How to distinguish a good person from an evil one. Composition-reasoning on the topic: "A kind person"

« kind doctor Aibolit, he sits under a tree ... ”this is how the story begins about a very kind person who directs all his energy to helping our smaller brothers. You read the lines, and you are touched by the kindness that comes from the image created by Korney Chukovsky. In contrast to him, Barmaley is also present, his author characterizes it less attractively: “He runs around Africa and eats children - Ugly, bad, greedy Barmaley! ... ". You just wonder what bright opposites are.

AT real life everyone has good and evil qualities, only the level of their prevalence in each specific person different. For example, a grandmother peacefully and gently talks with her grandchildren - here she is kindness, then suddenly a shrew may appear in her place - a neighbor came in to beg for the missing bottle or her husband said something inarticulate. Who is this sweet grandmother now? What is she: good or evil?

We have everything - good and evil. Only the proportions of kindness and anger can be different. How to determine what is more? The tale about Dr. Aibolit actually gives the answer. Animals, primarily dogs, quite accurately determine the level of kindness in a person. They don't like aggressive people, feeling at the level of smells and radiated energy of a vicious individual. When a person with positive or kind energy appears in their society, dogs fawn over him, show a trusting attitude.

Small children behave in the same way, they are not yet confused by conventions. adult life and human relations. How easy little man can be in the hands of an adult, how he will behave in this case, characterizes the level of kindness or vice versa the level of aggression. But you can't take a small child to test a potential partner or competitor. Therefore, women are taken with them to various meetings, they can become indicators, only they are not always listened to, which is a pity.

Men feel the presence of kindness worse, in women (in any case, those who are not spoiled by great life opportunities and influence on others), perception occurs at a subconscious level. They are easier to navigate in the quality indicators of men. Competition in the female environment often does not allow them to orient themselves within the female community, but they undoubtedly orient themselves better with men. Men often lose in this type of competition, we perceive the external picture more often than inner content. Only after a certain time we find out who is who.

If a man is left alone, women run away from him, then this is a sign of internal anger or aggression. Women feel, but are often forced to accept and endure, despite the mind. Circumstances prevent you from leaving. But if the decision is gained through suffering, then the aggressor remains alone in order to further accumulate his anger. He only needs an occasion or an audience to vent his negative energy. From the side it can give the impression of a kind uncle, but until the moment direct contact. Further dominant internal energy will do it at the right time.

How to actually determine how cruel (we understand, evil) this or that person? It can be determined by statements, words, gestures, facial expressions, the most important thing is the energy that is felt around him. Next to a kind person you relax, next to an evil person you become more active to counteract him.

Is it possible to become kinder? Yes, you certainly may. Forays into nature, search positive emotions, even life itself outside of large metropolitan areas allows you to become less aggressive towards others. Real anger among rural population much lower than in major city with its cruelest rhythm and the need to be in time everywhere and everything.

One of the most common and widespread superstitions is that each person has one of his own specific properties, that there is a person who is kind, evil, smart, stupid, energetic, apathetic, etc. People are not like that. We can say about a person that he is more often kind than evil, more often smart than stupid, more often energetic than apathetic, and vice versa; but it will not be true if we say about one person that he is kind or smart, and about another that he is evil or stupid. And we always divide people like that. And this is not true. People are like rivers: the water is the same in all and the same everywhere, but each river is sometimes narrow, sometimes fast, sometimes wide, sometimes quiet, sometimes clean, sometimes cold, sometimes muddy, sometimes warm. So are people. Each person bears in himself the germs of all human qualities and sometimes manifests one, sometimes another, and is often completely unlike himself, remaining all the same one and himself. For some people, these changes are especially abrupt. And Nekhlyudov belonged to such people. These changes took place in him both from physical and spiritual causes. And such a change has taken place in him now. That feeling of solemnity and joy of renewal, which he experienced after the trial and after the first meeting with Katyusha, completely disappeared and was replaced after last date fear, even disgust. He decided that he would not leave her, would not change his decision to marry her, if only she wanted it; but it was hard and painful for him. On the next day of his visit to Maslennikov, he again went to prison to see her. The superintendent allowed a meeting, but not in the office and not in the lawyer's office, but in the women's visitor's room. In spite of his good nature, the superintendent was more restrained than before with Nekhludoff; Obviously, conversations with Maslennikov had the effect of ordering greater caution with this visitor. “You can see each other,” he said, “only, please, about the money, as I asked you ... And as for transferring her to the hospital, as His Excellency wrote, it’s possible, and the doctor agrees. But she herself doesn’t want to, she says: “I really need to carry out pots for brats ...” After all, this, prince, is such a people, he added. Nekhlyudov made no answer and asked to be allowed to see him. The superintendent sent an overseer, and Nekhludoff went with him into the empty women's visitor's room. Maslova was already there and came out from behind the bars, quiet and timid. She went close to Nekhlyudov and, looking past him, said quietly: “Forgive me, Dmitri Ivanovich, I didn’t speak well the day before. "It's not for me to forgive you..." began Nekhludoff. “But all the same, you leave me,” she added, and in the terribly squinting eyes with which she glanced at him, Nekhlyudov again read a tense and angry expression. “Why should I leave you?— Yes, it is. - Why so? She looked at him again with the same, as it seemed to him, angry look. "Well, that's it," she said. “Leave me alone, I tell you right. I can not. You leave it completely, ”she said with trembling lips and fell silent. - It's right. I'd better hang myself. Nekhludoff felt that in her refusal there was hatred for him, an unforgivable insult, but there was something else, something good and important. This confirmation of his former refusal in a completely calm state immediately destroyed all his doubts in Nekhlyudov's soul and returned him to his former serious, solemn and tender state. “Katyusha, as I said, I say so,” he said with particular seriousness. “I ask you to marry me. If you do not want, and do not want yet, I, as before, will be where you will be, and I will go where you will be taken. "That's your business, I won't say any more," she said, and again her lips trembled. He, too, remained silent, feeling unable to speak. "Now I'm going to the country, and then I'll go to Petersburg," he said, finally recovering. “I will work on your case, on our case, and, God willing, they will cancel the sentence. And they won't cancel it anyway. I'm not for this, but I'm worth it for something else ... - she said, and he saw what great effort she did to hold back the tears. - Well, have you seen Menshov? she asked suddenly to hide her excitement. Is it true that they are not to blame?- Yes, I think. “Such a wonderful old lady,” she said. He told her everything he had learned from Menshov and asked if she needed anything; she replied that nothing was needed. They were silent again. “Well, as for the hospital,” she suddenly said, looking at him with her sidelong glance, “if you want, I’ll go and won’t drink wine either ... Nekhlyudov silently looked into her eyes. Her eyes were smiling. "That's very good," was all he could say, and he said goodbye to her. "Yes, yes, she is a completely different person," thought Nekhlyudov, experiencing, after his previous doubts, a completely new feeling, never before experienced by him, of confidence in the invincibility of love. Returning to her stinking cell after this meeting, Maslova took off her dressing gown and sat down in her place on the bunk, putting her hands on her knees. In the cell there were only: a consumptive Vladimir with a baby, an old woman Menshova and a watchman with two children. The deacon's daughter was declared mentally ill yesterday and sent to the hospital. The rest of the women did all the laundry. The old woman lay on the bunk and slept; the children were in the corridor, the door to which was open. Vladimirskaya with a child in her arms and a watchman with a stocking, which she did not stop knitting with quick fingers, approached Maslova. - Well, have you seen? they asked. Maslova, without answering, sat on the high bunks, dangling her legs that did not reach the floor. - What are you rumbling about? said the watchman. “Most of all, don’t get discouraged. Hey Katya! Well! she said, moving her fingers quickly. Maslova did not answer. - And ours went to wash. They said that now the alms are big. They applied a lot, they say, - said the Vladimirskaya. - Finish! the watchman shouted at the door. - Where, the shooter, ran. And she took out one knitting needle and, sticking it into a ball and stocking, went out into the corridor. At this time, there was a noise of steps and a woman's conversation in the corridor, and the inhabitants of the cell in cats on their bare feet entered it, each carrying a roll, and some even two. Fedosya immediately went up to Maslova. - Well, what's wrong? asked Fedosya, with her clear blue eyes lovingly looking at Maslova. “Here we are for tea,” and she began to put the rolls on the shelf. - Well, or changed your mind about getting married? Korableva said. "No, I haven't changed my mind, but I don't want to," said Maslova. - So she said. - That's stupid! Korableva said in her bass voice. “Well, if you don’t live together, why should you marry?” Fedosya said. “Why, your husband is going with you,” said the watchman. “Well, we are in law with him,” said Fedosya. “And why should he pass the law, if he doesn’t live?” - You fool! What for? Yes, marry him, so he will make her rich. “He said: “Wherever they send you, I will follow you,” said Maslova. - He will go - he will go, he will not go - he will not go. I won't ask. Now he is going to Petersburg to work. He has all the ministers there, she continued, but all the same I don’t need them. - Known business! Korableva suddenly agreed, unpacking her bag and obviously thinking of something else. “What, shall we drink some wine?” "I won't," answered Maslova. - Drink yourself.

What is kindness? Each of us thought about this question at least once in our lives. Kindness can be called a feeling of compassion for a fellow creature. In frequent cases, this is accompanied by sacrifice towards others and neglect of oneself. In other words, when a person does not know how to refuse or say “no” correctly, then for someone this is accompanied by a feeling of pity, someone through good deeds increases their level of significance and self-affirmation. Kindness can be selfless and pure. Although this is becoming less common these days. In general, kindness is different for everyone, but it is called for one main goal - to help another person.

The Goals of Kindness

Selfless help to another person should be one of the goals in the life of each of us. Someone always needs a helping hand, and you need to extend it, because someday any of us may be in the place of someone who needs words of consolation, Therefore, if there is an opportunity to help, this must be done. Yes, and with a conscience, some will not have problems later.

Kind people

A good person is one who, in relation to other living beings, performs actions that bring them some benefit. In this case, the benefits are mutual, since good deed a person has increased his level of significance, self-esteem. And to the one to whom a good deed was done, he helped in solving this or that situation.

kindest soul man

Who is he? Are there still such people in our society today? The kindest person ... So sometimes they call some people. This is how a benefactor is characterized who helps others and does not ask for anything in return. Of course, in order for others to respond like that, you need to do many good deeds and help more than one person. However, words of gratitude and happy eyes of people are worth it to help someone in need, if this is within our capabilities. Such actions give strength, energize, inspire.

What to do to become kinder?

From the moment of birth, the child is pure and innocent, he is kind to everyone around him, and only upbringing, the example of parents and the attitude of those close to the baby make him good or evil.

The mistake of many people is that they believe that character cannot be changed. People say: But it is not so. Temperament cannot be changed, we are born with it, but character can always be changed. And therefore, if a person does not show kindness towards another living being, he should not be blamed. There may be various reasons for this. Perhaps he himself does not know how to help himself in this, a man.

In order to become a little better, you need to understand yourself, understand what makes you be, for example, angry, aggressive, unfriendly, envious. Sometimes it is very difficult to do this, because "you will not find a speck in your own eye."

For example, many are driven to be evil by a financial disadvantage, constantly drinking spouse, problems with a child or health or envy towards another person and so on. Having understood oneself, it is necessary to resolve this or that situation. If financial problems - change jobs, with drinking husband- disperse, with a child - to establish relationships and understand his behavior, health can be improved by going, for example, on vacation. Of course, it sounds easy, in reality it is much more difficult, but it is within the power of each of us. You may need the help of a specialist, but it's all for your own good.

good qualities of the soul

Among positive traits character, 12 good qualities of the human soul can be distinguished:

  • goodwill;
  • responsiveness;
  • unselfishness;
  • honesty;
  • cheerfulness;
  • loyalty;
  • compassion;
  • strength of will;
  • reasonableness;
  • mercy;
  • wisdom;
  • justice.
  1. Goodwill - from the phrase "wishing good", in other words - a friendly person.
  2. Responsiveness - willingness to help.
  3. Selflessness - lack of desire for profit, personal gain.
  4. Honesty, or truthfulness, is sincerity towards another person in speeches, deeds, and actions.
  5. Cheerfulness is an optimistic attitude of a person to everything: to circumstances and difficulties.
  6. Loyalty - a devoted attitude towards a partner, work, idea, etc.
  7. - emotional condition expressed in the understanding of other people's misfortunes.
  8. Strength of will - mental condition in which a person is able to control his actions to achieve certain goals.
  9. Intelligence is the ability to make the right or correct decision.
  10. Mercy is benevolent caring attitude to another person, willingness to help.
  11. Wisdom - the degree of mastering knowledge and life experience and ability to use them.
  12. Justice is right decision or the right thing to do.

good deeds

There are many people in the world doing good deeds. A person who has done a good deed will always be remembered and thanked in his soul and in words. Due to the fact that there are such people in the world, millions of children recover, avoid accidents, the needy get a roof over their heads, the elderly receive the necessary support and help, animals find a home and loving owners. Good deeds cannot be counted, and a good person is one whose words and deeds are done for good.

What actions ennoble the soul

Indeed, what? A good person is such because he does good deeds. By these deeds, a person ennobles his soul, gives it a facet, endows it with wealth and breadth.

People say that in life everything returns like a boomerang, so a good person will always receive only good deeds in return for his actions. Do not succumb to temptations and self-interest, doing something bad. It is necessary to think rationally and understand that everything will definitely return.

Varieties of Kindness

kindness happens different nature. It manifests itself in different ways. Someone so kind that he wouldn't hurt a fly, but usually many people take advantage of the simplicity of such people, don't give anything in return. Such a person sometimes will not offer help himself, but if someone asks for it, he will not refuse.

There is kindness that manifests itself in deeds. Especially if it is a good deed, i.e. if a person commits some good deed when they don't ask for it, but need it.

There is kindness that manifests itself in affectionate word, wise advice. There is always a large environment around such people, since the problems are endless, good and wise advice who will help in their adversity.

Selfless kindness indicates helping another person. They don't ask for anything in return for their actions. Such people are called unselfish. Such kindness is becoming rare in modern life even between family and friends.

After selfless help comes selfish kindness. It doesn't have to be something bad. For example, one person turned to another for help, in return promising to thank him. It is a mutually beneficial relationship in which both parties are usually satisfied. This form of communication is not uncommon in our time. This model behavior manifests itself in all spheres of life: in kindergarten, educational institution, medical institution and others.


Touching something good and kind, you are drawn to touch it again and again... this is the magnetism of our life...

Our most great power lies in the kindness and tenderness of our heart...

If one or two friendly words can make a person happy, one must be a scoundrel to refuse him this. People, feel free to say kind words - it's so nice.

Nothing else is needed, just a little kindness.

Colum McCann. "And let the beautiful world spin"

If everyone does good within the limits of their ability, the possibilities for good will become limitless.

Fazil Iskander

A person does not have the opportunity to do good to everyone, but he has the opportunity not to harm anyone.

Kind words are easy to say, but their echo lives on in human hearts for a long time.

Kindness is the sun that warms the human soul. All good things in nature come from the sun, and all the best things in life come from man and his kindness.

Mikhail Prishvin


So today the Hedgehog said to the Bear cub:

It's good that we have each other!

The little bear nodded.

Just imagine: I'm not there, you're sitting alone and there's no one to talk to.

And where are you?

I am not here, I am out.

It doesn't happen like that, - said the Bear cub.

I think so too, - said the Hedgehog. “But all of a sudden, I don’t exist at all. You are alone. Well, what are you going to do?

I'll turn everything upside down and you'll be found!

There is no me, nowhere!

Then, then ... Then I will run out into the field, - said the Bear cub. - And I will shout: "Yo-yo-yo-zhi-i-i-k!", and you will hear and shout: "Bear-oh-oh-ok! .." Here.

No, said the Hedgehog. - I don't have one bit. Understand?

What are you doing to me? - Bear cub got angry. If you are not, then I am not. Understood?..

What you give is what you get - although sometimes not at all from where you expect it.

What difference does it make whether it's warm outside or cold when a little rainbow lives in your heart all day long...

Not everyone manages to see what the stars are doing in anticipation of the summer. So sit by the window, breathe as quietly as possible... and you will see... And let this be your big and amazing secret...

Open your heart!

Fill it with goodness and love!

And if you look at things correctly, then the whole world is a garden.

What you fill your heart with, then it comes out of it ...

Eduard Asadov

Mother! How long are we going to wait?

What to expect?

When the parachutes in dandelions ripen, will we fly?!

Let's fly!!!)))

When I'm sad, I try to please someone, to do some good deed. Watching another person rejoice, you rejoice yourself. The best thing is when you can help someone.

Erich Maria Remarque. Shelter Grez.

If the day is cloudy, shine yourself with the good that you have - and it will become brighter around you!

The good that you do from the heart, you always do to yourself.

Lev Tolstoy

Be pure in heart and kind in heart. The beauty of the soul is like a beacon of light attracting the happiness you deserve into your life.

Accustom yourself at the first glance at a person to always sincerely wish him well. Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh

The face is an amazing thing. It is immediately clear from the face whether a person has lost his soul or not. If not lost, if the soul is in place, then the face emits a soft light. Light of love.

I let goodness surround me. I accept good. I give good. I understand that this is one of best qualities and allow him to firmly settle in my life.

And so as not to reproach after yourself

For hurting someone

Better to be kind in the world

Evil in the world and so enough.

E. Asadov

Gracious sovereigns and gracious sovereigns, grow in your soul, in its brightest corner, such beautiful flowers as virtue, modesty, honesty, justice and love. Then each of us will be able here in this world to decorate our window with a small pot of flowers. Victor Hugo

Whoever eats pancakes with jam cannot be so terribly dangerous. You can talk to this.

Tove Jansson. wizard hat

Carefully guard within yourself this treasure - kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, lose without regret, acquire without stinginess.

In anticipation of a miracle, do good deeds.

Then a miracle will come to you not empty-handed.

Kindness is a quality, the excess of which has never harmed anyone.

If the day is cloudy, shine yourself with the good that you have - and it will become brighter around you.

Simeon Athos

All living beings seek happiness; so let your compassion extend to all.


Everyone needs

to him from time to time

told a good story.

Tove Jansson.

All about the Moomins.

And how long will you fly in the clouds?!

Until the sky ends...

... If someone uses your kindness - do not be sorry!

It means that it was given to you more than to the one who uses it ...

“I just like to see people smile.

Do it with a smile and kindness. And everything will work out!

The place for good deeds is everywhere, the time for good deeds is always.

We will never know what is going on in someone's soul, but we can try to keep it warm.

The most beautiful music of the soul is kindness.

Do good - let them not understand ...

Give good - let it not come back !!!

Sow goodness here and there...

May it touch everyone!

Not in the world more beautiful feeling than the feeling that you did people at least a drop of good. Lev Tolstoy

One slightest gesture - a smile, a soft look, a pat on the shoulder, good word- can change a person's life.

Until this day is over, you have a chance to live with this opportunity.

See. Watch. See what this day brings you. And get ready.

If you think I'm exaggerating, please know I'm not. After all, someone right now is waiting for your smile, your look, your gesture.

You don't think you're just reading these lines, do you? Is this a coincidence?

A. Lindgren.

Kid and Carlson.

Whatever we send into other people's lives comes back into our own. I want to wish each of you a drop of warmth that would warm you every minute, no matter what.

The main thing is to breathe correctly)

Breathe Happiness...

Breathe good...

Try to do good to everyone, what and when you can, do not think about whether he appreciates or does not appreciate him, whether he will or will not be grateful to you. And rejoice not when you do good to someone, but when you endure insults from another without rancor, especially from someone who has been blessed by you.

Alexy Mechev

Each person has his own kind angel. These angels live on the White Clouds, walk in white socks and eat white marshmallows.

Live a life that makes you kind and friendly to other people, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how happy your life becomes.

Sow good deeds and you will reap their fruits.

Remember: from your bright smiles

Not only your mood depends,

But a thousand times the mood of others.

Eduard Asadov

If you can help a person - help, if you can't help - pray, if you don't know how to pray - think well of a person! And this will already be help, because bright thoughts are also weapons.

Be kind and they will reach out to you!

If there should be a little good, then at least let it be often.

Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

- Anger compresses the soul, and a person goes blind. Tell me, is it possible to understand the sky evil person?

Well, everyone sees him, both good and evil.

He sees with his eyes, but not with his heart. He sees and passes by. And he will die without understanding anything.

Everyone will be given a choice -

Who is ripe for what?

But the life of Man must be

From small good deeds!

Do good as if you are alone in the world and people will never know about your deed.

Kindness - sunlight in which virtue grows.

Above all, be kind; kindness disarms most people.

Any creature living on Earth is initially endowed with the gift of love, kindness and compassion. It is these qualities inherent in man as a rational being that are the true measure of value. human life in all manifestations.

The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.

The soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another.

Lead your life in such a way that every evening you can say to yourself: one day of my life has decreased, one good deed has been added ...

That's mine simple religion. There is no need for temples; there is no need for a complex philosophy. Our own brain and our own heart are our temple; and philosophy is kindness.

Dalai Lama

Strive to do good, and you will understandthat happiness will run after you.


A person offended you, and you take it and do him good, give him the warmth and caress of your soul, and the knot will untie, the anchor will fall from your heart. After that, you will begin to live and breathe easier. Through such victories with love in the places of your defeat, the heart, step by step, victory after victory, will become pure.

This world is mountains, and our actions are screams: the echo from our cry in the mountains always returns to us.

Each gives to the other what he has in his heart.

Are you cold?

No, but if you want to warm me, then I'm cold.

If you are waiting for the good of gratitude -

you don't give goodness, you sell it...

If you want to win hearts -

Plant the seeds of love.

If you want heavenly life -

Don't throw spikes in the way.

True kindness is silent.She has many actions in store, but not a single word.

To be in our hands the whole world, you just need to stop clenching your fists and open your palms ...

Once you get used to the good life, it gets even better!

The day will not be in vain if you give someone your smile.

For real great religion: kind heart.

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people. L.N. Tolstoy

My religion is very simple. I don't need temples. I don't need someone special complex philosophy. My heart, my head is my temple. My philosophy is kindness. Dalai Lama

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad things, I feel bad. Here is my religion.

Try your best to purify yourself of evil towards people. For by accumulating evil towards people in yourself, you accumulate poison, which sooner or later will kill the person in you.

Excuse me, but you won’t bring me to good by any chance?

And the ice melts when we shine, and hearts open when we love, and people change when we are open, and miracles happen when we believe.

Bring each other!

Bring to goodness, happiness and love.

The ability to love is a talent from God.

The ability to regret - from kindness.

The ability to forgive without knowing the deadline -

from the wisdom and tenderness of the soul!

“… be patient, do not get annoyed, most importantly, do not get angry. You will never destroy evil with evil, you will never drive it out. It fears only love, it fears the good…”

From the letters of St. Athanasius

Sometimes they say - the struggle between good and evil. I think that good cannot fight evil, otherwise it will be some kind of strange good. Goodness is like light, and light cannot fight darkness when it is there - darkness simply disappears.

Learn to understand others with your heart, and your heart will learn to love.

When we do evil, we harm ourselves and others. When we do good, we benefit ourselves and others. And, like all forces in man, these forces of good and evil draw their vitality from the surrounding world.

At the end of your life, it won't matter how many cars you have in your garage or what clubs you've been to. It is important how many lives you have changed, how many people you have influenced and whom you have helped. Do good! It's nice!

When we surround ourselves good people and good thoughts- life begins to change for the better.

Do not complain about the coldness of the world around you if you yourself have not put a drop of warmth into it.

Live without harm.

Take care of the person in you.

Note: Tea without sweets, brewing - down the drain!

We drink and say: diet-diet, wait until summer!

Goodwill in a person makes him attractive. If you want to conquer the world, don't try to pressure it, conquer it with kindness.

Alexander McLaren.

It is somewhat discouraging, of course: to struggle all your life over the problem of humanity, in order to finally understand that the fruit of all your research fits into one single piece of advice: “Let's be at least a little kinder friend to friend".

Aldous Huxley

Hug people, animals, trees :)

Take the RAINBOW and decorate your world.
Take a ray of LIGHT and direct it to where darkness reigns.
Take a SMILE and give it to someone who needs it so much.
Take a TEAR and put it on the cheek of someone who does not know the tears of sympathy.
Take KINDNESS and show it to someone who himself has not learned to give.
Take the FAITH and share it with everyone who doesn't have it.
Take HOPE and support with it the one who has already begun to lose it.
Take LOVE and bring it to the whole world.

I had a real miracle today!

Solar Rain poured from heaven to earth.

He gave every person on earth a drop of the Sun-Happiness.

Everyone treated their drop differently.

For some, she became the light of the only hope in the night, someone did not even notice her because she herself glows, almost like the sun.

In someone's soul, this drop of light froze, as if turned into a diamond, but did not go out.

The time will come and she will melt.

For someone, it was from this solar gift that the dawn began, somewhere a single light droplet brought a small sprout back to life in a dry time ...

But this rain brought good to everyone.

And after it, a rainbow shone for a long time and not only in the sky, but also in every heart ...

Such a childish dream, after which I want to believe that the world will be kind and bright ...


One little girl when she had Bad mood, entered the room with the words: - Hello to no one!

I live at home in an apartment, I have parents who love me and take care of me. Of course, they can be called kind people, they buy me food and clothes without demanding anything in return. Regarding other people, we can say that they are good or evil by nature.

I believe that I can determine whether the person in front of me is good or evil. At good man it is written right in his eyes that he only wishes you well, and if he scolds me for some kind of oversight, then only because it will be better for me.

But what is good? This is an invisible, intangible part of a person that tells you how to behave in a given situation. A kind person will always be able to help without demanding anything in return, he only needs gratitude in his eyes or even inner feeling peace of mind and satisfaction that he did a good deed.

Learning to be kind is probably impossible, this quality of a person depends on his character, upbringing in the very early childhood. But, if you set a goal, you can cultivate these qualities in yourself on your own, carefully look around who may need my help. You don’t even need to wait for the person to ask, but to respond to his needs yourself and just do it.

I try to do this, but I don't always succeed, so I can't call myself completely kind. When I do a good deed and see that it is pleasant for a person, my soul becomes warm and pleasant, I want to run and jump from a feeling of satisfaction with myself. Moreover, when parents praise, there is no limit to joy.

If a person strives to do everything disinterestedly, without demanding anything in return, then he can be called kind. Such a person has many friends and can count on good things. mutual relation. And if he needs help or some kind of service, then his friends will be happy to help him also disinterestedly.

I think that it will be easier for a kind person in this life, when I help others, then other people will help me, if not all, but, most, for sure. And how nice it is to live when you know that someone needs you, even a stranger.