How to set global goals. Test: Formulation of the global goal and the purpose of the functioning of a particular organization

So, the most important thing in the life of each of us - self-realization, in other words - achievement of the goal: someone sees himself as the father of a large family, someone is the head of a serious company, the other believes that for the period of life allotted to him, he is obliged to reveal the secret of life and death and create the elixir of immortality ... In any case, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to make certain efforts .

I can't complain about my life. There were many different things - both good and bad, but nothing has ever prevented me from doing and trying what I want. Only with time did I understand the most important thing - nothing will ever happen by itself. You can live your whole life waiting for a miracle. Do you want fulfillment cherished dream? So, move in the right direction!

Sort your goals by the time it takes to achieve them: short-term, medium-term and long-term

Yes, yes, yes - I know, everyone is talking about it and everyone has own opinion. In my own understanding this statement explained as follows: long-term goals give us the direction of movement, and short-term are driving force. When definite purpose is achieved, then we feel satisfaction, moral uplift and, most importantly, the desire to re-experience these feelings, that is, to move on. Naturally, this desire must be maintained all the time again and again by setting a chain of short-term and medium-term goals on the way to implementation. cherished dream!

Anyone who has a strong desire to change his life for the better and seriously considers taking action to achieve his goal often makes a common mistake: sets complex tasks without breaking them down into simple and sequential steps. After that, at least two problems arise: first, to force yourself to start executing global project, secondly, do not quit what you started halfway.

If, however, we approach the issue constructively and develop a plan for the phased fulfillment of the global dream, that is, determine the same short-term, medium-term and long-term goals, then we will provide ourselves with good motivation and, as a result, the desire to move on, not to quit what we started halfway.

Make Sure Your Goals Are Really Your Goals

Quite often, when choosing goals for myself, I discuss this question, I consult on some points with relatives or friends. This allows me to "sift the wheat from the chaff" and understand what I really want and how it can be achieved. We must not forget that this practice can play bad joke. For example, if the adviser's opinion is fundamentally different from yours and this person is an expert in the issue under discussion (well, or on at least you think so). Even worse if such a person plays important role in your life. As a result, you can perceive the arguments from the outside, and try to follow the advice, but inner confidence- extremely necessary to achieve the goal - will not. After all, advice was given by another person who seems to understand the issue, but is unlikely to fully understand yours. inner world and secret dreams.

In any case, a certain concept of movement towards the goal is needed. You can choose it, try it, and if it does not work, change it to another one. The main thing is not to stop half way.

Comprehensively investigate issues that have even the slightest relation to achieving your goal

So, one of my goals is to publish a book. I know a lot about the publishing process itself, but I still need to find a publishing house that will deal with my book. This is where I have a problem. I just don't know where to start. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct a study of this issue, to understand it and thus a little closer to the realization of its goal.

If you want the fulfillment of your dream to become a reality - scrupulously investigate the issue, only then you can really find, or rather see, real way goal achievement.

Do not be afraid that goals may not be achieved

I confess honestly - most life, it was this fear that did not allow me to set truly global goals. Forever in my head were questions like: What will people think of me if I don't get what I want?», « How will this affect my character and self-esteem?», « How can I live with this failure?". But the truth is that every person changes over time, priorities and goals change. It must be taken as it is, without stuffing your head with stupid " and if so what if?". Imagine a situation that soon you will have a child. Naturally, many goals will change. Those who stood at the end of the queue yesterday will become top priorities, others will fade into the background, some will be forgotten altogether, and this is quite natural process. There is no need to reproach yourself for violating plans. The situation has changed - the plans have changed, and there is nothing wrong with that. We must move on, set ourselves other goals and achieve them. In no way should one morally castigate oneself, because it is already impossible to influence the current situation in any way. Such a practice will only drive you into apathy and throw you back in all your plans.

Remember: in no case should you stop halfway, know how to change priorities depending on the circumstances. Remember that failure is also a result, because life experience you have more and tomorrow you will not step on the same rake. Be optimistic and hope for the best. I know from my own experience that if I wrote 20 books and none got into print, it would upset me. But the situation could be an order of magnitude worse: I would not write a single book because of the fear that I would not be published and would reproach myself all my life that I had not come a step closer to my cherished dream.

1. Formulate the global goal and goals of the functioning of a particular organization (using the example of the organization in which you work)……………..3

2. Build a tree of goals for a specific organization. Describe the goals of each level. Identify and formulate quantitative and qualitative goals…………………………………………………………………………………..4



List of used literature………………………………………………...13

Option number 1

1. Formulate the global goal and goals of the functioning of a particular organization (using the example of the organization in which you work).

I work at the VZFEI branch in the city of Barnaul. And in order to formulate the global goal of the VZFEI, it is necessary to look at the reasons for its creation.

Late 20s - early 30s. A grand industrialization program is being adopted in our state. It was necessary to reconstruct the old and create new industries National economy on the basis of advanced technology and technology. The country is turning into a gigantic construction site. Thousands of businesses are being created. There is an acute shortage of specialists. One of the ways to get a higher education on the job has become distance learning. All this was a prerequisite for the creation of a system of correspondence higher educational institutions in the country. Among them was the Central correspondence institute financial and economic sciences , later, after merging with other universities, it was called the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics. Soon after the organization of the institute, in order to assist in obtaining higher education near the place of residence of future specialists, a network of territorial divisions began to form. .

Hence, global goal– to train highly qualified specialists without interrupting them from their main place of work.

Functioning goals:

Improving the quality of training specialists;

· Increasing the economic effect of the functioning of the institution (profit).

2. Build a tree of goals for a specific organization. Describe the goals of each level. Identify and formulate quantitative and qualitative goals.

global goal:

The top of the goal tree is the global goal, which determines the subsequent goals, the strategy of action. In providing training for specialists with higher education that meet the requirements of state educational standards and are competitive in the labor market.

First level goals:

Improving the quality of training of specialists - ensuring the quality of training of specialists in accordance with the needs of all groups of consumers of higher education.

Increasing the economic effect of the functioning of the institute - ensuring the effective functioning and sustainable development of all subsystems of the university.

Second level goals:

Under the objectives of the quality of graduate training, quality educational process, imply that it is necessary wide application computer information technologies in the educational process, creation electronic textbooks, the use of multimedia technologies, the involvement of highly qualified teaching staff.

By providing paid educational services there is a distribution of funds not only to the consumption fund, but also to the accumulation fund, intended for the construction of new educational and administrative areas, the purchase of electronic and other equipment for educational process, publications of new educational and methodical literature. An additional income for the institute can be the provision of paid consulting services, of an economic nature, with the involvement of students, which will help students gain experience and the institute profit.

As well as for the effective operation of the institute necessary:

1) implementation effective system strategic management of the institute;

2) formation of highly qualified and motivated teaching staff;

3) creation of a quality management system of the institute;

4) development of the information infrastructure of the university;

5) systematic analysis of the internal and external environment of the institute;

6) conducting an effective pricing and career guidance policy.


Give a description of the formal and informal groups (using the example of your organization).

Specify the composition, goals and objectives of the informal group; how they coincide with the goals and objectives of the formal organization. What should be the actions of the manager (leadership of the organization) in relation to the informal group and its leaders in order to achieve the goals facing formal organization.

In every organization, there are formal groups. The purpose of formal groups in relation to the organization as a whole is to perform specific tasks and achieving certain goals.

There are three types of formal groups: management teams (command subordinate group of the head), working groups and committees.

First of all, the management team top management, consists of the head and his direct subordinates (deputies), who, in turn, can also be heads. A typical command group is the head of the organization and his deputies, who lead various functional areas. On the example of the VZFEI branch - Director, Deputy Director for educational work, deputy director for scientific work, deputy director for administrative and economic work, head of the educational department.

Working groups are formed and function as separate structural subdivisions created to perform specialized functions that emerged in the process of division of labor in production and management. These are functional working groups. Formal groups may be formed to work on a specific project or problem. After the task is completed, they can be disbanded or assigned to work on another project, problem. These are task forces.

In my example, departments are departments, Training Division, library, accounting, etc.

The committee- a formal group to which powers are delegated to perform any task or set of tasks. Types of committees can be commissions, councils. The main difference between a committee and other formal groups is group decision making. An example of a committee is a meeting of the academic council.

Along with the formal in the organization arise and operate informal groups. They are created by the members of the organization themselves.

People know well who is in their informal group and who is not. Informal groups usually have their own unwritten rules and norms of behavior. There is a certain distribution of roles in them and the status of each member of the group is defined. In an informal group, as a rule, there is an explicit or implicit leader.

For example, laboratory assistants form an informal group among themselves, communicating with each other at work, having lunch together, meeting outside the institute (clubs, cafes, gym), celebrate holidays. And some are close friends.

Differences between formal and informal groups:

In the form of relationships between members of the group. In the formal it is official, in the informal it is unofficial.

The structure of relationships between group members. Formal group - vertical subordination; informal - equal friendships based on friendships, or common interests, hobbies.

The leader who leads the group. Accordingly, in the formal - the head; in the informal - an informal leader who has the necessary influence, power over the members of the group.

· The form of regulation of relations in the group. Formal - rules, charter; informal - norms of behavior.

· Ways to bring the behavior of group members in line with the rules and regulations. Formal - rewards and fines; informal - sanctions.

The source of the leader's power. Formal - delegated by management; informal - personal, comes from the group.

Non-formalized service relations can develop spontaneously in addition to the existing management structure (in this case, one speaks of an informal management structure). They exist in parallel with the formal organization, complementing it.

Interpersonal relationships can arise due to mutual attraction, sympathy, common views on life, habits, hobbies, out of touch with functional necessity. It could be partnerships.

As a rule, leaders have a negative attitude towards the existence of informal groups, consider them the result of ineffective management and do not see their potential advantages.

As a member of a certain informal group, the employee works within the organization. Loyalty to the group can develop into loyalty to the organization, which will manifest itself in the results of the employee's activities for the benefit of the organization.

Managers must understand that, regardless of their will, informal groups exist, it is useless to fight them, they must be reckoned with, look for ways to effectively interact, use their strengths to achieve the goals of the organization.

Potential Benefits informal group:

Improves communications;

Serves as a "valve" for the emotions of employees, helps to reduce stress;

Contributes to increased job satisfaction and stability of work groups;

Promotes cooperation and cooperation.

Possible problems associated with the activities of the informal group:

Contributes to the emergence of unwanted rumors;

Creates a favorable atmosphere for the formation of unwanted installations;

Makes it difficult to implement changes, reinforces ingrained stereotypes;

Can initiate conflicts;

Negatively affects the behavior and self-esteem of some employees;

May reduce motivation and job satisfaction.

So, informal, or shadow, groups exist in every organization. They invariably "grow" out of friendships and relationships not defined by an organizational chart. It is important for the organization that informal groups do not dominate.

The support of the informal leader is the recognition of his group. The sphere of influence of the informal leader may go beyond the administrative framework of the formal organization.

The informal leader performs two primary functions: helps the group achieve its goals, supports and strengthens its existence.

The existence of informal groups in an organization is quite normal. Such groups most often strengthen the labor collective, and the formal head of the organization must support them.

An organization's leadership for interacting with informal groups should recognize their existence and aim to work with them; determine the attitudes and norms of behavior adopted in them; Before taking any action, evaluate possible consequences, primarily negative; involve them in the discussion and decision-making process; listen to the opinion of members and leaders of informal groups.

Create such working atmosphere, where constructive criticism helps the cause, jointly analyze acute problem situations give everyone the opportunity to speak; listen calmly, without emotion various points vision. Try to provide the necessary reliable information as quickly as possible. Avoid unnecessary threats against members and leaders of informal groups, do not associate with them personal accounts. Don't seek to break up an informal group. Always remember: in place of the destroyed one will definitely appear a new group, and its attitude towards the official leadership will be deliberately negative.


Specify the defining principle of the linear management structure:

1) full-fledged management;

2) adaptation;

3) unity of command;

4) decentralization;

5) Democratization.

(3) The linear organizational structure of management is characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural unit there is a one-man leader, endowed with all powers and exercising sole leadership of subordinate employees and concentrating all management functions in his hands.

(4) In a linear management structure, decisions are passed along the “top-down” chain, and the head of the lower level of management is subordinate to the head of a higher level above him, a kind of hierarchy of leaders of this particular organization is formed. AT this case the principle of unity of command operates, the essence of which is that subordinates carry out the orders of only one leader. A higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any performers, bypassing their immediate superior.

The wisdom of the prudent is the knowledge of one's way.
King Solomon
If you can imagine something, you can achieve it.
Zig Ziglar

If you want to make a qualitative leap in your development, then you absolutely need to think deeply about your future, sit down and set yourself long-term, ambitious and truly grandiose tasks and goals. This will serve as a start and an incentive for your further development.

The higher and more ambitious your goals are, the more you will have to grow in order to achieve them. You will need to work harder and develop much more actively in order to achieve your goals, and this is how you will be able to reach your maximum potential. And the more interesting your life path, and in the end, the higher and more perfect you will become as a person.

In fact, in order to get a new result, you must become a different person inside. When you change, when you become a new person, then you are able to change the reality around you, and you can achieve new results in your life. deep meaning high purpose- this is our development in the process of movement.

When you know what you want and you want it badly enough, you will find a way to get it.
Jim Rohn

In other words, if you aim for the stars, you will at least get higher than the trees. If you are aiming for $100 million, then you will go through the $1 million step faster and more painlessly. The bigger the target, the harder it is to miss. The larger the goal, the more you will have to concentrate on it, and the less you will be stopped by small obstacles that will appear in your path.

The larger the Vision, the larger the goal, the more you will have to think, strain, calculate, look for solutions, look for options, in a word, turn on and use your creative mind and invested deep potential as much as possible.

I can say that the Universe also releases resources for your goals, for your desires, based on what your requests are. Even energy is released in accordance with the goals that you have set. If your goal or project is huge, then you will be released from the Above proportionally many resources, energy and opportunities. If your goal is small (“eat”, “hang out”, etc.), then you don’t need a lot of energy for this.

In twenty years, you will regret what you didn't do than what you did. Therefore, discard doubts. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch tailwind with their sails. Explore. Dream. Open up.
Mark Twain

In the long run, the scope of the Vision/goal determines your growth as a person. Your goals determine what you will have in life, in what conditions to live, and in the end - your whole future and your destiny.

In a very simplified way, the brain is designed in such a way that it answers the questions put to it and constantly works on the execution of the commands that we entrust to it. Modern research scientists say that a person uses only 3% of the resource of his brain. I can say that the situation with your potential plus or minus is about the same. The work of the brain is currently not fully understood, and in this area there is still a field-untiled for scientists and researchers.

The abilities that we have are simply colossal. A person has no limits and limits in a good way. We are born creators. Watching the development of modern technologies and the course of history, you yourself can find many confirmations of this. Everything that you see around you, with the exception of nature, is all the creation of human hands. This is the result of someone's ideas and selfless work to bring them to life.

Goal setting is the first step towards turning dreams into reality.
Tony Robbins

I advise you to set long-term goals for at least 10 years and in all areas of life. In all major areas that interest you: work, money, family, relationships, career, hobbies, health, happiness, personal growth, charity, leisure, social contribution, spiritual growth etc. This is necessary in order for your life to be full and balanced, so that there are no distortions and critical “putting out fires” in some forgotten, but still important area of ​​life.

Benefits of Meaningful Goals

  1. Long-term goals are your guide and compass in the ocean of life.
  2. Goals make your promotion meaningful and enable creativity.
  3. Goals give us the impetus and motivation to move on.

I also advise you to think about what mark you will leave behind in history. What will you leave behind as the end of your life? What changes can you make not only in your life, but in society as a whole? What changes can you make to the environment you are in?

If you think you can, you're right; if you think you can't, you're right too.
Henry Ford

You can become the catalysts of history and such great Personalities as Henry Ford, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump and others.

You have the same powerful potential. Each of us can do this in our lives.

All the benefits of civilization and all the comfortable and convenient things, without which we can no longer imagine our lives, are all the fruit of thought and the result of the work of individuals.

The key thing and the red thread that runs through the entire history of mankind is that the potential of man is not limited. Specifically, your potential and your abilities are not limited. You are capable of amazing and grandiose accomplishments, you are able to change the course of history!

In conclusion, I want to say on my own: you can do everything! You already have the power to do this! Don't be afraid of anything! Believe in yourself and in a higher power! Hold on and break through!!!

Mad people who think they can change the world are actually changing it.
Steve Jobs

For those who are more comfortable with the video format, my video is about the same.

Global governance is a relatively new phenomenon, the result is rapidly evolving process globalization in the context of the objective strengthening of international economic, political, scientific, technical and spiritual and cultural ties, the growth and intensification of international flows of financial resources, goods, services, scientific knowledge, information and labor resources in conditions of open society, democratization ruling regimes and growing international cooperation 1 .

Global governance arose, on the one hand, as a result of the transformation of the system international relations and, on the other hand, as a result of the functional necessity of managing the spontaneous processes of globalization. At the heart of the transformation of the modern system of international relations lies the change in the status and functions of such a fundamental institution for this system as sovereignty. Following sovereignty, all other institutions and practices of international life are changing along the chain. The sphere of international interaction is also changing, including at the level of civil society institutions, it is becoming an interstate sphere. National politics are being replaced global politics as a sphere in which politics is not divided by borders. Global governance is the most important, although still only a stage in the evolution of the system of world politics, within which the task of purposeful development of this system is solved.

Global governance, but in essence it is a joint definition of the world development agenda, purposeful implementation of world politics, the process of objectifying decisions in the form of financial, economic, political, ideological and propaganda control influence at the global level. Moreover, they are carried out without any single global sovereign and a centralized apparatus of control and coercion. Its mechanism is a system of institutions, principles, standards, political, legal and moral standards, with the help of which relations and processes of the global transnational level are regulated 1 .

The first who gave the issue of global governance an academic sound was J. Rosenau, an American specialist in the field of international relations, professor of political science at the George Washington University. He immediately separated the concept of global governance from the UN system. Global governance presented as something more than formal institutions and organizations through which governance is exercised international affairs through the UN system and its bodies. The UN is, of course, the central component of global governance, but it does not end there. He immediately introduced, which has already become a classic, the definition of global governance as "a set of management systems at all levels of human activity - from the family to the international organization - in which the achievement of goals has transnational consequences."

At the same time, as a key problem of both practical international relations and world politics, and global governance as a scientific discipline, Rosenau formulated the possibility of understanding scientific study and accounting in practical activities manifestations in various forms and various levels decentralization of political authority, including at the global level. He presented political authority as recognition political power and the ability to induce "consensual obedience".

The category "authority" is not very popular in Russian political science and in the theory of public administration, but it is closely related to global governance, which is implemented rather than through power and coercion with the help of specific governance institutions, but through leadership and authority, based on the authority of the leaders of the world community. Authority as opposed to official authority implies not just legitimacy, but above all voluntary and conscious obedience, the absence in the vast majority of cases of coercion, especially force.

Today, the authority necessary for the implementation of the tasks of global governance is enjoyed not only by states and the international structures they have created. Nobody denies a huge impact on the world processes of the WTO, the World Bank, the IMF. But national banks developed countries as financial regulators also have a considerable resource and provide a very significant influence on international economic relations. Excessive government intervention in the work of the central bank reduces the credibility of the latter, and hence its effectiveness in an interdependent global economy. financial sector. Non-governmental environmental organizations have authority in the field of protection environment, human rights organizations - in the field of human rights protection, etc. Even international governmental organizations are gradually acquiring an independent authority that cannot be reduced to the authority of their constituent states. For example, only the UN ensures the legitimacy of peacekeeping operations or the imposition of sanctions restrictions, no state individually has such authority and such a legitimate right.

Speaking about global governance, Rosenau introduces into scientific circulation such a key concept as the “sphere of authority”. It is in the spheres of authority that management systems function and it is to maintain these spheres. As a result of the “fragmentation” 1 of world politics, there has been a sharp increase in the spheres of authority at various levels and on various scales. The territorial state is no longer an exclusive sphere of authority. Non-state institutions and organizations, private associations of interested citizens, etc. have become such spheres.

At the same time, as a global trend, Rosenau points to the convergence of control systems with direct control objects. This process takes place primarily in the form of the extension of the principle of subsidiarity from the regional (for example, the EU) to the global level. Conceptually, this trend is fixed in the theory of multi-level management, built on the example of the activity and principles of management of the EU.

The dispersal of power and authority in world politics violates the usual conceptual framework that has developed in political science. Traditionally, power and political authority were associated with the territory and territorial state. Rosenau calls this approach methodological territorialism. W. Beck - German sociologist and a political philosopher - presents this phenomenon in a slightly different way and calls it "methodological nationalism." But the essence of these methodological limitations is the same - the inability to present management outside the concrete nation state, misunderstanding that today there is a deterritorialization of political power, that this is an objective process and it is impossible to stop it.

The conceptualization of global governance as a directed development of world politics also affects the normative content of this category. At the same time, one cannot but take into account that the goals of the development of world politics are determined today by the dominant modern world ideology of neoliberalism and are largely focused on ensuring human security (human security). This also defines the goals

global governance, i.e. goals related to the development and practical implementation decisions and actions global scope oriented to meet certain needs of international importance.

In a concentrated form, the values ​​of international development, proclaimed by the modern international community, are expressed in the UN Millennium Declaration. They are the system of social coordinates in which global management plans are implemented.

Freedom. Men and women have the right to live and raise their children in human dignity, free from hunger and the fear of violence, oppression and injustice. The best guarantee of these rights is a democratic form of government based on the broad participation and will of the people.

Equality. No person and no country should be deprived of the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of development. It implies a real recognition of the equal dignity of all as representatives of the human race, the guarantee of good treatment, regardless of status, material wealth and real actions. The concept of egalitarianism is based on such postulates, which implies the possibility of a society with equal political, economic and legal opportunities for all members of this society.

Solidarity. Global problems must be solved with a fair distribution of costs and burdens in accordance with the fundamental principles of equity and social justice. Those who suffer or are in the least favorable position deserve the help of those who are in the most favorable position.

Tolerance. With all the diversity of religions, cultures and languages, people must respect each other. Differences within societies and between societies should neither frighten nor serve as a pretext for persecution, but should be cherished as the most valuable asset of mankind. A culture of peace and dialogue among all civilizations should be actively promoted.

Respect for nature. The basis of protection and rational use all living organisms and natural resources prudence must be put in line with the postulates of sustainable development. Only in this way can we preserve for our descendants those enormous riches that nature has bestowed on us. The current unsustainable patterns of production and consumption must be changed for the benefit of our future well-being and the well-being of our descendants.

General duty. Responsibility for managing the global economic and social development and the elimination of threats to international peace and security must be shared among the peoples of the world and carried out on a multilateral basis. The United Nations, as the most universal and most representative organization in the world, should play a central role in this.

Management based on the above values ​​is called "good" in the documents of the PLO. In particular, the same Declaration states: “Success in achieving these goals depends, in particular, on ensuring good governance in each country. It also depends on good governance in international level and transparency in the financial, monetary and trading systems”.

Goals and the challenges of global governance are, of course, varied and diversified. In an integrated form, as indicated in the first chapter of this publication, they can be reduced to the formula - "the production of global public goods of global significance." First of all, such as international security, demographic processes, migration, stability of international financial system, combating international terrorism, expanding access to energy sources and clean water, poverty minimization, environmental Safety, global informational space, i.e. all that alone individual countries cannot master. Final result- fundamentally new level public consciousness, which means a new level of political, economic, legal, managerial and moral culture of the elite strata and the world community as a whole. It is this culture that ideally will not seek to bring everyone under one pattern of global existence, but will ensure a civilized peaceful coexistence of peoples of different beliefs and cultures, different values ​​and different ruling regimes.

The social significance of the presented goals lies in solving such global problems as preventing a world thermonuclear war, ensuring peace for all peoples of all countries and continents; overcoming the transcendent gap in the levels of socio-economic and cultural development between developed and developing countries; ensuring freedom from hunger and fear of violence, oppression and injustice. As well as equality - universal access to the benefits of development, solidarity - fair distribution of costs and burdens in addressing global problems; tolerance - mutual respect religions, cultures and languages; respect for nature - the rational use of all living organisms and natural resources to ensure sustainable development, the obligation to seek the elimination of security threats.

True, in the real practice of global governance, the implementation of the listed goals and objectives does not always correspond to the officially declared one. Is it not the result of global impact that the tragedies and crises of a number of countries in the Middle East, the plight of not only the peoples of the southeast, but the entire population of Ukraine? The sources of this situation, of course, lie primarily within the country. In weaknesses government controlled, inefficient state institutions, disordered economy, patchwork social sphere, the degradation of the law enforcement system, the duplicity of politics, anti-democratic laws, censorship, bureaucratic tricks, defiant political demarches. It is in an atmosphere of managerial impotence and cynicism national governments come to terms with the facts of external pressure, being practically unable to independently decide economic problems, seeking the assistance of the IMF and the World Bank, are ready to be the “roof” of the international armed forces.

However, this tactic does not always provide the desired result. Often it is iodine by the influence of a short-sighted external influence(friendly help) internal crisis reaches monstrous proportions, provokes sovereign defaults, and even acquires a global character. Similar stories give rise to anti-globalization movements, reveal dark side globalization associated with the peculiarities of culture, mentality and development trends Western civilization. Many of them are beautifully described by E. Said in his "Orientalism" 1 - a system of knowledge about the East. The function of Orientalism, on the one hand, is “a filter for the penetration of the East into Western consciousness and scientific, on the other hand, the rationale for the need for an active, even unceremonious, not always respectful attitude to the East from the western civilized community". What is not a "scientific justification" for the policy of sanctions?

The basic postulate of Orientalism: the great achievements of Eastern civilizations are far behind, now only we, Europeans, can speak on their behalf and model them. Otherwise, the Eastern way of life, primarily Eastern despotism with its sensibility to external commanding influence, apathy and inaction of the national intelligentsia, cannot be overcome from the point of view of the West. This kind of reasoning is presented as " scientific justification» objective necessity new system of "imperial colonial expansion'but in relation to eastern peoples. Which they think is entirely justified. After all, the West is “a special world, a civilization with a unique historical experience, a special system of values ​​and the most progressive model of the world order. Therefore, the fate of other peoples, regardless of their history, culture, internal problems and the current concrete historical situation, is predetermined and unambiguous - the modernization of the Eurocapitalist type and the steady adherence to the European course. At the same time, no one hides that the East for the arrogant European culture not an interlocutor, but just a silent "friend".

The dominance of neoliberal ideology, indeed, largely explains the balance of power in the modern world. But ns it, but at least not only the ideology of neoliberalism determines the basic principles of global governance. They are determined by the real alignment of political, economic, military and spiritual forces, they are known by the intellect and science, and are fixed by an international convention. We are talking about such principles as organizational and institutional flexibility, non-linearity, multi-vector and multi-level, rationality, innovation, tolerance, interactivity, networking, taking into account the plurality of interests and targets.

Means of implementing global decisions in real management practice: competition, legal regulation, coordination, subordination and imperative. The two main resources are the force of law, and often the law of force.

Resources global power(institutional and structural) in a more detailed view are such material factors as the transnational economy, international financial capital, the armed forces. The source of institutional power is the institutional hierarchy, thanks to which some actors can control the agenda and develop norms and rules for other subjects of international interaction. Structural power differs from institutional power in that it is closely related to the identity of actors and arises from the connection of hierarchical roles within a certain social structure. At the same time, these hierarchical roles do not exist without each other. For example, the "master" does not exist without the "slave", the power of the first over the second arises in connection with slave system. Capitalism gives rise to other hierarchically connected classes - the capitalists and the proletariat. In international relations, the states of the capitalist "core" have structural power.

The productive power lies in the power of the dominant discourse, in the hierarchy of its concepts and categories. It is an invisible form of power, but also the most effective part of it. It is impossible to possess it, as well as structural power in general. Such power is derived from concrete historical discourse (in the case of producing power), and not from its actors. In modern global political discourse, for example, democracy is hierarchically higher than authoritarianism, cooperation is higher than conflict, freedom is higher than justice. Structural and productive forms of power come to the fore.

The modern world economy and the ideological sphere empowers historical West. Although China is gradually pushing the West's positions in the structural power, Russia is taking more and more active positions. Gravitational forces their economies and political authority are gradually distorting the structure of international relations and international economy towards the historical East. In the field of coercive power, in terms of conventional indicators of power (especially military spending, armed forces), the West is, of course, further ahead of the East. However, multipolarity remains in the nuclear sphere. At the same time, coercive force, despite all idealistic expectations international community associated with the end cold war remains an important part of international life.

The listed forms of power are used by almost all types of political actors and subjects of managerial relations. This range includes international arbitration bodies, global funds, world commissions, international financial mechanisms, multi-vector network diplomacy, special radio stations and Internet networks. All of them, being appropriately built into the mechanism of global and regional regulation, determine the directions of investment flows, develop universal rules of the game, regulate labor migration, determine the strategy for combating corruption, and organize the exchange of managerial information.

Methods - dirigisme, international legal regulation, "soft" and, if necessary, force in the form of appropriate military operations, international legal and unilateral sanctions. Nor can we ignore the means and methods that the United States uses in its quest for global dominance. Moreover, without any reverse legal responsibility of the subjects of global governance. The instruments of global governance are all forms of domination in world politics.

Today there are at least four of them: coercive, institutional, structural and productive. The most difficult challenges in terms of integrating the global governance strategy with the principles international law: a) to prevent the restriction of elementary human rights and freedoms in the name of solving global problems, b) the creation of flexible channels through which the representative voice of citizens would reach those who make decisions on global level, c) development of mechanisms to protect the right to vote on issues resolved at the supranational level. So far, no harmony has been achieved in resolving these important issues for global governance. Although certain elements of harmonization are being formed, for example, in the form of the European Parliament, PACE, the OSCE, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the North Atlantic Assembly and other similar institutions.

True, the opposite is not ruled out - the formation of new tools and means of "additional pressure" on intractable partners. For example, alliances such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Agreement, encouragement of confrontation between Russia and Turkey, provocative actions of the EU, substitution of the real will of states by bureaucratic instructions of European officials, hundreds of military exercises with a clearly aggressive component of the NATO military-political bloc.

An important method of global management in recent times becomes the so-called orchestration 1 . The main subjects of orchestration are international organizations, which, with the help of intermediaries, the role of which can be played by states, various non-state actors. Thanks to this method international organizations increase the effectiveness of their participation in global governance with a limited amount of political authority. States often welcome orchestration as it does not create strong international institutions, thus allowing for high political and operational flexibility in dealing with common problems world development. There are many problems of these and corresponding risks, they concern each component of the object of global management, first of all, eco-fragmentation is a term proposed by J. Rosenau, which describes the simultaneity of two opposite tendencies: fragmentation and integration.

  • United Nations Millennium Declaration. Adopted by resolution 55/2 of the UN General Assembly on September 8, 2000. URL:
  • Said E. Orientalism. Moscow: Russian World, 2006.
  • Abbott K. W. et al. (ed.). International organizations as orchestrators. Cambridge: University Press, 2015.