friends?

    What did the animals bring to the cat for compote?

    Did your friends like the cat treat?

Now retell the content of the story.

    Summary of the lesson . What did you learn in class?

Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

"Differentiation of acoustically close sounds[g]-[k]."

Target: To consolidate the ability to differentiate sounds [g] - [k] in syllables, in words and in sentences.

Correctional and educational tasks: To consolidate the concepts of voiced-voiced consonants. Skill Formation sound analysis. Learning to transform words by replacing a voiced sound with a paired deaf one and vice versa.

Correction-developing tasks: The development of phonemic perception. Development voluntary attention. The development of fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational tasks: Cultivate an interest in activities. The development of the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: Pictures depicting Puss in Boots, gnome, mole. Pictures depicting birds, in the name of which there are sounds [g] - [k], notebooks.

Lesson progress:

    Organizing time:

You will know who we are talking about if you guess the riddle:

Clever, dodgy mustachioed friend -

He made the owner rich.

But he cannot live without red boots.

Well guess what guys?

Of course, it's Puss in Boots.

    Main part:

2.1. Introduction to the topic:

But he did not come alone, his friends came with him. Mole and Gnome. What is the first sound in the word mole. That's right [k], let's characterize it. What is the letter for this sound? And what is the first sound in the word gnome, describe it. What letter represents the sound [g]? Have you guessed what sounds we will work with today? Puss in Boots' Rebeta was in trouble, he was bewitched by an evil sorceress. In order to disenchant him, you will need to perform difficult tasks. Let's help them?

2.2. Game "Catch the sound"

Speech therapist: The first task. I will name syllables and words, and when you hear ringing sound[d] clap your hands.

2.3. Game "Magic Bird"

Speech therapist: The next test. A magical bird has flown to us. Look at the pictures and tell me all the birds that have the sound [k] in their names. Well done, now tell me the birds whose names contain the sound [g]. How well you do tasks.

2.4. Game "Find the sound"

Speech therapist: Guys, the following task is difficult, listen carefully. I will read the words to you, and you must indicate on the diagram where the sound is located: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.

Carpet, cupboard, feeder, bow, hand, light bulb, chicken, cow.

Goose, game, photography, thunder, lips, garden, hail, energy.

2.5. Phys. minute

Speech therapist: And now let's rest a little, I will read the words and show the actions, and you repeat after me:

One, two, three, four (clap hands)

Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place)

One, two, three, four, five (Jumping in place)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, cat Murka, two kittens,

My cricket, goldfinch and I - (Alternately bend our fingers first

That's my whole family. on the right hand, then on the left)

2.6. Visual gymnastics.

Without gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes cannot live.

Prepare our eyes for written work. (Students trace the movement of the picture of the oriole, close their eyes, follow the finger that moves from the nose into the distance and back)

The birds began to descend

Everyone sits down in the field.

They have to long haul,

The birds need to rest.

And again it's time to go

They need to fly a lot

Here is the motherland. Hooray!

It's time for us to land.

2.7. Exercise "Change the word"

Speech therapist: The mole and the dwarf are confused in words. Help them figure it out. Open your notebooks, the page is divided into two parts. The letter K is written in one part, and the letter G is written in the other. I will name the words. If you hear a word with the sound [k], write it under the letter K, and if you hear it with the sound [g], then write it under the letter G.

Goal, where do you write the word? That's right, now change the first sound to the sound [k], where do you write this word? Correctly.

Bones - guests

Galina - viburnum

caviar - game

2.8. Finger gymnastics

Speech therapist: Now let's rest a little.

To write letters beautifully,

We will stretch our fingers.

Arrived on the track (alternately connect fingers with the thumb - both hands)

Wagtail bird -

Patchwork blouse! (touch fingers of both hands near the chest)

Vigilant little black eye, (connect the thumb and forefinger in circles around the eyes)

Pointy thin toe. (connect index fingers both hands at the nose)

I ran, jumped, (they finger on the table)

She shook her tail. (shake the palms of both hands)

Insects for the summer (show a bird with their hands)

Deftly enough. (connect fingers in the form of a beak, imitating catching insects)

2.9. Exercise "Add a letter"

Speech therapist: Listen to the following task. Look at the cards for sentences with the missing letters K and G. Insert them and read the received sentences.

Alya ... every day ... feeds ... doves. Alain...and winds the thread...and into...splint.

Name all the words with the sound [k]. Name all the words with the [g] sound. Now write these sentences in your notebook.

2.10. Differentiation of sounds in the text.

Speech therapist: You have one task left to complete. There are cards on the table. Read the poem.

1. Write down the words with the letter K.

2. Write down the words with the letter G.

3. Read all the words.

Well done, we have disenchanted the Cat.

    Summary of the lesson:

Speech therapist: What sounds did we talk about today? What can you say about them? I really liked the way you worked today. Thank you. Our lesson is over.

Full name of speech therapist _________________________________________________

Signature __________________