What is not in space is a mystery. Space and its mysteries

The secret world is holding on.


If You love to look at the starry sky, If it attracts You with its harmony and strikes You with immensity, —

It means that it beats in your chest living heart, and it will be able to resonate with the innermost words about the life of the Cosmos.

Listen to what the first legend says about infinity, eternity and the rhythm of the Great Existence of the Universe.

Since time immemorial, people have looked at the starry sky, reverently admired the twinkling of countless worlds. The greatness of the Cosmos amazed man from the very beginning of his presence on earth. Especially in the loneliness of the boundless desert or among the heaps of gigantic mountains, a person involuntarily plunged into thoughts about the immensity of the Universe, about the infinity outer space.

The human mind was amazed at this infinity. But he also could not imagine the Cosmos as ultimate. Assuming that there is somewhere a limit of space, we also admit the question: what is beyond this limit? If not space, then what? And every time the mind of a person is forced to admit - the Cosmos cannot have limits, outer space extends in all directions without limit ...

But the human mind, which is very limited, is also unable to fully comprehend the infinity. And so the Cosmic Infinity remains an incomprehensible strange concept, before which the mind of a person goes dumb ...

The thought of the infinity of the Cosmos in space involuntarily evoked the thought of its eternity in time. Thus arose the oldest of the ancient questions: was there ever a beginning of the universe? Will it end? Or does it all exist from eternity? And people went to the deserts, retired to the mountains - they became hermits, so that no one would prevent them from concentrating on reflections on the fundamental issues of Being. And they thought, thought, thought...

And so the cosmic mysteries began to gradually unfold before them. The tense, concentrated, constant mindset of those who have given up comfort ordinary life for the sake of knowing the secrets of the Cosmos, attracted spatial thought - they began to hear the Voice of Silence: “There was a time when there was nothing!” This time is narrated in the hymns of the Rig-Veda, one of the oldest monuments of world literature. Here is an excerpt from one of those hymns:

"Nothing existed: not clear sky nor the greatness of the vault, stretched over the Earth.

What covered everything? What protected? What was hiding? Was it the bottomless depths of the waters?

There was no death and there was no immortality. There were no boundaries between day and night.

Only the One in his breath without sighs, and nothing else had existence.

Darkness reigned, and everything was hidden from the beginning in the depths of darkness - the Lightless Ocean.

A passage from an even older Book of Dzyan speaks of the same:

"There was nothing…

A single Darkness filled the Infinite Everything… There was no time, it rested in the Infinite Bowels of Duration.

There was no Universal Mind, because there were no Beings to contain It…

There was no Silence, no Sound, nothing but the Indestructible Eternal Breath, unaware of itself... Only the One Form of Existence, boundless, endless, causeless, stretched, resting in a Dreamless Dream; Unconscious life pulsated in the Universal Space…”

These fragments of the most ancient imprinted human thought speak of a time when the Cosmos did not yet exist, when "nothing existed." So, once there was a beginning of the universe. And if there was a beginning, then there must be an end. For everything that is born must die. If there was a time when the Cosmos was not, then the hour will come when it will not be again.

And the legends say that the Cosmos is born into existence, there is a certain limited time and then dissolves back into nothingness.

In legends ancient india the period of existence of the Cosmos is called the "Age of Brahma" or the "Great Manvantara". To express the duration of this period in our calculation, 15 digits are required. And although the Cosmos exists for such an unimaginably long time that it seems endless, yet this time is limited - our Universe is not eternal.

The “Great Eternity of Non-Being”, called “Maha (great) Pralaya”, that is, the universal dissolution, continues for the same amount. Then the Universe resurrects again to a new Cosmic Life, to a new Age of Brahma. Thus continues, without beginning or end, the alternation of the great periods of Life and Death of Cosmos.

In the changing cycles of Existence and Non-existence — the Universe is eternal! It is periodic in the incessant appearance and disappearance of the Worlds — and is eternal in general. The number of Manvantaras is infinite - there has never been a first Manvantara, just as there will never be a last one.

The Great Cosmos manifests itself into life and dissolves into non-existence in exactly the same way as a microcosm, a man, is born and dies. The analogy here is complete. It spreads further. Just as a person experiences a “little death” every night, falling asleep in the evening and waking up in the morning, so there is a “Night” of the Universe, when only everything living dies, and the whole world does not disappear, but remains in a sleeping state. On "Morning" everything comes to life again. This repetition of periods of sleep and wakefulness in Cosmos can be compared to the change of winter and summer in Nature.

In the terminology of ancient Hindu philosophy, the period space activities The Universe, when the Cosmos is “awake”, when everything that exists is alive, is called the “Day of Brahma” or the Small Manvantara. And the time when the Cosmos “sleeps”, when everything in the Universe “rests”, is called the “Night of Brahma” or Lesser Pralaya. It is said that the duration of the Day of Brahma is more than four billion years;

Three hundred and sixty Days and Nights of Brahma constitute one Year of Brahma, and one hundred years of Brahma is the Age of Brahma already known to us. Such is the calculation of the Cosmic calendar!

The alternation of activity and passivity in the Cosmos is reflected in the periodicity of all manifestations of Nature. In everything one can distinguish between Manvantaras and Pralayas. From the smallest manifestations to the change of Worlds one can see this majestic law. It acts in the beating of the heart and in the rhythm of the breath; sleep and wakefulness, the cycle of day and night are subject to it, as well as the phases of the moon and the alternation of the seasons. Birth, life and death of all living things repeat forever. Nature, like the whole Cosmos, manifests itself in endless change, in eternal rhythm. Man and his planet Earth, solar system. The Universe as a whole — everything in the Cosmos has its periods of activity and rest, life and death.

Among the Milky Way of stars, the birth and death of worlds eternally follow one after another in a regular sequence in the solemn procession of the Cosmic Law.

This is how the legend about the First Mystery of the Cosmos narrates - about the great cosmic rhythm of Existence and Non-Existence.

Mystery two


You have learned the secret of the great Cosmic Rhythm. You now know about the eternal change of the Cycles of the Universe.

You want to know more:

What determines the duration of these periods?

What gives impetus to the repeated births of the Cosmos from Non-Being?

Hear what the legend has to say about it.

In the ancient Hindu book "Vishnu Purana" there is such a place:

"There was no day, no night, no earth, no darkness, no light, nothing but the One, incomprehensible to the mind, or That which is Parabrahman."

Let us also recall the fragments from the first legend, which speak of "One in his breath without a sigh" and of "Indestructible Eternal Breath, unaware of itself."

These passages say that during the Maha Pralaya, when everything that exists has dissolved into Non-Being, there still remains something Imperishable.

This is the Great Cosmic Principle, the causeless Cause of Existence, which, after Maha Pralaya, will cause a new manifestation of the Universe. As well as after the extinction of the flame and its dissolution in non-existence, the “principle of fire” will remain, which makes possible its re-manifestation and calls it into being.

This great divine principle or law is given a name in the legends: "Parabraman" - That which lies beyond Brahman, which is on the other side of Brahman - Cosmos.

This One and Infinite Beginning exists from Eternity, being either passive or active in a regular and harmonious sequence. At the beginning of the period of activity, the spread of this Divine Beginning takes place - and the visible world is end result long chain space forces set in motion in succession. Likewise, when a return to a passive state occurs, the activity of the Divine Beginning decreases, and the former creation gradually and consistently dissolves. In another ancient book it says this:

“The exhalation of the Unknowable Beginning gives birth to the world, and the inhalation makes it disappear. This process goes on forever, and our universe is just one of an endless series that has neither beginning nor end.

This majestic Cause of all that exists, according to the legends of antiquity, relied on the basis of the entire universe. All ancient peoples worshiped this One Divine Beginning under different names corresponding to each nation, each country.

Here is how one of the hymns to the Absolute - Parabraman praises this great concept:

“You are One, the beginning of all numbers and the basis of all constructions.

You are One, and in the mystery of Your Unity the wisest of people are lost, for they do not know it.

You are One, and Your Oneness is never diminished and never expanded and cannot be changed.

You are One, but not as an element of calculation, for Your Oneness does not allow multiplication, change or form.

You exist, but in Yourself alone, for no one else can exist with You.

You exist before all time and beyond any place.

You exist and Your existence is so deep and secret that no one can penetrate Your Secret and reveal it.

You are alive, but outside of time that can be set or known.

You live, but not by the power of the spirit or soul, for You are the very Soul of all Souls!”

In all legends and hymns, this Omnipresent, Eternal, Infinite, and Immutable Principle is said to exceed the power of human understanding. It can only be diminished by human expressions and comparisons.

Therefore, it is believed that no reasoning about it is possible. So Socrates invariably refused to discuss the mystery of the World Essence. The Absolute is Infinity, therefore any judgments about It will inevitably be only its limitations. The greatness and beauty of Infinity do not fit into our limited conception, nor in our terms, and must remain within the limits of the Inexpressible. Therefore, the Unknowable Cause of the Cosmos remains the Greatest Mystery,

forever incomprehensible. We can only comprehend various aspects and manifestations of this Absolute, this eternally invisible Soul of the Cosmos.

In all legends, Parabrahman, or the Absolute, is a purely philosophical concept - a principle, law or beginning, on which the Existence and Non-Being of the Cosmos is based. But the ministers of religion personified this philosophical concept, remaking it into the idea of ​​"One God", "Creator of Earth and Sky". By such derogation, this great concept was reduced to a god-personality, to the "Lord of the Universe." This personal god has already a certain character: he is angry, punishes and rewards. But he can also be appeased, especially if certain sacrifices are made to his servants... Yes, ancient legends do not know such a "god".

This is how the legend about the Second Mystery of the Cosmos narrates - about the Eternal and Unchanging Divine Beginning of the Universe.

Mystery three


You already have the concept of Parabrahman.

You know what gives impetus to the beginning of each new Manvantara.

But how is the Cosmos born after Maha Pralaya?

Does it arise by itself, without any outside help?

Or someone creates it, builds it?

Hear what the legends have to say about it.

… The Cosmic Night is ending. The eternal and unshakable Law, which produces the alternation of great periods of Activity and Rest of the Universe, gives the impetus for the awakening of the Cosmos to life. The dawn of a new Manvantara is dawning.

How does the Great Origin of Cosmic Life begin? When the hour has struck, from the Unknown and Unknowable Absolute - Parabraman, from the Causeless Cause of everything that exists - the First Cause of the Cosmos, the Great Divine Essence, called the Logos, arises first to Being.

This concept, taken from ancient Greek philosophy, expresses the idea ancient legend: The Logos is the first Word resounding in the Silence. This is the new Sound through which the Universe begins. This is a vibration or movement of the Divine Energy, which is at the same time light, for Light is the movement of Matter. This Light also means the Divine Thought, which gives rise to the further process of creation of the Universe.

Then other Great Beings appear - these are those who have completed their human evolution in the past Manvantara on this or that planet, in this or that solar system - the so-called Planetary Spirits, the Creators of the Worlds. With the beginning of a new Manvantara, these mighty Spirits become the closest co-workers of the Cosmic Logos.

Thus the manifested Logos begins to guide the whole Hierarchy conscious Divine Forces — spiritual intelligent Essences. In this Hierarchy, each Being has a specific task in the construction and management of the Cosmos throughout its existence.

The Hierarchical Beginning is the Cosmic Law, the leading principle in the Cosmos, therefore each Universe, World or Planet has its own Hierarch. There is always a Supreme Spiritual Being who assumes responsibility for the planet for the whole Manvantara and stands at the head of his high Brothers.

Before starting work on its Universe, the Logos creates on the plane of Divine Thought a project of the entire system of the Universe, as it should be from the beginning to its end. He creates on this plane all the "prototypes" of forces and forms, emotions, thoughts and intuitions, and determines how and through what stages each of them should be realized in evolutionary scheme His systems. Thus, before the emergence of the Universe, its entire integrity lies in the Universal Mind of the Logos, exists in Him as an idea - everything that, during the process of construction, pours out into objective life. All these archetypes, being the fruits of previous worlds, serve as seed for the future world.

Among the countless Hierarchy Creative Forces, subordinate to the Logos, there are vast hosts of Builders who create all forms according to these ideas, which are in the treasury of the Logos, the Universal Mind. Thus these Builders create, or rather recreate, all "Systems" after "Night."

The Logos is the "Creator" of the universe in the sense used when the architect is spoken of as the "Creator" of a building, although this architect never touched a single stone of it, but, having drawn a plan, provided all manual work masons.

Ancient cosmogonic tales of the East tell that the Universe after Pralaya is being built very slowly, gradually, over many hundreds of millions of years, and that hosts of intelligent beings are working on the creation of the Cosmos - from great divine Architects to ordinary masons.

Who can calculate how many eons it took to shape our tiny Earth alone? Won't this "creation" stretch for hundreds of millions of years just for our planet?

Thus narrates the legend about the Third Mystery of the Cosmos, about the great Hierarchy of the Creative Forces of the Universe.

Mystery Four


You already know that the creation of the Cosmos begins with the dawn of Manvantara.

You already know that the Universe is built according to the plan of the Logos.

You even learned something about the Hierarchy of the Cosmic Builders.

And now listen to what the legend says about the Cosmic Matter from which the Worlds are created.

With the dawn of a new Manvantara begins the first of the three great stages of the deeds of the Logos and the Hierarchy of Builders led by him. This is the creation of materials from which the Universe will then be built.

The primary material or "raw material" for Cosmic Matter is the Precosmic Substance - unmanifested virgin matter. In Eastern legends, it is called Mula-Prakriti, which means the Root of Matter. Mula Prakriti, being an aspect of Parabrahman, is eternal and exists even during Pralaya. This "dissolved" matter is an unimaginably rarefied substance. All types of Cosmic Matter are created from it — from the finest to the coarsest.

The legends distinguish seven states of Cosmic Matter—seven degrees of its subtlety. Just as steam, water and ice are three states of the same substance of our physical world, there are also seven states of Cosmic spirit-matter. Of these, only the seventh, the lowest, grossest state, is visible to the physical eye: it is the matter of our physical world. The six higher states are invisible and inaccessible to our physical senses.

Each of the seven gradations of Cosmic Matter consists of atoms, different for each gradation. Atoms of the first, most subtle, state of spirit matter are created in the following way. The energy of the Logos (called Fohat in the legends) “drills holes” inside the Precosmic Substance with a whirlwind of unimaginable speed. These whirlwinds of life, clothed in the thinnest shell of the Precosmic Substance, are the primary atoms. These atoms are "voids" in the substance, filled with the energy of the Logos.

Each of the seven states of Cosmic Matter forms its own special Cosmic Sphere, its own special plane or World. Countless myriads of primary atoms and their combinations form the spirit-matter of the highest or first sphere, called the “Divine World”.

Then the Logos builds the atoms of the next, second, sphere around some of the atoms of the first, forming spiral vortices from the grossest combinations of the same sphere. These coarser atoms form the Cosmic Matter of the second sphere, called the "Monadic World". The atoms of all the following states of spirit-matter are created similarly to the atoms of the second sphere.

The legend speaks of these two highest Cosmic Spheres as inaccessible to our understanding, therefore nothing is known about them. Something is known about the next two realms—the third, called the "World of Spirit" or the "World of Nirvana," and the fourth, called the "World of Bliss" or the "World of Intuition."

Much more is known about the fifth and sixth spheres - these are already spheres or plans, accessible to man. The fifth is called the "Fiery World", also the "World of Thought" or the "World of the Mind", and the sixth - the "Subtle World" or the "World of Feelings, Emotions, Desires". The very names of these Worlds show that they are "human". They will be told about in other legends. The last, seventh sphere is our physical world in which we now live. In Cosmogonic legends, it is called "The Dense World".

Each sphere is an area containing spirit-matter, all combinations of which are based on a certain kind atoms. These atoms are homogeneous units, animated by the life of the Logos, hidden under more or less veils, according to the sphere to which they belong.

The possibility of evolution is rooted in the internal forces that are hidden in the spirit-matter of the physical world, as if wrapped in it. The whole process of evolution is nothing but the unfolding of these forces. In fact, the idea of ​​evolution can be summed up in one phrase: it is latent potentialities becoming active forces.

The word "spirit-matter" indicates that there is no such thing as "dead matter" in the world. All matter lives, its finest particles are the essence of life. There is no spirit without matter and no matter without spirit. Both are connected together throughout

neither. Matter is form, and there is no form which is not the expression of life. Spirit is life, and there is no life that is not limited by form. Even the Logos, the Supreme Ruler of Life, manifests itself in the Universe, which serves as a form for Him. And the same thing is repeated everywhere, down to the smallest atom.

After the atoms of each of the seven Cosmic Spheres are built, the Logos creates divisions (“subplanes”) in them, of which there are seven in each sphere. To do this, the atoms are drawn into groups of two, three, four, etc. atoms. The first subdivision of each of the seven spheres consists of simple basic atoms, while all other subdivisions are of combinations of these atoms. Thus, in the physical world, the first subdivision consists of simple atoms; the second is formed from fairly simple combinations of homogeneous atoms - this is the electromagnetic state of physical matter. The third subdivision is formed from more complex combinations of atoms: this is the light state of matter, or "ether". The fourth is even more complex: it is the thermal state of matter, or "fire." The fifth subdivision consists of even more complex ones, considered by chemists as gaseous atoms of chemical elements, which in this subdivision received certain names: this is the gaseous state of matter, or "air". The sixth subdivision is the liquid state of matter, or "water." The seventh is made up of solids is "earth".

The life or consciousness of the Lotus manifests itself as a kind of energy, a kind of vibration; everything is based on vibrations. The Universe consists of vibrations of the flowing Divine Life, they are clothed in the basic forms of matter, from which all diversity develops.

The matter that forms the objective world is an emanation of the Logos, its forces and energies are the currents of His Life. He dwells in every atom, penetrating everything, containing and developing everything. He is the Source and End of the Universe, its Cause and Purpose. He is in everything and everything is in Him.

Thus narrates the legend about the Fourth Mystery of the Cosmos, about the construction of the seven spheres of Cosmic Matter.

Mystery fifth


If You know about the Builders of the Cosmos, if You know about the Materials from which it is built, probably. You'll want to know how solar systems are built.

So listen to the old story.

As in Heaven, so on Earth, the foundation of being pervades all that exists. It is this foundation that helps to understand the Hierarchy of Infinity and the creation of Worlds.

Who will doubt that in every earthly object someone's will is expressed? Without the application of the will, one cannot create an earthly object and set it in motion. So on Earth, it means that it is the same in the Higher World. Both the earthly stronghold of the planet and entire systems of celestial bodies need an impulse of will.

Such a will is especially understandable, but even the average human will can be like an exemplary microcosm. If we take the average human will as one at the highest intensity, then we can calculate the strength of the impulse of the planetary will. You can even rush into countless zeros,

to represent the impulse of the will of the system. Thus the Universe of the Inexpressible is known.

Primordial Cosmic Matter is in space in a rarefied state. Out of this chaotic stellar substance, the will of the Logos and His Co-workers creates the worlds and sets them in motion.

How celestial bodies are conceived, a simple thrush knows about. The mistress who churns butter has already learned the secret of the worlds. But before starting the churning, the hostess sent her thought about it. She also knows that oil cannot be obtained from water. She will say that it is possible to churn butter from milk, thus she already knows about matter containing vital energy. Also, the thrush knows how useful spiral rotation is.

Thus, only from the combination of thought and churning is added payload, then comes the cheese, already with the rudiments of the population. Let's not smile at such a microcosm - the same energy rotates the systems of the worlds; it is only necessary to firmly realize the significance of thought, the significance of the Great Energy. The same energy shines in the heart of every person.

By analogy with obtaining a piece of butter from milk, Cosmogony is also known. The thought-energy of the Logos pierces into the radiant substance and creates a Center of Force around which the Cosmic Matter grows. Thus, the primary differentiation of matter appears in clots and lumps, like curdling in liquid milk. This is how the Logos conceives the worlds, this is how the "Churning of the Cosmic Milky Ocean" takes place.

The worlds are created from the "Star Substance", which folds and spreads in milky white clots in the depths of Space. Energy

The Logos gives the swirling Cosmic Matter an impulse of striving towards form and initial movement. This movement is supported and regulated by the never resting Hierarchs, the Planetary Spirits. The fiery whirlwind of incandescent cosmic dust magnetically follows, like iron filings attracted by a magnet, the guiding thought. Cosmic Matter passes through all six stages of solidification, becomes spheroidal and finally ends, transforming into balls.

Born in the immeasurable depths of Space from homogeneous element, each core of Cosmic Matter begins life under the most hostile circumstances. Over the course of a number of countless centuries, it must win a place for itself in Infinity. It rushes into space and begins to rotate in the depths of the abyss in order to strengthen its homogeneous organism through the accumulation and addition of differentiated elements. So it becomes a comet.

This core rotates between denser and narrower motionless bodies, moving in leaps and rushing towards the point or center that attracts it. Like a ship drawn into a channel dotted with reefs and underwater rocks, it tries to avoid other bodies. Many die, their mass decomposes into stronger masses. Those who move slowly are condemned sooner or later to destruction. Others avoid death by virtue of their speed.

Having reached its target - a suitable place in space - the comet loses its speed and, consequently, its fiery tail. Here the "Fire Dragon" settles down for a calm and organized life as a respected citizen of a star family. Thus, clots (World Substance) first become Wanderers-comets; comets become stars, and stars (centers of rotation) become suns in order to cool down to the level of habitable worlds (planets).

The idea of ​​evolution, similar to Darwin's theory, the idea of ​​the struggle for existence and primacy and "experiencing the strongest" belongs to ancient times. Constant battles between stars and constellations, between moons and planets; "Great Wars in Heaven" in the Puranas; The "Titan Wars" of Hesiod and other classical writers, and even the battles in Scandinavian legends, all refer to Heaven, to astronomical and theogonic battles, and to the adjustment of heavenly bodies. "Struggle for existence" and "experience of the strongest" have reigned supreme since the manifestation of Cosmos in being. Moreover, the ancient ideas about the creation and development of the world and life in the struggle for life are much deeper than Darwin's theory, reveal the processes of development and transformation of species.

Not without a struggle, as the legends say, in our solar system. There is a whole poem describing the primordial battles between developing planets before the final formation of the Cosmos. Here is the content of one of these legends:

“Eight sons were born from the body of the Mother of Space. Eight houses were built by the Mother for eight Divine Sons - four large and four smaller ones. These were eight brilliant Suns according to their age and dignity.

The Lord of the Sun was dissatisfied, although his house was the largest. He began to work, as huge elephants do. He sucked into his womb the vital breaths of his brothers. He tried to devour them.

The four big ones were far away, at the extreme limit of their planetary system. They were unaffected and laughed, “Do whatever you can. Lord, you cannot reach us." But the smaller ones were crying. What could have had a slight effect on Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter would have destroyed such relatively small "mansions" as Mercury, Venus, Mars. They complained to Mother.

She sent the Sun to the center of her kingdom, from where it could not move. Since then, it has only guarded and threatened. It pursues its brothers, slowly turning around itself. The planets are rapidly turning away from the Sun, and from afar it follows the direction in which its brothers are moving along the path surrounding their dwellings.

According to legend, the first concentration of Cosmic Matter began around the central nucleus, its Sun-Father. But our Sun simply separated earlier than all the others, during the compression of the rotating mass, and therefore is their older "brother", but not the "father". The sun and the planets are but uterine brothers having the same nebulous beginning.

Having evolved, as the legend says, from Outer Space, the Sun before final formation of the original ring planetary nebulae, it drew into the depths of its mass all the cosmic vitality of the surrounding space, which it could, threatening to absorb even its weakest "brothers".

According to the legends, all worlds and planets are individual beings. They must fulfill their duties, they have their periods of health and sickness, birth and maturity, decline and death. They are real tight

houses of animating Minds — Planetary Spirits. Each celestial body is a temple of one of the Divine Beings - each star is a sacred Abode. They are also called “Heavenly Snails”, because the incorporeal (for us) Minds, invisibly dwelling in their starry and planetary dwellings, carry them with them, like snails.

This is how the ancient legend tells about the Fifth Tone of Cosmos - about the creation of the Solar Systems.

Mystery six


You already know how the Materials from which the Worlds are built are created.

You have learned how these Worlds are called into Being.

Now let us cast a glance behind the veil that hides the secrets of life in these Worlds.

The process of creation of Cosmic Matter takes place during endless ages. When the evolution of materials has advanced sufficiently, then the second great Cosmic Wave begins to emanate from the Logos. It gives impetus to the evolution of Life.

What is life? This is the energy of the Logos, which from the matter of all seven spheres builds forms for its manifestation. This is the force that connects chemical elements for a while, forming living organisms from them. These forms are built from all sorts of combinations of previously created Cosmic Matter. Countless hosts of Essences called Builders, including the so-called Spirits of Nature, take part in the construction.

Each form exists only as long as the life of the Logos keeps matter in that form. Now for the first time the phenomena of birth and growth, decay and death arise. An organism is born because the Life of the Logos strives to do a certain evolutionary work in it. It grows as this work comes to an end. He shows signs of decline as the Logos slowly draws the Life out of him, for life has grown as far as it was possible in given organism. The latter dies when the Logos extracts all Life from him.

What appears to us as the death of an organism is nothing but the removal of Life from it. For some time this Life will exist outside the lower matter, in conjunction with the superphysical, more subtle. When Life leaves the organism and the latter dies, the experience gained by it through its medium is preserved. This experience in the form of new skills is melted into new creative abilities, which will be revealed during the subsequent efforts of Life to create a new organism.

Although the plant is dying. The life that revived him and prompted him to respond to the influence of his environment does not die.

When a rose withers, we know that nothing is lost from it; every particle of its matter continues to exist, for matter cannot be annihilated. The same happens with Life, which creates a rose from chemical elements. She temporarily retreats, then to re-emerge and build a new rose. The experience that she has gained regarding the rays of the sun, storms and the struggle for existence in the first rose is used by her to build another. new rose will be better adapted to life and to the spread of its species.

In Nature there does not exist what is called death, if by death we mean dissolution in non-existence.

Life withdraws for a time into its superphysical environment, preserving in the form of new creative abilities the results of the experience through which it has passed. Forms that arise and perish one after another are, as it were, doors through which Life either manifests itself or disappears from the stage of evolution. Not a single fraction of experience is lost, just as not a single particle of matter is lost. Moreover, this Life evolves, and its evolution is by means of form. Life is subject to evolution, which means that it gradually becomes more and more complex in its manifestations.

Life as it develops passes through various stages. It forms in succession the seven kingdoms of Nature: first the three elemental, then the mineral, the vegetable, the animal, and finally the human. These seven stages of the evolution of Life, from the first elemental kingdom to the human, are called the "Life Wave." In this way. Life exists not only in the human, animal and vegetable kingdoms, but also in the seemingly dead matter of minerals and in the organisms of invisible matter below the minerals and above man. But humanity is not the last step in the evolution of Life - its development goes further. In the Fiery and Subtle worlds the first three steps of the Life of the Logos are called the Elemental Essence. During a long period of time, called the Chain, it first of all manifests itself in the higher subplanes of the Fiery World and is called the First Elemental Essence. When the end of the Chain comes, it returns to its source. To the Logos, from which it emanates again at the beginning of a new chain to animate the lower subplanes of the Fiery World. At this stage it is called the Second Elemental Essence. And then it begins the work of the second Chain, keeping in itself all the experiences of the first Chain in the form of inclinations and abilities. In the next Chain it becomes the Third Elemental Essence and animates the Matter of the Subtle World.

Combinations of the Matter of the Fiery and Subtle Worlds are aimed at inducing plasticity in the Matter of these worlds, the ability to take on an organized form in order to act as units and gradually develop an ever greater stability in materials that form into certain organisms. Elemental Essence is cast into various forms, which last for a while, after which they disintegrate into their component parts.

Continuing to "descend into matter", the life of the Logos, animating Subtle Matter, then animates Dense (physical) Matter. The first effect of this new animation is the ability of chemical elements to combine with each other in various ways. During the first Great Space Wave hydrogen and oxygen were created by the action of the Logos, but only with the appearance of the second Cosmic Wave can two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom to form water.

Thus, under the influence of the Logos, physical matter arises. Under His guidance, the mineral kingdom is emerging, ready to build a solid earth. The outpoured life of the Logos, having reached the physical world, begins to pull together the ethereal particles and unite them into ethereal forms, within which the vital currents move. These forms include constructions from more dense material, employees

basis for the first minerals. Following the laws of rhythm and beauty, matter begins to crystallize with mathematical precision. The Work of Life takes place through the medium of physical forms according to the Great Plan. In this seemingly motionless matter, the Logos is at work all the time. In minerals, the work of Life is going on, although it is constrained, closed and squeezed.

The first kingdoms of Life — three steps of the Elemental Essence, manifested in the Fiery and Subtle Worlds, are the involution of Life. It descends from the finer spheres of spirit-matter into denser ones. The mineral kingdom is the lowest, turning point. Here Life manifests itself minimally - it is almost imperceptible. From this stage, the evolution of Life begins in the exact sense of the word. After its deepest immersion in the matter of the mineral kingdoms, the Life of the Logos rises into the next great Kingdom of Life - the vegetable. At the beginning of this stage, the substances of the Earth develop new ability become shells of Life that our eyes can see. Chemical elements combine into groups, and among them a new step of Life appears, which builds protoplasm out of them. Under the guidance of the Logos, protoplasm is transformed and becomes, in the course of time, the Plant Kingdom.

When some of the representatives of the mineral kingdom attain a sufficient stability of form, the developing Life begins to work out in the vegetable kingdom a greater plasticity of form, combining this new property of plasticity with the previously acquired stability. Both of these properties are even more harmoniously expressed in the animal kingdom and reach their highest point of balance and harmony in man.

After long experiences, growing and slowly developing during the entire Chain, the vegetable kingdom appears in the next Chain as the animal kingdom. In due time, higher animals capable of individualization stand out from the animal kingdom. When the animal group soul is built and when any animal is ready for individualization, then the operation of Itself, the Monad, begins to create individuality. human soul, created "in the image of God", then begins its evolution, the purpose of which is to reveal the divinity in itself, in its fellow humans and in all the life of nature surrounding it. Life begins to build an individual capable of thinking and loving, capable of self-sacrifice and achievement.

This is how the legend about the Sixth Mystery of the Cosmos narrates - about the steps of unceasing Life.

Our planet, like any other, consists of three worlds. The first of these is the physical part of the planet: our globe. It is called the Dense World. The second world is the "thin" part of the planet: the world of feelings, desires, emotions. This world is called the Subtle world. And the third world is the world of thought: it is called the Fiery World. All three worlds are combined concentrically one in the other, forming complex body planets.

Thus, our planet Earth consists of dense physical matter, permeated with spheres of subtle and fiery matter. All kinds of matter penetrate each other. The thin sphere not only extends over the surface of the Earth for many kilometers, but also penetrates into the earth's layer; in exactly the same way, the sphere of fiery matter permeates both the Subtle World and the dense Earth.

All three spheres of the planet, all three of its Worlds are inhabited. Living in one World do not see other Worlds and do not feel them. But they pass from one World to another - dying in one, they are born in another.

As we already know, seven steps coexist on our planet space life. The three elemental kingdoms living in the Fiery and Subtle Worlds represent the steps of involutionary life. mineral kingdom Dense World is a turning point. And the next kingdoms are the stages of evolving life. The plant kingdom lives in the Solid World: its physical form- in its lower divisions (physical), and by its sensations - in the higher (etheric). The animal kingdom, in addition, with its feelings and desires also participates in the Subtle World.

Finally, humanity, by its thinking, lives, moreover, in the Fiery World—it participates in the life of the three Worlds. What is the highest stage of cosmic life on the planet - humanity? This is a certain number (several tens of billions) of life units, manifested in human forms. These lives go through their evolution through numerous incarnations in the Dense World of the planet. In the intervals between manifestations in the Solid World, they stay in the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. These manifestations are repeated as many times as required for full development consciousness of every human life: from the animal consciousness at the beginning of the path to the divine at the end of it.

When each stage of cosmic life completes its evolution and the time comes for it to pass into the next one, the highest level(and according to the plan of evolution, such a time comes for all steps

simultaneously), then all the stages of life that were on one planet pass to another. This is the cosmic law. This means that when earthly humanity(and other kingdoms with it) will complete current stage development, then all the steps of life will leave the Earth and pass on to the next planet, destined by the plan of the Logos for further evolution. On that other planet, our present humanity will go through the next stage of its development - the superhuman; for lack of another name, let's call it divine. Our present animal kingdom will begin the human stage of evolution, and the vegetable kingdom the animal stage. This also means that those lives that now make up our present humanity, passed their pre-human, i.e. animal, a stage not on Earth, but on another planet. This other planet was the Moon - the Zones before the beginning of the development of the planet Earth.

Mystery seven


Do you know what planet Earth is?

Does anyone really know what humanity is?

And do we know how the life of mankind on this planet actually proceeds?

Let's hear how the legend answers these questions. This will help us understand the legend about the mystery of the birth of the planet Earth.

Our life wave, prior to its entry into our planet Earth, was for many centuries the life preceding the Lunar Evolution. But on the planet Moon the life wave appeared one stage earlier than on the planet Earth. This means that the humanity of the planet Earth was the animal kingdom on the Moon; our present animal kingdom of the Earth Evolution was the vegetable kingdom on the Moon; in the same way, all the other kingdoms of the Lunar Evolution were one step behind the same kingdoms of the Earth Evolution. How did the transition of the life wave from the Moon to the Earth take place? When the moon ended its life

the period when all the stages of cosmic life on the Moon had reached the highest point of their development and were ready to move on to a higher stage, and thereby to another planet - then new center planetary life - the center future earth. The Fiery World of the new planet began to form around this center by transferring it from the Moon. Then the Subtle World was transferred to the Earth. Finally, all the ethereal, gaseous and liquid parts of the Solid World of the Moon also passed to the new planet. It happened in the following way.

The new nebula from which the earth emerged developed around a center that was in approximately the same relation to the dying planet as the centers of the earth and moon are now in. But in the state of nebula, this accumulation of matter occupied a much larger volume than the dense matter of the present Earth. It spread in all directions so far that it enclosed the old planet in its fiery embrace. Temperature new nebula much higher than the known temperatures. Due to this, the surface of the old planet was heated to such an extent that all water and all volatile substances passed into a gaseous state and thus became accessible to the influence of a new center of gravity, which was formed in the center of a new nebula. Thus, the air and water of the old planet were drawn into the composition of the new planet.

That is why the Moon, in its present state, is a barren mass, devoid of air, clouds, and water, uninhabited and unfit for the existence of any physical beings. Having transferred all its life-giving beginnings to the new planet, it became a truly dead planet, which, since the time of our the globe rotation almost stopped. The moon gave the earth everything except her corpse.

The moon is now a chilled scum, a shadow drawn by a new body to which all her vitality. She is doomed to pursue the Earth for long centuries, attracting her offspring and being herself attracted by them. Constantly vampirized by her spawn. The moon takes revenge on the Earth, impregnating it with its destructive, invisible and poisonous influences, radiated from the innermost side of its nature. For she is dead, but, nevertheless, the body is still alive. The particles of her decaying corpse are full of active and destructive life, although the body they created is now soulless and lifeless. Therefore, its radiations are both beneficent and harmful - a circumstance that finds a parallel on Earth in the fact that grasses and plants are nowhere so succulent, nowhere grow with more force than on graves; whereas it is precisely the emanations of cemeteries or corpses that bring disease and kill.

Before the Earth reaches the pinnacle of its evolution, the disintegration of its mother, the Moon, will be completed. The matter that still holds it together will turn into meteor dust. When the task of our planet Earth is completed, the work of evolving life will continue in the kingdoms of the next, another planet. By that time the task of our planet will be solved, and the present Earth will become dead body devoid of evolving life. It will decrease in size due to the loss of liquids and gases, and then it will be attracted new planet and she will follow her like the moon. Each kingdom of evolving life will rise one step. Our present vegetable kingdom on the next planet will be its animal kingdom. Our animal kingdom will then begin to live as a human being. And our humanity will rise to the superhuman level.

There are countless other planets inhabited by intelligent beings, both in our solar system and outside it. So they also have a dense physical world, subtle and fiery spheres. The Subtle World of all planets is completely different from the Subtle World of our Earth. Just as there is no physical communication through interplanetary space between the Earth and other planets, so there is no subtle message between the Subtle World of other planets and our Subtle World. The same can be said about the Fiery Worlds.

Venus and Mercury do not have satellites, but they both had "parents", just as the Earth had them. Both of these planets are older than earth. The evolution of Venus is one step ahead of the earth. It must be borne in mind that when physical planet thanks to high temperature and pressure cannot be organic life terrestrial, there are still different types of non-physical evolution that can do their work in the Subtle World of the planet.

Due to the fact that the evolution of Venus is one step ahead of the Earth and that the average humanity of Venus is approaching the level of Adepts, the Adepts of Venus came to the aid of the inhabitants of the planet Earth at its beginning as Lords, Manus, Buddhas and other Great Leaders of evolution.

So, the planet Earth is the product and creation of the Moon - its incarnation, so to speak. Having completed her life span The moon has died and entered its Pralaya. The planets act in the heavens like a man on earth. They give birth to their own kind, grow old and die out, and only their spiritual principles live as a relic of themselves. The planets are living beings, for in the Cosmos not a single atom is devoid of life, or consciousness, or spirit.

In ancient legends, one can come across a comparison of the Earth with a large animal that has its own special life, and therefore, its own consciousness or manifestation of the spirit.

The law of birth, growth and destruction of everything in the Cosmos, from the Sun to a firefly crawling in the grass, is one. There is a continuous work of improvement with each new manifestation, but the Substance-Matter and the Forces are the same.

So tells the legend of the Seventh Mystery of the Cosmos - the birth of our planet.

Space Legends of the East

At a distance of several thousand light years from Earth, deep space, something is happening human mind can't comprehend and understand until the end. We tried to tell as simply as possible about what amazing things are happening outside the solar system.

dark energy

In 1998, NASA scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope determined that the universe was, in fact, expanding much faster than previously thought. Astronomers have come to the conclusion that the interstellar space is almost 70% filled with some kind of “energy fluid”.

The study of this "filler" allowed scientists to conclude that the ever-expanding space in some incomprehensible way produces its own energy, which accelerates this very process of expansion. The nature of the origin of dark energy has not yet been studied. We only know that it is absolutely invisible.

And since 70% of the cosmos is filled with it, another 25% with dark matter, it turns out that 95% of the Universe for humanity is still a “dark forest”. This is how the pun turns out. If you try to realize the fact that we know practically nothing about space, it becomes somehow uncomfortable ...

Great center of gravity

Each of us has ever had a nightmare about a terrible trap from which it is impossible to get out. In fact, we are living in this nightmare: Milky Way and other galaxies at a speed of 2.2 million kilometers per hour are approaching a region of space about which we know absolutely nothing. We only know that there is something with a monstrous gravity. Scientists have named this area the Great Center of Gravity.

Hundreds of astronomers believe that it is in this place that sooner or later all the stars, planets and others find their death. space objects. It is impossible to see at least something in this area even with the help of modern telescopes, since the Great Center of Gravity is hidden from our eyes by millions of stars and huge clouds of cosmic dust.

Scientists jokingly call it "cosmic serial killer who drags his victims into a van with dirty windows that make it impossible to see what's going on inside.

Star KIC 8462852

Modern scientists look for new objects in space like this: they measure the amount of light that comes from a star, and if a planet flies past, then the brightness of the radiation drops. The frequency and duration of the decrease in the intensity of stellar radiation allows us to draw hypothetical conclusions about the nature of the planet.

The star KIC 8462852 is located in the constellation Cygnus at a distance of about 1400 light years from Earth. From time to time it dims by more than 20%. This fact can only be explained by the fact that it is obscured by a planet passing in its orbit. American physicist Freeman Dyson in the 60s suggested that this could be caused by the construction of a serious orbital structure by some intelligent beings. According to his assumption, the aliens launched a whole swarm of satellites into the orbit of their planet in order to absorb the light emitted by the star.

Of course, there is no exact evidence of the veracity of this conjecture, but everything can be. Moreover, Dyson in his research quite clearly puts everything on the shelves. Most of his colleagues believe that such a phenomenon is still not associated with orbital technology built by aliens - the reason for the systematic dimming of the star is most likely the accumulation of asteroids and comet remnants.

Supervoid Eridani

For the first time, astronomers started talking about the super-void in the constellation Eridani after they started studying the cosmic microwave background. During those studies, just a huge area of ​​\u200b\u200bcosmic space was discovered (about one billion light-years in diameter), inside which there is practically no dark matter and energy.

It is quite possible that humanity has encountered some kind of "door" in parallel universe, because according to existing theory There is no absolute void in space.

zombie stars

This, of course, is a comic name for a special kind of stars, but they actually exist. After a supernova explosion, some white dwarfs "survive". They draw hydrogen from stars located in close proximity and continue to glow quite brightly for some time. The powerful X-ray emission is very similar to the "scream" that zombie stars emit when "devouring" their neighbors.

These cosmic "living dead" do not pose any danger to the life of earthlings - having reached critical mass, they explode and disappear forever.

The peculiarity of the bubble is that space and time are "entangled" in it. At each moment of time it contains not only the present of the Universe, but also its future. And because in the infinitely distant future the bubble itself, and hence the Universe, will be infinitely large, then today's Universe seems to be unlimited. The infinite universe fits in a tiny volume. Many other hypotheses could be cited, which were proposed in recent times. But there is no point in this, because none of them gives a definitive answer to the question: what was before the Big Bang? ..

American astronauts have met angels in space. Moreover, they even photographed Hubble telescope. "Saw" them and the equipment of a number of research satellites. During the study of the galaxy NGG-3532, Hubble sensors recorded 7 bright objects in Earth's orbit. Moreover, in some of the photographs, figures of winged creatures that looked like biblical angels were visible, although not entirely distinct! “They were about 20 meters high,” said Hubble project engineer John Pratchers later. These creatures emitted a strong glow. We can't say yet...

“... I begin to look closely at Valery (Kubasov V.L.): “Does he really feel nothing?” He turns his head towards me. His face bears little resemblance to the usual Valerino, and I smiled. - Before you laugh, look in the mirror at yourself, handsome! he muttered. I float to the orbital compartment to the mirror. He looked and did not recognize himself: his face was somehow unrealistically swollen, red, bloodshot eyes. The desire to look in the mirror immediately disappeared. By the end of the second day, we began to feel better, our faces took on a normal look ... Unpleasant sensations dulled "... In addition to visual illusions, the astronauts also noted ...

This incident can be considered the first human death as a result of an attempt to investigate a UFO up close. 1948, January 7 - 4 Mustang P-51 fighters took off from the Godman airbase (Kentucky, USA), which were tasked with catching up and exploring undefined object, which was approaching the airbase. All 4 pilots clearly saw an object in front of them, which they described as “metal, huge, round like a tear, and sometimes seemed liquid” ... Three pilots returned to base, and one - flight commander Captain Thomas F. Mantell - continued the pursuit UFO...

The mass of a white dwarf does not exceed 1.4 solar masses (the Chandrasekhar limit). white dwarf equal in size to our planet, but the mass of such a star is 100,000 times the mass of our Earth. At large masses, the gravitational force will exceed the pressure of electrons, and the star will collapse under its own weight, which causes neutron star or a black hole. White dwarfs have low brightness, they gradually cool down, become cold, dark objects. They represent the final stage in the evolution of a low-mass star, after the star has shed its outer layer...

The most distant stars we can see look the same as they did 14,000,000,000 years ago. The light from these stars reaches us through space after many billions of years, and has a speed of 300,000 km/sec. There is a body similar to the Earth in the Solar System. This is Saturn's moon, Titan. On its surface there are rivers, volcanoes, seas, and the atmosphere has high density. The distance from Saturn to its satellite is approximately equal to the distance from the Earth to the Sun, the ratio of body masses is approximately the same. But intelligent life on Titan, most likely will not be due to ...

In the course of the conversation, the guest once accidentally ran his hand in a gray suede glove over his lips, and Hopkins was shocked to see that they were smeared, and a red mark from lipstick remained on the glove! And this was not the only oddity. The stranger said that he knew that there were two coins in the owner's pocket. So it was. Then the "man in black" asked the doctor to put one coin in his palm and watch it. Hopkins did just that, and before his eyes, she first began to lose clarity of outline, and then completely disappeared! The guest said: "Neither you nor anyone else on this planet will ever see this coin again"...

Even Ptolemy wrote on the topic of the dimension of space, where he argued that in nature there cannot be more than three spatial dimensions. In his book On the Sky, another Greek thinker, Aristotle, wrote that only the presence of three dimensions ensures the perfection and completeness of the world. One dimension, Aristotle reasoned, forms a line. If we add another dimension to the line, we get a surface. The addition of a surface with one more dimension forms a three-dimensional body. It turns out that “it is no longer possible to go beyond the volumetric body to something else, since any change ...

The secrets of the cosmos, this is what has attracted man since time immemorial. Planets and satellites, stars and galaxies and mystical secrets endless universe... extraterrestrial civilizations and UFOs, who are they who look at us from the starry sky and will our meeting be open and what will it be? ...
| © Unknown world

The atom, the solar system, our planet are present everywhere identical elements. They were scattered throughout all the galaxies.

Everything is made up of simple elements and black space too. There were times when there was no such chaos at all, since neither matter nor space existed. At the beginning of time there was no such abundance.

Some scientists do not support such a theory, but most agree with it. They believe that once happened Big Bang and the universe was formed. But no one knows how it really happened, and it is still impossible to explain it.

When there was a Big Bang, small particles began to appear, and they gave birth to the Universe, but the cosmos was completely absent. The universe immediately began to grow rapidly and this continues to this day.

The space between galaxies is expanding. It is believed that the Big Bang occurred several tens of billions of years ago.

How was the universe born?

Now it is already possible to explain how the Universe appeared. In a millionth of a second, time and space began to grow, and grew many times over, to about the size of an atom. The process went further, and they were already the size of a galaxy.

At that time, the Universe was so hot that in a short time matter, antimatter and other particles appeared, which began to break into smaller ones. AT this case matter was able to defeat antimatter. All this was necessary to create the cosmos, the stars. Then the temperature dropped trillions of times. A lot of time passed, and the Universe became a few seconds older. Physicists have recreated this process using a particle accelerator. This is a device where there are two rings and particles are accelerated in them - heavy ions in opposite directions.

The rays here collide with incredible force at light speeds and in this case streams are formed subatomic particles. In America, there is a special accelerator in which you can create an embryo of the universe in minutes.

Galaxies are formed from helium clouds. Then clusters and filaments formed, but the expansion of cooling continues to this day. This expansion is direct evidence of the Big Bang.

After the Big Bang occurred, the cosmos and planets of the Universe were formed. After a complete hell, the Universe cooled by 3000 degrees, and then radiation appeared. First ultraviolet, then microwave, and then the universe grew and cooled. Today space temperature is not higher than 270 degrees.

The universe was created over millions of years. The galaxies merged, and the space between them constantly grew. The stars of the universe appeared, and they gave light everywhere, as the astronomers say. Gas thickened and heated everywhere. Nuclear fusion has begun. The first generation of stars were hotter, brighter and more massive than today's super giants.

Several generations have passed, and the galaxies have formed large clusters where the filaments intersect. There are currently approximately 50 billion galaxies in the universe. They keep in groups of several dozen groups and form 1000 clusters. Today there is a gravitationally unified galaxy cluster, which is one of the largest. These clusters have evolved over millions of years. Clusters usually appear when galaxies join and form larger forms.

So far, the formation of galaxies that were created hundreds of millions of years ago has not been noticed. But the telescopes are still pointed at the sky and there is hope for the best that we are lucky and we will see such galaxies.


If we talk about dark matter, then it has always played important role in the fate of the universe and here are the secrets of the universe. Since the cosmos can be rounded, there are three possible explanations for this. The first one is closed universe where matter of all kinds is held together by gravity. This retards the growth of the cosmos. Here is the theory of big compression. The expansion would cause the universe to condense and disappear.

There is a theory of a flat universe. Where matter is equal to critical density. This means that the universe has no boundaries, and it will always grow, its growth will go slower and slower. At an infinitely distant time, it will cease. But infinitely distant, by definition, has no end.

The third theory is the most likely. The universe is in the form of a saddle, where the total mass is less than the critical density. Such a universe will grow forever, and it is growing here because of dark energy - these are anti-gravitational forces. Dark energy makes up 73% of the cosmos. 23 percent dark matter and ordinary matter 4%. What will happen in the future? Stars will be born for hundreds of billions of years. But the eternal expansion suggests that the cosmos will become incredibly cold, dark and empty.

Since people learned that the stars are not attached to the firmament, but are actually the light of distant luminaries, and that the vast expanses of space lie behind them, the thirst for discovery has played with a vengeance. Without fully discovering and exploring the Earth, we are drawn to distant exoplanets and twins of the Sun, strange quasars and even stranger black holes. The indefatigable mind of man is trying to solve all the mysteries of the cosmos and, along with their solution, is faced with an even greater number of mysteries and questions that are still waiting in the wings. But we believe that one day all the mysteries of the cosmos will be solved. Although this is unlikely. Or not?

Last year, scientist Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution, along with colleagues, discovered the most distant celestial body in the solar system. Then object . But the group of researchers decided not to stop there, and this year the work was rewarded: astronomers updated the record and discovered a new object, which is even further 20 astronomical units. What was his name?