Excursion "history of notebook development". General quality criteria

Hello, friends. If you decide to learn a foreign language, then vocabulary replenishment is paramount task. To do this, you need to write down new words somewhere, i.e. lead notebook-dictionary. This article is about how to optimally manage your English dictionary so that it helps you memorize new words and does not turn into unnecessary scribbling. If you are ready to effectively maintain an English dictionary, then proceed to the study of the article.

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1. Get a thick dictionary notebook. It is advisable to take an A4 notebook. Words need to be repeated periodically. Write all new words in the same notebook. Don't have multiple notebooks.

2. Divide the page into the following columns:
word number | word | transcription | translation | synonym | antonym | interpretation in English | sentence in which the word occurs | your example| picture

Why exactly these columns? Why so many columns for one word?

"Word Number" needed so that you can see how your vocabulary. A few hundred frequently used words are already enough to communicate and understand the essence of any text. And, of course, it's nice to know that you have already learned 200 or 1000 new words!

"Word-transcription-translation"- this is a classic, I think no explanation is needed here.

"Synonyms"(words similar in meaning) and (opposite in meaning) will help you learn additional words and connect them meaningfully. It is not always possible to choose a synonym and antonym. There is special dictionaries synonyms and antonyms. You can find them online or buy them in a store. This column is optional, but highly recommended. This is a kind of linking between words in your head. You combine words into semantic groups, and this helps a lot with memorization.

"Interpretation of the word in English" will help you increase your vocabulary and improve your English speech. This is another optional but very important column in your dictionary. Many teachers advise not to learn the translation of a word, but its explanation in the same language. There are many explanatory dictionaries of the English language, such as the Oxford Dictionary, or Hawkins J. Dictionary English (2008).

"The sentence in which you met the word" will help to instantly pull out of memory the situation in which you first encountered the word. This is obligatory part your dictionary. Words must be taught in context. Memorize such sentences, and in a couple of months of working on this system, a miracle will happen - you will advance very much in English.

"Your Example" will help to fix this word in memory, tying it to a new context or situation. It is not necessary to make up your own example, you can write out another example with this word from somewhere. This is a required item in your dictionary.

"Picture" is needed to connect the English word not with its Russian translation, but with the image. Choose or draw yourself a picture that you associate with an English word. Cut it out of a magazine, print it out on a printer. To you, such work may seem like unnecessary fuss, but in reality it is a super way to help you learn to think in English. You will no longer perceive English only as "the language that we translate into Russian." English words will become associated with specific images and concepts, and gradually you will move away from the Russian language as an intermediary.

3. Repeat regularly the words. Work with different columns. For example, look at a column with a picture and remember a word. Or read the interpretation, and remember which word it describes. Don't limit learning to memorizing the word and its translation.

4. Find more ways for yourself remember the word. You can enter new columns, for example: "quote with the given word" (phrases from books, sayings).

Such painstaking work requires a little more time. But it gives amazing results! Improve your English

Notebook... this integral part of the school life accompanied our childhood, the childhood of our parents - and, probably, will not soon become a thing of the past. It seems that notebooks have always existed! But after all, did they ever appear ... how and where did this happen?

The word “notebook” itself will help answer this question ... what associations does it evoke? Let's remember similar words: "tetralogy" - a work consisting of four parts (for example, R. Wagner's tetralogy "The Ring of the Nibelung", including four operas), "Tetralogy of Fallot" - a severe heart disease, including four violations ... In other words, the name "notebook" comes from the words "four" ... what is behind this?

So there are several possible explanations. One of them is that the libraries medieval universities books - for the convenience of students - were divided into four parts (really convenient: you don’t have to wait for someone to hand over the whole book - you can still work with part of it, in the absence of printing it was indispensable), and these parts were called quarters - notebooks …

But it is more likely to assume that the concept of "notebook" is still ancient, and it is in the meaning we are used to.

Perhaps it came to us from Ancient Greece, where students (though not only them) wrote with pointed sticks-styles on wax-coated tablets. But how much can you write on one board? On the other hand, fastening many boards at once is also not very convenient - an impressive bunch will turn out ... The best option there were four boards - a notebook! Such student notebooks have come down to our times - and they show us how and what they taught in ancient schools. So, in one such notebook, a very relevant saying was rewritten four times: “Be diligent, boy, so that you don’t get torn out!”

But there is another version of the origin of both the notebook itself and the word "notebook". Let's remember what was the "favorite" material for writing in ancient world? Of course, papyrus! After all, waxed boards were convenient for student exercises, current records "for memory" - in a word, for something short and not particularly valuable, which you would immediately erase later, but for large and valuable texts something long-lasting and light was needed. In this regard, the papyrus was an ideal option.

But he also had flaws. The fact is that the papyrus cannot be folded - it will break at the same time, it can only be rolled up into a scroll. What it is like to find the right place in a scroll (sometimes very long), you can easily imagine if you remember the recent past: how we suffered in search of right place on video and audio cassettes! And to top it off, the Egyptians forbade the export of papyrus from their territory.

But, as you know, if there is a need, a replacement will always be found. And she was found - after the campaigns of Alexander the Great. AT Greek city Pergamum in Asia Minor was adopted from the Persians and the technology of skin dressing was improved. This is how the material for writing appeared, which is called - after the name of the city - parchment. It turned out to be even better than papyrus: it did not darken and did not break with time.

At first, from parchment - so to speak, "by inertia" - they made scrolls similar to papyrus. But it was inconvenient: the scroll had to be long and narrow, a lot of parchment went to waste - and this is not a cheap material! Finally, an optimal solution was found: a sheet of parchment was folded into four - this is what was called a "tetrad" - and several of these notebooks were sewn together, and it already looked like what we call a notebook now.

Thus, the appearance of the notebook is directly related to the invention of parchment. Centuries had to pass for parchment as a material for writing to be replaced by paper - and notebooks became paper.

“A student's notebook is his face,” teachers say so, teaching us from the first grade that notebooks should be in order. A neat, properly designed notebook (in accordance with the requirements of the teacher and the school) is always a plus for the student. Usually, at the beginning of the year, teachers write a sample of the design of notebooks on the blackboard, but sometimes this work is entrusted to students. Sign the notebook on your own English language is not easy. Therefore, this question can be found on the Internet.

How to sign a notebook in English? Unambiguously, this should be done in the language in which the teaching of a particular subject is conducted. AT this case- in English. In the center of the cover or on the right upper corner the following information is marked:

  1. the name of the subject;
  2. name and surname of the student;
  3. Class;
  4. school.

We translate into English, and here's how it looks:

  • English
  • Alina Ivanova
  • Form 5 "A"
  • School 117

This is a standard version of the design of a notebook in English. Other signature options will be given below, which depend on the requirements of the teacher, the school, or even the wishes of the student.

It is important to know!

It should be remembered that in English the order of indicating the name and surname is as follows: first the first name, then the surname.

Example: Anna Myatina (how to write your first and last name English letters, read the article "Russian names in English - the basic rules of reincarnation").

The student's name can be translated into English using transliteration (Nikolay, Pavel, Yekaterina), or can be replaced with an English equivalent (Nick, Paul, Kate, etc.)

The English language notebook is signed according to the UK and US standard. The same standard is observed in the schools of the CIS, which teach foreign languages. Here is the reason for the difference (from Russian) in the order of the lines.

  1. If the notebook belongs to a student, the course or group is indicated instead of the class.
  2. Dots are not put at the end of the lines.
  3. The city of Moscow / Moscow-city
  4. The last line sometimes indicates the city / region of residence, but this is not necessary.
  5. In British English word"class" is written as form, and in the American version they write "grade". But both options are correct.
  6. When specifying the school number (School No. 123), the “number” sign in English is not put. Example: School 125.
  7. If you need to sign a notebook for new words - a dictionary, then on the first line we write not just English, but English Vocabulary.

Other options for signing notebooks in English.

  • English
  • Form 7 "A"
  • School No. 66
  • Galina Kuznetsova
  • English
  • Maria Lyadova
  • Form 8-A
  • School 183
  • The city of Moscow/Moscow-city
  • exercise book
  • Ivan Simonov
  • Form-4B
  • School number - 17.

AT different schools the requirements for the design of notebooks in English are also different. The most important thing is to write the name of the subject correctly, indicate the school number, the class in which the student is studying, and of course, do not forget your first and last name. Or you can simply purchase a notebook for work in English, which will already be signed as standard, all that remains is to mark the school number, indicate the class and name of the student.


Memo on working with a notebook of achievements.

The Achievement Book is a tool that helps the child visualize what has been covered in the subject, see his progress in mastering each skill and determine in which direction he needs to make special efforts.

The name "Notebook of Achievements" is conditional; children come up with it after they start working with the notebook. When the name is suggested by the students, one can understand what meaning the new work has acquired for the children. Usually students offer such names: “My skills”, “What I can do”, “My grades”, “Achievements”, “What and how I learned”. You can agree on one name, or you can leave each child the one that he likes best.

The notebook of achievements is introduced in the first grade, after the “I am a high school student” immersion. It is important that up to this point, students work with qualitative assessment, learn to highlight qualitative skills in their work (not “correctness”, but detailed ones: working with a number line, adding up to 10, etc.).

In the first and second grades, the notebook contains only the skills and results being studied. In the third and fourth grades, a repetition plan is included in the notebook, and therefore the name of the notebook may change. In addition, “helpers” - rules, laws, etc. can be included in the notebook of achievements from the second grade. To do this, you need to take a few pages at the end of the notebook.

What does an achievement notebook look like?

The notebook page looks like a table in which the left vertical column contains a list of skills, and the right column contains scales that show the level of mastery of a given skill and the date when this subject skill was tested. Next to the scale, the date of assessment is obligatory, since the child can clearly see his movement and determine what gaps he needs to eliminate.

An example of a notebook of achievements of students in grades 1-2.

My skills

Date and grade

multi-digit numbers

multi-digit numbers

Solving Equations

An example of a notebook of achievements for students in grades 3-4.

The first part of the notebook is similar to the notebook of the first and second grades, but instead of scales (magic rulers), there may be marks used by students:

My skills

Date and grade

Reading and writing multi-digit numbers

Multiplication of multi-digit numbers

The second part of the notebook contains a repetition plan:

What to repeat

How to repeat


Multiplication of multi-digit numbers

Help Sasha I.

Multivalued division by single digit

Teacher's consultation

Solution examples (10 cards)

At the end of the notebook, you can make rules, laws, certificates.

An example of introducing a notebook of achievements. In first grade, at one of the lessons, after the teacher, together with the children, developed the criteria for excellent work, the teacher suggests trying to complete 4 tasks out of 8 available as “excellent”. All skills that are tested in tasks are written on the board, cards with tasks are signed according to skills. Eight tasks correspond to eight learned skills, for example, on the board there is an entry “I know how to work on a ruler”, and on a card there is the same entry and a task in which it is necessary to measure the depicted segment T and build a segment K 4 cm long. Among the eight tasks there are also simple ones, and more complex ones that have just begun to be studied. Most first-graders, as a rule, do not choose cards, but take everything in a row. As a result, not everyone does their job perfectly. When discussing the results of the work, the teacher is surprised that there are not very many excellent works, although it seemed to him that everyone can take only those tasks that they know how to do very well. As a rule, first-graders answer that they could not quickly understand whether they could do it “very, very well” or not, and there was not much time. Then the teacher suggests having a special notebook in which you can write down what we learn in the classroom and how well we can do the tasks. The teacher prepares a page of a notebook in advance, enters the skills that were tested latest work, and tells the guys how to use the notebook, and offers to try to fill it out. After the children have worked with the notebook, that is, they have written down their grades in it, the teacher suggests coming up with a name for the notebook so as not to confuse it with all the other notebooks.

In the future, it is important that the name of the skill should be clear to children, it is better if the names are suggested by the students themselves.

In second grade Keeping a notebook begins after the starting test.

After doing control work The students, together with the teacher, identify the skills that the tasks are aimed at. The teacher writes out all the skills on the board, while more specific skills combine common name. Since the work is done immediately after the holidays, without repetition, the guys may have large quantity errors than at the end of the first class. It is difficult to fix all the mistakes in one lesson, so there is a need to fix the skills that need to be worked on. The teacher reminds about the notebook of achievements. In the second grade, it is better to continue the notebook started at the end of the first grade. For this on summer period you can collect notebooks and leave them in the classroom. Unlike the first grade, in the second grade the students write down the skills themselves, the teacher helps only those guys who work very slowly.

In the third and fourth grades Keeping a notebook also begins after the initial control work. After fixing the results of the starting work, the teacher announces that the third graders are adult students who can independently correct the shortcomings. But if there are many shortcomings, it is necessary to plan work to eliminate them. The teacher offers to keep a repetition plan in the same notebook. Discusses with children how to correct work, who can help improve skills. As a result, there are ways to overcome difficulties, repeat the material (used by children when filling out the “how to repeat” column):

Seek help from another student

Seek help from a teacher

Independently solve several tasks for this skill

View last year's notebooks

View reference book, dictionary, etc.

When to complete the notebook of achievements?

After any verification, control, independent work- the work where the child checks the assimilation of the material. The work may contain tasks for one or two skills, or maybe for several. The teacher, after children's self-assessment, checks the work, evaluates it using scales written by children. If the student did not see any skill, then the teacher adds a scale with the corresponding entry. If the work tested one or two skills, then you can fill out the notebook of achievements right there in the lesson: the children transfer the scale with the assessment to their notebook. If the work was large, then it is more appropriate to fill out a notebook in class, at a consultation or at home. Teacher assistance is required in first and second grade. In the third grade, not all students need help. If the student filled out the notebook at home, then the teacher needs to check whether he was able to complete everything. For a child, such a check should look not like control, but like help.

How and when do the names of new skills appear in the notebook?

1. In the lesson after completing the test work and its frontal analysis to highlight skills.

2. In the lesson of studying a new topic, after the children name this new topic in the form of a skill. A skill can be written down in a notebook of achievements without doing any test work for this skill yet.

3. In preparation for verification work.

4. Individual skills relating to a particular student may appear in the notebook. For example, a teacher discovers that a student is writing an equation incorrectly. It is this skill (the design of the equation) that he asks to enter in a notebook so that the student can regularly monitor its implementation.

5. At the initiative of the student himself.

In the first and second grades, skills are narrow in nature, rather reminiscent of an algorithm. By the third grade, skills are more generalized (for example, solving equations in the fourth grade, and in the second

AT workbook skills resemble an algorithm for completing a task; in a notebook of achievements, skill is more generalized. For example, in a workbook, when studying equations, children fix the selection of the whole and parts, the method of solving, checking. In the notebook of achievements, this is one skill - the ability to solve an equation.

In the process of complicating the curriculum, there are clarifications in the names of skills. If in the first grade students write down the skill “problem solving”, then in the third grade this skill is specified: “solving a problem of the type a + (a ± b)”, “solving a problem for an integer consisting of equal parts". Students gradually learn to write skills in an abbreviated form, for example, instead of the word “addition”, they put a “+” sign, shorten words, depict them as a symbol (instead of the ability to build drawings, they depict a segment).

Where does the student use the achievement notebook?

1. The student uses a notebook while preparing for the test work and in working on mistakes (looks at what he needs to correct, what to practice).

2. The student comes for a consultation with the teacher. He can show a notebook of achievements and ask for a task for a skill that is underestimated, or ask for help in overcoming some difficulty.

3. If the teacher at the lesson offers to select assignments for assessment, then the student can look in the notebook for which skill he did not do the work for assessment and just do it.

4. If the teacher offers to choose tasks for homework, then the student can take a task for a skill that has a low score, and thereby practice additionally.

5. The student can show the notebook of achievements to parents: it is clear what has already been studied, and what movement the student has.

Where can a teacher use an achievement notebook?

The teacher can use a notebook during a meeting with parents: show the amount of material studied, the movement of the student, the difficulties he faces.

Instead of the names of skills, the student can write down the number of the corresponding skill, since they are in the same notebook.

When you have a free moment, choose a hardcover copy. This will help you maintain legible handwriting. In addition, such notebook will last for a long time, the pages will not fray at the edges and will not wrinkle.

Very handy with insert paper blocks. You can add missing sheets to them, if suddenly there is more information than you expected. In addition, you can remove unnecessary sheets and leave only the most important in your notebook. Along with the blocks, buy some colored plastic dividers. On their protruding parts, write the subject on which you will record lectures, or any other sign by which records can be divided into blocks. Position the lettering vertically.

Draw margins on all pages in advance. They are useful not only for students of the school. On this space you can take out all Additional information without clogging main text.

Begin each entry in your notebook with a heading. write it more large print than the rest of the text. Position in the center of the line. Thanks to the headings, you can quickly navigate even in a voluminous notebook.

Keyword abbreviate in each passage of text. Having written it at the beginning of the abstract in its entirety, subsequently limit yourself to the first letter with a dot. Use other abbreviations to save time. Long cut to the following kind: first syllable, hyphen, ending. For words that end in the same way, come up with a conditional, for example, vertical line, wavy line, zigzag. Think over these symbols in advance and write them out separately.

You will need symbols for marking on . There you can put questions and exclamation points so that it is clear which question needs to be clarified or which one to turn to Special attention.

In order not to get confused in all the invented signs, make a kind of dictionary. On the last page of your notebook, write everything conventions and decode them. Also write what colors you used to highlight the text. For example, definitions can be underlined with a green marker, quotations can be underlined with a red marker, and so on.

When recording a lecture, omit all introductory words and designs. Lyrical digressions and send references to other sources of information in the margins - write there the author's name and the title of the book in which you can read additional information on this topic. Difficult words replace with more concise synonyms if this does not change the meaning of the text.

When notebook ends, write out all the headings on the flyleaf. In front of each, write the page on which the entry on this topic begins. Write their numbers on the appropriate pages. It is better to place the number in the upper right corner - the lower corner can be worn out due to frequent turning.

School notebook should combine durability, ease of use and attractive from the point of view of the child and teachers appearance. When choosing, you should pay attention to the cover, as well as to the density, whiteness of the paper, etc.

When choosing a notebook, attention should first of all be paid to the cover. It is because of it that disputes often flare up. Children often prefer notebooks with bright covers, which depict, various, etc. Teachers, on the other hand, may prohibit the use of such notebooks, since it is believed that the bright cover distracts students from their studies. As for parents, they often quality is more important paper than the look of a notebook. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, talk to teachers and find out their opinion on certain covers. At the same time, try to take into account the wishes of the child.

In any case, it is desirable that the cover be made of durable material and have rounded edges, since in this case it will last longer without fraying or delamination. Choosing notebooks for a student elementary school, also pay attention to the presence on the cover of a special block in which the child can enter his last name and first name, the name of the subject, etc.

After choosing notebooks with the most suitable covers, look inside and evaluate the quality of the paper and. In no case should the sheets be shiny, dazzling white, or yellow or gray. Ideally, a moderately white paper that does not irritate or tire the eyes should be preferred. As for the line, it should be clear, but not bright. Paper with well-printed gray lines will do. Bright red, blue, green lines should be avoided.

Side margins must be drawn on each sheet. An exception can sometimes be made for common notebooks, i.e. notebooks, the volume of which is 48 or more sheets. Pay attention to the paper weight, which is usually indicated on the cover with reverse side. The density must be at least 55 g/sq. m, but not more than 75 g/sq. m.