Where will the southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospect pass the scheme. The construction of the northern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt will begin this year

You have probably heard and read in the Moscow lured media and Sobyanin's bloggers laudatory articles about how Sobyanin "fights against cars", "limits motorization" and "made priority on public transport" ( typical example such servility at Revzin: "The car was repressed, the pedestrian became the main one"). However, there are also abusive articles, the authors of which, without disputing "autogenocide", give it a negative assessment.

So, regardless of the assessments - all this is a lie.
The real policy of Sobyanin objectively leads to the degradation of public transport and stimulates motorization.

In terms of public transport, .
For 6 Sobyanin's years, there is no significant development of the tram network either.
Mosgortrans' bus routes are being handed over to private owners, and Mosgortrans itself is obviously being prepared for privatization.
OT tariffs are rising faster than inflation.
The annual "Day without a car" under Sobyanin finally lost all meaning, being replaced by a ostentatious bicycle parade.
There is some development of the metro and electric trains, but it is not caused by concern for the residents, but by plans for the "investment" development of industrial zones and protected areas.

In relation to motorists, Sobyanin shows tender care - provided that they do not go to the city center.
For cars, Sobyanin builds, sparing no budget, spacious pastures, that is, city highways-freeways.

Classic example - "northeast chord", cut through the Kuskovo park despite the protests of Muscovites.
Even Putin was asked about this egregious case, but he, as usual, is "not in the know": Regarding the Kuskovo park, what is being cut down there, I generally hear for the first time. Why cut down the Kuskovo park, I have no idea. Mikhail Alexandrovich asked to speak with the mayor of Moscow. I will definitely talk.

From the same opera northwest chord"- they just cut it through residential areas.

One more example - Northern Understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt from Moscow Ring Road to Moscow City. Sobyanin already tried to impose it on Muscovites in 2012, but then at the hearings he received a powerful protest and postponed this wrecking undertaking.
But now it's been pulled out again.
The projected peak traffic on this 6-lane freeway is 4670 cars/hour, which is more than on Mozhayskoe Highway (4240 cars/hour).

It is obvious that Sobyanin's designers of this highway are in no way " public transport“They don’t believe. They probably haven’t read Revzin and don’t know that “the number of lanes, the expansion of highways and the destruction of remnants of greenery” is an “outdated” concept under Sobyanin.
And Sobyanin's "aesthetics", who scold thin trolleybus wires "blocking the sky", for some reason do not object to the massive and not at all aesthetic structures of the understudy overpass, such as those that Sobyanin built on Mozhaisk Highway:

December 28, 2016, under the guise new year holidays appointed public hearings for this project in three districts COMPANY.

Therefore, I urge honest residents of the Fili-Davydkovo, Kuntsevo, Mozhaysky districts - come to the hearings and say categorical "NO" new motorway .

In the Mozhaisk district, hearings will be held on 12/28/2016 from 18.00 in the building of GBPOU ZKNO at the address: st. Guards, d. 15, building. 2.

In the Kuntsevo district, hearings will be held on December 28, 2016 from 18:00 at the address: Moscow, st. Bobruiskaya, 23 (GBPOU of the city of Moscow "Moskovsky educational complex WEST").

In the Fili-Davydkovo district, hearings will be held on December 28, 2016 from 18:00 at the address: st. Kremenchugskaya, 46, GBOU of the city of Moscow "School No. 97".

It is better to come in advance, as paid clackers will certainly try to occupy the hall. If you can, get off work early.

Inform neighbors, relatives, friends living in these areas about the hearings! Don't let Sobyanin kill the city!

The post was prepared based on:

Photo: Portal Moscow 24/Lidia Shironina

Moscow authorities approved the draft plan for the northern understudy Kutuzovsky prospect. The construction of the northern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt will begin at the end of this year. Fully toll road will be built in 2019. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin.

"The tender for the construction of the northern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt is planned to be announced before the end of this year. Completion of work is scheduled for 2019," said Marat Khusnullin.

The new 10.5 km route will run along the Smolensky direction of the Moscow railway and will be a continuation of the toll track " northern bypass Odintsovo". It will place three lanes 3.5 m wide in each direction. The start on the toll highway will begin at the exit from the Third Transport Ring (TTK) in the Moscow City area.

Two toll collection points will be built on the understudy in the Rublevsky highway area towards the center and from the center. Both points will be equipped with a dozen payment collection booths, barriers, and administrative buildings will be erected.

According to the project, it is planned to build a convenient exit from the Third Ring Road. A multi-level interchange at the intersection of the northern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Shelepikhinskaya Embankment and the Third Transport Ring, which is almost ten kilometers of roads, should be designed and built by the investor. The interchange will consist of a section of the road from Shelepikhinskaya Embankment from the Third Transport Ring to 3rd Silikatny passage, an overpass from the northern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt to 1st Krasnogvardeisky Proezd, entrances to the understudy from the Third Ring Road and Shelepikhinskaya Embankment, as well as two underground pedestrian crossings. At the same time, the reconstruction of Prichalny, 1st Silikatny and 2nd Silikatny passages will take place.

A new interchange will be built at the intersection of the understudy with the Moscow Ring Road, two exits will also be laid: from Kutuzovsky Prospekt when going from the center to the understudy towards the region and from the understudy to Ivana Franko Street, and a convenient check-in will lead from Kubinka Street to the understudy when driving from the region.

In addition, it is planned to reconstruct the streets along the route: Ivan Franko Street in the section from Polotskaya Street to Rublevsky Highway, Alexei Sviridov Street and Krasnye Zor. The interchange at the intersection with Gerasim Kurin Street and Kutuzovsky Prospekt and the exit from Kutuzovsky Prospekt when traveling from the center to Rublevskoye Highway are also being upgraded.

The highway will unload Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Mozhayskoye Highway and the entire western sector of the city as a whole. It is assumed that the intensity on the northern understudy will be 3.2-4.7 thousand vehicles per hour in one direction. The length of congested sections of the main route will be reduced by a quarter, or by 72.2 km.

In the IV quarter of this year, according to the head of the construction department Andrey Bochkarev, construction of the southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt will begin. The first construction site will appear at the exit from Poklonnaya Street to the understudy. The road will pass through the territory of the industrial zone "Ochakovo" along the Kyiv direction of the railway through the districts of Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Ramenki, Fili-Davydkovo and Dorogomilovo.

According to the Department of Construction, this year it is planned to build 93 km of roads, 26 artificial structures and 20 pedestrian crossings. Half of the planned Moscow road workers have already put into operation, built 20 artificial structures and 27 pedestrian crossings. AT next year the builders planned to hand over 94.5 km of roads.

Information about the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, and everything related to the traffic situation in the Ochakovo-Matveevskoye area and the immediate environment will be posted here.

Attention! This is old information. !

Press 27.12.2012. Izvestia: Understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt will pull for 30 billion

The decision to build the southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt has practically been made, during 2013 it is planned to settle all organizational issues, and construction may be completed by the end of 2015. Marat Khusnullin, vice-mayor for urban planning policy, told Izvestia about this.

According to the official, the cost of construction will be about 30 billion rubles. He added that the road, unlike the planned northern understudy, will be free of charge.

Khusnullin noted that some construction investors have already been identified, with whom negotiations are underway. According to him, the largest companies are DON-Stroy, Inteko and Hals-Development. Earlier, the deputy mayor mentioned that VTB is also among the investors. According to him, a number of structures have plans to build more than 1 million square meters along the future southern understudy. m of real estate.

As Khusnullin explained, during the construction of the northern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, it is necessary to take into account the interests of local residents, investors and Russian Railways, which makes the project quite difficult to implement.

Therefore, the southern understudy, where there are no such difficulties, will be completed first.

Now it is necessary to approve the final version of the project, submit it for consideration by the town planning and land commission, approve the planning project, cost, and also start preparing the territory, the official said. - These events will take the whole of 2013. And it is realistic to build something by the end of 2015.

Oleg Pankratov, Head of the Infrastructure Financing Department at VTB Capital, said that the company "has significant experience in implementing infrastructure projects."

We are interested in considering new infrastructure projects in Moscow, including investments in road infrastructure, - he said. - Nevertheless, it is still too early to talk about the amount and other parameters of the construction of the understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

DON-Stroy and Hals-Development do not comment on their participation in the project. At the same time, both companies own real estate in the area of ​​the proposed construction of understudies. "DON-Story", in particular, owns such projects as "House on Mosfilmovskaya" and residential complex "Vorobyovy Gory". And Hals-Development built the Emerald Valley residential complex on Rublevsky Highway, two complexes on Elninskaya Street and one on Yartsevskaya.

It is assumed that the southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt will start from the Third Transport Ring, through the districts of Mosfilmovsky and Ramenki, through the territory of the Ochakovo industrial zone, it will reach Skolkovo. Northern Understudy Kutuzovsky Prospekt, which is supposed to be built with private funds, will run from the Moscow City business center to Molodogvardeyskaya Street with access to the Moscow Ring Road. Then it will connect with two roads: the toll detour of Odintsovo and the detour of the M1 highway, which will also become toll in the future. They plan to take about 3 rubles for a trip on an understudy. The estimated cost of its construction is 60 billion rubles.

The construction of the northern understudy, we recall, caused a huge public outcry. Residents of the surrounding areas staged rallies demanding to stop the construction of the highway or at least replace the planned seven flyovers, which should pass 15 meters from the houses at the level of the 3rd-4th floor, with one interchange at the intersection of Aminevsky, Rublevsky highway and Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Only in this case the interests of more than 4 thousand people will be observed, under whose windows the overpasses will otherwise pass. Oleg Kazenkov, coordinator of the community of residents of CJSC "Doubler No", said that at the end of December, the initiative residents received an official response from the prefecture of the CJSC, according to which the route will pass completely through non-residential areas.

Previously, residents of Matveevskaya Street were afraid that the road would be allowed through their street. This would complicate the life of not only local residents, but also citizens who wanted to buy an apartment in business-class houses that have not yet been built on the same street, he explained.

Southern Understudy will completely solve the transport problems of the area, we are convinced locals. While the construction of the northern understudy means huge costs for the city, besides, it affects the interests of more than 50 thousand citizens living in the area. “The best thing to do is to build a southern understudy first and see how it performs. It is likely that the construction of another understudy is simply not necessary, ”Kazenkov noted.

Two places have already been expanded - at the intersection with Slavyansky boulevard and tents on the roadsides were removed from the Mozhayskoye Highway,” he said. - This was enough to remove huge traffic jams. If we also defeat illegal parking on the roadsides, then the problem of traffic jams will be solved.

However, according to experts, the west of Moscow needs both understudies. At the same time, there will be no “intersection of interests” for both roads, explained the senior Researcher Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy HSE Ekaterina Reshetova.

02/19/2013. A new direction will appear near Mosfilmovskaya Street in the west of the capital

The flyover along the main course of Mosfilmovskaya Street is more than 65 percent complete, the Moscow Department of Construction reported.

Currently, more than 400 meters of the road have been built. The span beams and monolithic slabs are being installed at the trestle exit from Mosfilmovskaya Street towards the projected southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. In the process of work, more than 3,000 meters of the gas pipeline were rebuilt.

The work is being carried out as part of the first start-up complex (out of three), which includes the construction of a section from Minskaya Street to an interchange with the projected southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

The project of the first start-up complex provides for the construction of a new direction of Mosfilmovskaya Street, which will branch off in the area of ​​Stoletova Street towards Veernaya Street. The new direction of the street is designed with three traffic lanes in each direction.

According to Andrey Bochkarev, head of the Moscow Construction Department, the implementation of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd start-up complexes will make it possible to build a section of this highway from Minskaya Street to Aminevskoye Highway, including a link between Mosfilmovskaya Street and Veernaya Street, which will significantly relieve traffic density vehicles in these areas.

The journey from the west of the Moscow Ring Road to the center of Moscow by car will no longer be a torment: everything is ready for the start of construction of the Southern Understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The road will pass mainly through the territory former industrial zones, so there will be no intersections or traffic lights on the way.

Discussions about whether Kutuzovsky Prospekt needs understudies began several years ago. The fighters for "green" Moscow insisted: the roads will inevitably pass through the territory natural reserves and worsen ecological situation. Specialist calculations transport complex meanwhile, they argued: without these routes, the western sector of the city runs the risk of standing up tightly. Now you can get from here to the center only along the Mozhayskoye highway and further - along the Kutuzovsky highway to the Moscow City skyscrapers. According to experts of the NIiPI General Plan, during the peak periods of the day, up to 16 thousand cars per hour leave these roads. So in the best scenario, the road from the west of the Moscow Ring Road to the Third Ring Road will take no less than half an hour. At the same time, each of the understudies is able to draw up to 25% of the traffic of Mozhaika and Kutuzovsky. And the average travel time between opposite ends of the road will be reduced from 30 to 20 minutes. At the same time, the designers were able to find a compromise with the "greens". Both understudies decided to let along railway tracks and basically spend not over forests, but over garages and territories of enterprises.

The construction of the highway will begin at the end of this year, RG was told in the press service of the capital's construction complex. As in the case of the chord routes and the South Rokada, the understudy will be rented out in sections. The first of them will run from the Aminyevskoe Highway to the intersection with Minskaya Street. A junction will be built here, which will allow taxiing from an understudy towards Kutuzovsky, said Andrey Bochkarev, head of the construction department. Along this section, in addition to the overpass over the industrial zones, two bridges across the Setun River will also pass. AT total it is 6 kilometers of roads. Naturally, they are equipped with noise screens, so that residents of nearby houses will not suffer. Already next week the results of the competition will be summed up and the contractor for the future construction will be determined.

The remaining sections of the understudy will be built in the areas of Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Fili-Davydkovo, Dorogomilovo and Ramenki. The route was designed so that it would not affect the Setun valley and the Matveevsky forest - this caused the most serious concerns of environmental activists in the capital. Mostly highway will pass above the industrial zones and partially - above the railway of the Kyiv direction, but it was decided to build a tunnel under one of the branches. The exit to the Third transport ring is designed in the area of ​​new housing complexes in the area of ​​Mosfilmovskaya street. According to the tender documentation, the contractor must hand over the first section of the understudy within two years after the conclusion of the contract. Initially, there was information in the media that money would be taken for the understudy, but this data was not confirmed.

Paid will be another understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt - Severny. Most recently, the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, approved its layout. It will run parallel to the southern colleague, but along the Smolensk direction of the railway. The 7.1-kilometer route will run from Minskaya Street to the western exit to the Moscow Ring Road, where an interchange will be built. On the opposite side understudy will also build congresses in several levels, they will be located at the intersection of the highway with Shelepikhinskaya Embankment and the Third Transport Ring. According to the project documentation, the understudy will have three lanes in each direction, the width of each row is 3.5 meters. During construction, Ivan Franko Street between Polotskaya and Rublevsky highways will be expanded. Reconstruction of Alexey Sviridov and Krasnye Zor streets is also expected. The Northern understudy will be paid, but the tariffs are not yet known. The construction of this route will begin after the completion of the competitive procedures, most likely in 2018.

Meanwhile, by the end of this year, builders will begin designing new sections of another important highway - South Rokada. As RG already wrote, this traffic-free the track will pass from Rublevsky highway to the exit to the Moscow Ring Road in the Kapotnya area. In the near future, it is planned to build sections from Proletarsky Prospekt to Donetsk Street and from the Moscow Ring Road to Upper Fields Street. the main objective at this stage - connect Balaklava and Proletarian avenues. This will allow motorists to drive from southern regions to the southeast in just 20 minutes.

Why did they come up with the Northern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt?
Neither at the hearings, nor in numerous publications, there is an intelligible answer on how the new toll "outbound" highway will help the city and how calculations were made that it would not hurt.
All arguments "for" the construction are reduced to the following statements:
1. Moscow City needs this track, because everyone goes to work from Rublyovka.
2. You need a route to bypass Odintsovo, because there are only traffic jams in Odintsovo.
3. The city does not have that kind of money, but investors will invest their own and everyone will be fine.
let's let's go logical way and try to verify these statements.
Let's look at the scheme of what is already there and what is planned to be built in the near future.

The highway should unload Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Those. the route of traffic of cars should move from existing roads to a new toll road. To do this, the route must provide entry and exit from it in such a way that, as a result, the direction of movement coincides with the desired route of the motorist. Why else would you go down this road? Simply put, you need to understand where and where the flows will go from the point of view of the project customers.
From where it is more or less clear - Moscow City. We are told that an elite is working there, who all live on Rublyovka. But let's look around us at the teams of companies where we work. How many percent of your company's employees can be called top managers? How many of them can buy a house on Rublyovka? Not at all. Business owners can afford it, and they do not go to the office to work during rush hour. They may not go anywhere at all. In Moscow City, 99% of employees are the same office plankton as everywhere else. They need metro, trains and roads in all directions, and not in the direction of Rublyovka.
Proof. Here you can clearly see the average annual salary of leading corporations and the ratio with CEO income.
Okay, let's say we believed and the flow from Moscow City rushed to the Northern understudy. Where should they flow out of it? The northern understudy cuts through Moscow in transit and 17 km after the Moscow Ring Road ends its existence, merging into the Minsk highway. Those. the task of the understudy (the goal where the flow seeks) lies somewhere between the Moscow Ring Road and the Minsk highway. There are only two exits - Podushkinskoye and Krasnogorskoye highways. They are single-lane and wind very strongly, i.e. their throughput is zero. Because of what fuss? Detour Odintsovo? But we are looking at the scheme - the Minsk highway is the detour of Odintsovo, it was conceived this way from the very beginning, and besides, it goes to Minsk, i.e. this is a major international highway, which is currently being reconstructed as part of a project to increase the capacity of the Kutuzovsky, Mozhayskoye and Minskoye highways.
Again, everything comes down to these two congresses. This is confirmed by a very strange arrangement of payment points. On such small segment toll road(17 km) to completely block the highway twice and collect payment twice from all cars (100 rubles on one and 50 rubles on the second from a passenger car) - why? All over the world it is customary to either collect once from everyone, if we are talking about a homogeneous section without intermediate exits, or collect at these same entrances / exits, depending on the mileage traveled. What is the point in a high-speed highway with a limit of 130 km / h, if you can’t reach such a speed, you will have to queue at the box office every 7 km.
This suggests that the customer does not believe that the main purpose of the movement will be a through passage to the Minsk highway. So all the same, the goal is exits 1 and 2.
If it's not Moscow-City going there, then who is? If a bandwidth obviously they don’t fight, so it’s not about car flows, but about straightening the route for single tuples?
In the diagram, the icons M and NO indicate the estates of Meiendorf and Novo-Ogaryovo. Well, it is, of course, a coincidence, as well as the fact that the direction of movement of the inhabitants of these estates exactly coincides with the direction of the understudy.
Investors, businessmen, cannot invest 40 billion just to straighten the route for flashing lights, they are waiting for a stream of profits, i.e. they accurately calculated that the flow of cars will recoup their costs without attracting budgets of any level.
However, this is not the case either.
Concession agreements that have become popular in recent times with expensive construction projects, they have one feature.
There, indeed, all construction costs are borne by the winner of the competition, only profit is not promised to him, and he is not needed. The main goal is the annual compensation of its expenses, regardless of the effectiveness of the project. Those. the concessionaire takes a loan for a year and builds, at the end of the year he is more than compensated for expenses from the budget and so on for several years in a row, with the possibility of increasing, but not reducing compensation payments. Thus, only those who have enlisted the support of a bank of several billion rubles will be able to get close to the competition, an unwanted participant will not pass. And declared investment project is obtained in fact financed from the budget. The competition for the Concession for the construction of the Northern Understudy from the City to the Moscow Ring Road should be announced in the near future, so that everything can be documented.
What is the result:
1. Moscow City needs this track, because everyone goes to work from Rublyovka. - Not true.
2. You need a route to bypass Odintsovo, because there are only traffic jams in Odintsovo. - Not true, there is already a detour.
3. The city does not have that kind of money, but investors will invest their own and everyone will be fine. - Probably not true either.
Another conclusion is more logical.
The line is needed by officials. Just they go from the center to Rublyovka and back. They are driven by schedules and morning meetings. They need a route where others can be kept out, weeded out by payment and the inconvenience of queues. The officials themselves will go along the green corridor with special passes. They do not need exits and entrances along the way, only destinations- Rublyovka - Center. There is no benefit to the city here. And they easily compensate for the construction of such entertainment from the budget.
And yes, 2 billion per kilometer is not money for such purposes.