Yu k babansky main idea. Brief description of teaching methods (according to Yu.K

Contribution to pedagogical science

Babansky Yuri Konstantinovich- the famous teacher of Soviet Russia.

After graduating in $1949 from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the Rostov Pedagogical Institute, he taught there pedagogical courses on methods of teaching physics.

In the period from $1975$ to $1977$, he was the rector of the IPK for teachers of pedagogical sciences at the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. In $1979$ he was appointed vice-president of the APN of the USSR.

Yuri Konstantinovich created the theory of learning optimization. In which learning acts as a science-based choice and implementation of a learning option, considered from the standpoint of successful development and solving the problems of education and upbringing of children. He suggested using this theory to solve various pedagogical problems. Babansky considered the methods and fundamentals of applying optimization as one of the aspects general theory scientific organization pedagogical activity.

Remark 1

Babansky proposed a system of clear recommendations for determining effective forms and methods for preventing repetition and poor progress, based on a deep study of the causes of children's failures in school.

Under his editorship, textbooks for pedagogical institutes - "Pedagogy" were published.

Yu.K. Babansky is also the author of more than three hundred scientific works, many of which have been translated into foreign languages. To a wide circle readers know his work on the theory of pedagogy, optimization educational process at school didactic problems, textbooks for universities and pedagogical schools. Under his leadership, it was prepared big number doctors and candidates of sciences.

Babansky, working on his theory, urged teachers and education in general to freedom of choice, to the manifestation of the individual position of the teacher, to constant reflection and analysis of their activities. Yuri Konstantinovich insisted on the unconditional primacy of creativity in the work of a teacher, based on deep professionalism.

Today, the school is gaining creative freedom and is gradually overcoming the oppression of education officials. But even twenty years ago, advanced scientists, educators and methodologists wanted this. Babansky was one of the most consistent supporters of freedom pedagogical creativity. He talked about free choice teacher of methods, forms, techniques and means of training and education. In this area, he considered admissible only advice, assistance and counseling. Babansky considered lesson plan personal document of the teacher and did not allow the intervention of the leadership and officials in the work of the teacher.

The main works of Babansky Yu.K.

"Pedagogy" This textbook was created according to the new program of the pedagogy course for students of all faculties pedagogical institutes.

"Optimization of the learning process" This paper discusses the basics of optimization theory educational process, justifies the choice of criteria and procedures for choosing the best training structure, structured best practices different schools in this region. The general formulations of the optimization theory are concretized on the example of the prevention of underachievement of younger children. adolescence and organization of the educational process of trained schoolchildren.

"Selected Pedagogical Works" Babansky's book includes works different years on the basics of the theory of training and education of schoolchildren. His research is based on the study of experience pedagogical work Rostov schools and other regions of the country and are devoted to the optimization of educational educational process, methods and methods of teaching, a holistic approach to the study of the entire educational process.

Tutorial created in accordance with new program course of pedagogy for students of pedagogical institutes of all faculties. The content of the manual has been significantly revised taking into account the Main Directions for the Reform of General Education and vocational school, the tasks set by the XXVII Congress of the CPSU for the system of public education.--

SECTION I. GENERAL FOUNDATIONS OF PEDAGOGYChapter 1. The subject of pedagogy and methods of scientific and pedagogical research
§ 1. Education as a subject of pedagogy
§ 2. The emergence and development of socialist pedagogy. Soviet pedagogy
§ 3. Methods of scientific and pedagogical research
§ 4. Modern bourgeois pedagogyChapter 2. Development, education and personality formation
§ 1. The main factors influencing human development
§ 2. Age stages in the development of schoolchildren
§ 3. Criticism of the views of bourgeois educators on the development and formation of personalityChapter 3. Comprehensive development of personality - the goal of communist education
§ 1. Marxism-Leninism on the goal of communist education
§ 2. The main tasks and content of the comprehensive development of the personalityChapter 4. The pedagogical process
§ 1. The structure of the pedagogical process and its laws
§ 2. The specifics of the processes of education and upbringing that are part of a holistic pedagogical process
§ 3. Characteristics of the main stages of the pedagogical process SECTION II. DIDACTICSChapter 5. The subject and main categories of Soviet didactics
§ 1. Didactics and its main categories
§ 2. Tasks modern didactics
§ 3. Criticism of modern bourgeois theories of learningChapter 6. The content of education in Soviet school
§ one. general characteristics content of education
§ 2. The unity of general, polytechnical and vocational educationChapter 7. The learning process
§ one. Methodological foundations learning process
§ 2. The unity of the educational, upbringing and developmental functions of the learning process
§ 3. The structure of the learning process
§ 4. Purpose and structure of the teacher's activity in the educational process
§ 5. Psychological foundations activities of students in the learning process
§ 6. The activities of the teacher and students in various types learning
§ 7. Patterns of learningChapter 8. Principles of learning
§ 1. Substantiation of the principles of education
§ 2. Characteristics of the principles of teachingChapter 9. Teaching methods
§ 1. The concept of teaching methods and their classification
§ 2. Methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities
§ 3. Methods of stimulation learning activities schoolchildren in the learning process
§ 4. Methods of control and self-control in training
§ 5. Choosing the optimal combination of teaching methodsChapter 10. Forms of organizing training
§ 1. Class-lesson system of education
§ 2. Lesson - the main form of organization of learning
§ 3. Other forms of organization of training
§ 4. Forms of organization of labor and industrial training in a comprehensive schoolChapter 11. Optimization of learning in more modern school
§ 1. Methodological and theoretical foundations of learning optimization
§ 2. Criteria for the optimality of training
§ 3. System of ways to optimize learning
§ 4. Accounting for optimization requirements in methodological manualsChapter 12. Monitoring the results of educational and cognitive activity of students
§ 1. Control and its role in the management and management of educational activities of students
§ 2. Evaluation and accounting of the results of educational activities of students SECTION III. THEORY OF EDUCATIONChapter 13. The Essence of the Process of Communist Education
§ 1. Education as a process of purposeful formation of personality
§ 2. Patterns of the process of education
§ 3. driving forces educational process
§ 4. Education, self-education, re-educationChapter 14. The principles of communist education
§ 1. The concept of the principles of education
§ 2. Characteristics of the principles of educationChapter 15. Methods of education
§ 1. Functions of the implementation of an integrated approach to education
§ 2. Methodology for implementing an integrated approach to educationChapter 16. An integrated approach to education
§ 1 Basic concepts and classification
§ 2. Methods for the formation of personality consciousness
§ 3. Methods of organizing activities and forming experience public behavior
§ 4. Methods of stimulating behavior and activity
§ 5. Conditions for the optimal choice and effective application upbringing methodsChapter 17. Formation of a team and its influence on the student's personality
§ 1. The formation of personality in a team is the leading idea of ​​the communist system of education
§ 2. The team, its features and structure
§ 3. Development process children's team Chapter 18
§ 1. The essence and main features of the communist worldview
§ 2. The main ways and means of forming the worldview of schoolchildren
§ 3. Scientific and atheistic educationChapter 19. Ideological and political education and the formation of social activity of students
§ 1. Purpose and tasks of ideological and political education
§ 2. The content and forms of the ideological and political education of schoolchildrenChapter 20. Moral education
§ 1. Purpose, tasks and content moral education students
§ 2. Ways and means of moral educationChapter 21. Labor education
§ 1. Labor education and its role in shaping the readiness of young students for labor activity
§ 2. Content and methods labor education studentsChapter 22. Aesthetic education
§ 1. Theoretical foundations of the aesthetic education of schoolchildren
§ 2. The system of aesthetic education at school
§ 3. Criticism of bourgeois concepts of aesthetic educationChapter 23. Physical education
§ 1. Physical education and comprehensive development personalities
§ 2. Fixed assets physical education
§ 3. Organization of physical education at school
§ 4. Out-of-class and out-of-school work on physical education Chapter 24. Educational work class teacher
§ 1. The class teacher as the organizer of educational work in the classroom and the mentor of students
§ 2. Organizational and pedagogical work of the class teacher
§ 3. Education of active life position for schoolchildren - the leading task of the class teacher
§ 4. Planning and accounting for the work of the class teacher Chapter 25. Komsomol and pioneer organizations in the school. Uchkom
§ 1. Educational work of the Komsomol organization
§ 2. Educational work of the pioneer organization
§ 3. Self-government at schoolChapter 26. Out-of-class and out-of-school educational work
§ 1. Tasks and principles of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work
§ 2. Basic forms of organization extracurricular activities
§ 3. Out-of-school educational work
§ 4. Some new trends in the development of extracurricular work Chapter 27. Joint educational work of the school, family and community. Raising children in the family. Group work extended day
§ 1. School is the leading link in the system of communist education
§ 2. Raising children in the family
§ 3. Organizational associations for communication of school, family and community in the microdistrict
§ 4. Educational work in schools with an extended day and in extended day groups SECTION IV. SCHOOLSCHAPTER 28
§ one. General Basics management and leadership public education
§ 2. Organization of public education in the USSR
§ 3. System government controlled and leadership of public education in the USSR
§ 4. Management of the educational work of the school
§ 5. Teacher in the school management system

Add. Information:Cover: Vasya s MarsaThanks for the book Naina Kievna (AudioBook Lovers Club)--

BABANSKY Yuri Konstantinovich

(January 7, 1927, the village of Pervomayskoye, Rostov Region, - August 9, 1987, Moscow), teacher, member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1974), dr ped. sciences, prof. (1974). At the end of physics and mathematics. f-ta Rostov ped. in-ta (1949) taught there courses of pedagogy, methods of teaching physics (in 1958-69 vice-rector). In 1975-77, the rector of the IPK teachers of ped. disciplines at the APS of the USSR.

Since 1976, Academic Secretary of the Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy, since 1979 Vice President. APN USSR. He developed a theory of learning optimization as a scientifically based choice and implementation of a learning option, which was considered from the point of view of the success of solving problems and the development, education and upbringing of students. I considered it possible to use this theory to solve ped. tactical problems. and strategic character. Method. he interpreted the basics of the application of optimization as one of the aspects of the general theory of scientific. organizations of ped. labor. Suggested a system specific recommendations on the choice of effective forms and methods for preventing academic failure and repetition, DOS. on the comprehensive study reasons for student failure. Under his editorship, uch. aids for ped. in-t "Pedagogy" (1983; 1984, jointly with G. Neuner).

Cit.: Optimization of the learning process. General didactic. aspect, M., 1977; Optimization of teaching and upbringing. process. Method. Osnovy, M., 1982; Optimization ped. process. (In questions and answers), K. (co-author); Teaching methods in modern. general education school, M., 1985; Fav. ped. works, M., 1989.

Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M: "Great Russian Encyclopedia". Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .

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    Babansky, Yuri Konstantinovich- (1927 1987) teacher, full member (1974), vice president (since 1979) of the USSR APN. Developed a theory of learning optimization as a scientifically based choice and implementation of a variant of the learning process. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Yuri Konstantinovich (January 7, 1927, the village of Pervomaiskoe, Rostov Region, August 9, 1987, Moscow), teacher, full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1974), doctor of ped. sciences, prof. (1974). Upon completion of physical mat. fta Rostov ped. inta (1949) taught there courses of pedagogy, methods ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

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kam school textbook, on the flyleaf of which is a table to this lesson. Finally, you-
I choose ways to control the assimilation of the material by students. Thus, G. P. Gordeeva
usually gives priority to the choice of methods for stimulating interest in learning,
then elects visual methods, methods of independent work, problem-search methods
dy and, finally, methods of control.
Interview with V. G. Alpatov, teacher of school No. 1 (experience 32 years, participant of the All-Union
pedagogical readings in 1979), about a lesson in the VI B grade on the topic “ flatworms":" VI B
the class is interested in zoology, is well organized, although there are 6-7 weak students in it
nicknames. First, I think about the content of the lesson. I decide to compare planaria and hydra in appearance
mind and set a problematic task: “Who is more difficult, a hydra or a worm?” Then I map out the way
detailed study of planaria. The guys should look under the microscope what is inside her, and
I - to make appropriate explanations. At the same time, he must check how much they assimilate
material low-achieving schoolchildren. After that, I decide to apply a comparative generalization
types and characterize the new type as a whole. finally thinking through general conclusions, use
zuya " family tree". Consequently, V. G. Alpatov first thinks over the use
problem-search methods, logical methods, visual and practical methods, verbal
methods and methods of control.
Interview with T. B. Derzhavina, teacher of school No. 80 (experience 24 years), about the lesson
in class XA on the topic “Changes in biogeocenosis”: “At first I think over the content of the lesson.
I proceed from the fact that I know the class well, since I have been working with it for six years. Middle school students
properties, except for 3 people, but great workers. I think a lot about maximum self-
the value of students in this lesson, about the use of inductive logic of disclosure of the topic,
since students can use the collections they have collected, herbariums, diaries compiled
while studying natural complex « Lenin's mountains". Thinking how to beat this one
material so that the students think and work as much as possible on their own throughout the lesson.
worthy. Then I’m already thinking about the specific course of the lesson - a frontal conversation, her questions,
student reports with conclusions from observations, verification work by filling out the diagram
biocenoses. Finally, I draw general conclusions. Consequently, T. B. Derzhavina thinks through
consistent use of independent work methods, logical methods, practice
ical, verbal, visual and problem-search methods.
Interview with L. I. Dolgova, teacher of school No. 520 (8 years of experience), about a lesson in
VIII A class on the topic “Hormones. Glands of internal and external secretion ":" When planning
I proceed from the fact that the class with average abilities. Thinking about 3-4 basic concepts that
which will be worked out in the lesson (hormones, glands of internal and external secretion, nervous
and humoral regulation). Then I choose the means that will be used to study
these concepts - dummies, film fragments, tables, wet preparations. After that I think
from beginning to end, the sequence of studying each of the selected concepts. As seen
from an interview, L. I. Dolgova mainly thinks through the use of verbal and visual
teaching methods.
Interview with O. N. Samburova, teacher at boarding school No. 61 (work experience 5 years),
about the lesson on the topic “Hormones. Glands of internal and external secretion ":" VIII class is very
weak in terms of training. All year I have been contriving in the selection of interesting math for each lesson.
rial, since without interest there will be neither discipline nor a working mood. This is where I start
ponder future lesson. contemplating homework, since the head teacher requires the whole six months
overload elimination. At the same time, I immediately figure out what needs to be discussed together, and what they
can read for themselves. Only after that I reflect on the sequence of the lesson: I decide
apply a problematic conversation about hormones, work with a microscope (an iron in the context), a story about
importance of endocrinology. Thus, O. N. Samburova thinks consistently with
preparation for the lesson on methods of stimulating interest in learning, methods of one's own
presentation of material in combination with independent work students, over problem-search-
vymi, verbal and practical methods.
Interview with V. S. Konovalova, teacher of school No. 19 (work experience 46 years, excellent student
Education of the RSFSR), about the lesson on the topic “Hormones. Glands of internal and external
its secretion”: “Without visibility, natural objects, nature, there is no biology. Content
it doesn’t bother me, so I’m thinking first of all about what can be shown in this lesson:
alcoholized glands, tables, photographs of people with hyper- and hypofunction of one or another
climbs. Next, I think about what we will think about with the students in the lesson, what problem
solve (an insignificant amount of hormones and huge role them in the body). Next I think
the degree of independence of schoolchildren in the classroom, and different in terms of preparedness
groups of students. So, V. S. Konovalova thinks through consistent application visual,
problem-search methods and methods of independent work.
Interview with K. I. Tsvetkov, teacher of school No. 626 (experience 31 years, excellent student of the national
education of the RSFSR), in connection with his preparation of a lesson on the topic “Hormones. glands internal
and external secretion”: “VIII A class is ordinary, interested in the subject. It has 6-8 weakly
successful students. I believe that anatomy is taught at school so that the student learns
himself, and therefore I think over what utilitarian-practical things he will take out for himself from the lesson.
AT this case he must understand how important it is to follow the function thyroid gland, pro-