Factors affecting air pollution. The role of meteorological factors in air pollution


Today in the world there are a large number of environmental problems, ranging from the extinction of certain species of plants and animals, ending with the threat of degeneration human race. Currently, there are many theories in the world, in which the search for the most optimal ways to solve them is of particular importance. But, unfortunately, on paper everything is much simpler than in reality. real life.

Also, in most countries, the problem of ecology is in the first place, but, alas, not in our country, at least earlier, but in recent times more attention is being paid to it, new measures are being taken.

The problem of air and water pollution with hazardous industrial waste, human waste products, toxic chemical and radioactive substances has become decisive. To prevent these effects, joint efforts of biologists, chemists, technicians, doctors, sociologists and other specialists are needed. This is an international problem, because the air has no state borders.

The atmosphere in our life is of great importance. This is the retention of the Earth's warmth, and the protection of living organisms from harmful doses of cosmic radiation. It is also a source of oxygen for respiration and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, energy, promotes the movement of soda vapor and small materials on the planet - and this is not the whole list of air values ​​in natural processes. Despite the fact that the area of ​​the atmosphere is huge, it is subject to serious influences, which in turn cause changes in its composition not only in individual areas, but throughout the planet.

A huge amount of O2 is consumed in cases where fires occur in peatlands, forests, deposits hard coal. It has been revealed that in most highly developed countries, a person spends another 10-16% more oxygen for household needs than it arises as a result of plant photosynthesis. Therefore, in large cities there is an O2 deficiency. In addition, as a result of the intensive work of industrial enterprises and transport, great amount dust-like and gaseous wastes.

Target term paper consists in assessing the degree of atmospheric pollution and determining measures to reduce it.

To achieve these goals, the following tasks have been set:

study of criteria for assessing the degree of urban air pollution;

identification of sources of air pollution;

condition assessment atmospheric air in Russia for 2012;

implementation of measures to reduce the level of air pollution.

The urgency of the problem of air pollution in the modern world is increasing. The atmosphere is the most important life-supporting natural environment, which is a mixture of gases and aerosols in the surface layer of the atmosphere, which was formed as a result of the evolution of the earth, human activities and located outside residential, industrial and other facilities. The results of environmental studies, both Russian and foreign, show that ground air pollution is the most powerful, continuously acting factor on humans, the food chain and the environment. The air basin has unlimited space and plays the role of the most mobile, chemically aggressive and all-penetrating agent of interaction near the surface of the components of the biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.

Chapter 1. Assessment of the level of atmospheric pollution

1 Criteria and indicators for assessing the state of the atmosphere

The atmosphere is one of the elements environment which is constantly affected by human activity. The consequences of this impact depend on various factors and are manifested in climate change and the chemical composition of the atmosphere. These changes significantly affect the biotic components of the environment, including humans.

The air environment can be assessed in two aspects:

Climate and its changes under the influence of natural causes and anthropogenic impacts in general (macroclimate) and this project in particular (microclimate). These estimates imply a forecast of the potential impact of climate change on the implementation of the projected type of anthropogenic activity.

Atmospheric pollution. To begin with, the possibility of atmospheric pollution is assessed using one of the complex indicators, such as: atmospheric pollution potential (AP), atmospheric scattering power (RSA) and others. After that, an assessment is made existing level air pollution in the required region.

Conclusions about climatic and meteorological characteristics, and about the source of pollution are made, first of all, on the basis of data from the regional Roshydromet, then - on the basis of data from the sanitary and epidemiological service and special analytical inspections of the State Committee for Ecology, and are also based on various literary sources.

As a result, based on the estimates obtained and data on specific emissions into the atmosphere of the projected facility, calculations are made of the forecast of air pollution, while using special computer programs("ecologist", "guarantor", "ether", etc.), allowing not only to assess the possible levels of air pollution, but also to obtain a map of concentration fields and data on the deposition of pollutants on the underlying surface.

The criterion for assessing the degree of air pollution is the maximum allowable concentration (MPC) of pollutants. Measured and calculated concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere can be compared with MPCs and, therefore, air pollution is measured in MPC values.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that one should not confuse the concentration of pollutants in the air with their emissions. The concentration is the mass of a substance per unit volume (or mass), and the release is the weight of the substance that has arrived in a unit of time (i.e. "dose"). Emission cannot be a criterion for air pollution, but since air pollution depends not only on the mass of emissions, but also on other factors (meteorological parameters, height of the emission source, etc.).

Air pollution forecasts are used in other sections of the EIA to predict the impact of other factors from the impact of a polluted environment (pollution of the underlying surface, vegetation vegetation, morbidity, etc.).

When carrying out an environmental review, the assessment of the state of the air basin is based on a comprehensive assessment of atmospheric air pollution in the study area, while using a system of direct, indirect and indicator criteria. Air quality assessment (primarily the degree of pollution) is quite well developed and is based on a huge number of legislative and policy documents that use direct control methods to measure environmental parameters, as well as indirect methods calculation and evaluation criteria.

Direct evaluation criteria. The main criteria for the state of atmospheric air pollution include the maximum allowable concentrations (MAC). It should be noted that the atmosphere is also a medium for the transfer of technogenic pollutants, and it is also the most variable and dynamic of all its abiotic components. Based on this, to assess the degree of air pollution, time-differentiated assessment indicators are used, such as: maximum one-time MPCmr (short-term effects), average daily MPCs and average annual PDKg (for longer-term effects).

The degree of air pollution can be assessed by the repetition and frequency of exceeding the MPC, taking into account the hazard class, as well as by summing up the biological effects of pollution (BI). The level of atmospheric pollution by substances of various hazard classes is determined by "reducing" their concentration, normalized according to MPC, to the concentrations of substances of the 3rd hazard class.

There is a division of air pollutants according to the likelihood of their adverse effects on human health, which includes 4 classes:

) first class - extremely dangerous.

) the second class - highly dangerous;

) the third class - moderately dangerous;

) the fourth class is a little dangerous.

Basically, the actual maximum one-time, average daily and average annual MPCs are used in comparison with the actual concentrations of pollutants in the air over the past few years, but not less than 2 years.

Also important criteria for assessing the total atmospheric pollution include the value of the complex indicator (P), equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the concentration of substances of various hazard classes, normalized according to MPC, reduced to the concentration of a substance of the third hazard class.

The most common and informative indicator of air pollution is the CIPA (Complex Index of Average Annual Air Pollution). The distribution by classes of the state of the atmosphere occurs in accordance with the classification of pollution levels on a four-point scale:

class "normal" - means that the level of air pollution is below the average for the cities of the country;

"risk" class - equal to the average level;

"crisis" class - above average;

class "disaster" - well above average.

Basically, QISA is used for comparative analysis of air pollution in different parts of the study area (cities, districts, etc.), as well as for assessing the temporal trend regarding the state of air pollution.

The resource potential of the air basin of a certain territory is calculated based on its ability to disperse and remove impurities and the ratio of the actual level of pollution and the MPC value. The assessment of air dissipation capacity is determined on the basis of the following indicators: atmospheric pollution potential (APA) and air consumption parameter (AC). These characteristics reveal the features of the formation of pollution levels depending on weather conditions, which contribute to the accumulation and removal of impurities from the air.

Atmospheric pollution potential (PAP) is a complex characteristic of meteorological conditions that are unfavorable for the dispersion of impurities in the air. Currently in Russia there are 5 PZA classes that are typical for urban conditions, based on the frequency of surface inversions, low wind stagnation and fog duration.

The air consumption parameter (AC) is understood as the volume of clean air that is necessary to dilute the emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere to the level of the average permissible concentration. This parameter is of particular importance in air quality management, if the user of natural resources has established a collective responsibility regime (the "bubble" principle) in the conditions of market relations. Based on this parameter, the volume of emissions is set for the entire region, and only after that, the enterprises located on its territory, jointly identify best option providing the necessary volume, including through trade in pollution rights.

It is accepted that air can be considered as the initial link in the chain of pollution of the environment and objects. Often, soils and surface waters are indirect indicators of its pollution, and in some cases, on the contrary, they can be sources of secondary pollution of the air basin. Hence the need arises not only to assess air pollution, but also to control possible consequences mutual influence of the atmosphere and adjacent media, as well as obtaining an integral (mixed) assessment of the state of the air basin.

Indirect indicators for assessing air pollution include the intensity of atmospheric impurities as a result of dry deposition on the soil cover and water bodies, as well as as a result of its washing out by atmospheric precipitation. The criterion for this assessment is the value of allowable and critical loads, which are expressed in units of fallout density, taking into account the time interval (duration) of their arrival.

The result of a comprehensive assessment of the state of air pollution is an analysis of the development of technogenic processes and an assessment of possible negative consequences in the short and long term at the local and regional levels. Analyzing the spatial characteristics and temporal dynamics of the results of the impact of air pollution on human health and the state of the ecosystem, it is necessary to rely on the mapping method, using sets of cartographic materials that characterize the natural conditions of the region, including protected areas.

The optimal system of components of the integral (complex) assessment includes:

assessment of the level of pollution from sanitary and hygienic positions (MAC);

assessment of the resource potential of the atmosphere (APA and PV);

assessment of the degree of influence on certain environments (soil and vegetation and snow cover, water);

the trend and intensity of the processes of anthropogenic development of a given natural and technical system to identify short-term and long-term effects of the impact;

determination of the spatial and temporal scales of possible negative consequences anthropogenic impact.

1.2 Types of air pollution sources

According to the nature of the pollutant, there are 3 types of air pollution:

physical - mechanical (dust, solid particles), radioactive (radioactive radiation and isotopes, electromagnetic (various types of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves), noise (various loud sounds and low-frequency vibrations) and thermal pollution, such as emissions of warm air and etc.;

chemical - pollution by gaseous substances and aerosols. Currently, the main chemical pollutants of the atmosphere are carbon monoxide (IV), nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr), ammonia, atmospheric dust and radioactive isotopes;

biological pollution- as a rule, pollution of a microbial nature, such as air pollution by vegetative forms and spores of bacteria and fungi, viruses, etc. .

Natural sources of pollution are volcanic eruptions, dust storms, forest fires, space dust, sea salt particles, products of plant, animal and microbial origin. The degree of this pollution is considered as a background, little changed during certain period time.

The volcanic and fluid activity of the Earth is perhaps the most important natural process of pollution of the surface air basin. Often, large-scale volcanic eruptions lead to massive and prolonged air pollution. This can be learned from the chronicle and modern observational data (for example, the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991). This is due to the fact that a huge amount of gases is instantly released into the high layers of the atmosphere. At the same time, on high altitude are picked up by high-speed air currents and quickly spread throughout the world. The duration of the polluted state of the air after large-scale volcanic eruptions can reach several years.

As a result of human economic activity, anthropogenic sources of environmental pollution are identified. They include:

The burning of fossil fuels, accompanied by the release of 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide annually. As a result, it turns out that over 100 years the content of CO2 has increased by 18% (from 0.027 to 0.032%). Over the past three decades, the frequency of these releases has increased significantly.

The operation of thermal power plants, as a result of which, when burning high-sulfur coals, sulfur dioxide and fuel oil are released, which leads to the appearance of acid rain.

Exhausts from modern turbojet aircraft with nitrogen oxides and gaseous fluorocarbons from aerosols, leading to a violation of the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

Pollution with suspended particles (during grinding, packaging and loading, from the operation of boiler houses, power plants, mines).

Emissions by enterprises of various gases.

Emissions of harmful substances with processed gases simultaneously with the products of normal oxidation of hydrocarbons (carbon dioxide and water). Exhaust gases, in turn, include:

unburned hydrocarbons (soot);

carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide);

oxidation products of impurities contained in the fuel;

nitrogen oxides;

solid particles;

sulfuric and carbonic acids formed during the condensation of water vapor;

anti-knock and booster additives and products of their destruction;

radioactive releases;

Combustion of fuel in flare furnaces. As a result, carbon monoxide is produced - one of the most common pollutants.

Combustion of fuel in boilers and vehicle engines, which is accompanied by the formation of nitrogen oxides, causing smog. Exhaust gases (exhaust gases) mean the working fluid that has been exhausted in the engine. They are products of oxidation and incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Emissions of exhaust gases are the main reason for exceeding the permissible concentrations of toxic substances and carcinogens in the air of large cities, the formation of smog, which in turn often leads to poisoning in confined spaces.

The amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere by cars is the mass of emissions of gases and the composition of the exhaust gases.

Highly dangerous are nitrogen oxides, which are approximately 10 times more dangerous than carbon monoxide. The share of toxicity of aldehydes is low, it is approximately 4-5% of the total toxicity of exhaust gases. The toxicity of different hydrocarbons varies considerably. Unsaturated hydrocarbons in the presence of nitrogen dioxide, they are photochemically oxidized and form toxic oxygen-containing compounds, i.e. smog.

The quality of afterburning on modern catalysts is such that the proportion of CO after the catalyst is usually less than 0.1%.




In addition, when using sulphurous gasolines, sulfur oxides can be included in the exhaust gases, when using leaded gasoline - lead (tetraethyl lead), bromine, chlorine, as well as their compounds. It is believed that aerosols of lead halide compounds can be subjected to catalytic and photochemical transformations, also forming smog.

With prolonged contact with an environment poisoned by car exhaust gases, a general weakening of the body can occur - immunodeficiency. Also, the gases themselves can cause various diseases, such as respiratory failure, sinusitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer. At the same time, exhaust gases cause atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Indirectly through pulmonary pathology, various disorders can also occur. of cardio-vascular system.

The main pollutants include:

) Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas, also known as carbon monoxide. It is formed in the process of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) with a lack of oxygen and low temperature. By the way, 65% of all emissions come from transport, 21% from small consumers and the household sector, and 14% from industry. When inhaled, carbon monoxide, due to the double bond present in its molecule, forms strong complex compounds with human blood hemoglobin and thereby blocks the flow of oxygen into the blood.

) Carbon dioxide (CO2) - or carbon dioxide, - a colorless gas with a sour smell and taste, is a product of the complete oxidation of carbon. Considered one of the greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide is non-toxic, but does not support breathing. A large concentration in the air causes suffocation, as well as a lack of carbon dioxide.

) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) (sulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxide) is a colorless gas with a pungent odor. It is formed during the combustion of sulfur-containing fossil fuels, usually coal, as well as during the processing of sulfur ores. It is involved in the formation of acid rain. The global SO2 emission is estimated at 190 million tons annually. Prolonged exposure to sulfur dioxide on a person can first lead to a loss of taste, shortness of breath, and then to inflammation or edema of the lungs, interruptions in cardiac activity, circulatory disorders and respiratory arrest.

) Nitrogen oxides (nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide) - gaseous substances: nitrogen monoxide NO and nitrogen dioxide NO2 are combined by one general formula NOx. During all combustion processes, nitrogen oxides are formed, while a significant part of them is in the form of oxide. The higher the combustion temperature, the more intense the formation of nitrogen oxides. next source nitrogen oxides are enterprises that produce nitrogen fertilizers, nitric acid and nitrates, aniline dyes, nitro compounds. The amount of nitrogen oxides that enter the atmosphere is 65 million tons annually. Of the total amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere, transport accounts for 55%, energy - 28%, industrial enterprises - 14%, small consumers and the household sector - 3%.

5) Ozone (O3) - a gas with a characteristic odor, a stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen. It is one of the most toxic of all common pollutants. In the lower atmosphere, ozone is formed as a result of photochemical processes involving nitrogen dioxide and volatile organic compounds.

) Hydrocarbons are chemical compounds of carbon and hydrogen. They include thousands of different air pollutants found in unburned liquids used in industrial solvents, etc.

) Lead (Pb) - a silvery-gray metal, toxic in all forms. It is often used for the production of paints, ammunition, printing alloy, etc. Approximately 60% of the world's lead production is spent annually on the creation of acid batteries. At the same time, the main sources (about 80%) of air pollution with lead compounds are the exhaust gases of vehicles using leaded gasoline. When ingested, lead accumulates in the bones, causing them to break down.

) Soot falls into the category of harmful particles for the lungs. This is because particles less than five microns in diameter are not filtered in the upper respiratory tract. Smoke from diesel engines, which contains more soot is identified as particularly dangerous, as its particles are known to cause cancer.

) Aldehydes are also toxic, they can accumulate in the body. In addition to the general toxic effect, irritant and neurotoxic effects can be added. The effect depends on molecular weight: the larger it is, the less irritating effect, but the stronger the narcotic effect. It should be noted that unsaturated aldehydes are more toxic than saturated ones. Some of them are carcinogenic.

) Benzopyrene is considered a more classic chemical carcinogen, it is dangerous to humans even at low concentrations, as it has the property of bioaccumulation. Being chemically relatively stable, benzapyrene can migrate from one object to another for a long time. As a result, most objects and processes in the environment that do not have the ability to synthesize benzapyrene turn out to be secondary sources. Another property that benzapyrene has is a mutagenic effect.

) Industrial dusts, depending on the mechanism of their formation, can be divided into 4 classes:

mechanical dust generated by grinding the product during the technological process;

sublimates, which are formed in the process of volumetric condensation of vapors of substances during cooling of a gas flowing through a process apparatus, installation or unit;

fly ashes are non-combustible fuel residues contained in flue gases in a suspended state, it comes from its mineral impurities during combustion;

industrial soot, it consists of solid highly dispersed carbon, formed during incomplete combustion or thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons.

) Smog (from the English. Smoky fog, - "smoke fog") - an aerosol that consists of smoke, fog and dust. It is one of the types of air pollution in large-scale cities and industrial centers. Originally, smog meant smoke created by burning large amounts of coal (a mixture of smoke and sulfur dioxide SO2). In the 1950s, a new type of smog was introduced - photochemical smog, which is the result of mixing in the atmosphere of pollutants such as: :

nitric oxide, such as nitrogen dioxide (combustion products of fossil fuels);

tropospheric (surface) ozone;

volatile organic substances (fumes of gasoline, paints, solvents, pesticides and other chemicals);

nitrate peroxides.

The main air pollutants in residential areas are dust and tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, radon and heavy metals, insecticides, deodorants, synthetic detergents, drug aerosols, germs and bacteria.

air pollution atmosphere anthropogenic

Chapter 2. Measures to improve the quality and protection of atmospheric air

1 The state of atmospheric air in Russia in 2012

The atmosphere is a huge air system. The lower layer (troposphere) is 8 km thick in polar and 18 km in equatorial latitudes (80% of air), the upper layer (stratosphere) is up to 55 km thick (20% of air). The atmosphere is characterized by gas chemical composition, humidity, composition of suspended solids, temperature. Under normal conditions, the chemical composition of air (by volume) is as follows: nitrogen - 78.08%; oxygen - 20.95%; carbon dioxide - 0.03%; argon - 0.93%; neon, helium, krypton, hydrogen - 0.002%; ozone, methane, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide - ten thousandths of a percent.

The total amount of free oxygen in the atmosphere is 1.5 to the 10th power.

The essence of air in the Earth's ecosystems is, first of all, to provide humans, flora and fauna with vital gas elements (oxygen, carbon dioxide), as well as to protect the Earth from meteorite impact, cosmic radiation and solar radiation.

During its existence, the airspace has been influenced by the following changes:

irretrievable withdrawal of gas elements;

temporary withdrawal of gas elements;

pollution with gas impurities that destroy its composition and structure;

pollution with suspended solids;


replenishment with gas elements;


Oxygen is the most important part of the atmosphere for mankind. With a lack of oxygen in the human body, compensatory phenomena develop, such as rapid breathing, accelerated blood flow, etc. For 60 years of people living in the city, 200 grams of harmful chemicals, 16 grams of dust, 0.1 grams of metals pass through their lungs. Of the most dangerous substances, the carcinogen benzapyrene (a product of the thermal decomposition of raw materials and fuel combustion), formaldehyde and phenol should be noted.

In the process of burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas, wood), oxygen and air are intensively consumed, while being polluted with carbon dioxide, sulfur compounds, and suspended solids. Every year, 10 billion tons of conventional fuel are burned on the earth every year, along with organized combustion processes, unorganized combustion processes occur: fires in everyday life, in the forest, in coal warehouses, ignition of natural gas outlets, fires in oil fields, as well as during fuel transportation. Every year, 10 to 20 billion tons of oxygen are spent on all types of fuel combustion, on the production of metallurgical and chemical products, on the additional oxidation of various wastes. The increase in oxygen consumption as a result of human economic activity is not less than 10 - 16% of annual biogenic formations.

In order to ensure the combustion process in engines, road transport consumes atmospheric oxygen, while polluting it with carbon dioxide, dust, suspended products of gasoline combustion, such as lead, sulfur dioxide, etc.). Road transport accounts for about 13% of all air pollution. To reduce these pollutions, improve the fuel system of the vehicle and use electric motors on natural gas, hydrogen or low sulfur gasoline, reduce the use of leaded gasoline, use catalysts and exhaust gas filters.

According to Roshydromet, which monitors air pollution, in 2012 in 207 cities of the country with a population of 64.5 million people, the average annual concentrations of harmful substances in the atmospheric air exceeded the MPC (in 2011 - 202 cities) .

In 48 cities with a population of more than 23 million people, the maximum one-time concentrations of various harmful substances were recorded, which amounted to more than 10 MPC (in 2011 - in 40 cities).

In 115 cities with a population of almost 50 million people, the air pollution index (API) exceeded 7. This means that the level of air pollution is very high (98 cities in 2011). The priority list of cities with the highest level of air pollution in Russia (with an air pollution index equal to or greater than 14) in 2012 included 31 cities with a population of more than 15 million people (in 2011 - cities) .

In 2012, compared to the previous year, in all indicators of air pollution, the number of cities increased, and, consequently, the population, which is subject not only to a high, but also to an increasing influence of air pollutants.

These changes are not only due to the increase in industrial emissions with increasing industrial production, but also due to the increase in road transport in cities, the burning of large amounts of fuel for thermal power plants, traffic congestion and continuous idling of the engine when there is no money in the car. to neutralize exhaust gases. Recently, most cities have seen a significant decline in environmentally friendly public transport- trams and trolleybuses - by increasing the fleet of fixed-route taxis.

In 2012, the list of cities with the highest level of air pollution was replenished with 10 cities - centers of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil and oil refining industries. The state of the atmosphere in cities by federal districts can be characterized as follows.

In the Central Federal District, in 35 cities, the average annual concentrations of harmful substances exceeded 1 MPC. In 16 cities with a population of 8,433 thousand people, the level of pollution turned out to be very high (API had a value equal to or greater than 7) . In the cities of Kursk, Lipetsk and in the southern part of Moscow, this indicator turned out to be overestimated (IZA? 14), and therefore this list was included in the list of cities with a high level of air pollution.

In the Northwestern Federal District in 24 cities, the average annual concentrations harmful impurities exceeded 1 MPC, and in four cities their maximum one-time concentrations were more than 10 MPC. In 9 cities with a population of 7,181 thousand people, the level of pollution was high, and in the city of Cherepovets - very high.

In the Southern Federal District, in 19 cities, the average annual concentrations of harmful substances in the atmospheric air exceeded 1 MPC, and in four cities their maximum one-time concentrations were more than 10 MPC. The high level of air pollution was in 19 cities with a population of 5,388 thousand people. A very high level of air pollution was noted in Azov, Volgodonsk, Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don, in connection with which they are classified among the cities with the most polluted air basin

In the Volga Federal District in 2012, the average annual concentrations of harmful impurities in the atmospheric air exceeded 1 MPC in 41 cities. The maximum one - time concentrations of harmful substances in the atmospheric air amounted to more than 10 MPC in 9 cities . The level of air pollution was high in 27 cities with a population of 11,801 thousand people, very high - in Ufa (classified among the cities with the highest level of air pollution).

In the Urals Federal District, the average annual concentrations of harmful impurities in the atmospheric air exceeded 1 MPC in 18 cities. The maximum one-time concentrations were more than 10 MPC in 6 cities. The high level of air pollution was in 13 cities with a population of 4,758 thousand people, and Yekaterinburg, Magnitogorsk, Kurgan and Tyumen were included in the list of cities with the highest level of air pollution.

In the Siberian Federal District, in 47 cities, the average annual concentrations of harmful impurities in the atmospheric air exceeded 1 MPC, and in 16 cities, the maximum one-time concentrations were more than 10 MPC. A high level of air pollution was noted in 28 cities with a population of 9,409 people, and very high - in the cities of Bratsk, Biysk, Zima, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, Selenginsk, Ulan-Ude, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Chita and Shelekhov. Thus, in 2012 the Siberian Federal District was in the lead both in terms of the number of cities in which average annual rates MPC, and by the number of cities with the highest level of air pollution.

In the Far Eastern Federal District, the average annual concentrations of harmful impurities exceeded 1 MPC in 23 cities, the maximum one-time concentrations were more than 10 MPC in 9 cities. A high level of air pollution was noted in 11 cities with a population of 2,311 thousand people. The cities of Magadan, Tynda, Ussuriysk, Khabarovsk and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk are classified as cities with the highest level of air pollution.

In the context of increasing industrial production, mainly on morally and physically obsolete equipment in the basic sectors of the economy, as well as with a steadily growing number of cars, further deterioration in air quality in cities and industrial centers of the country should be expected.

According to joint program observations and estimates of long-range transport of air pollutants in Europe, presented in 2012, in the European territory of Russia (ETR), the total fallout of oxidized sulfur and nitrogen amounted to 2,038.2 thousand tons, 62.2% of this amount were transboundary fallout. The total fallout of ammonia in the EPR amounted to 694.5 thousand tons, of which 45.6% were transboundary fallout.

The total lead fallout in the EPR amounted to 4194 tons, including 2612 tons or 62.3% - transboundary fallout. 134.9 tons of cadmium fell on the ETR, of which 94.8 tons, or 70.2%, were the result of transboundary inflows. Mercury fallouts amounted to 71.2 tons, of which 67.19 tons, or 94.4%, were transboundary inflows. A significant proportion of the contribution to the transboundary contamination of the territory of Russia with mercury (almost 89%) is made by natural and anthropogenic sources located outside European region.

Fallouts of benzapyrene exceeded 21 tons, of which 16 tons, or more than 75.5%, are transboundary fallouts.

Despite the measures taken to reduce emissions of harmful substances by the Parties to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (1979), transboundary deposition in ETR of oxidized sulfur and nitrogen, lead, cadmium, mercury and benzapyrene exceed those from Russian sources.

The state of the Earth's ozone layer over the territory Russian Federation in 2012 turned out to be stable and very close to the norm, which is quite remarkable against the background of a strong decrease in total ozone observed in previous years.

The data of Roshydromet showed that until now, ozone-depleting substances (chlorofluorocarbons) have not played a decisive role in the observed interannual variability of the total ozone content, which occurs under the influence of natural factors.

2 Measures to reduce the level of air pollution

The Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air" considers this problem comprehensively. He grouped requirements developed in previous years and tested in practice. For example, the introduction of a rule prohibiting the commissioning of any production facilities (newly created or reconstructed) if they become sources of pollution or other negative impacts on the atmospheric air during operation.

Further development was given to the rules on the regulation of maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in the airspace.

The state sanitary legislation for the atmosphere has developed and established MPCs for a large number of chemicals, both with isolated action and for their combinations.

Hygienic standards are a state requirement for business leaders. Compliance with these standards is monitored by the state sanitary inspection bodies of the Ministry of Health and the State Committee for Ecology.

Great value for the sanitary protection of the atmosphere plays the identification of new sources of air pollution, accounting for designed, constructed and reconstructed facilities that pollute the atmosphere, control over the development and implementation master plans cities, towns and industrial centers in terms of the location of industrial enterprises and sanitary protection zones.

The Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air" establishes requirements for the establishment of standards for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants into the airspace. These standards must be set for each stationary source pollution, for each individual model of vehicles and other mobile vehicles, and installations. They are determined in such a way that the aggregate of emissions from all sources of pollution in a certain area does not exceed the maximum allowable values ​​of pollutants in the atmosphere. Maximum allowable emissions are set taking into account the maximum allowable concentrations.

Importance have the requirements of the Law regarding the use of plant protection products. All legislative measures are a system of preventive measures aimed at preventing air pollution.

There are also architectural and planning measures aimed at building enterprises, planning urban developments taking into account environmental considerations, greening cities, etc. During construction, it is necessary to adhere to the rules established by law and prevent the construction of hazardous industries in urban areas. It is important to organize mass greening of cities, because green spaces absorb many harmful substances from the air and help purify the atmosphere.

As can be seen from practice, at present, green spaces in Russia are only decreasing in number. Not to mention the fact that the numerous "sleeping areas" built up at the time do not stand up to scrutiny. This is due to the fact that built-up houses are too close to each other, and the air between them is prone to stagnation.

The problem of the rational location of the road network in cities, as well as the quality of the roads themselves, is also acute. It is no secret that the roads built in their time definitely do not fit the modern number of cars. To solve this problem, it is necessary to build a bypass road. This will help unload the city center from transit heavy vehicles. There is also a need for a major reconstruction (rather than cosmetic repairs) of the road surface, the construction of modern transport interchanges, road straightening, installation of sound barriers and landscaping of the roadside. Fortunately, despite the financial difficulties at present, this situation has changed significantly, and for the better.

It is also necessary to ensure quick and accurate control of the air condition through a network of permanent and mobile monitoring stations. It is necessary to ensure at least a minimum quality control of emissions from motor vehicles through special testing. It is necessary to reduce the combustion processes of various landfills, because in this case, a huge amount of harmful substances is released simultaneously with smoke.

At the same time, the Law provides not only control over the fulfillment of its requirements, but also responsibility for their violation. A special article defines the role public organizations and citizens in the implementation of measures to protect the air environment, requires their active assistance government bodies in these matters, since only the general participation of the public will help in the implementation of the provisions of this Law.

Enterprises whose production processes are a source of emissions of harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances into the atmosphere must be separated from residential buildings by sanitary protection zones. The sanitary protection zone for enterprises and facilities may possibly be increased, if necessary and with appropriate justification, but not more than 3 times, depending on the following reasons: a) the effectiveness of the methods provided or possible for the implementation of cleaning emissions into the airspace; b) lack of ways to clean emissions; c) placement of residential buildings, if necessary, on the leeward side of the enterprise in the zone of possible air pollution; d) wind rose and other unfavorable local conditions; d) the construction of new, as yet insufficiently studied industries harmful in sanitary terms.

Area of ​​sanitary protection zones for individual groups or complexes of large enterprises of the chemical, oil refining, metallurgical, machine-building and other industries, as well as thermal power plants with emissions that create a high concentration of various harmful substances in the atmosphere, and which have a particularly detrimental effect on the health and sanitary living conditions of the population, is established in each individual case by a joint decision of the Ministry of Health and the Gosstroy of Russia.

To increase the effectiveness of sanitary protection zones, trees and shrubs are planted on their territory, as well as grassy vegetation, which reduce the concentration of industrial dust and gases. In the sanitary protection zones of enterprises that significantly pollute the atmosphere with gases harmful to vegetation, it is necessary to grow the most gas-resistant trees, shrubs and grasses, taking into account the degree of aggressiveness and concentration of industrial emissions. Emissions from the chemical industry (sulfur and sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, fluorine, ammonia, etc.), ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and the coal industry are especially harmful to vegetation.

Along with this, another important task is the education of environmental significance among the population. The lack of basic ecological thinking is especially noticeable in the modern world. While in the West there are programs with the help of which children learn the basics of ecological thinking from childhood, in Russia there has not yet been significant progress in this area. Until a generation with a fully formed environmental consciousness appears in Russia, there will be no noticeable progress in understanding and preventing the environmental consequences of human activity.


The atmosphere is the main factor that determines climate and weather on the ground. Atmospheric resources are of great importance in human economic activity. Air is an integral part production processes, as well as other types of human economic activity.

Air space is one of the most important elements of nature, which is an integral part of the habitat of humans, plants and animals. These circumstances necessitate the legal regulation of social relations related to the protection of the atmosphere from various harmful chemical, physical and biological effects.

main function the air basin is the factor that it is an indispensable source of oxygen, which is necessary for the existence of all forms of life on Earth. All the functions of the atmosphere that take place in relation to flora and fauna, man and society, act as one of the important conditions for ensuring comprehensive legal regulation of the protection of the air basin.

The main regulatory legal act is the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air". On the basis of it, other acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation have been published. They regulate the competence of state and other bodies in the field of atmospheric protection, state accounting of harmful effects on it, control, monitoring, dispute resolution and responsibility in the field of atmospheric air protection.

State management in the field of atmospheric protection is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Government of the Russian Federation directly or through a specially authorized federal body executive power in the field of atmospheric protection, as well as authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation.


1. On environmental protection: Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002 (as amended on March 12, 2014) [Electronic resource]// Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation.- March 12, 2014.- No. 27-FZ;

On the protection of atmospheric air: Federal Law No. 96-FZ of May 4, 1999 (as amended on December 27, 2009) [Electronic resource]// Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - December 28, 2009. - No. 52 (1 hour);

On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population: Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2008) [Electronic resource] / / Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 05.01.2009. - No. 1;

Korobkin V.I. Ecology [Text]: textbook for universities / V.I. Korobkin, L.V. Peredelsky.- Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2011.- 373 p.

Nikolaikin N.I. Ecology [Text]: textbook for universities / N.I. Nikolaikin, N.E. Nikolaykina, O.P. Melekhova.- M.: Bustard, 2013.- 365 p.

Ecological problems: what is happening, who is to blame and what to do? / Ed. IN AND. Danilova-Danilyana.- M.: Publishing House of MNEPU, 2010. - 332 p.

Environmental law: textbook / Ed. S.A. Bogolyubova.- M.:Velby, 2012.- 400 p.

Environmental law: textbook / Ed. O.L. Dubovik.- M.: Eksmo, 2010.- 428 p.

Weather Russia


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The atmosphere is the medium in which atmospheric pollutants spread from their source; the effect of any given source being determined by the length of time, the frequency of release of pollutants, and the concentration to which an object is exposed. On the other hand, meteorological conditions play only an insignificant role in reducing or eliminating air pollution, since, firstly, they do not change the absolute mass of the emission, and secondly, at present we still do not know how to influence the main processes occurring in the atmosphere that determine the degree of dispersion of pollutants. The problem of atmospheric pollution can be solved in three directions: a) by eliminating the generation of waste; b) by installing equipment for trapping waste at the place of their formation; c) by improving the dispersion of emissions in the atmosphere.

Assuming that the best way to eliminate air pollution is to control the sources of its formation, then the practical task is to bring the costs of reducing the degree of pollution in line with the amount of work that reduces the amount of waste to an acceptable level. The magnitude of the reduction in the absolute mass of pollutant emissions required for this by a given source depends directly on the meteorological conditions and their changes in time and space over a given area.

The main parameters that determine the distribution and dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere can be described qualitatively and semi-quantitatively. Such data make it possible to compare different geographical locations or determine the likely frequency of conditions under which rapid or delayed diffusion in the atmosphere will occur. The most characteristic property of the atmosphere is its continuous variability: temperature, wind, and precipitation vary widely with latitude, season, and topographical conditions. These conditions are well studied and presented in detail in the literature.

To a lesser extent, other important meteorological parameters affecting the concentration of atmospheric pollutants have been studied and described in the literature, namely, the turbulent structure of the wind, low levels air temperature and wind gradients. These parameters vary widely in time and space and are in fact almost the only meteorological factors that a person can change in a significant way, and then only locally.

Air pollution in populated areas is usually considered as a result of industrialization, but it includes not only substances released during industrial production, but also natural pollution resulting from volcanic eruptions (Wexler, 1951), dust storms (Warn, 1953), ocean surf (Holzworth, 1957), forest fires (Wexler, 1950), plant spore formation (Hewson, 1953), etc. Estimating the physiological impact of natural air pollution can often be easier than assessing the impact of complex industrial pollution. The nature of natural pollution, and often their sources, are generally better understood.

In order to evaluate the role of the atmosphere as a scattering medium, it is necessary to consider physical processes, contributing to the dispersion of various substances in the atmosphere, as well as the importance of such non-meteorological factors as topography and geography of the area.

air currents

The main parameter that determines the distribution of atmospheric pollutants is the wind, its speed and direction, which in turn are interconnected with the vertical and horizontal air temperature gradients on a large and small scale. The main rule is that what more speed wind, the greater the turbulence and the faster and more complete the dispersion of pollutants from the atmosphere. Since the vertical and horizontal temperature gradients increase in winter, the wind speed usually increases. This is especially characteristic of temperate and polar latitudes and is less pronounced in the tropics, where seasonal fluctuations are small. However, sometimes in winter, especially in the depths major continents, prolonged periods of low air movement or complete calm may occur. A study of the frequency of long periods of low air movement on the North American continent east of the Rocky Mountains showed that such situations occur most often in late spring and early autumn. On a large part European continent weak winds are observed in late autumn and early winter (Jalu, 1965). Except seasonal fluctuations, many areas experience diurnal changes in air movement that may be even more pronounced. In most continental territories, there is usually a steady low air movement during the night hours. As a result of the deterioration of conditions for the vertical spread of atmospheric pollutants, the latter disperse slowly and can be concentrated in relatively small volumes of air. The weak, variable wind that contributes to this can even lead to the reverse propagation of pollution towards its source. In contrast, daytime winds are characterized by greater turbulence and speed; vertical currents are amplified, so on a clear sunny day there is a maximum dispersion of pollutants.

Local winds can differ markedly from the general air flow characteristic of the area. The temperature difference between land and water along the coasts of continents or large lakes is sufficient to cause local air movements from sea to land during the day and from land to sea at night (Pierson, I960); Schmidt, 1957). In temperate latitudes, such regularities in the movement of the sea breeze are clearly visible only in summer; at other times of the year, they are masked by general winds. However, in tropical and subtropical regions, they can be characteristic features of the weather and occur with almost an hourly regularity from day to day.

In addition to the patterns of movement of the sea breeze in coastal areas, the topography of the area, the location of pollution sources or objects of their influence are also very important factors. It should be noted, however, that the isolation of a space is not a necessary condition for creating an extreme level of atmospheric pollution if there is a sufficiently intense source of pollution in this space. The best proof of this is the occasional toxic fog (smog) in London, where topographical conditions play little or no role. However, with the exception of London, all of the major air pollution disasters we know of have occurred where air movement was severely restricted by terrain, such that air movement occurred in only one direction or within a relatively small area (Firket, 1936). ; US Public Health Service, 1949), the movement of air in narrow valleys is characterized by the fact that during the day the air streams heated by the sun are directed upwards along the slopes of the valley, while immediately before or after sunset, the air streams overturn and flow down the slopes of the valley. down (Defant , 1951). Therefore, in valley conditions, atmospheric pollution can be subject to prolonged stagnation in a small area (Hewson and Gill, 1944). In addition, since the slopes of the valleys protect them from the influence of general air circulation, the wind speed here is slower than in the flat areas. In some areas such local ups and downs in the valleys can occur almost daily, in others they are observed only as an exceptional phenomenon. The existence of local air currents and their changes over time are one of the main reasons for the need for a detailed study of the area in order to exhaustively characterize the patterns of atmospheric pollution (Holland, 1953). The usual network of meteorological stations is unable to detect these small air currents.

In addition to changes in the movement of air in time and horizontally, there are usually significant differences in its movement and vertically. bumps earth's surface, both natural and man-made, form obstacles that cause mechanical vortices that decrease with increasing altitude. In addition, as a result of the heating of the earth by the sun, thermal eddies are formed, which are maximum near the earth's surface and decrease with height, which leads to a decrease in vertical wind gustiness and a gradual decrease in the rate of pollution dispersion with increasing height (Magi 11, Holder) a. Ackley, 1956),

Turbulence, or swirling motion, is the mechanism that ensures efficient diffusion in the atmosphere. Therefore, the study of the spectrum of energy propagation in vortices, which is carried out much more intensively at present (Panofsky and McCormick, 1954; Van Dcr Hovcn, 1957), is closely related to the problem of dispersion of atmospheric pollution. General turbulence consists mainly of two components - mechanical and thermal turbulence. Mechanical turbulence occurs when the wind moves over an aerodynamically rough surface of the earth and is proportional to the degree of this roughness and the wind speed. Thermal turbulence occurs as a result of the heating of the earth by the sun and depends on the latitude of the area, the size of the radiating surface, and the stability of the atmosphere. It reaches a maximum on clear summer days and decreases to a minimum during long winter nights. Usually the effect of solar radiation on thermal turbulence is not measured directly, but by measuring the vertical temperature gradient. If the vertical temperature gradient of the lower layers of the atmosphere exceeds the adiabatic rate of temperature drop, then the vertical movement of air increases, the dispersion of pollution becomes more noticeable, especially vertically. On the other hand, in stable atmospheric conditions, when different layers of the atmosphere have the same temperature, or when the temperature gradient becomes positive with increasing altitude, significant energy must be expended to increase vertical motion. Even at equivalent wind speeds, stable atmospheric conditions usually result in the concentration of pollutants in relatively limited layers of air.

A typical diurnal temperature gradient over an open area on a cloudless day begins with an unstable rate of temperature drop, which is accelerated during the day by intense heat from the sun, resulting in severe turbulence. Immediately before or shortly after sunset, the ground layer of air cools rapidly and a steady rate of temperature drop occurs (temperature rise with height). During the night, the intensity and depth of this inversion increase, reaching a maximum between midnight and the time of day when the earth's surface has a minimum temperature. During this period, atmospheric contaminants are effectively trapped within or below the inversion layer due to weak or total absence dispersion of contaminants vertically. It should be noted that under conditions of stagnation, pollutants discharged near the surface of the earth do not spread to the upper layers of the air and, conversely, emissions from high pipes under these conditions for the most part the layers of air closest to the earth do not penetrate (Church, 1949). With the onset of the day, the earth begins to heat up and the inversion is gradually eliminated. This can lead to "fumigation" (Hewson a. Gill. 1944) due to the fact that pollutants that have entered the upper air layers during the night begin to mix rapidly and rush down, therefore, in the early pre-noon hours preceding full development turbulence, which ends the diurnal cycle and provides powerful mixing, often causes high concentrations of atmospheric pollutants. This cycle can be disrupted or altered by the presence of clouds or precipitation that prevents strong convection during the day but can also prevent strong inversions at night.

It has been established that in urban areas, where air pollution is most often observed, the temperature drop typical for open areas is subject to changes, especially at night (Duckworth and Sandberg, 1954). Industrial processes, increased heat generation in urban areas and surface irregularities created by buildings contribute to thermal and mechanical turbulence, which enhances the mixing of air masses and prevents the formation of surface inversion. As a result, the base of the inversion, which in an open area would be at ground level, is here above a layer of intensive mixing, usually about 30-150 m thick. limited space.

In the analysis of air currents, in most cases, for convenience, it is assumed that the wind maintains a constant direction and speed over a wide area for a significant period. In reality, this is not the case, and in a detailed analysis of the movement of air, these deviations must be taken into account. Where the wind movement due to gradient differences atmospheric pressure or the topography of an area changes from place to place or over time, it is essential to analyze meteorological trajectories when studying the effects of released pollutants or identifying their possible source (Nciburgcr, 1956). Computing detailed trajectories requires many accurate wind measurements, but calculating approximate trajectories, often with only a few observations of wind motion, can also be useful.

In short-term studies of atmospheric pollution localized in small areas, conventional meteorological data are insufficient. To a large extent, this is due to difficulties arising from the use of instruments with different characteristics, the unequal location of instruments, various ways sampling and various observation periods.

Diffusion processes in the atmosphere

We will not attempt to list here the various theoretical backgrounds to the problem of diffusion in the atmosphere or the working formulas that have been developed in this field. Comprehensive data on these issues are given in the literature (Batchelor a. Davies, 3956; iMagill, Bolden a. Ackley, 3956; Sutton, 1053; US Atomic Energy Commision a. US Wacther Bureau, 1955). Besides, special group The World Meteorological Organization periodically provides reviews of this issue. Since the problem is "Understood only in general terms and the formulations are of approximate accuracy, the mathematical difficulties that arise in the study of changes in the wind and the thermal structure of the lower atmosphere are still far from being overcome for the whole variety of meteorological conditions. Similarly, at present we have only fragmentary information regarding turbulence, the distribution of its energy in three dimensions, changes in time and space.Despite the lack of understanding of turbulent processes, the working formulas make it possible to calculate the concentrations of emissions from individual sources, which agree satisfactorily with the data of instrumental measurements, except for high-altitude pipes under inversion conditions. Appropriate application of these formulas has made it possible to draw useful practical conclusions about the level of air pollution from a single source Very few attempts (Frenkel, 1956; Lettau, 1931) have been limited to the use of analytical methods for to calculate the concentration of air pollution emitted from multiple sources, as is the case in large cities. This approach has significant advantages, but it requires very complex calculations, as well as the development of empirical techniques to take into account topographic and zonal parameters. Despite these difficulties, the accuracy of the methods of analytical calculation, apparently, currently corresponds to the accuracy of our knowledge about the distribution of pollution sources, their power and fluctuations in time. Therefore, this accuracy is sufficient to obtain useful practical conclusions. Periodic performance of analytical calculations of this type would make it possible to determine the possibility of repeating periods of high concentrations of atmospheric pollution, to determine their "chronic" level, to evaluate the role (of various sources under different meteorological conditions and to bring the mathematical base under various measures to reduce air pollution (zoning, location of industrial enterprises, emission control, etc.).

Chemical Factors

Air pollution

In many Western countries, there is a system of constant physical, chemical and microbiological control of atmospheric air, which makes it possible to assess certain patterns of air pollution migration, changes in the species and quantitative composition of air microflora, and prevent the negative impact of aerogenic chemical and microbial contamination on humans and the environment. For example, during such monitoring in Sweden, a sharp increase in the number of spore rods was noted, due to the transfer of viable bacterial spores by dust storms from the northern coast of the Black Sea, which allowed specialists to take the necessary and timely measures (Bovalius, Bucht, Roffey, Anas, 1978).

Smoky air leads to a deterioration of the microclimate of the city, an increase in the number of foggy days, a decrease in the transparency of the atmosphere and a decrease in illumination and ultraviolet radiation. All types of smoke contain hydrocarbons such as benzopyrene and hydrazine. Recently, an increase in the number of foggy days has been observed, which is associated both with the influence of atmospheric pollution and with the warming of the urban climate (Khairullin, Yakovlev, Nepilina, 1993). The fog itself is not dangerous to the human body. It becomes harmful when extremely contaminated with toxic impurities. Toxic fogs are observed during periods of adverse meteorological conditions, accompanied by a sharp increase in the concentration of sulfur dioxide and suspended solids in the atmospheric air. They are the cause of various pathological changes in the body and a sharp exacerbation of pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases (Savenko, 1991).

A polluted atmosphere reduces solar radiation, which negatively affects the physical and emotional state of people: fatigue, eye strain, and irritability appear. These phenomena are observed more often in men and are more pronounced than in women. Light hunger contributes to D-avitaminosis, which reduces the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases, worsens well-being and performance. A pronounced manifestation of D-avitaminosis is rickets.

Toxic substances released into the atmosphere during human activities are carried by air currents. Many of them react with other pollutants, resulting in various mixtures of pollutants. In some cases, the result of their impact on the environment and human health is much stronger than the effect of each of the pollutants separately.

Recently, the content of heavy metals has significantly increased in the atmosphere, which enter the air with dust from the soil and have a particularly adverse effect on the body.

Damage to public health is the most formidable consequence of urban air pollution. The body of an adult daily consumes an average of 20 cubic meters. m of air, and the child's body - twice as much. Polluted air, getting into the lungs, is included in the processes of life support. The nature and degree of influence of polluted atmospheric air on the human body are diverse. It depends on the type of pollutant, its concentration in the air, duration and frequency of exposure. Complex action groups of pollutants, a combination of pollution of the atmosphere and other environments, a combination with adverse social, physical and biological factors weigh down bad influence on the body. The most vulnerable are children, the elderly and the elderly, the sick, workers in hazardous industries, smokers, etc.

In environments with polluted air, there is an increased incidence and mortality from cardiovascular diseases compared with areas with clean air. A statistically direct relationship has been established between atmospheric air pollution and the incidence of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, and mortality from respiratory diseases (Carnow, Lepper, Shekella, 1969, Detri, 1973). There is an increase in the incidence of respiratory diseases in children under the influence of air pollution. This is due functional features respiratory organs (Revich, 1992).

Carbon monoxide actively interacts with respiratory enzymes, myoglobin, non-hemoglobin iron in blood plasma and disrupts carbohydrate and phosphorus metabolism. There are adverse effects chronic influence low concentrations of carbon monoxide on the light and color sensitivity of the visual analyzer, shifts in the biopotentials of the brain, violation of the time intervals of the psychomotor reaction, shifts in the morphological parameters of the blood composition - erythrocytosis, polyglobulia (Feldman, 1975). Elevated concentrations carbon monoxide in the atmosphere can cause heart attacks. A direct relationship has been established between the frequency of heart attacks and an increase in the concentration of carbon monoxide.

With an increased content of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and various organic substances in the air, the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory organs is affected, the number of cases of bronchial asthma, malignant and hereditary diseases, stillbirth, reproductive dysfunction, etc. increases. (Tezieva, Legostaeva, Tsallagova et al., 1993).

A correlation has been found between air pollution and diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, eyes, upper respiratory tract, ear and mastoid process, skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as general morbidity (Ivanov, Tokarenko, Kulikova, 1993).

There is an objective relationship between the level of atmospheric air pollution and indicators of the prevalence of ecologically meaningful forms pathologies in children (Dermakov et al., 1993).

Polluted air is one of the causes of allergic reactions. One of the manifestations of such reactions is bronchial asthma. Cases of seasonal outbreaks of bronchial asthma in individuals who have not previously suffered from this disease have been described. As it turned out, these outbreaks are associated with urban air pollution by products of burning landfills and fallen leaves.

It has been established that the pollen of trees growing near roads or streets with heavy traffic is more aggressive and causes more allergic diseases than each of these factors (pollen or motor vehicles) separately. Long-term industrial contact with harmful chemicals reduces the threshold of sensitivity to dust allergens (Fedoseeva, Stomakhina, Osipenko, Aristovskaya, 1993).

Due to the entry of odorous substances into the air, a part of the population has more or less pronounced reflex reactions due to the perception of such odors ( discomfort, anxiety, headaches, nausea, allergic reactions). Polluted city air reduces the overall resistance of the body and specific immunity. This, in turn, contributes to the occurrence of respiratory diseases, especially common among children. The frequency of respiratory diseases and deterioration of lung function in children is closely related to the level of air pollution (Environmental Medicine, 1981; Kilbum, Warshaw, Thornton, 1992). When observing a group of children from birth to 20 years, scientists found that children who had lung diseases during the first two years of life showed a more pronounced tendency to respiratory diseases by the age of twenty (Bukharin, Deryabin, 1993). Therefore, prevention of acute respiratory diseases in childhood, improvement of the environment can help reduce mortality from lung diseases in adults. For the operational management of the quality of the urban environment and the health of the population, complete and reliable information about environmental situation based on materials of systematic monitoring of the content of harmful substances in the environment, clarification of data on emissions from all enterprises and vehicles, data on the state of human health and the prospects for the development of the city (Gildenskiold, Novikov, Vinokur et al., 1993).

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Exist various sources air pollution, and some of them have a significant and extremely adverse impact on the environment. It is worth considering the main polluting factors in order to prevent serious consequences and save the environment.

Source classification

All sources of pollution are divided into two broad groups.

  1. Natural or natural, which cover factors due to the activity of the planet itself and in no way dependent on humanity.
  2. Artificial or anthropogenic pollutants associated with vigorous activity person.

If we take the degree of impact of the pollutant as the basis for the classification of sources, then we can distinguish powerful, medium and small ones. The latter include small boiler plants, local boilers. The category of powerful sources of pollution includes large industrial enterprises that emit tons of harmful compounds into the air every day.

By place of education

According to the features of the output of mixtures, pollutants are divided into non-stationary and stationary. The latter are constantly in one place and carry out emissions in certain area. Non-stationary sources of air pollution can move and thus spread hazardous compounds through the air. First of all, these are motor vehicles.

Spatial characteristics of emissions can also be taken as the basis for classification. There are high (pipes), low (drains and ventilation openings), areal (large accumulations of pipes) and linear (highways) pollutants.

By level of control

According to the level of control, pollution sources are divided into organized and unorganized. The impact of the former is regulated and subject to periodic monitoring. The latter carry out emissions in inappropriate places and without appropriate equipment, that is, illegally.

Another option for dividing the sources of air pollution is by the scale of distribution of pollutants. Pollutants can be local, affecting only certain small areas. There are also regional sources, the effect of which extends to entire regions and large zones. But the most dangerous are global sources that affect the entire atmosphere.

According to the nature of the pollution

If the nature of the negative polluting effect is used as the main classification criterion, then the following categories can be distinguished:

  • Physical pollutants include noise, vibration, electromagnetic and thermal radiation, radiation, mechanical impacts.
  • Biological contaminants can be viral, microbial or fungal in nature. These pollutants include both airborne pathogens and their waste products and toxins.
  • Sources of chemical air pollution in a residential environment include gaseous mixtures and aerosols, for example, heavy metals, dioxides and oxides of various elements, aldehydes, ammonia. Such compounds are usually discarded by industrial enterprises.

Anthropogenic pollutants have own classifications. The first assumes the nature of the sources and includes:

  • Transport.
  • Household - arising in the processes of waste processing or fuel combustion.
  • Production, covering substances formed during technical processes.

By composition, all polluting components are divided into chemical (aerosol, dust-like, gaseous chemicals and substances), mechanical (dust, soot and other solid particles) and radioactive (isotopes and radiation).

natural springs

Consider the main sources of air pollution of natural origin:

  • Volcanic activity. From the bowels earth's crust during eruptions, tons of boiling lava rise, during the combustion of which clouds of smoke are formed, containing particles of rocks and soil layers, soot and soot. Also, the combustion process can generate other hazardous compounds, such as sulfur oxides, hydrogen sulfide, sulfates. And all these substances under pressure are ejected from the crater and immediately rush into the air, contributing to its significant pollution.
  • Fires that occur in peat bogs, in the steppes and forests. Every year they destroy tons of natural fuel, during the combustion of which harmful substances are released that clog the air basin. In most cases, fires are caused by the negligence of people, and it can be extremely difficult to stop the elements of fire.
  • Plants and animals also unknowingly pollute the air. Flora can give off gases and spread pollen, all of which contribute to air pollution. Animals in the process of life also emit gaseous compounds and other substances, and after their death, decomposition processes have a detrimental effect on the environment.
  • Dust storms. During such phenomena, tons of soil particles and other solid elements rise into the atmosphere, which inevitably and significantly pollute the environment.

Anthropogenic sources

Anthropogenic sources of pollution are a global problem modern humanity due to the rapid pace of development of civilization and all spheres of human life. Such pollutants are man-made, and although they were originally introduced for the good and to improve the quality and comfort of life, today they are a fundamental factor global pollution atmosphere.

Consider the main artificial pollutants:

  • Cars are the scourge of modern humanity. Today, many people have them and have turned from luxury into necessary means of transportation, but, unfortunately, few people think about how harmful the use of vehicles is for the atmosphere. When fuel is burned and during engine operation, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, benzapyrene, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, and nitrogen oxides are emitted from the exhaust pipe in a constant stream. But it is worth noting that they adversely affect the environment and air and other modes of transport, including rail, air, and water.
  • The activity of industrial enterprises. They may be involved in metal processing, the chemical industry, and any other type of activity, but almost all large plants constantly emit tons of chemicals, particulate matter, and combustion products into the air. And if we take into account that only a few enterprises use treatment facilities, then the scale negative impact the ever-evolving industry on the environment is simply enormous.
  • Use of boiler plants, nuclear and thermal power plants. Fuel combustion is a process that is harmful and dangerous in terms of atmospheric pollution, during which a lot of various substances, including toxic ones, are released.
  • Another factor in the pollution of the planet and its atmosphere is the widespread and active use different types fuels such as gas, oil, coal, firewood. When they are burned and under the influence of oxygen, numerous compounds are formed, rushing up and rising into the air.

Can pollution be prevented?

Unfortunately, in the current modern conditions It is extremely difficult to completely eliminate air pollution in the life of most people, but it is still very difficult to try to stop or minimize some of the harmful effects exerted on it. And only comprehensive measures taken everywhere and jointly will help in this. These include:

  1. The use of modern and high-quality treatment facilities at large industrial enterprises whose activities are related to emissions.
  2. Rational use of vehicles: switching to high-quality fuel, the use of emission-reducing agents, stable operation of the machine and troubleshooting. And it is better, if possible, to abandon cars in favor of trams and trolleybuses.
  3. Implementation of legislative measures at the state level. Some laws are already in force, but new ones with greater force are needed.
  4. The introduction of ubiquitous pollution control points, which are especially needed within large enterprises.
  5. Transition to alternative and less environmentally hazardous energy sources. Thus, windmills, hydroelectric power stations, solar panels, and electricity should be used more actively.
  6. Timely and competent processing of waste will avoid emissions emitted by them.
  7. Greening the planet will be an effective measure, as many plants emit oxygen and thereby purify the atmosphere.

The main sources of air pollution are considered, and such information will help to understand the essence of the problem of environmental degradation, as well as stop the impact and preserve nature.

Atmospheric air pollution is any change in its composition and properties that has a negative impact on human and animal health, the condition of plants and ecosystems. Air pollution is one of the most significant problems of our time.

The main pollutants (pollutants) of atmospheric air formed in the process of industrial and other human activities - sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and particulate matter. They account for about 98% of the total emissions of harmful substances. In addition to the main pollutants in the atmosphere of cities and towns, there are more than 70 types of harmful substances, including - formaldehyde, hydrogen fluoride, lead compounds, ammonia, phenol, benzene, carbon disulfide, etc.. However, it is the concentrations of the main pollutants (sulfur dioxide, etc.) that most often exceed the permissible levels.

release into the atmosphere of the four main pollutants (pollutants) of the atmosphere - emissions into atmosphere of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. In addition to these main pollutants, many other very dangerous toxic substances enter the atmosphere: lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals(emission sources: cars, smelters, etc.); hydrocarbons(CnHm), among them the most dangerous is benzo (a) pyrene, which has a carcinogenic effect (exhaust gases, boiler furnaces, etc.), aldehydes, and, first of all, formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, toxic volatile solvents(gasolines, alcohols, ethers), etc.

The most dangerous air pollution - radioactive. At present, it is mainly due to globally distributed long-lived radioactive isotopes - products of nuclear weapons tests conducted in the atmosphere and underground. The surface layer of the atmosphere is also polluted by emissions of radioactive substances into the atmosphere from operating nuclear power plants during their normal operation and other sources.

Another form of atmospheric pollution is local excess heat input from anthropogenic sources. A sign of thermal (thermal) pollution of the atmosphere is the so-called thermal zones, for example, a “heat island” in cities, warming of water bodies, etc. P.

13. Ecological consequences of global atmospheric pollution.

the greenhouse effect- the rise in temperature on the surface of the planet as a result of thermal energy that appears in the atmosphere due to the heating of gases. The main gases that lead to the greenhouse effect on Earth are water vapor and carbon dioxide.

The phenomenon of the greenhouse effect makes it possible to maintain a temperature on the Earth's surface at which the emergence and development of life is possible. If there were no greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature the globe would be much lower than it is now. However, as the concentration of greenhouse gases rises, the atmosphere's impermeability to infrared rays increases, which leads to an increase in the temperature of the Earth.

Ozone layer.

At 20 - 50 kilometers above the Earth's surface, there is a layer of ozone in the atmosphere. Ozone is special shape oxygen. Most oxygen molecules in the air are made up of two atoms. The ozone molecule is made up of three oxygen atoms. Ozone is formed by the action of sunlight. When photons of ultraviolet light collide with oxygen molecules, an oxygen atom is split off from them, which, joining another O2 molecule, forms Oz (ozone). The ozone layer of the atmosphere is very thin. If all available atmospheric ozone evenly covers an area of ​​45 square kilometers, then a layer 0.3 centimeters thick will be obtained. A little ozone penetrates with air currents into the lower layers of the atmosphere. When light rays react with substances found in exhaust gases and industrial fumes, ozone is also formed.

Acid rain is a consequence of air pollution. The smoke generated during the combustion of coal, oil and gasoline contains gases - sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. These gases enter the atmosphere, where they dissolve in water droplets, forming weak solutions of acids, which then fall to the ground as rain. Acid rain kills fish and damages forests in North America and Europe. They also spoil crops and even the water we drink.

Plants, animals and buildings are harmed by acid rain. Their impact is especially noticeable near cities and industrial zones. The wind carries clouds with water droplets in which acids are dissolved over long distances, so acid rain can fall thousands of kilometers from where it originally originated. For example, most of the acid rain that falls in Canada is caused by smoke from US factories and power plants. The consequences of acid rain are quite understandable, but no one knows exactly how they occur.

14 question The outlined principles for the formation and analysis of various forms environmental risk environment for public health are embodied in several interrelated stages: 1. Risk identification for certain types of industrial and agricultural loads with the allocation of chemical and physical factors in their structure according to the level of environmental safety and toxicity. 2. Assessment of actual and potential impact toxic substances per person in separate territories, taking into account the complex of pollutants and natural factors. Particular importance is attached to the existing density of the rural population and the number of urban settlements. 3. Identification of quantitative patterns of the reaction of the human population (of different age cohorts) to a certain level of exposure. 4. Environmental risk is considered as one of the most important components of special modules of the geographic information system. In such modules, problematic medical and environmental situations are formed. GIS blocks include information about existing, planned and expected changes in the structure of territorial and production complexes. An information base of such content is necessary to perform the corresponding modeling. 5. Characteristics of the risk of the combined impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on public health. 6. Identification of spatial combinations of natural and anthropogenic factors, which can contribute to their more detailed forecasting and analysis of the possible dynamics of local and areal combinations of risk at the regional level. 7. Differentiation of territories according to levels and forms of ecological risk and allocation of medical and ecological regions according to regional levels of anthropogenic risk. When assessing the anthropogenic risk, a complex of priority toxicants and other anthropogenic factors is taken into account.

15question SMOG Smog (English smog, from smoke - smoke and fog - fog), severe air pollution in large cities and industrial centers. Smog can be of the following types: Wet London-type smog - a combination of fog with an admixture of smoke and gas waste from production. Ice smog of the Alaskan type - smog formed at low temperatures from the steam of heating systems and domestic gas emissions. Radiative fog - fog that appears as a result of radiative cooling of the earth's surface and a mass of moist surface air to the dew point. Radiation fog usually occurs at night in anticyclone conditions with cloudless weather and a light breeze. Radiation fog often occurs under conditions of temperature inversion, which prevents the rise of the air mass. In industrial areas, an extreme form of radiation fog, smog, can occur. Dry smog of the Los Angeles type - smog resulting from photochemical reactions that occur in gaseous emissions under the influence of solar radiation; persistent bluish haze of corrosive gases without fog. Photochemical smog - smog, the main cause of which is considered to be automobile exhaust. Automotive exhaust gases and pollutant emissions from enterprises under conditions of temperature inversion enter into a chemical reaction with solar radiation, forming ozone. Photochemical smog can cause respiratory damage, vomiting, eye irritation, and general lethargy. In some cases, photochemical smog may contain nitrogen compounds that increase the likelihood of cancer. Photochemical smog DETAILS: Photochemical fog is a multicomponent mixture of gases and aerosol particles of primary and secondary origin. The composition of the main components of smog includes ozone, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, numerous organic peroxide compounds, collectively called photooxidants. Photochemical smog occurs as a result of photochemical reactions under certain conditions: the presence of a high concentration of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and other pollutants in the atmosphere, intense solar radiation and calm or very weak air exchange in the surface layer with a powerful and increased inversion for at least a day. Sustained calm weather, usually accompanied by inversions, is necessary to create a high concentration of reactants. Such conditions are created more often in June - September and less often in winter. In prolonged clear weather solar radiation causes the breakdown of nitrogen dioxide molecules with the formation of nitric oxide and atomic oxygen. Atomic oxygen with molecular oxygen give ozone. It would seem that the latter, oxidizing nitric oxide, should again turn into molecular oxygen, and nitric oxide into dioxide. But that doesn't happen. The nitric oxide reacts with the olefins in the exhaust gases, which in the process are cleaved at the double bond and form fragments of the molecules, and an excess of ozone. As a result of the ongoing dissociation, new masses of nitrogen dioxide are split and give additional amounts of ozone. A cyclic reaction occurs, as a result of which ozone gradually accumulates in the atmosphere. This process stops at night. In turn, ozone reacts with olefins. Various peroxides are concentrated in the atmosphere, which in total form oxidants characteristic of photochemical fog. The latter are the source of the so-called free radicals, which are characterized by a special reactivity. Such smog is not uncommon over London, Paris, Los Angeles, New York and other cities in Europe and America. According to their physiological effects on the human body, they are extremely dangerous for the respiratory and circulatory systems and often cause premature death of urban residents with poor health. Smog is usually observed with weak turbulence (swirling of air currents) of the air, and therefore, with a stable distribution of air temperature along the height, especially during temperature inversions, with light wind or calm. Temperature inversions in the atmosphere, an increase in air temperature with height instead of its usual decrease for the troposphere. Temperature inversions occur both near the earth's surface (surface temperature inversions.), And in the free atmosphere. Surface temperature inversions are most often formed on calm nights (in winter, sometimes during the day) as a result of intense heat radiation from the earth's surface, which leads to cooling of both itself and the adjacent air layer. The thickness of surface temperature inversions is tens to hundreds of meters. The increase in temperature in the inversion layer ranges from tenths of degrees to 15-20 °C and more. The most powerful winter surface temperature inversions are in Eastern Siberia and Antarctica. In the troposphere, above the surface layer, temperature inversions are more likely to form in an anticyclone

16question In the atmospheric air, the concentrations of substances determined by the priority list of harmful impurities established according to the "Temporary recommendations for compiling a priority list of harmful impurities to be controlled in the atmosphere", Leningrad, 1983 were measured. Concentrations of 19 pollutants were measured: the main ones (suspended substances, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide), and specific (formaldehyde, fluorine compounds, benzo (a) pyrene, metals, mercury).

17 question There are 7 large rivers in Kazakhstan, the length of each of which exceeds 1000 km. Among them: the Ural River (its upper course is located on the territory of Russia), which flows into the Caspian Sea; Syr Darya (its upper course is located on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) - to the Aral Sea; The Irtysh (its upper reaches in China; on the territory of Kazakhstan it has large tributaries the Tobol and Ishim) crosses the republic, and already on the territory of Russia flows into the Ob, which flows into the Arctic Ocean; the Ili River (its upper reaches are located on the territory of China) flows into Lake Balkhash. There are many large and small lakes in Kazakhstan. The largest among them are the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea, Balkhash, Alakol, Zaysan, Tengiz. Kazakhstan includes most of the northern and half of the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea. The length of the coast of the Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan is 2340 km. There are 13 reservoirs in Kazakhstan with a total area of ​​8816 km² and a total water volume of 87.326 km³. The countries of the world are provided with water resources extremely unevenly. The following countries are the most endowed with water resources: Brazil (8,233 km3), Russia (4,508 km3), USA (3,051 km3), Canada (2,902 km3), Indonesia (2,838 km3), China (2,830 km3), Colombia (2,132 km3), Peru (1,913 km3), India (1,880 km3), Congo (1,283 km3), Venezuela (1,233 km3), Bangladesh (1,211 km3), Burma (1,046 km3).