Bridges, overpasses and streets: how West Biryulyovo and East Biryulyovo are connected. New overpass connects four districts

My friends, when they moved to Moscow, were actively looking for housing. One eventually settled in West Biryulyovo, and the second, after several months of ordeals and moving, rented a odnushka in East Biryulyovo. Getting to visit each other is not very convenient.

They didn’t want to move because of finances and because of the area. Both have odnushki, few meters, and the cost of their housing is not astronomically low, but low enough to think about. The nearest transfer was on the Moscow Ring Road or in the city center. Oh how.

The situation has changed radically with the opening of a new railway overpass across the tracks Paveletsky direction. Now you can safely drive from one area to another. But the work is not over yet. It is planned to expand the streets, which will become part of the new highway, turning into a flyover.

There is now a way out of Biryulyovo. This is the subway. Joke. Sitting in a taxi in Zapadnoye Biryulyovo, you can now dismissively throw: "To the Tsaritsyno metro station." And ignoring the astonished eyes of your driver, you add: "Go, I'll show you."

Ahhh? In short, the overpass now connects new plot Elevator street and street Podolsk cadets. That's right. Yeah. An unbreakable bond. My friend would say that he has been waiting for this overpass for two years.

The 848-meter "bridge" was just built in less than 2 years.

True, he imagined the flyover to himself like this. Well, man, he doesn’t know the difference between an overpass and a crossing. Well.

The overpass is 3 lanes wide in each direction. 6 bands in total - no joke. And there are no traffic lights. A pedestrian crossing was built at the entrance to the overpass. In general, a mini-paradise for motorists. For them, or rather 20% of the inhabitants of East Biryulyovo, this is a great gift for the beginning of autumn.

Soon, new bus routes will be launched through the overpass. Who knows, maybe there will be a tram. For all residents of the capital, there is a wonderful trend towards the development of the city.

The fact is that the radial-ring structure of the city has disadvantages:

Firstly, traffic congestion at the exit points from the “closed” areas.
Secondly, the city is clearly divided into bedroom, office and other areas. In the conditions of a modern city, this is not a convenient format for life.
Thirdly, it's great, loads the main streets and highways.

It's no joke, to go for a U-turn on the Moscow Ring Road to get to the next street. If there is a railway track between you, and your car does not have a helicopter function, then you will have to go. Or through the Center. But an experienced car enthusiast in the capital knows that you can also get up in the Center. Strong and long lasting.

Now Moscow has chosen polycentric development. This is a flexible city planning, or rather a multi-center city planning. That is, offices, shopping and entertainment centers high class may not only be within Garden Ring and TTK. But also beyond.

Well, less traffic jams on the main streets. As a result, it is easier to breathe, it seems to be clear to everyone here. At the same time, the standard of living is growing, and the Moscow economy is developing. After all, roads are the basis of life. The more and more thoughtful they are, the easier it is to live. Especially in such big metropolis like Moscow.

On Thursday, August 31, the mayor of Moscow With Sergey Sobyanin opened a new overpass on Elevatornaya Street across the paths of the Paveletsky direction of the Moscow railway. The city authorities considered: it is most effective to connect several southern regions cities is to give them a modern road. Here, in the south of the capital, the Paveletsky direction separates the Eastern and West Biryulyovo, Chertanovo Central also remained "cut off". To get from one area to another, motorists had to go to Moskovskaya ring road and make a decent detour through traffic jams five to seven kilometers long.

New flyover now connects four districts at once, which were divided for decades, - emphasized Sergei Sobyanin. - We launched the central object of this bundle.

The overpass was erected in a year. Motorists without traffic lights and traffic jams now move from Elevatornaya and 6th Radialnaya streets to Lipetskaya without any problems. Their travel time is reduced by an average of three to four times. Thus, the transport accessibility of areas where 450,000 citizens live has seriously improved. After all, the road has become a new understudy of the Moscow Ring Road between Lipetskaya street and Warsaw highway.

This is a very good and necessary regional connection, - emphasized the First Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Construction Petr Aksenov. - We did not wait for the complete completion of work at the transport hub from Lipetskaya Street to Podolsky Kadantsev Street, and launched the overpass.

According to him, during the year the builders had to work very hard on this site. The removal of communications proved to be especially difficult. And the most expensive part of it is the transfer of the heating plant. CHPP-26 supplied Biryulyovo West, Biryulyovo East, Tsaritsyno, Orekhovo-Borisovo North and Orekhovo-Borisovo South with heat. The power lines for 110 and 220 volts were also updated, and the water conduit was also relocated.

Communications were transferred in order to free up land for construction, - explained Petr Aksenov.

Photo: Vladimir Novikov, Evening Moscow

Another problem was the old garages. Many years ago they appeared in the right of way of the railway. However, they for a long time nobody touched. The city had to negotiate with their owners about the dismantling of structures and compensation for their demolition.

They changed from temporary to permanent. But we tried as correctly as possible, without offending people, to resolve this issue, - added Petr Aksenov.

It was not easy for the contractor to build a new regional connection near the busy tracks of the Paveletsky direction of the railway. However, the construction of the overpass did not disrupt the schedule of freight and passenger traffic in this part of the capital. Trains to the airport ran with the same accuracy, electric trains and freight trains also kept up with their schedules.

Often they worked during technological windows - when the roads were not loaded. During these hours, the builders were pushing the overpass, - clarified Petr Aksenov.

Contractor President Ilya Zyubin and Sergei Sobyanin launched the launch car traffic. The orange trucks were the first to cross the overpass, honking loudly. They were immediately followed by cars. Citizens rejoiced at the launch of the new road junction- they opened the windows of the cars, waved to the mayor, thanked him and the builders for the work done.

However, with the opening of the overpass, the creation transport hub does not end. As Sergei Sobyanin emphasized, the next task was to complete the reconstruction of the interchange between the Moscow Ring Road and Lipetskaya Street and the construction of the Southern Rokada.

From Brateevo to Chertanovo in a straight line, or the sudden chord in the south of Moscow August 9th, 2017

Great news for motorists: in the coming weeks (and possibly even days), the Podolsky cadets overpass under construction - Elevatornaya Street will open.

photo from

It would seem that this is just a bunch of eastern and western parts Biryulyovo district. But the transport effect is much more serious: 5 more districts will be connected in a straight line: Brateevo, Zyablikovo, Orekhovo-Borisovo North, Tsaritsyno and Chertanovo Central.

In fact, a small local chord is formed, along which it will be possible to drive 13 km across the entire Southern District from Besedinskoye Highway to Chertanovskaya Street without going to Kashirskoye and Varshavskoye Highways. As a result, all radial highways in the south of Moscow, as well as the Moscow Ring Road and Kolomensky passage, will be unloaded. And all this about a year before the introduction of the also necessary and much more famous Southern Rocade!

“And what does the TsODD have to do with it, because the overpass is being built by the construction department” some will say. The fact is that with the construction of the overpass, only a full-fledged route from Chertanovo to Brateevo was created, something like this:

And in reverse side until recently, one could only pass through a puncture under the railway tracks near the Tsaritsyno metro station and Kaspiyskaya street. But both sites are overloaded, especially in the evenings.

To straighten the route and unload " bottle necks”, we, within the framework of the Marking-2017 program (and according to the project-concept, there are also, returned the left turn from 6th Radialnaya Street to Lipetskaya Street towards the region, which was canceled about 15 years ago. In order for more cars to pass during the left turn phase, they also re-marked the 6th Radial: instead of the 1st lane, two lead to the intersection.

In order not to affect the traffic on Lipetskaya Street, the left turn from the 6th radial was organized in the phase of the pedestrian crossing through Lipetskaya, for which the pedestrian crossing was moved to the other side.

I also had to cancel the left turn to the 6th Radialnaya, but to carry out this maneuver you have to make a small overrun, about 800 meters with a turn under the flyover. The left lane from the pocket now leads straight ahead.

The result exceeded expectations. The new link began to fill up with traffic literally from the day the left turn was opened on July 21; a week later, from July 28, the route through new turn started building Yandex. Now, in the evenings, 20 to 25 cars turn left in each phase, which corresponds to about 600-750 cars per hour! At the same time, there is still a certain margin of throughput even with the current cycle: up to 30 cars can leave in phase 1, i.e. 800 cars per hour.

20 cars drove up from the intersection...

But after 24 seconds, the last of them pass the intersection.

Let's go faster and Lipetsk from the Caspian. This happened not only because 600-750 cars per hour left these streets and now turn from the 6th Radialnaya, but also because now you can drive straight into 3 lanes before the intersection with the 6th Radialnaya on Lipetskaya : former pocket for a left turn now works for straight ahead.

In this way, We've been fine-tuning an important node near the future overpass, having opened a new direction in advance, embroidering the old one and preventing a new bottleneck. And all this with just markings, signs and setting up traffic lights with a total cost of several hundred thousand rubles (with the price of the Podolsky Cadets flyover itself - Elevatornaya Street at several billion rubles!) I believe that the results of changing the traffic pattern at this intersection can be proud of.

We look forward to the opening of the flyover, which will give impetus to the further rolling out of the new chord route. And then on the way at the end of 2018 - the long-awaited Southern rocade.

As usual, thanks to the GBU for implementing the markup " Car roads", and for the signs and traffic lights - to colleagues in the TsODD.

Two different Biryulyov finally united. Now residents of Vostochny will be able not only to visit Zapadnoye, bypassing the railway, but also to get to the metro without the hustle and bustle. All thanks to the flyover on Elevatornaya Street across the tracks of the Paveletsky direction of the Moscow Railways, which was opened by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

Bridge between two Biryulyovo

In less than two years, the builders erected an 848-meter overpass over the railway tracks of the Paveletsky direction. It connected a new section of Elevatornaya Street and Podolsky Kursanty Street. Thanks to this, the path between Western and Eastern Biryulyovo was shortened. Up to this point from Nakhimovsky prospect there were no crossings through this railway to the Moscow Ring Road. The new overpass received three traffic lanes in each direction. To do without unnecessary traffic lights, an underground pedestrian crossing was built at the entrance to it.

For those who live in Vostochny Biryulyovo but work in Central Chertanov and travel there by car, the road will be three times shorter. Travel time will be reduced by 3-4 times. The overpass will allow for the construction of new routes land transport. In the future, a tram line may even be built.

Accessible metro

Photo: Portal of the Mayor and Government of Moscow

Previously, residents of Vostochny Biryulyovo could only get to the metro by bus - to the Tsaritsyno station. Because of this, it was overloaded during rush hour. Now they will be able to get to the "Prazhskaya" (gray line) in just 10 minutes.

Unified highway

The elevated overpass will become part of a new highway that will run along Elevatornaya Street, Podolsky Cadets Street and Red Lighthouse. The road is expected to open by the end of the year.

All the streets that have become a part new track, become wider. The elevator will be four lanes wider, Podolsky Cadets and Red Lighthouse - two. As a result, almost the entire route will be at least six lanes. Given that the road stretches almost in a straight line from Lipetskaya Street to Varshavskoye Highway, it turns out to be a full-fledged understudy of the Moscow Ring Road section. The throughput of the route will be up to 2.2 thousand cars per hour.

And so that residents of neighboring houses are not disturbed by noise, it is planned to install almost five thousand double-glazed windows with noise dampers. And the road will not rattle even in an apartment with open windows. Also, 670 trees and 930 shrubs will be planted along the new route, which will protect the area from dust.

Near future

Photo: Portal of the Mayor and Government of Moscow

Thanks to the construction of new routes and the reconstruction of existing ones in Moscow, the speed of traffic has increased, and road congestion has decreased by 23%. Over the next three years, more than 350 km of new roads will be introduced in the city, of which 115 km - this year. During this period, more than 60 bridges, overpasses and overpasses and 36 pedestrian crossings will also be built.

In the south of the capital, an overpass across the Paveletsky direction railway was opened. The new Moscow Ring Road alternate between Lipetskaya Street and Varshavskoye Highway will reduce the travel time between neighboring areas by three to four times. - We are building a link between Varshavka and Lipetskaya Street, - said Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, opening traffic on the overpass on Elevatornaya Street. - The connection is very important: it connects four districts, including Biryulyovo East and Biryulyovo Zapadnoye, which have been separated for decades and Muscovites were forced to travel through the Moscow Ring Road to visit. And this is an extra detour of five to seven kilometers in traffic jams. Today we are launching the central object of this link: an overpass across the Paveletsky direction of the railway.

The overpass was erected in a year. Transport accessibility of areas where 450,000 Muscovites live has improved significantly. The capacity of the new city highway will now be 1500 - 2200 vehicles per hour. It is planned to organize the movement of new routes of the ground public transport for transporting passengers to metro stations Prague ” and " Tsaritsyno". The main element of the new highway was a six-lane overpass through railways Paveletsky direction of the Moscow railway. At the same time, access roads from the side of Elevatornaya and Podolsky cadets streets, one kilometer long, as well as an underground passage through Elevatornaya street near the ambulance substation, were put into operation. By the end of the year, builders plan to complete the reconstruction of the streets of the Red Lighthouse and Podolsky cadets, the construction of turning loops under the Pokrovsky overpass across the railway Kursk direction Moscow Railway and the construction of two underground pedestrian crossings across Podolsky cadets street.

This is a very good and necessary regional connection,” commented Pyotr Aksenov, First Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Construction. - We did not wait for the complete completion of work at the transport hub from Lipetskaya Street to Podolsky Kadantsev Street, and launched the overpass. For a year, the builders had to work very hard on this site. The removal of communications, in particular the transfer of a heating plant, turned out to be especially difficult. CHPP-26 supplied Biryulyovo West, Biryulyovo East, Tsaritsyno, Orekhovo-Borisovo North and Orekhovo-Borisovo South with heat. The builders also updated the power lines for 110 and 220 volts, and also relocated the water conduit. - The construction of the overpass did not violate the schedule of freight and passenger traffic, trains to Domodedovo Airport ran with the same accuracy, electric trains and freight trains also kept up with their schedules, - the deputy head emphasized. After finishing construction works planned complex improvement adjacent territories, including the planting of 670 trees and 930 shrubs. The streets of Krasny Mayak and Podolsky cadets will be reconstructed in order to ensure the promising construction of a tram line to Zapadnoye Biryulyovo. Lydia Milovidova Photo by the author

/ Thursday, August 31, 2017 /

Topics: Public transport The medicine Reconstructions Sobyanin The airport

An overpass across the railway lines connected Elevatornaya Street with Podolsky Cadets Street.

According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, new overpass will provide reliable transport links between East and West Biryulyovo. "Today we are launching the central facility of a new transport highway between Varshavskoye shosse and Lipetskaya street. The overpass connects two neighboring areas that were separated by railway for decades, and Muscovites had to travel through the Moscow Ring Road", - Sergey Sobyanin noted during the opening of a new transport facility.

According to him, throughput new highway in the south of the capital will be 1500 - 2200 vehicles per hour. . . . . . The main element of the new highway is a six-lane overpass across the railway tracks of the Paveletsky direction of the Moscow Railway, which opened for traffic on the last day of this summer. . . . . .

According to Sergei Sobyanin, the new overpass will reduce the load on the southern section of the Moscow Ring Road and will rationally distribute traffic flows between the main outbound highways in the south of the capital - Varshavskoye Highway and Lipetskaya Street and improve public transport. . . . . .

On Thursday, August 31, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened a new overpass on Elevatornaya Street across the tracks of the Paveletsky direction of the Moscow Railway. The city authorities considered that the most effective way to connect several southern districts of the city with each other at once is to give them a modern road. Here, in the south of the capital, the Paveletsky direction separates East and West Biryulyovo, “ cut off" remained and Chertanovo Central. To get from one area to another, motorists had to go to the Moscow Ring Road and make a decent detour through traffic jams from five to seven kilometers long.

- The new overpass now links four districts at once, which have been separated for decades- said Sergei Sobyanin.- We launched the central object of this bundle.

. . . . . Motorists without traffic lights and traffic jams now move from Elevatornaya and 6th Radialnaya streets to Lipetskaya without any problems. Their travel time is reduced by an average of three to four times. Thus, the transport accessibility of areas where 450 thousand citizens live has improved significantly. After all, the road has become a new understudy of the Moscow Ring Road between Lipetskaya Street and Varshavskoye Highway.

. . . . . The removal of communications proved to be especially difficult. And the most expensive part of it is the transfer of the heating plant. . . . . .

- Communications were transferred in order to free up land for construction, - explained Peter Aksenov.

Another problem was the old garages. Many years ago they appeared in the right of way of the railway. However, no one touched them for a long time. The city had to negotiate with their owners about the dismantling of structures and compensation for their demolition.

- They changed from temporary to permanent. But we tried as correctly as possible, without offending people, to resolve this issue.- added Petr Aksenov.

It was not easy for the contractor to build a new regional connection near the busy tracks of the Paveletsky direction of the railway. However, the construction of the overpass did not disrupt the schedule of freight and passenger traffic in this part of the capital. Trains to the airport ran with the same accuracy, electric trains and freight trains also kept up with their schedules.

- Often they worked during technological windows - when the roads were not loaded. During these hours, the builders were pushing the overpass, - Peter Aksenov clarified.

Ilya Zyubin, the president of the contracting company, and Sergey Sobyanin launched the car traffic. The orange trucks were the first to cross the overpass, honking loudly. They were immediately followed by cars. The townspeople rejoiced at the launch of the new transport interchange - they opened the windows of cars, waved to the mayor, thanked him and the builders for the work done.

However, with the opening of the overpass, the creation of a transport hub does not end. As Sergei Sobyanin emphasized, the next task was to complete the reconstruction of the interchange between the Moscow Ring Road and Lipetskaya Street and the construction of the Southern Rokada.

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