Abstract on the development of speech in the preparatory group. Summary of GCD on the development of speech in the preparatory group

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech

in the preparatory group. Making up a story

"Children go to school" plot picture.

Topic: Drawing up the story "Children go to school" according to the plot picture.

Target: teach children to write a story from a picture.


1. To teach children to answer questions about the content of the picture, to build grammatically correct speech.

2. Develop attention, memory.

3. To educate children's interest in compiling a story based on a picture.

Equipment: plot picture "Children go to school"

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

Q: Guys, I want to ask you an interesting riddle:

I bring the harvest

I sow the fields again

Sending birds to the south

I undress the trees

But I do not touch the fir trees and pines.

I am a beautiful yellow.

What do you think it is?

Q: Find a picture - an answer to this riddle. (Pictures of the seasons are hung in different parts group room. Children find a picture - a guess, approach it.) That's right, it's autumn.

Q: How did you guess it was autumn?

D: The harvest is ripe, the birds are flying south, the trees are undressing, the trees, except for the fir-trees and pines, are turning yellow.

Main part.

V: Guys, you and I have a chest where different words live, we will collect autumn words in it. If the sun is shining, the sky is bright, blowing warm breeze, yellow leaves rustle, what words can you say about autumn?

D: Sunny, early, clear, golden.

Q: If the sky is overcast, a cold wind blows, often it's raining, then what words can be said about autumn?

D: Gloomy, rainy, late, overcast

Well done guys, that's how many autumn words we put in our chest.

The teacher puts up a picture"Children go to school", invites children to carefully consider it and answer the questions:

At what time of the year do children start school? (in autumn)

Guys, who is in the picture?

(The picture shows a boy and a girl).

How are they dressed? Why?

Why do you think so? (children carry bouquets of flowers)

Who meets the children at school?

What is the mood of the children?

What trees are in the picture?

What sky did the artist depict?

How can you name the painting?

Game "Continue the offer"

Q: Children, I propose to play a game where I will begin a sentence, and you will continue it.

School supplies are carried in (a briefcase)

They treat in the hospital, but at school .... (teach)

Children at school sit at ... (desk)

At school, the lesson starts after (the bell)

After the lesson, the children rest on ... (break)

The teacher writes with chalk on the (blackboard)

There are children in the family, and at school they are .... (students)

Good and bad marks are put in (diary)


Every morning before school

We are charging.

We like it very much

Do in order:

Fun to walk, fun to walk.

Hands up, hands down

Sit down and get up

Sit down and get up.

Jump and jump

Jump and jump.

Q: Guys, would it be great if we tried to come up with a story about what is shown in the picture? First, tell what happened to the children before they got to school, and then talk about what you see in the picture.

Don't forget to say:

When did the action take place? What was the day?

Where did it all take place?

What did they see there?

How it all ended. Boys and girls can be given names.

Children's stories (3-4 children)

sample story

It was a clear, sunny September day. Misha got up very early because he was afraid of being late. Since the evening he had prepared a briefcase and notebooks. In the yard he saw Katya with flowers, and they went to school together. On the way, they looked at the bright yellow leaves on the trees, beautiful fluffy clouds in the sky. Near the school, they met well-dressed and cheerful children who were also in a hurry to meet the teacher. When the lessons ended, Katya and Misha returned home in a good mood.

Exercise "Guess - ka."Children, now I will name the correct and incorrect information about the school. If the sentence is correct, clap your hands. If the sentence is wrong, correct it.

Learning at school is very easy.

There are always a lot of toys at school.

School continues until old age.

All children do not want to go to school.

Pupils at school study at night.

Pupils carry bricks in their briefcases.

Children write in a notebook with a pen.

The best mark in school is two points.

Final part.

Lesson analysis:

Q: Guys, tell me, please, what did we talk about today at the lesson? What new did you learn?

Children's answers.

Q: Guys, I liked how you worked in class: listened carefully, thought, answered complete sentences. Well done! I also want to note the guys who have an interesting story.

    Lesson progress:

    “We will put our fists together,
    Let's help our fingers
    Unbend and rise
    And meet each other.
    Squeeze finger to finger
    Unfold, bend, unfold
    We squeeze into a fist again - we begin to practice.

    II. Organizational search:


    Her house is on a white cloud,

    But she is afraid of the sun's rays.

    silver fluff,

    Hexagonal. (snowflake)

    After working all day

    A blizzard swept up the mountain.

    What kind of hill? What's the name?

    You will have to answer me .(Snowdrift)

    I breathed cold and

    Not water in a stream, but ... (ice)

    The grandmother will tie their granddaughter

    So that the hands do not freeze in winter

    Keep sisters warm

    Woolen... (mittens)

    We blinded him cleverly

    There are eyes and a carrot nose

    A little warm, cry instantly

    And melts... (snowman)

    Caught on a ledge

    Head hanging down

    Little acrobat

    Winter lollipop… (icicle)

    Every bird here

    AT winter cold treat yourself

    A hut hangs on a knot

    It's called... (feeder)



    How about in Kazakh?

    Ys ailary? (Yellow? San.? Antar. A? Pan)


    What are the winds?

    What is the sun in winter?

    How is ice in Kazakh?

    What are the trees?

    How is snow in Kazakh?



    And I also have a magic snowball, with which we will now play. She?berge turamiz and put it in a magic chest related words to the word "winter

    Speaking of snow:

    - Zharaisyn, Balalar!


    Snowing, snowing

    Janitor sweeps the street

    Have fun, have fun (clapping)

    We are too lazy to help him.

    And now let's get down to business

    One two three four

    lean three, four

    And jump in place

    On the toe, then on the heel

    - Guys, it also contained words that mean good and bad. I suggest that you return these words to the magic chest by playing the game “Good - Bad”. Let's split into two teams. Your team will say - winter is bad, because ..., and yours - winter is good, because ... (children list in turn)

    - (I ask the children).


    "Attentive Eyes"

    Exercise Magic.

    (ask 2-3 people)

    So guys.

    2. Then about the weather and nature.

    3. Then what do the kids do

    Sample children's stories:

    1 child:

    2 child:

    3 child:



    What did you like more?

    What was difficult?

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"Summary of an open lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "Compilation of a descriptive story based on the painting Winter"""

Open lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "Compilation descriptive story according to the picture Winter»»

Bіlіktі Educational area: Communication

Tarau Section: Development of speech

Educator: Nurmukhambetova A.A.


learn to make separate sentences and a general plot story from a picture;

    develop the ability to independently invent a plot that does not repeat the story of comrades;

    develop coherent speech;

    activate adjectives and verbs in children's speech, coordinate them with nouns

    learn to name related words to nouns

    develop memory, attention, logical thinking;

    to cultivate love and the ability to see the beauty of winter nature.

Lesson progress:

I. Motivational and incentive:

Hello guys. Today, guests came to our lesson, let's say hello to them at Kazakh language. And now I will ask you not to be distracted by anyone, but to study with me!

And we will start the lesson with finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics"Cam":

“We will put our fists together,
Let's help our fingers
Unbend and rise
And meet each other.
Squeeze finger to finger
Unfold, bend, unfold
We squeeze into a fist again - we begin to practice.

II. Organizational search:

- Take a seat on the chairs. Guys, from our group we have prepared riddles for you, do you want to solve them? Then listen carefully, and we will look for answers among the pictures. (Presentation)

Just remember that you and I do not shout out, but we understand the hand.

You are ready? Begin. (Riddles)

Her house is on a white cloud,

But she is afraid of the sun's rays.

silver fluff,

Hexagonal... (snowflake)

After working all day

A blizzard swept up the mountain.

What kind of hill? What's the name?

You will have to answer me .(Snowdrift)

Frozen the enchanter and the lakes and the stream

I breathed cold and

Not water in a stream, but ... (ice)

The grandmother will tie their granddaughter

So that the hands do not freeze in winter

Keep sisters warm

Woolen... (mittens)

We blinded him cleverly

There are eyes and a carrot nose

A little warm, cry instantly

And melts... (snowman)

Caught on a ledge

Head hanging down

Little acrobat

Winter lollipop… (icicle)

Every bird here

In the winter cold will treat

A hut hangs on a knot

It's called... (feeder)

- Who guessed what we will talk about in our lesson? (about winter).

Guys, look what a wonderful magic chest I have. Let's open it and see what's in there. (music of the magic chest)

Yes, there is a letter! Let's read who it is from.

"Dear Guys. Hello!

The Snow Maiden is writing to you from the winter forest. We got in trouble. While Santa Claus was checking his possessions, strong snowstorms roamed in the forest and flew. They opened the magic chest of Santa Claus, where they are magic words about winter and took them away with them. Dear children, please help Santa Claus collect these words. Snow Maiden.”

Here is a letter. Let's help Santa Claus collect all the words about winter

Guys, what do you think is Santa's mood now? Certainly sad? Let's choose the right one and attach it to which step? To the lowest.

- We will leave the magic chest open and all the words about winter that we will speak will themselves add up to it.

What time of year do we have now? We answer in full.

Let's say the word "winter" quietly, loudly, slowly, quickly.

How about in Kazakh?

-Kys Ailary? (Zheltoksan. Kantar. Akpan)

Now let's remember: What happens in winter? (Reference pictures hang on the board)

What are the winds?

What is the sun in winter?

What happens in winter on the river?

How is ice in Kazakh?

What are the trees?

What happens only in winter? (Snow)

How is snow in Kazakh?

What is snow like? (It can be light, sparkling, white, cold, fluffy, prickly, loose, dirty, opaque)

What does snow do? (Walks, falls, spins, lays down, flies, flies)

- We say that snow is white, loose, opaque. Name objects that look like snow so that they are white, loose and opaque. (Mom has everything in the kitchen: flour, tea soda, salt, semolina, granulated sugar, powder)

- That's right, guys, Santa Claus probably didn't even know about it. But we know that and gradually we fill the magic chest!

In the meantime, we were talking, it really snowed on the street, and real snowflakes flew to us. See what they are . (I distribute snowflakes to the music)

Let's make our snowflakes spin. Slowly take in air through your nose. Do not puff out your cheeks, stretch your lips with a tube and blow on snowflakes.

And I also have a magic snowball, with which we will now play. Shenberge turamyz and put related words to the word "winter ". (Winter-winter, wintering, wintering, wintering) And there is such a word "winter hut", it means ...

Speaking of snow: snowball, snowy, snowman, snowflake, snowdrop, snow maiden, snowy.

- Zharaisyn, Balalar!

We worked hard, now we can relax.


Imagine that you and I are on the street. Maxim, please, have a physical minute.

It's snowing, it's snowing

Janitor sweeps the street

Have fun, have fun (clapping)

We are too lazy to help him.

We will warm up a little (tilts)

And now let's get down to business

Stretch your arms wider (turn)

One two three four

lean three, four

And jump in place

On the toe, then on the heel

So they did the exercises (claps)

We rested, now you can continue to fill the magic chest.

- Guys, it also contained words that mean good and bad. I suggest that you return these words to the magic chest by playing the game “Good - Bad”. Let's split into two teams. Your team will say - winter is bad, because ..., and yours - winter is good, because ... (children list in turn)

Well done boys. Now let Santa Claus know what happens to us in winter, not only bad, but also good and fun.

And now I invite you to go to the tables and see what is prepared for you there. ( On the tables of each child are plot pictures about winter activities

- Look carefully at your pictures and make sentences based on them. (I ask the children).

- Now look closely at my picture (I put the painting “Winter Entertainment” on the easel).

So that we can see better, let's go to the TV.

"Attentive Eyes"

Let's take the "spyglass". And who will tell me what a spyglass is? Let's look into the distance, at the picture tell me what you see? (Needs to be named as more objects)

Can you tell me what to call it? (push the children to the name winter activities)

Exercise Magic.

Now close your eyes and imagine that you "stand in our picture."

How good it is here. The air is frosty, it seems that it pricks the cheeks (rub the cheeks). The trees are covered with white caps, as if they have grown into the snow. The sorceress winter triumphs, rules. Everything is frozen. Little Christmas trees, dressed in elegant white dresses, froze. How many guys went out for a walk on the street on a sunny winter day.

Talk about your feelings. Dasha, did you imagine yourself in this picture? How are you, what did you feel? (ask 2-3 people)

And now guys, in order for our chest to fill up, I would like us to make up this picture short stories.

Collective compilation story plan.

What words would you start your story with? (The sorceress winter has come)

What will you talk about next? (About where the snow lies, about the trees, about the weather.)

How will you end the story? (A description of the mood from the picture. About where the children went after the walk.)

So guys.

1. First you will talk about the time of year.

2. Then about the weather and nature.

3. Then what do the kids do

4. What mood does this picture evoke in you.56. And finish your story about what happened after the walk.

Sample children's stories:

1 child: The cold has come snowy winter. The sun is shining, but it does not warm. The sky is blue, low. The ground is covered in white fluffy snow. The children went for a walk. Children are dressed warmly, in winter. They are wearing winter coats, fur coats, fur hats, scarves, mittens, felt boots.

2 child: It was a winter, sunny day. The children went outside. They made a snowman. Sasha puts a bucket on a snowman. Anya brought a carrot for her nose. Instead of the eyes of the snowman, the children put coals. Very nice snowman!

3 child: Here the children go sledding. Lena and Maxim quickly leave the mountain. Vanya and Petya drove down the mountain and fell into a snowdrift. They don't cry, they have fun. The river is frozen, covered with ice. Children skate on the ice. The kids have fun in the winter.

III. Reflective-corrective:

- While we were talking about winter, making up stories from the picture, Santa Claus's magic chest was full. Now you can send it to the winter forest to Santa Claus.

What do you think, what is the mood of Santa Claus now? And why?

Yes, I also think that he will be very pleased that we helped him.

- How do we send it? (Children's answers: on a sleigh, through the mail, we'll wait until he comes to us).

With this, it is time for us to end our lesson. Did you like it?

What did you like more?

What was difficult?

And how did you feel when you made up stories and helped Grandfather Frost?

And, of course, the Snow Maiden, when she asked us for help, knew that we could handle this a simple task and sent you another chest, but tighter with gifts like these silver snowflakes, as a sign that you all did a good job today. Well done!

Program content:

- to teach children to coherently compose a plot story based on a picture, observing consistency, accuracy and expressiveness;

- learn to choose definitions, make phrases with given words, exercise in word formation;

- develop intonational expressiveness of speech, exercise in changing the strength of the voice.

visual material: Painting "Fox with cubs".

Preliminary work: Examination of paintings depicting wild animals, a conversation about the life and habits of a fox in different time years, reading Russian folk tales about the fox, guessing riddles and pronouncing tongue-twisters.

Lesson progress

Children enter the group and before sitting on a chair, each of them names a wild animal.

Educator: - Guess the riddle

- Fluffy tail

golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

Yes, that's right - it's a wild animal fox. And this riddle, small, but exact description her appearance and behavior. And now, all attention to the stand.

On the stand is the painting "Fox with cubs"

The teacher addresses the children:

Look closely at this picture and think of a name for it.

(From all the options proposed by the children, the most suitable one is selected.)

Educator: - Pay attention to the fox and tell me what it is? How she looks like?

Children: - Red, golden, fluffy, long-tailed.

Educator: - Remember what habits the fox has. What can she do?

Children: - Cunning, agile, dexterous. She is a predator, a hunter.

Educator: - And what words are used to call a fox in fairy tales?

Children: - Chanterelle, fox, fox-sister, Lisa Patrikeevna, cunning cheat.

Educator: - What words can you pick up when talking about fox fur?

Children: - Fluffy, soft, warm.

Educator: - What else can be fluffy? (Hat, fur coat, scarf, socks, collar.)

What else can be soft? (Pillow, feather bed, cotton wool.)

What else could be warm? (Jacket, mittens, wind, weather.)

Think, guys, how many words can have the same qualities, fit the same description. This tells us about the ambiguity of the meaning of the word. And who is next to the fox?

Children: - Fox cubs, fox cubs.

Educator: - That's right, they are also called puppies, since foxes belong to the canine family and, like all dogs, foxes can yelp.

And now the game "Come up with a word"

The fox has a long beautiful tail. How can it be called in one word?

Children: - Long-tailed.

Educator: - If the fox is very cunning, then how to say about such a fox?

Children: - Cunning.

Educator: - Name the fox cub affectionately.

Children: - Fox.

Educator: - That's right, and now we'll play the game " Sly Fox»

Mobile game "Cunning Fox".

Educator: - You can use all the words that you just remembered when you make up a story. Think about what you will call it. You can use the ones you gave at the beginning of the lesson.

Children present their stories. After each story, an assessment is given for the content, use interesting words and expressions, the absence of errors in presentation. Special attention focus on the end of the story.

Educator: - Please say the phrase “Sasha met a fox in the forest” loudly, quietly and in a whisper.

That's all. Our lesson is over, thank you all.

Speech therapist Postol Tatyana Viktorovna, higher qualification category; Chelyabinsk region, Snezhinsk, municipal budgetary preschool

educational institution "Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 21"


  1. Pin skill purposeful perception visual content of paintings, analysis of the depicted situation.
  2. Continue to teach children how to write a story based on a series of plot pictures, the sequence of which serves as a story plan.
  3. Develop the ability to reproduce previous and subsequent events based on the depicted action.
  4. Learn to emotionally convey the feelings of the character.
  5. To form the skill of planning a coherent detailed statement.
  6. To teach children logic, coherence, sequence of statements, to develop Creative skills preschoolers.
  7. Improve and reinforce lexical and grammatical means language.
  8. Teaching children to speak personal opinion by plot.
  9. Activate vocabulary by topic "Fruit" .
  10. Develop visual, holistic perception.
  11. Teach children to establish cause and effect relationships.
  12. Develop the ability to listen and evaluate the story of a friend.

Equipment: ball, a series of paintings Stamp "Found a way out" .

Lesson progress

1. Organizing moment

The game "Guess the fruit by the first syllable" :

Gru… (pear), whether ... (lemon), man… (mandarin), per… (peach), I would… (Apple), in and… (grape), ba… (banana).

2. Introduction to the topic.

Speech therapist: Which of you likes fruits, berries?

(Children list.)

Speech teacher: How much can you eat at one time?

(Answers are heard.)

Speech therapist: But one charming boy with funny freckles was once alone with a huge bowl of ripe cherries ...

3. Demo three pictures putting them in the correct order.

Speech therapist: This boy. Let's think of a name for him. (Children come up with a name for the boy.) Look at the pictures, think about what happened at the beginning, what happened later, how it all ended.

4. Consideration of each picture separately, conversation on the content.

1 picture.

Where is Vitya?

How did Vitya end up in the garden? (Answer options are heard.)

Where did the bowl of cherries come from?

What is the mood of Vitya? Why?

What is the boy thinking?

Let's start our story.

(“One Saturday, my mother and Vitya went to the garden to my grandmother. Grandmother was very happy with Vitya. She collected a huge bowl of ripe cherries for him, put it on the table in front of Vitya and said: “Help yourself, Vitenka.” )

How did Vitya eat cherries?

What was the cherry?

What appeared on the table? What are the bones?

Let's continue our story.

(“Vitya tried the cherry and was surprised: “Oh, what a delicious, sweet, juicy cherry! The boy really liked the cherry. He began to eat it with pleasure. A pile of cherry pits began to appear on the table. .)

There were more and more cherries in the bowl... (less), and there were more and more bones on the table ... (more).

How is Vitya sitting?

Why did he collapse on the bench?

What is his face?

What is he thinking about?

(“Vitya ate everything and ate berries. There were less and less cherries in the bowl, and more and more seeds on the table. Vitya did not notice how he ate almost all the cherries. He ate too much, collapsed on the bench and said: "That's it, I can't eat cherries anymore!" )

4th picture is upside down.

Complete this story. Draw your picture on a blank sheet.

(The options for ending the story are listened to. The imagination of the children is encouraged. After the statements, the 4th picture is turned over.)

The artist completed this story in his own way.

(The last picture is considered.)

What did Vitya do?

Why did he cover his mouth with a scarf?

Look at mom.

What is her face like?

Why was mom scared?

What did she say to her son?

(“Vitya could not resist. The hand reached out and reached for the berries. Vitya tied his mouth with a scarf so that he would no longer eat cherries. Then my mother came, saw an empty bowl and cried out: “Vitya, why did you eat all the cherries at once? You will feel bad, your stomach will hurt! Do not be greedy, you need to eat a little!” )


The game "Harvesting" - on the name of fruits, children rise on toes, hands up, on the name of vegetables - squat.

5. Coming up with a story title.

This story can be called in different ways. Who has any suggestions?


delicious cherry

Found a way out

Incident in the garden

How Victor ate cherries

6. Children's stories.


One Saturday, my mother and Vitya went to the garden to see my grandmother. Grandmother was very happy with Vitya. She collected a huge bowl of ripe cherries for him, put it on the table in front of Vitya and said: "Help yourself, Vitenka" . Victor was very happy and said: “Thank you, grandma! These are my favorite berries!

Vitya tried the cherry and was surprised: “Oh, what a delicious, sweet, juicy cherry! The boy really liked the cherry. He began to enjoy eating it. A pile of cherry pits began to appear on the table.

Vitya could not resist. The hand reached out and reached for the berries. Vitya tied his mouth with a scarf so that he would no longer eat cherries. Then my mother came, saw an empty bowl and cried out: “Vitya, why did you eat all the cherries at once? You will feel bad, your stomach will hurt! Do not be greedy, you need to eat a little!”

The work of children in the classroom, the quality of the stories are evaluated.

Series of paintings "Found a way out"

Drawing up a descriptive story on the theme "Winter" in the preparatory group of the kindergarten

Zinaida Arkadievna Startseva, educator MBDOU"Kindergarten No. 40" Maisky Perm Territory
Description: GCD abstract is designed to work with older children preschool age. This development will be of interest to preschool teachers for conducting conversations on winter topics. The abstract can be used for work in full, or in fragments.
GCD speech and speech communication
Educational areas: speech development, cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Topic: Compilation of a descriptive story on the theme "Winter".
Target: developing creative storytelling skills.
1. To develop the ability of children to use when compiling a descriptive story figurative words and expressions, based on previously acquired knowledge and ideas.
2. Promote skill improvement monologue speech children.
3. Create conditions for the development of children's skills to select definitions for given words.
4. Improve the ability to make a sentence in the game "Live Words".
5. Cultivate love for native nature.
Preliminary work:
viewing paintings and illustrations on the theme "Winter",
view slides by topic of the lesson,
drawing, application on the theme "Winter"
observing winter phenomena while walking,
talking about bird food, making feeders, treating feathered friends, bird watching;
excursion to the winter forest,
experimenting with water, snow and ice,
reading winter stories
repetition of riddles, proverbs, folk signs about winter.

Materials and equipment:
exhibition of reproductions of paintings by I. I. Shishkin "Winter", "Winter in the Forest" ("Hoarfrost"), V. G. Tsyplakov "Frost and Sun";
exhibition of illustrations on the theme " winter nature»;
schemes for compiling a story (several options);
tape recorder, audio recording Classics for kids A. Vivaldi “Seasons. Winter. February";
a small fluffy snowflake, rabbit and squirrel toys;
notepad and pen for writing stories.
Lesson progress:
Educator: Children, I suggest you listen to the music for a few minutes, then each of you will express your opinion: what does the music tell you, what did you hear in the sounds of music.
Children's answers: winter, wind, blizzard, snow is spinning ..
Educator: right, this work is called "The Seasons - Winter - February", the composer Antonio Vivaldi wrote winter music.
A lot of magical music, beautiful paintings and poems have been written about winter. I suggest you read and play one of the poems of the Russian poet Ivan Surikov.
White snow, fluffy - "flashlights" - rotation with the hands
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet - "flashlights" - slowly rotating with the hands, lower down
Falling, laying down.
And in the morning with snow - hands forward with palms down, “smooth” the field in front of you
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.
Dark forest with a hat - raise your hands up, fold over your head with a "triangle"
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her - palms under the cheek, eyes close
Strong, unshakable...

The days got shorter - hands in front of you, palms slightly apart
The sun shines a little - fingers open like a fan (sun), hands up, and quickly lowered
Here comes the frost - stride vigorously in place
And winter has come - "welcome": stretch your arms forward with open palms up
(for each line, children depict with their hands what is said in the poem, you can improvise)
Educator: Today we will come up with beautiful stories about winter. Let's clarify how winter differs from other seasons?
Children's answers: it is cold in winter, snowdrifts, the trees are bare, the days are short gloomy, it often snows...
Educator: What happens in cold weather with water in rivers, lakes and ponds?
Children's answers: water turns into thick transparent ice, rivers freeze, covered with snow and ice...
Educator: What words can you use to describe the weather in winter?
Children's answers: cold, frosty, snowy, blizzard, blizzard, windy, sunny, cloudy...
Educator: How do trees live in winter?
Children's answers: the trees are sad, they hide from the frost in snow coats and hats, they sleep under the snow, covered with snow, they rest ...

Educator: How do birds and animals live in winter?
Children's answers: it is cold for birds and animals in a big frost, animals get their own food, move a lot ... Birds must be fed.
Educator: You are right, people say: "The cold is not so terrible for birds as hunger."
Snow covers the grass and shrubs with a dense cover, which “treated” the birds with their seeds, so many birds move closer to human habitation in search of food. You are great, do not forget to bring seeds and cereals for the birds.

Educator: takes out a snowflake, which she previously hid so that the children would not immediately notice it. Oh, look, snowflake, she probably wants us to whisper a word to her. I propose to whisper a word to the snowflake about what snow is like. Let me start? My word: sparkling. I pass the snowflake to you, and you to each other.
Children whisper words to the snowflake: cold, shiny, fluffy, wet, sticky, soft, hard, loose, different, crunchy, white, colorful under the sun...
Educator: Oh, what clever girls, how many snow words have been named, let the snowflake stay with us. And I suggest you get up and "walk in the snow." Imagine: the snow has just fallen deep, soft fluffy, we are walking through the snowdrifts. Is it easy to go? Happy or sad? (children's answers)
Educator: The weather has changed, the sky is clear, the sun has come out, frost has hit, we are walking along the cleared paths, imagine? What do you hear when you walk through the snow in clear frosty weather?
Children's answers: snow crunches, creaks, "sings" a song...

Educator: What words do you want to say about winter, what is it like?
Children's answers: snowy, frosty, cold, blizzard, beautiful, sparkling, brilliant, sad, sad, funny, long, boring...
Educator: Many different beautiful words were named about winter, about winter weather. Let's try to come up with interesting stories. Who needs help, take a hint (diagram).

Whoever wants to do it himself, composes a story without a hint, I wish everyone success. Required condition: in the story, describe what weather, what sun, what wind, what snow. Use in your stories the words that we have chosen when talking about snow, weather, winter.
Look what I have?
Children's answers: notebook, pen.
In a beautiful notebook with a beautiful pen, I will write down your beautiful stories. Most best stories we will print, draw pictures for them and arrange them in a book for parents so that moms and dads can see how much you can do, how talented you are.
Children make up stories: one child tells, the rest listen, if necessary, help, suggest beautiful words. If the stories are long, listen to 2-3 children.

Educator: children who did not have time to talk about winter, do not be upset, I will definitely listen to you and write down all the stories. I suggest you get some rest.
Dynamic pause"Winter"
Winter is on the street - we spread our arms to the sides
Uh, it's getting colder - stroking ourselves, "trembling"
We need clothes much warmer - shaking with index finger
Whose mittens? - hands forward, stroking
My! - hands towards you
Whose hat? - hands to head
My! - hands towards you
Whose scarf? - hands to the neck
My! - hands towards you
Let's go for a walk with you - find a couple and walk, "walk" in the group
Nice to walk in winter

AT winter forest peace and quiet
And it's time for us to go home.
Educator: we return to our places, we are waiting for the next Game "Give me a word".
you named a lot different words about winter and snow. Listen and try to guess what I will talk about: snowy, cold, frosty, blizzard ...
Children's answers: winter weather.
Educator: sparkling, crispy, cold…
Children's answers: snow, frost.
Educator: northern, icy, strong…
Children answer: wind.
Educator: big, fluffy, soft...
Children answer: snowdrifts.
Educator: thick, transparent, cold…
Children answer: ice.
Educator: did an excellent job with the tasks. Another friend for you game "Live words". Who can tell the rules of this game?
Children's answers: children are given words, children-words stand in order, holding each other's hands.
Educator: Who wants to be the word? Whoever raised his hand first chooses two more comrades for the game.

The teacher “distributes” the words to the children: “trees” are “covered” with “snow”
and proposes to build a proposal. Next, the teacher offers the inactive child to check whether the living words are built correctly. The game is played twice. If living words make a mistake, local children correct them.
caregiver picks up a white napkin, under it toys a hare and a squirrel
Look, the forest animals are hiding here. How many of you know the tongue twister about these animals?
If the children find it difficult, the teacher reads the tongue twister herself: “White snow, white chalk, the white hare is also white, but the squirrel is not white, it was not even white.

Next, the teacher calls several children (from among those who were inactive in the lesson) and offers to pronounce the tongue twister slowly, at a moderate pace, quickly.
Educator: Forest guests and a snowflake will stay with us, you can play with them in free time. Ahead of us is the design of the book of stories. Children, you brought me joy today with your beautiful stories. I enjoyed playing speech games with you.
What was the most interesting for you today? What task was the most difficult? (children's answers)
Educator: Whoever thinks that today he coped with all the tasks, he pats himself on the head and says, boys: “I’m done!”, girls: “I’m smart and intelligent!” Thank you all for your work in class.

1. "Classes on the development of speech in kindergarten”, edited by O. S. Ushakova, . M., "Perfection" 1998
2. Shvaiko G. S. “Games and game exercises for the development of speech", M., "Enlightenment" 1988