How to become an organized person. Features of the true organization of man

Everyone wants to be successful, but few understand that in order to achieve your goals, you need to be an organized person. Late for important meetings, postponing things for tomorrow, forgetfulness, etc., leads to a waste of time. To overcome indecision, meet deadlines and strive to become better, you need to manage your time rationally.

What does it mean to be an organized person?

Organization means the quality of a person, which manifests itself in the ability to properly organize one’s time and space, allocate time and effort, as well as the ability to concentrate on goals.

The Pareto Law says that to get 80% of the results, you need to apply only 20% of the effort, for the remaining 20% ​​of the results, you will have to spend 80% of the effort. This means that most of the time people spend on unimportant things that bring little or no value. Organized people focus on precisely those actions that, in the end, will achieve more results.

The ability to organize oneself makes it possible for a person not to depend on circumstances, to control his laziness, not to waste time on meaningless things.

What is the power of organization

Everyone wants to be organized, but, unfortunately, people who do not show perseverance and desire to achieve their goal do not succeed.

It is enough to analyze the character traits of the people around. Some occupy high positions, run large companies and are successful in all areas of life, others, in turn, work 12 hours a day and cannot find time for family, good rest, communication with loved ones.

People who know how to properly allocate time, have self-control and self-discipline, are rapidly striding along career ladder. They earn the respect of others by taking their work seriously and, as a result, they never let anyone down and are never late. It is important to note that organized people always find time for good rest because they plan ahead.

That is, organization enables a person to quickly cope with life's difficulties and make time for yourself, no matter the circumstances.

Habits to help you become organized

To become organized, you need to significantly change your habits and strictly follow your plans. What is needed for this? Not so much:

  • Plan wisely. To keep everything in focus, you need to correctly plan for the day, week, month, etc. This habit is useful not only for businessmen, but also for housewives.
  • Write down. It is important to learn how to make a to-do list for the day and follow it as much as possible. Of course, not the fact that everything will work out right away. You need to get used to this rhythm of life. It is also necessary to record all important dates, meetings, calls, etc. Memory is not limitless and it sometimes fails.

  • Set your priorities right. When making a plan for the day, you need to focus on 2-3 important tasks that you just need to complete. Next, you should indicate secondary and insignificant. Accordingly, starting the day with important tasks, in the evening it will be easier to cope with less important ones.
  • Follow the daily routine. Almost everyone knows that you need to wake up at the same time, as well as rest at least 8 hours a day. But, as practice shows, following this rule is not so simple. You need to pull yourself together and be patient for a few days. It is advisable to start the morning with a small charge, a healthy breakfast and positive emotions. This will allow you to get good mood for all day.
  • Ignore things that are of no value. We are talking about many hours of watching news in social networks, TV shows, communicating with unpleasant people etc. We need to identify "time wasters" and get rid of them.

  • Maintain order. It is important that all the necessary things are in their places. In this case, they will not need to be searched throughout the apartment or office. Everything must have its place.
  • Use gadgets and life hacks. New inventions or recommendations from other people help to optimize time as much as possible. For example, it makes no sense to keep a diary of income and always carry it with you if you can use a special application on your phone, which is already at hand.
  • Develop organization. For the above described actions to become a habit, willpower is needed. It is necessary to learn how to deal with laziness, apathy, bad mood etc. It is necessary to carry out the assigned tasks, regardless of the weather, circumstances or fatigue.

Such habits can radically change lives and achieve high results not only in career achievements, but to be happy, devoting enough time to loved ones.

To focus on something, to notice the details and "fold" them into a logical chain, while acting quickly and accurately, some people succeed without difficulty. This suggests that mindfulness is a quality that different people manifests itself in different ways. At the same time, practice shows that attention, mindfulness can be greatly improved with training.

Let's remember that attention can be voluntary, involuntary, post-voluntary. For example, a person cannot read, but noticed a signboard, letters that catch the eye. This attention is involuntary. It takes effort to learn to read, the work of memory is voluntary attention. Knowing how to read, a person automatically reads the signboard, without even hesitating, this is how post-voluntary attention is manifested. When we say that attention can be trained, we mean voluntary attention. How to raise it?

Consider a few simple rules on how to become more attentive

  1. Attention to detail is a requirement for many professions, and natural ability replaced by a sequential algorithm. That is, a person is given instructions on what, how and in what sequence to do, at what stage to check one element, at which another. Actually, the algorithm of actions helps attention not only in professional matters. The rule learned from childhood: when crossing the street, first look to the left, then to the right, saved more than one life, made many people, under certain circumstances, be much more attentive than usual. Act according to the rule, algorithm- this is the first tip on how to increase mindfulness. Make a list of tasks or processes that you need to complete, for example, for work, and stick to it. At first you will remind yourself of your algorithm, in the future the process will go automatically.
  2. However, it is very important not to let everything go to "automatic drift" - very often our inattention is connected precisely with this: the brain gets so used to doing something automatically that it no longer pays attention to what we do, what we see or feel in this moment(This is what pickpockets use). To improve mindfulness, it is important to learn not just to slide your eyes on environment, but also concentrate on it, in other words, translate involuntary attention in an arbitrary, fix in your head what you see or feel.
    Unfortunately, it is basically impossible to fix everything - the brain has literally there will be an overload from such volume of the information. Initially, all information entering the brain passes through a rigid filter, and what the brain considers insignificant is discarded. The consequence of this process is that you do not feel the watch or bracelet on your hand if you wear it for a long time (and pickpockets again use this). It is important to intervene in this process yourself, consciously choose what to focus on. This skill needs to be learned, but over time this process- although in some part - it will come easier and easier and allow you to increase your attention and become observant.
  3. Another tip is simple and uncomplicated: proper nutrition and sufficient healthy sleep . It is impossible to wait for attentiveness from a tired person suffering from a lack of vitamins or a feeling of hunger. Lack of sleep affects attentiveness - this is a well-known fact.

  4. Haste and Haste Are the Enemy of Mindfulness. If you want to develop attention, do away with haste once and for all. It is better to do everything and plan ahead. Everyone knows that absent-mindedness and inattention are most pronounced when a person acts in a hurry. It is also important here that if we do not rush, we will have time to dwell on all the little things and analyze them. Indeed, as a rule, inattention manifests itself precisely in them - we miss some important details. First
  5. Motivation is very important for training attention. Sustainability of attention also depends on motivation. It should be noted here that these motivations are different plan. In the second case, often we are talking about involuntary motivation. But be that as it may, the motivating moment plays a role, the search for motivation gives a chance to improve mindfulness.
  6. Do not do several things at the same time. Some people think that doing everything at once makes them more productive. Although history knows other examples, experience shows that, as a rule, the average person is better off doing things in turn, really concentrating on each of them.
  7. Memory training- another important point. You can notice any thing - and forget it in a second. To train memory, you can resort to various exercises, from playing Memo to watching passers-by.

One of the exercises is to concentrate your attention on a dot drawn on a large white sheet for ten minutes. At first glance, this task is quite simple, but learning how to perform it is not so easy.

We talk about how to develop eidetic memory and whether it can be done in the corresponding article. And if you are interested in mnemonics for memorizing numbers, we will help with that as well.

For self-test, you can use our mindfulness test, as well as watch one short video.

It's good to be an organized person. Achieve your goals, enjoy the fruits of your success.

And this success consists of many techniques, including - many small good habits: how you think, what you believe, how you act, and even how you answer calls.

If you believe that you are successful, you accept successful solutions. This is a subtle but powerful mechanism - organized people are able to focus and take action. necessary steps to reach your goal.

It all starts with an inner conviction - who you think you are.

You repeat these beliefs over and over again based on the kind of person you want to be. And turn those statements into little ones daily activities that help you become that person.

Here 21 habits that will help you become more organized- and therefore more successful, and quite possibly even happier. And an example good persuasion for every habit.

Start with this: I am an organized person. Listed below are the actions you are taking to support this claim.

Habit #1: Write everything down

There is such a thing as " free place". When you're busy with something and suddenly an idea pops into your head, or a marketing ploy, or a list of tasks, shopping, etc. - write them down.

It literally clears your mind so you can stay in creative state and not get distracted by something else. Do all this later, along with other routine tasks.

Belief: I write down every idea or thought to keep my mind clear.

Habit #2: Financial Awareness

Organized people know exactly what they are spending their money on. Develop a user-friendly system for tracking profits, losses, and return on investment.

If you don't know where to start, start with a regular Excel spreadsheet. You can develop this habit at the same time as Habit #1 by writing down what you need to do. Knowing where your money is going not only shows your profits and losses, but also allows you to determine what you can cut in case emergency or unexpected expenses.

Belief: I watch my money. I know exactly what and how I spent.

Habit #3: Tidy up your work and home

The less clutter and mess in your work and home, the clearer your mind.

For example, how many times has it happened - you are writing an article, you see an empty cup of coffee and suddenly remember that you would need to buy coffee? You begin to mentally make a shopping list in your head, and away we go. You are distracted, lost your rhythm. Instead of finishing the first draft of this article or chapter.

Tidy up your workplace and at home - to clean up your head.

Belief: orderly space helps to order the mind.

Habit #4: Everything in its place

Finding lost things takes time, nerves and energy. Create a clear place for everything so you can easily and quickly find everything you need.

Belief: a place for everything and everything in its place.

Habit #5: 15 minutes to get ready

This is the backup plan for Habit #4.

If the day was difficult and you couldn't get things in order, schedule a time to sort things out. This is especially important for children. You can even turn it into a game by marking who can clean things up in the right amount of time.

Belief: I take a few minutes to tidy up, and I can find everything when I need it.

Habit #6: Doing Multiple Things at Once

When you need to go somewhere, or just leave the room for some reason, do several things at once. If you need to pay a bill, way back buy milk and cheese at the same time. Need to take out the trash? Take it with you.

Beliefs: If necessary, I can do several things at the same time.

Habit #7: Waiting area

There are things that need to be done but you don't have the time or opportunity to do it all at once. Find a specific place for them.

Use a file, a box, a shelf, or whatever, but keep them all in one place. This will help you stay focused on what you're doing now and quickly find them when the time comes. This will come in handy both at work and at home.

Belief: I have special place for things I'll get to later.

Habit #8: Two extra things

To keep things from piling up, choose two things each day to get rid of them.

Is there an empty box in the corner? Throw it away. Do you have read magazines? Give it to someone. Unnecessary things? Give it to someone. Take out, give away, throw away... 2 things a day.

Belief: I always keep an eye on things to get rid of them daily so the mess doesn't build up.

Habit #9: Action Plans, Checklists

Action plans, manuals, checklists for all possible processes. You need a plan or a system for everything. Like Habit #1, write everything down.

Create guidelines, action plans and checklists for any job where possible. Then you can easily repeat routine processes. It frees the brain, reduces stress and promotes creativity.

Belief: I have a system for everything I do.

Habit #10: Share and act

Choose the main one. Know what can wait and what needs to be done right now.

Get everything out of the way (in a box, drawer, out of sight) to keep your mind as focused and productive as possible.

Belief: I turn off everything unimportant in my head in order to concentrate as much as possible.

Habit #11: Grass is NOT greener

Use what works for you, not for others. Repeat it.

Belief A: If it works for me, I don't need to copy what others are doing.

Habit #12: Know When to Call the Cavalry

Pride is not an obstacle to an organized person. Performance is more important than ego. Know when to ask for help and accept it.

Belief: When I need it, I'm not afraid to ask for help.

Habit #13: Your Demon's Face

Do not avoid difficulties or problems. Be careful and deal with them at an early stage until they grow to gigantic sizes.

Belief: I face my problems face to face.

Habit #14: Know "who's who" and "what's what"

Everyone can use the sources. But they're useless if you can't get the information quickly when you need it.

Keep everything you need in one place. The ability to open documents from different gadgets makes them more accessible.

Belief: I can easily access the resources I need.

Habit #15: Delegate or die

Do not let stress or excessive emotions take on all the tasks by itself. Know when to delegate work, and to whom.

Belief: To be more productive, I delegate work to those who can do it.

Habit #16: Work hard and don't slow down

Too many achievements are abandoned on the cusp of greatness. Never give up and never give in. When you meet an obstacle, work to overcome it. Rest to rejuvenate. Giving in and procrastinating don't lead to success.

Belief: When the going gets tough, I work even harder.

Habit #17: Connect the Team

Sometimes Strength can be in quantity. More brains, creativity, hands, etc. Know how to build a cohesive team that will lead you to success.

Belief: There is no "I" in the team. I create a team that makes me stronger.

Habit #18: Healthy Eating List

If you travel frequently, create a list of places where you can eat as you see fit.

Belief: I can eat right even when I'm on the road.

Habit #19: Psycho-Triggers Detected!

Organized people know how to use different psychological triggers. For example:

  • different colors for coding schedule
  • special music for creativity
  • alarm clocks and timers
  • achievement award
  • the power of words: special phrases and formulas
  • time distribution, etc.

Belief: I use triggers that increase my productivity.

Habit #20: Discriminate and Multiply

Examine your past failures and mistakes and learn from them. Organized, successful people are able to use failure for their own growth and learning. They discriminate and multiply.

Belief: Okay, it happened. What can I learn? How can I use it? What can be improved?

Habit #21: Avoid Negative Thoughts

For organized successful people, it all starts with inner convictions - who they are.

It doesn't matter what they face. They believe they are successful and can handle any challenge. Them internal language tuned in to positive thoughts. This is how habits are born.

Belief : Whatever happens, I'll deal with it. Yes, I Can.

You wouldn't be reading this text if you didn't want to be organized and successful.

You have everything you need to be who you want to be. Keep these beliefs in mind every day. Believe it and prove your faith by daily actions.

Everyone wants to be organized. We are sure that you want too. Often, if not every day, you evaluate your life, the chaos that reigns in it, and say to yourself: “Something definitely needs to be done about this!”. But in most cases, you are not able to organize yourself enough to make a difference. Remember this day. Today you will change your life, because we have prepared 20 ideas, putting them into practice, you will improve yourself and become more organized.

Organizations are not born, they are made.

What gives the ability to organize your life? First of all, you will save time. And, as you know, it is valued more than gold. Your activity will bring not only more “fruits”, but will also become better. Being organized will make you successful person who fully manages his life and practically does not depend on external factors. You will become the one about whom they usually say: “And how does he manage to do everything? He must be a wizard!"

There is good news Organized people are not born, they are made. Therefore, if you are mired in failures and are constantly in a state of stress because you do not have time to do anything, just exhale and read our article further.

Undoubtedly, there are people who manage to organize their lives without much diligence, but what about those who are not so lucky? We have compiled a list of the most effective and useful ideas to help you achieve what you want.

Focus on results

When the final result is clear, the incentive will appear. You yourself will want to streamline everything in your life for the sake of your goal. This is especially evident when you go towards your dream and clearly understand that in the end you will benefit. Therefore, at the beginning of the path to organization, it is worth cheating a little and setting yourself tasks that will bring you positive emotions.

Become an incorrigible optimist

Try everything, even failures see something positive. Take an approach to your life when everything seems possible. This is great motivation. In addition, optimists are always in good mood which helps in all matters.

Be conscientious

With a conscientious attitude to all your tasks, you will not allow yourself to miss deadlines, let partners down, or fail to achieve your goal. Realizing all the responsibility, you will prefer planning spontaneity.

Don't box yourself in

It is generally accepted that organized people are distinguished by super neatness. However, this is more of a myth than a reality. Live the way you want. In the event that you cannot imagine life without orderliness and your organization depends on it, keep everything around you in order. But if you creative person and under conditions utter purity If you feel constrained, then relax. Nothing bad will happen if things are out of place. But in comfortable conditions you can do a lot more.

Learn to make your own decisions

You will become more organized if you do not depend on the opinions of others. Independently determine the degree of importance of your affairs, calculate the options and choose one of the most suitable. So you will be engaged in the decision of tasks in view.

Don't strive for perfection

It often happens that a perfect result is not required. It's enough just to do your job well. But people who strive for perfectionism focus on details and small nuances. In the end, this only leads to wasted time, and sometimes to bad results. The secret of being organized: Do your tasks well and know how not to waste your energy on trifles that are not worth it.

Good and successful businessmen they say that many aspiring entrepreneurs can’t start their own business for a long time, because they are afraid to make a mistake on some little thing, so they polish their product to a shine even before launching. However, this does not bear any fruit and only delays the moment of launch and real problems and tasks to improve the product as a whole. Do it at “3k”, and then, if necessary, bring the case / task / product to “4k” - maximum! There is no limit to perfection.

Start a diary

Write down everything that comes to mind. This is one of the main features of organized people. They do not waste energy on remembering all their affairs. They write them down in a notebook, calendar, diary, mobile application. They make lists, systematize and organize information. It makes life easier. Try it, even if you don't intend to get organized.

Always keep a to-do list handy

It’s not enough just to streamline your tasks. They need to be fulfilled. Therefore, the list should always be with you. Today there are many special mobile applications that will save you from notepads and pieces of paper. For example, Wunderlist is a great service that allows you to create a list of tasks, highlight the most important ones, set deadlines, and mark completed. No less worthy and well-known application RememberTheMilk. It is very simple and understandable. It has many settings that you can choose individually and eventually get an indispensable assistant.

Don't put things off for tomorrow

A wise proverb keeps in itself deep meaning. By adhering to just this principle, you will not only become more organized, but you will also be able to do a lot more. Don't give in to laziness. It is much easier to do something and forget about it than to drag it along for a long time. Believe me, many of the tasks on your list will take no more than five minutes.

Be always prepared

Don't complete tasks long before their due date. Leave just a little time just in case. Suddenly, at the last crucial moment, some changes will appear or something will not go as planned.

Feel free to ask for help

Identify your strong strengths and weaknesses, and build on them to learn how to delegate responsibility for fulfilling certain responsibilities. You don't have to do everything yourself. Avoid overload and unnecessary stress. Ask for help when you need it. Your time is too valuable to waste on unnecessary efforts. Maybe perfectionists don't want to share their success with anyone else. But is it really that important? You decide.

Don't spray

Many people think that organized people get more done because they can multitask. This opinion is wrong. Spraying several tasks at the same time threatens to perform them poorly and often takes more time. Do as few things as possible at the same time. If you have a task to complete, eliminate any distractions and focus on it. And it does not matter at all whether you are finishing the annual report, meeting with partners or relaxing with your family.

Learn to manage your energy

It will be very useful to know when and under what conditions you are able to work most productively. You may be better at things in the morning or while listening calm music. Try to identify such patterns and then use them to work more efficiently.

One of good examples managing your energy and time is a tip from Ryan Chartrand Pro. In the article he talks about technology constant movement and work in the mode of short "impulses".

Learn to rest

Many work and live in the state constant stress. Determine for yourself the most effective ways get rid of tension. Feel free to let your things go. It does not matter whether you will relax as passively as possible, go in for sports or spend time with your family. The important thing is that you need to know how to deal with stress and fatigue without compromising your health and productivity.

Have 5 minutes to spare

But not more. Many go to the trick and translate their clocks so that they go ahead. It doesn't matter how you do it. The main thing is to always have some time. Come to meetings early, finish your business early and then you will have time for a little rest. However, do not get carried away too much, if you have more time left, then this is fraught with wasting it, which will lead to the opposite effect.

Get rid of fear

Often it takes several times more time to complete tasks. Why is this happening? Everything is simple. When you are not ready to start things, you are afraid to start them, then you resort to putting them off. This results in a big loss of time. Fight yourself. Get to work as soon as they appear. Overcoming fear, you will not only get a significant amount of time, but you will also be proud of your own achievements. And this is quite a big motivation.

One of the ways to deal with this fear is the 1 minute rule. It says that if you do not feel like or you are afraid to start a task, put aside doubts and fears for 1 minute and do it. When the time runs out, you will understand that in fact there was nothing terrible, most likely, and that it would be time to finish it!

Break down big tasks

Large and difficult tasks it is psychologically quite difficult to accept and immediately begin to implement them. Having received such a task, first study it well, and try to break it down into several smaller ones. So you step over psychological barrier and speed up the process.

Reward yourself

It often happens that the task does not appeal to you at all. It's boring and annoying. Of course, it can be delegated. But what to do when there is no such opportunity? The only thing left is to encourage yourself. Promise that when things are done, you will do something nice for yourself. Exercise in the morning, but promise yourself to buy a new outfit in a month. Work hard during the day, but watch your favorite movie when you get home. Focus not on completing the task, but on the future result.


Imagine what your life could be like if you were just a little more organized. Pay attention to all the nuances and little things that you would like to correct. What would you do with the saved time? We are sure you will like the new picture of life very much. Doesn't that inspire change?

Get rid of time wasters

Social networks, computer games, entertainment resources, long telephone conversations etc., take a lot of time, but do not bring much benefit. Give them up. Does not work? Install special applications that will block all your favorite entertainment. For example, Rescue Time .

Disorganized people almost never succeed. They spend a lot of time doing things that are not useful. They are constantly late, often forget about important tasks. They live in constant chaos. Of course, you will not become organized overnight. This is hard and long work. But he will bring success, orderliness and the opportunity to devote time to yourself in your life. Try at least a few of the ideas we have proposed in practice, and share the results in the comments.


Get a solid thick diary, because even its appearance should speak of the seriousness of your task. Tune in to always bring everything to the end, so you should not be satisfied with half-measures in the form of scraps of paper with a clumsy record of plans for today. As soon as you learn about an upcoming event or meeting, immediately take your “ledger” and in neat, legible handwriting do detailed record.

Do not abbreviate what is written, as time passes it will be difficult to understand what is encrypted in the message. Mark the place and time, leave a few blank lines so that you can edit the entry in the future. Thus, all information about your short-term and long-term plans will be collected in one place within access.

Get in the habit of looking at your diary every evening to know what awaits you tomorrow and be able to prepare for the event. If this requires more time, be sure to make an appropriate entry on the day scheduled for the start of preparation.

Composure is the possession and ability to manage operational information, connections, knowledge, intelligence, improvised means, speech and many more the right things. But the most important thing is the possession of information that you successfully manage, having your magic diary and your brilliant knowledge.

Work on your nerves and general mental state. After all, if you do not know how to apply your knowledge in life, use it for your own purposes, then you lack composure and concentration. Learn to deal with emotions that get in the way of focus.

Do not be distracted from work by trifles that interfere with doing business. Turn off the TV, radio, phone. An unassembled person is often distracted by an interesting program, a familiar melody. A few minutes pass - and he is no longer able to concentrate on work, he goes to make tea, starts doing something else, in the end there is no result.

Take away certain place for your office perfect option- this is a quiet separate room, but in the absence of one, a secluded corner behind a screen will do. Arrange all things in a strict order so that you always know what to take where. Organize yours in the same way. workplace in the office.

Don't make excuses for being late. Do not blame circumstances or other people for this, convince yourself that it depends only on you whether you are late or not. Try not to do any unnecessary things in the morning: read a book, turn on the computer and much more. For such short term you will not rest, but only lose precious minutes.

Try setting your alarm clock back five to ten minutes. This may be enough time to get to work on time. Come up with some motivation to come on time, for example: so as not to upset friends and relatives, not to displease the authorities.