Design option "Ladder of success" in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. The Ladder of Success: The Secret Formula for Turning Lagging Students into Achievers

Do not give up on lagging students. Apply the right approach to them! It's yours the main task like teachers. Let's start with simple recommendations, and then go to the main formula.

Five, how's the absolute?

For students who are lagging behind, five is an unattainable peak. Who wants to try if it is known in advance that success is unattainable? That is why it is impossible to measure everyone with one ruler. Let "four with a minus" become the same holiday as "five". This does not mean that you need to reduce the requirements. This means that learning should bring satisfaction to everyone, and not just those who got an "A".

clear goal

Education is not a thing in itself. We study at school not for the sake of A's, but for the sake of knowledge, and knowledge has a specific applied aspect. Failing students often do not understand what they are doing at school and why they need to study. Help them find their way to the goal where everyone new step is an opportunity to celebrate your accomplishments, consider your next steps, and set yourself up for success.

It sounds obvious, but try asking students a simple question: "Why are you in school?"

Encouraging progress is the engine of progress

By encouraging even small achievements, you stimulate academic achievement. Your the main objective to make the student become a teacher and mentor to himself. Low self-esteem- this is main enemy success, and the joy of small victories is the path to big victories.

Ladder of success

What is the ladder of success? This is a strategy. It makes it possible to set global goals and achieve them.

How it works?

1. The student draws a staircase with a long-term goal at the top (top goal).

2. One step down, the student indicates the goal that precedes the top goal.

3. Moving down the stairs, the student creates a plan to achieve the top goal. Ultimately, getting to what needs to be done this week (or today) to get closer to the top goal.

Looks simple, doesn't it?

What does it give?

1. Development of purposefulness

The realization that any global goal comprises simple steps on the way to it, develops purposefulness and allows you to focus on the path to simple intermediate goals, without dissipating energy under the yoke of the “overwhelming” of the main goal.

2. Dopamine stimulation

The hormone dopamine gives a feeling of joy and success. It is released when a person achieves a goal and stimulates the achievement of new successes. Long and hard road to big goal it may be overwhelming, but the movement from one success to another, where at the end of the path there is a natural culmination, is within the power of everyone.

3. Connection with reality

When a goal is broken down into steps, it becomes clear what works and what doesn't. Thus, the strategy of success becomes plastic and easily adapts to circumstances.


The Ladder of Success formula is the key to improving academic performance. Examples of academic top goals: “finish a quarter without twos”, “learn to write without mistakes”, etc. When working with this technique, lagging students need the help of a teacher. Check the progress of the stairs every week. remember, that productive work with a teacher stimulates no less than success itself.

Sometimes intermediate goals include sub-goals. The teacher can help in their creation and implementation. Show imagination to adapt this technique for each student, as well as patience and perseverance. The results won't be long in coming!

Topic to talk: Do you think it's realistic regular school the average teacher to use the Ladder of Success?

Ekaterina Tsurukina

I bring to your attention design option« Ladders of success» in preparatory group kindergarten .

Relying on keywords from the Federal State Educational Standard (the child must be proactive, independent, active, I created « ladder of success» in order to develop personal motivation in children; ability to evaluate (analyze) actions and actions of one’s own and peers, as well as the development in children of a sense of rivalry and "healthy" competition in children's team.

Given the weekly thematic planning, I have identified 5 multi-colored steps (5 working days that have their own mottos:

1. "I will succeed!"

2. "I am doing my best!"

3. “I am confidently moving towards my goal!”

4. "One more step to victory!"

5. "Hooray! I'm fine fellow! I did it!”

The motto of the day is a kind of incentive, support on the way up the stairs. It is assumed that every day every child achieves something. (does, finds out).

Also developed "criteria success for every day» , i.e. the rules to be observed (stick to) child to achieve goals:

1. I follow the rules groups and kindergarten

2. I can independently, without help and prompting, complete tasks and assignments.

3. I am active and diligent. (the child himself can offer peers to play a game, organize peers in some activity)

4. I am proactive: "I want to know a lot!", "I can help!"

5. I am a great helper for adults and children.

Near « Ladders of success» a house is located, photos of those children who are temporarily absent are placed in it (went on vacation, got sick).

On the "Circular gathering" children with a teacher analyze the past day - who did what, who succeeded or did not succeed, who needed help, etc.; each child can tell about himself, i.e. about his achievements for today. As a result - the child promotes his photo (instead of a photo of a child, there may be a picture like on a booth) to the next step up.

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Usually, the term "ladder of success" is used by Protestant preachers or in career development in network marketing. It doesn't matter how you feel about one or the other, or you are one of them, the concept itself is very convenient, visual for planning in your life as a whole.

Success Ladder and Goal Tree

Ladder of success is a method of breaking down the achievement of a goal into smaller subordinate tasks.

This is a very simplified, but more visual representation. step by step achievement goals. If the goal tree is used for large tasks and by large specialists. That is the ladder of success - it is convenient to use it without acquiring special knowledge on competent planning and achieving goals.

The very principle of the goal of achievement by this method

The most illustrative example is career at your job. He was a junior manager, a step higher - middle level, even higher - top, even higher - deputy, still - himself ....

Okay, you can argue for a long time, the main thing practical part, which will demonstrate all the charm step by step method to success.

For visualists (of whom most of us are, what is better to see once) is dedicated to ...

How to draw your ladder of success (the ladder to happiness)

  1. Take a sheet and draw a ladder.
  2. At the top, we set the goal - the most desired and desired.
  3. Below, the step-by-step steps of the goal - to our dream. You can redraw a million times.

Something like this: “I want everyone to respect me” (let's set such a goal, otherwise the finances are already fed up)

Somehow, rough. Well, nothing, you can redraw again.

Draw and Achieve!

A bit of psychology in favor of the ladder of success

A person is arranged in such a way that even if he is strongly frightened by something (indicating and citing clear facts not in favor of his current actions), he will not take any steps until he is prompted to solve it. The ladder of success, due to its simplicity, will exclaim: “You don’t know what to do, well, do at least something! At least the first step in achieving your dreams! (out of the crisis)"

Tatyana Belousova

For any child, a positive assessment of his activities, a positive ending after each lesson is very important. situation success can easily be created with " Stairs of Success" (can be named differently). The point is next: after each lesson, the child climbs 1 step up the stairs(if he worked well, answered, did not interfere with his comrades, etc.) When the child has reached the last step, on his card (photo, bookmark) a star is drawn. At the end of the week (month, year) counts total stars and the winner of the week is revealed (month, year).

Very quickly, the children got used to the final ritual of each lessons: we all come to the "Ladder", discuss, analyze the activities and each child must voice his result, build a sentence. For example: "I climbed the yellow step today" or "I climbed the red step today and got a star." At the beginning of the year, this was very difficult to do. All the children in my group have an OHP and find it difficult to construct grammatically correct sentence, some have no phrasal speech at all. Therefore, I myself voiced the results of each child, and he only repeated after me (Echo game). Gradually the situation changed. Now everyone can independently say a similar sentence about himself.

Another problem solved with the help of "Ladder success"- children learned the names of primary and intermediate colors much faster (at the beginning of the year, 40% of newly arrived children did not know the primary ones, 70% did not know both the primary and intermediate colors). Apparently, this emotional experience not in vain, the color and its name were quickly fixed in memory.

To make such a ladder is not difficult: need to take rectangles different colors from thick cardboard, how many colors you find - so many steps will be in your ladder. Cover the rectangles with foil or place them in A-5 size files to make pockets. The pockets hold photos of children or bookmarks with names. Next, I placed all the multi-colored pockets on reverse side cabinet doors (space saving, because the office is small). Steps are best placed shades: from cold to warm.

I assure you that the children will love this competitive moment and they will be happy to strive "higher, higher and higher."

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