"Belarusians build faster and cheaper than foreigners." How is the reconstruction of the M6 ​​highway going?

At present, the condition of the M6 ​​"Caspian" highway is unsatisfactory. This major highway connects the capital with the South of Russia. Traffic flows by this direction behind recent decades increased significantly, while the infrastructure remained the same, as it meets the needs of the 70s-80s of the last century. Repair work is underway at various sections, which are designed to only slightly and briefly improve traffic, but do not solve the underlying problem - bandwidth tracks. For example, when the city of Tambov is only 450 km from Moscow, it takes 7-8 hours to get to it along the Caspian federal highway (and it takes almost a day to get from Moscow to Volgograd!). Key problem- There is only one lane for traffic in each direction. If in the 70s the road coped with the load, now, with a significantly increased number and speed characteristics Vehicle- is clearly not working. Freight and agricultural vehicles moving along the federal highway M6 at a speed of 40-60 km/h often create problems for other traffic participants, there is no possibility of safe overtaking on most sections of the route. In addition, the accident rate on the Caspian highway is extremely high - for 20 years I have not had a single trip in this direction, where I would not meet mangled cars, downed pedestrians or overturned trucks ... The problem needs to be solved! Since this route is quite long, more than a thousand kilometers from Moscow to Astrakhan, the modernization should be phased, with the priority expansion and modernization of highly loaded and narrow sections of the route in the Moscow, Tula, Ryazan and Tambov regions. I hope that residents of the Moscow, Ryazan, Tula, Lipetsk, Tambov, Voronezh, Saratov, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions will also support me in this initiative.


The solution to the problem is the expansion of the carriageway of the M6 ​​"Kaspiy" highway to 2 lanes in each direction along the ENTIRE length of the route (following the example of the reconstruction of the M4 "Don" highway) with the introduction of the corresponding realities of the 21st century speed mode(not less than 110 km/h), organization of detours in a few settlements, reconstruction and modernization of overpasses and railway (!) tracks crossing this federal highway. Construction of overpasses in settlements through which the route passes.

Expected Result

Travel time from Moscow to Tambov would be reduced to 4.5-5 hours, to Volgograd - up to 10-12 hours. Road safety would be improved (especially if there were barriers installed between oncoming traffic). The track must correspond to the realities of the 21st century!

In Belarus, the reconstruction of the M-6 / E28 highway Minsk - Grodno - the border of the Republic of Poland (Bruzgi), which began in 2016, continues. The work is scheduled to be completed ahead of schedule - in November 2018.

The length of the M6 ​​highway is 272 kilometers. By 2018, it will be a first category road. More than 50 structures will be built along the route, including bridges and overpasses. One of the largest bridges will be built near Lida across the Ditva River. The road will meet European standards: only in one direction the width of the carriageway will be 7 meters plus 3.75 meters of the shoulder (3 meters of which will be asphalted). The width of the dividing strip is 5 meters. Estimated speed after reconstruction is 120 km/h.

Today, the reconstruction of the M-6 / E28 is the largest investment project with the involvement of the World Bank resources. On January 8, 2015, Belarus and the World Bank signed an agreement on a loan for our country in the amount of 250 million US dollars to implement a project to modernize the transit corridor.

“For us, this project is a priority and image-building one,” the Belavtodor holding noted. — Our subsidiaries employ excellent specialists in road construction Moreover, they build faster and cheaper than foreign companies.

By the way, it was at this facility that Belavtodor first developed and introduced elements of a unified corporate style: a new special clothing, painting of equipment, design of construction camps and work sites.

Every day, 416 units of road construction equipment and more than 800 specialists are involved in the facility. Work has been going on throughout the week.

Contractors are ahead of schedule, so it is expected that construction will not be completed in the summer of 2019, as envisaged by the original contract, but in November 2018.

- In winter, workers made an earthen bed, the volume is impressive - 4.4 million cubic meters. Engineering communications were rebuilt. Today, specialists are making a new lane, completing the laying of layers of pavement and the construction of artificial structures.

The traffic flow is transferred to the new lane of the route in stages. After that, the reconstruction of the old lane of the road will be carried out.

- Unfortunately, we also have problems - untimely delivery of crushed stone. Over the past two months, more than 70,000 tons have been underloaded. If this issue is not resolved promptly, it will have a negative impact on the pace of construction and the timing of the commissioning of the facility, the holding states.

What new will motorists see on the M6?

  • A New Jersey concrete fence will be installed on the median along the entire length of the reconstructed section. It is planned to use 2 types: prefabricated and monolithic fencing. It is assumed that both options will be domestic production.
  • During reconstruction highway M-6/E28 will make maximum use of secondary material resources, primarily asphalt granulate. The issue of reinforced concrete processing is discussed.
  • On separate construction sites, as an experiment, "emotional" information signs were installed - emoticons, designed to level the increased emotional background users.

The entire length of the M6 ​​is due to be completed in 2019. The 272 km long track will meet European standards. The width of the carriageway in one direction will be at least 7.5 m, a wide shoulder (3.75 m, including 3 m will be asphalted) will be equipped.

In Belarus, the reconstruction of the M-6 / E28 highway Minsk - Grodno - the border of the Republic of Poland (Bruzgi), which began in 2016, continues. The work is planned to be completed ahead of schedule - in November 2018, says AUTO.TUT.BY.

The length of the M6 ​​highway is 272 kilometers. By 2018, it will be a first category road. More than 50 structures will be built along the route, including bridges and overpasses. One of the largest bridges will be built near Lida across the Ditva River. The road will meet European standards: only in one direction the width of the carriageway will be 7 meters plus 3.75 meters of the shoulder (3 meters of which will be asphalted). The width of the dividing strip is 5 meters. Estimated speed after reconstruction - 120 km/h.

Today, the reconstruction of M-6/E28 is the largest investment project involving the resources of the World Bank. On January 8, 2015, Belarus and the World Bank signed an agreement on a loan for our country in the amount of 250 million US dollars to implement a project to modernize the transit corridor.

For us, this project is a priority and image, - noted in the holding "Belavtodor". - Our subsidiaries employ excellent specialists in road construction, besides, they build faster and cheaper than foreign companies.

By the way, it was at this facility that Belavtodor first developed and introduced elements of a unified corporate style: new special clothing, equipment painting, design of construction camps and work sites.

Every day, 416 units of road construction equipment and more than 800 specialists are involved in the facility. Work has been going on throughout the week.
Contractors are ahead of schedule, so it is expected that construction will not be completed in the summer of 2019, as envisaged by the original contract, but in November 2018.

In winter, the workers made a subgrade, the volume is impressive - 4.4 million cubic meters. Engineering communications were rebuilt. Today, specialists are making a new lane, completing the laying of layers of pavement and the construction of artificial structures.

The traffic flow is transferred to the new lane of the route in stages. After that, the reconstruction of the old lane of the road will be carried out.

Unfortunately, we also have problems - untimely delivery of crushed stone. Over the past two months, more than 70,000 tons have been underloaded. If this issue is not resolved promptly, it will have a negative impact on the pace of construction and the timing of the commissioning of the facility, the holding states.

What new will motorists see on the M6?

  1. A New Jersey concrete fence will be installed on the median along the entire length of the reconstructed section. It is planned to use 2 types: prefabricated and monolithic fencing. It is assumed that both options will be domestic production.
  2. During the reconstruction of the M-6 / E28 highway, secondary material resources will be used to the maximum, primarily asphalt granulate. The issue of reinforced concrete processing is discussed.
  3. On separate construction sites, as an experiment, "emotional" information signs - emoticons, designed to level the increased emotional background of users, were installed.

The entire length of the M6 ​​is due to be completed in 2019. The 272 km long track will meet European standards. The width of the carriageway in one direction will be at least 7.5 m, a wide shoulder (3.75 m, including 3 m will be asphalted) will be equipped.

I will continue with the road theme. After all, the journey begins with the road. Today I will tell you not only about the M6 ​​highway, along which we drove to Volgograd, but also about the torment associated with choosing a path. So let's go!
If you open any map and plot a route from my city of Kimry, well, or from Moscow to Volgograd, then the route will be the same: the main part of the path goes exactly along the M6. And this is not surprising, because the M6 ​​penetrates Volgograd and rushes further, towards Astrakhan. And I was all so happy that everything was so simple, I calmed down. But a few days later, something made me read about the state of this track. And what was my horror when I started reading the Internet. What was there just not there: and a track, and pits, and eternal repairs, and trucks, and head-on overtaking, and terrible policemen, and cameras placed anywhere. In a word, horror. Thanks to all this, I now know three roads to Volgograd:

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  1. Mainly along the M6 ​​(Kimry - Moscow - a small section along the M4 approximately the Stupino-M6 area) - 1,131 kilometers, estimated travel time 14 hours 15 minutes.
  2. On the M4 "Don" to Voronezh, then to Borisoglebsk and from it along the M6 ​​to Volgograd - 1,249 kilometers, the estimated travel time is 14 hours 55 minutes.
  3. On M4 to the first big fork after Kamensk-Shakhtinsk and on M21 through Belaya Kalitva, Surovikino, Kalach-on-Don to Volgograd - 1,496 kilometers, estimated travel time 17 hours 30 minutes.

Most Internet users strongly recommended to hit the road by the second route. I will not describe my doubts and experiences with my husband, but it was decided to go according to the first option.

From MKAD to M4 we moved out at 7-42.

Please note that the speedometer shows that our path from home to the M4 exit is already 205 km. We were on the road for almost 3 hours.
A lot has already been said about the site, I will not repeat myself. After a little less than an hour, we saw a point to Volgograd and the M6 ​​"Caspian" highway.

We leave at the sign to the right, and under the bridge M4 tends towards Voronezh.

Of course, repairs are being carried out in some places, but not in some places, and there are such sections of the path

But frank pits were not met anywhere.

Now some numbers: we covered 1,131 kilometers in 16 hours and 30 minutes. average speed movement - a little less than 70 km / h. Here is the track for you! I present your surprise. And there is nothing surprising here.
main scourge M6 are trucks. There are many of them, of course. But the worst thing is that when lifting, no pockets were made for them, into which they could safely go and puff their 50 or even 40 km / h there, and not collect a string of cars. Here is a clear picture for you.

The second largest scourge is great multitude these are the signs.

It seems that the road is free, but you won’t climb ... Deprivation ...
On the way, you see mostly fields... expanses...

A lot of churches. Near one we even stopped. This is Church of the Bogolyubskaya Mother of God in the village of Zimarovo Ryazan region 1852 built. I read about it on the Internet, and I was curious to visit it. Alas, this did not happen. The church gates were closed and the door to the temple was open and that made me go around. Literally around the corner saw working people. She came up and asked if she could go to the church. To which, apparently, the priest refused, saying that they were working and there was no one in the church.
I tried to tell that we were already going decently and would like to visit Holy place, put a candle in such beautiful place. She said that she had read about the church and knew a little of its history. To which the priest answered me that there is a lot of untruth on the Internet and you don’t need to believe everything. To say that I was upset, probably not, but somehow it was not very pleasant.

That's sort of all I wanted to tell you about the M6.
Although, I’ll probably add: it got dark already at about 19-30. It became even harder to ride, because. in front of Volgograd, a fresh repair was made, and there is no marking, there is no lighting either. We are tired, the children are tired ... or not?

Volgograd met us with many lights!!!

Objects of reconstruction

By order of the FKU, subordinated to Rosavtodor, Uprdor Moscow-Volgograd, on sections federal highway R-22 (M-6) "Caspian" km 386-398 and km 423-431 in the Michurinsky and Tambov districts of the Tambov region, as well as km 922-932 in the Gorodishchensky district of the Volgograd region, road workers are working on the reconstruction of the highway. AT this case is the expansion of the road from two to four lanes.

Implementation of projects for the reconstruction of R-22 (M-6) "Kaspiy" in the Tambov region

Contracts for the performance of work on the reconstruction of sections of the highway M-6 "Caspian" km 423-431 ( Tambov region) and km 386-398 (Michurinsky district) were signed at the end of 2014. The active phase of work began in 2015 and continued in 2016. It should be noted that projects for the reconstruction of the motorway are being implemented sequentially from Tambov towards Moscow.

Today, the length of the 4-lane road from regional center towards the capital total totals 49 km (taking into account the entrance to Tambov with a length of 7 km). However, this four-strip has a gap - the so-called " bottleneck» with a length of 8 km. Just it will be eliminated due to the reconstruction of the section of the road km 423-431. The project includes the construction road junction with an overpass (near the village of Saburovo), two bridges (near the village of Kosmodemyanovskaya Kriusha), two recreation areas with overpasses, gazebos and flower beds, and 8 km of new electric lighting lines. At present, 4 km of a four-lane road, together with a traffic interchange, two recreation areas and 4 km of electric lighting lines, have been put into operation at the facility.

At the same time, work is underway to reconstruct another section of the M-6 road, km 386-398. Here, within the framework of the project, two traffic interchanges with two overpasses will be built (an interchange near the village of Izosimovo and an exit to the city of Michurinsk), a bridge across the river. Lesnoy Voronezh, elevated pedestrian crossing and 5 km of lighting lines on bridges and overpasses. At the same time, the overpass through railways and built a detour around the village. Izosimovo (6 km long). As part of security measures traffic installation of a concrete dividing barrier protection is provided. Drainage structures will be made of composite materials, which will reduce the cost of their maintenance.

The implementation of these reconstruction projects will make it possible to continue the road section from Tambov towards Moscow in a four-lane version, increasing its length to 69 km.

It is planned to complete work at the facilities in 2018. At the same time, it should be noted that FKU Uprdor Moscow-Volgograd has developed projects for the reconstruction of the following sections of the road towards Moscow in order to extend the 4-lane to the border with the Ryazan region.

Implementation of the project for the reconstruction of R-22 (M-6) "Kaspiy" in the Volgograd region

In the Volgograd region, the R-22 (M-6) "Caspiy" highway is two-lane almost throughout its entire length, and only a 29-km section at the entrance to the city has four lanes. In order to extend it towards Moscow, in 2013 FKU Uprdor Moscow-Volgograd launched a project to reconstruct the section of the road km 922-932 in the area of ​​Samofalovka settlement.

The uniqueness of this object is the pavement of the road - cement concrete. A technology that is rarely used in our country. On a pillow of gravel-sand mixture of 25 centimeters, the lower, “skinny” layer of concrete is laid - 18 centimeters, then the upper, heavy one - another 24 centimeters. Thus, the total thickness of the pavement on the track will be 67 centimeters.

Cement concrete roads have a number of operational advantages. They are much more durable and stronger than asphalt ones, and are able to serve up to 50 years without requiring repair. While traffic on asphalt roads is often stopped or restricted due to repairs, concrete pavement roads are in operation almost without interruption. Heavy vehicles strongly bend the asphalt, spoil it, which leads to a significant increase in fuel consumption. Concrete pavement reduces the deflection of the roadway and therefore saves fuel. In addition, rutting and undulations do not appear on it, as on asphalt. concrete pavement in dark time day reflects light much better than asphalt, which provides good visibility for drivers. Modern technologies constructions allow "concrete" to completely approach the asphalt roads in terms of noise.

By the end of 2016, road builders reached new stage. We started work on the left side of the highway (toward Volgograd). 9 km of "two-strip" of cement concrete along right side has already been completed and vehicular traffic has been launched along the four-kilometer section.

In parallel, federal road builders are carrying out several types of work. The base is made of "lean" concrete, and the top layer of the coating is made of heavy concrete using a technique unique for the Volgograd region - the "Gomaka" laying complex. The reconstruction project also includes the construction of a road junction with an overpass over the railway tracks and a bridge over the Kotluban River (70 meters long). So, on these artificial structures the top layers of the pavement were also laid.

The most favorable time for working with capricious concrete is autumn. Road builders can work in daytime. In summer, due to the heat, the laying of cement concrete pavement has to be done late in the evening and at night under the light of powerful floodlights.

The completion date for the reconstruction work is October 2017. Today, the length of the section with 4-lane traffic is 29 km at the entrance to Volgograd. Thanks to the reconstruction work, the length of the four-lane road towards Moscow will increase by 11 km to 40 km.