What is the maximum depth of the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantic Ocean: geographical location, general information

Hello, dear readers! Today is the time to pay attention to the waters on Earth. Precisely, we will stipulate Atlantic Ocean. We learn all the main features of the Atlantic Ocean, its characteristics ...

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean (after). Its area with the seas is 91.6 million km2, the average depth is 3600 m, and the volume of water is 329.7 million km3, the maximum depth is 8742 m (Puerto Rico Trench). Almost all large bays (Guinea, Biscay) and seas (Northern, Caribbean, Baltic, Black, Mediterranean) are located in the Northern Hemisphere.

In the Southern Hemisphere there are such seas: the Lazarev Sea, near, the Scotia Sea, the Weddell Sea. The main groups of islands in the Atlantic Ocean: Newfoundland, Great Britain, the Greater and Lesser Antilles, Ireland, the Cape Verde Islands, the Canary Islands, the Falklands (Malvinas).

General characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean.

The meridional Mid-Atlantic Ridge divides the Atlantic Ocean into the Western and Eastern parts (the depth above it in the west is 5000-6000 m, and in the east about 3000 m). The temperature of the water on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean near the equator is up to 28 ° C, in high latitudes water freezes. The salinity of the water is 34-37.3‰.

Surface currents form a cyclonic circulation in the southern high and northern temperate latitudes, and an anticyclonic circulation in the subtropical latitudes. The northern subtropical gyre consists of the warm North Trade Winds and the Gulf Stream and the cold Canary Current, the Southern one consists of the warm South Facade and Brazilian and cold West Winds and the Bengal Currents.

From the Arctic Ocean to the south along the coast North America the cold Labrador current is heading. In the north, the continuation of the Gulf Stream is the warm North Atlantic Current. The highest tides in the Bay of Fundy, 18 m.

Fisheries are developed (cod, hake, herring, sea bass, tuna) - 2/5 of the world catch. Oil in the Atlantic Ocean is produced on the shelves North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea. Coastal offshore deposits of diamonds (Southwest Africa), zircon, ilmenite, rutile (USA, Brazil), sulfur ( Gulf of Mexico), manganese iron ore(Canada, USA, Finland).

Also, the Atlantic Ocean occupies a leading position in world navigation. The most important ports: New York, Rotterdam, Houston, Boston, Hamburg, Marseille, London, Genoa, Havana, Dakar, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Odessa, St. Petersburg.

North Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean is divided into northern and southern parts, the boundary is conventionally drawn along the equator. But, if you look from an oceanographic point of view, then the equatorial countercurrent, located at 5-8 ° north latitude, must be attributed to the southern part. Mostly northern border carried out in the Arctic Circle. This boundary is marked in places by underwater ridges. The coastline of the Atlantic Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere is very severely cut. Its relatively narrow northern part connects with the Northern Arctic Ocean three narrow channels.

The Davis Strait, 360 km wide, in the northeast connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Baffin Sea, which belong to Arctic Ocean. The Danish Strait (at its narrowest point, its width is 287 km) is located in the central part between Iceland and Greenland. The Norwegian Sea is located in the northeast between Norway and Iceland, its width is about 1220 km.

In the east, 2 deep water areas are separated from the Atlantic Ocean, which enter the land. The more northern of these areas begins with the northern sea, which in the east passes into the Baltic Sea with the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland. To the south there is a system of inland seas - the Mediterranean and the Black - total length about 4000 km. The ocean connects with the Mediterranean Sea in the Strait of Gibraltar, in which there are two oppositely directed currents. The lower position is occupied by the current, which is directed from mediterranean sea into the Atlantic Ocean, since the Mediterranean waters are characterized by greater salinity, and hence greater density. In the tropical zone in the southeast in North Atlantic located the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, which is connected to the ocean by the Strait of Florida.

The coast of North America is cut by small bays (Barnegat, Palmico, Delaware, Chesapeake Bay, and Long Island Sound). To the northwest are the Bays of St. Lawrence and Fundy, Belle Isle Sound, Hudson Bay, and Hudson Strait.

Western part of the Atlantic ocean is surrounded by a shelf, the width of which varies. The shelf is cut by deep gorges, the so-called submarine canyons. Their origin still causes scientific debate. According to one theory, the canyons were cut by rivers when the ocean level was lower than today. Another theory connects their formation with the activity of kalamut currents. It has been suggested that it is these currents that are the causes of sediment deposition on the ocean floor and cut through submarine canyons.

The bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean has a complex relief formed by a combination of underwater ridges, elevations of basins and gorges. Most of ocean floor, with depths of about 60 m and up to several kilometers, is covered with a thin sea, a deposit of dark blue or bluish-green color. A relatively small area is occupied by rocky outcrops and areas of gravel-pebble and sandy deposits, as well as deep-water red clays on the shelf. In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, telephone and telegraph cables were laid to connect North America with northwestern Europe. Here, the areas of industrial fishing, which are among the most productive in the world, are confined to the area of ​​the North Atlantic shelf. In the central part of the Atlantic Ocean there is a huge underwater mountain range about 16 thousand kilometers long, known as .

This ridge divides the ocean into two approximately equal parts. A significant part of the peaks of this underwater ridge does not even reach the surface of the ocean and is located at a depth of at least 1.5 km. Some of the highest peaks rise above sea level and form the Azores in the North Atlantic and Tristan da Cunha in the South. In the south, the range overtakes the coast of Africa and continues further north into the Indian Ocean. A rift zone extends along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Surface currents in the North Atlantic Ocean move clockwise. The main elements of this big system are the northward warm Gulf Stream, and North Atlantic, Canarian and northern trade wind currents. The Gulf Stream flows from the Strait of Florida and the island of Cuba in a northerly direction along the coast of the United States and deviates to the northeast by about forty degrees north latitude, changing its name to the North Atlantic Current. This current is divided into two branches, one of which goes to the northeast along the coast of Norway and then the Arctic Ocean. It is thanks to her that the climate of Norway and the whole northwestern Europe much warmer than would be expected in northern latitudes. The second branch turns south and further southwest along the coast of Africa, forming the cold Canary Current. This current moves to the southwest and joins the North Equatorial Current, which heads west towards the West Indies, where it merges with the Gulf Stream. To the north of the North Passat Current is an area of ​​stagnant water, rich in algae and known as the Sargasso Sea.

Along the North Atlantic coast of North America, a cold weather passes from north to south. Labrador Current, which emerges from the Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea and cools the coast of New England. (There is a Labrador Current in the picture, it is not in the upper picture with the currents of the North Atlantic Ocean. All the currents of the Atlantic Ocean are here).

South Atlantic Ocean.

Some experts attribute everything to the Atlantic Ocean in the south. body of water all the way to the Antarctic ice sheet; others take for southern border Atlantic an imaginary line connecting Cape Horn in South America with the Cape Good Hope in Africa. The coastline in the South Atlantic Ocean is less indented than in the North. There are also no inland seas.

The only large bay on the African coast is Guinea. On the coast South America large bays are also few. The southernmost edge of this continent is Tierra del Fuego- has a rugged coastline surrounded by numerous small islands.

In addition to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, South Atlantic There are two main underwater mountain ranges.

The whale range extends from the southwestern edge of Angola to the island of Tristan da Cunha, where it joins the Mid-Atlantic. The strand of Rio de Janeiro stretches from the islands of Tristan da Cunha to the city of Rio de Janeiro and is a group of separate underwater hills.

The main current systems in the South Atlantic move counterclockwise. The South Tradewind current is directed to the west. Near the protrusion of the eastern coast of Brazil, it is divided into two branches: the northern one carries water along north coast South America to the Caribbean while the South is warm brazilian current, moves along the coast of Brazil and joins the current West Winds or Antarctic which heads east and then northeast. Part of this cold current separates and carries its waters north along the African coast, forming the cold Benguela Current; the latter eventually joins the Northern Equatorial Current. The warm Guinea Current heads south along the coast of Northwest Africa to the Gulf of Guinea.

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Atlantic ocean map

Ocean area - 91.6 million square kilometers;
Maximum depth - Puerto Rico trench, 8742 m;
Number of seas - 16;
The largest seas are the Sargasso Sea, the Caribbean Sea, the Mediterranean Sea;
The largest bay is the Gulf of Mexico;
Most big islands– UK, Iceland, Ireland;
The strongest currents:
- warm - Gulf Stream, Brazilian, Northern Tradewind, Southern Tradewind;
- cold - Bengal, Labrador, Canary, West Winds.
The Atlantic Ocean occupies the entire space from subarctic latitudes to Antarctica. It borders the Pacific Ocean in the southwest, the Indian Ocean in the southeast, and the Arctic Ocean in the north. In the northern hemisphere coastline continents, which are washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean, is heavily indented. There are many inland seas, especially in the east.
The Atlantic Ocean is considered a relatively young ocean. The mid-Atlantic ridge, which stretches almost strictly along the meridian, divides the ocean floor into two approximately identical parts. In the north, individual peaks of the ridge rise above the water in the form volcanic islands, the largest of which is Iceland.
The shelf part of the Atlantic Ocean is not large - 7%. The greatest width of the shelf, 200 - 400 km, is in the area of ​​the North and Baltic Seas.

The Atlantic Ocean is located in all climatic zones, but most of it is in tropical and temperate latitudes. Climatic conditions here are determined by trade winds and westerly winds. greatest strength winds reach in the temperate latitudes of the South Atlantic Ocean. In the area of ​​the island of Iceland is the center of the origin of cyclones, which significantly affect the nature of the entire Northern Hemisphere.
Average temperatures surface water much lower in the Atlantic than in the Pacific. This is due to the influence of cold waters and ice that come from the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica. In high latitudes, there are many icebergs and drifting ice floes. In the north, icebergs slide off Greenland, and in the south, from Antarctica. Today, the movement of icebergs is monitored from space by piece satellites of the earth.
Currents in the Atlantic Ocean have a meridional direction and are characterized by strong movement activity. water masses from one latitude to another.
The organic world of the Atlantic Ocean is poorer in species composition than that of the Pacific. This is explained by the geological youth and cooler climatic conditions. But, despite this, the stocks of fish and other marine animals and plants in the ocean are quite significant. The organic world is richer in temperate latitudes. More favorable conditions for the residence of many species of fish have developed in the northern and northwestern parts ocean, where there are less flows of warm and cold currents. Here, cod, herring, sea bass, mackerel, capelin are of industrial importance.
They are distinguished by their originality natural complexes individual seas and the inflow of the Atlantic Ocean. This is especially true of the inland seas: the Mediterranean, Black, North and Baltic. In the northern subtropical zone is located, unique in nature, the Sargas Sea. The giant Sargassum seaweed, which is abundant in the sea, has made it famous.
There are important sea routes across the Atlantic Ocean that connect New World with European and African countries. On the coast and islands of the Atlantic there are world-famous areas of recreation and tourism.
The Atlantic Ocean has been explored since ancient times. Since the 15th century, the Atlantic Ocean has become the main waterway of mankind and does not lose its significance today. The first period of ocean research lasted until the middle of the 18th century. He was characterized by the study of the distribution of ocean waters and the establishment of the boundaries of the ocean. Comprehensive study nature of the Atlantic began from the end 19th century.
The nature of the ocean in our time has been studied more since 40 scientific ships from different countries peace. Oceanologists carefully study the interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere, observe the Gulf Stream and other currents, and the movement of icebergs. The Atlantic Ocean is no longer able to independently restore its biological resources. Preservation of its nature today is an international matter.
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The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and deepest. Its area is 91.7 million km2. The average depth is 3597 m, and the maximum depth is 8742 m. The length from north to south is 16,000 km. The geographical position of the Atlantic Ocean The ocean extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the coast of Antarctica in the south. To the south, the Drake Passage separates the Atlantic Ocean from […]

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean on Earth. This is the most studied and mastered by people ocean. The Atlantic Ocean washes the shores of all continents except Australia. Its length is 13 thousand km (along the meridian 30 W), and the greatest width is 6700 km. The ocean has many seas and bays. In the structure of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, there are three main parts: […]

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean after the Pacific. Its area is much smaller and amounts to 91.6 million km2. About a quarter of this area falls on shelf seas. The coastline is very indented, primarily in the Northern Hemisphere, in the Southern Hemisphere it is relatively flat. The ocean washes all continents except Australia. Islands located in the ocean are located near the continents. […]

The name Atlantic came to us from ancient times. Scientists believe that it is connected with the name of the Atlas Mountains in northwestern Africa. Hence, the Atlantic Sea in the time of Homer and Hesiod literally meant "the sea beyond the Atlas Mountains". Later, the Greeks began to designate the south of the part of the modern Atlantic Ocean known to them, and the waters adjacent to Europe called it the Outer Sea, […]

All species are present in the Atlantic Ocean economic activity man in the sea. Among them highest value have sea ​​transport, then - underwater oil and gas production, only then - catch and use biological resources. More than 70 coastal countries with a population of over 1.3 billion people are located on the shores of the Atlantic. Many transoceanic routes cross the ocean from […]

In the Atlantic Ocean, everything is isolated zonal complexesnatural belts, except for the north polar. The waters of the northern subpolar belt are rich in life. It is especially developed on the shelves off the coasts of Iceland, Greenland and the Labrador Peninsula. The temperate zone is characterized by intense interaction between cold and warm waters, its waters are the most productive areas of the Atlantic. Vast expanses of warm waters of two subtropical, two tropical […]

The Atlantic Ocean is poorer in species in the composition of flora and fauna than the Pacific. One of the reasons for this is its relative geological youth and a noticeable cooling in the Quaternary period during the glaciation of the northern hemisphere. However, in quantitative terms, the ocean is rich in organisms - it is the most productive per unit area. This is primarily due to the wide development of shelves and shallow […]

The zonality of water masses in the ocean is complicated by the influence of land and sea ​​currents. This is manifested primarily in the temperature distribution of surface waters. In many areas of the ocean, the isotherms near the coast deviate sharply from the latitudinal direction. The northern half of the ocean is warmer than the southern one, the temperature difference reaches 6°С. The average surface water temperature (16.5°C) is slightly lower than in the Pacific Ocean. Cooling […]

In the Atlantic, as in the Pacific Ocean, two rings are formed surface currents. In the northern hemisphere, the North Equatorial Current, the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic and Canary Currents form the movement of waters in a clockwise direction. In the southern hemisphere, the South Trade Winds, the Brazilian, the West Winds and the Benguela move the waters counterclockwise. Due to the significant length of the Atlantic Ocean from north to south […]

The Atlantic Ocean is located in all climatic zones of the Earth. The main part of the ocean area is between 40°N. and 42° S - is located in subtropical, tropical, subequatorial and equatorial climatic zones. There are high positive air temperatures all year round. The most severe climate is in the subantarctic and antarctic latitudes, in lesser degree- subpolar, northern latitudes. The climate of the Atlantic Ocean (over […]

Oil and gas reserves have been discovered on the shelf of the North Sea, in the Mexican, Guinean and Bays of Biscay. Phosphorite deposits discovered in the area of ​​deep water rise off the coast North Africa in tropical latitudes. Placer deposits of tin off the coast of Great Britain and Florida, as well as diamond deposits off the coast of Southwest Africa, have been found on the shelf in the sediments of ancient and modern rivers. […]

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge passes through the entire ocean (at approximately the same distance from the coasts of the continents). The relative height of the ridge is about 2 km. Transverse faults divide it into separate segments. In the axial part of the ridge there is a giant rift valley 6 to 30 km wide and up to 2 km deep. The rift and faults of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are confined to both underwater […]

The Atlantic Ocean stretches from north to south for 16,000 km from subarctic to antarctic latitudes. The ocean is wide in the north and southern parts, narrows in equatorial latitudes to 2900 km. In the north it communicates with the Arctic Ocean, and in the south it is widely connected with the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Bounded by the shores of North and South America - […]

The western and southwestern outskirts of Russia are washed by the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The Baltic Sea forms gulfs off the coast of the country, on the banks of which large ports are located. AT Gulf of Finland St. Petersburg is located on the Pregola River, which flows into the Vistula Bay - Kaliningrad. To the southwest is Black and Sea of ​​Azov where there are also large bays. In the Black Sea - the Karakinit Bay and […]

The Atlantic Ocean is bounded by the shores of Europe and Africa in the east, North and South America - in the west. Due to the meridional strike, natural belts from the northern subpolar to the southern polar are found in it, which determines the diversity of its natural conditions. However, the main part of its spaces lies between 40 ° N. sh. and 42°S sh. in subtropical, tropical and […]

Within the Atlantic Ocean, all physiographic zones are clearly represented, except for the northern polar one. The northern subpolar (subarctic) belt covers the waters off Greenland and the Labrador Peninsula. In winter, the air temperature drops to -20°, water to -1°C and below. The ocean is partially covered with ice in winter. Ice formation causes additional raise salinity of water and its immersion to a depth. In the spring […]

The organic world of the Atlantic Ocean in species relation poorer than the organic world of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, but quantitatively - the richest (260 kg / km2) due to the wide development of the shelf. The poverty of the species composition is largely associated with the relative youth of the ocean, its long isolation from other oceans, and the strong cooling of the climate in the Quaternary. For distribution organic life strongly […]

The climatic conditions of the Atlantic Ocean determine the features of its hydrological regime. Waves in the Atlantic Ocean Wave formation in the Atlantic Ocean depends on the nature of the prevailing winds over certain areas. The region of the most frequent storms extends north of 40°N. sh. and south of 40°S sh. The height of the waves during long and very strong storms can reach 20-26 m. But […]

The climate of the Atlantic Ocean is determined by its huge meridional extent, the nature of atmospheric circulation and the ability to water surface significantly equalize the annual temperature variation. The oceanic climate is generally characterized by small fluctuations in air temperature. In the Atlantic Ocean at the equator they are less than 1 °C, in subtropical latitudes 5 °C, and at 60 ° N. sh. and yu. sh. - 10 °C. Only […]

Deep-sea sediments consist of silts, named after the smallest organisms, the remains of which are found in the soil in the greatest amount. Among deep-sea deposits, the most common are foraminiferal silts, which occupy 65% ​​of the area of ​​the ocean floor and the mid-ocean ridge. The Atlantic Ocean is a part of the World Ocean, which is characterized by the penetration far to the north of heat-loving foraminifera, which is associated with the warming effect of the […]

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and youngest ocean on Earth, distinguished by its unique topography and natural features.

The best resorts are located on its banks, and the richest resources are hidden in its bowels.

Research history

Long before the advent of our era, the Atlantic was an important trade, economic and military route. The ocean was named after the ancient Greek mythological hero- Atlanta. For the first time, mention is found in the writings of Herodotus.

Sailing routes of Christopher Columbus

For many centuries, more and more new straits, islands were opened, there were disputes over maritime territory and ownership of the islands. But he nevertheless discovered the Atlantic, who led the expedition and discovered most of the geographical objects.

Antarctica, and at the same time the southern border sea ​​waters discovered by Russian researchers F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev.

Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean

The area of ​​the ocean is 91.6 million km². It, like the Pacific Ocean, washes 5 continents. The volume of water in it is a little more than a quarter of the oceans. It has an interesting elongated shape.

The average depth is 3332 m, the maximum depth is in the area of ​​the Puerto Rico Trench and is 8742 m.

The maximum salinity of the water reaches 39% (Mediterranean Sea), in some areas 37%. There are also the freshest areas with an indicator of 18%.

Geographical position

The Atlantic Ocean in the north washes the shores of the island of Greenland. Touches from the west eastern shores North and South America. In the south lie established boundaries with the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

This is where the waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet.

They are determined along the meridian of Cape Agulhas and Cape Horn, respectively, reaching up to the glaciers of Antarctica. In the east, the waters wash Eurasia and Africa.


For water temperature strong influence cold currents moving in the direction from the Arctic Ocean.

Warm currents are trade winds that affect the waters near the equator. It is here that the warm Gulf Stream originates, passing through the Caribbean Sea, which makes the climate of the coastal countries of Europe much warmer.

The cold Labrador Current flows along the coast of North America.

Climate and climatic zones

The Atlantic Ocean is all over climatic zones. On the temperature regime strongly influenced by westerly winds, trade winds and monsoons around the equator.

In the zone of the tropics and subtropics, the average temperature is 20°C, in winter it drops to 10°C. In the tropics, heavy rainfall prevails throughout the year, while in the subtropics they are significantly more fall out in summer. The temperature drops significantly in the regions of the Arctic and Antarctica.

Inhabitants of the Atlantic Ocean

From flora kelp, corals, red and brown algae are widespread in the Atlantic Ocean.

More than 240 species of phytoplankton and an uncountable number of fish species live there, the most prominent representatives of which are: tuna, sardines, cod, anchovies, herring, perch (sea), halibut, haddock.

Of the mammals, several species of whales can be found there, the most common is the blue whale. The waters of the ocean are also inhabited by octopuses, crustaceans, squids.

The flora and fauna of the ocean is much poorer than that of the Pacific. This is due to the relatively young age and less favorable temperature conditions.

Islands and peninsulas

Some islands were formed as a result of the rise of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge above sea level, such as the Azores and the Tristan da Cunha archipelago.

Tristan da Cunha Island

The most famous and mysterious are Bermuda.


On the territory of the Atlantic Ocean are located: Caribbean, Antilles, Iceland, Malta (state on the island), about. Helena - there are 78 of them in total. The Canary Islands, the Bahamas, Sicily, Cyprus, Crete and Barbados have become favorite places for tourists to visit.

Straits and seas

The waters of the Atlantic include 16 seas, among which the most famous and largest are: the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Sargasso.

The Caribbean Sea Meets the Atlantic Ocean

The Strait of Gibraltar connects the current ocean waters with the Mediterranean.

Strait of Magellan (runs along Tierra del Fuego and is distinguished large quantity sharp rocks) and the Drake Passage open to the Pacific Ocean.

Features of nature

The Atlantic Ocean is the youngest on Earth.

A significant part of the waters extends into the tropics and temperate zone, therefore, the animal world is presented in all its diversity, both among mammals and among fish and other sea creatures.

The diversity of plankton species is not great, but only here its biomass per 1 m³ can be so high.

Bottom relief

The main feature of the relief is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the length of which is more than 18,000 km. For a large distance from both sides of the ridge, the bottom is covered with hollows that have a flat bottom.

There are also small underwater volcanoes, some of which are active. The bottom is cut by deep gorges, the origin of which is still not exactly known. However, due to age, the relief formations that prevail in other oceans are developed here to a much lesser extent.


In some parts, the coastline is slightly indented, but the coast there is quite rocky. There are several large water areas, for example, the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of Guinea.

Gulf of Mexico

In the region of North America and the eastern coasts of Europe, there are many natural bays, straits, archipelagos and peninsulas.


Oil and gas production is carried out in the Atlantic Ocean, which makes up a decent share of the world's mining.

Also on the shelves of some seas, sulfur, ore, precious stones and metals important to global industry.

Ecological problems

In the 19th century, whale hunting was widespread among sailors in these places for obtaining their fat and bristles. As a result, their number was sharply reduced to critical, now there is a ban on whaling.

Waters are heavily polluted due to use and release of:

  • huge amount of oil into the bay in 2010;
  • production waste;
  • city ​​garbage;
  • radioactive substances from stations, poisons.

This not only pollutes the water, degrades the biosphere and kills all life in the water, but affects pollution to the same extent. environment in cities, the consumption of foods containing all these substances.

Types of economic activity

In the Atlantic Ocean, 4/10 of the volume of fishing is carried out. It passes through it great amount shipping routes (the main ones are directed from Europe to North America).

The paths passing through the Atlantic Ocean and the seas located in it lead to major ports having great importance in import and export trade. Oil, ore, coal, wood, products and raw materials of the metallurgical industry, food products are transported through them.

On the shores of the Atlantic Ocean there are many world tourist cities that annually attract a large number of of people.

Interesting facts about the Atlantic Ocean

The most curious of them:


The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest, but by no means less significant. It is an important source of minerals, the fishing industry, and the most important transport routes pass through it. Briefly summing up, it is worth paying attention to the huge damage to the ecological and organic component of ocean life caused by mankind.

It ranks second in the world after Pacific Ocean. Its area occupies about 20% of the entire surface of the Earth. The water of the Atlantic Ocean tastes the most salty. In its shape, which was acquired after the split of the mainland Pangea, the ocean resembles the letter S.

Features of the geographical position of the Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic is the most developed ocean in the world. In the east, it borders the coasts of South and North America. In the north, the Atlantic Ocean washes cold Greenland, and in the south it merges with the Southern Ocean. In the west, its borders are delineated by the African and European shores.

The total area of ​​the Atlantic is about 91.66 million square kilometers. km. The geographical position of the Atlantic Ocean also determines the wide range of its temperatures. In the south and north, the water temperature is 0°C, and at the equator - 26-28°C. The average depth of the Atlantic Ocean is 3736 m, and the deepest depression is the Puerto Rico Trench - 8742 m.

Among the currents, scientists conditionally designate two cycles. This is the North, in which the currents move clockwise, as well as the South, where they flow counterclockwise. These gyres are separated by the Equatorial inter-trade countercurrent. AT high school in geography lessons, they study in detail the geographical position of the Atlantic Ocean (Grade 7).

Many believe that the oceans are practically eternal and will exist until the end of history. But it is not so. For example, from ancient ocean Tethys, once located between the continents of Laurasia and Gondwana, now only the Mediterranean, Black, Caspian Sea and a small Persian Gulf remain. The same fate may befall the Atlantic Ocean. The geographical position of the continents plays an important role here.

The Tethys Ocean disappeared from the face of the earth when Africa and India began to rapidly approach the Eurasian continent. Researchers believe that the Atlantic Ocean is now rapidly aging. Scientists have discovered that intensive subduction processes are taking place at its bottom - immersion of some sections earth's crust under others.

Walking across the ocean

In 1988, the Frenchman Remy Brika crossed the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. The geographical position of the desperate traveler was tracked with the help of special equipment. He tied five-meter pontoons made of fiberglass to his feet. Behind him, Brika pulled a raft, on which there was equipment for desalination and fishing rods. The traveler went with canary islands and planned to get to Guadeloupe. Brika became very thin and began to hallucinate, so he was picked up by a trawler near Trinidad. Despite this, the administration of the Guinness Book of Records credited the record to the brave Frenchman.

"Horse latitudes" of the Atlantic

The Sargasso Sea is one of the most amazing that the Atlantic Ocean has. The geographical position of the sea is such that above it there is a zone of constantly elevated atmospheric pressure. Therefore, in the Sargasso Sea, calm prevails all the time. In the days of the sailing fleet, this place was disastrous for many ships. Sargasso is often called "horse latitudes". This is due to the fact that in the past, domestic animals, most often horses, were often transported on ships from Europe to America. Horses often died, and the corpses were simply thrown overboard in the Sargasso Sea.

Sea without borders, terrifying

For navigators of antiquity, this sea inspired real fear. On its surface, which was covered with tenacious algae, many ships stopped. Travelers have named it differently: the Sea of ​​Spirits, the sea that cannot be crossed, the sea of ​​debris. Scientists are still doing amazing discoveries, revealing the secrets of the Sargasso Sea.

But for the first time it was testified by Christopher Columbus. In 1492, he sailed on a ship, trying to find short cut to India. The crew was impatiently waiting for a strip of land to appear on the horizon. But it turned out that the sailors mistook for the mainland a huge accumulation of algae on the surface scary sea. With with great difficulty Columbus managed to overcome a huge water meadow.

Scary Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is another complete mystical riddles the region of the Atlantic Ocean. The geographical position of this zone is such that in its shape it is conventionally designated as a triangle. It is located between Bermuda, the coast of Florida and an island in Puerto Rico. Here, throughout history, ships and planes mysteriously perished. The term "Bermuda Triangle" appeared only after the publication of an article by Vincent Gaddis, which was called "Bermuda Triangle - the lair of the devil."

The reason for the constant formation of whirlpools

On the western side, this mysterious place almost completely flows around the Gulf Stream. In these places, the temperature usually does not exceed 10 degrees. Due to the clash of temperatures, fog often forms here, striking the imagination of overly impressionable sailors. In addition, the speed of the Gulf Stream reaches about 10 km/h. For comparison: the speed of modern ships is from 13 to 30 km/h. Therefore, it is not surprising that many small ships in the past were simply knocked off course or they drowned in the deep ocean. In addition to the Gulf Stream, spontaneous currents arise in the Bermuda Triangle region, the direction of which is impossible to guess. As a result, terrible whirlpools are formed here.

The Bermuda Triangle is located in the trade wind zone. Stormy winds blow here almost all the time. According to statistics, on average there are 80 days of storms per year, which means that every fourth day in the Bermuda Triangle the weather is disgusting.

Why did the ships die?

However, not only powerful winds and currents bermuda zone caused the death of numerous ships. The ocean here is able to generate infrasonic signals that cause the strongest panic in any living organism, whether it be a person or a waterfowl. Because of psychological pressure people were even capable of throwing themselves overboard.

In the process of generating these waves, a significant role is played by storm winds beating against high waves. When air strikes against the crests of waves, a low-frequency wave is formed, which immediately rushes forward. She catches up with the floating ship and finds herself in its cabins.

When the infrared signal enters the closed space of the ship's cabin, its effect on people is almost unpredictable. Many begin to hallucinate, and they begin to see their worst nightmares. Unable to withstand the psychological pressure, the entire crew can throw themselves into the oceanic abyss, and the ship will be found empty.

Modern scientists believe that the reason mystical phenomena- Methane deposits at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. They are rich not only in the Atlantic Ocean. The geographical position of many places in the World Ocean is such that other zones can be comparable in danger to the Bermuda Triangle.

Atlantic Ocean and the modern world

The Atlantic is characterized by a huge diversity of biological species. Here, every year, the largest amount of fish is caught, estimated at millions of tons. In addition, the Atlantic Ocean is one of the busiest sea ​​routes. On the shores of the Atlantic there are many resort areas. Despite the geographical position of the Atlantic Ocean, it is constantly polluted by factory waste. Pesticides and fertilizers are dumped into its waters. sometimes to huge oil pollution cause tanker accidents. Preserving the Atlantic is the global task of all mankind.