What are the compulsory subjects included in the exam. How many additional subjects can I take on the exam

"Telegraph" found out what the participants of the action "One day passing the exam with parents".

Early stage passing the Unified State Exam will be held in all Russian schools from March 23 to April 14. The preparation and conduct of the exam in 2017 will be different from last year. Telegraph found out what adjustments were made to the procedure, what they think about USE parents and teachers and what the participants of the action "A single day for passing the exam with parents" wanted.

Assignments will be printed on the spot.

In 2016, 30% of exam sites were equipped with new technology, which allows you to print assignments for the exam at the venue. This year, the percentage will become even higher, and from 2019, all USE examination points will be equipped with new technology.

Previously, tasks for the Unified State Examination were brought to all regions at the same time (regardless of the time zone) a day before the start of the exam and placed in specialized "storage facilities" equipped with a video camera. Experts say that such a system could allow a situation where examination materials I was able to open them up and see what was in them. This was told by the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Sergey Kravtsov at the "Business Breakfast" in " Russian newspaper in October 2013.

The test part is gone

In 2017, graduates will not take the test part (part A) in three subjects - chemistry, physics and biology. Only part B will remain in them, in which the graduate must enter the answer himself, and part C, where a detailed answer is expected. Anzor Muzaev, Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, spoke about this at a press conference at the Rossiya Segodnya MIA.

Since the introduction of the USE test part was included in all subjects, but by 2016, out of 14 exams, graduates were taking seven exams without it (Russian language, mathematics, literature, history, social studies, geography and computer science). This form of exams has been discussed for a long time and has shown its effectiveness during past exams. This was stated by the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov in May 2016.

USE for the little ones

In Russia, schoolchildren take two types of final state exams - GIA / OGE (9th grade) and Unified State Examination (11th grade). From 2017, certification will be introduced for schoolchildren of the 4th grade (All-Russian Verification work), follows from the order of the Ministry of Education and Science. However, it is clarified that the VPR is not a state exam. It will be carried out differently in each school, and the assignments will be made by the teachers themselves. In addition, the difference from the exam in high school will be the absence of a commission in the office when writing the exam and special frames at the entrance to examine students.

- School No. 1 p. Teploe (@teploeschool1) March 14, 2017

Wrong Idea, or Universal Equality

In 2015 minimum scores in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and mathematics (for admission to universities) were 24 and 36 points, respectively. For two years, the number of points has not changed, but the information that needs to be learned for the exam has become much more. Without Part A, graduates have no chance of ticking "at random," and with enhanced security, there's no chance of sneaking cheat sheets.

“It is impossible to say exactly which version of the exam is more difficult, because everywhere there are pluses and minuses. If the student prepared, spent enough time studying the subject, he will pass anyway, whether there is part A in the exam or not, ”the teacher shared with Telegraph the highest category Russian Language and Literature Elisenvaara Secondary secondary school in Karelia Ludmila Adonina.

If in 2016 a student took two compulsory subjects, then in 2017 there will be three. The third is optional, at the discretion of the graduate. By 2019 there will be six of them (under the same conditions). “Change is always happening. Every year something new. And next year, something will definitely be redone. The main thing is to quickly orient yourself and have time to properly set up the children, ”the Telegraph interlocutor believes.

She also notes that there are big pluses in passing the exam. Due to the opportunity to submit documents remotely for applicants of small settlements thanks to the unified state exam, the opportunity to enter is increased at times. “Before, if you didn’t enter a university, it whole year lost. I had to wait and then try again. And now you can remotely send an application to five universities, each of them has three departments ... And sit and wait for enrollment, ”the teacher explains.

Nadezhda Shirenina, director of Ryazan Lyceum No. 4, agrees with her, saying that "the exam is designed to make the assessment of graduates' knowledge more objective." She also believes that now the USE provides equal opportunities for admission to the university to absolutely all graduates. Now they don't depend on social position, financial situation and even from the place of residence. Full text an interview with the director of the lyceum was published by RIA Novosti.

At the same time, the director of gymnasium No. 397 Kirovsky district Petersburg, Mikhail Adamsky notes the inefficiency of the USE as a form of knowledge assessment. “The USE is a wrong idea, with the USE children have forgotten how to formulate their thoughts. But in order to get the result, you need to prepare schoolchildren in a certain way like in sports. For example, we are preparing to jump, and then we will be forced to run. What result will we get? Supporters of the Unified State Examination say that the system eliminates corruption, nothing like that. 100% exam results in Dagestan allow us to say, according to Stanislavsky, I don’t believe it, ”Adamsky told Telegraph last October.

Oral to Chinese

In 2017, there will be few changes in the Unified State Examination, but in 2018 and 2019 are expected global change. According to the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, the classical language will soon be returned to schools. school essay, and marks for it will begin to be put in two or three years. The oral part in the exam in the Russian language can be introduced in the following academic year. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science also proposed introducing rhythmic or sports dance classes in schools.

But the greatest resonance in the changes in the school curriculum was caused by the announced return of the astronomy course. “From this year it is difficult for us to return astronomy, from next year it will be included. For this subject we have good textbooks, but the fact that they will be supplemented and changed is certain,” the minister said.

In addition, in the next two years USE list one more item will be added. It will be the Chinese language, the delivery method of which has already been developed and tested. oral part exam on Chinese includes reading the text aloud, short story about yourself and your family, answers to four questions and a description of the picture.

“Approbation of the Chinese language exam was held in pilot mode in 17 regions. It will take two years to introduce it into a regular regime,” Rosobrnadzor told the Izvestia newspaper in February last year.

The main period for passing the Unified State Exam this year will begin on May 29, it will last until July 1 (including reserve days).

Every year, the schoolchildren of our country, with trepidation, expect positive news regarding the upcoming changes in terms of conducting a unified state exam in Russian Federation. It is no secret that the USE has a lot of supporters and opponents both in the camp of students and parents, and in the camp teaching staff. Paying attention to the fact that the changes in the rules admission to the exam are introduced almost every year, we can say with confidence that 2019 will not be an exception and will delight us with new creative innovations and news.

The editors of our site decided to clarify the situation with the admission of the Unified State Exam-2019 and equipped the correspondent with the Ministry of Science and Education to receive an exclusive interview. So what USE changes 2019 does it make sense to expect and what consequences will they lead to?

Will the USE 2019 be cancelled?

One of the most FAQ our readers are concerned about the abolition of the Unified State Examination, because for many years the system for assessing the knowledge and skills acquired by children in our country has been adopted in our country for many years. educational institutions, causes waves of fair criticism, both from university professors who are forced to accept frank ignoramuses for the first year, and from the parents of students who feel acute shortage knowledge from their offspring.

It should be noted that public outrage is caused not only by the fact low level knowledge, but also other reasons, such as overworked children in schools, which leads to negative consequences for good health. There are too high requirements for students with an insufficient level of preparation for entering serious universities, where teachers want to see applicants who have received real knowledge in full.

Thus, the rumor that the abolition of the Unified State Examination is just around the corner and this will happen in 2019 has real grounds, so this question was asked in an interview by our employee. An employee of the Ministry of Education and Science, who undertook to clarify the situation, made it clear that the issue of canceling the exam is not on the agenda and is unlikely to be considered in the future. The system, according to him, is quite balanced and highly efficient, and to consider the abolition of the exam and there is no reason to return to the Soviet examination school. However, a single State exam is still under development and it should be borne in mind that there will most likely be changes in the USE in 2019.

Change: new mandatory exams

Of course, the main headache of the future student comes down to what mandatory exams you have to take and how to effectively prepare for them. The issue of mandatory exams is by no means an idle one, and this point should be dealt with as early as possible. However, here we see some uncertainty that the leadership of the Ministry of Science and Education introduces into the heads of eleventh graders. Let me remind you that some time ago, rumors spread on the sidelines that a bill was submitted to the government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which it was proposed to increase the number compulsory exams, bringing their number to 6.

At present, the decision to change the number of mandatory USE exams being worked out. All the pros and cons are weighed, consultations and experiments are carried out in individual schools. Our opponent from the Ministry of Education and Science stated in an interview that the issue of introducing new compulsory subjects will be finally resolved by 2019 and graduates will have to without fail take an exam in history, because it is this discipline that is considered a priority and important today. Such a decision seems quite logical, in the light of what kind of anti-Russian movement has unfolded today on the field of political struggle.

Not so long ago, we witnessed how brazenly and shamelessly the Western media, at the behest of the White House, began an active campaign to denigrate Russia's reputation on the world stage. Many forces in the West want to rewrite history anew, where Russia would not be a triumphant winner in World War II, but a loser with a tarnished reputation.

Of course, such attacks and insinuations must not be allowed, and we must vigilantly see to it that our history books clearly and truthfully reflected on their pages the events of bygone years.

Other changes for schoolchildren in 2019

Now proposals and developments are being made regarding the admission of the USE 2019 in the subject of literature. Many copies have been broken around this subject, however changes are being prepared and will be systematically implemented. The main innovations will concern the form exam questions. It is proposed to leave the practice of tasks that require a one-word answer, and return to creative tasks, will reveal creative potential schoolboy.

Also, more attention will be devoted to the analysis of the work. The examinee will have to talk about the behavior of the characters and give their own assessments of each character. The main focus is on writing. It is the writing of one's own fantasy work that most accurately reveals the ability to competently and beautifully think and express one's thoughts.

Drawing a conclusion and summarizing the visit of our employee to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, we can state that changes in the USE in 2019 will definitely occur, but will not have a fundamental impact on the entire system of taking the state exam as a whole. Possible addition additional items and disciplines has not yet been confirmed and is under development. In conclusion, I would like to remind future applicants that getting a sufficient number of points for the exam depends on the right textbook and a hired tutor on time. Preparation should begin in advance, systematically repeating all the material covered.