Ukrainian Monroe. Travesty diva Monroe: “I don’t have a split personality, I am well aware that my physiology is male, but my consciousness is female! What do you mean by "travesty diva"? Is it a stage persona or how you position yourself in


At the end 1998


autumn 2001 2001

The choice of Monroe's pseudonym is, of course, a shot. About people like her, they say: "Self-taught!" Essentially not having special training and education, she came out of nowhere. Sincerity, courage and self-confidence actually made her become the ideal woman of her time. Having arisen as a protest, she, by her own example, decides to create a version of a super-diva, which today does not leave television screens and various media. Yes! Monroe is grotesque, but in this way she reflects the main idea of ​​the image she created, attracting the eyes of numerous viewers!

The artist herself began to think about her performances and outfits long before she first appeared on stage. Speaking at the opening of the nightclub "Cage" in September 1998 years, declaring herself as an original entertainer, a prima donna, surprisingly similar to Marilyn, she least of all counts on material rewards. Few people know that she, in the company of unskilled builders, was also preparing the "Cage" for the opening. She painted walls, kneaded cement, laid linoleum and very often was on duty on the night shift.

After working in the "Cage" for about a year, Monroe provoked a frenzied increase in impostors calling themselves "travesty divas." Despite this, she was the only one who managed to overcome the amateur frontier of the fading "Cage".

At the end 1998 Monroe agrees to an offer to try himself as the host of several themed parties in the top club of the time, Hollywood. When the auditions were successfully completed and Monroe was unconditionally hired with the highest fee among full-time artists, it meant one thing: now began new era. Era Monroe! Thanks to Hollywood, just like half a century ago, the fatal blonde leaked onto television, private parties and the pages of leading Ukrainian publications.

For two years, Monroe's name was on the lips of a significant number of nightclub goers. People from other cities come to see the "Hollywood" wonder. The first official invitations to the regions appear. The club administration knew perfectly well that, unlike his prototype, Monroe has a steely character, knows exactly what he wants and how to achieve it. Professional growth and indefatigable ability to work untie the hands of Monroe - she gains the long-awaited independence.

Having accumulated the required amount, Monroe decides on the first in his life, and in the life of night Ukraine, a travesty show project. It was a two-part program, in which, in addition to Monroe, three more artists took part. The performance was built in the classical manner of the show: an entre, several solos, duets and a finale. The numbers were broken up with humorous entertainers, sometimes with strawberries, in order to delineate the boundaries of the genre. Bright costumes, generously decorated with feathers, stones and sequins, gave the program the necessary chic and luxury. Monroe becomes the leader of the team. And in the spring 2001 year, under the name "Star Factory", the show went on its first tour.

autumn 2001 Hollywood closes for a two-year renovation. Monroe is not afraid, as the "Star Factory" is gaining momentum. Odessa, Lvov, Uzhgorod, Kherson, Donetsk, Kharkiv and many other cities were pasted with posters of the show of a completely new format. AT 2001 th year, over 20,000 people attended the concerts of the Star Factory. At the closing ceremony of the Hollywood Club, Monroe and the Star Factory show were recognized as the best host and the best Saturday club show, respectively.

Also, the soloists of the "Star Factory" took part in the reporting concerts of I. (2001 year) and T. (2003 year).

In subsequent years, the composition of the "Star Factory" will change until Monroe realizes that working with the team hinders her development as a travesty-actress! Hope to find artists with the same strong life position, serious intentions and the same ability to work were not justified. At some point, Monroe despaired. Close friends, employees seemed ungrateful, lazy, frivolous in order to lead and develop the business she started a couple of years ago. Monroe left the band and focused on her solo career.

In the status of a single "queen-travesty" of Ukraine, she gets more and more regalia. Title "Best Host of the Year" at the contest "Miss Travesty Russia", Moscow, 2003 year, Grand Prix of the competition "Rainbow over the Dniester" Moldova, 2004 year, Vice-Miss title at the Miss Travesty Russia contest, Moscow. 2005 year.

At the beginning 2005 Monroe tries himself as an active concert, administrative worker, working in the Kiev club "Androgyn", as an art director. In the program area of ​​the club, she brought the reconstruction of the stage, a vivid transformation of the dressing room, new life"Androgynous" artists, in essence new format, concentrating it in the European plane.

autumn 2005 year in the Kiev Passage will open a new club "Pomada". According to rumors, one of the owners of the club, who was a fan of Monroe since the "Hollywood" days, did not represent future work"Lipsticks" without the famous front diva. As you know, blood red, the dominant tone in the interior of the club, was originally conceived as an association with plump mouth Monroe. Well, a myriad of mirrors were designed to catch HER reflection. Unfortunately, the mirrors were broken. Monroe will "open" "Lipstick", but will not be able to use it to the end. In a couple of months, she will give it to performers who are always overcoming problems with cosmetics!

With 2007 year Monroe captures the Internet and conquers print media as talented journalist and secular critic. Diva Monroe's travesty diary on the mega-popular Tabloid portal causes a lot of comments, thereby confirming the growing interest in the artist's life.

In March 2008 Monroe, together with the Arena Show Girls ballet, launches a series of Thursdays with Monroe parties, which take place in the top Arena club. For a year and a half of work, Monroe and his colleagues presented about 50 programs, created more than 100 numbers and presented the musical “Ledis”.

The main task of Monroe, as an artist, is to create a unique picture - a spectacular image. Brilliant appearance, a huge wardrobe, which has about a hundred costumes, a variety of genres of numbers, a sparkling entertainer - the main bridges connecting Monroe with his audience.

Today it is difficult to imagine any more or less decent event without Monroe. If there is a drag queen Diva at your party, then the evening was a success!

Travesty diva Monroe on why men are attracted to transsexuals

Travesty diva Monroe. A photo:

Why do men like Thai ladyboys and sometimes look more feminine than girls? All the answers to the questions that you were embarrassed to ask are given in his column by an expert in this field, the transvestite diva Monroe. She is the winner of the "Best Host of the Year" award at the "Miss Travesty Russia 2003" contest and the title of vice-miss at the "Miss Travesty Russia 2005" contest.

Men who come to Thailand know that intimate services are very affordable in this country and, I'm sure, already on the plane they are scrolling through options from the series “why not try it, since they offer it.” Male nature is not monogamous, and it is difficult to move away from it, especially in a situation where offers of a sexual nature are at every turn. Add to this the sea, the sun, an abundance of products that enhance sexual attraction, plus alcohol - and the man begins to seek adventure.

Travesty diva Monroe. A photo:

The travesty genre in Thailand is a national subculture, which is one of business cards region. It has been formed and improved over the years, so it is not surprising that tourists, along with local attractions, visit various travesty shows with pleasure, often forgetting that they are not looking at women from birth. This is not just exotic, but a proven and polished tourism industry with millions of investments! A travesty show is one type of business, just like excursions, massages or food.

Travesty show in Thailand is one of the types of business, the same as excursions, massage or food. This is not just exotic, but a proven and polished tourism industry with millions of investments!

The secret of the success of the Thais is that the effect is achieved not only by the virtuoso performance of the artists, but also by the talented hands of plastic surgeons! Everyone knows that many participants in the show have done more than one operation to feminize the face and body, and some go to more drastic steps and change their gender! At a minimum, artists are required to install breast implants and remove unwanted hair.

The difference between a transsexual and a transvestite is very clear: the former dream of changing sex and perform operations, while for the latter it is a hobby, a game, a certain lifestyle.

To understand who you are is simple: listen to yourself and answer the questions “Who am I?”, “Who excites me?”, “In what form am I comfortable?”, “Does my body satisfy me?”. If you can’t decide on your own, you need to go to a sexologist or psychologist.

The CIS countries are a constant uncertainty, vacillations. We have not been taught to cherish and respect our own and at the same time respect someone else's in the same way. We are, in fact, at the very beginning of building an independent free state, and human rights are still in the middle of a long list with us.

Male nature is not monogamous, and it is difficult to move away from it, especially in a situation where offers of a sexual nature are at every turn.

Travesty culture is a genre that is completely uncharacteristic of our nation, in our country it is unlikely to be accepted by the majority. It's more of a comedy than a tragedy: sparkles, stones, feathers, laughter and fireworks that are real today not entirely appropriate. Yes, they were not very welcome before.

Travesty diva Monroe. A photo:

The most famous Ukrainian drag queen told Lady.TSN about her wardrobe, parties, the most stylish and tasteless celebrities, and what else to expect from a tireless diva.

Monroe, you a famous person and a drag queen, an actress who is known not only in a narrow crowd. Do you feel the envy of others and colleagues?

A successful person in any field of activity will be pursued not only by envy, but also by derivatives: gossip, rumors, slander, conspiracies and other rubbish! But let's not forget that, along with envy, there is the love of fans and admirers, which compensates for the evil energy! And a well-known and public figure should be mentally prepared for the fact that with an increase in the level of popularity the number of envious people will grow, and learn how to put energy protection, do not respond! Difficult, but, in principle, possible!

You are a frequenter of social events in Kyiv, how do you choose an event: where to go and where not. Do you have some kind of "face control" for events?

Of course there is! The main conditions for my presence at this or that event are as follows: an invitation at least five days before the announced date, a time frame no later than 21.00, a press release sent in advance to email to get acquainted with the theme of the event, the list of press and guests! During the year, several high-profile events take place in Kyiv, the appearance of which is mandatory: Miss Ukraine, VIVA The Most Beautiful, Miss Ukraine-Universe, Person of the Year, Fashion Seasons and a couple of restaurant birthdays, opening of summer venues and concerts of cult fashion performers! Everything else is optional! By accepting an invitation, you are not required to attend. But if I agree, I will definitely be, or I will call back that I will not come. The reasons cannot be explained.

As a socialite and party girl, can you make a list of the most stylish celebrities?

You're dramatizing, more precisely the concept"Socialite" is more suitable for ladies "without a certain kind of activity", but I consider myself first of all a travesty-artist or a media person! And my list of the most stylish celebrities will look like this: Tanya Ramus, Masha Efrosinina, Olya Freimut, Elena Franchuk, Olga Alenova, the Dudenko couple! This list can be continued with five more names! And Yulia Tymoshenko will forever remain an icon of style!

And the most tasteless?

Almost everyone else, including show business stars and politicians of the first echelon! No taste, no style, only vulgarity and imaginary outrageousness.

Do you have friends among celebrities and journalists? Or is all relationships in show business reduced only to mutual benefit and smiles-kisses for show?

I have friends both among the stars and journalists! By at least, I greet everyone I know or have seen on TV!

You always appear in a new image, and it seems that you have an immense wardrobe. Is this true or is it just an illusion?

I was lucky, because my wardrobe is divided into concert, grand-day and everyday! All things are interconnected by accessories and shoes, add to this perfect mastery of makeup and a collection of wigs. so hundreds of images are obtained for each specific output! I am not a clothes maker and I take care of my things very carefully, so a dress dated 2005 can be safely worn in ten years. Vintage.

Store all your suits, dresses, accessories, or periodically “clean” your wardrobe from annoying things. Didn't the idea come to organize, for example, an auction?

Almost my entire wardrobe was created for me and for me, so it is unlikely that anyone else will fit! And I carefully store rare outfits for the Monroe Museum!

Is your image just your work or do numerous stylists help?

90% only mine! I haven’t used the services of stylists, I don’t use them and I don’t intend to in the near future! There is a hairdresser, a dressmaker, a mirror and a camera that does not spare!

From the outside it seems that your life is a continuous party with dances, fireworks and other attributes of a glamorous life, do you get tired of such a carousel?

It's wonderful that you think so, since the skill of a true artist of the entertainment genre lies precisely in the fact that the viewer would feel light from what is happening and what he sees! And how I do it, let it remain a secret!

Having appeared in show business, you are constantly conquering new heights - now you are recording songs and, they say, writing a book. What else to expect from Monroe?

From Monroe you can only expect high-quality creative "products": whether it be songs, books, clothing collections or TV shows! I do not pretend to be popular recognition and love, because I understand that society is more interested in what is under my skirt than my texts! But the thinker will be imbued with my activity, and for the mooing I will forever remain a “muzhik in disguise”! The choice is yours!

The infamous Ukrainian travesty diva Monroe is one of the brightest representatives of the show business of her country. For many years she has been struggling with society's stereotypes regarding homosexuals. She says that she evaluates herself sensibly and understands that although her consciousness is female, her physiology remains male. She is not going to do any sex change operations and calls on all people to listen only to what the heart tells.

What happens in the personal life of the travesty diva Monroe, and also, how did she start her journey and what is she doing now? About this and not only in this article.

Young years

The real name of the drag queen Monroe is Andrey Shimko. Almost no one remembers her under this name. Only left narrow circle people who got to the first performances of the diva, where she still seemed to be not only a pseudonym.

About the biography of the drag queen Monroe before her creative activity not much is known. She only tells about her family that she was brought up authoritarianly, she was a late child, her parents were elderly and took care of her as best they could.

Monroe already in her youth realized that she was not like everyone else. The boy liked women's things, makeup, he wanted to live beautifully and brightly, but in the Soviet Union such a phenomenon as homosexuality was not recognized. Already after the travesty diva Monroe achieved popularity, the parents were able to understand and come to terms with the fact that their son was unconventional. sexual orientation and that he leads such a way of life. Today, they do not raise the topic of personal life.


The parents decided everything for their son themselves and sent him to get an education at the Shevchenko Institute. Monroe did not like learning, she wanted to follow the path of creative activity. Already in her second year, she began to try to get into show business. Fortunately, several of her acquaintances worked in a parody double show. It was they who saw in the feminine young man the world famous celebrity - Marilyn Monroe. Bright makeup, a wig and a dress - and now Monroe herself was standing in front of them. This first image was the beginning of a great variety way.

Carier start

At the beginning creative way Monroe, by her own admission, often performed for free. She did this in order to gain experience, as well as to bask in the rays of glory, to listen to a standing ovation. She always wanted to be admired, and was ready to go to great lengths for this. Then she created her own troupe and began touring the country. She faced both outright contempt and misunderstanding, but she always remembered why she was doing it, and continued to create new numbers, write scripts and go on stage with a smile. The hall froze when she began to sing.

Soon her fame outgrew nightclubs: she began to be invited as an expert in various television programs, she was gladly invited to hold events. The small troupe grew into a whole show, where travesty artists delighted the audience, and Monroe herself was at the head of all this action. In 1999, for the first time, she managed to appear on television in the Taboo program, which was then hosted by Mykola Veresen.

Travesty show

Monroe approaches his travesty show with great scrupulousness. She is a perfectionist and tries to do everything the best way. Most Monroe does the whole show herself: she sews wigs, embroiders costumes, the choice of fabrics for bright outfits and even music - everything is also on her. Creation of press releases and computer editing - it seems that this girl can do everything. Today, her image of a travesty-diva has long outgrown from a worker and has become a real lifestyle. She is recognized not only in her native Ukraine: Monroe tours countries with her drag queen show former USSR and often performs abroad.

Personal life

AT this moment Monroe does not openly declare that she has a permanent partner next to her. Although she says that she has many fans, even among heterosexual men who want to diversify their lives. She says that she will never sell, and you can only buy her performance, but not herself. Monroe tells that once she was invited to a large-scale event - the birthday of a high-ranking military man. Taisiya Povaliy sang on the same stage with her, but the travesty diva was the main star and highlight of the evening. The organizer of the evening said that the birthday boy himself brought a disc with the performance of the artist and said: "I just want her!" Monroe does not name the names of her famous lovers, although she admits that she is quite loving. She also stated that she never invites new acquaintances to her home, and meets men only through her friends, although she used to freely go on dates with fans from social networks.

At the age of 38, travesty diva Monroe announced that she wanted to use the services of a surrogate mother. Before that, she stated that she wants children, but the priorities set so far do not allow her to take this issue seriously.

What is he doing now

Monroe is quite successful in holding parties in nightclubs and says that in full dress and in the image, he even goes out to a nearby store for bread. She is often invited to various television projects, publications interview and happily pick up news from the diva's life. Monroe's tour schedule is scheduled months in advance, but besides that, she still manages to quite actively maintain her Instagram and upload videos to YouTube.

  1. For more than seven years, drag queen Monroe has been fighting for the rights of sexual minorities and for their normal perception by others.
  2. In honor of the fifteenth anniversary of her work, Monroe organized new project"KiS Monroe", in which she combined photography, book exchange and literature in general.
  3. Before the presentation of Monroe's travesty book "It's good that I'm not a woman," ill-wishers doused her with yogurt and paint. One of the attackers was detained, and the second managed to escape. It was decided not to cancel the presentation, but the bag, coat and shoes were not subject to restoration.
  4. Travesty diva Monroe calls daily morning sports the secret of her attractive appearance.
  5. Monroe's least favorite activity, by her own admission, is washing dishes.
  6. In 2013, the drag queen Monroe had a conflict with singer Svetlana Loboda. Monroe wrote on her page in social networks that Loboda looks like Conchita Wurst only without a beard. In response to this, Svetlana posted a photo that allegedly depicted a transvestite diva frolicking in a bath with young men. Monroe did not recognize herself in the picture.

Monroe feels very organic in the image of a charming blonde: hair, nails, clothes - everything is very feminine and tasteful, she even puts on false breasts of different sizes - according to her mood. She conquers more and more fans with her naturalness, openness and optimism, and on stage it is impossible to take her eyes off her. Monroe has a lot ahead creative plans and projects in which she wants to further develop her potential. It remains to wish this non-standard artist success in all her endeavors!

One of the brightest characters in Ukrainian show business told "FACTS" the details of the brutal murder of his homosexual friend, director of one of the Kyiv restaurants Dmitry

31-year-old Monroe (according to her passport - Alexander) is not going to do sex change operations, while managing to look like amazing woman: she (he) has blond curls, impeccable manicure, a slender figure, long legs and smooth, well-groomed skin. Only the chest is not real, but a consignment note. different size- depends on the mood! And the voice is low. Many do not even believe that Monroe was born a man, she feels so organically in the role of a woman.

I do not have a split personality, I am well aware that my physiology is male, but my consciousness is female! - explains the diva. Monroe, who performs with her travesty show in nightclubs and at private parties, says that even for bread she goes out in full dress and with makeup - at least shoot for the cover of gloss. She is not averse to gossip, discusses fashion, cosmetics and parties with skill, but at the same time she loves ... sports broadcasts. But Monroe loves exclusively men. Usually they are gay. Recently, the metropolitan party was shocked by a brutal murder close friend Monroe. Dmitri was called young man, were killed in their own apartment, inflicting about 30 stab wounds. The murder was clearly sexually motivated. In search of a criminal, the police raided one of the most popular gay clubs in the capital. Alas, the killer is still on the loose.

We met with Monroe shortly after the tragedy and over a cup of cappuccino we talked about the backstage of the bright and glossy life of a drag queen actress.

"I never bring lovers to my house"

What do you think, who and what prevented your friend?

Dima wanted to become famous, strove for public life and suffered as a result. He was the director of a restaurant, he craved fame, camera flashes. And if, leaving the house, he did not notice that they were discussing him, he went back - to change clothes! Dima tried to constantly be in sight, to stand out due to his bright appearance, outrageous. In addition, he did not hide the fact that he was a homosexual. At the same time, he actively tried to arrange his personal life, to find a person with whom he would be happy. However, as it turned out, he entered into casual relationships.

I will never forget how he burst into my life - with a bottle of champagne and a box chocolates. We quickly and easily found mutual language although I have a hard time getting along with people. We drank, then there was my show, and after the performance, a large company moved to a sushi restaurant, where they celebrated Boris April's birthday. Dima dutifully followed me, although he could not stand Japanese cuisine. This won me over. As they say, two loneliness met, so much so that he became my main "front-line girlfriend."

I already told the investigators that the killer was just avenging psychological trauma, which he was once inflicted by another bright homosexual, similar in type to Dima. The video camera captured how Dima and this man entered the front door together, and three hours later the criminal left the house with a bag in which he put all the knives and a bloody jacket. Surely this jacket hung in the hallway, and when Dima ran around the apartment from the killer, he stained it with blood. I won’t go into details… I still can’t believe that Dima behaved so stupidly by bringing a random guy he picked up in a club to his house. Well, is it possible?

I urge everyone not to make casual connections, and if you are going on a date with a stranger, be sure to tell your loved ones where and with whom you are going and how you can be found. Always look a new acquaintance in the eye, try to find out more about him, and as soon as you feel that his stories are more like fables, feel free to search in his pockets when he goes to the shower. Do you have a passport, documents ... You need to know who you are communicating with. For example, I never bring lovers to my house.

Are you deeply distressed by what happened?

I never thought that I would live to be 31 years old and that my friend, with whom I called up several times every day and shared my innermost, would be brutally killed.

Recently I found out that the photographer Lesha Abramov died in a car accident, who nine years ago did my first professional photo session. Another young man also died - let's say, my ex love and tender affection Victor Koroteev. Handsome, top stylist and model, lover of life, who believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. In the late 90s, he left to conquer Moscow, called me several times, but I must have chickened out ... You can go crazy from all these experiences!

Yesterday I was depressed ... I drank cold champagne, froze, and then downloaded the song “White Dragonfly of Love” - and life became easier. I won't help them anyway. I advise you to read Werber's "Empire of Angels". You read and understand that the worst thing is life. Although, of course, at the same time the most interesting. And death is the law.

How do you meet men?

Now - only under patronage, because I became famous, the risks have increased. It used to be that I could afford to meet a stranger on the Internet, so that later I could meet and have fun ... I like the Internet because there, without vulgar coquetry, you can directly call a spade a spade. It immediately becomes clear who is adequate and who is with a shift. True, I'm probably also not so normal ... in the eyes of the public. I have always wanted a romantic relationship with a generous, temperamental and unencumbered man. I've never been interested in the marital status of my lovers - I don't care.

Is it true that you have several lovers at the same time? Have there been scandals?

Anything happened when I was young. I used to lead such a hectic lifestyle! Felt like a femme fatale like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct!

“Recently, I was invited to one of the most luxurious hotels in Yalta for the anniversary of ... the general”

Surely you are often pestered with obscene proposals?

They stick constantly. I've gotten used to it and don't pay much attention to it. To those who behave in a boorish way, I just confidently say: “Sorry, you made a mistake” - and the question is immediately closed.

And how do real men care?

Once, after a concert in Kherson, a man with flowers approached me: “I can do anything for you that you want.” And I, a fool, didn’t think of anything else but to ask him to treat me and my friends with Margarita. I was then reading a book in which main character drank this cocktail, describing its taste as unreal.

The man looked at me in bewilderment: “Is that all?” I say, "That's enough." Because in the same book it was written that you should not immediately name the street where you want to live. The man ordered cocktails and left, he did not interfere with us. And now I drink this Margarita and understand how disgusting it is. At the end of the evening, a drunken gentleman rushed straight to the car, shouting: "Don't leave, I'll pay for everything." I sent him... to the gym!

How much can you buy?

Only the amount of the fee and only for my work. Everything else is not for me. You need to perform either on stage or in bed, one does not fit with the other! What I have in my life, I got by my own work. Although the gifts, of course, were, and quite expensive. For example, here is the Louis Vuitton bag. And much of what was presented to me was then just as openly taken away! In general, expensive gifts are always obligatory.

Until now, I do 80 percent of the work on creating my shows myself. I sew wigs, embroider costumes, choose fabrics and music, do computer editing, write press releases. I know that the star should not advertise it. No wonder Nikitin once said to Irina Bilyk: “Never say in an interview that you fry cutlets, it humiliates you like a superstar.”

What is the man who starts an affair with you?

This is not gay, and if gay, then he has recently become gay. He used to love women, when he suddenly felt attracted to people of the same sex. This man is courageous, maybe even brutal. Still it's men who want to freshen up sex life, try something new. This is where it all starts, and then often develops into a closer and more trusting, non-sexual relationship. But such a man will never appear in public with a travesty, and the novel is doomed to secret dates.

Were there times when you were invited to speak at a party by those from whom you did not expect it at all?

Recently, I was invited to one of the most luxurious hotels in Yalta for the anniversary of ... the general! I had to show only one number, while they sent a plane for me and paid for a full-fledged show. I go into the hall - serious, wealthy people with their wives, on stage Taisiya Povaliy, Yuri Gorbunov, everything is so decorous. I performed for a "snack", after the official, when the audience was already tipsy and relaxed. She came out, all at once put down the forks and did not take their eyes off me until I finished singing. Ripped off the thunder of applause! Later, I was told that the customer himself brought the organizers a disk with my performance and said: “I want it.” They explained to him that, they say, this is an artist of the original genre, not one hundred percent “she”. It turned out that this is exactly what you need.

To be honest, not all travesty actresses know how to entertain the audience the way you do. What is your skill?

I'm just sincere on stage. And also very beautiful. I never spared money on appearance, on my stage costumes. My programs are always rehearsed to such an extent that there is nothing to complain about. In general, I compare myself with fireworks: everyone looks at me, they rejoice. I can make a holiday.

There will always be a third of the audience that adores me, a third that just came to have fun, and a third that doesn't care. These are the last ones to win. So I came up with a greeting: “Good evening, ladies, Good evening, gentlemen, good evening, undecided!” This instantly causes laughter and interest. I always say to girls: “Higher breasts, she feeds us.” And to young people: “Remember, fat wallets will never replace subtle relationships

“With my one-time fee, I can buy myself 10-15 pairs of expensive shoes”

They say that many of our female stars love the company of strippers, gays and transvestites.

It's a delusion. They thump with them - and that's it! Gays are good girlfriends, you can walk with them in a big way and discuss who sleeps with whom. Besides, no one comes! This is unlikely to build a truly friendly relationship. life problems the stars are so far from ours. I used to dream of making friends with celebrities, but very soon I realized that they didn’t need my friendship. Just enough to support friendly relations.

In Ukraine, gays support each other, help to break through and make a career, as it happens in other countries? They say there is even a "blue" mafia.

We don't have that. In general, there are relatively few gays who have managed to get “upstairs” in Ukraine. Whether business in Moscow! There are many famous singers, folk artists who invent legends about their touching love for women, but in fact they are homosexuals. AT Russian show business generally more debauchery, dirt, but the market is huge!

How much does it cost to invite you to your party?

Exact numbers I will not voice. Let's put it this way: with my one-time fee, I can buy myself 10-15 pairs of expensive shoes. Both rooms are littered with clothes, shoes and jewelry. And when my girlfriends come to me, then all these clothes fall out of the closet, try on, and then the photo shoot begins.

In a month I have from seven to 15 performances. This is a lot, because each one needs to be carefully prepared. Sometimes I make concessions, reduce the amount of the fee. At the dawn of her career, she often performed for free, just to get on stage, to hear applause, if only I was admired.

A psychologist would say it's from self-doubt

And I don't hide it. Despite my excellent external data and talent, I was absolutely not confident in myself, I had a lot of complexes. For a very long time they didn’t understand me, didn’t recognize me, didn’t listen, offended me more than once. But the main thing: I myself could not understand. Although already a teenager I felt that I was not like everyone else. My feminine manners, gait, appearance were given to me by nature, and it was almost impossible to hide it.

My parents are elderly people, I am a late child in the family. Their upbringing was authoritarian. Yes, and in the scoop it was believed that homosexuality, transvestism is bad. And I liked women's things so much, I liked to paint and in general I wanted to live beautifully. Then my parents sent me to study at Shevchenko University. And already in my second year, I began to look for ways to break out of this routine and get into show business. I found out that several of my friends work in the show of doubles. One of them said that I look a lot like Marilyn Monroe. They made me up, did my hair, dress - and away we go

I created my own troupe, traveled around Ukraine. Of course, there were shouts of insults from the audience, and misunderstanding, and surprise. Today I am popular, but I understand very well that not everyone likes me. Someone envies, someone does not perceive me. I do not impose: such people can always change the channel on which they show me, or even turn off the TV. Or they may try to figure out who is in front of them and what I am trying to show.

Today, my parents and I do not discuss this topic at all. They all know, they see me on TV, in magazines, they understand that this is a job that has become a lifestyle. Sometimes some phrases slip through. No more. I raised them! It is a pity that the country will not re-educate! But we will try