From what hour is considered night work and payment for night shifts. Examples of payroll calculations at night

If the specifics of the enterprise require the need to work at night, the employer may involve employees for such work. At night, a person must sleep, which means that during night work the body transfers additional loads. Obviously, such work should be paid in a special way. Our article on how night work is paid.

How is night work paid?

Night time is the period from 22:00 to 06:00 (Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Wherein work time including night time, should not exceed 40 hours a week.

According to labor legislation, the duration of work at night is 1 hour shorter, without the need for further work. If, for example, the day shift lasts 8 hours, the night shift should be no more than 7 hours. This rule does not apply to those employees who were hired specifically for night work(for example, for part-time work at night with daily pay), or for those who have more short duration working time (employees under 18 years of age, disabled people of groups I and II, persons employed in harmful and hazardous work and etc.). It also does not apply where a shift schedule is adopted with a 6-day working week with one day off.

For night work, each hour of it must be paid additionally: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 No. 554 establishes the minimum amount of additional payment for night hours, which is equal to 20% of the hourly tariff rate, or salary calculated per hour of work. The employer can set the same or a higher percentage of the surcharge by fixing it in the collective agreement, labor contract, other internal regulatory act with the approval of the trade union (Article 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Involving employees in night work, the manager must issue an order indicating the persons working on the night shift, as well as the amount in which they will be paid additional night hours.


An employee with a salary of 50,000 rubles. with a 40-hour working week, March 2017 fully worked, which is 175 working hours according to the standard. Of these, 6 hours production needs had to work at night. The surcharge for night work established by the order is 20%. What will be the employee's salary for March?

Let's determine the hourly rate in March 2017: 50,000 rubles. : 175 hours = 285.71 rubles. at one o'clock.

Payment for work at night: 285.71 rubles. x 1.2 x 6 hours = 2057.10 rubles.

March salary: RUB 285.71 per hour x (175 hours - 6 hours) + 2057.10 rubles = 50 342.09 rubles.

Overnight pay for shift work

In shift mode, work is carried out in 2 or more shifts when manufacturing process longer than allowable rate working time, it may also be necessary to increase the volume of products, rational, effective use equipment, etc. A shift schedule is set for certain group employees, without forgetting the observance of working hours.

Employees working on a shift schedule are paid at night, falling on the entire shift, or part of it, is made in the same way as described above.


The company introduced a shift work schedule: the day shift lasts from 9-00 to 22-00, the night shift - from 22-00 to 9-00. Surcharge for "night" is established by order of the director - 25% of the tariff rate. The hourly wage rate of an employee is 200 rubles. at one o'clock. In March, the employee went to the second shift 4 times. Calculate the amount of extra pay for night work in March.

Night time lasts from 22-00 to 6-00, which means that there were 8 night hours for each shift, and in total 32 night hours were worked in March (8 hours x 4 shifts).

Surcharge to the tariff rate during night hours is: 200 rubles. x 25% = 50 rubles.

"Night" surcharge in March will be: 50 rubles. x 32 hours = 1600 rubles.

If night work is overtime

When night work takes place outside normal working hours, it must be paid not only as night work, but also as overtime. For the first 2 hours of such work, the salary is charged at one and a half times, and for the next hours - at a double rate (Article 152 of the Labor Code).


Let's take the data from the previous example, assuming that the last night shift of the worker accounted for 6 hours of processing in March. They fell on the time from 3-00 to 9-00, of which 3 hours are considered night time (from 3-00 to 6-00).

The employee for this shift will be charged 25% of the tariff rate of the surcharge for night hours from 22-00 to 6-00, and the first 2 hours of processing (from 3-00 to 5-00) will be paid in one and a half times, and in double the amount other excess hours of work (from 5-00 to 9-00). Calculate the cost of the change.

Payment from 22-00 to 3-00: 200 rubles. x 5 hours = 1000 rubles.

Payment for work from 3-00 to 5-00: 200 rubles. x 1.5 x 2 hours = 600 rubles.

Payment from 5-00 to 9-00: 200 rubles. x 2 x 4 hours = 1600 rubles.

Surcharge for work "at night" from 22-00 to 6-00: (200 rubles x 25%) x 8 hours = 400 rubles.

In total for the shift, the employee was credited: 1000 rubles. + 600 rub. + 1600 rub. + 400 rub. = 3600 rubles.

Working at night has certain restrictions.

First of all, this concerns the time frame, as well as the impossibility of attracting certain categories of employees to work during this period. The provisions enshrined in Articles 154 and 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are regulated at night. However, Article 154 raises many questions, and its implementation is often checked by the labor commission, since no one is immune from violations.

IN Russian Federation night time according to the labor code is the period from 22 pm to 6 am next day. At this time, it is officially forbidden to listen to loud music, make repairs, etc. Work during this period of the day refers to. In some organizations, where the shift lasts until 11 pm, employers often neglect their obligations and do not pay the hour worked at an increased rate. This should not be so, even the interval from 22 to 23 hours must be paid in accordance with the provisions enshrined in Article 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Who should not work at night?

In accordance with the law, work at night is considered unfavorable. Consequently, there are certain categories of citizens who are prohibited by law from working during this period, or for such work the official consent of the employee is required. At the legislative level, night work is prohibited:

  • pregnant women;
  • employees who.

An exception may be activities related to the creation works of art.

Who can be involved in night work only with consent?

The list of categories of citizens who need protection does not end there. The legislation singles out one more category of employees, who can be involved in night work only with their written consent. In addition, employees in this category should be aware that they have the right to refuse such work.

This list includes:

  • disabled people;
  • employees who;
  • workers raising babies under the age of 5 years;
  • workers who care for the sick.

Payroll at night

This issue is regulated by law, and specifically by Articles 154 and 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and has its own characteristics. There are main ways that determine the increased wage rate:

  • In accordance with the law, wages at night are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The provisions of Article 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulate that the minimum surcharge should be 20% of the salary. Previously, prior to the adoption of a government decree, such a minimum rate was 40%. This value payment may vary, but only in accordance with regulations. In general, the amount of payments depends solely on the organization, but a minimum of 20% must be paid in any case.
  • The amounts of surcharges for night time are determined mainly employment contract or other internal documents of the organization. This can be either a one-time order or a prescribed item in a labor or.

Such conditions are most often found in companies where the specifics of the activity imply a shift work schedule.

Art. 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a provision that says: work during the night period should be one hour less than the same work during the day shift.

The same goes for holidays. non-working days. The reduction of the working shift is obligatory and fixed at the legislative level. Derogation from the established provisions is possible only in the following cases:

  • If the employees are working.
  • Reducing shift hours is not possible due to certain features of the work of the organization. These may be specific working and production conditions.

Certain activities, such as security, involve working at night for permanent basis. In order to save management from unnecessary numbers and calculations, an employee is initially charged 20% or more. Thus, for employees who work regularly at night, the salary increases automatically.

Often, medical workers also work on the night shift. Working in the healthcare sector has its own characteristics. At the legislative level, provisions are fixed that for medical workers an additional payment of 50% of the salary. Ambulance workers receive a surcharge of 100%. However, the amount of payments still depends on the solvency of a particular medical institution. However, a minimum rate of 50% must be paid in any case.

The mandatory night work allowance for other categories of employees cannot be lower than minimum threshold 20%, but for certain types activities are also charged higher rates. These categories include:

  • Military, fire and guard protection - 35%.
  • Employees of housing and communal services and public services - 35%.
  • Employees of the immigration control post - 35%.
  • Railway service workers - 40%.
  • Employees educational institutions, as well as workers in the health, cultural and social protection - 35%.

The manager is assigned the responsibility, which consists in monitoring and accounting for night shifts and overtime in order to pay full wages on time. Some managers neglect this rule.

If an employee notices non-compliance with the provisions of the articles, he has every right to file a complaint.

On this moment, the labor inspectorate is special control because the number of violations exceeds the norm. Employees are not aware of their rights, and employers are trying to hide from their responsibilities. Many employees prefer to work in the afternoon, as wage may differ significantly from the same wage for a day shift. However, it is always worth remembering your rights and obligations, any work must be adequately paid and not cause serious harm to human health.

Working conditions at night

Before engaging an employee to work at night, the legislation obliges the employer to obtain written consent from the employee. With employees for whom it is permanent at night, clauses on night shifts are negotiated and fixed in the employment contract. An order is issued for one-time work.

Working at night directly for employees has both positive and negative aspects. To the main positive moments can be attributed:

  • the possibility of obtaining high wages;
  • enough time for other, "day" affairs;
  • low and in some cases complete absence management control.

The main disadvantages of employees working on night shifts include:

  • lack of a full day regimen and, as a result, healthy sleep;
  • inability to communicate with family, friends due to differences in work schedules;
  • if night work is heavy, then weekends are usually spent on recuperation, and, therefore, free time will actually be absent;
  • it is quite difficult to adjust the body to an unstable schedule;
  • lack of communication as such with colleagues, clients, and so on.

This list is general, because each organization, each work has its own characteristics.

You will be interested

Night work is paid at an increased rate and has a number of features. For details on how to organize and pay for such work, read our article.

From the article you will learn:

What is night work?

Most often, employees work in daytime. This is a common practice. Labor activity during the day does not have a significant burden on the body of the employee, it contributes to greater productivity.

But it is not always possible to comply with the standard work schedule. So, for example, at those enterprises that do not interrupt their activities, the labor process does not stop and continues around the clock.

In addition, round-the-clock, m as a result, typical for shops, cinemas and other organizations. Therefore, the schedule is built in such a way that employees carry out their labor function at night.

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In practice, the question often arises: from what time is night work considered? The answer to it is contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

What is night time

Night time is the period from 22:00 to 06:00. Such a time period is determined by article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is labor in given time paid at an increased rate. Note that earlier, there was also the concept of evening work. And now in the field, many experts believe that work in the evening should also be paid at an increased rate. But it's not.

On federal level the concept of "evening work" is no longer used. Meanwhile, special rules may be determined by local laws or industry agreements.

For example, the Agreement for 2016-2018 between the Government of Moscow, employers construction industry Moscow city and Territorial organization Trade Union of Construction and Industry Workers building materials, contains the concept of "evening work". This is the period labor activity from 18 to 22 hours. And in this Agreement there are recommendations to employers to make an additional payment for this time in the amount of 20 percent of the hourly wage rate.

But, let us repeat once again that general rule, produce increased workers in the evening, the employer has no obligation.

Night work allowance

This type of work certainly seems the least comfortable for workers. And it is quite obvious that such a regime of work should be compensated by increased pay.

The minimum guaranteed by labor legislation is 20 percent of an employee's hourly wage rate. In the event that salaries are established in the organization, it will be necessary to calculate the hourly rate. And based on it, the surcharge is calculated for each hour of work.

Legislatively, the minimum additional payment for work at night is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 N 554

Note that the labor law guarantees necessary minimum surcharges. Organizations, in turn, can establish such a surcharge at an increased rate. So, for example, their or collective agreement, the organization can provide 30 or 40 percent of the hourly tariff rate as a surcharge.

Surcharge calculation

And now on practical example Consider the procedure for calculating the surcharge for work at night.

Let's take this example. The organization has a shift schedule that provides for two shifts: the first shift - from 8.00 to 20.00, the second - from 20.00 to 8.00.

When calculating, use this formula.

Here it is necessary to pay attention to the following point. There is no single procedure for calculating the hourly tariff rate. And the organization can provide such a procedure on its own, for example, fixing it in a local act. You can choose from two options.

Read more about how the extra payment for night work is calculated in our .

The hourly rate can be calculated by dividing the salary (monthly rate) by the number of hours worked in a given month by production calendar. In such a situation, it is obvious that the hourly rate in different months may vary.

The hourly rate can be calculated by dividing the salary (monthly rate) by the average monthly number of working hours. It is the result of division annual rate working hours by 12. And in this case, the hourly rate is the same for all months of the year. In this situation, you do not need to recalculate the hourly rate every month.

Note that the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of December 27, 1972 N 383/35 recommends using the first option. But the organization has the right to choose the calculation mechanism that it considers more appropriate.


The salary of the technician Sukhorukov M.V., working at Piramida LLC on the second shift (from 20.00 to 8.00), is 40,000 rubles. In October 2017, he had four night shifts. Working time at night was 8 hours (from 22.00 to 6.00) in each shift.

According to the Regulations on remuneration of Pyramida LLC, the additional payment for each hour of work at night is 20% of the salary calculated per hour of work.

The norm of working hours for October 2017 with a 40-hour working week was 176 hours. The norm of working hours for 2017 with a 40-hour week is 1973 hours.

Consider the calculation of the surcharge for both options.

Option 1. The hourly wage rate of the employee amounted to 227.27 rubles. (40,000 rubles: 176 hours). Accordingly, the additional payment for work at night will be 1454.53 rubles. (227.27 rubles × 8 hours × 4 shifts × 20%).

Option 2. The hourly wage rate of the employee amounted to 243.23 rubles. (40,000 rubles: (1973 hours: 12 hours)). Accordingly, the additional payment for work at night will be equal to 1556.67 rubles. (243.23 rubles × 8 hours × 4 shifts × 20%).

How to apply for attraction to night work and what documents will be required for this, read in our .

Reduce night work

The duration of work at night is reduced by 1 hour. This rule is established by part 2 of article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

About whether it is necessary to reduce the work shift by one hour, if it only partially falls at night, read our .

Consider whether these rules are universal and whether it is always necessary to reduce the duration of work. Let's take this example. The warehouse guard works according to the schedule "day after three". In this regard, part of the working time falls on the night period. The question arises: is it necessary to reduce the work at night by one hour?

We note right away that - no, it is not necessary. Indeed, the duration of work at night is reduced by one hour without subsequent working off.

And that is not all. The duration of work at night and daytime is equalized in some sectors of the economy. For example, with continuous round-the-clock operation of communication facilities, in the continuous production of food concentrates, dried vegetables.

The "day in three" schedule shows the dates of entry to work, which is carried out around the clock. Weekends are provided on a staggered schedule. In this case, there are no shifts as such, just as there are no shift activities (part one, article 100, article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Part of the working time with the “day after three” schedule falls at night from 22.00 to 6.00 (part one, article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The watchman was initially accepted on the condition that he would work at night. This is required by working conditions, as the warehouse is guarded around the clock. Therefore, the duration of labor activity at night is not reduced by an hour.

About whether you need to pay for work at night, if the employee has an irregular working day, read our .

How to specify the condition of working at night in an employment contract?

Another question that arises in practice when introducing a night schedule. How to fix the condition on the mode of work at night in an employment contract?

The employee's working hours must be reflected directly in the employment contract. But this obligation is valid only if the mode of operation of a particular employee differs from the generally established in the company (paragraph 6, part two, article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In this regard, if an employee was hired specifically to work at night, it is necessary to enter a condition about this in the employment contract. Special conditions should also be included in the section on . There you need to specify the amount of additional payment for work at night.

individual program of rehabilitation or habilitation (hereinafter referred to as IPR). It indicates the group of disability and the degree of limitation of the ability to work (Appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia ).

Now, regarding the provision of additional benefits. A working disabled person is created working conditions in accordance with the IPRA and the duration of the daily shift is reduced if the program contains such a requirement (part one, article 94, article 224 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, ).

Working week for disabled people of groups I and II

Disabled people of groups I and II are given a reduced working week - no more than 35 hours. At the same time, they were paid in full. In addition, disabled people are provided annual leave at least 30 calendar days, leave without pay at the request of the employee up to 60 calendar days a year, etc.

Read more about who is contraindicated to work at night according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and what are the mandatory actions of the employer, read in our .

Test yourself

1. What is the minimum allowance for each hour of work at night:

  • 10% of the salary or tariff rate;
  • 50% of the federal minimum wage;
  • 20% of salary or tariff rate.

2. Which shift is considered to be a night shift in multi-shift operation:

  • at least two hours of which falls on the period from 23.00 to 6.00;
  • at least half of which falls on the period from 22.00 to 6.00;
  • it lasts from 21.00 to 5.00.

3. What category of workers can be involved in night work without their written consent:

  • parents of minor children;
  • disabled people;
  • women with children under the age of three.

4. As a general rule, what is the maximum threshold set for the total duration of work at night:

  • 5 hours a day;
  • 35 hours a week;
  • 30 hours per week.

5. In what cases can a minor employee be involved in night work:

  • in the event that a minor participates in the creation or performance of works of art;
  • in the event that a minor professional athlete prepares for competitions at night;
  • in both cases mentioned.

Often includes night work. For the worker, such work carries increased load therefore, the payment for it should be higher. Employees often worry about pay when shifting, in particular when they are busy at night.

Let's consider how the laws of the Russian Federation relate to this issue, how accounting is carried out when working after hours, how to calculate payment, and we will show this with a specific example.

The law allows you to work at night

Despite the fact that most organizations work during the daytime, the specifics certain types labor provides for night (and sometimes round-the-clock) functioning. Just for such enterprises, there is a shift work regime, according to which part of the shift or the entire shift falls on the hours usually intended for sleep and rest.

The regulation of the organization and payment of such work is prescribed in Art. 96 and 154 Labor Code RF.

What shifts are considered night shifts

The law proclaims night hours of work from 10 pm (10 pm) to 6 am.

A shift will be considered a night shift if at least half of it is labor during the specified time period. The night rate will be paid only for the hours that make up this period, the rest will be rewarded as is customary for day shifts. The definition of "night shift" in this case is significant for deciding the issue of attracting or not attracting certain category employees.

ATTENTION! According to Art. 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the night shift should be 1 hour shorter than the corresponding day shift.

The night shift is not reduced by an hour in some special cases, namely:

  • the employee was specially accepted for night work, and this is reflected in the employment contract;
  • the employee has a reduced schedule;
  • compiled according to the scheme 6:1;
  • when the shift cannot be reduced due to the nature of production.

Documents for the payment of night work

The enterprise must necessarily regulate the conditions for organizing and calculating remuneration for work after hours. This should be done in the following local acts:

  • in the regulation on wages (general or issued specifically for night hours);
  • in the collective agreement (it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the trade union body)
  • in an employment contract with a single employee;
  • in the order to attract an employee to work at the specified hours (if this is done one-time or an employee from a special contingent is involved).

IMPORTANT! The order is only required for special occasions, with a constant schedule with night shifts, it is enough to fix the payment procedure in the Regulations.

Special contingent of personnel

Certain categories of employees do not have the right to work on night shifts, without taking into account their opinion on this matter. Another list defines the circle of workers who can be involved in night work if they express their consent.

It is forbidden to work at night:

  • women who are expecting additions;
  • minor workers, other than special categories provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and separate federal laws, for example, employed in performances or other events.

You can work at night with written consent:

  • mothers of young children (up to 3 years);
  • disabled persons of any group;
  • employees in whose care there are disabled people;
  • workers caring for unhealthy family members (according to the conclusion of physicians);
  • single parents with children under 5;
  • guardians of children under 5 years of age.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! An employee belonging to this category must be warned in writing that he has the right to refuse to work at night, and in turn, endorse his consent.

Factors that determine the amount of pay for night shifts

The law establishes higher than daytime pay for each night hour worked. The amount of this increase depends on several important nuances:

  • the minimum wage for night work established by the state;
  • figures fixed in the relevant local act (usually the surcharge is a percentage of the daily salary or tariff);
  • the number of night hours during which the employee was busy.

Surcharge amount for each night hour of work, it cannot be less than a fifth of the usual daily salary (Article 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 No. 554).

NOTE! A shift schedule or a regular schedule is accepted in the organization, night hours are paid according to the same principle - with a surcharge.

Night on a business trip

If an employee has to be busy at night while on a business trip, this does not change the obligation of the additional payment. The only difference is that the employer is not obliged to pay extra for the night hours spent on the way to the place of business trip, although he can do this on his own initiative and desire.

What if the night is overtime?

It is one thing when night hours are provided for by the work schedule, and a slightly different situation is when they are worked out in excess of the norm, even with a shift schedule. How to pay in such cases?

Both the overnight surcharge and the overtime factor must be applied, which is 1.5 for the first two hours of processing and 2 for thereafter.

Examples of payroll calculations at night

Example 1. Payment for night hours with a fixed salary

Officer Polivanov K.I. with a salary of 25 thousand rubles. per month Works in shift mode 5 days a week (from Monday to Friday). His evening shift is from 20:00 to 04:00. According to the schedule, he has 10 such shifts per month. local act enterprises set a 20% share of additional payment for work after hours. Let's calculate the amount of the surcharge.

For the accounting month Polivanov K.I. fully worked out the hourly rate corresponding to the production calendar (170 hours). At night, each shift falls on 6 hours (from 22:00 to 04:00), for a month it will be 6 x 10 = 60 hours. We need to find the average hourly tariff rate: 25,000 / 170 = 147 rubles. Let's calculate the amount of the night surcharge for each hour: 147 x 0.2 = 29.4 rubles. For 60 non-working hours, you will need to pay extra to the salary 60 x 29.4 = 1764 rubles.

Example 2. Paying night hours to an hourly worker when working overtime

The production calendar for the accounting month provides for 172 hours worked, and the employee Belchenko L.A. worked 176. At the same time, Belchenko has a shift work schedule with an hourly salary of 100 rubles. per hour, at which 3 hours fall every shift at night. In the accounting month, Belchenko had 12 shifts. The "night" coefficient adopted by the company is standard - 20%. We will calculate the fee.

Let's find the number of night hours for a given month: multiply the number of shifts by the amount of after-hours - 12 x 3 = 36 hours.

Let's find how much time is processed in excess of the norm: 176 - 172 \u003d 4 hours.

For night hours of work, a surcharge of 36 x 100 x 0.2 = 720 rubles is provided.

For overtime: for the first two hours in one and a half times 100 x 1.5 x 2 = 300 rubles; for the remaining two hours 100 x 2 x 2 = 400 rubles. Total 300 + 400 = 700 rubles.

In addition to the usual daily earnings, Belchenko L.A. should receive 720 + 700 = 1420 rubles. surcharges.

For a number of reasons, work can be carried out not only during the day, but also at night. And how is the worker paid in this case? We will talk about this in our consultation.

What is night time

Labor law determines that night time is the time from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (part 1 of article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the duration of work (shift) at night is reduced by one hour without subsequent working off. This means that if, with the established working time of 40 hours a week (8 hours a day), the work fell at night, then instead of 8 hours a day, the employee must work 7 (for example, from 22 to 5), while the working time will be be considered fully worked out and this dropped out 1 hour is not subject to working out (part 2 of article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

This procedure does not apply to employees who have been assigned reduced working hours or employees who have been specifically hired at night.

Who shouldn't work at night

There is another category of workers who can work at night, but only with their written consent and provided that such work is not prohibited to them for health reasons in accordance with a medical report. At the same time, these employees must be in writing are familiar with their right to refuse to work at night (part 5 of article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

How to pay for night work

Every hour of night work is paid at larger size than daytime work. The specific amount of the increase is established by the collective agreement, local normative act, adopted taking into account the opinion of the trade union, an employment contract and cannot be less than 20% of the hourly tariff rate (salary calculated per hour of work) for each hour of work at night (Article 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.22.2008 No. 554 ).

At the same time, payment for night hours with a shift work schedule is no different from payment for night hours with a regular schedule: night time is subject to additional payment.

For example, the salary of an employee is set at 75,000 rubles with a five-day working week and normal working hours (40 hours a week). In September, at the request of the employer, the employee worked additional night time from 22:00 to 00:00. Surcharge for night time is set at 20%.

Consequently, the employee's salary for September will be: 76,022.73 \u003d 75,000 rubles (salary for September) + 1,022.73 (surcharge for night hours).

The said surcharge was calculated as follows:

75,000 (salary) / 176 (number of "normal" working hours in September according to the production calendar) * 2 (number of night hours) * 1.2 (20% increased hourly rate)