Science that studies the inner world of man. The inner world of a person what the science of tomalogy studies what the science of tomalogy studies

The name has its own task - the author puts a semantic emphasis on the name. After all, when he chooses a proper name for the chapter, he voluntarily or involuntarily focuses, adjusts the reader's attention to the thought that he considers central. And this article has no title, because its content is multifaceted and multi-dark.

The world and man in it - today science has no more urgent, more important and more difficult problem.

Whatever area of ​​life we ​​take, everywhere the main thing actor- Human.

Whatever branch of science is presented, it affects a person in one way or another. The person deserves the most attention.

In fairness, we must admit that mankind throughout history has always thought about its meaning and essence. AT folk wisdom, immortalized in fairy tales, parables, proverbs, in the works of the great thinkers of antiquity and in the statements of modern eminent figures culture, there is a belief in the enduring and unconditional value of a person crowned with a unique title - the “crown of creation”.

And whenever there was a speech about a person, there was confidence in the need to comprehend him.

“He is not a man who does not know himself,” the people do not doubt.

It says the same great poet Goethe: "The main subject of the study of mankind is man."

About the "main subject of study" modern science knows enough. She is able to answer what a person is. This knowledge was born long and difficult, the tasks of penetrating into the human essence, being, life were solved in the throes of searches and doubts, mistakes and insights, discoveries of objective patterns - in the course of an uncompromising struggle for truth.

The doctrine of man rests on two fundamental premises.

Here is the first one. "Man is a bodily, possessing natural forces, living, real, sensual, objective being...".

Being a natural being, man is a living organism, like any other, exercising metabolism with the environment. He - species, is he - Homo sapiens, one of the many species found on Earth. Its features, as well as the features of its neighbors on the planet, are fixed in heredity. Species affiliation of a person - typological features"reasonable man" - programmed by nature from the ages. The “plan” is written in the genes, according to which a person is strictly “built”. This is such a universal law that they operate with it without thinking about it. great essence when they look for a born baby - and find it! - mother's eyes, father's lips, grandfather's nose, family chin.

The origins of the relationship of "reasonable man" to all living things on Earth are rooted back centuries and are associated with biological evolution when, thanks to the “fitting” of the organism into the environment, a dialectical unity of man and nature arose.

But a person has a feature that distinguishes him from the diverse world of the living. “... The essence of a person is not an abstract inherent in a separate individual. In its reality, it is the totality of all social relations. This is the second, emphasizing the essence of man, property. This is the second fundamental premise.

This means that, being a biological object, the result of the evolution of life on Earth, at the same time, man is a social being. With his appearance, he changed the earthly situation. He began not only to adapt to life, but also to adapt life to himself, he began to produce the necessary means of life. Labor created man, and it also determined the further course of human history.

Commenting known position on the role of labor in the development of a person, Academician V.G. Afanasiev noted: “A man is not a man because he consists of organs, tissues, cells, that he breathes with his lungs and feeds his children with milk, but because he is able to work, think and speak, is able to produce tools of labor with which he acts on the the world, nature, which is capable of entering into public relations with other people".

If we consider "separately" the biological prerequisites and social entity of a person, they appear to us as two inseparable subsystems, two levels of organization of a single living system.

The biological, natural can, simplifying, be called the system “what lives”, and the social - “how it lives”.

But after all, both “what lives” and “how it lives” have merged into a single whole, into a social being called Man. The natural functioning of his organism is socially conditioned, depends on those objective historical conditions, in which a person lives and which he himself created by transforming environment to meet their evolving material and spiritual needs.

Let's take at least one of the most important processes for the body - the process of thermoregulation. It would seem that the social has nothing to do with it, since this process seems to be entirely determined by well-coordinated work relevant physiological mechanisms(a change in the intensity of heat generation inside the body and a change in heat transfer through the skin). All this, of course, is true, but is it not for the same purpose that man “tamed” fire, learned to build dwellings and invented clothes “for the season”? By the way, a sophisticated variety of cuts and forms of clothing, the reign of omnipotent fashion is already a consequence of social development However, the main, “original” function of clothing is preserved to this day: a warm fur or some other hat in winter is a hat at first, and then only everything else, determined by the tastes and social claims of its owner, the skill of the one who sewed it.

Another example of the same kind is nutrition. It is by nature a purely biological process. But even now we cannot tear it away from social life: the way of obtaining, producing food and its consumption, which is completely different than in the rest of the animal world.

It is clear that these two examples cannot fully reveal the problem of the relationship between the social and the biological in man, and they are not very suitable for this. And yet, the reference to such examples is justified if we keep in mind the topic - a person and his health. Thanks to their clarity, even they show well that here one should speak not so much of a “correlation” as of a dialectical unity that cannot be separated by a simple division.

Oh, solve the riddle of life for me,

A painfully old riddle...

Tell me what is a man?

G. Heine

Who are you, man?

The pinnacle of evolution? King of nature? Space conqueror? The most Atom in the Universe? Creator or destroyer? Where did it come from on planet Earth?

The sciences that study man have been looking for answers to these and other questions for many years, researchers and thinkers have been puzzling over them since ancient times.

AT different cultures, religions, philosophical teachings there is a huge variety of views on and interaction with the physical and mental world. This set can be considered as the primary development of the sciences of man.

Why not one science?

There is a science of human anthropology, but it cannot represent the entire spectrum of knowledge, covering only the biological, evolutionary and separately philosophical aspects.

What is human knowledge?

According to the classification of V. G. Borzenkov, up to 200 disciplines can be counted, which are sciences that study a person.

They can be grouped into several blocks:

  • the sciences of man as a biological substance (anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, primatology, genetics, paleontology, etc.);
  • sciences about humanity (demography, sociology, ethnography, political science, economics, etc.);
  • the science of man and his interaction with nature and space (ecology, biogeochemistry, space medicine, etc.);
  • sciences about a person as a person (pedagogy, ethics, psychology, aesthetics, etc.);
  • sciences that consider a person as a subject of activity (ergonomics, heuristics, etc.).

These disciplines do not exist on their own: they overlap many times, the methods of some are widely used in others. For example, the study of physiology with the help of certain devices has become widely used in practical psychology and even forensics (lie detector). There are also other approaches to the classification of what sciences study a person.

Man as an object of study

Each science of man is looking for patterns in the diversity of his nature and the uniqueness of individual manifestations.

Man's knowledge of himself species Homo sapiens, as a subject of social relations, as a carrier of intellectual and emotional abilities, as a unique individuality, is a difficult task.

She will never have single solution, despite a lot of knowledge gained from the moment when the formation of human sciences began. Tem more interesting process study.

European approach

Social thought in the 20th century made philosophical anthropology its most influential direction.

In this teaching, man is the central axis around which all the processes of being in the world take place. “Man is the measure of all things” - this ancient principle of Protagoras philosophy gives rise to the theory of anthropocentrism.

Christian ideology, one of the foundations European culture, also affirms the human-centric idea of ​​earthly life. According to it, it is believed that the Almighty, before creating man, prepared the conditions on Earth for his existence.

How about in the East?

Eastern schools of philosophy, on the contrary, never place man at the center of the universe, considering him a part, an element of nature, one of its levels.

Man, according to these teachings, should not oppose the perfection of nature, but only follow it, listening, integrating into its rhythms. This allows you to maintain mental and physical harmony.

Is everything known?

The sciences of the human body through modern technologies develop with space speed. Research is striking in its boldness and breadth, and sometimes frightens with its lack of ethical framework.

Ways to prolong life, the finest operations, transplantology, cloning, stem cells, vaccines, chipping, devices for diagnostics and treatment - this could not even be dreamed of by medieval doctors and anatomists who died at the stake of the Inquisition for their craving for knowledge and desire to help the sick!

It seems that now everything in a person has been thoroughly studied. But for some reason people keep getting sick and dying. What else has science not done in human life?

human genome

Genetic scientists from many countries worked together for several years and almost completely deciphered This painstaking work continues, new tasks arise that will have to be solved by current and future researchers.

Enormous work is needed not just as “pure” knowledge, on its basis new steps are being made and will be made in medicine, immunology, and gerontology.

The power of thought

What sciences study a person and his abilities?

Studies of the activity of the brain show that a person uses its capabilities very little. Achievements of modern neurophysiology, psychology, pedagogy help to develop many latent abilities.

Development Methods mental activity increasingly being introduced into everyday life. What seemed like a miracle, a hoax (for example, the ability to fast is now easily mastered by preschoolers in special classes.

Other techniques developed in scientific laboratories, can give a person superpowers for survival in extreme conditions, such as in space flight or combat operations.

Stop being a conqueror of nature!

The end of the last millennium was marked by unprecedented growth technical progress. It seemed that everything was subject to man: to move mountains, turn back rivers, ruthlessly devastate the bowels and destroy forests, pollute the seas and oceans.

Global cataclysms recent decades show that nature does not forgive such an attitude. In order to survive as a species, humanity needs to take care not only of individual dwellings, but also of our common house- Planet Earth.

One of essential sciences becomes ecology, showing how, destroying nature, a person harms himself. But the implementation of the recommendations developed by scientists, allows you to save and restore the environment.

Man and society

Wars, urban overcrowding, famine, epidemics, natural disasters subject the vast masses of people to suffering.

Social sciences and institutions dealing with issues of demography, political science, religious studies, philosophy, and economics clearly cannot cope with information and cannot make their recommendations convincing for politicians, state leaders, and authorities at various levels.

Peace, tranquility, prosperity remain an unrealizable dream for most people.

But in the age of the Internet, many knowledge is becoming much closer and allows those who have access to the resource to apply it in their lives, find like-minded people, help themselves and their loved ones survive in difficult time and save the human.

Turning to one's history, to the roots, to the knowledge accumulated by previous generations, returning to the origins of morality and ethics, to nature gives a chance for the life of the next generations.

Open question

The versatility of manifestations and activities of each individual person, the entire human community as a whole makes extremely challenging task their study.

And hundreds of disciplines are not enough to study these processes. The science of man is an almost inexhaustible source of mysteries.

It turns out that, despite the development of technology, mankind has not succeeded in the methods of biochemistry, physiology, mathematical processing data.

Remain eternal philosophical questions. We still do not know exactly why a person appeared, who was his ancestor, what is the meaning of his life, whether immortality is possible. Who can answer?


Man- part of nature, its living world. Like other living beings, he breathes, eats, grows, develops, he has children. And therefore, people, like animals, need air, water, food, warmth.
Yet man is different from animals. The difference is huge. Man is a rational being. Yes, there are many smart animals among animals, for example, aquatic inhabitants - dolphins or our four-legged friends - dogs. But only man has true intelligence.
As a result, people have created special world - modern cities, roads, factories and factories, cars and planes, telephones, televisions and much, much more.

human brain

Where is the human mind "located" and where does it "live"? In the brain. Animals also have a brain, but in humans it is especially developed. The brain is a perfect organ that ensures the smooth functioning of the body and controls all body systems. The brain allows us to think and feel, it stores our memories and sets the body in motion.
During sleep, the body rests. But the brain works even during deep sleep: it looks over the events of the simplest day and accumulates memories.
To learn something new, such as adding, subtracting, or playing musical instrument, it takes a lot of time. Once learned, these skills are stored in the brain's "database" and will be called up as needed so as not to have to learn everything all over again.

It's curious
- The brain consumes one-fifth of all the energy entering the body, but is only one-fiftieth of its weight.
- There is no relationship between brain size and intelligence.

Consider the drawings. Describe the mood of the person in each picture.

In the first picture, a person is surprised, in the second he rejoices, in the third he is upset, and in the fourth he is angry, we determined all this by the facial expressions of his face.

Throughout his life, a person cognizes the world. Cognition begins with the work of our sense organs (eyes, ears, etc.), which send information about the environment to the brain. Thanks to this, we see objects, hear sounds, and smell. This is how it goes perception man of the environment.

Thinking- thinking, comparing, classifying, different information about the world around, establishing a connection between objects, phenomena, drawing conclusions.

Imagination- the ability of a person to imagine what is not in front of him.

Memory- the ability of the body to store the information received about the world around, for its further use in the process of life.

think of some interesting car. Draw her.

Sign the steps of knowledge

Answer the questions:
1. The ability of a person to know the world around him with the help of the senses. Answer: perception
2. An organ in which the mind of a person is "located". Answer: brain
3. The ability to save the received information. Answer: memory
4. The ability to think, compare, classify the information received. Answer: thinking
5. Science that studies the inner world of man. Answer: psychology
6. The ability to imagine what is not. Answer: imagination

1) What modern device is used to kindle the Olympic flame?

2) Thanks to what physical strength originated the name "curling"?
3) What do athletes now take for Dopping analysis?
4) How quickly is the level of oxygen in the muscle restored after the cessation of physical activity?
5) What sciences, from the point of view of Leonardo Da Vinci, impose "silence on the tongues of athletes"? Answer options:
1. Astrology 2. Alchemy 3. Astronomy 4. Mechanics 5. Arithmetic 6. Geometry
6) Who Charles Darwin studied for about 29 years and even tried to introduce to the muses. culture?
7) Who owns the interpretation "Bodies seek to find their own natural place on the surface of the earth?
8) What experimental animal helped to make the discovery of "Digestion - a chemical process"?
9) How did the level of mercury change during the descent from the Puy de Dome mountain?
10) What is vitriol elixir?
11) What was supposedly observed on the Moon in 1835 by astronomer John Herschel?
12) People isolated in several sectors could use only one source of electricity. Which one?
Questions of the Olympiad "Leonardo" - scientific and educational research competition. Please help please!

1) How do human tools differ from tools used by monkeys? 2) what features of the body structure gave a person the opportunity to play

the role of a semi-predatory predator in the savannah ecosystem 3) what muscles help us to speak, pronounce articulate sounds. how the development of speech influenced the appearance of Homo sapiens, distinguishing him from his ancestors 4) how do you imagine the division of labor among the Cro-Magnons? what professional occupations could there be at that time? list. help pliz

What do facial expressions and gestures tell us? Choose the most correct, from your point of view, options for the following statements:

1. Do you think that facial expressions and gestures are ... a) spontaneous expression
the state of mind of a person at a given moment; b) addition to
speech; c) a treacherous manifestation of our self-consciousness; d) imprint
culture and origin, which is difficult to hide; e) all answers are correct; e) all
the answers are wrong.
2. In women, compared to men, the language of facial expressions and gestures ... a)
more expressive; b) less expressive; c) more complex; d) more
polysemantic; e) more individual; e) all answers are correct; g) all answers
are wrong.
3. What facial expressions and what gestures all over the world mean the same thing: a)
shaking head from side to side b) nod head up and down; c) when
wrinkle their nose; d) when lifted up forefinger; d) when they frown
forehead; e) when they wink; g) when they smile; h) the answers are correct; i) all answers
are wrong.
4. What part of the body is “most expressive” of all: a) legs; b) hands; c) fingers;
d) shoulders; e) hands; e) feet; g) all answers are correct; h) All answers are wrong.
5. What part human face the most "informative": a) forehead;
b) eyes; On the lips; d) eyebrows; e) nose; e) corners of the mouth; g) all answers are correct; h) all
the answers are wrong.
6. When people see a person for the first time, they turn into
first of all on ... a) clothes; b) gait; c) appearance; d) posture; e)
manners; e) speech; g) activity; h) all answers are correct; i) all wrong.
7. If the interlocutor, speaking with you, looks away, then you draw a conclusion
about his... a) dishonesty; b) self-doubt; c) an inferiority complex;
d) concentration; e) schizoid accentuation; e) all answers are correct; g) all
the answers are wrong.
8. The criminal is always easy to recognize by appearance, so how are u
him ... a) an evil look; b) a look from under your brows; c) low forehead; d) shifty eyes;
e) cynical smirk; e) knobby skull; g) hands with tattoos; h) shaved
head; i) all answers are correct; j) All answers are wrong.
9. A man will find female behavior inviting and erotic,
if a woman ... a) will swing a shoe on her foot; b) put his hands in
the front pockets of tight-fitting jeans; c) will suck
the temples of your glasses; d) embrace himself with both hands; d) will shake
hair; e) grasp his chin with his fingers; g) sit down with one leg tucked up
under yourself; h) will begin to twist bracelets on his wrist and rings on his fingers; i) all
the answers are correct; j) All answers are wrong.
10. Most of the gestures and postures used ... a) are transmitted from
generation to generation; b) learned from childhood from parents; c) looked at
others and learned by heart; d) are inherent in a person by nature; e) have a national
cultural specifics; e) all answers are correct; g) All answers are wrong.

slide 2

Work plan

  • Psychology as a science that studies the inner world of man.
  • method of self-observation.
  • The diversity of "I-images".
  • Psychological structure my "I".
  • Causes of the diversity of human ideas about himself.
  • slide 3

    Psychology as a science that studies the inner world of a person

    • The psyche is the inner world of a living being, a person.
    • Psychology is the science of the soul, the inner world of man.
  • slide 4

    Self-observation method

    • The ideal is the highest perfection, the goal of human striving.
    • Introspection (self-observation) is one of the ways to study mental phenomena.
    • A test is a test, task, or test.
  • slide 5

    • Consciousness is a person's perception of what is happening in his mind.
    • This is the first definition of consciousness given English philosopher John Locke in the 17th century
    • Consciousness is the ability of a person to think, feel, desire and know about it.
    • Consciousness - highest level mental reflection and self-regulation, inherent only to man as a socio-historical being. Consciousness acts as a continuously changing set of sensory and mental images that directly represent the subject in his “internal experience” and anticipate his practical activity.
  • slide 6

    The diversity of "I-images"

    • Introspection
    • Who am I?
    • Real
    • The present
    • Past
    • Ideal
    • Represented
    • Wishlist
    • expected
    • fantastic
  • Slide 7

    The psychological structure of my "I"

    • The structure of a person's personality, developed by Soviet psychiatrists
    • Superconscious (a level of mental activity that is not amenable to volitional control when solving creative problems, creative intuition)
    • unconscious (deep mental processes and states that a person is not aware of, appear, for example, in dreams)
    • Consciousness (a person's conscious feelings and mental images)
  • Slide 8

    • The structure of personality according to Sigmund Freud
    • Superego (a system of moral norms and requirements for human behavior)
    • It (unconscious concentration of instinctual urges, sexual and aggressive)
    • I (the result of a person isolating himself from the environment)
  • Slide 9

    Causes of the diversity of human ideas about himself

    Temperament - psychological manifestation type nervous system person.

  • Slide 10

    • “I know everything but myself”? François Villon
    • “A person, if he has lived a long century, has experienced many changes - he was first a baby, then a child, then an adult, then an old one. But no matter how a person changed, he always said “I” to himself. And this "I" was always the same in him. The same "I" was in the baby, and in the adult, and in the old man. This immutable “I” is what we call the soul.” L.N. Tolstoy
  • View all slides