Kolechenko a k encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies. Biography Selevko G.K.

Selevko German Konstantinovich (February 15, 1932, Yaroslavl) - Academician of the MAPE, professor, candidate pedagogical sciences

He began his working biography at the plant, from where he was drafted into the ranks Soviet army and sent to the military flight school. Already in the technical school and the school, the pedagogical talent of G.K. Selevko: he has always been an assistant to teachers, helping those who are lagging behind learn.

In 1954 he entered the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky, who graduated in 1959 with a degree in physics and basics of production. He successfully combined his studies at the institute with the work of an evening school teacher, where his pedagogical (methodical) talent flourished and his first printed works appeared. After graduating from college, he advanced teacher was invited to work as an inspector of the city Department of Public Education, where he led the process of transition of secondary schools to 11-year education.

In 1962 he entered the graduate school of the Research Institute evening schools Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, which he graduated ahead of schedule and in 1964 he defended the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences.

After that, G.K. Selevko comes to teaching, working simultaneously at the school and in Yaroslavl pedagogical institute. Here he goes from teacher to dean of the faculty. In 1967 he was awarded academic title associate professor

In 1985 he was invited to create the Department of Pedagogy in Yaroslavl regional institute advanced training. Working as the head of the department, associate professor G.K. Selevko brought a lot of new things to the activity of this institution. For 10 years, at the department headed by him, personnel were raised to open new departments. In 1989, for successful scientific and pedagogical activity, he was awarded the academic title of professor. Being a supporter of progressive pedagogical innovations, he is the initiator of the creation in 1990 of the faculty social pedagogy in the Yaroslavl IPK.

Per vigorous activity for the preparation teaching staff G.K. Selevko was awarded a medal them. K.D. Ushinsky.

G.K. Selevko develops a technology for self-development of a person's personality as continuous system from kindergarten before graduating from a vocational educational institution, enriches it with new practical tasks-situations, travels to schools, consults teachers, listens to their advice.

Since 2000, four interregional scientific and practical conferences where more than a thousand teachers shared their experience.

But the main business of G.K. Selevko is the "Encyclopedia educational technologies”, published in two volumes in 2006 by the publishing house “ public education».

German Konstantinovich actively participates in international cooperation, makes presentations at international symposiums, meetings, including those in near and far abroad (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Slovakia).

Books (5)

Know thyself

A collection of developmental activities for fifth grade students. Textbook, a collection of developing activities.

The book opens the Personal Improvement series and is intended for fifth grade students. high school as study guide in the "Know Yourself" section.

It provides various information about the psychology of personality. The main qualities of the personality in moral, mental, strong-willed and emotional spheres, methods of self-knowledge and self-assessment are given.

Realize yourself. A collection of developmental activities for students in grade 11

The book is dedicated to the formation of the personality of a graduate who strives to realize all his potentials, who has a sense of social responsibility, who knows how to use and multiply spiritual and material wealth society.

The books are intended for students and teachers, psychologists and educators, as well as for a wide range readers interested in the problems of development and self-improvement of the individual.

Encyclopedia of educational technologies. Volume 1

Encyclopedia of educational technologies. Volume 2

The book is teaching aid new generation.

About 500 teaching technologies, educational and socio-educational technologies are presented; in a separate chapter, pedagogical technologies are highlighted based on the use of modern information tools.

The methodological basis of the book was the concept of educational technology by G.K. Selevko, according to which technology is a combination of three main interrelated components: scientific, formally descriptive and procedurally effective.

In each of the technologies, a scientific and conceptual basis is clearly traced, the essence and features of the content and methods used are outlined, and the material necessary for mastering is given. The characteristics of technologies are provided with examples of their historical and genetic prototypes (heading "Forerunners, Varieties, Followers"). The manual also includes test questions to the content of the chapters and the answers to them.

The book orients the reader in the world of educational technologies of the present and the past, and presents some technologies of the future.

It is intended for a wide range of educators, teachers and students of pedagogical, psychological and socio-pedagogical specialties.

pedagogical technology

a set of means and methods for reproducing theoretically substantiated processes of education and upbringing, which make it possible to successfully implement the set education. goals. P. t. suggests the corresponding scientific. design, in which these goals are set quite unambiguously and the possibility of objective step-by-step measurements and final grade achieved results.

P. t. is a relatively new concept of ped. science. In the 60-70s. 20th century it was associated with arr. with the TCO method. In this sense, it is still used in pl. zarub. publications; special is published in the USA. scientific magazine "Educational Technology".

In research grew. specialists the concept of "P. t." received more broad sense and is attached to a large circle formed. processes, is considered in ped. systems decomp. level: national and regional, uch. institutions or groups of students. Practically it is naib. widely used in describing ped. systems of general institutions and prof. education.

In any ped. system P. t. - a concept that interacts with didactic. task. If the didactic the task expresses the goals of training and education, then P. t. - the ways and means of achieving them. At the same time, in the structure of didactic tasks - certain personal qualities of students that are subject to transformation act as the goals of training and education in specific conditions (the content of education).

Contain. description of elements of ped. The system also gives an idea of ​​P. t. P. t. teacher to classes and the availability of appropriate TCO). From didactic point of view, the design of P. t. is the development of applied techniques that describe the implementation of ped. systems according to its dep. elements. These descriptions are based on theoretical ideas about ped. phenomena based on reliable research. data.

In P. t. Naib. difficult question. about description personal qualities student. At all stages of ped. process, the chosen concept of personality structure can be used, but the qualities themselves must be interpreted in the so-called. diagnostic concepts, i.e. their description must satisfy a number of conditions: unambiguous certainty, providing a clear differentiation of a particular quality from others; the availability of appropriate tools to identify the diagnosed quality in the process of accounting. control; the possibility of determining dec. levels of formation and quality on a reliable scale of measurements.

In the fatherland psycho-ped. In science, the tasks of a diagnostic description of the properties and qualities of a person have been solved only partially. Yes, in known classification main personality traits proposed by K. K. Platonov (“On the system of psychology”, 1972), a group of social properties, a group of properties describing the experience specific activity, a group of intellectual qualities and a group of genetic. properties. max. a complete diagnostic description can be given to the goals of forming the experience of the individual. Less complete diagnostic descriptions of intellectual and genetic. properties. Issue not resolved. diagnostic description of the social properties of the personality. Therefore, there are no sufficient grounds to talk about P. t. processes.

The methodology for the diagnostic description of the experience of the individual and her intellectual qualities is represented by a certain set of parameters and criteria-orientations associated with them. tests to control the degree of achievement by students of diagnostically set learning goals. This set includes parameters that characterize the content of training (the number of learning elements, the degree of abstraction of their description, the degree of awareness of their study) and the quality of its assimilation (the level of assimilation and the degree of automation of the application of learned skills).

On the basis of diagnostic goal-setting, educational standards are developed (that is, in fact - the content of education), uch. programs and textbooks, as well as didactic. processes that guarantee the achievement of specified goals. Thanks to the diagnostic goal-setting in P. t. disciplines included in the account. plan is formed. institutions, and thereby overcome student overload. At the same time, P. t. allows you to accurately determine by calculation methods the necessary time for teaching subjects and the time for training as a whole, in accordance with the goals of training.

In designing the content of learning, P. t. great importance methods of visual presentation uch. material, including uch. elements to be learned.

Teaching technology is a variable component of P. t .: the choice is determined by the characteristics of the didactic. tasks. Of course, the choice of learning technology is subject to all the rules for making optimal decisions (the best for given conditions). P. t. makes available to the teacher wide range didactic opportunities provided by the qualities, criteria for their evaluation and selection.

To select a didactic process in P. T. uses special concepts of the algorithm of functioning and the control algorithm. The construction of a functioning algorithm (rules of cognitive activity of students) is based on a certain psychol. the theory of assimilation of knowledge adopted in this P. t. The speed and certain other indicators of the quality of instruction depend on the perfection of the theory of assimilation. However, the assimilation hypotheses put forward by psychologists have not been brought to the instrumental level, as required by P. t. To build a controlled didactic. process developed generalized scheme functioning algorithm. It covers several stages of learning: orientation (formation of ideas about the goals and objectives of mastering the subject, about the logical structure of the course, etc.; understanding the chosen sequence of the content of the subject and the corresponding methods of study), execution (study of individual topics of the course, interdisciplinary connections, etc. .), control and correction.

The control algorithm is a system of rules for tracking, controlling and correcting the cognitive. student activities to achieve the goal. To implement each of the possible learning goals, a strictly defined cognitive control algorithm should be used. activities of the student, which allows not only to evaluate the success of learning processes, but also to design processes in advance with a given efficiency

Specials are being developed. performance indicators for learning activities, ways of finding and interpreting their meaning This helps to reduce the importance of subjective (and most often not constructive) approaches to assessing learning achievements

P t provides the teacher with opportunities for a meaningful choice and instrumental optimization of the didactic process as a whole

When choosing a method for managing the didactic process, the issue is resolved. and about Naib. suitable (available) for the respective purposes of the TSS

A special problem in II t is the targeted choice of organizations. forms of education, t to the time allotted for education. activities in the educational institution as a whole and in the department. disciplines, is still not determined by pedagogical considerations. The solution to this problem can be achieved harmonization of both the II t and the pedagogical system of the educational institution as a whole

When using the methods tested in II t, the requirements for art and the ability of the teacher to improvise change in the direction of exact compliance with the requirements of II t

The development of work in the field of II t and the accumulation of relevant research material significantly enriches pedagogy, increasing the degree of its practical orientation of character

Lit Yanushkevich F Learning Technology in the System higher education M 1986, Bespalko V II Components of pedagogical technology M 1989, s.r.g. Pedagogy and progressive technologies of teaching M, 1995 Klarin M V Ped.

This work presents system analysis the goals of training, development and education in a comprehensive school. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the mechanisms of the formation of a socially successful personality. The paper describes effective pedagogical technologies of education and upbringing that reduce energy costs on the part of teachers, develop students' motivation by changing the student's position from passive to active. Special attention The paper focuses on the problem of knowledge assessment. The book is intended for teachers and leaders of the education system.

Publisher: "KARO" (2008)

Format: 60x88/16, 368 pages

ISBN: 978-5-9925-0049-3

On Ozone

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    Academician of IANP, professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences

    creative way

    Selevko German Konstantinovich was born on February 15, 1932 in the city of Yaroslavl in a family of teachers. I went to school from the age of seven and, being a very capable student, became an excellent student. But heavy post-war years brought him to chemical-mechanical college. He began his career at a factory, from where he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army and sent to a military flight school. Already in the technical school and the school, the pedagogical talent of G.K. Selevko: he has always been an assistant to teachers, helping those who are lagging behind learn.

    In 1954, having retired to the redundancy reserve, he entered the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky, who graduated in 1959 with a degree in physics and basics of production. He successfully combined his studies at the institute with the work of an evening school teacher, where his pedagogical (methodical) talent flourished, and the first printed works appeared. After graduating from the institute, he, as an advanced teacher, was invited to work as an inspector of the city Department of Public Education, where he led the process of transitioning secondary schools to 11-year education.

    In 1962, he entered the graduate school of the Research Institute of Evening Schools of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, which he completed ahead of schedule and in 1964 he defended the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

    After that, G.K. Selevko comes to teaching, working simultaneously at the school and at the Yaroslavl Pedagogical Institute. Here he goes from teacher to dean of the faculty.

    In 1967 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

    The work on training new cadres of teachers G.K. Selevko combined with the work to improve the skills of teachers in the city and region.

    In 1974 G.K. Selevko is awarded the badge "Excellence in Public Education".

    In 1985, he was invited to create the Department of Pedagogy at the Yaroslavl Regional Institute for Advanced Studies. Working as the head of the department, associate professor G.K. Selevko brought a lot of new things to the activity of this institution. For 10 years, at the department headed by him, personnel were raised to open new departments. In 1989 he was awarded the academic title of professor for his successful scientific and pedagogical activity. Being a supporter of progressive pedagogical innovations, he is the initiator of the creation in 1990 of the faculty of social pedagogy in the Yaroslavl IPK.

    For active work in the preparation of teaching staff G.K. Selevko was awarded the medal. K.D. Ushinsky.

    In his research, G.K. Selevko consistently develops a technological approach in education. Within the framework of this approach, he developed original concepts: self-education of schoolchildren, content of work class teacher, humane-student-oriented approach to students, conceptual social educator, the concept of working with difficult children, as well as innovative educational technology - the technology of self-development and self-improvement of the personality of students, the basis of which is the paradigm of self-development. Of particular importance was the use and development at the technological level of the ideas of Academician A.A. Ukhtomsky about the education of the dominant self-improvement of the child's personality.

    The outpost of the practical development of technology has become its experimental base, which includes more than 150 experimental sites in Russian Federation and near abroad.

    In 2000 G.K. Selevko is awarded a medal for the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class.

    But the main business of G.K. Selevko is the Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies, published in two volumes in 2006 by the Narodnoye obrazovanie publishing house. The author's work on generalization and integration pedagogical technologies, conceptual and methodical analysis made it possible to reveal the essence of modern pedagogical ideas and patterns that are reflected in specific technologies, understand the potential pedagogical management the educational process and the development of students and implement them in the practice of teaching.

    The book is a teaching aid of a new generation. About 500 teaching technologies, educational and socio-educational technologies are presented; in a separate chapter, pedagogical technologies are highlighted based on the use of modern information tools
    In each of the technologies, a scientific and conceptual basis is clearly traced, the essence and features of the content and methods used are outlined, and the material necessary for mastering is given. The characteristics of technologies are provided with examples of their historical and genetic prototypes (heading "Forerunners, varieties, followers"). The manual also includes control questions for the content of the chapters and answers to them.
    The book orients the reader in the world of educational technologies of the present and the past, and presents some technologies of the future. It is intended for a wide range of educators, teachers and students of pedagogical, psychological and socio-pedagogical specialties.

    The structure of the child's personality traits.
    The goal of all educational institutions society - to form a person, endow him with a certain set of qualities that would allow him to exist safely in modern world to be protected from the vicissitudes of fate. To do this, the teacher must first of all have an idea about the object of education - the personality of the child. Currently, several generalized personality models are used in the practice of educational institutions (according to K.K. Platonov, I.P. Ivanov, D. Cattell, E. Fromm, Z. Freud, etc.).

    Model of personality traits structure according to K.K. Platonov
    Figure 2 shows a model of the structure of personality traits, which is based on the one developed by the Russian psychologist K.K. Platonic classification.

    Personal qualities combine hereditary (biological) and acquired during life (social) components. According to their correlation in the personality structure of K.K. Platonov divided all qualities into four hierarchical levels-substructures.
    1) The level of temperament includes qualities that are most determined by heredity; they are related to personality nervous system a person (features of needs and instincts, gender, age, national and some other personality traits).
    2) Feature level mental processes form the qualities that characterize individual character sensations, perception, imagination, attention, memory, thinking, feelings, will. Thinking logical operations(associations, comparisons, abstraction, induction, deduction, etc.), called methods mental actions(COURT), play huge role in the process of studying.
    3) The level of experience of the individual. This includes qualities such as knowledge, skills, habits. They distinguish those that are formed in the process of studying school academic disciplines- ZUNs, and vehicles that are acquired in labor, practical activities - SDP (effective-practical sphere).

    Table of contents
    Preface to the first volume
    Introduction: Technological Approach in Education
    I. Basic psychological and pedagogical concepts of educational technologies
    1.1. The main categories and patterns of pedagogy
    1.2. The personality of the child as an object and subject in educational technology
    1.3. Knowledge, skills, skills (KN)
    1.4. Ways of mental action (COURT)
    1.5. Self-governing mechanisms of personality (SMS)
    1.6. The area of ​​aesthetic and moral qualities personality (SEN)
    1.7. Effective-Practical Sphere of Personality (SPD)
    1.8. Sphere creative qualities(STK)
    1.9. Sphere of Psychophysiological Development (SPFR)
    1.10. Age and individual characteristics personalities

    II. Theoretical Foundations modern educational and pedagogical technologies
    2.1. Modern interpretations concepts of pedagogical technology
    2.2. The structure of pedagogical technology
    2.3. Terminological relationships
    2.4. The main qualities of modern pedagogical technologies
    2.5. Scientific Foundations pedagogical technologies
    2.6. Classification of pedagogical technologies
    2.7. Description, analysis and examination of pedagogical technology
    Questions and tasks for self-control
    I II. Contemporary traditional education(THEN)
    3.1. Classical traditional class-lesson teaching technology
    3.2. Technology of classical and modern lesson
    3.3. Ways to improve traditional technology
    Questions and tasks for self-control
    IV. Pedagogical technologies based on the humane-personal orientation of the pedagogical process
    4.1. Cooperation Pedagogy
    4.2. Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvili
    4.3. E.N. system Ilyina: teaching literature as a subject that forms a person
    4.4. Vitagenic education technology (A.S. Belkin)
    Questions and tasks for self-control
    V. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities ( active methods training)
    5.1. Gaming technologies
    5.2. Problem learning
    5.3. Technology of modern project-based learning
    5.4. Interactive technologies.
    5.5. Technology communicative learning foreign culture (E.I. Passov)
    5.6. Learning Intensification Technology Based on Schematic and Sign Models educational material(V.F. Shatalov)
    Questions and tasks for self-control
    VI. Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process
    6.1. Programmed learning technology
    6.2. Technologies of level differentiation
    6.3. Technology differentiated learning on the interests of children (I.N. Zakatova)
    6.4. Technologies of individualization of education (I.E. Unt, A.S. Grapitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov)
    6.5. Collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)
    6.6. Group activity technologies
    6.7. Technology S.N. Lysenkova: prospective-anticipatory learning using reference circuits under commented control
    Questions and tasks for self-control
    VII. Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of the material
    7.1. "Ecology and Dialectics" (L.V. Tarasov)
    7.2. "Dialogue of Cultures" (B.S. Bibler, S.Yu. Kurganov)
    7.3. Consolidation of didactic units - UDE (P.M. Erdniev)
    7.4. Implementation of the theory of gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina, M.B. Volovich)
    7.5. Technology modular learning(P.I. Tretyakov, I.B. Seinovsky, M.A. Choshanov)
    7.6. Technologies of integration in education
    7.7. Models of content integration in academic disciplines
    7.8. Concentrated Learning Technologies
    7.9. Didactic multidimensional technology V.E. Steinberg
    Questions and tasks for self-control
    VIII. Private subject pedagogical technologies
    8.1. technology early and intensive training literacy (N.A. Zaitsev)
    8.2. Technology for improving general educational skills in elementary school
    8.3. Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin)
    8.4. Pedagogical technology based on the system effective lessons(A.A. Okunev)
    8.5. The system of phased education in physics (N.N. Paltyshev)
    8.6. Technology musical education schoolchildren D.B. Kabalevsky
    8.7. Teaching technologies visual arts at school
    8.8. Author's pedagogical technologies "Teachers of the Year of Russia"
    8. 9. Technologies of textbooks and teaching kits
    Questions and tasks for self-control
    IX. Alternative technologies
    9.1. Technology of productive education (Productive Learning)
    9. 2. Technology of probabilistic education (A.M. Lobok)
    9.3. Workshop technology.
    9.4. Technology of heuristic education (A.V. Khutorskoy)
    Questions and tasks for self-control
    X. Environmentally friendly technologies
    10.1. Technology physical education, savings and health promotion
    10.2. Nature-friendly technologies for teaching reading and writing (A.M. Kushnir)
    10.3. Nature-friendly learning technology foreign language A.M. Kushnira
    10.4. Technology of teaching children with signs of giftedness
    Questions and tasks for self-control
    XI. Technologies of free education
    11.1. Technology free school Summerhill (A. Neill)
    11.2. Pedagogy of freedom L.N. Tolstoy
    11.3. Waldorf pedagogy(R. Steiner)
    11.4. Technology of self-development (M. Moptessori)
    11.5. Dalton Plan Technology (X. Parkhurst)
    11.6. Technology of free labor (S. Frenet)
    11.7. Narc School (M.A. Balaban)
    11.8. A holistic model of a free school by T.P. Voitenko
    Questions and tasks for self-control
    Answers to questions and tasks for self-control
    Subject index
    Name index.