Production of facing decorative stone. Step-by-step process for the production of artificial stone

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Use for finishing facade walls artificial stone allows you to create original design solutions at low cost. Due to its high performance characteristics, the material has found wide distribution among many developers; it is used both for finishing expensive exclusive facades and budget houses. Moreover, the cost of finishing is almost the same.

With your own hands, you can make an artificial stone from gypsum and cement. Each of the materials has its own strengths and weaknesses.

To improve the appearance of the stone can be painted. This is done in two ways.

The dye is added immediately to the entire composition. Powder dyes resistant to sunlight are used. The method is most often used in the production a large number material or at the request of designers. The advantages of this method:

  • uniform color of the entire volume of the stone;
  • mechanical damage is invisible;
  • uniform color of all stones;
  • speed up the manufacturing process.

Surface painting is carried out after removal from the mold. Apply resistant to solar radiation types of paints, staining is done with brushes, sponges or pneumatic spray guns. Advantages of a separate painting:

  • the ability to give each stone an original appearance;
  • reducing the cost of production;
  • the possibility, if desired, to change the appearance of the facade walls after installation.

A variation of this method is the powder coating of the inner surfaces of the molds. Not applied with a brush a large number of different shades on the inner surface of the form, the places of painting do not matter, it all depends on the "artistic" abilities of the manufacturers.

It is advisable to buy ready-made molds in specialized stores, but if for some reason you cannot purchase a ready-made silicone mold, then you can make it yourself.

For manufacturing, you need to prepare even rails with smooth surfaces, for example, we took segments of sandwich panels, they are even, smooth, not afraid of moisture, silicone is not glued to them. You will need a lot of two-component silicone with a hardener. The quantity depends on the size of the forms, you can buy it in online stores or large building supermarkets. Sold in containers over one liter. Forms can be made under commercially available facing material or you can choose the relief of the front surface yourself. All other accessories and tools will be indicated along the way. step by step instructions. The technology for ready-made stones or self-made templates is not much different, we will focus on the second option. It allows you to create any reliefs on the surface.

Step 1. Cut out stone templates from planks. Thickness is enough 8-10 mm, length and width at your discretion. The standard dimensions are 20 × 5 cm. But this is not necessary, it all depends on which stele you plan to finish the walls in and where exactly to put the artificial stone. There is no need to make it thicker, it is enough in terms of strength, and due to the small thickness, material is saved and weight is reduced.

Step 2 Glue appropriate pieces of embossed wallpaper or other elements to the surface of the templates to create a hill. If it’s hard for you to come up with something on your own, then buy a few ready-made artificial stones in the store and pour the mold over them.

Step 3 Use self-tapping screws to reinforce the walls of the box for pouring the mold, there are gaps - cover them with liquid glue or seal with one-sided tape. The dimensions of the box are arbitrary and are selected taking into account the blanks.

The distance between the individual workpieces is 5 mm. Before installing, check the gaps, they must all be exactly the same. We do not recommend making a shape and under the halves. Firstly, their required number is difficult to predict, and it is not recommended to use unnecessary halves instead of whole ones. Secondly, it is much easier to cut off a piece of the desired length during installation with a grinder.

Step 4 Draw a horizontal line along the inner perimeter of the walls, it should be about 1–1.5 cm higher than the surface of the templates. This parameter is optimal for saving polyurethane and sufficient to maintain shape stability.

Step 5 Thoroughly coat all surfaces that will come into contact with the polyurethane intermediate coat.

You can take petroleum jelly or grease, buy special liquids in stores, etc. We advise you to dissolve laundry soap in water and spray the surfaces with a spray bottle. Simple, cheap, fast and reliable. The same solution can be used during the manufacture of artificial stones. Soap has another indisputable advantage - it does not leave marks on the front surfaces, if necessary, it is easily washed off with ordinary water.

Step 6 Prepare the polyurethane according to the instructions.

Mix the ingredients very carefully, it is better to use an electric mixer. It is difficult to manually ensure uniform mixing, and the quality of the polyurethane largely depends on this. Filling is best done in two stages, so prepare the material.

Step 7 Set the box strictly horizontally, use a level for this.

Step 8 Slowly and very carefully pour the polyurethane into the box.

Track how much material was needed, this will make it possible to navigate the size of the second portion. Special attention during pouring, give space between individual patterns, do not allow gaps. After the first stage of polyurethane pouring is completed, lightly tap the edges of the box with a rubber mallet or other non-metallic object to remove air.

Step 9 Prepare the second part of the polyurethane and pour it into the box. Pay attention to the horizontal line along the perimeter of the walls. If there is a little polymer left, pour it all out, you still have to throw it away, and the thickened bottom will not hurt during the direct manufacture of stones.

Polyurethane should cure in approximately 4-8 hours, but exact time depends on the brand.

Practical advice. To prepare a large amount of polyurethane, you need to use accurate electronic scales. The proportions of the components must be controlled to the gram, it depends physical characteristics finished form.

If possible, make several forms in the same way. After each excavation of the hardened, all surfaces should be covered with an intermediate layer. Forms are ready, you can start making artificial stone.

How to take out the mold

After the polyurethane has hardened, disassemble the walls of the box and begin to take out the form.

If you carefully followed our recommendations, then there will be no problems. The form is removed with great effort - try to cut off the polyurethane a little with a sharp mounting knife in the places of gluing. If shells and mechanical damage to the front surfaces are found, do not be discouraged. Problems are easily fixed with silicone, buy one tube and repair sinks and damage.

Algorithm for the manufacture of artificial stone

We have already mentioned that gypsum stones are recommended for internal works. Facade decoration is best done with cement-based materials. For the manufacture of the mixture, use only clean sifted sand, increase the amount of cement by about 30% compared to ordinary masonry mortar. As for the consistency, here the decision should be made individually. If you have a vibrator, then the solution can be made thicker. The vibrator is easier to work with, and the stone seizes faster. But it is not economically feasible to prepare a special vibrating table for stone production in small quantities. In such cases, the solution must be made thinner, in consistency it should resemble fatty sour cream. You will have to manually remove the air from the stones, but the quality will not suffer from this. Of course, if all the work is done responsibly and not in a hurry.

Practice shows that in order to ensure the smooth production of artificial stone from a cement-sand mixture, it is necessary to have shapes of approximately one square meter products.

Step 1. Lubricate before pouring internal surfaces forms with soapy water. Prepare a solution at the rate of 1:10. The concentration of soap can be increased, but not reduced. To do the job, use an ordinary household spray gun.

Step 2 Prepare a solution, determine the amount yourself.

Practical advice. To increase the strength of the artificial stone, it is recommended to add polypropylene fiber to the solution; one or two small pinches are enough for a bucket of solution. Fiber not only increases the strength of the stone, but also minimizes the risk of air pockets, makes the solution more plastic, and it is easier to work with such material. It costs a penny, it does not have any noticeable effect on the final price of products.

As we said above, the consistency of the mixture depends on the presence of an electric vibrator.

Step 3 Pour the thoroughly mixed mass into molds. There is a vibrator - turn it on. There is no device - tap a little with a hammer from the bottom of the desktop. Do not forget to align the position of the molds horizontally before pouring the solution. We recommend making a special table for pouring and setting it in the desired position.

Practical advice. Don't get carried away by the vibration. If the mass is liquid, then during this operation the sand falls down, and this is an extremely undesirable phenomenon.

Step 4 Install the poured molds on prepared racks for the maturation of the solution. The number and dimensions of racks depend on the "capacity" of your production.

Step 5 After setting the mass, begin to release the forms.

Gradually move it to the edge of the countertop, bend down the polypropylene and take out the artificial stone in turn. If the stone is long, then place the form on the table in an upright position, bend the edges and release the stone.

Complete drying can be done on outdoors or in any utility rooms, it all depends on the time of year and weather conditions. Remember that stones made from this material cannot be dried in direct sunlight, the concrete must have time to complete chemical processes in favorable mode.

There are two ways: add powder dyes to the composition or apply paint to the surface of the finished stones. Use iron oxide paints to paint surfaces.

In the photo - powder paint

In terms of quality and price, they satisfy users. If you are making a small number of stones, then you can use multi-colored acrylic pigments, they are diluted in any primer. The paint adheres well to the surface and has good performance characteristics. It is better to paint with a pneumatic spray gun, if it is not there, work with a brush. Follow three rules:

  • the base should be the lightest of all the colors used;
  • make the seams the darkest;
  • during staining, use no more than three colors or their shades.

First, paint the base of the stones, then the seams, the surface decor is done last. That's all, the material is ready, you can start laying it on the surface of the facade walls. Always remember one rule: without theory there is no practice, and without practice there is never a quality product.

Practical advice. While the paint is not completely dry, wipe the surface of the stones with a slightly damp cloth. Due to this, the front side will take more natural look, minor mechanical damage will become less noticeable.

Installation of artificial stone on the walls

To do the job, you will need a level, a mixer, a grinder with a diamond disc, a rubber mallet, a metal brush, a spatula, a trowel, a tape measure, a container for glue and a primer, a grouting syringe, wedges to maintain the same width of the seams and a tool for their jointing. From consumables you need to buy glue, primer and grout. The stone is fixed on the plastered facade walls.

Step 1. Clean surfaces and level them if necessary. There is no need to level too much, irregularities of a few millimeters will be eliminated by glue directly during the laying of artificial stone.

Step 2 Prime surfaces thoroughly. Do not skip this operation, a properly selected primer significantly increases the adhesion of the adhesive to the plaster. And for a heavy artificial stone from a cement-sand mortar, this is very important.

Step 3 Share on flat surface stones in the order in which you plan to fix them. During masonry, do not allow sharp transitions in color, select stones based on color and shades. Take measurements and transfer them to the wall surface.

Step 4 Make a marking on the wall where the stone will be installed. Use the level, carefully check the horizontal lines.

Step 5 Check for the presence of cement milk on the back of the stones, if it is found, remove it with a metal brush. Cement milk causes poor adhesion.

Step 6 According to the manufacturer's instructions, prepare the glue, mix it thoroughly with a mixer. After mixing, let stand for 5 minutes and mix again a little.

Step 7 Start laying stone from the corners. Apply glue with a comb trowel. If the surfaces have large irregularities, then increase the thickness of the adhesive and apply it with a spatula around the entire perimeter of the stone.

Practical advice. If the walls are finished in very hot weather, then reverse side moisten artificial stone with water. Use an ordinary wide brush.

Step 8 Beat off the position of each row on the wall, use a rope with blue. Lines give the chance to control process of laying of a stone. Under the bottom row, place or nail planks to the wall. The first stones should lie on them, otherwise they will gradually fall down under their own weight. Try to apply glue to the entire surface of the stone. This is necessary to prevent the appearance of condensate in the voids or the ingress of atmospheric moisture. In winter, the water will freeze, which will cause individual stones to fall out.

Step 9 Check the position of the tile with a level, press it firmly into the mass.

Practical advice. Checking the quality of laying stone is very simple. Tap it with a wooden mallet or screwdriver handle, a "drum" sound indicates the presence of voids. And this is marriage.

Step 10 Remove the solution that has come out in the seams with any improvised device. If it gets on the front surface, then immediately remove it with a damp cloth. The stone is laid with jointing - do not forget to use linings to control the width of the joints. The stone can be laid without seams, but this requires solid practical skills. We do not advise beginners to choose this hard way facade wall cladding, lay with gaps. They allow you to discreetly correct the nuts and trim the rows of stone.

Step 11 After completing the masonry, begin to embroider the seams. It's no less milestone requires care and precision. It is difficult to reach the seams of artificial stone with your hands; you need to use a special gun. Such a gun is used to extrude silicone from tubes. Buy a cement grout that imitates masonry mortar, insert the tube into the gun, cut the nose at an angle. Gently apply the grout, do not allow gaps, the amount depends on the size of the joints. If you want to visually emphasize the masonry, then use colored grouts. The depth of filling the joints is at least five millimeters, only in this way can their tightness be guaranteed.

For the first time, they began to artificially make a stone in the middle of the last century. It was very similar to natural in texture and color. They were the first to master the production of artificial stone in the West, but by the end of the 20th century, the technology was also applied in our country.

  • Artificial stone production technology
  • Use of Portland cement
  • The use of plaster
  • step by step plan opening of artificial stone production
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • What equipment to choose for the production of artificial stone
  • What is the OKVED for the business of producing artificial stone
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose
  • Do I need permission to open

Artificial stone for facade cladding.

The delightful architecture of medieval castles and ancient palaces attracts many. Today, many architects and designers are trying to give modern buildings the same invincibility and majesty. However, the use of natural stone in many cases is difficult. Somewhere this is due to the difficulty in processing natural raw materials, somewhere its extraction is difficult. Often cladding with natural material is too expensive for the construction customer.

All these shortcomings compensate new material- an artificial stone from a mixture of natural raw materials: gypsum, cement, sand and water. All raw materials are available in the market. It is inexpensive, and therefore the final product is available to most construction companies and private developers.

Artificial material is different colors. Paints are steady, and for many years do not lose the color. Finishing material not only adds beauty to the facade of the building, but also additionally protects the walls from the effects of weather disasters. Experts say that it is possible to veneer surfaces with artificial stone at any time of the year.

Artificial stone production technology

About how to make an artificial stone, let's talk in more detail. There are two technologies by which this material is made today:

  • vibrocasting;
  • vibrocompression.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first technology, for example, is used in small and medium-sized industries. Its implementation does not require expensive equipment, special training personnel. The material itself is saturated in color. The recipe for the preparation of the working mixture requires less water.

Artificial stone with your own hands at home.

For large mass productions, vibrocompression is used. Manual labor here it is practically excluded, but the equipment is also more expensive. The cost price finished products lower than when using vibrocasting technology.

Use of Portland cement

In order to start producing cast stone, it is necessary to equip the premises and buy some equipment. The main one is:

1 Electric mortar mixer or concrete mixer. It manages to achieve uniform kneading, which is difficult to do manually.
2 The vibrating table is the main equipment on which the quality of the products obtained depends. On it, the solution shrinks into matrices. All the air comes out of the mixture and it evenly fills the molds.
3 Forms or matrices. They must have at least 5 types. This will make it possible to produce a wide range of products. Forms can be bought, or you can make your own. The material used for them is silicone. As a sample, you can take uneven natural stone or wooden boards with a well-defined texture.To buy quality shape, you need to pay attention to such nuances:
  • the back of the product should be perfectly smooth;
  • roughness and bubbles in the structure indicate a low-quality matrix that will not last long;
  • the stiffness of the material should be 40 units. according to Shore, a more rigid material will make it difficult to remove products, and a soft one will not be able to hold the desired shape;
  • wall thickness from 1 to 3 mm.

There are plastic molds on the market. This is a cheaper material than polyurethane, but it is not suitable for making artificial stone.

In addition, you will need trowels, shovels, measuring spoons, scales. The room should have racks and pallets on which finished products will be stored.

Cast stone is produced in several stages:

1 A master model is created. For this, the Por-A-Mold material is used. They make a wooden box in which a model of future products is placed. The matrix freezes for about a day. After that, it can be used. Before loading the working mixture into it, the surface is lubricated with special lubricants so that the workpieces are well separated. After each use, the form is thoroughly cleaned.
2 The solution is prepared in a ratio of 3:1. This means that there is 3 times more sand in it than cement. The molds are then placed on a vibrating table. Material shrinkage occurs within 2 minutes.
3 The third stage is the drying of the blanks. It is carried out at a temperature of +30 degrees for 7-9 hours.

The use of plaster

For interior decoration work, an artificial stone made of gypsum is used. Its production is even more profitable, since the material costs about $ 3 per 30 kg, and the market price of finished products reaches $ 30 per 1 square meter. From one bag you can get from 5 to 10 sq.m. finished products. The same polyurethane molds described above are used. Gypsum is diluted to such a state when it spreads itself over the matrix and fills all the recesses. Additional shrinkage of the material is not required. Gypsum hardens in 15 minutes, after which the workpiece can be removed.

The gypsum product is painted after complete drying. In a casting stone, on the contrary, the pigment is added at the stage of mixing the working solution. Paint blanks one at a time, from a spray gun. Sometimes plaster products are left as is. The required shade is applied after installation directly in the room. Gypsum artificial stone, in this regard, is a very convenient material and a very promising business can be built on its production. Good luck to you, gentlemen, budding entrepreneurs.

Today, artificial stone is a very popular building material. It is widely used both for cladding the facade of houses, and for laying out paths in areas, creating tiles and even fence elements.

Manifold colors, greater strength and lower price make this material more affordable and more popular among both professionals and people who simply planned repairs. Due to the fact that the price of equipment for production decorative stone quite affordable, the technologies are not secret, the manufacture of artificial stone can be an excellent business development.

Stone own production it will turn out cheaper than purchased, and the owner can pick up and improve the texture and quality on his own. All that is needed is to understand the details: what material and how much to buy, what molds are needed for the production of decorative stone, to purchase a convenient production room and the entire set of required equipment.

Production room

Like any other, the stone manufacturing process requires compliance with certain technical and thermal conditions.

So the area of ​​​​the main production facility can be from fifty to one hundred square meters.

There must be a warehouse for storing raw materials separately from the workshop.

The temperature in the room should not exceed 25 degrees. Heating can only be carried out in the production workshop. Lighting should be both general and local in those places where machines for the production of decorative stone are located. It is necessary to carry out plumbing in the room and equip the sewer drain. Be sure to install a high-quality ventilation system to ventilate the workshop.

Necessary equipment

When the premises are ready and equipped in compliance with all safety standards, next step will choose what equipment is needed for the production of decorative stone. The following devices are often used:

  • Vibrating table (cost from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles).
  • Concrete mixer (5,000 - 13,000 rubles).
  • Electronic scales (15,000 - 25,000 rubles).
  • Multiple desktops.
  • Tanks for bulk materials.
  • Construction mixer (2,500 - 5,000 rubles).
  • Stone molds that you can buy or make yourself.
  • Pallets for molds.
  • Various small tools such as shovels, shovels, wheelbarrows, trowels, etc.

The vibrating table is needed in order to remove air bubbles from the solution using vibration. You can buy such a table or make it yourself according to the drawings and separately purchase a vibration motor to move the table.

Polyurethane molds can also be made by yourself, which saves money at the beginning of production. But the quality of the form itself directly affects the properties of the product, its durability and aesthetics. Therefore, it is better not to save on the quality of polyurethane. Experts advise using the product of German and American manufacturers.

Raw material

It is important to decide on the material from which the stone will be made: gypsum or concrete, and then purchase all the necessary mixtures. You may need:

  • The cement is white and grey.
  • Sand (river or quartz).
  • Pigment and dye.
  • Plasticizers for gypsum and concrete.
  • Gypsum, gypsum polymer.
  • Chemical mixtures.
  • Fiberglass.

Artificial stone can be painted in various colors. To do this, use a compressor with spray nozzles and an airbrush. You can also use brushes of various shapes to achieve the desired texture and color. The pigment can be added both to the finished stone surface and to the mixture itself.

Finished products

Purchased equipment for the production of decorative stone can be used for personal needs or for the manufacture of products for sale. It is advisable to pack the finished stone in order to protect it from damage during transportation and storage in warehouses. It is better to pack in cardboard boxes, laying the stone in layers. Each layer must be separated with a layer of cardboard or packaging film.

Production technology

Decorative stone can be made in several ways. The most common are vibrocasting and vibrocompression. Both methods are good in their own way and have a number of special advantages.

It is cheaper to manufacture equipment for the production of decorative stone by vibrocasting than to purchase a vibropress. This technique is easier to work with and set up. Manufacturing in this way will retain more moisture in the product, since there is no need to steam the stone; as a result, the finished product turns out to be more saturated coloring. The vibrocasting process takes place in several stages:

  • Preparation of a mixture of cement, pigments, modifiers and mineral fillers. The solution can be kneaded both with a manual construction mixer and with a special concrete mixer.
  • Pouring the solution into ready-made molds mounted on a vibrating table. The product must be in shape for at least 48 hours.
  • Separation of the product from the mold, removal of chips, packaging of the finished material.

The vibropress, in turn, makes it possible to produce material that is less expensive at cost. This process can be almost completely mechanized, which will increase productivity. Thanks to this choice, the future owner of the production can decide for himself which technology will be used depending on the expected performance.

Many assume that the organization requires a significant investment that pays off over a long time. However, one of the profitable directions is the production various kinds artificial decorative stone

On the market building materials artificial stone is becoming more and more popular. This is due to the properties and lower cost of decorative stone compared to natural. The profitability of its manufacture is 200 - 300%.

An indicative business plan will allow you to understand how profitable the production of decorative stone is.

Properties and scope

Natural stone, for all its merits, is limited in its variety of textures and colors. Therefore, designers prefer decorative stone, the unlimited variety of colors and patterns of which allow their rich imagination to unfold.

The main properties of artificial stone are:

  • color fastness to influence sun rays, atmospheric factors and household chemicals;
  • great decorative possibilities, thanks to which any color and texture solutions are created;
  • the weight of an artificial stone is much less (3-5 times) than a natural one; this reduces the cost of cladding, as it does not require additional reinforcement of the walls and surface preparation;
  • environmental Safety;
  • ease of laying artificial stone and the possibility of facing any surface - brick, wood, concrete, metal;
  • high strength and resistance to moisture, mechanical and temperature influences;
  • long service life.

Used decorative stone for the purpose of facing and finishing outer surface residential and public buildings, interior decoration walls of premises, fireplace portals, window sills, garden and park alleys and paths, grottoes and arbors, pools and columns, gutters, steps, fences. The production of sanitary ware, bathtubs and bathroom furniture made of artificial stone has also been established. The use of decorative stone allows you to create an interior and exterior in any style.

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Materials for manufacturing

The simple production of artificial stone involves the use of gray or white (more expensive) cement as connecting element, fillers (washed sand, gypsum, expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite, foamed granular glass), mineral pigments various colors, plasticizers, hardening accelerators. The production of decorative stone is carried out in special elastic forms by vibrocasting. As a result, finished products repeat the relief and structure of natural stone to the smallest detail.

Depending on the purpose, the production of decorative stone is carried out in two types: thin (for use inside buildings) and thick, resistant to low temperatures and intended for outdoor use. Sizes can be different - from 5 to 50 Appearance facing decorative stone can imitate not only natural stone, but also brick, aged ceramics. Exactly this unique property and distinguishes it from the usual stone-like facing tiles.

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Technology and necessary equipment

Even one person in adapted conditions can start production of products in small volumes: the technology is quite simple. It consists in thoroughly mixing the constituent elements, pouring into molds, creating vibration to remove air and uniform distribution mixture, removing the finished product from the molds after the solution has solidified.

In order to establish a small production of products, it is enough to have primitive equipment: a small container for compiling and mixing the starting components, a trowel, an electric drill with a mixing nozzle, and molds for pouring and solidifying the mixture (they can be made independently).

It is not at all necessary to produce a large amount of decorative stone until sales channels for finished products are established. As experience is gained, when the business is a little established, it is possible to produce high-quality decorative stone in large volumes with the help of mechanized equipment and more advanced special forms.

Such equipment are:

  1. Vibroconveyor or forming vibrating table, consisting of a platform with vibrators and a movable frame. They are designed to evenly distribute the mixture and reduce the porosity of the stone.
  2. Vibrating sieve to obtain a homogeneous high-quality filler.
  3. Concrete mixer or mortar mixer.
  4. Flexible polyurethane molds with various patterns, thanks to which finished products are provided with the necessary relief.
  5. Drying chambers and weighing equipment, as well as means of transporting products around the workshop.

The offer on the artificial stone sales market is still significantly lower than the demand for it, which makes its production and sale very profitable. But before starting a business in any field, in order for it to be successful, it is necessary to draw up a business plan.

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What is a business plan

If the production of decorative stone usually does not cause difficulties for a novice entrepreneur, then sales are often associated with considerable difficulties leading to ruin. Therefore, after making a decision to start a business, it is necessary to carefully study its organization, that is, draw up a business plan. It is a document on the basis of which the organization, functioning and development of any enterprise is planned.

A properly drawn up plan makes it possible to assess whether the project is feasible, helps to see the problems in the way of its implementation, determine the necessary investments, study the proposed sales routes and demand for future products, and calculate the amount of net profit.

Despite the wide variety of species entrepreneurial activity, there are basic provisions that apply to any of them. They allow you to calculate possible options anticipate potential difficulties and work around them. By thinking through and drawing up an indicative plan, the future entrepreneur significantly reduces the risk in achieving his goal.

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Business plan examples

The niche of artificial stone offers is still almost not occupied in the market, and the demand for these products is quite high. Small production does not require significant costs, and therefore is affordable and profitable for many entrepreneurs.

Real income is the difference between the amounts received from the sale of products and spent on raw materials and maintenance of production. A stable profit can be obtained under the condition of regulated production and crowding out competitors. This requires a well-defined plan. In the conditions of a small home production, a business plan can be drawn up on your own, but it is better to trust the specialists of companies with experience in these matters.

The plan for conducting a "home" business does not include the cost of paying taxes, the cost of renting premises and the salary of workers in the calculation of the cost of finished products. Thus, the approximate amount of costs per 1 sq.m. production will consist of costs for:

  • portland cement - 35 rubles. for 6 kg;
  • crushed quartz sand - 15 rubles. for 19 kg;
  • superplasticizer - 2.5 rubles. for 0.06 kg;
  • mineral pigments - 9 rubles. for 0.15 kg;
  • depreciation of injection molds, etc. - 6 rubles;
  • electricity costs - 0.2 rubles;
  • transport and some other expenses - 5 rubles.

The total cost of manufacturing 1 sq.m. products will amount to 72.7 rubles with an average market price of 650 - 680 rubles.

Profits can be increased by providing customers with delivery and stacking services.

A rough cost plan for organizing a medium-sized enterprise should take into account more items. The cost of renting premises for production on average will be from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. for 1 month, the purchase of a vibrating table - from 25 - 70 thousand rubles. (depending on power and model), an electric drill with a nozzle - 3 - 5 thousand rubles, 2 work tables - 7 - 10 thousand rubles, a rack for drying finished products - 10 - 15 thousand rubles, hand tools (hammers , trowels, brushes, sandpaper, spatulas, buckets) - from 8 to 12 thousand rubles.