Russian literature of the 19th century lesson summary. Synopsis of a lesson on literature "Russian classical literature and modernity. Introduction"

That intensification of the romantic beginning, which we have already noted in prose, also manifested itself in poetry. It is no coincidence that in poetic heritage of this period, the civic direction, based on the traditions of freedom-loving lyrics, remained the leading one. The greatest artistic achievements in line with this direction are associated with the names of A. N. Pleshcheev, A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov, L. N. Trefolev, S. D. Drozhzhin.

The poems of S. Ya. Nadson (1862-1887), who spent his childhood in Kyiv, were widely known among democratically minded youth. Many of them are fanned by a romantic hope for the coming triumph of the ideals of goodness and justice:

Let the holy ideal be broken and desecrated And innocent blood flow, Believe: the time will come - and Baal will perish, And love will return to earth!

As for dramaturgy, in its development it always correlates with the state of prose (in lesser degree- poetry), then overtaking it, then lagging behind. This process is typical for the entire XIX century. and it is explained, in particular, by the fact that our greatest prose writers were often dramatists at the same time (suffice it to mention the names of Turgenev, Leskov, Leo Tolstoy, Chekhov). Only one Ostrovsky devoted himself, as you know, exclusively to dramaturgy, but it was he who had the greatest influence on Russian theatrical art.

After the death of Ostrovsky (1886), the situation in the Russian theater deteriorated. True, the playwright had numerous imitators who strove to continue to develop the images and motifs bequeathed by their great predecessor. Some plays might even enjoy temporary success, but this so-called mass drama-turgy could not create anything that would open new page in the history of the Russian theater.

A new word was said by Chekhov. Considering, of course, existing traditions associated mainly with the names of Turgenev and Ostrovsky, Chekhov creates his own theater, guided by the new principles of dramatic art. We will talk more specifically about Chekhov's work in the section devoted to him, but here we only note that further development not only Russian, but also world dramaturgy will go under the sign of Chekhov's artistic discoveries. material from the site

Russian literature of the last third of the 19th century. strove to artistically capture and recreate all the diversity of life phenomena in their individual originality, socio-historical and psychological complexity. In the novels of Turgenev, L. Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, the satires of Saltykov-Shchedrin, the essays of Uspensky, the dramas of Ostrovsky, the stories and stories of Leskov, Garshin, Chekhov, Korolenko, the main issues of the era, new conflicts were reflected with exceptional depth and artistic perfection. , types and characters, the most important ideological, moral, aesthetic problems posed by time. This also explains the growth of world recognition of Russian literature, which was especially clearly manifested in the last third of the 19th century.

Grade: 10

Subject: Literature (lesson 1)

Topic: "On the history of Russian literature of the 19th century":


identify the level of literary development of 10th grade students, their reading circle, reader interests, literary outlook; degree of development of analysis skills artistic text; level of speech development.

- in the introductory lecture, describe historical development Russia in the 19th century, give a general description of literature I half of XIX century, to identify the main stages in the development of Russian classical literature, the evolution literary trends and genres artistic methods, Russian literary criticism.

During the classes

To insane pride excites not only

abundance of talents born in Russia inXIXcentury,

but their diversity is astounding.

M. Gorky

I). Repetition of the basic information studied in grade 9.

one). Working with an epigraph

Read the epigraph to the lesson - these are the words of M. Gorky, a wonderful Russian writer.

How do you understand them?

What talented poets and writers is M. Gorky talking about?

(A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, Turgenev, Tolstoy….).

2). Frontal conversation on questions.

1. What works of Russian literature of the 19th century did you read in the summer? Rate them on a five-point system.

2. What questions posed in Russian classical literature are still relevant today?

3. What characters in 19th century literature do you like or dislike? Argument your point of view.

4. Name the Russian writers of the 18th-19th centuries, their works that you have read, and the problems that they raise. Specify the genre of the named works.

5). Remember one of A. S. Pushkin's poems about the poet and poetry, learned by heart. In what ways does the author try to convey his mood and thoughts to the reader? What are key images poems? Give examples. Give a brief historical and cultural commentary to the poem.

6). How do you understand the expression human values"?

II). Acquaintance with the textbook of literature of the 10th grade.

III). Russian literature of the 19th century.

one). Drafting reference circuit

2). overview lecture

AT late XVIII -- early XIX centuries Russian classicism is going through its decline. The forces that destroy enlightenment and classicism lead to its serious changes in the literary situation. These trends are clearly visible in the work Gabriel Derzhavin. To motivate interest in his personality, reading fragments from V. Khodasevich's novel "Derzhavin" and from Derzhavin's autobiographical "Notes" can be included in the story about the poet.

Derzhavin made a dizzying career, going from a private in the Preobrazhensky Regiment to Cabinet Secretary and Senator of Catherine II, State Treasurer under Paul I and Minister of Justice under Alexander I. Honestly serving the Fatherland, he denounced nobles close to the court for bribes, deceit and greed. But in the history of Russian literature and culture, Derzhavin entered his name, first of all, not his own. public service, a literary talent.

Derzhavin was an innovative poet. Against the background of the solemn odes of classicism, his odes were unusual. It is difficult to call his poem "On the Death of Prince Meshchersky" a classic ode, in which a solemn tomb ode carries philosophical thoughts about the frailty of life and the inevitability of time and death, feelings of sadness from loss, which makes it related to elegy. In the ode "God" the poet glorifies not only the Creator, but also the man created in his image and likeness. An inhabitant of a sinful earth is an insignificant creature, a "worm", but the power of reason given to him by God makes him related to the Almighty.

Drawing in the guise of Felitsa the "god-like" Catherine II (ode "Felitsa"), the poet depicts next to her and low world, breaking the laws of the genre and engaging in a poetic game with the empress. He glorifies the ideal of wisdom in the guise of a queen, exposing her as a model of virtue. But next to him he draws a nobleman who lives in idleness and is subject to many human vices. Both content and complex shape a new ode, which includes the features of satire, idyll, pastoral, anecdote, speaks of the destruction by the poet of the traditions of classicism and the democratization of literature. Bottom line creative way poet becomes his collection "Anacreontic Songs", which includes the poem "Russian Girls", filled with humor and conveying the flavor of Russian folk culture.

Vasily Zhukovsky became the founder of romanticism in Russian literature. Illegitimate son landowner Bunin, who suffered a sitting under arrest for studying literature, dramatic story unhappy love, wounded in the war of 1812 and treatment in the hospital, he learned to calmly, meekly, with faith and prayer endure the blows of fate.

AT literary creativity the outstanding talent of Zhukovsky the poet manifested itself. He wrote 39 ballads and made the ballad a genre that rooted romanticism in Russian soil. AT lyric poetry he became a master of depicting subtle, elusive, elusive movements human soul. He gave public content lyrical experiences person, arguing that the happiness of a person is in his spiritual wealth, which filled his lyrics with universal human content. The language of his works gravitates towards the middle style, he uses words and expressions spoken language and develops such genres as elegy, romance, message, song, ballad.

In the ode-elegy "The Singer in the Camp of Russian Warriors" Zhukovsky praises the Russian squads who fought in the war of 1812, however, the patriotic pathos of the ode is combined with elegiac and ballad motifs, which give the poem warmth, make the feeling of love for the Motherland not abstract, but deeply personal and understandable.

In the poem "Sea" the living changes in the seascape suggest human life and the elements that rage in his soul. The sea lies under the sky and is chained to the earth, so it has an anxiety that it can be separated from the sky. The picture created by the poet helps to comprehend the world philosophically. There is no perfection in earthly vanity, and a person must have an inherent desire for heaven, for high purity and beauty. A person cannot live without an ideal, the absence of which, by the will of hostile forces, can make his life meaningless.

In the poem "Evening" Zhukovsky draws not objective, but spiritual pictures, not pictures of nature, but his own feelings from her images, which causes a strong emotional impression in the reader. The landscape merges with the experiences of the lyrical hero, filling the poetry with psychologism. According to the author, a person should perceive the world more with the soul than with the mind.

Man in Zhukovsky's poetry is an ordinary, earthly creature. But the meaning of his life is to cultivate in his soul sensitivity and mercy to other people's suffering, striving for high ideals. The happiness of a person, according to Zhukovsky, is in the strength of his soul, in the wealth of feelings and thoughts. Therefore, a person must constantly improve his spiritual world.

However, in the real world, the consciousness of an inert society rules, which leads to a contradiction between the individual and society. Hence, in the work of the Romantics, the conflict between man and the world originates, the source of the so-called romantic duality. Not accepting the atmosphere of vices and passions, a person seeks solitude, loneliness. His soul contains the entire Universe, accepts life in all manifestations, illuminated by faith in the triumph of the beautiful and sublime in another, ideal world. Hence the fragility of the space of this world, the desire for which prompts a person to overcome the burden of earthly life, to abandon petty and everyday things, and to destine himself truly human properties.

In the ballad "Svetlana" Zhukovsky fills the plot of both the previously written "Lyudmila" and "Lenora" by Burger with purely Russian signs, customs, and beliefs. The heroine of the ballad has best features Russian national character: loyalty, kindness, simplicity. Her happiness depends on her spiritual powers. The fantastic image of the road, as a symbol of movement from life to death, promises future misfortunes, blizzards and snowstorms portend the triumph of evil forces. The action develops by the light of the moon, on the border of day and night. The transition from one space and time to another gives rise to elements of the magical, the miraculous. But the "horrible" story of life from a happy union with the groom after a long separation to the path to death has a different, happy ending for Zhukovsky. Faith in God, hope for God's help help Svetlana not to lose heart, not to grumble at fate. Meekly and patiently enduring trials, she protects herself from a tragic fate.

Connection with traditions and beliefs, folk-religious beginnings make the heroine of the ballad a model of the national character of a Russian girl, which was reflected in the best female images Pushkin and L. Tolstoy.

Thus, the work of Zhukovsky opened to the Russian reader the wealth of the inner world of man, his moral character and human dignity.

Life and art Konstantin Batyushkov can be roughly divided into two periods. The first half of life included the early loss of mother, paternal and boarding education, the study European languages and culture. "Little Philosophy" young poet was that a person was born to enjoy life, for happiness, for love, but you can find them only in solitude, meeting mainly with like-minded people. Fencing off the world, popular riots, autocratic power, interfering with the thinking nobles, Batyushkov extremely deepens his inner world.

In his outer life many historical events: leaving for the militia, battles in East Prussia, Russian-Swedish campaign (1807-1808), war of 1812. However, the poet's heart is occupied with something else. In the poem "Bacchante" he draws the feast of the Roman god of wine and fun, Bacchus, to which young nymphs came. One of them lagged behind and was overtaken by a young man in love with her. The victory of love was also welcomed by the priestesses of Bacchus - Bacchantes, because this is the law of the world order: the triumph of love embodies the triumph of life and the ideal world should be full of love.

AT early work the poet dreams of reading books and enjoying the arts, of philosophical conversations with close friends. These aspirations of the poet are manifested in the poem "My penates", addressed to Zhukovsky and Vyazemsky. In it the reader may also catch manifestations of the "little philosophy". The genre of the poem is a message. It sings private life, his intonations are close colloquial speech. The meaning of the poem is that time is ruthless, life ends quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to spend it not in search of ranks and wealth, but in intelligent conversations with like-minded people. A person must take care of the soul, improve his inner world. The poet does not find harmony in outside world and creates it in his imagination, poetizing antiquity.

However, Batyushkov witnessed the tragic scenes of life: the fire of Moscow, the ruin of Russia by Napoleon, the suffering of the people, the death of his close friend I. A. He condemned French Revolution for bloodshed, considered revolutionary outbreaks in Europe to be madness, which plunged him into thoughts of a gloomy abyss in which everything would perish. This was one of the reasons for his spiritual crisis. Therefore, in the second period of his life, his poetry acquires the features of romantic anxiety, disappointment in the earthly world, which cannot give a person happiness. Everything on earth is changeable, and at the same time it leads to destruction, deep sadness, which even hope for eternal life.

Lyrical plot elegiac message "To a friend" is represented by the spiritual journey of man. Having gone through losses, disappointments, despair, he gains hope and comprehends the truth. The lyrical hero overcomes doubts, damned insoluble questions in faith, in religion, but sadness does not leave his soul and earthly world does not promise happiness. Finding images in ancient literature heroic people who did not bend under the blows of fate, Batyushkov calls on to boldly go towards trials, anticipating the pathos of the lyrics young Pushkin.

In the second half of the 20s mental illness The poet's condition became aggravated, he was treated in Russia and Europe, but to no avail. Clouding of the mind became an obstacle to his spiritual and poetic life. He lived in madness for almost 30 years and far outlived the friends of his poetic youth: Vyazemsky, Zhukovsky, Pushkin.

Summary of the lecture. Derzhavin became an innovative poet in Russian literature, who destroyed the normativity of the age of classicism and enlightenment. His work differed from its predecessors in the choice of themes and their philosophical solution, genre and style features. Zhukovsky and Batyushkov became the founders of psychological romanticism in Russian poetry. They dreamed of improving earthly life with the help of enlightenment and education of the human soul.

IV). Homework

The development of literature in the first half of the 19th century

Periodization of Russian literature

Ifloor. 19th century

The most important


events in Europe and Russia

general characteristics


Russian literature


literary genres


The Great French Revolution (1789-1793) Opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Patriotic War 1812. The emergence of Decembrist organizations

secular nature of literature. Mastering the European cultural heritage. Increased attention to Russian folklore and folk legends. The decline of classicism and its transformation in the work of Derzhavin. The specifics of the Russian. Ras.tsvet journalism. Literary societies and mugs

Journey, novel (educational novel, novel in letters). elegy, message, idyll


The growth of revolutionary and national liberation movements in Europe. The emergence of secret societies in Russia (1821-1822). The death of Napoleon and the death of Bay.ron. Decembrist uprising (1825)

The dominant trend is romanticism. Its psychological and social currents. "School of harmonic accuracy". Literature of the Decembrists. Edition of almanacs. The principle of historicism put forward by Karamzin. Romantic aspirations in the works of Pushkin 1812-1824

"Modernized" by the Decembrists, an ode, a tragedy, a "high comedy", a civil or patriotic poem, an elegy, a message. " story", ballad

1826 - the first half of the 50s.

The defeat of the uprising "New price charter". Russian victories in the wars with Persia and Turkey (1826-1829). July Revolution in France (1830). Suppression of the Polish uprising (1831). Persecution of free thought in Russia. Deepening the crisis of serfdom, public reaction. Strengthening democratic tendencies. Development of the ideas of revolution and utopian socialism. Reactionary protective measures of the government in connection with the revolutions in Europe

Loyalty to the ideas of Decembrism and realism in the works of Pushkin (1826-1837). The heyday of Lermontov's romanticism. Gogol's transition to realism and social satire. Leading value acquires realism, although most writers work within the framework of romanticism. The emergence of new romantic genres. Replacing poetry with prose. The 1830s are the heyday of the story. The theory of "official nationality". Realistic aesthetics of Belinsky. Release of the first volume dead souls(1842). The growth of the influence of advanced journalism on public life. The struggle of progressive and democratic forces in journalism. The ideological struggle of the Slavophiles and Westernizers. "Natural School". The priority of social Development of the theme " little man". Confrontation between the literature of the "Gogol school" and poets-lyricists of a romantic plan

romantic ballad, poem, historical novel. Secular, historical, romantic, everyday story. Literary-cri.ty.chess.kaya article. The main genres of the "na. Landscape, love-aesthetic.tic and philosophic.lyrics of poets-romantics