Learn gestures. Deaf and dumb language and gestures: how to learn

New in 2015 - the release of a CD for teaching Russian Sign Language "Let's get acquainted!". These are specially designed videos for hearing people who want to learn about the culture and language of the deaf.

The course was developed by experts Center for the Education of the Deaf and Sign Language named after Zaitseva.

brief information about the deaf and hard of hearing.
- 100 most used gestures
- Video clips about the rules of communication with the deaf.
- Common phrases/dialogues used in communication.

The release of the disc was made possible thanks to the VOG project “Let's Preserve and Learn the Diversity of Russian Sign Language”, financial support partially provided by the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

Chapter IT IS IMPORTANT contains gestures:

Chapter QUESTIONS contains gestures:

Chapter WHO WHAT contains gestures:

Chapter WHAT DO WE DO? contains gestures:

Chapter HOW - WHAT? contains gestures:

Chapter WHEN? contains gestures:

Chapter DACTYLOLOGY contains designations of letters of the Russian alphabet.

Chapter NUMERALS contains numbers.

Chapter LET'S TALK
I love you.
What is your name?
How old are you?
Do you study or work?
Where do you work?
I need a job.
I live in Russia.
Give me your address.
Send me an e-mail.
I will send you an SMS.
Let's go for a walk.
It's dangerous to ride a bike here.
Do you have a car?
I have a driver's license.
Do you want tea or coffee?
Be careful, the milk is hot.
I have a deaf son.
this one good Kindergarten for deaf children.
Do you have deaf teachers?
Parents of deaf children should know sign language.
My daughter is hard of hearing, she has a hearing aid, and she does not need a cochlear implant!
Good translators are needed everywhere.
I want to watch movies with subtitles.
There are many talented deaf artists and actors in Russia.
I need a translator.
Should you call a doctor?
Do you want to drink?
I like kids.
Let's play.

Chapter IT IS NECESSARY contains phrases in sign language:
I am deaf.
I am deaf.
I can not hear.
I know some gestures.
Do you know sign language? – I don’t know gestures very well, but I know fingerprinting.
Can I help you?
Do you need an interpreter?
Where do you live?
Where are you from?
Where is the bus-stop?
Metro station is close.
I'm thirsty.
Where is the toilet?

AT this section given the rules of communication with deaf people and simple dialogues in sign language.


Rules for communicating with people with hearing impairments:
- look into the face of the interlocutor, do not turn away during the conversation.
- do not raise your voice, but articulate clearly.
- use the services of a sign language interpreter.
- communicate information in writing by any means.

The main ways to attract the attention of the deaf and hard of hearing:
- a pat on the shoulder.
- hand waving.
- knock on the table.

The disc also contains the brochure "What you wanted to know about the deaf", issued by the Central Board of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf to International Day of the Deaf. It briefly outlines general information about deaf people and principles of communication with them. The brochure is written primarily in a question-and-answer format, so it is very easy to read.

There are many languages ​​in the world, but special place among them is gestural. In order to communicate with deaf and dumb people, in the 18th century the first sign language was developed, called Amslen. Subsequently, closer to the 20th century, it had many branches and interpretations. In the middle of the 20th century, an international sign speech, Gestuno, was developed to standardize the language of the deaf and dumb, which is still relevant. It is mainly based on the gestures that the speaker shows with his hands, with the help of facial expressions and due to various turns of the body.

In our country, Gestuno is not popular. If in European countries there are 300 sign language interpreters per hundred deaf and dumb people, then we have only 3. In 2012, the draft law “On social protection Disabled Persons”, amendments have been introduced regarding sign language. The language received official status, special educational institutions for the training and retraining of interested people, teachers, disabled people. This had a positive effect on the percentage of those wishing to teach Zhestuno.

  • Local deaf communities provide special free classes which anyone can sign up for. In a few months, you will learn the basic aspects of Gestuno and, of course, try out the acquired knowledge in practice.
  • Educational sites - institutes and colleges, often include the subject of "sign language" in their programs. To a greater extent, this applies to social and linguistic specialties. So if you are still a student or planning to become one, then you have the opportunity to get acquainted with this subject for free.
  • In the event that you cannot find free courses, there are specialized paid classes based on research institutes, methodical centers, specialized schools for the deaf.

The structure of learning the language of the deaf and dumb

Let's take a closer look at what these special courses are and what you will receive at the end of the training.

Note that there are 3 levels of mastering Gestuno, which include the following skills:

  • Level 1 - basic course for beginners, which analyze the basic lexical norms and practice live communication.
  • Level 2 is a course for those who are already familiar with the base. It is designed for an initial acquaintance with the skills of translation from Gestuno.
  • Level 3 - includes the improvement of linguistic skills and in-depth training in simultaneous and consecutive translation.

Education at the levels lasts 3 months and consists of 44-50 academic teaching hours. At the end of the course, you will receive a special certificate, which will indicate your level. But do not equate this piece of paper with the testimony of a sign language interpreter. To obtain such a crust, you will need to go through a special commission. You can try your hand at this after level 2.

How to learn a deaf and dumb language yourself

In addition to the methods listed above, you can learn deaf and dumb gestures yourself using the following resources:

  • On the Internet, you will find websites that will help you learn the language of the deaf. The most popular of them is the "City of gestures". Also a lot useful information you will find in social networks, in specialized groups according to Zhestuno. In them you will work as theoretical part, and the practical component with like-minded people.
  • Since progress does not stand still, for mobile devices were created special applications, which are alphabets and textbooks on sign language. Download the app to your phone and free time learn or repeat the information you need.
  • Books - universal option to gain knowledge in this area. However, this method is only suitable for those who are patient and willing to invest extra effort into learning. This is due to the fact that there will not be a teacher nearby who can clearly explain everything to you, and, therefore, you will need more time to analyze the material.
  • Video lessons are a way to learn sign language close to special courses, but with the caveat that no one will correct you in case of mistakes. The main advantage of videos is the variety and clear, visual explanation of the material.

How to start learning sign language on your own

Before we figure out where to start, we note the following feature:

Gestuno is confused with the dactyling of letters, i.e., the image of individual letters with hands. Dactylology differs from the gestures of the deaf and dumb in that it is used to say proper names: cities, names of people, geographical names, etc., or to say a word for which a special gesture has not yet been invented. So keep that in mind when you get started.

So, choosing one of the options for self-study, find informational resources and choose the ones that are clear and interesting.

  • To become fluent in sign language, you must first learn the alphabet. Once you feel confident in your fingertip skills, move on to learning non-verbal language gestures. Build your lesson plan based on the difficulty levels described above. So, gradually you will be able to learn the language perfectly.

Do not forget that effective and fast way to learn a language is to communicate in it. So, even if you are studying alone, you still need to find yourself an interlocutor. So you can learn how to express thoughts correctly and understand what a like-minded person is thinking.

Learning Gestuno on your own is difficult, but after a while you will achieve visible results. The main thing is not to abandon training and reinforce theoretical knowledge practice. Sign language is not more difficult than a foreign language, so gain strength, patience and soon get the desired result.

How to communicate with a person in the language of the deaf?

sign language

First, one of the major misconceptions about sign languages ​​is that they are dependent on or derived from spoken languages ​​(sound and written) and that these languages ​​were invented by hearers. This is not true. Secondly, often sign languages dactyling of letters is accepted - that is, when the letters are “depicted” by hands.

The difference between dactylology and sign language, which the deaf communicate with each other, is that dactylology is used mainly for pronouncing proper names, geographical names or specific terms, that is, each word is “showed” by hand letter by letter. At the same time, sign signs represent whole words, and in total there are more than 2000 gestures in the dictionary of the deaf and dumb. Show some of them will not be difficult.

For example:

Learn more about sign language famous book G. L. Zaitseva “Sign speech. Dactylology".

It is easier to get acquainted with the basics of dactylology - there is a well-established alphabet, and by spelling the word with gestures, you can communicate with a deaf person. There are 33 dactyl signs in Russian dactylology, each of which corresponds to the outline of the corresponding letter.

Russian dactyl alphabet from the site deafnet.ru:

Photo by: deafnet.ru

Note that a deaf or hard of hearing person is likely to understand exactly what you want to say to him without sign language, because for the most part they read lips very well.

The problem of communication of hearing impaired people has been known to mankind for a long time. And this language also had its revolutions, ups and downs.

  • In the 18th century, there was the Amsel. His weakness was that he was constantly changing. Acquired many "dialects". People hardly understood each other.
  • By the middle of the last century, there was a need for an international language for the hearing impaired. He appeared. They called him a gesture. It includes hand gestures, body turns and facial expressions.

Language for the deaf and dumb and its types

It is important to distinguish the language of the hearing impaired from fingerprinting. The latter is the image of individual letters by hand. It is used for proper names, city names and specific words not yet included in the unified language.

Where can I go to learn the language of the deaf and dumb?

From the previous section it is clear: on the one hand, there is a fantastic need for sign language interpreters, on the other hand, no one is particularly eager for this profession. To answer the question why is too long and not too pleasant, so we immediately move on to the practical part - where to turn? The options are as follows.

  • Groups and communities of the hard of hearing and deaf and dumb. The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves. Russian realities make many people feel like Barons Munchausen. Of course, this kind of service is free.
  • Educational institutions of both higher and middle levels. Available social workers and linguists - free of charge.
  • If suddenly the sufferers did not find free courses, that is, paid. They are provided by research and methodical centers and special schools for the hearing impaired and the deaf.

When you do not want to pay money (after all, this is not the most profitable investment), but there is a need for knowledge, then you should not despair. You need to turn to the great and mighty Internet, and he will tell you how to be.

How to learn the language of the deaf and dumb on your own?

In general, real education is self-education. The world is fast, highly efficient, so there is often no time to get systemic education when a person needs specific skills. Consider options to learn a language for the deaf and dumb on your own.

  • Sites. The Internet, as always, helps out. Great amount groups, communities that will help a person in the theoretical and practical development of the language.
  • Applications for phones. These are textbooks that do not take up much space and that can be opened at any time convenient for a person.
  • Books. In spite of technical progress and newfangled novelties, books are still popular among the population. What can I say, books and dogs are best friends person. But books are not for lazy people. They need to be dealt with seriously and thoughtfully.
  • Educational video. Plus, visibility. Minus - there is no mentor nearby who will help if something is wrong.

To understand whether a person speaks a language well or badly, practice is needed. Therefore, once the basics are mastered, it is necessary to find a community where you can test yourself. And don't be afraid. If a person is hard of hearing, then he will be welcome. If he does not have hearing problems, then he will be doubly welcome, because sign language interpreters are sorely lacking.

How to master the language of the deaf and dumb and understand your level of language proficiency?

Everyone who is getting a new education wants to know at what stage of development of his skills he is. There are three levels of proficiency in the language of the deaf.

  • You understand lexical norms and are able to support communication - the first step.
  • A beginner translator from the Gestuno language - the second step.
  • Advanced Gestuno Translator - Third Degree.

Studying the language on your own, you can not understand your level. Only in specialized courses can a teacher assess a person's abilities. It takes 3 months to master each level and from 45 to 50 hours of classes - an academic hour. After completing the course, you can try to qualify as a sign language interpreter. To do this, you need to go through a special commission. The opportunity is available to people of the second stage of education.

The protagonist of the series "Lie to me" uncontrolled movements human face could generally tell the whole story for his opponent. However, this skill, although called the ability to read the language of the dumb and their gestures, does not contribute to communication and two-way transmission of information. In other words, mute language and gestures, of course, exist and allow reading certain information, but they do not create a dialogue.

Another thing is sign language. This is whole system gestural communication of people with handicapped, where each gesture corresponds to a certain word.

Silent language, gestures: how did sign languages ​​and sign speech arise?

sign language- these are not the gesticulations that we use to, for example, explain ourselves to a seller in a market in a foreign country. Oddly enough, sign language is the brainchild of people with hearing and voice. She, in varying degrees, poor or rich, was created in order to be able to communicate silently. Whenever possible, deaf and dumb people borrowed the dumb language, gestures, developing and enriching them.

However, it should be noted that the number of people with hearing or speech defects is actually small. According to some data, there are approximately 0.4% of completely deaf people worldwide. total strength of the population, and those who constantly use sign language on our planet are about 1.5%. Thus, all sign languages ​​are quite long time had a very narrow distribution. Their functionally developed and lexically rich variants did not go beyond the circle of communication of a person with a hearing or speech impairment. In fact, these languages ​​could be compared with a cipher, which was invented and known only narrow circle of people.

An exception to this rule only the Urubu tribe in the northeast of Brazil can be considered, in which about one in 75 is born deaf. Thus, due to large numbers people with a hearing impairment, the whole tribe is familiar with the sign language, which in this tribe is the same for everyone.

The emergence of a common large territories sign language began only in mid-eighteenth century, when the first educational centers for children with hearing impairment appeared in France and Germany. The aim of the deaf teachers was to teach writing corresponding (French or German) language. And as a language of mute and sign language for teaching, natural sign languages ​​that arose in the national communities of the deaf were used. It was on their basis that they began to artificially create a gestural interpretation of German and French. Thus, sign languages ​​can be considered largely artificially created.

Teaching mute language and sign communication

The training centers in France and Germany were the first, and therefore it was their graduates who were invited to other countries to create similar schools and develop deaf education. Thus, the spread of sign languages ​​took place. A graduate of the French center, the deaf teacher Laurent Clerc, arrived at the end of the same 18th century at the request of American city Gallaudet to establish the first school for the deaf in the United States. And it is ideas and sign language french school later practiced in the United States. Great Britain limited itself to adopting the methods of deaf pedagogy, and not the language itself. As a result American English deaf is close to "deaf French", not to English. To put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with the latter.

In Russia, everything turned out to be somewhat more complicated. The first school, which taught the language of the dumb and gestures, opened in 1806 in Pavlovsk. It was focused on the experience of French teachers and, accordingly, adopted French sign language.

However, half a century later - in 1860 - an audiology school was opened in Moscow, based on German methodology. Russian deaf education is still reaping the fruits of the struggle between these two schools.

Creation Soviet Union led to the fact that emerged in the XIX century. Russian sign language was distributed centrally on the territory of all republics. As a result, it is he who now prevails throughout the entire post-Soviet space.

Sign languages ​​are not a tracing-paper of verbal ones. When we say that American sign language is close to French sign language, we only mean that it was French sign culture that gave rise to American sign language. Both languages ​​have nothing in common with French verbal.

For quite a long time, the structure and history of sign languages ​​was not studied by anyone. However, in the second half of the XX century. several scientists from different countries proved that sign languages ​​are complete linguistic systems with their morphological and syntactic features.

Sign Communication: Gestuno Language and Dactyl Sign Alphabet

The Gestuno language (Gestuno) is the name of the international sign language. Despite the fact that sign communication developed according to its own laws, the problem of an international language faced deaf people in the same way as it did before hearing people. In 1951, the World Federation of the Deaf was formed. And the participants of the First World Congress of the Deaf decided to standardize the language of communication in international events– create a kind of gestural Esperanto.

We were looking for common or similar gestures to denote the same things among deaf people from different countries. For almost a quarter of a century, created international language gestures. The first dictionary of simplified sign language was released in 1973, and in 1975 in Washington, at the VII World Congress on Deafness, international sign speech was finally adopted and approved.

However, the Gestuno language has whole line significant shortcomings: none of the published dictionaries described the grammatical system of the language, did not disclose the use of gestures in the context, did not explain the artificial principles of education new vocabulary. The vocabulary of the dictionary was completely based on only four sign languages: British, American, Italian and Russian. Gestures from African, Asian and South American national sign languages ​​were not included. At the same time, there is another international system gestural communication - informal and emergent naturally as a result of communication of deaf people from different countries of the world.

Separately, it should be said about the designation of letters of the alphabet with gestures. This is the so-called dactyl alphabet, used to indicate common nouns, foreign borrowings, scientific terms, short compounds, prepositions, interjections, etc., that is, words that do not have their own sign representation. It is impossible to say that dactyl is a sign language. It's just a gesture alphabet. Moreover, this alphabet also differs in different sign languages.