Vpr 5 cells in biology. B

Describe a currant leaf next plan: sheet type; leaf venation; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width, location of the widest part. Use a ruler and pencil to complete the task.

A. Sheet type

1) petiolate

2) sedentary

B. Leaf venation

B. Sheet type by the ratio of length, width and by the location of the widest part



The leaf is petiolate, since the leaf blade is connected to a long narrow stem-like part, the petiole itself. The venation is palmate because the veins emerge from one point. The leaf shape is broadly ovate, as the widest Bottom part leaf approximately equal to the length of the leaf (resembles an egg).

Answer: 131.

Answer: 131


Plant respiration is a continuous process. During this process, the plant organism consumes ______(A) and releases _______(B). it gaseous substance removed from the surface of the sheet special education- _______ (B) located in the skin.

Word list:

2) petiole

3) oxygen

4) carbon dioxide

5) stomata

6) shell

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



The process of respiration in plants occurs, like in all other living beings, with the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide. Unlike photosynthesis, where carbon dioxide is taken in and oxygen is released. Do not confuse these two processes. The leaves have stomata to excrete the products of respiration.

Answer: 345.

Answer: 345

Source: Demo VLOOKUP version in biology 5th grade 2017.

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

Arina Petrova 18.03.2018 19:36

5th grade biology

Tasks D B2 (6) No. 5

Insert the missing words from the list provided into the text “Plant Breathing”.

Correct answer: 435

on site - 345

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

You are wrong. Plants (like all other aerobic organisms) take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide when they breathe.

Plants have two opposite process: respiration and photosynthesis.

Look at the pictures and complete tasks 1-5.

Describe the field sow thistle leaf according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; the shape of the edge of the leaf blade. Use a ruler and pencil to complete the task.

A. Sheet type

1) sedentary

2) petiolate

B. Leaf venation

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



In order to correctly complete this task, you need to carefully look at the picture of thistle and compare it with the pictures. The leaf is sessile, since it does not have a petiole, the leaf blade immediately covers the stem. The venation is pinnately reticulate, as the lateral veins extend from the main vein along its entire length. Deep undulating notches along the edge of the leaf blade indicate that the leaf edge is notched.

Answer: 141.

Answer: 141


For education organic matter the leaf needs water, which the plant receives from the soil with the help of __________ (A). water with mineral salts goes up to the leaves. In leaf chloroplasts, __________(C) is synthesized from __________(B) and water.

Word list:

1) stem

3) oxygen

4) carbon dioxide

5) glucose

6) mineral salt

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



This task describes the processes of photosynthesis. That is, the formation of organic substances from water and carbon dioxide under the action of light. The main way for a plant to obtain water is its root system, which provides the flow of water with minerals from the soil. Thanks to chemical reaction in the chloroplast from the initial water and carbon dioxide, the main nutrient- glucose.

Answer: 245.

Answer: 245

Source: All-Russian test work in biology 5th grade 2017. Option 1.

Describe the wild strawberry leaf according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; the shape of the edge of the leaf blade. Use a ruler and pencil to complete the task.

A. Sheet type

1) sedentary

2) petiolate

B. Leaf venation

B. The shape of the edge of the leaf blade

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



In order to correctly complete this task, you need to carefully look at the picture of thistle and compare it with the pictures. The strawberry leaf is petiolate, as the leaf blade is connected to a long narrow stem-like part, the petiole. The venation is pinnately reticulate, as the lateral veins extend from the main vein along its entire length. The edge of the sheet is serrate: there are denticles directed towards the top of the sheet.

Answer: 243.

Answer: 243


We know that in the body of any plant there are organs. The cell also has "organs". They are located in the cytoplasm and are called __________ (A). Each cell has a dense transparent __________ (B). In many plant cells there are special green organelles - __________ (B), it is in them that nutrients are formed in the light.

Word list:

2) chloroplasts

3) mitochondria

4) organelles

5) stomata

6) shell

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Inside the cell is special education performing different functions. They are called organelles or organelles. Special organelles plant cell are chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll. This substance provides them green color. To preserve the integrity of the cell, it is surrounded by a thick cell wall.

Answer: 462.

Answer: 462

Source: All-Russian test work in biology 5th grade 2017. Option 2.

Give a description of a living organism according to the following plan: the structure of the cell; classification; value in nature.

A. The presence of a nucleus in the cell

1) non-nuclear

2) nuclear

B. The kingdom to which the organism belongs

2) bacteria

B. Significance in nature

1) convert dead remains into substances available to plants

2) spoil food

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



The organism shown in the figure belongs to the kingdom of fungi. In the classical view, the mushroom has a cap and a leg, which we can see in the figure. Mushrooms are eukaryotes, meaning that their cells contain nuclei. There are representatives of fungi that spoil food, such as mold, which form on improperly stored food.

BUT! The figure shows honey agaric - a fungus that destroys organic residues and turns them into substances available to plants.

Answer: 211

Answer: 211


Amoeba Proteus, or common amoeba, lives at the bottom of small fresh water bodies: in ponds, old puddles. The amoeba does not have a permanent body shape, since it is devoid of dense __________ (A). The amoeba moves with the help of outgrowths of the body __________ (B). The amoeba feeds on bacteria, unicellular animals and __________ (B).

Word list:

1) algae

2) shell

3) false legs

4) organelles

5) eyelashes

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Unlike the plant cell, the amoeba does not have a hard shell. Due to this fact, amoeba can move due to the formation of special growths. These outgrowths are called pseudopodia or pseudopodia. The amoeba feeds on organisms smaller than itself, which can be bacteria, other unicellular organisms and algae.

Answer: 231.

Answer: 231

Source: All-Russian test work in biology 5th grade 2017. Option 3.

Describe the plant Parsley according to the following plan: types of inflorescences; root system; sheet. Use the following schemes when completing the assignment:

A. Types of inflorescences

3) complex umbrella

B. Type of root system

1) rod

2) fibrous

B. Sheet type

1) simple

2) complex

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



To complete this task, you need to remember what parsley looks like. The type of inflorescence is a complex umbrella, since not single flowers are located on the main axis, but simple inflorescences (it resembles an open umbrella in shape) root system, like all dicotyledonous, rod. The leaf type is complex because it consists of several leaflets located on a common petiole.

Answer: 312.

Answer: 312


Flowering plants have shoots with green leaves and buds above the ground, and roots in the soil. The root is __________ (A) that provides the plant with __________ (B) and minerals and strengthens it in the soil. The roots, absorbing minerals dissolved in water from the soil, provide mineral __________ (B) to plants.

Word list:

3) breathing

5) stem

6) food

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Along with the stem, the most important organ of the plant is the root. The root is anchored in the soil and absorbs water and minerals from it. The use of the resulting water with dissolved minerals called mineral nutrition.

Answer: 146.

Answer: 146

Source: All-Russian test work in biology 5th grade 2017. Option 4.

A. Number of antennae

1) one pair

2) two pairs

B. The structure of the antennae

1) filiform2) serrated
3) comb4) pinnate
5) club-shaped6) plate

B. The structure of the limb

Sample VLOOKUP 2018 in biology grade 5 with answers. All-Russian test work of 2018 in biology Grade 5, contains 10 tasks. You have 45 minutes to complete the Biology work.

1. Look at the picture of blackcurrant and complete the tasks.

1.1. Show with arrows and sign on the picture stem, leaf, flower (inflorescence), fruit blackcurrant.

1.2. In which of these organs does photosynthesis take place throughout the summer?

1.3. The list below lists the organs of the plant. All of them, with the exception of one, perform the function of sexual reproduction. Write down the name of the plant organ that "falls out" of the general series and performs another function. Explain your choice.

Leaf, fruit, seed, flower.

2. Currant in early spring young stems with leaves appear. Find in the list below and write down the name of this process.

Breathing, nutrition, growth, fruiting.

3 (option 1). Consider the image of a lilac leaf and describe it according to the following plan: leaf shape, leaf venation, leaf type in terms of the ratio of the length and width of the leaf blade (without petiole) and the location of the widest part. Use a ruler and pencil to complete the task.

A. Leaf shape

B. Leaf venation

B. Leaf type according to the ratio of the length and width of the leaf blade (without petiole) and according to the location of the widest part


3. (option 2) Consider photographs of a German Pinscher dog and describe it according to the following plan: the color of the dog, the shape of the ears, the shape of the tail.

B. Shape of the ears

B. Tail shape

Write in the table the numbers of the selected answers under the corresponding letters.


4. (option 1) The student examined a currant leaf under a microscope and made a corresponding drawing of a leaf cell. What in the picture of the cell did he designate with the letter A?

4. (option 2) The student at the lesson studied the structure of the microscope and made the appropriate captions for the drawing. What part of the microscope in the figure did he designate with the letter A?

5. Anna decided to plant a tree in her summer cottage. List in order the number of actions to be taken.

1) pour water into the dug hole
2) water the planted tree
3) place the plant in the hole
4) fill the hole with earth
5) dig a hole

6.1. Answer the questions using the table below.

Which plant seeds contain the most mineral salts?

Which seeds contain more than 10% water?

Which plant seeds contain the most proteins, fats and carbohydrates?

6.2. Below are photographs of the plants indicated in the table. Write the name of the corresponding plant under each photo.

6.3. These plants (tasks 6.1, 6.2) produce textiles and food. Under each of the photographs below, write the name of the appropriate plant that is used in each case.

7. Read the text and do the tasks.

(1) The common fox is a predatory animal weighing up to 10 kg, widely distributed in the territory of Eurasia, North America. (2) A fox is a medium-sized animal with a graceful body on low thin legs, an elongated muzzle, sharp ears and a long fluffy tail. (3) Female foxes give birth to live cubs and feed them with milk. (4) The fur of the fox is thick, long, red in color, retains heat well, so the animal has long been an object of fur trade. (5) Foxes prey mainly on mice, but near human habitation they may attack poultry. (6)B wild nature foxes rarely live more than seven years.

7.1. Which sentences of the text describe the signs on the basis of which it can be concluded that the common fox belongs to the group of mammals?
Write down the numbers of the selected proposals.

7.2. Make a description of the gray wolf according to the following plan.

A) In comparison with the fox, the wolf is larger/smaller
B) What is the body cover of a wolf?
c) What does the wolf eat?

8. Fill in the gaps in the table " natural areas by selecting words from the list below. Write down the number of the chosen word in place of each gap.

Word list:
1) spruce
2) squirrel
3) camel
4) saxaul
5) taiga
6) desert

9. What rule do you think is established by the sign shown in the figure?

Write this rule in your answer and indicate the place where you can find such a sign.

10. The photo shows a representative of one of the professions related to biology. Define this profession.

Write what kind of work people in this profession do. How is this work useful to society?

Answers to the Sample VPR 2018 in Biology Grade 5

1.2. sheet
1.3. The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) a plant organ “falling out” of the logical series: a leaf;
2) explanation, for example: the leaf provides photosynthesis/respiration/evaporation.
2. growth
3 (1 option). 441
3 (2nd option). 424
4 (1 option). cytoplasm
4 (2nd option). lens
5. 51342
6.1 The correct answer must contain answers to three questions:
1) in flax seeds;
2) in the seeds of wheat and peas;
3) in sunflower seeds
A) linen
B) peas
B) wheat
D) sunflower
A) linen
B) sunflower
B) wheat
7.1. 234 (in any order)
7.2. The correct answer should contain a description/features of the three points of the plan:
A) larger (a wolf is larger than a fox);
B) thick gray-brown fur;
C) deer / elk / roe deer / wild boar / fox / hare / mice / pets, etc.
8. 521
9. The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) rule: it is forbidden to catch butterflies here;
2) indication of the place: in the reserve / botanical garden/ national park.
10. Profession: florist / gardener / gardener / florist / landscape designer

All-Russian test work of the VPR in biology in grade 5 in again took place on April 26, 2018. Participation of 5 classes in VPR in biology in 2018 is voluntary.

To prepare for VLOOKUP 2019, the 2018 options are suitable.

VPR options in biology Grade 5 with answers 2018

The structure of the variant of the verification work of the VPR in biology

The variant of the test work consists of 10 tasks, which differ in content and requirements to be checked.

Tasks 1–4, 6, 7, 9 are based on images of specific objects, statistical tables and require analysis of images and statistical data, characteristics of objects according to the proposed plan, classification and / or systematization of objects according to a certain attribute, application biological knowledge when solving practical problems.

In task 5, it is required to restore the sequence of stages for performing certain actions, for example, planting a plant.

Task 8 tests the ability to distribute plants and animals in natural areas.

Task 10 pings training course biology with a choice of future professions.

Performance evaluation system individual tasks and work in general

A complete correct answer to task 1 is worth 5 points: part 1.1
and 1.3 - 2 points (according to the criteria), part 1.2 - 1 point.

The correct answer to each of tasks 2 and 4 is estimated at 1 point.
A complete correct answer to task 3 is worth 2 points, 1 point
is set if one error is made.

The correct answer to task 5 is worth 2 points, 1 point is given,
if two digits are swapped in the answer.

A complete correct answer to task 6 is worth 6 points: part 6.1
is scored 2 points according to the criteria: part 6.2 is scored
2 points, 1 point is given if two drawings are incorrectly signed; part 6.3
is estimated at 2 points, 1 point is given if one figure is incorrectly signed in the answer.

A complete correct answer to task 7 is worth 4 points: part 7.1 is worth 2 points, 1 point is given if one mistake is made; part 7.2 – 2 points according to the criteria.

The correct answer to task 8 is worth 2 points, 1 point is given if one mistake is made.

The correct answer to task 9 is worth 2 points in accordance with the criteria.

A complete correct answer to task 10 is worth 3 points according to the criteria.

Maximum primary score VPR in biology (grade 5) - 28.

VPR in biology for grade 5 has 8 tasks. They were given 45 minutes to complete. All assignments are basic level complexity, however, in numbers 1 and 8, consisting of several parts, some questions - advanced level difficulties.

Grading system

The maximum score for the entire work is 21. Below is a scale for converting points into grades:

Examples of tasks with scores and explanations

Exercise 1

The first task of the VLOOKUP in biology, for which you can score 5 points at once, is associated with the above image - for example, with this one:

In the first part tasks, you need to use the arrows to indicate the required 4 parts in the figure and sign them - for plants, these can be parts of a tree or branch, for animals and insects - parts of the body.

If all parts of the natural object are signed correctly, the student receives 2 points, if there are 1-2 errors - 1 point, and if there are 3 or more errors - 0 points.

In the second part it is necessary to give an answer to a question related to the functions of any particular part of the natural object depicted in the figure - for example, to indicate the organ in which photosynthesis takes place.

For a correct answer, the student receives 1 point.

In the third part the task is given a list of four organs of a natural object - for the above image it will be as follows: Root, flower, seed, fruit. All of these organs, except one, perform the same function; you need to find the “extra” and justify your choice - that is, say what function it performs.

If the student correctly indicated the “extra” part and correctly justified his choice, he receives 2 points. If the part of the plant is indicated correctly, but there is no explanation - 1 point, and in all other cases - 0 points.

Task 2

In the second task of the VLOOKUP in biology, it is checked how the fifth graders know biological concepts, and what ideas about the processes occurring in nature they have developed. The condition provides a description of a process, and the student must choose its name from the four proposed terms. The description related to the figure we have shown is as follows:

A linden seedling in a dark room first becomes lighter, and then may die. Find in the list below and write down the name of the process that occurs only when there is sufficient light: Respiration, reproduction, photosynthesis, growth, fruiting.

The correct answer to the task is estimated at 1 point.

Task 3

This task is aimed at testing the ability of students to classify - to select the grounds and criteria for the implementation of qualification, that is, to distinguish natural objects, identify their differences based on appearance and suggested plans. The condition provides an image of an object that requires classification - for example, a leaf of a plant or a dog of a certain breed. It is necessary to fill in a table of three columns - a description of the subject from three criteria. The following are schemes for distinguishing criteria. In criterion A, for example, the color or type of the leaf must be determined; in criterion B, the venation of the leaf or the shape of the head of the animal; in criterion C, the shape of the leaf or the ears of the animal. Under each criterion, 2-4 classification options are proposed under the numbers - the selected numbers must be entered in the table.

If the answer is correct, the student receives 2 points, if there is one mistake - 1 point, if there are two or more incorrect answers - 0 points.

Task 4

In the fourth task, it is checked how the student is able to reveal the role of various natural organisms in people's lives. The condition describes their use in life and provides two images illustrating them - for example, building materials are made from pine, and it is also used as an ingredient for medicine. It is necessary to write under each image which organs of the plant are used in the first and second cases. The correct answer to this task brings the fifth grader 1 point.

Task 5

In this task, the student demonstrates the ability to identify important features of objects of biology - various animal and plant organisms, cells, as well as the processes characteristic of them. The condition of the task is associated with the examination of a drawing or object under a microscope (sometimes the task is not associated with biological organisms, but with parts of this magnifying device). Most often, you need to write the name of the part of the image that is marked with an arrow, or answer a related question - for example, for drawings depicting the growth of a plant cell, you need to say which part of the cell does not increase as it grows. For a correct answer, the student receives 1 point.

Task 6

In the sixth task of the VLOOKUP in biology, the student is offered a text in which three words are missing; after the text comes a list of 6 words - you need to choose the right words and insert them into the gaps. The text might look like this:

The body of arthropods consists of ______(A). Representatives of this type have departments: cephalothorax and abdomen or head, ______ (B) and abdomen. On the ventral side of the body are jointed limbs. The number of limbs different representatives arthropods may vary. Most ______ (B) have wings on the dorsal side of the body.

Word list:

  1. element
  2. insects
  3. spiders
  4. segment
  5. torso
  6. breast

The answers are entered in a special table. If all three words are chosen correctly, the answer is estimated at 2 points, if there is 1 error - at 1 point, if there are 2 or more errors - at 0 points.

Task 7

For this task, you can score a maximum of 6 points. It consists of three parts related to the table given at the beginning of the assignment - it might look like this:

The composition and calorie content of the fruits of some plants

In the first part you need to answer three questions on the contents of the table - for example, in the fruits of which plant the most carbohydrates, or the fruits of which plants are characterized by the same calorie content. If all questions are answered correctly - 2 points are given, if only two answers are correct - 1 point, in other cases - 0 points.

In the second part photographs of the plants indicated in the table are given. The task of the student is to make captions for the photographs. If this is done correctly, he gets 2 points, if one mistake is made - 1 point, two or more mistakes - 0.

In the third part three photographs of various products are given - food, medicines, textiles, furniture, etc. - made using parts of the plants indicated in the table. Under each photo you need to write what parts of which plant were used in it. If there are no errors, the answer is estimated at 2 points, with one error - at 1, with two or more - at 0.

Task 8

In this task, the student needs to familiarize himself with the given text of a small amount (5-7 sentences). Text example:

(1) The slug is a small snail that, like most snails, feeds on leaves, leaving behind characteristic holes in the leaf blade. (2) The slug is most often found on the reverse side of the leaves of garden plants. (3) Slugs are especially fond of cabbage and potato leaves, therefore they are considered pests of vegetable crops. (4) The main difference between slugs and other snails is almost complete absence shells. (5) Moving along the stem or leaf, the slug leaves behind wet footprint. (6) The main enemy of slugs is the ground beetle, so the more often ground beetles are found in the beds, the less often you can meet the slug.

In the first part you need to answer the question on the content and structure of the text - indicate in which of its sentences things are reported, on the basis of which a certain conclusion can be drawn. For the text above, it looks like this:

Which sentences of the text describe the features on the basis of which it can be concluded that the slug can be found in the garden?

If all the sentence numbers are correct, the student receives 2 points, with one mistake - 1 point, with two or more - 0 points.

In the second part you need to describe any living organism according to the plan - that is, give answers to three questions.

The first question is related to the text, because the description is not of the biological object that was discussed in the text. For example, the above text is about a slug, but you need to describe a snail. In this question, you just need to choose one of the answer options and write it down; most often they ask whether this organism is larger than the one mentioned in the text, or smaller.

The next two questions are not related to the text. First, write about external signs- for example, indicate the cover of the body, the presence or absence of a shell, the color of the plumage. In the third, they ask about the diet - what the animal that is discussed in the task eats.

If all three questions are answered correctly, the student receives 2 points for the second part of the eighth task. If the correct answer is given only to two questions - 1 point, and if 1 or the answer is incorrect - 0 points.


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