What beliefs can a person have? Is having a firm conviction a good thing or a bad thing? The influence of beliefs on human life

An example of such a case is the story of Marina, who accepted her own beliefs as facts. Marina thought: “If I had money, my life would be happy. If not for the family and children I have to take care of, I would be able to write and start a book, which I have long dreamed of. If I were younger, I could break off relations with my husband, who does not respect me and does not appreciate my work and efforts in this house, and find a new one who would love me and make my life happier.

But one day Marina was tired of being completely dissatisfied with her life, and she decided to change it, and she began with her beliefs. The girl asked herself such questions: “How do I know that this is really true? Why do I believe in it? Whether there is a concrete examples that contradict my beliefs? This was the first step towards achieving her own goals, because in order to destroy the beliefs that limit your life, you need to understand that everything is completely different from what it seems.

A belief is a generalization familiar to a person, fixed in his mind, on which he is accustomed to rely, without even thinking about how adequate it is for a particular context. Everything that a person thinks about the world, about herself and about other people is the fruit of fantasy, perception, which is fixed in her subconscious and controls her thinking and behavior. That is why, in order to change your life, you need to start by changing your beliefs.

Marina had to try very hard to come to her own happiness, because changing the attitudes that were fixed in her mind most life is not an easy task. When she realized that the whole life is in her hands, and only she decides what to do with it, she began to act and climb the high ladder that led to success.

The girl signed up for online courses on writing skills and when her skills were honed to the proper level, she began a long and painstaking work on own book. It was difficult for her to combine her favorite work and family life but she knew her efforts were worth it. The book took 5 years to complete, during which time her children grew up and went to college, and she had more free time, which she spent on promoting the result of her labors.

Her book was published in wide circulation and gained popularity, thanks to which her financial condition improved. She was no longer dependent on her husband and could afford to leave the unloved person and start life with clean slate. She moved into a new apartment and devoted her time to writing new books, because this is exactly the thing that made her happy.

Marina's example shows what accepting her limiting beliefs as facts can lead to, and how the quality of life will improve if these beliefs are destroyed. The main thing is hard work on yourself and the right thinking.

What is belief and how does it differ from fact? Examples of human beliefs and facts.

Beliefs are the principles and rules on which a person's life is built. These are our views on the objective world and the generator of our psychological models. This is a mental display about the structure of the surrounding world.

Beliefs and facts are different concepts that are often mistakenly confused. Each person has certain beliefs about himself, his abilities and capabilities, as well as other people and his relationship with them. All of them have individual character. “I told you so” is a comforting expression, because it means that our beliefs turned out to be true. This gives us false confidence in the indisputable truth of our ideas.

However, there are things that are not dependent on a person's belief in them - for example, physical law energy conservation. It will not stop working just because a person does not believe in it. Some people treat their own beliefs about relationships, abilities, and opportunities as if they were hard facts, like the same law of conservation of energy. However, this is absolutely not the case. Beliefs actively reflect social sphere our lives and are able to change.

Lists of the most common beliefs in the Slavic lands about

  • "No money". Many people say this phrase almost every day. Aloud or silently, it doesn't matter. It is difficult to fight this conviction, because in order to do this, a person must actually have money. To overcome a negative mindset, you can set aside 10% of your income and not spend it. You should repeat to yourself “I always have money”, get used to this phrase and make it your motto.
  • "Honest work does not earn money." Saying this phrase, a person protects himself from financial prosperity. He agrees that no matter how honestly he works, he still will not live in abundance. You should replace this phrase with: “The more and harder I work, the greater the likelihood of my financial prosperity.”
  • "Money ruins a man." This phrase shows that a person is afraid of money. She programs for financial well-being spoils a person as a person, spoils him. This attitude should be replaced with a positive one: “Money is useful for my life and improves its quality.”
  • "Money flows like water." Indeed, if money is water, how can you keep it? You should repeat to yourself: "I am swimming in the ocean of money, they are swimming towards me."
  • "There's nothing special about me." The truth is that a special gift is not tender to a person. The main thing on the way to success is to be yourself and be ready for hard and purposeful work. A successful person does not think about what he does not have, he focuses on what he has and what he can get in the future.
  • "I would do it if I knew my efforts would pay off." In all professions successful people earn much more because of the fact that they worked with great diligence at a time when the intended effect of this was not even visible on the horizon. To achieve rewards for hard work, you need to think of it as a well-deserved reward.
  • "I am busy". This phrase is a common thought trap. In fact, you have exactly the same amount of time as other people. The only question is how you use it.
  • "Food is my enemy." People trying to get in shape often load themselves with severe dietary restrictions, which makes them forget that food is really a friend. It is she who saturates us, gives us strength and energy. Yes, you need to be able to choose the right food, but it is also important right attitude person to her.
  • "Fat in food becomes fat in my body." Actually it is not. Fats are an important and necessary part of our diet. All hormonal processes in the body occur due to fat metabolism. The main thing is to consume the right fats that trigger these processes.
  • “When I lose weight, I will happy man". In fact, you can find happiness now, before you reach your goal. You should direct attention and energy to yourself, your goals, relationships, your happiness right here and now. This is important, because life is an adventure, and for it to be interesting, you need to participate in it.


  • "He/she doesn't say what he thinks." Many people have doubts about the sincerity of their friends, partners, endowing their actions with motives that actually did not exist. Perhaps the problem is low self-esteem, a person does not consider himself attractive as a person and believes that his friends or partner deserve a more perfect friend.
  • "I can't say no to my friend or partner." Many people think that true friendship or love presupposes total self-giving. However, the satisfaction of personal needs should always come first. Good friend or the partner must understand it.
  • "A friend/partner should do for me what I do for him." The principle of reciprocity is wonderful, but it is often misunderstood. In fact, a good deed does not require "payment" when done sincerely.
  • "Happiness will come when I change external circumstances." A common belief is that happiness can be achieved by losing weight, earning money, buying a certain thing, and so on. However, the essence of happiness, in fact, is to rejoice simple things despite difficult circumstances.
  • "Happiness lies in a certain thing." You can often hear from people that happiness is in the family, children, money, and so on, however, as already mentioned, happiness does not always depend directly on external circumstances. It is possible to have everything that, it would seem, is necessary for a person to be happy, and not to have it. This emotion must first of all come from inner harmony man, from his ability to find joy in simple things.
  • "Happy people can't be sad." It is right to be miserable in certain situations. There are good and bad moments in a person's life. You have to allow yourself to be sad. The paradox is that this will lead to happiness.

Praise the reader for the craving for self-improvement and kick to reveal their negative attitudes

If you are reading this article, you are the right way. The craving for self-improvement is always commendable, and if you really put all your strength into working on yourself, show real diligence, you will undoubtedly achieve your goal.

Identifying negative beliefs and correcting them is the first step towards your success, so you must make every effort to discover them and replace them with positive ones.

I recently received a very curious letter from a reader:


I want to ask you a question. Now everywhere they say that it is very important to think positively, use affirmations and the like. But when I begin to pronounce them on my own (for example, “I approve of myself”, “The Universe gives me all the best”), then rejection and resistance immediately arise inside, as if all this is not true. I want to immediately drop everything and hide somewhere, although in theory, on the contrary, there should be inspiration and inspiration from the process. I tried to keep repeating the same thing to myself, but it doesn’t work ...

What's wrong here? Or is the process of transition to positive thinking always like this?

Best regards, Olga

The situation is very interesting, and at one time I also encountered it in my life. Indeed, at first one might think that without such resistance one cannot begin to think positively and there is no other way than to constantly repeat the same thing to oneself (although this can lead to certain results). Therefore, with Olga's permission, I suggest that everyone discuss together why, when we begin to integrate new beliefs into our lives, we may experience such rejection.

What exactly is a certain belief?

First of all, it is a certain truth in which we believe.

And it really corresponds to reality. As long as we agree with it.

Our beliefs largely determine our worldview and govern our lives, determining our thoughts about ourselves and the world around us, and as a result, our actions. Internal attitudes direct our attention to those life phenomena that correspond to them, and divert our gaze from others. It is like a kind of filter that brings into our consciousness only those events and phenomena that correspond to its direction.

A lot of attitudes and beliefs run like a red thread through our whole life and originate from childhood. We get the basic outline of our ideas about ourselves and about life from our parents and from our environment. Some patterns are inherited from fairy tales, some are conclusions from our life experience. You all have probably come across them: “If you don’t graduate from the university, you will be out of work”, “If you are lazy, no one will marry you.” So many of these attitudes are beneficial and really help to avoid the mistakes that your parents and other people once made.

Our beliefs have one feature - they operate latently. Often we may not even be aware of our belief, but we act on it whether we like it or not.

Is this good or bad?


It is bad if the beliefs are negative. And it’s good if they are positive and allow us to look at life with joy.

If this or that setting dominates in our head, then involuntarily in life we ​​will meet people and events that correspond to this setting. Like a puzzle, piece by piece.

Are all rich people thieves and liars? In your life you will meet just such people. Not because there are no other people. You just don't even pay attention to them.

Or another very common example - if a woman is sure that “all men cheat”, then, firstly, only men walking to the side will come across in her life, and secondly, her behavior will completely correspond to the behavior of the woman who is being cheated on.

And what happens in the end?

We constantly receive confirmation of our installation. And it is even stronger fixed, causing new and new events corresponding to it. Like a snowball.

Installation is like a program of action, like a program of life. As long as she owns you, yours Life is going in accordance with it.

Beliefs are different.

As we have said, they can be negative or they can be positive.

Examples of negative attitudes:

  • Money is the cause of unhappiness in life.
  • If I succeed, people will hate me.
  • Happiness has to be fought for.
  • If everything goes well, then misfortune will certainly come soon (a black one immediately follows the white stripe).
  • There is not enough for everyone in the world
  • I don't deserve happiness

What are positive attitudes?

  • I love and approve of myself.
  • The universe is abundant, there is enough for everyone.
  • I deserve happiness.
  • Life supports me and brings me only good and positive experiences.
  • I am surrounded only by positive, self-confident people.
  • I easily build relationships with people, I feel confident in communication, I — interesting companion
  • I am the master of my life and build it according to my project

As interesting example I can cite one belief of my relative, who always says that she is lucky for doctors and teachers (teachers). Very funny, but I do not remember a single case when her installation would not be confirmed.

What is it? Coincidence or regularity?

More like the second one ;-)

So, we figured out what our beliefs are, learned that they are negative and positive and that they act latently, regardless of our desire (and very often pretending to be it).

Where did the resistance come from?

Now back to Olga's question.

Why did internal rejection arise?

Most likely, a conflict occurred here - a struggle between new positive attitudes and old, negative ones. Moreover, judging by the resistance, negative attitudes stuck in the head quite tightly. We can say that the Universe is abundant, but if there is a conviction in our head that there is not enough for everyone in the world and we need to fight for every piece of sweet, then inner voice will yell: “What kind of nonsense are you talking about? It is not true! This is not true! After all, it has been confirmed so many times, for example ... "

And rushed.

Therefore, there are two ways. Good and very very good ;)

The first way is to continue hammering out the positive mindset. Not a bad decision, especially if you have an inexhaustible supply of energy, determination and if you are an avid fan of ramming your inner walls.

However, in this case, you go through resistance and are constantly in internal struggle, and this, no doubt, is not very pleasant and not very easy. Although such a road can also lead to quite large results and is by no means bad.

Therefore, there is another way. Remove negative attitudes and grow positive ones in their place.

In this case, you will not only remove resistance, but also achieve that very desired inspiration from the process.

So how do you do it?

First of all, write down all your negative beliefs on a piece of paper. About life, about myself, about people, about money and so on.

You can have a small list, or you can get quite a large one. But in any case, when you feel that you have written absolutely everything ...

… Rest assured, this is FAR not all!

Most likely this is only a small part. Therefore, in no case do not throw away the resulting list. Try to keep track of negative attitudes in your head, Special attention pay attention to what you yourself say about yourself and life and what other people say about it - these are the highest priority channels for tracking beliefs. As soon as you notice some belief with which you completely agree, add it to your list.

Many people ask how to determine with certainty whether a belief is truly negative or positive. Everything is simple here, you need to ask yourself: “What will happen if I do not change this belief and what will happen if I transform it?”. If the belief is positive and beneficial to you, then your life will clearly change in better side if you continue to live up to it.

Transforming Negative Beliefs

And now - how to remove the negative belief and turn it into a positive, supportive attitude?

To do this, there is a special technique that allows you to simply completely transform the negative installation. It is described in detail in our toolkit, I recommend that you use it.

But you can do it a little easier. Divide a sheet of paper into two columns. Write your belief on the left, and on the right - why this belief is not true, does not correspond to reality. The explanation here may be short, or it may be detailed.

You can insert examples from other people's lives, you can present a logical scientific explanation. Your task is to smash the negative attitude to smithereens - so that later you yourself could not understand how it came to your mind at all.

Then formulate positive belief(you can just turn the negative one upside down) and write down as many affirmations for it as you can.

The idea here is simple - the negative attitude has become your strong belief, as it has repeatedly found arguments in its crawl. Now you refute it and formulate a positive one, giving evidence for it. In other words, you are simply accelerating the process of forming a new belief.

After you have worked through your negative attitudes, internal conflict will disappear and any affirmations and just a positive train of thought will really bring pleasure and inspiration!

And a few more recommendations for Olga - pay attention to your beliefs about yourself - since the resistance to those attitudes that you cited as an example in the letter are most likely related to your non-hide of yourself (not self-love). Pay attention to beliefs coming from childhood - as a rule, our disapproval of self goes from there.

Take care of yourself and everything will work out!


Persuasion is a multi-valued concept, and one of its meanings involves influencing people, the ability to form a certain point of view through certain actions. Let's take a look at some persuasion techniques that you can use to do this.

  • 1. Socrates method. If you are tired of a person agreeing with you, you need to ask him 2-3 insignificant questions, to which he will definitely answer in the affirmative. Having agreed with you twice or thrice, he will also agree when you say that for which it was all arranged.
  • 2. False expectation. If the situation allows, gently create a sense of tense expectation that defines a strict order of action or thought. When the failure of this direction is discovered, the person will be discouraged and most likely will agree with you.
  • 3. Explosion. Already long time such a technique is known - in the course of strong emotional experiences there is an immediate restructuring of the personality. To realize an explosion, you need to create a situation that would hit a person. Such a situation can radically change the way you look at things. For example, if a family man is informed about the infidelity of a spouse, just such an effect can occur. However, this will not affect those cases where treason is not taken seriously.
  • 4. placebo. This technique can be attributed not even to persuasion, but to suggestion. A placebo is a chalk pill that the doctor gives to the patient and says that this is a medicine and it will help. A patient who drinks such pills is really cured. This can be used in different areas life, but if once performed rituals fail, then the method will stop working.

Don't forget that sometimes the most effective persuasion lies in the compliment uttered at the meeting.

Psychology of human persuasion - impact on consciousness

The psychology of persuading a person is based on the fact that, by persuading, the speaker affects the consciousness of the person being convinced, referring to her own critical judgment. essence psychology of persuasion serves to explain the meaning of the phenomenon, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, highlight the social and personal significance of solving a particular issue.

Beliefs appeal to analytical thinking, in which the power of logic, evidence prevails and the persuasiveness of the arguments is achieved. Man's conviction psychological impact should create a person's conviction in the correctness of another and his own confidence in the correctness of the decision.

Psychology of human beliefs and the role of the speaker

The perception of information that convinces a person depends on who reports it, how much individual person or the audience as a whole trust the source of the information. Trust is the perception of a source of information as competent and reliable. There are three ways to create an impression of your competence among the listeners who convinces a person of something.

First- start to express judgments with which listeners agree. Thus, he will acquire a reputation as an intelligent person.

Second-- be presented as a specialist in the field.

The third- speak confidently, without a shadow of a doubt.

Reliability depends on the way the persuasor speaks. People trust the speaker more when they are sure that he has no intention of convincing them of anything. Truthful people also seem to be those who defend what is contrary to their self-interest. Confidence in the speaker and conviction in his sincerity increase if the one who convinces the person speaks quickly. Fast speech, in addition, deprives listeners of the opportunity to find counterarguments.

The attractiveness of the communicator (persuader) also affects the effectiveness of the psychology of persuading a person. The term "attractiveness" refers to several qualities. This is both the beauty of a person and the similarity with us: if the speaker has either one or the other, the information seems to the listeners more convincing.

Psychology of human beliefs and the role of the listener

People with an average level of self-esteem are most easily persuaded. Older people are more conservative in their views than younger people. At the same time, attitudes formed in adolescence and early adolescence, can remain for life, because the impressions acquired at this age are deep and unforgettable.

In a state of strong excitement, agitation, anxiety of a person, his psychology of persuasion (susceptibility to persuasion) increases. A good mood often favors persuasion, partly because it promotes positive thinking, and partly because there is a connection between a good mood and a message. People who are in good mood tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. In this state, they make more hasty, impulsive decisions, usually relying on indirect signs information. It is no coincidence, obviously, that many business issues, such as closing deals, are decided in a restaurant.

Conformal (easily accepting someone else's opinion) are more easily persuaded. Women are more persuasive than men. It may be especially ineffective psychology of persuasion for men with low levels dignity, acutely experiencing, as it seems to them, their uselessness, alienation, who are prone to loneliness, aggressive or suspicious, not stress-resistant.

In addition, the higher the intelligence of a person, the more critical their attitude to the proposed content, the more often they absorb information, but do not agree with it.

Psychology of human belief: logic or emotions

Depending on the listener, the person is more convinced either by logic and evidence (if the person is educated and has analytical mind), or influence addressed to emotions (in other cases).

The psychology of persuasion can be effective, influencing a person, causing fear. Such a psychology of persuasion is more effective when they not only frighten with possible and probable negative consequences certain behavior, but also offer specific ways solutions to a problem (for example, diseases that are not difficult to imagine are more frightening than diseases about which people have a very vague idea).

However, using fear to convince and influence a person, one cannot cross a certain line when this method turns into information terror, which is often observed when advertising various drugs on radio and television. For example, we are enthusiastically told how many millions of people around the world suffer from this or that disease, how many people, according to the calculation of doctors, should get sick with the flu this winter, etc. And this is repeated not just every day, but almost every hour, moreover it is completely ignored that there are easily suggestible people who will begin to invent these diseases in themselves, run to the pharmacy and swallow not only useless ones in this case but also unhealthy drugs.

Unfortunately, intimidation in the absence of an accurate diagnosis is often used by doctors, which goes against the first medical commandment "do no harm." This does not take into account the fact that the source of information that deprives a person of spiritual, psychological peace can be denied trust.

More convincing person is the information that comes first (primacy effect). However, if some time passes between the first and second messages, then the second message has a stronger persuasive effect, since the first has already been forgotten (the effect of novelty).

The psychology of a person's beliefs and the way information is received

It has been established that the arguments (arguments) given by another person convince us more strongly than similar arguments given to oneself. The weakest are the arguments given mentally, somewhat stronger - given aloud to ourselves, and the strongest - those that are given by another, even if he does it at our request.

Man's Beliefs- these are a kind of conditioned reflexes of our mind, attitudes and rules that help to respond to certain life situations. We react and act as our beliefs tell us to.

It would seem that there is nothing better than having such clues. A person's inner convictions are like guiding stars along which he directs the movement of his life schooner. He swims where he is called internal installations. Sometimes the direction coincides with the signs common to all, but sometimes his convictions call him to swim against the current, fight against the elements and bad weather. Beliefs can throw a person overboard or onto desert island. They can make him a knight-errant without fear and reproach, or a hermit, closed in a gray trap of loneliness.

Why does a person constantly experience the discomfort of existence, the painful conflict of collision with himself, the world and the people around him? We think it's because of his beliefs.

  • First of all because they disagree with other people's beliefs.
  • Secondly beliefs sometimes come into conflict with his internal needs or natural desires.
  • Thirdly, internal beliefs of a person turn into barriers and restrictions for his free development and moving forward and towards people. Of course, each of us would like to avoid this. Learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world, understand the meaning of your existence, love and be happy. How to do it?

At first glance, this seems to be an impossible task, because a person is in in constant motion, development, his views, beliefs, opportunities, desires change. “And the eternal battle, we only dream of peace!” - this immortal line of A. Blok seems to doom humanity to eternal conflict with itself and the endless painful acquisition of truth, which is elusive like time.

And yet there is that magical thread of Ariadne that will help a person find himself and his happiness. It consists in understanding our own erroneous, static, inhibiting, dangerous, fatal and negative beliefs that prevent us from living and enjoying every moment.

Belief Formation

To understand yourself and your delusions-beliefs, you need to figure out how it all began. How did I become such a bore (a perfectionist, a pushover, a loser, a conflicter, a marginal, etc.)?

A person's inner beliefs are formed under the influence of many factors:

  • Family influence. Traditions, features of the relationship between parents and relatives, their own beliefs of parents. Family behavior patterns, rituals, verbal programs.
  • The influence of ethnicity, society, historical traditions, culture, atmosphere and spirit of the environment in which a person is formed.
  • The influence of literature, science, art, etc.
  • The influence of cinema, the Internet, the media.
  • Influence of authorities (teachers, idols, psychologists, ideologists, etc.)

A person's values ​​and beliefs are formed long before he is born.
Strange as it may seem, the very fact of conception and the attitude of future parents towards the birth of a child already contains the first grain of his future convictions. Is it desirable or will it appear unplanned? Already loved or seen as future problem and burden? Do his parents respect each other? How do they treat themselves, the world, people? All this, one way or another, will manifest itself in the future. In that thin network of a wide variety of little things that will envelop the newborn.

A baby who is loved, not left alone for a long time, protected, cared for, will accept the world as beautiful place where you can be happy and loved. This is a future optimist, lucky, merry fellow. The future brave and open fighter for his own and everyone's happiness. But it can also be a future narcissistic egoist, occupied solely with his own well-being.

A child can meet something completely different in this world: indifference, cruelty, lack of warmth and care, rudeness, coldness, abrupt changes and many different difficulties that will force him to defend himself. Look for replacements, feign, cheat, deceive. And all in order to regain a drop of warmth and light, which every newborn has the right to count on. Such a person will fight the world all his life, prove his worth. He will forever look for love and will not be able to see it where it lives. And all because he did not know her in childhood.

The most stable are the beliefs embedded in a person during the formation of his personality. That is, those that have developed in the family and school under the influence of loved ones and relatives, teachers and educators, purposefully involved in the formation of the child's personality. With all the planning and awareness of such an impact, some influences turn out to be detrimental to human psyche and form beliefs that will subsequently become an obstacle to the normal existence of a person in society.
Careless and unaware of parents definitions that they give own child(a slob, a bore, a mess, a dumbass, mediocrity, etc.), form negative programs future life baby. In childhood, all those erroneous behaviors, beliefs, mental projections are rooted, which later will cause problems, crises and conflicts that a person faces in adulthood.

The most persistent and vivid beliefs of a person are laid on a high emotional level and linked:

  • or with features children's perception able to be surprised even by the most insignificant events
  • or - with acute critical moments of life, emotionally saturated and having a shocking effect on the psyche. For example, during a conflict, war, collision, overcoming obstacles, insight, discovery. Sometimes it is associated with milestones in life: marriage, divorce, birth, death, illness, career successes and failures.

A vivid experience (negative or positive) is imprinted in the mind, remembered, remains in the subconscious, linking subsequent events and their assessment with the experience that was obtained as a result. Based on this experience, a person develops a certain set of reactions to events. In any case, these reactions express a desire for comfort, for the better. A person either strives again to experience a feeling of pleasure and spiritual uplift, a state of happiness. Either he is trying to avoid the negative that one or another brought him life situation. To prevent bad things from happening again, he needs to work out protective measures, come up with a mechanism to avoid or reduce negativity. Such a desire forms in him certain life beliefs. Thus, life beliefs are formed under the influence of two main factors:

  • pursuit of happiness;
  • avoidance of misfortune.

This is how the beliefs of an optimist and a pessimist are formed. From this point of view, two opposing beliefs can be considered. "The world is beautiful and kind to me!" and “I can achieve any goal if I want to!” - such a conviction is born in a person who once experienced the happiness of a triumph, won a victory. The state of the winner inspires, and makes a person happy from consciousness own strength, self-confidence. It is not by accident that school psychologists they advise to create moments of victories for children more often. Even if insignificant, but tangible from the point of view of the value identity of the individual. Each of us, in order to believe in our own strength, needs even the smallest approval.

On the other hand, the loser syndrome is formed by such negative factors as constant criticism, negative labels, physical punishment, and rudeness. Subconsciously trying to avoid negativity, a person gradually develops such beliefs: “The world is disgusting and cruel to me!” and “All the same, nothing will work, my hut is on the edge!”

Is it safe to say that the pursuit of happiness is better than the avoidance of unhappiness? It is difficult to give a definite answer. Sometimes beliefs associated with protection from negative impact external environment, help a person avoid mistakes, protect him from rash and dangerous steps that can cost him dearly.

On the contrary, the predominance of conviction in one's omnipotence and rightness is often manifested in such unpleasant qualities as lust for power, arrogance or recklessness, hatred. In the end, an initially positive conviction imperceptibly rejects a person from society, over which he triumphantly rises, makes him a marginal, lonely and unhappy person.

A person's life beliefs are made up of many imperceptible and significant influences, they depend on his experience, knowledge, environment, and will. And if the deep inner convictions that were formed in infancy and early childhood, it is extremely difficult to change, since they are often in the area of ​​the unconscious, then later beliefs that were formed during the period of growing up under the influence of books, art, cinema, the Internet, society, etc., can undergo significant changes.

AT certain period of his life, a person can consciously form his moral convictions without waiting for someone to make a figure out of him on his ideological chessboard. He just needs to stop blindly trusting the usual sources of information, analyze the knowledge gained, question the formulations imposed from the outside. A person can learn to live in harmony with himself and the world, become flexible and mobile only when he understands how and under the influence of what his beliefs were formed. He will find the origins of his mistakes and limitations, realize them and get rid of them.

To start


Beliefs- This generalization any relationship between the various manifestations of life experience.

  • what and how it is arranged
  • what is the consequence of what and how everything is connected

We see in the world what we are used to seeing "through" our beliefs ( For example, two old men, instead of having fun and singing to the guitar, a young man and a woman)

Belief examples:

  • Everything is created by God
  • The earth is round
  • Good education is the key to success
  • Most can't be wrong

Beliefs are conditionally divided into "limiting" and "supporting"

limiting beliefs , as you understand, create strict rules, the observance of which limits a person in his thinking and his actions.

  • Men do not cry
  • The most important thing in a woman's life is family.
  • I can never make it
  • I am a loser
  • I can't because I don't have money (education, connections, etc.)
  • Now the crisis and no one buys anything

Supportive Beliefs , on the contrary, create conditions for freedom of thought and action

  • If others can do it, then so can I.
  • I can change myself
  • It is in a crisis that you should try something new.
  • There will always be other ways and possibilities.
  • People can be different
  • I have a right to love (success, my life, etc.)

Belief functions:

  1. Beliefs make the world “clear” and simple for us.
  2. They create a "map of reality", based on which we make decisions and act in this reality.

As our beliefs are, so is our life.

  1. God has no other hands but yours. To achieve what you want you need act in reality
  2. Actions are determined by our "map of reality"
  3. Our map of reality has been created out of conviction(about what is arranged, what follows from what and what is connected with what)

It turns out I, that if you cannot achieve the Success you desire (set goals according to the specified criteria), although it is accessible to others, then your “reality map” is to blame, i.e. your beliefs.



There is an irrefutable truth. Something is undeniable and the only truth. There are no alternatives (I don't see it, I don't accept it, I consider it false, etc.). I and everyone must rely on these truths and adhere to them.


There are certain "correct and uniform for all" evaluation criteria. If you do not correspond to them, then you are not correct (defective), which means you are not worthy of receiving your success.


Everything is interconnected. The past influences the future. The past cannot be changed. This means that nothing can be changed in the present and future. And that means you don't have to try.


If there is A, then there will be B, or if there were A, then there would be B.

Two or more events are linked into a single whole by establishing a causal relationship


You can't change anything because that's how the world works.

Belief is neither explained nor substantiated.


…. understand that

Everything is not as it seems!

Beliefs- this is some habitual, once fixed in our consciousness and subconscious generalization on which we rely without thinking and without checking its adequacy for a given context.

Our brain is just automatically issues these generalizations when given some stimulus to simplify our decision-making process.

Belief is an ILLUSION OF MIND, created once and by someone, perceived by you as truth, embedded in the subconscious as information that you can trust, and used as the basis for making decisions

Everything you think about the world, about yourself and circumstances is fruit of your imagination or your upbringing, entrenched in rigid linguistic forms and now governs your thinking and behavior

Beliefs are fixed in the head based on:

  • statements received from elders in childhood and received the status of truth
  • own experience, when repeated 2-3 times
  • summarizing the experience of some important people near

Beliefs are a conditioned reflex of the mind, a habit, a stereotyped reaction of understanding, explaining the situation when a certain stimulus appears.

Good news:

With conditioned reflexes can work. They can be installed and removed as you wish.

But more on that in one of the following articles.

In the meantime, if you find yourself with any of the beliefs described above, then To start, ask yourself questions:

And one more very important note.

Limiting beliefs often have a protective function for a person. They cover themselves secondary benefit that a person receives when he acts or does not act, based on this belief.

For example, very comfortably don't stress and avoid negative assessment surrounding or defeats hiding behind the conviction “What to do. This is how the world works. All for one, nothing for the other."

So another question that might be helpful in this situation

All upcoming events on the page