carl gustav jung quotes about love. "Depression is like a lady in black

Do you know what I like most about Carl Jung? The fact that he was not only a psychologist and psychoanalyst, but also a truly deep philosopher-thinker. And in order to write about what it is to be human, first of all he tried to know all aspects of himself.

Jung was deeply convinced that we are all spiritual beings, and in order to truly look into your soul and understand who we are, you need to really establish deep connection with yourself.

For some, this idea turns into a passion for religion - they try to find solace and salvation by turning to something greater than themselves. Although this does not always help a person to understand who he is (or, for example, who he is not at all).

As noted in one of the best biographical books on Jung, "Carl Jung was one of the founders of modern depth psychology who sought to establish fruitful contact with the subconscious energy that flows through each of us. His works contain many terms and ideas used by psychologists around the world even now (and which have become firmly established in the lexicon of many people far from psychology): complex, archetype, personality, shadow, anima and animus, personality typology, interpretation of dreams, individuation and many others. He appreciated and understood human creativity at a very deep level and considered spirituality to be the core of humanity itself.”

Selecting quotes from this article, and rereading his works along the way, we began to appreciate Jung himself and all of his works even more. scientific works because over and over again you come across topics and ideas that help open up consciousness and look beyond it - topics with which his books and articles are literally littered like a beach with pebbles. He was most definitely a deep thinker, and knew himself and his soul in a way that many of us cannot imagine.

In addition, Jung was a great connoisseur of astrology. No, this is not about those average horoscopes, but about real astrology, with which most of people are not even familiar with a cap ...

But let's move on to the quotes themselves! Below you will find 17 quotes from various works of Carl Jung that will give you endless food for thought about yourself.

1. "You cannot achieve enlightenment by only striving for the light and imagining it, for this you need to make the darkness conscious."

2. "Do not try to keep the one who is leaving, because then you will not be able to meet the one who comes."

3. "Until you make the subconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it destiny."

4. "Everything that irritates us in other people can lead us to understand ourselves."

5. "The meeting of two people is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction between them, both of them are transformed."

6. "I am not what happened to me, I am who I choose to become."

7. "Knowing your own darkness - The best way learn to deal with the darkness of other people."

9. "The mistakes we make are laid in the foundation of the truth, and even if after them a person does not know what something really is, he knows exactly what it is not."

10. “Your vision will become crystal clear only when you can look into own heart. The one who looks outward is only asleep, the one who looks inward wakes up.”

11. "People are ready for anything, even the most absurd acts, just to avoid trying to look into their own soul."

12. “Loneliness is not that there is no one next to you. It lies in the inability to clearly express what is most important to you, or in the fact that you are prone to certain beliefs that others find unacceptable.

13. “Depression is like a woman in black. If she shows up on your doorstep, don't chase her away. Invite her into the house, pull up a chair, make her feel at home, and listen to what she has to say to you.”

14. "A person who has never passed through the hellish furnace of his passions will never be able to overcome them."

15. “What you resist only gets stronger.”

16. "Sleep is a small secret door in the deepest and most intimate corner of our soul, which opens into that primeval cosmic night, which was the soul long before the emergence of the conscious ego."

Carl Jung. Quotes to help you understand yourself
Carl Jung - Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychology. Jung considered the task of analytical psychology to be the interpretation of archetypal images that arise in patients.

Quotes and sayings by Carl Jung that will allow you to know yourself better

If you are a gifted person, it does not mean that you have received something. This means that you can give something away.

What is the difference between a genius and a madman? The madman sees, but does not know how to convey it. And a genius can translate this into the language of consciousness.

A disturbing subject is the first step towards art.

Follow that will and that path which experience confirms as your own, that is, as the true expression of your own individuality.

I am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become.

Encounter with oneself is one of the most unpleasant.

Any kind of addiction is bad, whether it's addiction to alcohol, drugs or idealism.

Your vision will become clear only when you can see into your own soul.

If we are not aware of what is happening inside us, then from the outside it seems to us that this is fate.

Anything that irritates others can lead to self-understanding.

Whoever has not gone through the purgatory of his own passions has not overcome them to the end.

We may think that we are in complete control of ourselves. However, a friend can easily tell us things about us that we have no idea about.

Only our deeds show who we are.

Fanaticism is a sign of suppressed doubt... If a person is really convinced that he is right, he is absolutely calm and can discuss opposite point vision without a shadow of indignation ...

Healthy man does not bully others. The tormentor becomes the one who endured the torment.

The more a person's life is permeated with collective norms, the more immoral the individual ...

Who knows the way to the eternally fertile regions of the soul? You seek the path only in appearances, you study books and listen to all kinds of opinions. What is so good about it? There is only one way and that is your way.

Even happy life there are dark moments, and the word "happiness" would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is best to take what is happening carefully and coolly.

The fact is that a person necessarily needs ideas and beliefs that give meaning to his life and allow him to find his place in the universe. He will overcome the most incredible trials, being convinced of what he is doing it for. But when all the trouble is already behind him, he can suffer a crushing defeat when he finds out that he is participating in an idiotic and senseless undertaking.

There is no more hypocritical whore than the intellect when it replaces the heart.

What you resist remains.

Do not hold back the one who leaves you. Otherwise, the one who comes to you will not come.

Your vision will become clear only if you can look into your heart. Whoever looks outward sees only dreams, whoever looks into himself awakens.

When you are not aware of what is happening inside of you, on the outside it seems like destiny.

Quotes and sayings by Carl Jung aboutparenting

The heaviest burden that falls on the shoulders of a child is the unlived life of his parents.

Children learn from the example of an adult, not from his words.

Children are brought up by what an adult is, and not by what he says. The widespread belief in words is a real disease of the mind.

Children, of course, are not as stupid as we think. They are too good at noticing what is real and what is fake.

Statements of Carl Jung on the sources of mental disorders

Being “normal” is the ideal for the underdog, for all those who have not yet managed to rise to the level of general requirements. But for those whose abilities are much higher than average, for whom it was not difficult to achieve success by doing their share of worldly work - for such people, the framework of the norm means a Procrustean bed, unbearable boredom, hellish hopelessness and hopelessness. As a result, many become neurotic because they are simply normal, while others become neurotic because they cannot become normal.

… problems are resolved when a person begins to understand that interpersonal conflicts often arise due to various ways perception of the world, and not as a result of egocentrism or malicious intent.

Depression is like a lady in black. If she comes, do not drive her away, but invite her to the table as a guest, and listen to what she intends to say.

Neurosis is always a substitute for natural suffering.

The lack of meaning in life plays a critical role in the etiology of neurosis. Ultimately, neurosis should be understood as the suffering of the soul, not finding its meaning ...

A person who has not burned out in the hell of his own passions cannot overcome them. And they hide nearby, in a neighboring house, which he does not even assume. And the flame at any moment can spread and burn the house, which he considers his own. What we avoid, evade, supposedly forgetting, is dangerously close to us. And eventually it will return, but with a vengeance.

At the heart of all mental illness lies the unwillingness to experience deserved suffering.

Quotes, aphorisms and thoughts of Carl Jung about life

As a person, changing his own law, misses the opportunity to become a person, he loses the meaning of his life. Fortunately, the indulgent and long-suffering nature has never put the fatal question about the meaning of life into the mouth of most people. And if no one asks, there is no need to answer.

Life is vain only for those who pursue vanity.

Life means nothing until there is a thinking person who could interpret its phenomena.

The main misconception of society is that there are answers, "solutions" or views that just need someone to express them, bringing the necessary clarity.

But, as shown numerous examples history, real truth means nothing until it has become a personal inner experience.

The psychological rule says that if internal situation is not realized, it turns into external events.

Everyone knows that today people have complexes ... but it is not so well known that complexes can have us.

People will do everything possible, no matter how absurd, to avoid coming face to face with their soul.

We are drawn to the past, to our parents, and forward, to our children, to the future, which we will never see, but which we want to take care of.

The sad truth is that human life consists of a complex of inexorable opposites - day and night, birth and death, happiness and suffering, good and evil. We are not even sure that one will prevail over the other, that good will triumph over evil, or joy over pain. Life is a battlefield. It has always existed and will always exist, if it were not so, life would come to an end.

Many crises in our lives have a long unconscious history. We go through it step by step, unaware of the danger that is accumulating. But what we consciously try not to notice is often captured by our unconscious, which transmits information in the form of dreams.

Sleep is a hidden little door that leads to the most hidden and secret corners of the soul and opens into the cosmic night.

The meeting of two persons is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is even the slightest reaction, both elements change.

Loneliness is not due to the absence of people around, but the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.

He who looks into the mirror of the waters sees first of all his own reflection. He who goes to himself runs the risk of meeting himself.
The mirror does not flatter, it faithfully reflects the face that we never show to the world, hiding it behind the Persona, behind the actor's mask. The mirror points to our true face. Such is the test of courage on the way to the depths, a test that is enough for most to recoil, since meeting with oneself is one of the most unpleasant.

Biographical sketch

Swiss psychiatrist, founder of one of the areas of depth psychology - analytical psychology. Jung considered the task of analytical psychology to be the interpretation of archetypal images that arise in patients.

Carl Gustav Jung was born in Kesswil, Switzerland in 1875. Grew up in Basel, Switzerland. The only son of a Swiss Reformed pastor, he was a deeply introverted child but an excellent student. He read voraciously, especially philosophical and religious literature, and enjoyed solitary walks, during which he admired the mysteries of nature. AT school years, recalled Jung, he was completely absorbed in dreams, supernatural visions and fantasies (Jung, 1961). He was convinced that he had secret knowledge about future.

Jung studied medicine at the University of Basel and received his medical degree in psychiatry in 1900. In the same year, he took up a position as an assistant at the Zurich Hospital for the Insane, where he worked under the direction of Eugène Bleuler, the author of the term "schizophrenia".

Quotes and aphorisms

The lack of meaning in life plays a critical role in the etiology of neurosis. Ultimately, neurosis should be understood as the suffering of a soul that does not find its meaning ... About a third of my cases are suffering not from some clinically definable neurosis, but from the meaninglessness and aimlessness of one's own life.

Man is an animal that has gone mad. There are two ways out of this madness: he needs to become an animal again; Or become more than human...

The heaviest burden that falls on the shoulders of a child is the unlived life of his parents.

Anything that irritates others can lead to self-understanding.

If we are not aware of what is happening inside us, then from the outside it seems to us that this is fate.

A healthy person does not bully others. The tormentor becomes the one who endured the torment.

Children learn from the example of an adult, not from his words.

Encounter with oneself is one of the most unpleasant.

Any kind of addiction is bad, whether it's addiction to alcohol, drugs or idealism.

Show me a mentally healthy person, and I will cure him for you.

What is the difference between a genius and a madman? The madman sees, but does not know how to convey it. And a genius can translate this into the language of consciousness.

A disturbing subject is the first step towards art.

I am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become.

Many crises in our lives have a long unconscious history. We go through it step by step, unaware of the danger that is accumulating. But what we consciously try not to notice is often captured by our unconscious, which transmits information in the form of dreams.

Loneliness is not due to the absence of people around, but the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.

Love is not crazy. Is the word “mind” appropriate here at all? This is both light and darkness, the end and edge of which will never be. And no one can escape this mysterious power.

Your vision will become clear only when you can see into your own soul.

A symbol always contains more than its obvious and immediate meaning.

Sleep is a hidden little door that leads to the most hidden and innermost corners of the soul and opens into the cosmic night.

Do not hold back the one who leaves you. Otherwise, the one who comes to you will not come.

What you resist remains.

People will do everything possible, no matter how absurd, to avoid coming face to face with their soul.

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Carl Gustav Jung(German Carl Gustav Jung[ˈkarl ˈgʊstaf ˈjʊŋ]) (July 26, 1875, Keswil, Thurgau, Switzerland - June 6, 1961, Kusnacht, canton of Zurich, Switzerland) - Swiss psychiatrist, founder of one of the areas of depth psychology - analytical psychology.

Jung considered the task of analytical psychology to be the interpretation of archetypal images that arise in patients. Jung developed the doctrine of the collective unconscious, in the images (archetypes) of which he saw the source of universal human symbolism, including myths and dreams ("Metamorphoses and symbols of libido"). The goal of psychotherapy, according to Jung, is the realization of the individuation of the personality.

Also known is the concept psychological types Cabin boy.

Quotes and aphorisms K.G. cabin boy

  • Every process is an energy phenomenon, and energy can be generated only by a tense unity of opposites.
  • ·All highest achievements virtue, like greatest atrocities, are individual.
  • If people were more aware of the strict universal laws that even the wildest and most arbitrary fantasies obey.
  • · There are truths that are true only the day after tomorrow, and those that were true yesterday, and some are not true at any time.
  • "Magical" is just another word for psychic.
  • The inability to adapt to inner world- an omission as grave in consequences as ignorance and awkwardness in the outside world. And only an insignificantly small part of humanity, living mainly on that densely populated peninsula of Asia that is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, and calling itself " educated people”, due to insufficient contact with nature, attacked the idea that religion is a kind of peculiar spiritual disorder, the purpose of which is incomprehensible.
  • · To the extent that a person, changing his own law, misses the opportunity to become a person, he loses the meaning of his life. Fortunately, the indulgent and long-suffering nature has never put the fatal question about the meaning of life into the mouth of most people. And if no one asks, there is no need to answer.
  • Facts are always discovered first, not theories. Theory develops, among other things, in the course of discussion.
  • · The sad truth is that human life consists of a complex of inexorable opposites - day and night, birth and death, happiness and suffering, good and evil. We are not even sure that one will prevail over the other, that good will triumph over evil, or joy over pain. Life is a battlefield. It has always existed and will always exist, if it were not so, life would come to an end.
  • ·… enough early occurrence human ability came to reflection from the painful consequences of cruel emotional turmoil. There is no doubt that the shock of an emotional experience is often necessary to get people to wake up and pay attention to what they are doing.
  • Many crises in our lives have a long unconscious history. We go through it step by step, unaware of the danger that is accumulating. But what we consciously try not to notice is often captured by our unconscious, which transmits information in the form of dreams.
  • Symbols reveal the sacred to a person and at the same time protect him from direct contact with the colossal psychic energy of the archetypes.
  • · A disturbing object is the first step towards art.
  • We forget that consciousness is only the surface, only the vanguard of our mental existence. The head is only one end, and behind it, behind the avant-garde-consciousness, there is a long tail of hesitation, weaknesses, complexes, prejudices and inherited qualities. We almost always make a decision without considering the factors of the past. And sometimes we go off the rails.
  • What is EGO? It is a complex of data, constructed first of all by the general awareness of one's body, one's existence, and then by the data of memory; a person has a certain idea about his past being, certain sets (series) of memory. Therefore, the EGO can be called a complex of mental factors. This complex has great energy attraction like a magnet; it draws contents from the unconscious, from that dark unknown realm; it also attracts impressions from without, and when they come into contact with the ego, they are realized. If they do not enter, then awareness does not occur.
  • What is the difference between a genius and a madman? The madman sees, but does not know how to convey it. And a genius can translate this into the language of consciousness.
  • · Being “normal” is the ideal for the underdog, for all those who have not yet managed to rise to the level of general requirements. But for those whose abilities are much higher than average, for whom it was not difficult to achieve success by doing their share of worldly work - for such people, the framework of the norm means a Procrustean bed, unbearable boredom, hellish hopelessness and hopelessness. As a result, many become neurotic because they are simply normal, while others become neurotic because they cannot become normal.
  • · Developed consciousness determines the worldview. Any awareness of causes and purposes is a sprouting outlook. Any accumulation of experience and knowledge means one more step in the development of the worldview. And creating an image of the world, thinking person changes itself at the same time.
  • · But why then the worldview - they will ask me - if without it it's so good? However, with the same reason one could ask me: what is consciousness for, if it is good even without it? For what, after all, is a worldview? This is nothing but an expanded and deepened consciousness! The reason why consciousness exists and why it tends to expand and deepen is very simple: Without consciousness, things are worse.
  • Perhaps we will not overload our comparison too much if we also include in its framework the relation of man to the world - the human "I" as the commander of a small army fighting with its surroundings outside world, often fighting on two fronts: in front of the struggle for existence, behind the struggle against their own rebellious instinctive nature.
  • ·… the problem leads us to loneliness, where we are deprived of father and mother and abandoned even by nature, where we are forced to turn to consciousness, and to nothing else but it. We cannot do otherwise and must, in place of what was done naturally, put a conscious decision. Thus, any problem means the possibility of the expansion of consciousness, but at the same time also the need to say goodbye to all unconscious childishness and naturalness.
  • · The thesis "Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi"* still causes anger in any simple soul. Equality before the law is still considered a valuable achievement. And everything bad and defective, which they do not want to see in themselves, the other definitely possesses; therefore, he must be criticized, he must be fought, although in reality there is only a transfer of one's own spiritual inferiority to another.
  • It must not be overlooked that false neurotic paths become ingrained habits and that, despite all understanding, they do not disappear until they are replaced by other habits that can only be acquired through training. This work can only be done through one's own upbringing. The patient must be “transferred” in the full sense of the word to other paths, which can be done only if he has a corresponding desire of his own.
  • · Everyone is separated from each other by secrets, and deceptive bridges of opinions and illusions lead across the abysses between people instead of a solid bridge of recognition.
  • ·… it is impossible to explain a person one-sidedly - exclusively by his shadow sides. In the end, it's not the shadow that matters, but the body that casts this shadow.
  • The heaviest burden that falls on the shoulders of a child is the unlived life of his parents.
  • · A symbol always contains more than its obvious and immediate meaning.
  • Each concept that exists in our conscious thinking has its own associative correspondence in the psyche.
  • ·… problems are resolved when a person begins to understand that interpersonal conflicts often arise because of different ways of perceiving the world, and not as a result of egocentrism or malicious intent.
  • · If heroism becomes chronic, then it ends in a spasm, and the spasm leads to a catastrophe or a neurosis, or both.
  • · Affects, as a rule, break out in places of the least adaptation, at the same time revealing the reason for its decline, namely, a certain inferiority and a certain decrease in the level of personality.
  • ·... the philosophical position is mainly subjective, and whether it has objective reality depends on how few or how many people come to the same point in their reasoning.
  • Loneliness is caused not by the absence of people around, but by the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.
  • Children learn by example of an adult, not by his words.
  • · Depression is like a lady in black. If she comes, do not drive her away, but invite her to the table as a guest, and listen to what she intends to say.
  • Show me a mentally healthy person, and I will cure him for you.
  • Neurosis is always a replacement for natural suffering.
  • Meeting with oneself belongs to the most unpleasant.
  • · Life itself does not mean anything until a person appears who tries to interpret its phenomena.
  • - Do you believe in God?
  • - I don't believe, I know.
  • · Death, if you approach it psychologically correctly, is not the end, but the goal, and therefore a person, having crossed the peak of life, begins to live for the sake of death.
  • A human being is an animal that has gone mad. There are two ways out of this madness: he needs to become an animal again; Or become more than human...
  • Any kind of addiction is bad, be it alcohol addiction, drug addiction or idealism.
  • · Follow that will and that path which experience confirms as your own, that is, as the true expression of your own individuality.
  • · Love is not crazy. Is the word “mind” appropriate here at all? This is both light and darkness, the end and edge of which will never be. And no one can escape this mysterious power.
  • ·Your sight will become clear only when you can look into your own soul.
  • · Sleep is a hidden little door that leads to the most secret and innermost corners of the soul and opens into the cosmic night.
  • A healthy person does not bully others. The tormentor becomes the one who endured the torment.
  • Lack of meaning in life plays a critical role in the etiology of neurosis. Ultimately, neurosis should be understood as the suffering of a soul that does not find its meaning ... About a third of my cases are suffering not from some clinically definable neurosis, but from the meaninglessness and aimlessness of one's own life.
  • · If we are not aware of what is happening inside us, then from the outside it seems to us that this is fate.
  • Everything that irritates in others can lead to an understanding of oneself.
  • A meeting of two people is a meeting of two chemical elements. The reaction may not occur, but if it does, both change.
  • (The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemicals: if there is even the slightest reaction, both elements change.)